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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La dépersonnalisation : étude psychanalytique de la dimension contemporaine du phénomène / Depersonalization : psychoanalytical study of the contemporary dimension of the phenomenon

Fradet, David 09 September 2017 (has links)
La dépersonnalisation, un trouble au coeur de l'être. Le sujet atteint par cette pathologie a la sensation que la vie est unrêve ou une illusion tout en ayant conscience d'un temps où il lui semblait qu'il était plus ancré dans la réalité. Son rapport au corps est extrêmement modifié et celui à l'environnement aussi (déréalisation). Cette perte de sens peut conduire à la dépression et à une apathie générale. Le sujet ne se sentant plus arrimé à la réalité a tendance à se replier sur lui-même. A l'heure actuelle il n'y a pas d'accord sur la symptomatologie de la dépersonnalisation et elle contient assez de tableaux différents, selon les auteurs, pour permettre l'élaboration des théories les plus diverses. Symptôme, syndrome ou mécanisme de défense, nous retrouvons la dépersonnalisation à l'occasion de multiples pathologies et elle est observable dans toutes les structures. Consécutive à la forclusion du Nom-du-Père ou encore conséquence d'un traumatisme, son caractère transnosographique laisse à penser qu'elle est étroitement liée à la structure même du sujet. De l'Unheimlich de Freud à l'Extime de Lacan, la dépersonnalisation vient souligner la question de l'identité et pointe sa nature structurale. / Depersonalization is a disorder within the self. Subjects suffering from this disorder feel that life is a dream or an illusion, whilst being aware of a time when they felt they were more grounded in reality. Their bodily sensations and perception of the outside world are severely altered (derealization). This loss of sense can cause depression and general apathy. As the subject no longer feels grounded in reality, they tend to become withdrawn. There is currently no agreement as to the symptoms of depersonalization, for which different authors have quite different tables, allowing extremely diverse theories to be put forward. Depersonalization is variously described as a symptom, a syndrome, or a defence mechanism in a large number of disorders, and it can be observed in all structures. Following foreclosure of the Name-of-the-Father or as a result of trauma, its transnosographic dimension suggests that it is closely linked to the structure of the subject itself. From the “uncanny” (unheimlich) described by Freud to Lacan’s “extimacy”, depersonalization emphasises the issue of identity and highlights its structural nature.

Contributions à l'analyse d'images médicales pour la reconnaissance du cancer du sein / Contributions to medical images analysis for breast cancer recognition

Goubalan, Sègbédji Rethice Théophile Junior 09 December 2016 (has links)
Le diagnostic assisté par ordinateur du cancer du sein suscite de plus en plus un réel engouement en raison de la quantité sans cesse croissante d'images mammographiques issues des campagnes de dépistage. L'accent est mis sur les opacités mammaires en raison du risque élevé de cancer qui leur est associé. En effet, la variabilité des formes rencontrées et la difficulté à discerner les masses surtout quand ces dernières sont embarquées dans des densités importantes exigent une nouvelle stratégie plutôt adaptée aux cas les plus complexes à savoir les masses appartenant aux classes BI-RADS IV et V, c-à-d. respectivement les masses malignes spiculées et les distorsions architecturales. Dans ce travail, un système de diagnostic assisté par ordinateur entièrement automatique et conçu pour la segmentation et la classification des opacités dans les catégories bénigne/maligne ou graisseuse/dense, spécifiquement pour celles de type BI-RADS IV et V est abordé. Dans un premier temps, nous avons développé une approche de pré-traitement des images fondée sur l'apprentissage d'un dictionnaire parcimonieux sur les bases d'images, combiné à une réduction de dimension afin de supprimer de façon efficace et rapide le bruit de numérisation des images mammographiques présentes dans les bases utilisées pour concevoir notre système de diagnostic en comparaison des approches déjà existantes. Une fois les images pré-traitées, nous avons mis en place une procédure de segmentation non-supervisée des masses basée sur les champs de Markov et qui a l'avantage d'être à la fois plus rapide, plus efficace et plus robuste que les meilleures techniques de segmentation disponibles dans l'état-de-l'art. De plus, la méthode proposée s'affranchit de la variabilité des masses et ce quelque soit la densité de l'image. Dans l'idée de décrire convenablement les lésions malignes spiculées, nous avons conçu une méthode de segmentation des spicules qui présente la particularité de ne pas recourir à l'utilisation de descripteurs extraits manuellement dont les performances peuvent varier en fonction de leur qualité. L'approche proposée repose sur des hypothèses que nous avons formulées concernant l'aspect des spicules. Celles-ci nous ont conduits à développer un modèle Markovien combiné à une transformée de Radon locale pour extraire les structures curvilignes de l'image. Ensuite, nous servant d'un modèle a contrario, nous avons pu extraire les spicules de l'ensemble des structures détectées. Cette phase, vient clore la première partie de la conception de notre système, qui est en mesure d'extraire soit des masses spiculées, soit des distorsions architecturales. Afin de finaliser sa conception, nous avons procédé à la création d'un modèle d'aide à la décision qui, à l'inverse de ce qui s'est toujours fait dans l'état-de-l'art pour la discrimination des masses, procède à une extraction non-supervisée des descripteurs à l'aide d'une méthode issue du Deep learning, à savoir les réseaux de neurones à convolution. Les descripteurs extraits, sont ensuite utilisés dans un classifieur SVM pour apprendre un modèle. Ce modèle servira par la suite à la reconnaissance du cancer du sein. Les résultats obtenus pour chacune des étapes du système de diagnostic sont très intéressants et viennent combler un vide important dans la classification des masses en général et dans la distinction des masses malignes entre elles en particulier en se fondant sur trois niveaux de décision que sont la forme, la densité et les spicules. / Computer-aided diagnosis of breast cancer is raising increasingly a genuine enthusiasm because of the ever-increasing quantity of mammographic images from breast cancer screening campaigns. The focus is on breast masses due to the high risk of cancer associated with them. Indeed, the variability of shape encountered and the difficulty to discern the masses especially when theyare embedded in a high density require a new approach especially suited for the most complex cases namely the masses which belong to classes BI-RADS IV and V, i.e. spiculated breast mass and architectural distortion. In this work, a fully automatic computer-aided diagnosis system is designed for the segmentation and classification of breast mass especially for malignant masses of classes BI-RADS IV and BI-RADS V. Initially, we developped a pre-processing method combined with the reduction of the dictionary size in order to remove effectively and quickly the digitization noise of the mammographic images that make up the database used to design our computer-aided diagnosis system in comparison with the existing approaches. After the image pre-processing, we haveproposed an unsupervised segmentation method based on a Markov random field which has the advantage of being faster, more efficient and more robust than the state-of-art segmentation methods. Furthermore, the proposed method overcomes the variability of the breast masses whatever the image density. In purpose to describe correctly the spiculated malignant lesions, we proposed anapproach which avoid the computation and extraction of local features, and to rely on general-purpose classification procedures whose performance and computational efficiency can greatly vary depending on design and image characteristics. The proposed method is based on several assumptions on the structure of spicules as they appear in mammograms which have been reported in the literature. In order to make use of the above assumptions, the proposed method proceeds the following steps: first the mammogram is separated into patches onto which the curvilinear structures are discretized into segments due to Radon transform. Then, Markov modeling and contextual information are used to refine the segment positions and associate segments into curvilinear structures. Finally, spicules are detected based on a contrario model. This stage conclude the first part of the design of our computer-aided diagnosis system, that is able to extract both spiculated masses and architectural distortion. In order to complete the design of the diagnosis system, we carried out the creation of a decision support model which, contrary to what has always been done in the state-of-art for discrimination of the masses, conducts an unsupervised extraction of features through Deep learning approach - namely convolutional artificial neural networks -, combined with an SVM-type classifier. The obtained model is then stored and used as a classifier for breast cancer recognition tasks during the generalization phase. The results obtained for each step of the design of our system are very interesting and come to fill an important gap in the distinction of different type of malignant masses.

O Lean na produção de quadros de comunicação visual na Bi-silque-Produtos de Comunicação Visual S.A.

Fernandes, Lucia Daniela Gonçalves January 2012 (has links)
Estágio realizado na Bi-silque S.A., e orientado pelo Eng. Abel Maia / Tese de Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Industrial e Gestão. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 2012

Buckling analysis of singly curved shallow bi-layered arch under concentrated loading

Sonawane, Mahesh 15 May 2009 (has links)
Bi-layered materials are a reduced weight derivative of the sandwich structure and are comprised of one thin skin face reinforced by a thick layer of low density material. Bi-layered materials are characterized by high flexural stiffness and are a viable alternative to conventional sandwich materials in applications where the functional requirements can be met without the second face sheet of the sandwich. For structural applications bi-layered materials are required to have oil canning and buckling resistance. This work addresses the buckling of shallow bi-layered arches using numerical and analytical approaches. A numerical, finite element model is developed to simulate the buckling phenomenon and the results were compared with known experimental data. An analytical model was developed using the energy method analysis and the buckling load was predicted from the minimum energy criterion. Comparison of the numerical and analytical results yielded fairly good agreement. An imperfection analysis conducted by means of the numerical model indicated that the load carrying capacity of bi-layered structures is reduced by up to 40% due to the presence of material and geometric imperfections. A parametric study conducted using the analytical model has been described to setup design guidelines for shallow bi-layered arches. It was found that the use of bi-layered structures can result in weight reduction of around 70% when compared with equivalent single layered structure.

Buckling analysis of singly curved shallow bi-layered arch under concentrated loading

Sonawane, Mahesh 15 May 2009 (has links)
Bi-layered materials are a reduced weight derivative of the sandwich structure and are comprised of one thin skin face reinforced by a thick layer of low density material. Bi-layered materials are characterized by high flexural stiffness and are a viable alternative to conventional sandwich materials in applications where the functional requirements can be met without the second face sheet of the sandwich. For structural applications bi-layered materials are required to have oil canning and buckling resistance. This work addresses the buckling of shallow bi-layered arches using numerical and analytical approaches. A numerical, finite element model is developed to simulate the buckling phenomenon and the results were compared with known experimental data. An analytical model was developed using the energy method analysis and the buckling load was predicted from the minimum energy criterion. Comparison of the numerical and analytical results yielded fairly good agreement. An imperfection analysis conducted by means of the numerical model indicated that the load carrying capacity of bi-layered structures is reduced by up to 40% due to the presence of material and geometric imperfections. A parametric study conducted using the analytical model has been described to setup design guidelines for shallow bi-layered arches. It was found that the use of bi-layered structures can result in weight reduction of around 70% when compared with equivalent single layered structure.

Det oanvända verktyget SAP BI / The unused tool SAP BI

Bratt, Dennis January 2017 (has links)
Informationssystem är något som företag använder för att bättre hantera i stort sätt allaaspekter av verksamheten. Företag investerar stora summor pengar på nya system samtutveckling av befintliga system i en strävan efter bättre konkurrenskraft. Idag försöker mångaföretag att komma åt ”Business Intelligence” aspekten av deras informationssystem, menkunskapen om detta område är det inte många som besitter. En del informationssystem, elleraffärssystem(ERP) som det även kan kallas, är väldigt omfattande när det kommer till trenderoch utveckling inom IS(Informationssystem) och BI (Business Intelligence)områdena. SAP ärett av dessa ERPn som anses vara en av världens största affärssystem. Företag som Pfizer och Volvo lyckas använda SAP och dess funktionalitet för att utföra sinauppgifter inom de kunskapsområdena som användare besitter. Detta kan vara kunskaper omförvaltning eller processhantering vid tillverkning och dylikt. Problemet uppstår vid deaspekter av SAP som ingen eller få på företaget har kunskap om, vilket i detta fall är själva BIaspekten.Området ”BI” är någon som SAP tar hänsyn till, men till vilken utsträckning? Finns detanledningar till varför individer på företag som Pfizer har problem med att använda verktygetSAP BI ? Och framförallt, vad kan göras åt saken?För att besvara dessa frågor så användes en systematisk litteraturstudie för att hitta relevantforskning som tar upp faktorer som berör dessa frågor. Detta i kombination med intervjuer avpersoner som jobbar på ekonomiavdelningen på Pfizer som försöker använda verktyget. Undersökningen hittar att olika modeller kan förklara användares acceptans av BI och medhjälp av faktorer som förekommer i dessa modeller samt jämförelse med förda intervjuer såskapas en modell. En modell med syftet att fokusera på relationen mellan icke experter av BIoch designkrav som behövs för att icke experter enklare ska kunna använda BI i deras arbete.

A Case of BI Adoption in Pakistan : Drivers, Benefits & Challenges

Shah, Syed Saif Ali January 2012 (has links)
With   the technological advancements, organizations are adopting advanced   technologies to compete well in the global environment. For this, Business   Intelligence (BI) has changed the mindset of organizations to think about   technological adoption. But research shows that due to various reasons, BI   usage all around the world is not the same and there is not enough research   has been conducted in this area. Specifically, there is need to perform indepth   analysis of root causes of such difference of BI usage in developing   countries like Pakistan.      This   research investigates a case of BI adoption at a Pakistan based multinational   company in the prospect of BI adoption drivers, benefits, challenges and   current BI adoption scenario in Pakistan. Furthermore, different BI adoption   aspects have been highlighted by comparing collected results with BI adoption   maturity framework.   Research results shows that selected organization is in “Experienced” phase of BI adoption maturity and transiting towards transformed phase. Also, research highlights many important aspects in each BI adoption prospective and gives further pathway towards future research.

Porovnání open source BI platforem / Open Source BI Platforms Comparison

Jedlička, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses on open source business intelligence platforms. The main aim of this thesis is to compare open source BI platforms Pentaho BI Suite and Jaspersoft BI Suite using a set of criteria on the example of the solution for a fictive company. In order to achieve this goal, the research for criteria in already existing comparisons is made firstly and on the basis of this own comparative criteria and their weights are defined. Then important features of platforms under the BI solution primary layers are characterized. In the conclusion both platforms are evaluated and compared according to the result values of all criteria. The thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part deals with the analysis and definition of criteria and the BI platform introduction. Used criteria are analyzed in the Gartner research, in the book about business intelligence and in two diploma theses. Own defined criteria are divided into following groups: Installation, ETL, OLAP, Reporting and Documentation. The introduction includes description of components, licence politics and available editions. In the practical part the platform functionality is tested, the project created in both of them is specified and then platforms are evaluated and compared. The functionality testing is made progressively from installation, through ETL and OLAP to reporting. The main aim of this thesis is completed in the last chapter of the practical part, where both platforms are evaluated according to the set of defined criteria, first of all under the BI solution primary layers and then also from general point of view. Here is used the weighted sum method from the multi-criteria decision analysis. The contribution of this thesis is in the transparent confrontation of two open source BI platforms, in the definition of the comparative criteria set and also in the presentation of all tools strengths and weaknesses including screenshots.


Aljarallah, Aishah 04 1900 (has links)
<p>High density lipoprotein (HDL) is an independent risk factor for thedevelopment of coronary heart disease. HDL mediated reverse cholesterol transport is a key element responsible for the cardioprotective effects of HDL. In addition HDL exerts other atheroprotective effects in vascular cells. The HDL receptor, scavenger receptor class I type B (SR-BI) derives the process of reverse cholesterol transport, mediates HDL signaling in the vasculature and protects against atherosclerosis. However, the exact atheroprotective mechanisms of HDL and SR-BI are not clearly understood.This thesis starts by characterizing a model of occlusive coronary arteryatherosclerosis, the SR-BI/apolipoprotein E double knockout mice and tests the effectsof phenolic rich pomegranate extract on disease progression. Coronary artery disease in these mice starts at three weeks of age and progresses rapidly leading to sudden death within three to five weeks. The administration of pomegranate extract reduced the extent of coronary artery atherosclerosis possibly via mechanisms that involved alterations in lipid metabolism and reduced inflammation and oxidative stress.The next two chapters aimed to gain better understanding of the atheroprotectiveactions of HDL and SR-BI. Increased macrophage apoptosis is a key event in the development of atherosclerotic plaques. HDL signaling via SR-BI reduced macrophage apoptosis while the lack of macrophage SR-BI was associated with increased macrophage apoptosis and necrotic core areas, features of plaque instability. Next HDL and SR-BI effects on macrophage migration, a key event in atherosclerotic plaque regression, are described. HDL stimulated the migration of macrophages in a manner that was dependent on SR-BI, its adaptor protein, PDZK1, and the G-protein coupled receptor, sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1. SR-BI mediated macrophage migration may suggest a potential role of SR-BI in atherosclerotic plaque regression.To expand our view of HDL effects on macrophages we have used proteomics as an approach. HDL treatment of macrophages altered the expression of multiple proteins.Validation experiment confirmed changes in interesting and particularly relevant protein targets in HDL mediated protection against macrophage apoptosis and inflammation and in HDL induced macrophage migration. Follow up experiments will determine their involvement in HDL and SR-BI mediated signaling. Overall this work represents a milestone in understanding the atheroprotective effects of HDL and SR-BI in macrophages.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Approche de gestion du revenu pour un problème de tarification pour le transport longue distance de marchandises / A bilevel approach for a long-haul freight transportation pricing problem

Diaby, Moustapha 08 November 2013 (has links)
Nous abordons dans cette thèse une approche à deux niveaux pour un problème de transport longue distance à charge pleine. Dans cette approche, la problématique étant que le produit chargé dans un entrepôt est immédiatement et intégralement livré au client, laissant le véhicule vide pour passage à l’entrepôt du client suivant. Dans cet environnement, nous étudions la situation de deux transporteurs. Le premier, le transporteur B, possède une clientèle qu’il ne peut satisfaire en totalité, et devra se résoudre à sous-traiter une partie à la concurrence. Le deuxième transporteur, le transporteur A, concurrent mais partenaire privilégié du premier, propose des tarifs pour combler les demandes insatisfaites du transporteur B. Nous sommes donc en présence d’un problème séquentiel non coopératif que nous modélisons par une approche de programmation bi-niveau : au premier niveau le transport A représente le meneur, qui a pour objectif de maximiser son revenu en fixant des tarifs attractifs à B. Au second niveau, le transporteur B représente le suiveur qui a pour objectif de satisfaire toutes ses demandes à coût minimal. Le modèle proposé formulé en programme mathématique à deux niveaux en variables mixtes est NP difficile à résoudre en raison de sa complexité intrinsèque. Deux versions du problème sont étudiées : le modèle simplifié mono-objectif et le modèle complet bi- objectif. Nous développons des méthodes exactes pour résoudre les instances de petites tailles et des heuristiques afin d’obtenir de bonnes solutions en des temps raisonnables pour les instances de plus grande taille. / In this thesis, we discuss a bilevel approach for a full-load long-haul problem. In this type of issue, the product, loaded from a warehouse, is immediately and fully delivered to client, leaving the vehicle empty to visit the warehouse of the next customer. In this environnement, we consider the situation for two carriers. The first one, called carrier B, has a customer base that they cannot totally satisfy and they will be compelled to partial outsourcing to competitors. The second one, called carrier A, competitor but also key partner of the first carrier, offers rates to respond to requests unsatisfied by carrier B. We are dealing here with a non-cooperative sequential problem that we model with a bilevel programming approach : at the first level, carrier A is the leader, whose aim is to maximize their incomes by setting attractive prices to B. In the second level, carrier B is the follower whose aim is to respond to all demands at minimal cost. The proposed model is formulated as mathematical program with two levels and mixed variables. It is NP-hard to solve due to inherent complexity. Two versions of the problem are considered : the mono-objective simplified model and the multi-objective complete model. We develop exact method to solve small-scale instances and heuristics to obtain goog solutions within a reasonable amount of time for larger-scale instances.

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