Spelling suggestions: "subject:"file ducts."" "subject:"pile ducts.""
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A histological and morphometric assessment of endocrine and ductular proliferation in the adult rat pancreas using an occlusive pancreatic duct ligation modelPage, Benedict J. (Benedict John) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is synonymous with "B-cell failure". Ligation of the pancreatic
duct distally to its confluence into the bile duct has been shown to induce endocrine
tissue regeneration from a number of probable sources. The cells responsible for
regeneration are supposed to possess either dormant pluripotent stem cell ability and/or
the plasticity to undergo metaplasia to form new and surplus endocrine tissue able to
replace pathologically and/or experimentally compromised pancreas. The sequence of
events (cell lineage) during this process of neogenesis, has been the source of
controversy for quite some time as various studies suggest that the cell lineage differs
from in vivo and in vitro studies, according to experimental model and species of
laboratory animal.
The object of this study was to utilise an established experimental laboratory animal
model to study islet morphological changes, neogenesis and or both in vivo. Further
aims of the study were to determine the extent, sequence and magnitude of pancreatic
duct ligation (PDL) induced endocrine neogenesis/morphogenesis in a laboratory rat
model using occlusive pancreatic duct ligation.
PDL's were performed on six groups of 25 normal adult Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats
(300g+) according to the method of Hultquist and Jonsson (1965). Experimental
animals were sacrificed at 12 hr intervals from day one post-PDL to day 10 and every
24 hrs thereafter to day 14 as described by Wang, Klëppel, Bouwens (1995). Animals
received BrdU (a thymidine marker and cell proliferation indicator) 50mglkg
intraperitoneally as described by Wang et al. (1995), one hour prior to removal of the
pancreas after which it was fixed in Bouin's solution and histologically processed.
Seven consecutive 3-6 urn thick serial sections were sequentially stained with H & E,
insulin (I), glucagon (G), somatostatin (ST), pancreatic polypeptide (PP), neuropeptide
tyrosine (NPY) and peptide tyrosine tyrosine (PYY). Immunolabeling was done
according to the method of Guesdon, Temynck , Avrameas (1979). Double
immunolabeling for BrdU and each pancreatic peptide was performed on the sections
on days 3,5, 7, 9 and 11 as described by Wang et al (1994). Cellular transformation between one and 3Yz days was characterised by simultaneous
total deletion and/or transdifferentiation of the acinar compartment and the appearance
of immunoreactive cells for I (11.53 ±1.5%), G (1.85 ±0.8%), pp (1.50 ±0.09%), and
ST (1.96 ±0.24%). Changes in the endocrine composition in existing islets, occurred
along a pathway that saw PP- and ST-cells invading the islet core, islet mantle glucagon
deletion and random appearance of all endocrine cell types within the inter-islet
interstitium on day 3Yz. Days 4 to 6Yz saw further endocrine expansion while days 7 to
14 were distinguished by islet reconstitution and consolidation. NPY immunoreactivity
appeared on day 4Y2 and persisted intermittently throughout while PVV first appeared
on day 4 and disappeared after day 7Yz.
The results suggest that PDL firstly induced the development of endocrine tissue
distributed haphazardly throughout the space previously occupied by acinar parenchyma.
Secondly, the appearance of insulin is preceded by the appearance of PP, glucagon and
somatostatin by 24-hours. A still to be determined proportion of the ligation induced
endocrine formation appeared to be associated with existing islets, resulting in a number
of very large islets, some of which might have secretory access through the glomerularlike
capillary network known to occupy the islet core. The remainder appeared to form
separate "new" islets, which have a dubious access to the blood stream.
In conclusion, if it is true that the pancreas can regenerate some of its endocrine tissue
then it has potential clinical implication for the stabilising of diabetes mellitus. Ligated
exocrine pancreatic tissue, devoid of its acinar component, has been shown to contain
notable quantities of insulin positive cells. This presents intriguing possibilities as an
alternative for donor tissue, usually obtained from rat foetuses, during foetal rat pancreas
transplantation studies. Pancreas tissue harvested from duct ligated rats could replace
the foetal tissue currently used in the treatment of experimental diabetes mellitus in
laboratory animals in this laboratory. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Diabetes Mellitus is sinoniem met B-sel disfunksie. Endokriene regenerasie kan
segmenteel bewerkstellig word deur eksperimentele afbinding van die pankreasbuis
distaal tot sy samesmelting met die gemene galbuis. 'n Verskeidenheid van selle word
vermoedelik by hierdie proses betrek. Dormante stamselle besit die vermoë en/of
plastisiteit om 'n aantal vorms van metaplasie te ondergaan om nuwe en/of oortollige
endokriene weefsel te vorm wat patologiese en/of eksperimenteel gekompromiseerde
weefsel vervang. Die selontwikkelings volgorde wat tydens hierdie proses plaasvind
is al vir 'n geruime tyd die middelpunt van 'n meningsverskil. Sommige studies dui
daarop dat die in vivo selontwikkelingsvolgorde verskil van in vitro, volgens
eksperimentele model en tipe proefdier gebruik.
Die doel van die studie was die gebruik van 'n bestaande eksperimentele laboratorium
proefdier model om pankreas eiland morfologiese verandering en/ofneogenese of beide
in vivo te evalueer. Die oogmerk van die studie was om die omvang en volgorde van
veranderings in die endokriene kompartement (neogenese/morfogenese) te bepaal deur
gebruik te maak van 'n pankreas buis afbindings (PBA) model wat totale afsnyding van
die buis tot gevolg het.
PBA's is uitgevoer op ses groepe van 25 volwasse normale Sprague-Dawley (SD)
laboratorium rotte (±300g) soos beskryf deur Hultquist en Jonsson (1965). Proefdiere
is elke 12 uur geoffer vanaf dag een post-PBA tot dag tien en elke 24 uur daarna tot dag
14 soos beskryf deur Wang, Bouwens, Kloppel (1995) na die toediening van 50 mg/kg
5-Bromo-2-deoksi-uridien intraperitoneaal ('n selprolifererings aanduider) soos beskryf
deur Wang et al. (1995). Die pankreas is werwyder, in Bouin se oplossing gefikseer en
histologies geprosesseer. Sewe openvolgende seriesnitte (3-6 urn) is alternatiewelik
gekleur met H & E, en immunositochemies, soos beskryf deur Guesdon, Terugnek,
Avrameas (1979), vir insulien (I), glukagon (G), somatostatien (ST), pankreatiesepolipeptied
(PP), neuropeptied tirosien (NPY) en peptied tirosien-tirosien (PYY). BrdU
dubbel-immuunkleuring is ingesluit op dae 3,5, 7, 9 en 11 soos beskryf deur Wang et
al. (1994). Sellulêre transformasie tussen dae een en 3~ dae is gekenmerk deur gelyktydige en
totale uitwissing en/ofmetaplasie van die asinêre kompartement en die verskyning van
selle immunorektiefvir I(11.53 ±1.5%), G (1.85 ±0.8%), PP (1.50 ±0.09%), ST (1.96
±0.24%). Metaplasie was verantwoordelik vir merkbare veranderings in bestaande
endokriene weefsel langs In transformasie weg waar eiland insulien kemselle vervang
is deur PP- en ST-selle, glukagon buitelaag uitwissing en die toevallige verskyning van
alle endokriene seltipes in the inter-eiland interstitium teen dag 3Y2. Dae 4Y2deur 6~
is gekenmerk deur verdere endokrinetoename terwyl dag 7 deur 14 gekenmerk is deur
eiland hersamestelling en konsolidering. NPY immunoreaktiwiteit was vanaf dag 4~,
met afwisseling, te bespeur terwyl PVV slegs tussen dae 4 en 7 In verskyning gemaak
. Die resultate suggereer eerstens, PBA induseer die ontwikkeling van oortollige
endokriene weefsel op In lukrake wyse versprei deur die ruimte voorheen deur asinêre
parenchiem beset. Tweedens, dat die verskyning van insulien deur dié van PP,
glukagon en somatostatien met minstens 24-uur voorafgegaan is. Die verhouding, van
nuutgevormde endokriene weefsel wat met bestaande eilande assosieer om In aantal baie
groot eilande te vorm, moet nog vasgestel word. Sulke strukture mag moontlik
afskeidings toegang hê tot die bloedstroom, deur die glomerulusagtige kapillêre netwerk,
in die eilandkern teenwoordig terwyl die oorblywende nuutgevormde endokrine weefsel
"nuwe" apparte eilande vorm wat wel of gladnie toegang tot die bloedstroom mag hê nie.
As gevolgtrekking, indien dit waar is dat volwasse pankreas eilandweefsel wel
regenerasie kan ondergaan, dan het dit kliniese implikasie vir die stabilisering van
diabetes mellitus. Weefsel verkry uit PBA bevat geen asinêre weefsel nie maar wel
merkbare hoeveelhede endokriene weefsel, veral insulin positief. Dit bied dan
interessante alternatiewe as skenker weefsel by fetal rot pankreas oorplantings. PBA
en/of die oorplanting van pankreasbuis afgebinde weefsel, na in vitro weefsel kultuur,
bied moontlikhede vir die behandeling van diabetes mellitus.
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Hepaticogastrostomia ou coledocoduodenostomia ecoguiadas em pacientes com obstrução maligna da via biliar distal / Hepaticogsatrostomy or Choledochoduodenostomy to distal malignant biliary obstructionMarson, Fernando Pavinato 24 June 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O acesso biliar ecoguiado é um método de drenagem alternativo à drenagem percutânea transhepática (DPTH) e à cirurgia em pacientes com obstrução biliar distal incurável que falharam drenagem por Colangiopancreatografia Endoscópica Retrógrada (CPRE). Nos casos em que a drenagem ecoguiada anterógrada transpapilar (ou transanastomótica) e o rendez-vous ecoguiado não podem ser realizados como primeira opção, a coledocoduodenostomia (CDT) e a hepaticogastrostomia (HPG) ainda podem ser realizadas em pacientes selecionados. Estas duas vias de drenagem não anatômicas criam uma fístula entra a via biliar e o estômago ou duodeno. Não há dados na literatura que determinem superioridade de uma ou outra técnica. Objetivo: Comparar o sucesso técnico, sucesso clínico e fatores associados entre as duas vias de drenagem em pacientes com obstrução da via biliar distal maligna incurável que não lograram sucesso na drenagem por CPRE ou rendez-vous ecoguiado. Métodos: Entre abril de 2010 e dezembro de 2013, 49 pacientes com obstrução biliar distal maligna incurável que falharam CPRE e rendez-vous ecoguiado foram randomizados para CDT ou HPG. Dados referentes ao sucesso técnico, sucesso clínico, tempo de procedimento, complicações, qualidade de vida e sobrevida foram coletados até três meses após o procedimento. Todos os procedimentos foram realizados em um centro terciário de endoscopia pelo mesmo endoscopista. Próteses biliares parcialmente recobertas (Boston Scientific, Wallflex, 10 mm, 8 cm ou 6 cm) foram utilizadas em todos os pacientes com sucesso técnico. Nos casos de HPG a punção ecoguiada foi intra-hepática no ducto hepático esquerdo. Nos casos de CDT a punção foi extra-hepática no segmento distal não obstruído do colédoco. Após a punção foi realizada colangiografia com introdução de um fio guia hidrofílico de 0,035 polegada. Dilatação com cateter e um dispositivo de needle knife foi realizada para permitir introdução do sistema de disparo da prótese biliar com 8,5 Fr. Resultados: Quarenta e nove procedimentos foram realizados (25 HPG e 24 CDT). Todos os pacientes tinham dilatação da via biliar intra e extra-hepática. A taxa de sucesso técnico foi de 96 % para HPG e de 91% para CDT (p = 0,609). A taxa de sucesso clínico foi de 91% para o grupo HPG e de 77% para o grupo CDT (p = 0,234). No grupo da HPG 5 pacientes (20%) tiveram complicações (3 sangramentos, 2 biliomas e uma bacteremia). No grupo da CDT 3 pacientes (12,5%) tiveram complicações (1 bilioma, 1 sangramento e 1 perfuração). Somente o caso da perfuração necessitou tratamento cirúrgico. As outras complicações foram tratadas clinicamente. O tempo de procedimento médio foi de 47,83 min para a HPG e de 48,88 min para a CDT (p = 0,843). Conclusão: O presente estudo não demonstrou diferença estatisticamente significante em relação ao sucesso técnico, sucesso clínico, complicações e tempo de procedimento entre os dois grupos estudados. Mais estudos são necessários para elucidar o papel de cada via de drenagem / Background: EUS-guided biliary access is an alternative for percutaneous access or surgery in patients with malignant unresectable distal biliary obstruction and failed ERCP. When rendezvous or anterograde transpapillary/transanastomotic intervention fails as primary drainage options, a Choledochoduodenostomy (CDT) or a Hepaticogastrostomy (HGT) can still be performed in selected patients. This procedure creates a new \" \" y I w one route or the other should be recommended. Aim: To compare technical and clinical success and possible associated factors between the two different drainage routes CDT and HGT in patients with distal unresectable malignant biliary obstruction that failed standard ERCP and EUS-guided rendez vouz (RV) maneuver. Methods: Between April/2010 and December/2013 49 consecutive jaundiced patients with distal unresectable malignant biliary obstruction that failed previous ERCP and EUS-guided RV maneuver were elected randomly to undergo either EUS-guided CDT or HGT. Data including indications, clinical and technical success, procedural times and complications with a three-month follow-up were prospectively collected in a database. All procedures were performed in a tertiary center by the same endoscopist. A partially covered SEMS (Boston Scientific, Wallflex, 10 mm, 8 cm or 6 cm) was used in all technically successful procedures. After puncture of left hepatic duct in case of HGT or the distal unobstructed segment of common bile duct in case of CDT a cholangiogram was obtained followed by advancement of a 0,035-inch guide wire into the biliary system. Bougies and wire-guided needle-knife were used to perform track dilation to allow passage of an 8.5 Fr stent delivery system. Results: Forty-nine cases (25 HGT and 24 CDT) were performed. All patients had intra and extra hepatic biliary dilation. Technical success rate was 96 % for HGT and 91% for CDT (p = 0.609). Clinical success rate was 91% for HPG and 77% for CDT (p = 0.234). In the HGT group five patients (20%) had complications (3 bleeding, 2 bilomas and 1 bacteremia). In the CDT group 3 patients (12.5%) had complications (1 biloma, 1 bleeding and 1 perforation). Only the perforation patient required surgery. All other complications were managed clinically. The median procedural time was 47.83 min for HGT and 48.88 min for CDT (p = 0.843). Conclusion: No significant difference was found in regards to technical or clinical success, complications and procedure time between the two drainage routes. More studies are needed to clarify situations in which the CDT or the HGT should be advocated
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Dados histopatológicos e sobrevida em adenocarcinomas da ampola de VaterVilhordo, Daniel Weiss January 2012 (has links)
Introdução / Objetivos: O prognóstico do adenocarcinoma ampular pode ser influenciado por fatores como estadiamento e variáveis histopatológicas, como o padrão intestinal ou pancreatobiliar. O diagnóstico do padrão histopatológico pode ser auxiliado pela expressão de citoqueratinas, CK, 7 e 20 e do gene homeobox CDX2. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar associações entre características histopatológicas e sobrevida, e entre padrão histopatológico e expressão de CK7, CK20 e CDX2. Método: Estudo de coorte retrospectivo desenvolvido no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre entre 2000 e 2011. Foram avaliados dados histopatológicos, estadiamento pTNM, padrão histopatológico e expressão imunoistoquímica e sobrevida. Resultados: A amostra constou de 65 carcinomas ampulares (n = 65). Foi observado padrão intestinal em 46, pancreatobiliar em 16 e outros em três. Sobrevida em cinco anos após duodenopancreatectomia (n = 47) foi de 27%. Associaram-se à menor sobrevida na análise univariada: dois ou mais linfonodos metastáticos, razão de linfonodos, RL, maior ou igual a 20%; estágio IIB em relação a inferiores; tumor de alto grau; invasão linfovascular. Na análise multivariada, metástase linfonodal e RL ≥ 20% influenciaram sobrevida. Conclusões: O pior prognóstico foi associado à metástase linfonodal. Não foi observada associação entre padrão histopatológico e expressão imunoistoquímica. / Background / Objectives: The prognosis of patients with ampullary adenocarcinomas can be influenced by such factors as pTNM stage and histopathological variables, such as intestinal or pancreatobiliary patterns. The characterization of these patterns can be facilitated by the expression of cytokeratins 7 (CK7) and 20 (CK20) and caudal-related homeobox gene 2 (CDX2). The aim of the present study was to analyze the association between the histopathological characteristics and the survival of patients with ampullary adenocarcinomas, as well as the association between the histopathological patterns and CK7, CK20 and CDX2 expression. Methods: This retrospective cohort study was performed at the Clinics Hospital of Porto Alegre between 2000 and 2011 and examined the histopathological data, pTNM stage, histopathological patterns, immunohistochemical expression patterns and survival of patients with ampullary adenocarcinomas. Results: The sample patient population consisted of 65 ampullary carcinomas. Of these carcinoma samples, an intestinal pattern was observed for 46, a pancreatobiliary pattern was observed for 16 and other patterns were observed 3 of the samples. The 5-year survival rate for patients following pancreaticoduodenectomy (n = 47) was 27%. From the univariate analysis, the following variables were associated with shorter survival times: the presence of 2 or more metastatic lymph nodes; positive lymph node ratio (LR) ≥ 20%; stage IIB or greater; high-grade tumors; and lymphovascular invasion. From the multivariate analysis, lymph node metastases and a LR ≥ 20% were shown to influence survival significantly. Conclusions: Lymph node metastases were associated with poor patient prognoses, although no association was found between the histopathological pattern and immunohistochemical expression.
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Dados histopatológicos e sobrevida em adenocarcinomas da ampola de VaterVilhordo, Daniel Weiss January 2012 (has links)
Introdução / Objetivos: O prognóstico do adenocarcinoma ampular pode ser influenciado por fatores como estadiamento e variáveis histopatológicas, como o padrão intestinal ou pancreatobiliar. O diagnóstico do padrão histopatológico pode ser auxiliado pela expressão de citoqueratinas, CK, 7 e 20 e do gene homeobox CDX2. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar associações entre características histopatológicas e sobrevida, e entre padrão histopatológico e expressão de CK7, CK20 e CDX2. Método: Estudo de coorte retrospectivo desenvolvido no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre entre 2000 e 2011. Foram avaliados dados histopatológicos, estadiamento pTNM, padrão histopatológico e expressão imunoistoquímica e sobrevida. Resultados: A amostra constou de 65 carcinomas ampulares (n = 65). Foi observado padrão intestinal em 46, pancreatobiliar em 16 e outros em três. Sobrevida em cinco anos após duodenopancreatectomia (n = 47) foi de 27%. Associaram-se à menor sobrevida na análise univariada: dois ou mais linfonodos metastáticos, razão de linfonodos, RL, maior ou igual a 20%; estágio IIB em relação a inferiores; tumor de alto grau; invasão linfovascular. Na análise multivariada, metástase linfonodal e RL ≥ 20% influenciaram sobrevida. Conclusões: O pior prognóstico foi associado à metástase linfonodal. Não foi observada associação entre padrão histopatológico e expressão imunoistoquímica. / Background / Objectives: The prognosis of patients with ampullary adenocarcinomas can be influenced by such factors as pTNM stage and histopathological variables, such as intestinal or pancreatobiliary patterns. The characterization of these patterns can be facilitated by the expression of cytokeratins 7 (CK7) and 20 (CK20) and caudal-related homeobox gene 2 (CDX2). The aim of the present study was to analyze the association between the histopathological characteristics and the survival of patients with ampullary adenocarcinomas, as well as the association between the histopathological patterns and CK7, CK20 and CDX2 expression. Methods: This retrospective cohort study was performed at the Clinics Hospital of Porto Alegre between 2000 and 2011 and examined the histopathological data, pTNM stage, histopathological patterns, immunohistochemical expression patterns and survival of patients with ampullary adenocarcinomas. Results: The sample patient population consisted of 65 ampullary carcinomas. Of these carcinoma samples, an intestinal pattern was observed for 46, a pancreatobiliary pattern was observed for 16 and other patterns were observed 3 of the samples. The 5-year survival rate for patients following pancreaticoduodenectomy (n = 47) was 27%. From the univariate analysis, the following variables were associated with shorter survival times: the presence of 2 or more metastatic lymph nodes; positive lymph node ratio (LR) ≥ 20%; stage IIB or greater; high-grade tumors; and lymphovascular invasion. From the multivariate analysis, lymph node metastases and a LR ≥ 20% were shown to influence survival significantly. Conclusions: Lymph node metastases were associated with poor patient prognoses, although no association was found between the histopathological pattern and immunohistochemical expression.
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Dados histopatológicos e sobrevida em adenocarcinomas da ampola de VaterVilhordo, Daniel Weiss January 2012 (has links)
Introdução / Objetivos: O prognóstico do adenocarcinoma ampular pode ser influenciado por fatores como estadiamento e variáveis histopatológicas, como o padrão intestinal ou pancreatobiliar. O diagnóstico do padrão histopatológico pode ser auxiliado pela expressão de citoqueratinas, CK, 7 e 20 e do gene homeobox CDX2. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar associações entre características histopatológicas e sobrevida, e entre padrão histopatológico e expressão de CK7, CK20 e CDX2. Método: Estudo de coorte retrospectivo desenvolvido no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre entre 2000 e 2011. Foram avaliados dados histopatológicos, estadiamento pTNM, padrão histopatológico e expressão imunoistoquímica e sobrevida. Resultados: A amostra constou de 65 carcinomas ampulares (n = 65). Foi observado padrão intestinal em 46, pancreatobiliar em 16 e outros em três. Sobrevida em cinco anos após duodenopancreatectomia (n = 47) foi de 27%. Associaram-se à menor sobrevida na análise univariada: dois ou mais linfonodos metastáticos, razão de linfonodos, RL, maior ou igual a 20%; estágio IIB em relação a inferiores; tumor de alto grau; invasão linfovascular. Na análise multivariada, metástase linfonodal e RL ≥ 20% influenciaram sobrevida. Conclusões: O pior prognóstico foi associado à metástase linfonodal. Não foi observada associação entre padrão histopatológico e expressão imunoistoquímica. / Background / Objectives: The prognosis of patients with ampullary adenocarcinomas can be influenced by such factors as pTNM stage and histopathological variables, such as intestinal or pancreatobiliary patterns. The characterization of these patterns can be facilitated by the expression of cytokeratins 7 (CK7) and 20 (CK20) and caudal-related homeobox gene 2 (CDX2). The aim of the present study was to analyze the association between the histopathological characteristics and the survival of patients with ampullary adenocarcinomas, as well as the association between the histopathological patterns and CK7, CK20 and CDX2 expression. Methods: This retrospective cohort study was performed at the Clinics Hospital of Porto Alegre between 2000 and 2011 and examined the histopathological data, pTNM stage, histopathological patterns, immunohistochemical expression patterns and survival of patients with ampullary adenocarcinomas. Results: The sample patient population consisted of 65 ampullary carcinomas. Of these carcinoma samples, an intestinal pattern was observed for 46, a pancreatobiliary pattern was observed for 16 and other patterns were observed 3 of the samples. The 5-year survival rate for patients following pancreaticoduodenectomy (n = 47) was 27%. From the univariate analysis, the following variables were associated with shorter survival times: the presence of 2 or more metastatic lymph nodes; positive lymph node ratio (LR) ≥ 20%; stage IIB or greater; high-grade tumors; and lymphovascular invasion. From the multivariate analysis, lymph node metastases and a LR ≥ 20% were shown to influence survival significantly. Conclusions: Lymph node metastases were associated with poor patient prognoses, although no association was found between the histopathological pattern and immunohistochemical expression.
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Hepaticogastrostomia ou coledocoduodenostomia ecoguiadas em pacientes com obstrução maligna da via biliar distal / Hepaticogsatrostomy or Choledochoduodenostomy to distal malignant biliary obstructionFernando Pavinato Marson 24 June 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O acesso biliar ecoguiado é um método de drenagem alternativo à drenagem percutânea transhepática (DPTH) e à cirurgia em pacientes com obstrução biliar distal incurável que falharam drenagem por Colangiopancreatografia Endoscópica Retrógrada (CPRE). Nos casos em que a drenagem ecoguiada anterógrada transpapilar (ou transanastomótica) e o rendez-vous ecoguiado não podem ser realizados como primeira opção, a coledocoduodenostomia (CDT) e a hepaticogastrostomia (HPG) ainda podem ser realizadas em pacientes selecionados. Estas duas vias de drenagem não anatômicas criam uma fístula entra a via biliar e o estômago ou duodeno. Não há dados na literatura que determinem superioridade de uma ou outra técnica. Objetivo: Comparar o sucesso técnico, sucesso clínico e fatores associados entre as duas vias de drenagem em pacientes com obstrução da via biliar distal maligna incurável que não lograram sucesso na drenagem por CPRE ou rendez-vous ecoguiado. Métodos: Entre abril de 2010 e dezembro de 2013, 49 pacientes com obstrução biliar distal maligna incurável que falharam CPRE e rendez-vous ecoguiado foram randomizados para CDT ou HPG. Dados referentes ao sucesso técnico, sucesso clínico, tempo de procedimento, complicações, qualidade de vida e sobrevida foram coletados até três meses após o procedimento. Todos os procedimentos foram realizados em um centro terciário de endoscopia pelo mesmo endoscopista. Próteses biliares parcialmente recobertas (Boston Scientific, Wallflex, 10 mm, 8 cm ou 6 cm) foram utilizadas em todos os pacientes com sucesso técnico. Nos casos de HPG a punção ecoguiada foi intra-hepática no ducto hepático esquerdo. Nos casos de CDT a punção foi extra-hepática no segmento distal não obstruído do colédoco. Após a punção foi realizada colangiografia com introdução de um fio guia hidrofílico de 0,035 polegada. Dilatação com cateter e um dispositivo de needle knife foi realizada para permitir introdução do sistema de disparo da prótese biliar com 8,5 Fr. Resultados: Quarenta e nove procedimentos foram realizados (25 HPG e 24 CDT). Todos os pacientes tinham dilatação da via biliar intra e extra-hepática. A taxa de sucesso técnico foi de 96 % para HPG e de 91% para CDT (p = 0,609). A taxa de sucesso clínico foi de 91% para o grupo HPG e de 77% para o grupo CDT (p = 0,234). No grupo da HPG 5 pacientes (20%) tiveram complicações (3 sangramentos, 2 biliomas e uma bacteremia). No grupo da CDT 3 pacientes (12,5%) tiveram complicações (1 bilioma, 1 sangramento e 1 perfuração). Somente o caso da perfuração necessitou tratamento cirúrgico. As outras complicações foram tratadas clinicamente. O tempo de procedimento médio foi de 47,83 min para a HPG e de 48,88 min para a CDT (p = 0,843). Conclusão: O presente estudo não demonstrou diferença estatisticamente significante em relação ao sucesso técnico, sucesso clínico, complicações e tempo de procedimento entre os dois grupos estudados. Mais estudos são necessários para elucidar o papel de cada via de drenagem / Background: EUS-guided biliary access is an alternative for percutaneous access or surgery in patients with malignant unresectable distal biliary obstruction and failed ERCP. When rendezvous or anterograde transpapillary/transanastomotic intervention fails as primary drainage options, a Choledochoduodenostomy (CDT) or a Hepaticogastrostomy (HGT) can still be performed in selected patients. This procedure creates a new \" \" y I w one route or the other should be recommended. Aim: To compare technical and clinical success and possible associated factors between the two different drainage routes CDT and HGT in patients with distal unresectable malignant biliary obstruction that failed standard ERCP and EUS-guided rendez vouz (RV) maneuver. Methods: Between April/2010 and December/2013 49 consecutive jaundiced patients with distal unresectable malignant biliary obstruction that failed previous ERCP and EUS-guided RV maneuver were elected randomly to undergo either EUS-guided CDT or HGT. Data including indications, clinical and technical success, procedural times and complications with a three-month follow-up were prospectively collected in a database. All procedures were performed in a tertiary center by the same endoscopist. A partially covered SEMS (Boston Scientific, Wallflex, 10 mm, 8 cm or 6 cm) was used in all technically successful procedures. After puncture of left hepatic duct in case of HGT or the distal unobstructed segment of common bile duct in case of CDT a cholangiogram was obtained followed by advancement of a 0,035-inch guide wire into the biliary system. Bougies and wire-guided needle-knife were used to perform track dilation to allow passage of an 8.5 Fr stent delivery system. Results: Forty-nine cases (25 HGT and 24 CDT) were performed. All patients had intra and extra hepatic biliary dilation. Technical success rate was 96 % for HGT and 91% for CDT (p = 0.609). Clinical success rate was 91% for HPG and 77% for CDT (p = 0.234). In the HGT group five patients (20%) had complications (3 bleeding, 2 bilomas and 1 bacteremia). In the CDT group 3 patients (12.5%) had complications (1 biloma, 1 bleeding and 1 perforation). Only the perforation patient required surgery. All other complications were managed clinically. The median procedural time was 47.83 min for HGT and 48.88 min for CDT (p = 0.843). Conclusion: No significant difference was found in regards to technical or clinical success, complications and procedure time between the two drainage routes. More studies are needed to clarify situations in which the CDT or the HGT should be advocated
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The differentiation of extrahepatic biliary atresia from the neonatal hepatitis syndromeDaubenton, John David January 1989 (has links)
The differentiation, in an infant with cholestasis, between extrahepatic biliary atresia (EHBA) and the neonatal hepatitis syndrome (NHS) is important in that laparotomy is always indicated in EHBA but is undesirable in NHS. This differentiation is particularly difficult in those infants with complete cholestasis. Hepatobiliary scintigraphy is a commonly used investigation in infants with obstructive jaundice. The scintigraphic demonstration of excretion into the gut excludes extrahepatic obstruction, however, absence of excretion may be due to EHBA, severe cholestasis with patent extrahepatic bile ducts or poor uptake of the agent, and is therefore not diagnostic. This study has examined the quantitative measurement of the hepatic uptake of p-butyl IDA and Sn colloid, and an estimation of liver shape, in a group of patients with complete cholestasis in whom conventional scan interpretation, based on excretion into the-gut, would not be useful. The scans were recorded as dynamic studies and the resultant time-activity curves were subjected to curve fitting to calculate a rate constant for uptake of radiopharmaceutical. Liver shape was determined from the anterior static image of the colloid scan. The results show a significant difference between the EHBA and the NHS patients in the rate of uptake of p-butyl IDA, in the ratio of the rate of uptake of p-butyl IDA/the rate of uptake of colloid and in the measurements used to express liver shape. Using this method of scan interpretation, a diagnostic accuracy of 85% was achieved in this study of patients who clinically, and on scan, had no evidence of bile flow. Hepatic scintigraphy is therefore a useful investigation in the diagnostic work-up of infants presenting with obstructive jaundice even when bile flow is completely absent.
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Volume imaging of the abdomen : three-dimensional visualisation of tubular structures in the body with CT and MRI /Persson, Anders, January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2005.
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Comparação entre os resultados da expressão gênica da desmina, alfa-actina e TGF-beta1 obtidos a partir dos métodos da reação em cadeia de polimerase via transcriptase reversa (RT-PCR) semiquantitativa e em tempo real (qRT-PCR) no modelo / Comparison between the results of gene expression of desmin, alpha-actin and TGF-beta1 obtained from the methods of reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) semiquantitative and real-time (qRT-PCR) in model of selective bile ducts ligation in growing animalsGonçalves, Josiane de Oliveira 10 April 2014 (has links)
Os mecanismos responsáveis pela fibrose hepática na infância são pouco conhecidos. Crianças com atresia das vias biliares, quando submetidas a portoenterostomia a Kasai com sucesso, se tornam anictéricas mas mesmo assim desenvolvem cirrose a longo prazo. Da mesma forma, a ocorrência de estenoses biliares segmentares intra-hepáticas no pós-operatório de transplante hepático podem levar ao desenvolvimento de cirrose em todo o órgão. Tais fatos sugerem que mecanismos endócrinos ou parácrinos estejam envolvidos na fibrogênese hepática. Para elucidar este processo o modelo de ligadura seletiva das vias biliares em ratos jovens foi desenvolvido em nosso laboratório. Usando este modelo, identificamos mudanças na expressão do gene da alfa-actina de músculo liso, tanto no parênquima hepático obstruído como no parênquima hepático adjacente à obstrução. No entanto, o perfil de expressão gênica da desmina, uma proteína presente em níveis elevados durante a ativação das células estreladas hepáticas e o TGF-beta1, principal citocina pró-fibrogênica, não demostraram diferenças significantes quando analisados pelo método do RT-PCR semiquantitativo. Assim, os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na modulação da fibrogênese hepática nesse modelo experimental não estão totalmente compreendidos. A metodologia do qRT-PCR (PCR em tempo real), têm sido previamente descrita como um método mais preciso e sensível, possibilitando a detecção do aumento do número de cópias do gene à medida que ocorre a amplificação, enquanto que o método do RT-PCR semiquantitativo a análise dos transcritos só é realizada após a etapa da amplificação. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações moleculares no modelo experimental de ligadura seletiva das vias biliares e comparar os resultados obtidos entre os métodos do RT-PCR semiquantitativo e do qRT-PCR em tempo real. Foi realizada a ligadura seletiva do ducto biliar em ratos Wistar com 21 dias de vida, os grupos foram separados de acordo com o momento da morte: 7 ou 60 dias após a cirurgia. A expressão da desmina, alfa actina de músculo liso e TGF-beta1 foi avaliada no tecido do parênquima hepático com obstrução biliar (ducto ligado - DL) e no parênquima hepático adjacente à obstrução biliar (ducto não ligado - DNL) usando o RT-PCR semiquantitativo e o qRT-PCR em tempo real. A metodologia do qRT-PCR em tempo real permitiu identificar mudanças no perfil de expressão gênica que não foram demonstrados pelo método semiquantitativo. O parênquima DL mostrou reação fibrogênica mais intensa, com aumento na expressão da alfa actina de músculo liso e TGF-beta1 após 7 dias. O parênquima DNL apresentou resposta fibrogênica tardia, com aumento da expressão da desmina 7 dias e 60 dias após a cirurgia, além de aumento da alfa-actina de músculo liso 60 dias após a cirurgia. O qRT-PCR em tempo real apresentou maior sensibilidade para identificar mudanças no perfil de expressão gênica em relação ao método convencional do RT-PCR semiquantitativo. Nossos resultados ajudam a esclarecer a dinâmica das alterações moleculares envolvidas na modulação da fibrogênese hepática no modelo experimental de ligadura seletiva do ducto biliar e pode ser diretamente aplicado para o estudo de estenoses biliares intra-hepáticas e atresia das vias biliares / The mechanisms responsible for liver fibrosis in childhood are poorly understood. Children suffering from biliary atresia, when submitted to the successful Kasai portoentostomy, become anicteric, but nonetheless develop cirrhosis in the long term. Similarly, the occurrence of intrahepatic biliary stenosis in the postoperative period of liver transplantation may lead to cirrhosis of the whole organ. Such facts suggest that endocrine or paracrine mechanisms are involved in hepatic fibrogenesis. To elucidate this process, the selective bile duct ligation model in young rats was developed in our laboratory. Using this model, we identified changes in the expression of smooth muscle alpha-actin both in the obstructed parenchyma and the hepatic parenchyma adjacent to the obstruction. However, the expression profiles of desmin, a protein present at high levels during activation of hepatic stellate cells and TGF-beta1, the main pro-fibrogenic cytokine, were unchanged when analyzed with semiquantitative RT-PCR. Thus, the molecular mechanisms involved in the modulation of hepatic fibrogenesis in this experimental model are not fully understood. The methodology of qRT-PCR (real time PCR) has previously been described as a more precise and sensitive method, allowing the detection of increased copy number of the gene while amplification occurs, whereas by semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis transcripts is only perfomed after the amplification step. This study aimed to evaluate the molecular changes in experimental model of selective bile duct ligation and compare the results between semiquantitative RT-PCR and real-time qRT-PCR methods. Selective biliary duct ligation was performed on Wistar rats with 21 days of life, the groups were separated according to the moment of death: 7 or 60 days after surgery. The expression of desmin, alpha-actin smooth muscle and TGF-beta1 was examined in tissue from hepatic parenchyma with biliary obstruction (duct ligation - DL) and in the adjacent hepatic parenchyma (duct non-ligated - DNL) using semiquantitative RT-PCR and real-time qRT-PCR. The methodology of the real-time qRT-PCR allowed to identify changes in gene expression profile that were not shown by semiquantitative method. The DL parenchyma showed a more severe fibrogenic reaction, with increased alpha-actin smooth muscle and TGF-beta1 expression after 7 days. The DNL parenchyma presented a later fibrotic response, with increased desmin expression 7 and 60 days after surgery, besides of increased alpha-actin smooth muscle 60 days after surgery. Real-time qRT-PCR was more sensitive to identify changes in gene expression profile comparated to the semiquantitative method. Our results help to clarify the dynamic of molecular changes involved in the modulation of hepatic fibrogenesis in an experimental model of selective bile duct ligation and can be directly applied to the study of intrahepatic biliary stenosis and biliary atresia
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Tratamento endoscópico das estenoses biliares pós-transplante hepático: revisão sistemática da literatura e metanálise / Endoscopic treatment of post-liver transplantation biliary strictures: systematic literature review and meta-analysisAparício, Dayse Pereira da Silva 30 June 2016 (has links)
As complicações biliares mais comuns pós-transplante hepático são as estenoses da anastomose, as estenoses não-anastomóticas e as fístulas biliares e podem ocorrer de diferentes modos, de forma isolada ou associada. A origem do enxerto (doador cadáver ou doador vivo) tem influência na incidência de estenose biliar, bem como na resposta ao tratamento endoscópico. A terapêutica endoscópica utilizando-se esfincterotomia, dilatação balonada da estenose e inserção de próteses biliares através da CPRE é utilizada como método inicial de tratamento dessas complicações. Objetivos: Comparar as diferentes técnicas de tratamento endoscópico das estenoses biliares pós-transplante hepático. Método: Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura e metanálise sendo a busca conduzida nas bases MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scielo - LILACS e Biblioteca Cochrane até junho de 2015. A metanálise foi executada utilizando-se os softwares Review Manager, 2012 (RevMan) versão 5.2 e OpenMetaAnalyst e os cálculos dos desfechos foram feitos comparando-se os resultados dos estudos incluídos utilizando-se a diferença de risco absoluto e adotando-se um intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95%. Os estudos foram agrupados comparando-se transplantes hepáticos com doador cadáver versus doador vivo; dilatação biliar endoscópica com balão exclusiva versus dilatação biliar endoscópica com balão associada à inserção de próteses plásticas e próteses biliares plásticas comparadas à prótese biliar metálica por endoscopia. Os desfechos clínicos analisados foram incidência da estenose biliar, falha do tratamento endoscópico, resolução da estenose, recorrência da estenose e complicações. Resultados: Foram recuperados 1.110 artigos, sendo motivo de análise dez ensaios clínicos, com apenas um Ensaio Clínico Randomizado e nove Ensaios Clínicos não randomizados, dos quais sete foram incluídos na metanálise. Comparando-se doador cadáver e doador vivo observou-se redução da incidência de estenose biliar (p=0,0001), bem como da falha técnica do tratamento endoscópico (p=0,0009) e da recorrência da estenose biliar (p=0,03) nos transplantes realizados com enxertos provenientes de doador cadáver. Dois estudos compararam o tratamento da estenose da anastomose biliar pós-transplante hepático utilizando dilatação com balão exclusiva versus dilatação com balão associada à inserção próteses plásticas e não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes em relação aos desfechos falha de tratamento, recorrência da estenose ou complicações. Somente o desfecho clínico complicações teve resultado estatisticamente significante na comparação entre prótese metálica autoexpansível versus prótese plástica no tratamento da estenose da anastomose biliar pós-transplante hepático (p= 0.03). Conclusões: O tratamento da estenose biliar anastomótica pós-transplante hepático com prótese metálica foi igualmente efetivo quando comparado ao uso de prótese plástica, mas associou-se a um menor risco de complicações. A comparação entre dilatação com balão exclusiva e dilatação com balão associada à prótese plástica apresentou resultados semelhantes em relação à falha do tratamento endoscópico, complicações e recorrência da estenose. A utilização de enxerto proveniente de doador cadáver reduziu o risco de estenose biliar pós-transplante hepático e o tratamento endoscópico nesse grupo de pacientes, foi mais efetivo quando comparado com as estenoses biliares após transplante com doador vivo / The most common biliary complications after liver transplantation are anastomotic strictures, non-anastomotic strictures and biliary fistulas and they can occur in different fashions, isolated or in combination. Graft source (cadaveric liver donor or living liver donor) has an influence on the incidence of biliary strictures as well as on the response to endoscopic treatment. The endoscopic treatment using sphincterotomy, balloon dilation and insertion of biliary stents by ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography) is used as an initial endoscopic approach to treat these complications. Objectives: To compare different endoscopic techniques to treat post-liver transplantation biliary strictures. Method: It was performed a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis and the search was carried out on MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scielo-LILACS and Cochrane Library databases until June, 2015. The meta-analysis was made using Review Manager, 2012 (RevMan) version 5.2 and OpenMetaAnalyst software and the calculations of the outcomes were made comparing the results from the included papers by using the difference in absolute risks, adopting a confidence interval of 95%. The studies were grouped comparing cadaveric liver donor versus living liver donor grafts; exclusive balloon dilation versus balloon dilation associated with plastic stents insertion; and plastic stents versus totally covered selfexpandable metal stents. The clinical outcomes were biliary stricture incidence, endoscopic treatment failure, stricture resolution, stricture recurrence and complications. Results: There were retrieved 1,100 articles. Ten clinical trials were analyzed, with just one Randomized Clinical Trial and nine Non-Randomized Clinical Trials, out of which seven were included in the meta-analysis. When comparing cadaveric liver donor transplantation to living liver donor transplantation, it was observed a decrease in the incidence of biliary strictures (p=0.0001), as well as in the technical failure rate of the endoscopic treatment (p=0.0009) and in the biliary stricture recurrence (p=0.03) in the cadaveric liver donor graft group. Two studies have compared the treatment of anastomotic biliary strictures after liver transplantation using balloon dilation exclusive to balloon dilation associated with the insertion of plastic stents, and no statistically significant differences in relation to endoscopic treatment failure, stricture recurrence or complications rates were observed. Only the clinical outcome complications had statistically significant result in a comparison between self-expandable metal stents versus plastic stents in the treatment of post-liver transplantation anastomotic biliary strictures (p=0.03). Conclusions: The treatment of post-liver transplantation anastomotic biliary strictures was equally effective when compared the use of self-expandable metal stents to plastic stents, but the use metallic stents was associated with a lower complication risk. The comparison between exclusive balloon dilation to balloon dilation associated with plastic stents presented similar results in relation to endoscopic treatment failure, complications and stenosis recurrence. The use of graft from cadaveric donor reduced the risk of biliary stenosis after liver transplantation and endoscopic treatment of biliary strictures in these patients were more effective when compared to biliary strictures after living liver donor transplantation
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