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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study of the integrated biorefinery of vegetable and essential oil in Apiaceae seeds / Etude du bioraffinage conjugués d'huile végétale et d'huile essentielle issues de graines d'Apiacées

Uitterhaegen, Evelien 26 June 2018 (has links)
Les fruits de coriandre ont été identifiés comme une source riche en huile végétale de haute qualité, à forte teneur en acide pétrosélinique et en huile essentielle. Un système d'extraction innovant a été conçu et développé en utilisant la technologie d'extrusion bi-vis. Il a permis l’obtention d'un produit nouveau, à savoir une huile végétale de coriandre aromatisée et à haute valeur ajoutée, d’un condensat présentant une concentration élevée en huile essentielle et d’un tourteau révélant une forte teneur en protéines. Le tourteau a montré son intérêt en tant que liant naturel pour la production de panneaux de fibres renouvelables issus de la paille de coriandre, un résidu de la culture de la plante, conduisant à des agromatériaux auto-liés et ayant un rapport performance/coût élevé. Les fibres de la paille de coriandre ont également présenté une bonne capacité de renforcement lorsqu’elles étaient utilisées comme charge naturelle dans des biocomposites thermoplastiques à base de polypropylène ou de biopolyéthylène, permettant le moulage par injection de matériaux peu couteux et aux propriétés mécaniques prometteuses. Ce travail présente ainsi une forte contribution à la mise en place d'une véritable bioraffinerie intégrée de la coriandre et à la démonstration de sa mise en oeuvre à une échelle industrielle. / Coriander fruits of French origin were identified as a rich source of a high-quality vegetable oil, with a high petroselinic acid content, and essential oil. An innovative extraction system was designed and developed using twin-screw extrusion technology and resulted in the recovery of a novel flavored coriander oil with high added value, as well as a hydrosol product with a high essential oil concentration and a press cake with an important protein fraction. The press cake was shown valuable as a natural binding agent for the production of renewable materials from coriander straw, a crop residue, and led to binderless boards with a high performance-cost ratio. Simultaneously, the coriander straw fibers displayed good reinforcing capacity as a natural filler in thermoplastic biocomposites from polypropylene or biopolyethylene, resulting in cost-effective materials with attractive properties. This work thus presents a strong contribution to the setup of a true integrated biorefinery for coriander fruits and its industrial implementation on a relevant production scale.

Superfícies de pontos dinâmicas / Dynamic point set surfaces

Anderson Luis Nakano 02 April 2009 (has links)
O estudo do comportamento de fluidos é um antigo domínio das ciências da natureza. Ultimamente, fenômenos de engenharia que eram estudados empiricamente passaram a ser estudados com auxílio computacional. A Dinâmica de Fluidos Computacional (DFC) é a área da ciência da computação que estuda métodos computacionais para simulação de escoamento de fluidos, e muitas vezes é a forma mais prática, ou a única, de se observar fenômenos de interesse no escoamento. Este projeto de Mestrado procurou investigar, no âmbito da simulação de um escoamento bifásico, métodos computacionais para representar a interface entre dois fluidos imiscíveis. A separação dos fluidos por meio de uma interface é necessária para assegurar que, propriedades como viscosidade e densidade, específicas de cada fluido, sejam utilizadas corretamente para o cálculo do movimento de seus respectivos fluidos. Desenvolvemos um método lagrangeano sem a utilização de malhas com o objetivo de suprir algumas restrições de trabalhos prévios. Para representar a interface entre os dois fluidos, este método utiliza uma técnica de reconstrução de superfícies baseada em aproximações de superfícies algébricas de alta ordem. Os resultados numéricos reportados neste documento evidenciam o potencial da nossa abordagem / The study of the behaviour of fluids is an ancient field in natural sciences. Recently, engineering phenomena that were empirically studied started to be done with computacional aid. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is the area of science that studies computational methods for computer simulation of fluid flow, and often is the most practical way, or the only, to observe phenomena of interest in flow. This Masters degree project sought to investigate, in the context of the simulation of biphasic flows, computational methods to represent the interface between two immiscible fluids. The separation of fluids by the means of an interface is required to ensure that, during the simulation, the physical properties of a fluid, like density and viscosity (specific of each fluid) are properly used in the calculus of the respective fluid motion. We developed a lagrangean method without the use of mesh with the goal of alleviating some of the previous works restrictions. To represent the interface between the two fluids, this method uses a surface reconstruction technique based on approximations of high order algebraic surfaces. The numerical results reported herein show the potential of our approach

Modélisation des problèmes bi-fluides par la méthode des lignes de niveau et l'adaptation du maillage : Application à l'optimisation des formes / Modeling the problem two-fluid flows by the level set method and mesh adaptation : Application to the shape optimization

Tran, Thi Thanh Mai 07 January 2015 (has links)
La première préoccupation de cette thèse est le problème de deux fluides ou un fluide à deux phases, c’est-à-dire que nous nous sommes intéressés à la simulation d’écoulements impliquant deux ou plusieurs fluides visqueux incompressibles immiscibles de propriétés mécaniques et rhéologiques différentes. Dans ce contexte, nous avons considéré que l’interface mobile entre les deux fluides est représentée par la ligne de niveau zéro d’une fonction ligne de niveau et régie par l’équation d’advection, où le champ advectant est la solution des équations de Navier-Stokes. La plupart des méthodes de capture d’interface utilisent une grille cartésienne fixe au cours de la simulation. Contrairement à ces approches, la nôtre est fortement basée sur l’adaptation de maillage, notamment au voisinage de l’interface. Cette adaptation de maillage permet une représentation précise de l’interface, à l’aide de ses propriétés géométriques, avec un nombre de degrés de liberté minimal.La résolution d'un problème à deux fluides est résumée par les étapes suivantes:- Résoudre les équations de Navier-Stokes par la méthode de Lagrange-Galerkin d’ordre 1;- Traitement géométrique la tension de surface se basant sur la discrétisation explicite de l'interface dans le domaine de calcul;- Résoudre l'équation d’advection par la méthode des caractéristiques;- Les techniques de l'adaptation de maillage.On propose ici un schéma entre l’advection de l’interface, la résolution des équations de Navier-Stokes et l’adaptation de maillage. Certains résultats des exemples classiques pour les deux problèmes de monofluide et bifluide comme la cavité entrainée, la rémontée d’une bulle, la coalescence de deux bulles et les instabilités Rayleigh-Taylor sont étudiés en deux et trois dimensions.La deuxième partie de cette thèse est liée à l'optimisation des formes en mécanique des fluides. Nous construisons un schéma numérique en utilisant la méthode des lignes de niveau et l’adaptation de maillage dans le contexte des systèmes de Stokes. Le calcul de la sensibilité de la fonction objective est liée à la méthode de variation des limites d’Hadamard et les dérivées des formes sont calculées par la méthode de Céa. Un exemple numérique avec la fonction objective de la dissipation d'énergie est présenté pour évaluer l'efficacité et la fiabilité du schéma proposé. / The first concern of this thesis is the problem of two fluids flow or two-phase flow, i.e weare interested in the simulation of the evolution of an interface (or a free surface) between twoimmiscible viscous fluids or two phases of a fluid. We propose a general scheme for solving two fluids flow or two-phase flow which takes advantage of the flexibility of the level set method for capturing evolution of the interfaces, including topological changes. Unlike similar approaches that solve the flow problem and the transport equation related to the evolution of the interface on Cartesian grids, our approach relies on an adaptive unstructured mesh to carry out these computations and enjoys an exact and accurate description of the interface. The explicit representation of the manifold separating the two fluids will be extracted to compute approximately the surface tension as well as some algebraic quantities like the normal vector and the curvature at the interface.In a nutshell, the resolution of a two-fluid problem is summarized by the steps involves thefollowing ingredients:– solving incompressible Navier-Stokes equations by the first order Lagrange-Galerkin method;– geometrical treatment to evaluate the surface tension basing on the explicit discretisation of the interface;– solving the level set advection by method of characteristics; – the techniques of mesh adaptation.It is obvious that no numerical method is completely exact in solving the PDE problemat hand, hence, we need a discretized computational domain. However, the accuracy of numericalsolutions or the mass loss/gain can generally be improved with mesh refinement. The question thatarises is related to where and how to refine the mesh. At each time, our mesh adaptation producesthe adapted mesh based on the geometric properties of the interface and the physical properties ofthe fluid, simply speaking, only one adapted mesh at each time step to assume both the resolutionof Navier-Stokes and the advection equations. It answers to the need for an accurate representationof the interface and an accurate approximation of the velocity of fluids with a minimal number ofelements, then decreasing the amount of computational time. Some results of the classical examples for both problems of monofluid and bifluid flows as : lid-driven cavity, rising bubble, coalescence of two bubbles, and Rayleigh-Taylor instability are investigated in two and three dimensions.The second part of this thesis is related to shape optimization in fluid mechanics. We construct a numerical scheme using level set method and mesh adaptation in the context of Stokes systems. The computation of the sensitivity of objective function is related to the Hadamard’s boundary variation method and the shape derivatives is computed by Céa’s formal method. A numerical example with theobjective function of energy dissipation is presented to assess the efficiency and the reliability of theproposed scheme.

The generalized Poland-Scheraga model : bivariate renewal approach to DNA denaturation. / Le modèle de Poland-Scheraga généralisé : une approche de renouvellement bidimensionnel pour la dénaturation de l’ADN

Khatib, Maha 12 October 2016 (has links)
Le modèle de Poland-Scheraga (PS) est le modèle standard pour étudier la transition de dénaturation de deux brins d’ADN complémentaires et de même longueur. Ce modèle a fait l’objet d’une attention remarquable car il est exactement résoluble dans sa version homogène. Le caractère résoluble est lié au fait que le modèle PS homogène peut être mis en correspondance avec un processus de renouvellement discret. Dans la littérature biophysique une généralisation du modèle, obtenue en considérant des brins non complé- mentaires et de longueurs différentes, a été considérée et le caractère résoluble s’étend à cette généralisation substantielle. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une analyse mathématique du modèle de Poland- Scheraga généralisé. Nous considérons d’abord le modèle homogène et nous exploitons que les deux brins de la chaîne peuvent être modélisés par un processus de renouvellement en deux dimensions. La distribution K(⋅) de l’emplacement (bidimensionnel) du premier contact entre les deux brins est supposée de la forme K(n+m) = (n+m)−α−2L(n+m) avec α ≥ 0 et L(⋅) à variation lente et correspond à une boucle avec n bases dans le premier brin et m dans le deuxième. Nous étudions la transition de localisation-délocalisation et nous montrons l’existence des transitions à l’intérieur de la phase localisée. Nous présentons ensuite des estimations précises sur les propriétés de chemin du modèle. Ensuite, nous étudions la version désordonnée du modèle en incluant une séquence de variables aléatoires indépendantes identiquement distribuées à deux indices. Nous nous concentrons sur l’influence du désordre sur la transition de dénaturation: nous voulons déterminer si la présence des inhomogénéités modifie les propriétés critiques du système par rapport au cas homogène. Nous prouvons que le désordre est non pertinent si α < 1 et nous montrons que pour α > 1, les points critiques gelés et recuits diffèrent (basant sur les techniques de coarse graining et la méthode des moments fractionnaires), ce qui prouve la présence d’un régime de désordre pertinent. / The Poland-Scheraga (PS) model is the standard basic model to study the denaturation transition of two complementary and equally long strands of DNA. This model has enjoyed a remarkable attention because it is exactly solvable in its homogeneous version. The solvable character is related to the fact that the homogeneous PS model can be mapped to a discrete renewal process. In the bio-physical literature a generalization of the model, allowing different length and non complementarity of the strands, has been considered and the solvable character extends to this substantial generalization. In this thesis we present a generalized version of the PS model that allows mismatches and non complementary strands (in particular, the two strands may be of different lengths). We consider first the homogeneous model and we exploit that this model can be mapped to a bivariate renewal process. The distribution K(⋅) of the location (in two dimensions) of the first contact between the two strands is assumed to be of the form K(n + m) = (n + m)−α−2L(n + m) with α ≥ 0 and L(⋅) slowly varying and corresponds to a loop with n bases in the first strand and m in the second. We study the localization-delocalization transition and we prove the existence of transitions inside the localized regime. We then present precise estimates on the path properties of the model. We then study the disordered version of the model by including a sequence of inde- pendent and identically distributed random variables with two indices. We focus on the influence of disorder on the denaturation transition: we want to determine whether the presence of randomness modifies the critical properties of the system with respect to the homogeneous case. We prove that the disorder is irrelevant if α < 1. We show also that for α > 1, the quenched and annealed critical points differ (basing on coarse graining techniques and fractional moment method), proving the presence of a relevant disorder regime.

Propuesta de mercados alternativos y potenciales para la empresa Sociedad Agrícola Drokasa S.A

Gonzales Lanasca, Felix Junior, Mejia Mendoza, Jimmy Gerson, Otoya Pagan, Angela Katia 30 November 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto de investigación es un análisis desde la perspectiva de negocios y estadístico de la empresa Agrokasa. El objetivo principal es encontrar nuevos mercados alternativos en crecimiento que le permitan obtener una mejor rentabilidad por el precio de kilo exportado de palta. Para alcanzar lo mencionado, se llevó a cabo un análisis empresarial que nos permita comprender el contexto y rubro de la empresa. Una vez alcanzado ese objetivo, se aplicó la metodología de la ciencia de datos para encontrar países de destino que son atractivos para Agrokasa. En cuanto al conjunto de datos, se obtuvo de diferentes fuentes públicas y privadas como Veritrade, Trade Map y Adex Data Trade. En consecuencia, se logró identificar 03 mercados alternativos y potenciales, tales como, Rusia, China y Corea Del Sur. En el análisis se utilizaron diferentes herramientas tecnológicas para la compilación, depuración, procesamiento y visualización de los datos, tales como Excel, Power Bi y Python. Con lo cual se demostró la importancia de ver todas las variables en una visualización que nos permite entender el comportamiento de los datos y nos sirve como fundamento para la toma de decisiones. En cuanto a los nuevos mercados, China presento el mayor valor total FOB exportado en el periodo analizado, 2018 -2020. Pese a presentar una tendencia negativa en la Regresión Lineal. Sin embargo, el precio promedio por kilo de palta aun es conveniente. Por otro lado, Rusia fue el mercado con mayores perspectivas de crecimiento y Corea Del Sur con un mejor precio por KG. Finalmente, para todos los mercados se utilizó una técnica de ciencia de datos con aprendizaje supervisado con un enfoque predictivo para pronosticar las importaciones de cada uno de ellos a fin de establecer estrategias comerciales para penetrar en ellos. / This paper is an analysis from a business and statistical perspective of the Agrokasa company in order to find new potential markets that allow it to grow in the volume of its avocado exports and in profitability per Kg exported. To achieve the aforementioned, a previous analysis from a business approach has been used, to understand the context and business area. Once this is understood, the methodology of data science has been applied to find destination countries that are attractive to Agrokasa. The data set was obtained from different public and private sources such as Veritrade and Trademap, with which it was possible to identify 03 potential markets that were China, Russia and South Korea. In the analysis, different technological tools were used to compile, debug, process and visualize the data, such as Excel, Power Bi and Python. With which it was demonstrated the importance of seeing all the variables in a visualization that allows us to understand the behavior of the data and serves as a basis for decision-making. China was the market with the highest total FOB value exported in the analyzed period, which was from 2018 -2020, however, with a negative trend, but with a convenient average price. On the other hand, Russia was the market with the best growth prospects and South Korea with a better price per KG. ​Finally, for all markets, a data science technique with supervised learning with a predictive approach was used to forecast the imports of each of them in order to establish commercial strategies to penetrate them. / Trabajo de investigación

Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification

Puchnar, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on analyzying of the information system in comapany Tirad s.r.o. which uses information system Workplan. Theoretical part is focused on problematics of information systems in general, it defines the methods for analysis of information system effectiveness. We are going to use systems Zefis and HOS 8. Based on these methods are discovered weaknesses and are proposed possible solutions for improving of information system effectiveness which leads to increasing of company performance and threads elimination.

Analýza veřejně dostupných dat Českého statistického úřadu / Analysis of Public Data of the Czech Statistical Office

Pohl, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is analysis of data of the Czech Statistical Office concerning foreign trade. At first, reader familiarize with Business Intelligence and data warehousing. Further, OLAP analysis and data mining basics are explained. In next parts the thesis deal with describing and analysis of data of foreign trade by the help of OLAP technology and data mining in MS SQL Server including selected analytical tasks implementation.

Využití datové analýzy v rámci interního auditu / Use of Data Analysis in Internal Audit

Daňková, Natalie January 2019 (has links)
The master thesis deals with proving benefits of the use of data analysis within internal audit on the example of a concrete audit of procurement cards of company Zebra Technologies. In theoretical part are described the basic theoretical starting points concerning the internal audit methodology. The practical part includes a description of the selected analysis executed during the examined audit.

Analýza a návrh manažerského reportingu společnosti s využitím nástrojů Business Intelligence / Evaluation and design of managerial performance reporting using Business Intelligence tools

Brožová, Aneta January 2020 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on evaluation of managerial reporting in defined department of a company and by using a case study approach, it designs a reporting that actively engages Business Intelligence tools based on performed process and infrastructure analysis. Prior to the analysis there a literature review explaining concepts of information management and Business Intelligence. The thesis is concluded by a project plan that designs a proposal of the new reporting process utilizing given technology.

Využití statistických metod projektu R v systému pro podporu rozhodování / Usage of R project statistical methods in Decision Support System

Vacula, Vladimír January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to present possibility to integrate Decision Support System with specialized system for statistical computing and provides easier way to analyze economics indicators using sophisticated statistical methods. The R project is complex set of applications, designated for manipulation, computing and graphical presentation of data sets. It is mostly used for statistical analysis and graphical presentations. It allows users to create new methods with language similar to S as well as using the default methods provided.

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