Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biocompatibility."" "subject:"biocompaatibility.""
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Citotoxicidade e genotoxicidade de cimentos endodônticos /Bin, Claudia Villela. January 2011 (has links)
Resumo: O MTA é um cimento amplamente utilizado na endodontia devido ao potencial indutor da mineralização, sendo empregado em procedimentos de proteção do complexo dentino/pulpar, retrobturação, perfurações radiculares e de furca e em dentes com rizogênese incompleta. Inicialmente esse material não foi preconizado como cimento obturador de canais radiculares. Entretanto, recentemente foi criado um cimento endodôntico resinoso contendo MTA (MTA Fillapex) com essa indicação, porém não há estudos sobre este novo material. Como o MTA é utilizado sobre os tecidos periodontal, ósseo e pulpar, é importante conhecer seus efeitos citotóxicos e genotóxicos, uma vez que, alguns cimentos endodônticos podem liberar componentes tóxicos, prejudicando o processo de regeneração e reparação dos tecidos no qual entram em contato. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a citotoxicidade e genotoxicidade do MTA obturador (Fillapex) comparando-o com o MTA reparador e com o AH Plus. Fibroblastos de hamster Chinês (V79) foram colocados em contato com diferentes diluições de meios de cultura previamente expostos a esses materiais. A citotoxicidade foi avaliada através do ensaio de MTT, em espectrofotômetro, para a verificação da taxa de viabilidade celular. A genotoxicidade foi avaliada pela formação de micronúcleos (MNT), para detecção de mutações cromossômicas. A taxa de sobrevivência celular e o número de micronúcleos antes e após a exposição aos cimentos foram estatisticamente analisados pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis e teste de Dunn (p<0,05). Os resultados mostraram que o MTA reparador manteve a viabilidade celular acima de 50% em todas as diluições. Porém, tanto o MTA Fillapex quanto o AH Plus foram altamente citotóxicos e capazes de aumentar a formação de micronúcleos em 8 vezes em relação ao grupo controle na diluição 1:4, mostrando que são cimentos cito e genotóxicos / Abstract: The MTA is a sealer widely used in endodontics and for be considered a material that inducing mineralization, can be used in procedures for protection of dentin/pulp complex, retrofilling root and furcal perforations and in teeth with incomplete root formation. Initially this material was not recommended as root canal sealer. However, recently a resin sealer based on MTA (MTA Fillapex) was created for this indication, but there are no studies on this new material. As the MTA is used on the periodontal tissues, bone and pulp, it is important to know the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects, as some sealers can release toxic components, impairing the process of regeneration and repair of tissues in which they come into contact. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of MTA obturator (Fillapex) comparing it with the MTA repairer and AH Plus. Chinese hamster fibroblasts (V79) were placed in contact with different dilutions of culture media previously exposed to such materials. Cytotoxicity was evaluated by MTT assay in spectrophotometer to check the viability rate and cell survival. The genotoxicity was evaluated by micronucleus (MNT) to detect chromosomal mutations. The cell survival rate and number of micronuclei before and after exposure to the cement were statistically analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn test (p<0.05). The results showed that MTA reparative remained cell viability above 50% in all dilutions. However, both the MTA Fillapex and AH Plus were highly cytotoxic / Orientador: Marcia Carneiro Valera / Coorientador: Samira Esteves Afonso Camargo / Banca: Caio Cézar Randi Ferraz / Banca: Ana Paula Martins Gomes / Mestre
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Fonctionnalisation et caractérisation multi-échelle de films minces de chitosane : vers une utilisation en ingénierie tissulaire / Functionalization and multi-scale characterisation of chitosan films for tissue engineering applicationZhang, Hongyuan 16 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la fonctionnalisation en volume et/ou en surface et la caractérisation multi-échelle de films minces de chitosane utilisés en ingénierie tissulaire. L’ajout des nanoliposomes à base de lécithine naturelle (végétale ou marine) et un traitement plasma sont employés pour réaliser ces deux fonctionnalisations. De nombreuses analyses des caractéristiques physico-chimiques et « structurales » de films minces ont montré que lorsqu’on ajoute 10 % de nanoliposomes dans les films de chitosane, l’hydrophobicité de la surface s’améliore de 18 à 36 %, ce fait est attribué à la présence de composants polaires. La cristallinité est légèrement augmentée ; à 37 °C, le module d’Young diminue de 6 GPa environ jusqu’à près de 4 GPa ; aucune nouvelle liaison ne se crée entre le chitosane et les nanoliposomes ; une diminution de degré de déacétylation est observée, qui pourrait être associée à la conformation des nanoliposomes ajoutés en volume aux films de chitosane. Le traitement plasma a réussi à modifier la structure de surface du chitosane seul et du chitosane mélangé aux nanoliposomes par greffe de groupements actifs (groupes amine, C-O, COOH, -OH). En revanche, dans notre cas, les liaisons hydrogène entre les groupes polaires créés par le traitement plasma peuvent être éliminées partiellement après un temps donné, ce qui limite l’application du traitement. Ensuite, des études préliminaires sur la biocompatibilité in vitro et la biodégradabilité in vitro sont réalisées pour les films de chitosane et du chitosane mélangé aux nanoliposomes. Les cellules souches mésenchymateuses sont utilisées pour l’étude de la première, et une solution de PBS contenant 10 mg/L de lysozyme pour la seconde. Les propriétés physico-chimiques des films de chitosane mélangé aux nanoliposomes marines, leur faible cytotoxicité aux cellules et leur stabilité dans la solution de PBS contenant du lysozyme leur permettent d’être utilisés comme matrice de support dans le domaine de la médecine régénérative / This work focused on functionalized chitosan thin films in the bulk and/or on the surface by nanoliposomes based on natural lecithin (plant and marine) and plasma treatment. Various techniques were used for physicochemical properties analysis of functionalized thin films. The results showed that by adding the nanoliposomes into the chitosan scaffold, the surface wettability of thin films increased from 18 % to 36 %. The crystallinity degree was slightly improved in blend thin films. Any new bond was determined by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), which confirmed that there is no chemical interaction between the nanoliposomes and chitosan. The Young’s modulus of blend thin films deceased from 6 GPa to 5 GPa. The morphological, nanomechanical properties and adhesion force of each scaffold system determined by Scanning Probe Microscopy (HarmoniXTM mode) showed that the fish nanoliposomes/chitosan thin film had the most similar properties compared to the pure chitosan thin film. The surface of chitosane films and nanoliposomes/chitosane blend films were modified by the plasma treatment. Functional groups (amine groups, C-O, COOH, -OH) are grafted onto the surface enhancing thus the surface energy of the films. But the hydrogen bonds between the polar groups introduced by the treatment can be destroyed after a given time; the author proposed that the functionalization in the bulk by adding of nanoliposomes provided more stable and greater possibility of new materials producing than the functionalization at the surface by plasma treatment for potential tissue engineering application. Then, in vitro biocompatibility preliminary study was carried using human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs); and in vitro biodegradability study was tested in the phosphate buffered saline (PBS) mixed with 10 mg/L lysozyme. The films of chitosan functionalized by salmon nanoliposomes showed more interesting as matrix extracellular for regenerative medicine applications because of their physico-chemical properties, low cytotoxicity and the stability inside the PBS and lysozyme solutions.
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Segurança biológica de implantes mamários de silicone: interrelação entre processos esterilizantes e biocompatibilidade / Biological safety of silicone mammary implants: interrelationship between sterilization processes and biocompatibilityJanice Campos de Azevedo 25 March 2004 (has links)
Os implantes mamários de silicone têm sido empregados, tanto nas cirurgias de aumento das mamas, quanto na reconstrução do tecido mamário após mastectomia. A segurança biológica dos implantes de silicone merece estudo relacionado aos processos de esterilização empregados, pois podem constituir-se em fator de comprometimento da estrutura química do polímero e, conseqüentemente, da biocompatibilidade. Este estudo consistiu na avaliação da biocompatibilidade de implantes mamários de silicone após terem sido submetidos aos processos de esterilização por calor seco, radiação gama e óxido de etileno. O parâmetro avaliado foi a viabilidade celular, empregando o método de difusão em agar e de captura do vermelho neutro. As amostras compreenderam implantes de silicone gel lisos, texturizados e revestidos com poliuretano e implantes texturizados pré-cheios com solução salina. Também foi realizado o teste de endotoxinas bacterianas pelo método do LAL e determinação da taxa de migração do gel de silicone (teste de bleed). Os três métodos de esterilização mostraram-se igualmente eficientes pela comprovação da condição de esterilidade dos implantes através de metodologia descrita na Farmacopéia Americana 27 edição. Os níveis de endotoxinas bacterianas dos implantes, também atenderam aos requisitos dos compêndios oficiais. Na avaliação da biocompatibilidade todos os implantes, independente dos processos de esterilização utilizados, apresentaram ausência de citotoxicidade. Os resultados do teste de bleed mostraram uma maior taxa de migração de gel para os implantes de superfície lisa em comparação com os implantes de superfície texturizada e revestida com poliuretano, quando esterilizados por calor seco. Ao comparar a taxa de migração do gel para os implantes de superfície lisa esterilizados por calor seco e óxido de etileno, obteve-se uma maior taxa de migração para aqueles implantes esterilizados por óxido de etileno. As diferentes avaliações realizadas neste estudo abrangeram aspectos biológicos, químicos e físicos relevantes para garantir um produto de boa qualidade e que, por assegurar a manutenção da característica de biocompatibilidade, resulta na segurança biológica deste tipo de implante. / Silicone breast implants have been widely used for mammary augmentation and reconstruction surgery. Biological safety of these implants can be damaged by sterilization methods. This study consisted of the biocompatibility assessment of breast implants through cell viability, employing the agar diffusion test and neutral red uptake. Four silicone breast implants were tested: smooth, textured, polyurethane covered silicone gel breast implant and textured saline-filled breast implant. Sterilization methods comprised dry-heat, ethylene oxide and γ-radiation. Detection of bacterial endotoxins employing LAL test and gel bleed was also performed. The three methods of sterilization revealed equally efficacious, through the sterility confirmation of implants employing methodology described in 27th edition of United States Pharmacopeia. At the same way the leveis of bacterial endotoxins of implants accorded with the pharmacopeial requirements. In theevaluation of biocompatibility ali the implants, independently of the sterilization process used, showed no cytotoxicity signals. The results of gel bleed revealed a higher migration rate from the smooth implants in comparison with the textured and polyurethane-covered implants sterilized by dry-heat. When was compared the gel migration of smooth implants sterilized by dry-heat and ethylene oxide, was obtained a higher rate of gel bleed of those implants sterilized by ethylene oxide. The different evaluations performed in this study comprised biological, chemical and physical aspects, that are relevant to assure a good quality product and by having maintained the characteristics of biocompatibility, resulted in the biological safety on this kind of implant.
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Avaliação de tratamentos químicos e recobrimento biomimético em cerâmicas de alumina-zircônia / Chemical treatment and biomimetic coating evaluating in zirconia-alumina ceramicsAguiar, Amanda Abati 17 December 2007 (has links)
Materiais cerâmicos, como a alumina e a zircônia têm sido explorados ao longo dos anos na aplicação como biomateriais. Sua natureza bioinerte, tem estimulado o desenvolvimento de novas alternativas, como tratamentos químicos para tornar o desempenho biológico destas cerâmicas mais adequadas. O recobrimento biomimético de cerâmicas bioinertes a partir de soluções com concentrações iguais às do plasma sanguíneo humano, SBF, pemiite o crescimento de uma camada bioativa na superfície dos implantes. A bioatividade do material está relacionada com a formação de uma camada constituída por cristais de hidroxiapatita carbonatada de baixa cristalinidade, similar à apatita biológica. A biocompatibilidade associada às propriedades estruturais da alumina e da zircônia tem estimulado o uso clínico destes materiais, inclusive em regiões de maiores solicitações mecânicas. Neste trabalho foram produzidas amostras de alumina, zircônia dopada com ítria (3% mol) e compósitos de alumina e zircônia dopada com ítria (3% mol) preparadas pelo método de co-precipitação, calcinadas, sinterizadas, tratadas quimicamente com soluções de ácido fosfórico e hidróxido de sódio e imersas em 1,0M e 1,5M SBF. Os pós calcinados foram analisados por difração de raios x (DRX), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), análise de área de superfície específica (BET) e análise de distribuição granulométrica (CILAS). Os resuhados por DRX indicam que as amostras possuem baixa cristalinidade. Observou-se que por BET as amostras apresentam alta área de superfície específica. Os resultados de CILAS e MEV mostraram que os pós encontram-se na forma de aglomerados. As amostras sinterizadas, foram analisadas por difração de raios x (DRX), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e fluorescência de raios x (FRX), apresentando 96% da densidade teórica e as fases analisadas pelo método de Rietveld foram identificadas e quantificadas como: cúbica, tetragonal e monoclínica da zircônia, além da fase alfa da alumina. O tratamento químico com ácido fosfórico não apresentou uma tendência de maior formação de apatita em relação às amostras não tratada quimicamente. O tratamento com hidróxido de sódio provocou transformação acentuada da fase cúbica para tetragonal e da fase tetragonal para a fase monoclínica da zircônia. Os ensaios biomiméticos proporcionaram a formação de apatita sobre as superfícies das amostras, identificadas por DRX, e sua espessura foi medida por FRX. / Ceramic materials, as akimina and zirconia have been explored along the years as biomateriais application. The bioinert nature has been stimulating the development of new alternatives, as chemical treatments to improve the biological application of these ceramics. The biomimetic process of bioinerts ceramics for coating apatite is based on soaking the implant in a simulated body fluid, SBF, with ion concentrations nearly equal to those of human blood plasma. The bioactivity of the material is related with the formation of a layer constituted of hidroxiapatite low crystalline, similar to the biological apatite. The biocompatibility associated to the structural properties of the alumina and zirconia has been stimulating the clinical use of these materials, mainly in areas of larger mechanical requests, places not recommended for bioactive hidroxiapatite, for instance. In this work samples of alumina, zirconia doped with yttria (3% mol) and composites of alumina and zirconia doped with yttria (3% mol) were prepared by co-precipitation method, calcinated, sintered, chemically treated with solutions of acid phosphoric and sodium hydroxide and them immersed in l.OM and 1.5M SBF. The calcinated powders were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), gas adsorption (BET) and laser diffraction. The XRD resuhs indicate that the samples are low crystalline. It was observed for BET that the samples present high specific surface area. The resuhs of laser diffraction and SEM showed that the powders are agglomerates. The sintered samples were analyzed by XRD, SEM and X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The phases quantified by Rietveld method were: cubic, tetragonal and monoclinic of the zirconia, besides the phase alpha of the alumina. The chemical treatment with phosphoric acid didn\'t present a tendency of larger apatite formation in relation to the samples no chemically treated. The treatment with sodium hydroxide provoked accentuated transformation of the cubic phase for tetragonal phase and of tetragonal phase for the monoclinic phase of the zirconia. The immersion of samples in SBF provided apatite coating formation on the surfaces of the samples, identified by XRD, and the coating thiclmess was measured by XRF.
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Bioconjugation of RGD peptides on injectable PEGDMA for enhancing biocompatibilityThorendal, Victor January 2019 (has links)
A cerebral aneurysm is a weakened area of an artery in the brain, creating an abnormal expansion. Recent research for treatment is utilizing a photopolymerizable hydrogel as a possible operation for injection in situ. This paper aimed to achieve bioconjugation of peptides on a PEGDMA polymer network (using the photoinitiator PEG-BAPO) to form a biocompatible photopolymerizable hydrogel, without compromise to any of its mechanical attributes. Achieving cell adhesion to the hydrogel surface is a critical requirement as that could drive the growth of endothelium between aneurysm and artery, to considerably enhance its sustainability and decrease the risk of inflammation. The hydrogel was synthesized by functionalizing RGD with a PEG-spacer and co-polymerize it with PEGDMA using UV-radiation to create an intertwined cross-linking network. Samples of various peptide concentrations were studied in cell culture to analyze cell adhesion, followed by mechanical tests to identify possible deviations. A subsequent study was established to create a dynamic prototype as a quantifiable replication of a hydrogel inside an aneurysm in vivo. The model was designed in SolidWorks and connected with an Ibidi sticky-Slide to roughly replicate a cerebral aneurysm connected to an artery with space to introduce a hydrogel sample.
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Bêta-Bcc et alliages amorphes biocompatibles à base de titane pour les implants / beta-bcc and amorphous Ti-based biocompatible alloys for human body implantsGuo, Yaofeng 07 April 2014 (has links)
Les implants de corps humain biocompatibles à base de Ti de faible module de Young et sans élèments toxiques sont développés dans deux régimes de matériaux, les alliags cristallins à base de Ti-Nb(-Sn) et les alliages amorphes à base de Ti -Fe -Si. Une série d'alliages à base de Ti-Nb(-Sn) a été synthétisée par une aspiration coulée par la moule de cuivre et soumis à différents traitements thermiques (refroidissement du four ou trempe à l'eau). La microstructure, les propriétés thermiques et mécaniques des échantillons traités telles que la coulée et la chaleur ont été étudiées. On montre que l'addition de Sn augmente la stabilité de la phase β. Les modules de Young de ces alliages ont été également mesurés avec des mesures par ultrasons. Les alliages Ti74Nb26 trempés à l'eau avaient le plus faible module de Young. L'addition de Sn a peu d'impact sur le module de Young des alliages Ti-Nb. Les alliages amorphes à base de Ti- Fe-Si ont été synthétisés par filage à l'état fondu. La capacité de formation des verres, les propriétés thermiques et les propriétés de corrosion des alliages à base de Ti- Fe-Si ont été étudiées. La composition vitreuse a été conçue en fonction de la règle de l'eutectique profond. On a constaté que la région la plus proche du point eutectique ternaire(Ti65Fe30Si5) est une région quasi-cristalline icosaédrique, tandis que le côté plus raide (Si côté riche) de ce point eutectique ternaire est la région de formation de verre. L'effet de L'addition élémentaire mineur (Ge, Pd, Zr) sur la capacité de formation de verre des alliages à base de Ti- Fe-Si a été également étudié. L'observation in situ d'amorphisation des alliages vitreux Ti40Zr10Cu34Pd14Sn2 en faisceau synchrotron a été effectuée. L'alliage a été vitrifié avec succès dans un appareil à sustentation aérodynamique. / The Ti-based biocompatible human body implants of low Young's modulus and without toxic elements are developed in two regime of materials, crystalline Ti-Nb(-Sn) based alloys and amorphous Ti-Fe-Si based alloys. A series of Ti-Nb(-Sn) alloys were synthesized by copper mould suction casting and subjected to different heat treatments (furnace cooling or water quenching). The microstructure, thermal and mechanical properties of the as-cast and heat treated samples were investigated. It is shown that the addition of Sn increases the stability of the β phase. The Young's moduli of these alloys were also measured by ultrasonic measurements. Water-quenched Ti74Nb26 alloy was found to exhibits the lowest Young's modulus. Sn addition has little impact on the Young's moduli of the TiNb alloys. The Ti-Fe-Si based amorphous alloys were synthesized by melt spinning. The glass forming ability, thermal properties and corrosion properties of Ti-Fe-Si based alloys were investigated. The glassy compositions were designed according to the deep eutectic rule. It was found that the region near ternary eutectic point (Ti65Fe30Si5) is an icosahedral quasicrystal forming region, whereas the steeper side (Si rich side) of this ternary eutectic point is the glass forming region. Effect of minor elemental addition (Ge, Pd, Zr) on glass forming ability of the Ti-Fe-Si based alloys was also studied. The in situ observation of amorphization of Ti40Zr10Cu34Pd14Sn2 glassy alloy in synchrotron beam was conducted. The alloy was successfully vitrified in an aerodynamic levitation apparatus.
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Modified functional surfaces for increased biointegration : Surface chemistry, mechanical integrity and long-term stability of zirconia and alumina based ceramics / Surfaces fonctionnelles modifiées pour augmenter biointégration : Chimie de surface, intégrité mécanique et la stabilité à long terme de céramiques à la base de zircone et d'alumineCaravaca, Carlos Francisco 16 September 2016 (has links)
Les céramiques bioinertes (zircone, alumine), sont utilisées dans des dispositifs médicaux pour l’orthopédie et l’odontologie. Leurs surfaces peuvent avoir plusieurs fonctions : fixation du dispositif dans le milieu vivant (ex : implants dentaires), rôle tribologique (prothèses articulaires)… Dans tous les cas, ces surfaces sont traitées pour maximiser leur performance, mais ces modifications peuvent entrainer des conséquences négatives. Ainsi, le 2e chapitre montre qu’introduire de la rugosité par sablage joue sur l’intégrité mécanique et sur la stabilité à long terme de l’alumine, de la zircone et d’un composite alumine-zircone. Par ailleurs, dans les prothèses articulaires, la lubrification joue un rôle fondamental pour minimiser l’usure et donc augmenter la durée de vie moyenne des implants, permettant en outre de favoriser l’adsorption de protéines réduisant le contact direct entre les deux surfaces glissantes. La chimie des surfaces (y compris la présence de contamination) peut modifier ces aspects. Dans le 3e chapitre de ma thèse j’ai étudié l’effet de la contamination et des différentes techniques de nettoyage permettant de la réduire sur la mouillabilité des matériaux typiquement utilisés dans les prothèses de hanche, et sur l’adsorption de protéines à leurs surfaces. Finalement, les cellules utilisent les protéines en surface comme points de fixation et identification. Les implants avec une surface capable de recruter plus de protéines aidant à l’adhésion des cellules auront plus des chances d’être intégrés que des implants recrutant des protéines qui empêchent l’adhésion. Dans le 4e chapitre, j’ai exploré un nouveau concept de modification de surface de la zircone consistant en un greffage d’organosilanes directement sur sa surface, de manière à prouver le potentiel de cette technique à améliorer l’ostéointegration sans diminuer la performance mécanique. / Bioinert ceramics (zirconia, alumina) are used in medical devices in orthopedics and dentistry. Their surfaces may provide different functions: fixation of the device in the living tissue (e.g. dental implants), tribological role(joint substitutions),… In all cases the surfaces are treated to maximize their performance, but this modifications may entail negative consequences. The use of roughness to promote osseointegration of implants is a common practice, especially on dental implants. Roughening is often conducted by mechanical treatments, the most common being sandblasting. Therefore, chapter 2 focus on the implications of roughening by sandblasting on the mechanical behaviour of zirconia, alumina and a zirconia-alumina composite, and the differences between them. The work brought in chapter 3 was carried out entirely during a six-month secondment at CeramTec GmbH. In a bearing couple, lubrication mechanisms are complex and wettability and proteins play a yet-to understand role. The study compared the wettability of different materials, their ability to welcome protein adsorption and the effect of different cleaning procedures on wettability measurements and protein adsorption. Finally, the influence of the surface on cell activity is not driven exclusively by roughness: chemical modifications of the surface may enhance the perception of cells for the surface, and by careful tuning of the surface properties one may achieve a better integration without the downsides of roughness. In chapter 4, we explored a novel modification of zirconia, based on known techniques in chemistry, which introduces molecules with special functional groups capable of rendering the surface friendlier for cell adhesion, and opening the window for new exciting developments in the field of bioinert ceramics.
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Biocapteurs implantables pour un monitorage intracérébral minimalement invasif / Implantable biosensors for minimally invasive intracerebral monitoringChatard, Charles 23 November 2018 (has links)
Le fonctionnement du cerveau repose sur la libération de molécules telles que les neurotransmetteurs et les métabolites dans le milieu interstitiel. L’étude de ces molécules est donc primordiale afin de mieux comprendre leur rôle physiologique et pathologique. Pour cela, les biocapteurs enzymatiques implantables sont un outil prometteur de par leurs capacités de détection quantitative, en temps réel et dans les tissus profonds. En fonction des dimensions du biocapteur, l’impact de l’implantation peut avoir des conséquences considérables sur la composition chimique du fluide interstitiel. De plus, chaque implantation induit localement une réaction inflammatoire dite « réaction au corps étranger ». La réduction de ces réactions est indispensable afin d’obtenir des estimations plus précises de la concentration des molécules présentes. Dans ce sens, ce manuscrit exposera deux voies de réduction de l’impact lésionnel dû à l’implantation de biocapteurs. Tout d’abord, il sera présenté la miniaturisation de biocapteurs enzymatiques jusqu’à des diamètres externes inférieurs à 15 µm. Et il sera démontré in vivo que ces biocapteurs ultra miniaturisés ont le potentiel d’être implantés dans le cerveau sans induire de dommages détectables aux tissus et aux vaisseaux sanguins. Ensuite, le développement d’une microsonde fabriquée à l’aide des technologies MEMS couplant une détection électrochimique et optique sera introduit dans le cadre du suivi du fluide interstitiel péri- et intratumoral de glioblastomes modifiés pour émettre de la fluorescence. En intégrant deux types de détection sur une unique micro-aiguille, cette microsonde permet de réduire le nombre d’implantations. Ces deux voies de miniaturisation ouvrent la possibilité de suivre la composition chimique du fluide interstitiel de manière moins invasive, et donc de mieux préserver la physiologie des tissus étudiés dans le cerveau. / Brain function is based on the release of molecules such as neurotransmitters and metabolites into the interstitial fluid. The study of these molecules is essential to better understand their physiological and pathological role. For this purpose, implantable enzymatic biosensors are a promising tool because of their quantitative, real-time and deep tissue detection abilities. Depending on the dimensions of the biosensor, the impact of implantation may have considerable consequences on the chemical composition of the interstitial fluid. In addition, each implantation induces a local inflammatory reaction called "foreign body reaction". The reduction of these reactions is crucial in order to provide more accurate estimations of molecules concentrations present in the interstitial fluid. In this sense, this manuscript will expose two ways of reducing the lesional impact due to the implantation of biosensors. First of all, it will be presented the miniaturization of enzymatic biosensors up to external diameters less than 15 µm. And it will be demonstrated in vivo that these ultra miniaturized biosensors have the potential to be implanted in the brain without inducing detectable damage to tissues and blood vessels. Then, the development of a microprobe fabricated using MEMS technologies combining electrochemical and optical detection will be introduced as part of the monitoring of peri- and intratumoral interstitial fluid from glioblastomes modified to fluoresce. By integrating two types of detection on a single micro-needle, this microprobe reduces the number of implantations. These two miniaturization approaches open up the possibility of following the chemical composition of the interstitial fluid in a less invasive way, and thus of better preserving the physiology of the tissues studied in the brain.
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Monocytes, Tissue Factor and Heparin-coated Surfaces : Clinical and Experimental StudiesJohnell, Matilda January 2003 (has links)
<p>Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is associated with inflammatory response and activation of coagulation. Heparin coating of the CPB circuit is shown to improve the biocompatibility of the surface. The biological effects of a new heparin surface, the Corline Heparin Surface (CHS), prepared according to a new principle, have been studied. </p><p>The CHS used during coronary artery bypass grafting with CPB in sixty patients prevented adhesion of cells to the extracorporeal device. The activation of inflammation, coagulation, and fibrinolysis was significantly reduced by the use of CHS. Both a reduced and an increased dose of systemic heparin in combination with the heparin-coated surface resulted in more activation of inflammation and coagulation. </p><p>Photoelectron spectroscopy studies of the molecular structure of the CHS demonstrated that a single layer of the heparin surface, equivalent to what was used in the <i>in vivo</i> studies, did not completely cover the substrate surface. Additional layer of immobilized heparin has resulted in a complete coverage. We examined the biological effects, i.e. activation of inflammation and coagulation, by CHS in one and two layers in an <i>in vitro</i>-study. The data from this study clearly demonstrated that a uniform surface coating of the CHS results in only minor activation of coagulation, inflammation and cell activation. </p><p>Monocytes do not normally express tissue factor (TF), initiator of the coagulation <i>in vivo</i>, but can be induced upon adhesion to artificial surfaces. TF is receptor for coagulation factor VIIa (FVIIa) and binding subsequently leads to formation of thrombin. Other biological effects beyond coagulation, as inflammation and angiogenesis, has recently been associated with the formation of TF·FVIIa. The TF∙FVIIa signal transduction induced an increased sensitivity to PDGF-BB-stimulated migration and an increased production of IL-8 and TNF-α in monocytes. These could be important mechanisms for continued recruitment of cells to sites of inflammation. </p>
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Monocytes, Tissue Factor and Heparin-coated Surfaces : Clinical and Experimental StudiesJohnell, Matilda January 2003 (has links)
Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is associated with inflammatory response and activation of coagulation. Heparin coating of the CPB circuit is shown to improve the biocompatibility of the surface. The biological effects of a new heparin surface, the Corline Heparin Surface (CHS), prepared according to a new principle, have been studied. The CHS used during coronary artery bypass grafting with CPB in sixty patients prevented adhesion of cells to the extracorporeal device. The activation of inflammation, coagulation, and fibrinolysis was significantly reduced by the use of CHS. Both a reduced and an increased dose of systemic heparin in combination with the heparin-coated surface resulted in more activation of inflammation and coagulation. Photoelectron spectroscopy studies of the molecular structure of the CHS demonstrated that a single layer of the heparin surface, equivalent to what was used in the in vivo studies, did not completely cover the substrate surface. Additional layer of immobilized heparin has resulted in a complete coverage. We examined the biological effects, i.e. activation of inflammation and coagulation, by CHS in one and two layers in an in vitro-study. The data from this study clearly demonstrated that a uniform surface coating of the CHS results in only minor activation of coagulation, inflammation and cell activation. Monocytes do not normally express tissue factor (TF), initiator of the coagulation in vivo, but can be induced upon adhesion to artificial surfaces. TF is receptor for coagulation factor VIIa (FVIIa) and binding subsequently leads to formation of thrombin. Other biological effects beyond coagulation, as inflammation and angiogenesis, has recently been associated with the formation of TF·FVIIa. The TF∙FVIIa signal transduction induced an increased sensitivity to PDGF-BB-stimulated migration and an increased production of IL-8 and TNF-α in monocytes. These could be important mechanisms for continued recruitment of cells to sites of inflammation.
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