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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hipótese evolutiva sobre a assimilição de compostos nitrogenados por metazoários: a limitação α-aminoácidos / Evolutionary hypothesis on the nitrogenous compounds uptake by metazoan: the limitation to α-aminoacids

Erik Montagna 05 December 2008 (has links)
Os modelos de evolução de vias metabólicas estão baseados em técnicas moleculares e bioinformática e nem sempre levam em consideração o contextos fisiológico e ecológico do organismo. Assim, tomando como plataforma o metabolismo de nitrogênio, procurou-se estabelecer uma hipótese evolutiva para o uso de α-aminoácidos por metazoários como fonte de nitrogênio. O objetivo é traçar essa história evolutiva, contextualizando fisiológica e ecologicamente as alterações que ocorreram no perfil de utilização desses compostos. Para traçar essa história evolutiva, recorreu-se a dados disponíveis na literatura partindo-se dos elementos moleculares/metabólicos que compõem o ciclo do nitrogênio e em qual contexto geológico e evolutivo se deu tal história. Os dados obtidos, reorganizados e reestruturados nesse novo contexto, permitiram conclusões originais no presente trabalho, a saber: (1) a capacidade de fixação de nitrogênio atmosférico foi um fator de seleção natural positiva na transição da atmosfera redutora para oxidante; (2) os organismos fixadores de nitrogênio são bem mais disseminados do que o admitido classicamente; (3) o produto final da fixação biológica de nitrogênio in vivo são α- aminoácidos, e foram um fator de pressão seletiva para os organismos incapazes de fixar nitrogênio; (4) os metazoários evoluíram posteriormente a esse cenário e seu aparato metabólico está mais adaptado para o aproveitamento líquido do nitrogênio obtido apenas na forma de α-aminoácidos. / Metabolic pathway evolution models are molecular and computational based, and do not take account the physiological and ecological contexts in which organisms are inserted. Thus using the nitrogen metabolism as a platform, an evolutionary hypothesis on the α-amino acids utilization by metazoans was proposed. The objective of the present work is to trace an evolutionary history of the nitrogen usage by metazoans taking account the profile changes on a physiological and ecological basis. In order to trace this evolutionary history, a scrutiny were performed in the specialized literature aiming at data about the molecular and metabolic elements which perform the nitrogen cycle and in which geologic and evolutive context has passed such history. The reorganization of obtained data in a new context allowed original conclusions in the present work as follows: (1) the capability of fixing the atmospheric nitrogen was a positive selection factor in the atmospheric condition transition from reductive to oxidant; (2) nitrogen fixing organisms are far most wide spread than classically admitted; (3) α-amino acids are the biological nitrogen fixation end product in vivo, and are a selective factor for non-fixing organisms; (4) metazoans evolved afterwards in these scenario and their metabolic apparatus is adapted to the nitrogen net utilization obtained in the α-amino acid form.

Nonlinear dynamics of microcirculation and energy metabolism for the prediction of cardiovascular risk

Smirni, Salvatore January 2018 (has links)
The peripheral skin microcirculation reflects the overall health status of the cardiovascular system and can be examined non-invasively by laser methods to assess early cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors, i.e. oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction. Examples of methods used for this task are the laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) and laser fluorescence spectroscopy (LFS), which respectively allow tracing blood flow and the amounts of the coenzyme NAD(P)H (nicotamide adenine dinucleotide) that is involved in the cellular production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) energy. In this work, these methods were combined with iontophoresis and PORH (post-occlusive reactive hyperaemia) reactive tests to assess skin microvascular function and oxidative stress in mice and human subjects. The main focus of the research was exploring the nonlinear dynamics of skin LDF and NAD(P)H time series by processing the signals with the wavelet transform analysis. The study of nonlinear fluctuations of the microcirculation and cell energy metabolism allows detecting dynamic oscillators reflecting the activity of microvascular factors (i.e. endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, sympathetic nerves) and specific patterns of mitochondrial or glycolytic ATP production. Monitoring these dynamic factors is powerful for the prediction of general vascular/metabolic health conditions, and can help the study of the mechanisms at the basis of the rhythmic fluctuations of micro-vessels diameter (vasomotion). In this thesis, the microvascular and metabolic dynamic biomarkers were characterised <i>in-vivo</i> in a mouse model affected by oxidative stress and a human cohort of smokers. Data comparison, respectively, with results from control mice and non-smokers, revealed significant differences suggesting the eligibility of these markers as predictors of risk associated with oxidative stress and smoke. Moreover, a relevant link between microvascular and metabolic oscillators was observed during vasomotion induced by α-adrenergic (in mice) or PORH (in humans) stimulations, suggesting a possible role of cellular Ca<sup>2+ </sup>oscillations of metabolic origin as drivers of vasomotion which is a theory poorly explored in literature. As future perspective, further exploration of these promising nonlinear biomarkers is required in the presence of risk factors different from smoke or oxidative stress and during vasomotion induced by stimuli different from PORH or α-adrenergic reactive challenges, to obtain a full picture on the use of these factors as predictors of risk and their role in the regulation of vasomotion.

Fleshy-fruited invasive alien plants and frugivores in South Africa.

Jordaan, Lorinda A. January 2011 (has links)
South Africa is one of the world's most biologically invaded countries and has spent billions of rands on efforts to eradicate alien invasive plants. Chemical and mechanical control methods have varied in success and the need for integrated management strategies has been realised. This requires a better understanding of all aspects of the invasion process. Some of the most invasive plant species rely on vertebrate dispersers which facilitate long-distance seed dispersal. Frugivory is based on a mutualism in which the frugivores gain a resource and the plants benefit from seed dispersal away from the parent plant. Seed germination itself may either be enhanced, reduced or not affected at all after gut passage. The first aim of this study was to determine if generalist avian frugivores and a fruit bat species (Epomophorus wahlbergi) enhance or decrease seed germination of invasive alien plants in South Africa, by either pulp removal or seed coat abrasion, or if they serve as dispersers only. The second aim was to determine if avian frugivores are able to meet their energetic demands by feeding on a specific alien fruit diet. Finally, we also quantified the nutritional content and morphological characteristics of fleshy fruits of various invasive alien and exotic plant species. Avian frugivores: Red-winged Starlings (Onychognathus morio), Speckled Mousebirds (Colius striatus), and Dark-capped Bulbuls (Pycnonotus tricolor), varied in their effects on the germination success of seeds of four invasive alien species, namely: Lantana camara, Solanum mauritianum, Cinnamomum camphora, and Psidium guajava. However, this was not associated with differences in seed retention times. Similar germination success was observed for avian ingested and de-pulped seeds. This was also observed for fruit bat spat and depulped seeds of Psidium guajava, Melia azedarach, Eriobotrya japonica, and Morus alba. Therefore seed coat abrasion was not important for the germination of these fleshy-fruited invasive alien plants. Pulp removal resulted in significantly earlier seed germination as well as higher seed germination percentages than in the case of whole fruit controls for some of these invasive species. Gut passage is thus important for long-distance dispersal, and in some cases, for enhanced germination of seeds. The invasive Solanum mauritianum and indigenous congener S. giganteum showed similar germination responses, with both ingested and depulped seeds germinating profusely. However, S. giganteum benefited from pulp removal as seeds from whole fruits had less germination. Avian frugivores varied significantly in most energetic parameters calculated when given diets of invasive alien fruit. Speckled Mousebirds and Dark-capped Bulbuls were able to maintain body mass and efficiently process fruits of all four alien invasive plants, while Red-winged Starlings were only able to do so on lipid-rich C. camphora and sugar-rich S. mauritianum. Furthermore, frugivores also adjusted their feeding behavior by eating more nutritionally poor fruit and less energetically rewarding fruit. Fruit bats consumed more fruit per gram body mass than avian frugivores did. They therefore process proportionately more seeds than avian dispersers and thus their role in invasive seed dispersal, which has previously been underestimated particularly in South Africa, is highlighted. Fruits of invasive plant species were similar in morphology, but greater in nutritional content, than fruits of indigenous species. These fruits also contained small, light seeds with approximately only 30% having more than 10 seeds per fruit. The ability of frugivores to efficiently process these fruits and the greater nutritional rewards offered by these provide new insights into why these invasive fruits are preferred by frugivores. In addition, invasive alien plants may have a competitive edge over indigenous species because of their larger reproductive outputs and not necessarily because of greater germination success. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2011.

Study of protein in the respiratory chain by IR spectroscopy and electrochemistry

Neehaul, Yashvin 13 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The field of molecular bioenergetics deals with the energy transduction in biological cells. In this project, respiration and more specifically proton and sodium pumping enzymes and their coupling to electron transfer have been in focus. First we have been interested in the Na+-pumping NADH:quinone reductase from Vibrio cholerae which is the entry site of electrons in the respiratory chain of several pathogens. The role of specific flavin cofactors and amino acids involved in Na+ transfer has been shown in a combined IR spectroscopic and electrochemical approach. The interaction between proteins, namely the cytochrome c552 and the CuA fragment from the terminal ba3 oxidase from the organism Thermus thermophilus was then investigated. Structural reorganization during electron transfer was revealed by IR spectroscopy. Finally, in the third part of the project the interaction within the bc1-aa3 supercomplex from the respiratory chain from Corynebacterium glutamicum was analyzed.

The role of the sandprawn, Callichirus kraussi, as an ecosystem engineer in a temporarily open/closed Eastern Cape estuary, South Africa

Njozela, Cuma January 2013 (has links)
The role of the sandprawn, Callichirus (=Callianassa) kraussi (Stebbing), as an ecosystem engineer was assessed in the lower reach of the temporarily open/closed Kasouga Estuary situated along the Eastern Cape coastline of southern Africa over the period April 2010 to June 2011. The study comprised two distinct components, a field study and a caging experiment. The field study assessed the correlation between sand prawn densities and selected physico-chemical (organic content of the sediment and bioturbation) and biological (microphytobenthic algal concentrations and macrobenthic abundance and biomass) variables in 50 quadrants in the lower reach of the estuary. Densities of the sand prawn within the quadrants ranged from 0 to 156 ind m⁻² (mean = 37 ind m⁻²). There were no significant correlations between the densities of the sandprawn and the estimates of the organic content of the sediment and the abundance and biomass of the macrofauna (P > 0.05 in all cases). Numerical analyses failed to identify any effect of the sandprawn density on the macrofaunal community structure. The rate of bioturbation was, however, strongly correlated to the sand prawn density. Similarly, the microphytobenthic alga concentrations were significantly negatively correlated to the sand prawn densities ((P < 0.05). The absence of any distinct impact of the sandprawn on the macrobenthic community structure appeared to be related to their low densities in the lower reach of the estuary during the study. To better understand the role of the sandprawn as an ecosystem engineer, a caging experiment was conducted using inclusion and exclusion treatments (n= 5 for each treatment). Densities of the sandprawn in the inclusion treatments (80 ind m⁻²) were in the range of the natural densities within the estuary. The experiment was conducted over a period of 18 weeks in the lower reach of the estuary during summer. The presence of the sandprawn, C kraussi, contributed to a significant decrease in the microphytobenthic algal concentrations and the abundance and biomass of the macrofauna (P < 0.05 in all cases). The decrease in the microphytobenthic algal concentrations in the presence of the sandprawn appeared to be related to the res-suspension of the sediments (bioturbation) generated by the burrowing and feeding activities of the sandprawn. The observed decrease in macrofaunal abundances and biomass in the inclusion treatments appeared to be mediated by both the decreased food availability (mainly the microphytobenthic algae) and the burial of organisms within the sediments. Numerical analysis indicated that the sandprawn did, however, not contribute to a change in the species composition of the macrofauna. Results of the current study indicate that C.kraussi plays an important role in structuring the invertebrate community and energy flow within temporarily/open closed Kasouga Estuary.

Transformation of a membrane protein from the respiratory chain into a sensor for the analysis of its interaction with substrates, inhibitors and lipids / Transformation d'une protéine membranaire de la chaîne respiratoire en une sonde pour l'analyse de substrats, inhibiteurs et lipides

Kriegel, Sébastien 11 December 2013 (has links)
Le domaine de la bioénérgétique traîte de la circulation et de la transformation de l’énergie dans et entre des organismes et leur environnement. Dans ce manuscrit de thèse, la respiration cellulaire et plus particulièrement la première enzyme de la chaîne respiratoire, la NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Complexe I) ont été étudiées, dans l’objectif de clarifier sa fonction et son implication dans certaines maladies. Dans une première partie, la création d’une sonde impliquant l’enzyme immobilisée de façon biomimétique est décrite. La caractérisation de ce système est effectuée via spectroscopie infrarouge par exaltation de surface (SEIRAS) couplée à de l’électrochimie. Sa réponse à l’ajout de substrats et d’inhibiteurs est ensuite présentée. Dans une seconde partie, l’interaction du Complexe I avec des lipides et des inhibiteurs (Zn2+ et NADH-OH) ainsi que le rôle d’une Tyrosine située au site de fixation du NADH ont été étudiés par spectroscopies IR et UV-Vis différentielles induites par électrochimie. L’exploration des résultats obtenus sous un angle structural a finalement permis de proposer un modèle pour le mécanisme de couplage entre la réduction d’ubiquinone et le pompage de protons par le Complexe I. / The field of bioenergetics deals with the flow and transformation of energy within and between living organisms and their environment. The work presented in this thesis report focuses on cellular respiration and more specifically on the first enzyme of the respiratory chain, NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Complex I). This was done to clarify details about its function and its implication in disease. First, the creation of a sensor involving the biomimetically immobilized enzyme is presented and probed through a combination of surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy (SEIRAS) and electrochemistry. This sensor is then tested against different substrates and inhibitors. In a second part, the interaction of Complex I with lipids, inhibitors (Zn2+ and NADH-OH) and the role of a Tyrosine residue situated in the NADH binding pocket are investigated through electrochemically induced UV-Vis and FTIR difference spectroscopies. The results gathered through these experiments are then explored under a structural perspective and a coupling mechanism between quinone reduction and proton translocation by Complex I is proposed.

Interactions trophiques au sein des communautés bentho-demersales : Influence de la disponibilité alimentaire sur la capacité d’accueil des nourriceries côtières de juvéniles de poissons / Trophic interactions within bentho-demersal communities : influence of the food availability on the carrying capacity of juvenile fish coastal nurseries.

Tableau, Adrien 05 March 2015 (has links)
Les habitats côtiers à fonds meubles sont essentiels dans le cycle de vie de nombreuses espèces de poissons. Ces habitats ont pour caractéristique d’être peu étendus mais sont aussi très productifs et jouent à ce titre un rôle de nourricerie pour les juvéniles de poissons bentho-démersaux. Les fortes abondances de proies semblent être l’une des raisons principales de la présence des juvéniles au sein de ces habitats. Bien que déjà étudié, le caractère limitant de la nourriture disponible fait toujours l’objet de débats dans la communauté scientifique. Une des raisons principales est que l’étude des milieux côtiers est rendue complexe par la diversité des facteurs entrant en jeu dans le développement des jeunes stades de poissons. A partir du cas d’étude de la baie de Vilaine, une des nourriceries les plus productives du golfe de Gascogneles recherches menées dans cette thèse visent à définir le rôle du facteur alimentaire dans l’organisation de la nourricerie et dans sa capacité à soutenir le développement des juvéniles de poissons. Le fil conducteur de cette thèse est donc de déterminer si le facteur alimentaire limite la production de juvéniles. Les résultats montrent une forte exploitation de la production alimentaire ainsi qu'une superposition spatiale entre les densités de juvéniles de poissons et de leurs proies. La cohérence de ces résultats tend à soutenir l'hypothèse que la capacité d'accueil de la baie de Vilaine est atteinte et donc que le facteur alimentaire est limitant. Les implications de ce mécanisme de régulation sur la dynamique des populations nourricer / Soft sediment coastal habitats are essential in the life cycle of numerous fishes. These habitats are spatially-limited but very productive, and play a key role of nursery for the juveniles of benthic and demersal fishes. High abundance of prey seems to be one of the main reasons of the presence of juvenile fish within these habitats. Although widely studied, the limiting aspect of the feeding factor is still debated in the scientific community. One of the main reasons is that studying coastalhabitats is complex because numerous factors influence the development of the first life stages of fish. From the study case of the Bay of Vilaine, one of the most productive nurseries of the Bay of Biscay, research conducted in this thesis aims to define the role of the feeding factor in the organisation of the nursery and in its capacity to support the development of juvenile fish. The common thread of this thesis is thus to determine if the feeding factor limits the juvenile fish production. The results show a strong exploitation of the food production by the juvenile fish community and a spatial match between the densities of juvenile fish and their prey. The consistency of these results tends to support that the hypothesis that the carrying capacity of the Bay of Vilaine is reached, and that the feeding factor is limiting. The consequences of this regulation process on the dynamics of nursery-dependent fish populations are discussed.

Consumo, eficiência alimentar e exigências nutricionais de vacas de corte na lactação e terminação / Intake, feed efficiency and nutritional requirements of lactating and fattening beef cows

Tiago Zanetti Albertini 19 January 2007 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar as exigências e a eficiência energética de vacas de corte lactantes e não gestantes, bem como do par vaca/bezerro. Posteriormente foi correlacionada a eficiência do par vaca/bezerro durante a lactação com a eficiência das mesmas vacas durante a terminação. Na fase de lactação os pares vaca/bezerro foram avaliados desde após o nascimento (17±5, d DP) até a desmama (210 d). Após a desmama foi conduzido o ensaio de terminação (67 d) e abate somente das matrizes. Foram avaliadas 10 vacas adultas ½ Caracu x Nelore (CN) e 10 ½ Angus x Nelore (AN), acasaladas com touros Red Angus (RA) e Canchim (CC), respectivamente. Na lactação o oferecimento da dieta (2,30 Mcal EM/kg e 12,4% PB) variou individualmente ao longo do período com objetivo de manter constante o peso das matrizes ao longo da lactação. A mesma dieta foi oferecida a vontade para a progênie. Durante o ensaio de terminação em confinamento a dieta (2,37 Mcal EM/kg e 10,5% PB) foi fornecida à vontade. A ingestão de matéria seca das matrizes foi de 92,4 g MS/kg PM0,75 (CV=3,2%; P=0,458). Vacas AN apresentaram produção de leite corrigida para gordura 12% superior (P<0,05). A concentração energética do leite (Mcal/kg) das vacas CN foi 9,4% superior (P<0,05). A eficiência (Mcal leite/Mcal EM ingerida) não foi diferente. A exigência de energia metabolizável de lactação (EMl) foi maior (P<0,05) para vacas AN em relação as CN, 90,1 e 74,2 (EMl, kcal EMl/kg PM0,75), respectivamente. Bezerros ½CC¼AN¼NE apresentaram ingestão de energia metabolizável (IEM) proveniente do leite 11,3% (P<0,05) superior. Bezerros ½RA¼CR¼NE foram 10,7% mais eficientes (g GP210d/Mcal IEM leite+dieta sólida). Não houve diferença para eficiência dos pares vaca/bezerro, contudo houve considerável variação individual, onde a eficiência média foi 35,3 g GP210d/Mcal IEM par (CV=11,5%). A eficiência do par foi positivamente relacionada ao ganho do bezerro (r=0,79; P<0,01) e negativamente relacionada à IEM do par (r=-0,58; P<0,05). Vacas CN ao abate apresentaram EGS 29% menor, AOL 13% maior e maior proteína no corpo vazio (P<0,05). Vacas AN apresentaram 14,7% maior proporção de órgãos internos relativo ao peso vazio e maior peso dos intestinos (P<0,01). As correlações fenotípicas demonstraram associação entre as eficiência de secreção do leite das vacas nas fase de lactação e de ganho de peso na fase de terminação (r=0,43; P=0,09). A eficiência de secreção de leite das vacas na lactação apresentou correlação com a eficiência do par (r=0,68; P<0,01). O consumo alimentar residual (CAR) das vacas na terminação foi correlacionado com o CAR das vacas em lactação (r=0,53; P<0,05) e com o CAR dos pares (r=0.62; P<0.01). Isso indica que vacas de corte mais eficientes durante a terminação são também mais eficientes no período de cria. / This study estimated the requirements and feed efficiency of non-pregnant lactating beef cows, as well as cow calf pairs. It also correlated the efficiency of the cows and their progeny during lactation to efficiency determined for the same cows in a finishing trial after weaning. In the lactating phase cow calf pairs were evaluated from just after birth (17±5, d) to weaning at 210 d. The finishing trial for the mature cows started after weaning and lasted 67 d after wich cows were slaughtered. Twenty adult cows were evaluated, 10 ½ Caracu x Nelore (CN) and 10 Angus x Nelore, bred to Red Angus (RA) and Canchim (CC) bulls, respectively. During lactation the diet (2.30 Mcal ME/kg and 12.4% CP) was offered in variable amounts to maintain individual live weight and condition score constant. The same diet was offered ad libitum to the calves. During the finishing phase cows were fed ad libitum (2.37 Mcal ME/kg e 10.5% CP). The dry matter feed intake of cows was 92,4 and SD 2,9 g DM/kg BW0,75. AN cows had fat corrected milk 12% higher compared to CN cows (P<0.05). However, milk energy content (Mcal/kg) was 9.4% higher (P<0.05) for CN cows. Efficiency of milk production (Mcal milk/Mcal ME intake) was not different. Metabolizable energy for lactation (MEl) was higher (P<0.05) for AN cows in comparison to CN, respectively 90.1 and 74.2 (MEl, kcal MEl/kg BW0,75). ME milk intake was 11.3% (P<0.05) higher for ½CC¼AN¼NE calves. Rates of gain were not different between calves, but ½RA¼CR¼NE were 10.7% more efficient (g LWG210d/Mcal MEI milk+solid diet). There was no difference in cow calf pairs efficiency, but there was a great individual variability with a mean of 35,31 g and SD of 4,08 g LWG210d/Mcal EM for the pair. Cow/calf pair efficiency was positively related to calf weight gain (r=0.79; P<0.01) and negatively to the pair metabolizable energy intake (r=-0.58; P<0.05). At slaughter CN cows presented backfat thickness 29% lower, longissimus muscle area 13% higher and higher empty body weight protein (P<0,05). AN cows had 14.7% higher relative internal organ weight and higher total intestine weight (P<0.01). The phenotypical correlations between efficiency indexes indicate moderate association between cow efficiency measured during lactation and in a short finishing period after weaning (r=0.43; P=0.09). Exist correlations between cow efficiency lactation and efficiency of the pair (r=0.68; P<0.01). Residual Feed Intake (RFI) during the finishing phase was moderately correlated to the RFI calculated during the lactation period for the cow calf pairs RFI (r=0.62; P<0.01) and the cows (r=0.53; P<0.05) indicated that beef cows more efficient in feed conversion during the finishing phase are more efficient during the lactation period.

Phylogenomic analysis of energy converting enzymes / Phylogenomische Analyse energieumwandelnder Enzyme / Филогеномный анализ энергопреобразующих ферментов

Dibrova, Daria 12 June 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, phylogenomic and comparative structural analyses of several widespread energy converting enzymes were performed. The focus was on the major subfamilies of the enzymes that process nucleoside triphosphates (ATP and GTP) and on some key enzymes of the electron transfer chains. First, we analyzed the P-loop GTPases, RadA/RecA recombinases, chaperone GroEL, branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase kinases, chaperone Hsc70, actins, and membrane pyrophosphatases. In the each inspected family we could identify (1) members which were potassium-dependent and/or contained K+ ions in the active site, and (2) potassium-independent enzymes with lysine or arginine residues as catalytic groups that occupy the positions of potassium ions in the homologous, K+-dependent enzymes. Based on the results of our analyses, we suggest that the appearance of the K+-binding sites could precede in evolution the recruitment of positively charged residues (lysine or arginine "fingers") with the latter providing more possibilities to control the enzyme reactions. Second, we have described the distinctive features of a phylogenetically separated subfamily of rotary membrane ATPases which we named N-ATPases. The N-ATPases have a specific operon organization with two additional subunits, absent in other rotary ATPases, and a complete set of Na+-binding ligands in the membrane c-subunits. We made a prediction, which was later confirmed, that these enzymes are capable of Na+ translocation across the membrane and may confer salt tolerance on marine prokaryotes. Third, phylogenomic analysis of the cytochrome bc complexes suggests that these enzyme complexes initially emerged within the bacteria and were then transferred to archaea via lateral gene transfer on several independent occasions. Our analysis indicates that the ancestral form of the cytochrome bc complex was a b6f-type complex; the fusion of the cytochrome b6 and the subunit IV to a "long" cytochrome b of the cytochrome bc1 complexes could have happened in different lineages independently. Fourth, our phylogenomic and comparative structural analyses of the cytochrome bc1 complex and of cytochrome c allowed us to trace how these enzymes became involved in triggering of apoptosis in Metazoa. We could trace the emergence of a specific cardiolipin-binding site within the cytochrome bc complex and the evolution of structural traits that account for the involvement of the cytochrome c as a trigger of apoptosis in vertebrates.

Coupling the Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Model CE-QUAL-W2 With a Multi-Trophic Fish Bio-Energetics Model for Lake Roosevelt, Washington

McKillip, Michael Lee 01 January 2008 (has links)
Grand Coulee Dam created Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake as part of the Columbia Basin Project. Located in northeastern Washington State, the Project provides economically important hydropower (19 billion kilowatt hours per year), irrigation (225,000 ha), flood control, and sport fishing ($5 to 20 million annually). A good system understanding aids in balancing these beneficial uses for the 230 km long reservoir. The reservoir's atypical 45-day mean residence time is much shorter than a typical lake, and much longer than for a riverine dam. The spring freshet requires drawdowns of 15 to 20 m for flood control—the driving characteristic of reservoir operations. A physically based two-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model, CE-QUAL-W2 Version 3.5 (Cole and Wells, 2006), is coupled with a fish bioenergetics model based on the Stockwell and Johnson model (1997, 1999) to examine the effects of hydrodynamics on the reservoir algae-zooplankton-kokanee food web. This model was applied and calibrated to Lake Roosevelt with model improvements of multiple zooplankton compartments and zooplankton omnivory. Calibration parameters included temperature, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, algae, and zooplankton. The fish bioenergetics model is applied over the entire reservoir model space to generate a spatial and temporal fish growth potential distribution. The fish model refinements include sub-daily time-steps and an optimized vertical foraging strategy. The linked model suggests that kokanee fish growth potential is seasonally limited by both warm water and prey densities. While the lake ecology is significantly affected by the reservoir operations in general, the pelagic fish growth potential did not appear sensitive to minor changes in reservoir operations. However, the model suggests that the advantageous foraging locations shift seasonally and that optimal foraging strategies are dependent on fish size.

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