Spelling suggestions: "subject:"will"" "subject:"till""
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Visions modernes d’une Angleterre éternelle. Généalogies et part hantée de l’œuvre photographique de Bill Brandt (1904-1983) / Modern visions of an everlasting England. Genealogies and haunted roots of Bill Brandt's photography (1904-1983)La Forterie, Maud de 22 May 2018 (has links)
L’œuvre rigoureuse de Bill Brandt, au service d’une incontestable poésie, s’écoule sur près d’un demi-siècle et résume à elle seule les quatre grands genres de la photographie que sont le reportage social, le portrait, le nu et le paysage. Né à Hambourg en 1904, le déni de ses origines allemandes l’amena à s’identifier pleinement à l’Angleterre où il vécut la plus grande partie de sa vie, laquelle prit fin à Londres en 1983. Cette thèse a pour objet de mettre en évidence la trajectoire éminemment moderniste de Brandt, lequel a exploité au maximum le caractère réflexif de la photographie afin de satisfaire au mieux sa quête identitaire. Cette dernière, en prise avec les traversées géographiques et culturelles vécues par le photographe, s’articule autour de registres plus ténus ayant trait à la mémoire ainsi qu’aux perspectives historiques et généalogiques. Aussi, cette reformulation personnelle s’est accompagnée chez Brandt d’une reformulation de son œuvre et de sa pratique du médium jusqu’à en repousser les limites intrinsèques : portée par une appétence scopique, elle a exploré les ressorts spatiaux et diégétiques de l’image avant de tendre vers une sérénité haptique et sculpturale alors que le photographe accédait à sa pleine reconnaissance artistique, proposant ainsi une relecture des apports modernistes. / Bill Brandt's quite rigorous works cover nearly half a century and encompass the four major kinds of photography (i.e. social photo-reportage, portraits, nudes and landscapes) with a true sense of poetry. Born in Hamburg in 1904, the denial of his German origins led him to fully identify himself with England where he lived most of his life in London until his death in 1983. This thesis aims at highlighting Brandt's modernist path as he constantly used the reflexive capabilities of photography as a way to satisfy his own quest for a native English identity. Beyond the geographical and cultural journeys experienced by the photographer before his arrival in England, the root causes of his quest actually lie in more tenuous matters related to memory as well as historical and genealogical perspectives. This personal quest for redefining his identity resulted in a progressive reshaping of his own works and practice of the medium to push back its inner limits: firstly driven by a scopic appetite, he then explored the many spatial and diegetic dimensions of image until finally evolving towards a more haptic and sculptural serenity as he was receiving a proper artistic recognition, hence offering a rereading of his modernist contributions.
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Modelagem matemática do faturamento de energia elétrica de uma empresa de avicultura de postura na tarifa verde de acordo com indicadores de consumo /Christovão, Monclar Nogueira January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Luís Roberto Almeida Gabriel Filho / Resumo: O consumo crescente por energia elétrica, o seu alto custo e as restrições ambientais tornaram imprescindíveis a utilização eficiente desta energia, bem como a execução de ações e programas que promovam economia de eletricidade. Diversas empresas agroindustriais no Brasil produzem a própria ração para alimentação de seus animais por meio da trituração de grãos e cereais, empregando maquinários movidos a motores elétricos muitas vezes sobredimensionados e operando em horários nos quais as tarifas são onerosas (horário de ponta). Essa atividade é responsável por grande parte do consumo de eletricidade e impacta diretamente os custos de produção. Nesta pesquisa, desenvolveu-se um modelo matemático de faturamento de energia elétrica para uma empresa de avicultura de postura optante pela modalidade tarifária verde. Esse modelo trabalha com equações matemáticas contendo variáveis elétricas necessárias ao cálculo da conta de eletricidade. Os principais parâmetros elétricos são os fatores de potência e de carga, a demanda de potência e o consumo de energia. Atualmente no Brasil, para os consumidores do Grupo A, existem duas modalidades tarifárias disponíveis: a horária verde e a horária azul. O modelo matemático proposto pode ser empregado para as duas modalidades, sendo que cada uma delas possui as suas fórmulas específicas, as quais deverão ser inseridas no software Mathematica criado pela empresa Wolfram Research. A direção da granja cedeu 12 contas de energia elétrica e seus dado... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The increasing consumption of electricity, the high costs and the environmental restrictions made it paramount the efficient use of such energy, as well as actions and programs to promote energy conservation. Several agro-industrial companies in Brazil produce their own animal feed by mashing cereals and grains with the use of electric-motor machines, which are many times oversized and operate at expensive fee times (peak time). This activity is responsible for great part of the electricity consumption and directly impacts the production costs. This study developed a mathematical model of electricity billing for a laying poultry farm that opted for the green fee modality. This model uses mathematical equations containing the electric variables required for the calculation of the electric bill. The main electrical parameters are: the power and the load factors, the power demand, and the active consumption. Currently in Brazil, there are two fee modalities for Group A consumers: the green and the blue hourly fees. The proposed mathematical model can be used for both modalities, and there are specific equations for each of them, which should be entered into the software Mathematica developed by Wolfram Research. The manager of the poultry farm provided 12 electric bills, and their data was entered into the software that created three-dimensional surface graphs and contour maps. Such graphs showed the inversely proportional relation of the bill amounts with the power and load fac... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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An Historical Study of the Contributions of Bill J. Priest to the Community College MovementWhitson, Kathleen Krebbs, 1947- 08 1900 (has links)
This study chronicles the contributions of Bill J. Priest under the headings of Board of Trustees governance model, multi-college district, quality first: facilities and staff, curriculum, counseling, public relations, telecourses and the Bill J. Priest Institute for Economic Development. Data were gathered from personal interviews, primary sources and secondary sources. The study includes an overview of the emergence and evolution of the junior college with specific focus on the conceptual beginnings of the Dallas County Community College District and the selection of its founding president, Bill Priest. Professional and personal profiles of Priest are documented as background for the study. Conclusions are that Bill Priest established the Dallas County Community College District as a national model of a multi-college district, was instrumental in affecting the change from junior college to comprehensive community college as the standard for two-year higher education institutions, played a significant role in setting the national agenda for the community college movement through his long-term participation in a leadership capacity in the American Association of Junior and Community Colleges and through the establishment and selection of leadership of the League for Innovation, was instrumental in the creation of the Associate Degree of Nursing, was a national leader in the establishment and development of telecourses as an instructional delivery system, was the forerunner in utilizing public relations and establishing it as a credible tool for institutions of higher learning, and brought the concept of counseling and advising as a vital part of student success to the two-year colleges in Texas.
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Als ob sich die Welt in Amerika gerundet hätte / zur historischen Genese des US-Imperialismus aus dem Geist der FrontierDüker, Ronald 10 January 2008 (has links)
Die Arbeit folgt dem Frontier-Mythos, einer Narration, die für die US-amerikanische Kultur von grundlegender Bedeutung ist. Der Gang von Ost nach West, den die Erschließung und Kultivierung des Kontinents beinhaltete, formierte auf verschiedenen Feldern eine mythologische Erzählung: in der Literatur- und Politikgeschichte und in einer Unterhaltungskultur, die um die Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts in Form von Groschenromanen oder Wild-West-Shows entstand. Die thematischen Hauptaspekte der Arbeit richten sich auf Geographie, Technologie und Verkehr. Buffalo Bill''s Wild-West-Show, die die Geschichte der frontier als Kampf zwischen Zivilisation und Natur, also modernen Amerikanern und indianischen Ureinwohnern, erzählt, stellt dazu den Cowboy, personifiziert durch den Show-Impresario William F. Cody, in den Mittelpunkt. Der selbst in Bewegung befindliche Showbetrieb korrespondiert dabei der Geschichte, die er erzählt. Mehrere Tourneen nach Europa leisten zudem einen Mythentransport zwischen Alter und Neuer Welt. Dabei geht es insbesondere um die Betonung einer Differenz zwischen zeitlicher Vertikale und räumlicher Horizontale: also zwischen der statisch organisierten Ordnung des europäischen Königshofes (Ahnentafel) und der dynamisch verfassten sowie auf Brüderlichkeit gegründeten amerikanischen Demokratie (moving frontier). Dieses Muster diskutiert die Arbeit anhand von Mark Twains Roman "A Yankee from Connecticut on King Arthur''s Court" und Herman Melvilles "Moby Dick". Letzterer belegt, wie die phantasmatische Energie des Frontier-Mythos auch dann noch insistiert, als der Kontinent erschlossen und der Pazifik erreicht ist: als Kreiselbewegung um den Globus selbst. Hier scheint bereits ein imperialistisches Muster auf, das die USA im Zentrum einer neuen Weltordnung sieht. "Als ob sich die Welt gerade in Amerika gerundet hätte", dieses titelgebende Diktum entstammt Deleuze/Guattaris "Mille Plateaux", das im Hinblick auf seine psychogeographischen Implikationen eine Rahmentheorie der Arbeit bildet. Wie sehr die grundlegende mythische Narration vom Wilden Westen weltpolitische Konsequenzen zeitigt, belegt exemplarisch der letzte Teil der Arbeit, der den Einsatz des Hollywoodregisseurs und Westernspezialisten John Ford in Diensten des Auslandsgeheimdienstes OSS während des Zweiten Weltkriegs zum Thema hat. / The study examines the frontier myth, a narration that is of fundamental importance for the culture of the United States. The path from East to West, which includes the conquering and cultivation of the continent, forms on various levels a mythological narration: in literary and political history as well as in the entertainment culture that arose in the middle of the nineteenth century through penny novels and Wild West shows. The study’s main thematic areas focus on geography, technology, and transportation. In Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show, which narrates the history of the frontier as the battle between civilization and nature (i.e., between modern Americans and Native Americans), the cowboy as personified by the show’s impresario William F. Cody takes center stage. American show business, which was literally underway, thus corresponded with the story/history it told. Several tours to Europe additionally succeeded in transporting the myth from the new to the old world. In particular, this myth-transportation emphasizes a difference between temporally vertical and spatially horizontal planes, i.e., between the static order of the European royal court (family tree) and the dynamically conceptualized American democracy founded on fraternity (moving frontier). The study discusses this model through Mark Twain’s novel A Yankee from Connecticut on King Arthur’s Court and Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. The latter novel evinces how the phantasmagoric energy of the frontier myth even persists when the continent has been conquered and the Pacific Ocean reached – persists as the circular movement around the globe itself. An imperial model thus comes to light that sees the USA at the center of a new world order. The title of this study – “As if the world first became round in America” – comes from Deleuze and Guattari’s Mille Plateaux and its psycho-global implications offers a guiding theory for the work. The extent to which the foundational, mythical narration of the Wild West bears world-political consequences is demonstrated in the last part of the study, which investigates the deployment of the Hollywood director and Western specialist John Ford in the foreign secret service (OSS) during the Second World War.
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Exploring key considerations when determining bona fide inadvertent errors resulting in understatements / Chrizanne de VilliersDe Villiers, Chrizanne January 2015 (has links)
Chapter 16 of the Tax Administration Act (28 of 2011) (the TA Act) deals with understatement penalties, which replaced the penalty provisions included under section 76 of the Income Tax Act (58 of 1962) and section 60 of the Value-Added Tax Act (89 of 1991). In the event of an ‗understatement‘, in terms of Section 222 of the TA Act, a taxpayer must pay an understatement penalty as determined by the understatement penalty table which is contained in Section 223 of the TA Act, unless the understatement results from a bona fide inadvertent error.
In the Draft Response Document presented by National Treasury and SARS to the Committee on Finance (SCOF) on 11 September 2013, it was stated that SARS would develop guidance in this regard for the use of taxpayers and SARS officials (SARS, 2013d:42).
The determining of a bona fide inadvertent error on taxpayers‘ returns as stipulated in Section 222 of the TA Act, as amended in 2013, is a totally new concept in the tax fraternity. It is of utmost importance that this section is applied correctly based on sound evaluation principles and not on professional judgement when determining if the error was indeed the result of a bona fide inadvertent error.
This research study focuses on exploring key considerations when determining bona fide inadvertent errors resulting in understatements. The role and importance of tax penalty provisions is explored and the meaning of the different components in the term ‗bona fide inadvertent error‘ critically analysed with the purpose to find a possible definition for the term ‗bona fide inadvertent error‘. The study also compares the provisions of other tax jurisdictions with regards to errors made resulting in tax understatements in order to find possible guidelines on the application of bona fide inadvertent errors as contained in Section 222 of the TA Act. The term ‗bona fide inadvertent error‘ is evaluated by comparing the term with the characteristics of a good tax system and improvements for the practical execution of the new amendment to the TA Act are suggested. A literature review is used to gain an in-depth understanding of the role and importance of tax penalty provisions. Doctrinal research is also carried out to perform a critical analysis on the meaning of the different components in the term ‗bona fide inadvertent error‘. A comparative analysis between different countries regarding errors being made when dealing with understatements is performed and a normative research approach is followed to critically evaluate the term ‗bona fide inadvertent error‘.
The findings of the research study revealed that the term ‗bona fide inadvertent error‘ contained in Section 222 of the TA Act should be defined urgently and that guidelines must be provided by SARS on the application of the new amendment. SARS should also clarify the application of a bona fide inadvertent error in light of the behaviours contained in Section 223 of the TA Act to avoid any confusion. / MCom (South African and International Tax), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Exploring key considerations when determining bona fide inadvertent errors resulting in understatements / Chrizanne de VilliersDe Villiers, Chrizanne January 2015 (has links)
Chapter 16 of the Tax Administration Act (28 of 2011) (the TA Act) deals with understatement penalties, which replaced the penalty provisions included under section 76 of the Income Tax Act (58 of 1962) and section 60 of the Value-Added Tax Act (89 of 1991). In the event of an ‗understatement‘, in terms of Section 222 of the TA Act, a taxpayer must pay an understatement penalty as determined by the understatement penalty table which is contained in Section 223 of the TA Act, unless the understatement results from a bona fide inadvertent error.
In the Draft Response Document presented by National Treasury and SARS to the Committee on Finance (SCOF) on 11 September 2013, it was stated that SARS would develop guidance in this regard for the use of taxpayers and SARS officials (SARS, 2013d:42).
The determining of a bona fide inadvertent error on taxpayers‘ returns as stipulated in Section 222 of the TA Act, as amended in 2013, is a totally new concept in the tax fraternity. It is of utmost importance that this section is applied correctly based on sound evaluation principles and not on professional judgement when determining if the error was indeed the result of a bona fide inadvertent error.
This research study focuses on exploring key considerations when determining bona fide inadvertent errors resulting in understatements. The role and importance of tax penalty provisions is explored and the meaning of the different components in the term ‗bona fide inadvertent error‘ critically analysed with the purpose to find a possible definition for the term ‗bona fide inadvertent error‘. The study also compares the provisions of other tax jurisdictions with regards to errors made resulting in tax understatements in order to find possible guidelines on the application of bona fide inadvertent errors as contained in Section 222 of the TA Act. The term ‗bona fide inadvertent error‘ is evaluated by comparing the term with the characteristics of a good tax system and improvements for the practical execution of the new amendment to the TA Act are suggested. A literature review is used to gain an in-depth understanding of the role and importance of tax penalty provisions. Doctrinal research is also carried out to perform a critical analysis on the meaning of the different components in the term ‗bona fide inadvertent error‘. A comparative analysis between different countries regarding errors being made when dealing with understatements is performed and a normative research approach is followed to critically evaluate the term ‗bona fide inadvertent error‘.
The findings of the research study revealed that the term ‗bona fide inadvertent error‘ contained in Section 222 of the TA Act should be defined urgently and that guidelines must be provided by SARS on the application of the new amendment. SARS should also clarify the application of a bona fide inadvertent error in light of the behaviours contained in Section 223 of the TA Act to avoid any confusion. / MCom (South African and International Tax), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Shooting the President : the depiction of the American presidency on film and television from John F. Kennedy to Josiah BartletBarber, Matthew David January 2009 (has links)
This thesis – Shooting the President: Screen Depictions of the American Presidency from John F. Kennedy to Josiah Bartlet – examines the depiction of the presidency in American film and television from 1960 until the present day. In this study I explore the relationships between the presidency and Hollywood, particularly in the context of genre structures. I examine the constructions of specific presidential mythologies based on the real presidencies of Kennedy, Nixon and Clinton and the construction of fictional presidencies in the television series The West Wing. In four sets of case studies, I will chart the changing significance of each president through different genres, looking particularly at how each presidential mythology is affected by the anxieties and fashions of the contemporary political and social world. I also examine the ways in which the appearance of presidentiality is created within each text by various means including set design, the choice of actor, the use of dialogue and the framing of particular characters. The aims of my thesis are to demonstrate how a telegenic style of politics formed during and after the Kennedy presidency can be seen to be both represented and enhanced in genre films and television series. I chart the relationship of this new mediated style of presidency through my case studies as it faces challenges such as Watergate, Clinton’s sex scandals and the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001. Finally, I aim to demonstrate through a close reading of the latter seasons of The West Wing how the American public can be seen to be prepared by its popular media for the success of the first black president, Barack Obama.
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The Differentiating Personal and Tactical Dimensions of Head Coaches in the NFL: Why is Bill Belichick Successful When Others Are Not?Dixon, Patrick 01 January 2017 (has links)
Throughout the history of the NFL, several head coaches have found significantly more success than their peers. The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of what personal and tactical dimensions have set these coaches apart. This paper will study the most successful coaches of the past, as well as today’s most successful coach, Bill Belichick. Through case studies, this paper identifies possible explanation for Belichick’s current run of success in an NFL that grows more competitive each season. Specifically, this paper looks at the relationship between players and coaches, and how Leader- Member exchange plays a very important role in the success coaches will find. Leader- member exchange (LMX) has not been studied in the NFL, and this paper predicts that future research in this area will find the most important factors of LMX to be trust, respect, and predictability of actions. This paper also looks at the role of the head coach outside of his player relationships, and how vast football knowledge is not enough to lead an NFL team to success. Head coaches that are most successful differentiate themselves from others through the tactical side of the game, in many different aspects, including player acquisition, game preparation and tactics, personnel management and decision- making. Last, this paper examines the coaching career of Bill Belichick, and why he has found immense success in the NFL. Further research in the field of player-coach relationships would provide a clearer answer for successful coaches in the NFL.
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The Impact of the Texas Cooperative Student Teaching Program, 1970-72Greer, Charles David 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the cooperative agreement section of Senate Bill 8 and its impact on the student teaching program in Texas. The purposes of the study are (1) to analyze the data available from the Texas Education Agency concerning the cooperatively developed in-service improvement program for supervising teachers, (2) to survey the public school personnel charged with the responsibility of developing and implementing section three of Senate Bill 8 in order to determine the effectiveness of this bill, and (3) to interview college personnel who are involved in developing and implementing section three of Senate Bill 8.
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A Survey of the Impact of Senate Bill 408 on a Selected Group of Texas SchoolsKirkman, Marvin William 08 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this study were (1) to review the development of SB 408, and (2) to analyze the impact of this action upon a selected group of public schools. The study involved a survey of the influence that provisions of SB 408 have had on the school program in terms of the following: (a) policy, (b) economy, (c) instructional program, and (d) management.
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