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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En undersökning av Murån : Brunifiering och orsak

Eliasson, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Att vatten blir brunare, så kallad brunifiering är en trend som har pågått de senaste decennierna och har uppmärksammats mer och mer. Vad som gör ett vatten brunt är koncentrationen av vattenlösligt organiskt kol (DOC). Problemet med brunifiering är de många negativa konsekvenserna som brunifieringen orsakar. Orsakerna till brunifieringen är flera men de centrala är klimatförändring med förändrade vädermönster, minskat surt regn, typ av marktäckning och ändrad markanvändning. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka vad som kan ligga bakom de höga färgtalen i ett av sjön Bolmens tillrinnande vattendrag, Murån. Vattenprover togs i tio diken som rinner in i Murån. För dessa diken togs bredd- och djupmått samt flödesmått. Utöver dikesprover, togs tio prover längs Murån i en spatial gradient från källa till utlopp.Resultaten visar att det inte finns samband mellan dikesbredd, vattendjup för DOC eller absorbans. Flöde kan däremot förklara skillnader i färgen på vattnet mellan diken. Resultaten från studien gör det tydligt att diken med ett stilla vatten har högre koncentrationer av DOC och absorbans (420 nm) än ett dike med flöde. Murån blir inte statistiskt brunare längs en spatial gradient mot utloppet. Detta skiljer sig mot de diken som rinner in i Murån som är brunare i Muråns nedre del, dvs närmare utloppet.Denna studie kan ligga till grund för framtida naturvårdsinsatser och fortsatt forskning av orsakerna till brunifieringen till en av Sveriges viktigaste råvattentäkter. Framtida studier kan förhoppningsvis fylla kunskapsluckan som finns för att kunna mildra effekten av den markanvändning som påverkar brunifieringen. / The fact that water turns browner, so-called brownification is a trend during the last decades that has received more and more attention. Causing the brown color is the increase in concentration of soluble organic material. The problem is not only that the water turns browner, but the negative effects that come with it. The causes of brownification are several but the main reasons are climate change and weather patterns, acid rain, land cover and land use. The purpose of this study was to investigate the reason behind the high watercolor in one of Lake Bolmens tributaries Murån. Water samples were collected in ten ditches that discharge into Murån. Additionally, width-, depth-, and flow measurements were noted. Ten water samples along a spatial gradient in Murån were also collected.The results of this study show that there was no correlation between width- or depth measurements and watercolor. Flow could explain the differences in watercolor between ditches, where a ditch with a slower flow had higher concentrations of dissolved organic carbon and watercolor. Murån does not have a darker watercolor following a spatial gradient towards the outflow. This differs from the findings from the ditches which are darker in the downstream part of Murån i.e., closer to the outflow.This study could form the basis for future research of the cause of brownification for one of Sweden’s most important drinking water sources and guide future work of conservation. Questions of interest for future studies would be what is causing the differences in watercolor between ditches in a watershed to create an understanding that can be put in use to mitigate further brownification.

Ekologiskt byggande - en studie av tre skånska ekobyar

Ceric, Vedrana, Ucar, Kristina January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Enhancing Cryptosporidium spp. Detection and Typing in Water Samples : A Pilot Study

Björkman, Matilda January 2024 (has links)
Cryptosporidium spp. is an intracellular parasite that can cause cryptosporidiosis, a disease involving diarrhea and pain. Immunocompromised patients are more likely to suffer from complications and severe dehydration, and there is no medication with proven clinical efficacy for treatment. Cryptosporidium outbreaks are commonly caused by contaminated water. At the Swedish Veterinary Agency (SVA), a method to detect Cryptosporidium spp. in stool samples through Magnetic Capture Hybridization (MCH) followed by qPCR has been developed. The aim of this study was to test the MCH-PCR method for detecting Cryptosporidium in water samples as well. At the Swedish Food Agency (SLV), Cryptosporidium is detected in water by filtration through a cartridge filter, followed by immunomagnetic separation and microscopic analysis. By combining the method used at SLV with the method used at SVA, MCH-PCR was performed directly on the filtration eluate. The preliminary results showed that the SVA method can be used to detect Cryptosporidium in water, and that a combination of the filtration and MCH-PCR yield similar results as to when MCH-PCR is performed alone. The results are promising but much work is needed to establish a robust and standardized method. For future studies, the method has to be performed on several water types, the sensitivity of the analysis has to be determined and improved, and the probes used may need revision.

Limiting factors of periphytic algae in Arctic streams / Begränsande faktorer för påväxtalger i arktiska bäckar

Lindberg, Emil January 2017 (has links)
Algae are the most common primary producers in stream ecosystems, contributing as much as 80 % of the total primary production. The production of these ecosystems is strongly influenced by the terrestrial habitats, which are in turn likely to be altered by climate change. In arctic ecosystems, where the effects of climate may be most pronounced, there are important unknowns about how abiotic factors such as light, temperature, nutrients, flow regimes interact to influence stream productivity. This study therefore aimed to understand what controls the rate of benthic algal growth in Arctic streams by measuring the accumulation of algal biomass on artificial surfaces across arctic stream types in Norrbotten, Sweden. Ceramic tiles were placed at 36 locations distributed across tundra and birch forest streams. Algal accumulation on tiles was then measured over 7 weeks using a fluorometer (Bentothorch) together with a number of likely controlling factors (light, temperature, dissolved nutrients and depth). I observed a significant difference in algal accumulation between the stream types (p<0.05), with nearly three times greater biomass in birch forest compared to tundra streams. However, these differences were not related to variation in light and water temperature. Dissolved nitrogen had a significant correlation with algal accumulation although with a lot of unexplained variation. Unmeasured hydrological aspects such as stream flow may have had large significance for differences in algal growth between the higher-gradient tundra and lower-gradient birch forest streams.  Overall, I hypothesize that the productivity of these systems is limited by nitrogen or several parameters working together and/or that these systems are affected by an unmeasured parameter (e.g., grazing, hydrological disturbance). While my results did not clearly establish the factors regulating algal growth in these streams it suggests that dissolved nitrogen is an important factor. The observed differences between stream types suggest that the productivity of arctic streams and the potential effect of climate change may be affected by small-scale variation in geomorphology and hydrology.

Laken i vänern – Populationsutveckling och potentiella påverkansfaktorer : Jämförande analyser av material från perioden 1973-2018 / The burbot in lake vänern – population development and potential influencing factors : Comparative analyses of material from the period 1973-2018

Byström Mollstedt, Hannes January 2019 (has links)
The burbot (Lota lota, Linnaeus 1758) is a benthic and predatory cod-relative that only occurs in fresh- and brackish water around the northern hemisphere. It has long been a common catch in Swedish lakes and rivers, but the species has seen a decline by over 20% since the mid 1980’s. This led to the burbot being red listed as nearly threatened (NT) in 2010. A decline of this magnitude might be alarming, the burbot is mostly declining in smaller lakes and rivers in southern Sweden and it’s still showing significant numbers in larger lakes such as Vänern – Sweden’s largest lake. Although recent monitoring of the burbot shows an erratic population that’s declining over several years, only to bounce back a couple of years later. This peculiar pattern made me interested in the historical aspects of the burbot population and its potential influencing factors in lake Vänern. In this study I compare data from the oldest known gillnet sampling done in lake Vänern that also contain burbot with more contemporary samplings (2010, 2011, 2012, 2015 and 2018). I manage to show that the number of large burbot caught were in line later years, but I also manage to show a decline by over 80% in the number of middle-sized burbot between 1973 and the later years. Furthermore, I produced results showing that the burbot seems to be aggregating deeper in later years compared to 1973. Finally, I correlate the population changes to environmental data and get statistically significant correlations showing that the declining numbers of fish and their decent into deeper areas of the lake are connected to the rising water temperatures. This result is in line with ecological studies that describes the burbot as cold-water dependent with a preferred temperature of around 10 – 14 °C. This study suggests that the burbot is affected by rising average water temperatures caused by climate change.

Effekter av probiotika vid hypolaktasi och laktosintolerans

Arczykowska, Edyta January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Laktos maldigestion är ett vanligt förekommande tillstånd hos mer än 75 procent av den vuxna befolkningen runt om i världen. Hypolaktasi innebär en minskad laktosnedbrytning på grund av en otillräcklig mängd av enzymet laktas. Laktosintolerans känneteckas av gastrointestinala symtom efter intag av laktosinnehållande produkt. Probiotika definieras som levande bakteriekultur och andra mikroorganismer, som i adekvata mängder har en hälsosam effekt hos en värd. Probiotika utgör en del av människans bakterieflora och har i flera studier uppvisat positiva egenskaper på människans mag-tarmhälsa och immunsystem. Syfte: Föreliggande litteraturstudie utvärderar effekten av probiotika vid hypolaktasi och laktosintolerans. Metod: Arbetet inkluderar sju vetenskapliga artiklar som utvärderar effekten av probiotika hos laktosintoleranta individer. Artiklarna erhölls från databasen Pubmed och sökningarna gjordes mellan september 2018 och februari 2019. Resultat: En sammanställning av studiernas resultat har visat på varierande grader av probiotikas effektivitet. I samtliga studier användes probiotika som ett enda behandlingsalternativ av laktos maldigestion. Metoden som användes vid bestämning av graden av intolerans i studierna, var ett laktosbelastningstest följt av utandningstest som är de vanligaste metoderna vid diagnostisering av hypolaktasi  och laktosintolerans. Probiotiska stammar som användes i försöken var olika stammar från Lactobacillus- (L. acidophilus, L. reuteri) och Bifidobakteriefamiljen (B. longum, B. animalis). I fyra av sju studier uppvisade probiotika en statistiskt säkerställd skillnad hos någon eller några av variabler som studerades. En minskning av vätekoncentrationen i utandningsluften efter probiotika tillskott kunde påvisas i tre granskade studierna. En minskning av gastrointestinala symtom så som diarré och flatulens registrerades i fyra av sju studier. Slutsats: En positiv relation har kunnat påvisas mellan probiotiska stammar och hypolaktasi. Regelbundet intag av produkter berikade med probiotika, kan minska symtom så som diarré och flatulens hos laktosintoleranta patienter. Det finns dock fortfarande för lite kunskap kring ämnet för att kunna rekommendera probiotika som ett enda behandlingsalternativ vid hypolaktasi. Det krävs mer forskning med fokus på de specifika probiotiska stammarna, dess ursprung och den adekvata dosen. Probiotika bör dock utan tvekan rekommenderas som ett komplement till behandlingen med enzymet laktas.

Destruktion av per- och polyfluorerade alkylsubstanser (PFAS) vid förbränning i avfallsförbränningsanläggningar

Engzell, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of environmentally harmful chemicals. The group consists of more than 4730 different substances including two of the most famous ones; PFOA and PFOS. PFAS consist of carbon backbones connected to fluorine. They are in general thermally stable and persistent to degradation due to their C-F bonds, which is one of the strongest bonds in chemistry. The use of PFAS is widespread and therefore they can be found in a variety of consumer products, which eventually end up as waste. Household waste and other waste streams are incinerated at waste incineration facilities at (at least) 850° C for two seconds. The aim of this study was to investigate if that temperature is high enough to, at least partly, break down PFAS and to study where in the outflows PFAS ends up. Three different facilities (B2, P4 and P6) for waste incineration where examined, including incoming fuels; household waste, industrial waste, return fuel and sewage sludge. The three facilities included in the study had two types of boilers (grated and circulating fluidized bed) with three different treatment facilities for the flue gas and condensate. Bottom ash, fly ash, end product and condensate were analysed after incineration. A mass balance based on the limited amount of data indicates that at least 86-98 % of the 11 examined PFAS substances are eliminated. The difference between the three facilities are probably due to a difference in temperature and a few problems during the sample week. Another reason might be the variations in PFAS concentrations in incoming fuels. The facility with the lowest elimination percentage also had the lowest PFAS-concentrations in incoming fuels, and some problems during the sample period. The facility with the highest elimination percentage had a more even and higher temperature.

Characterizing Bacillus amyloliquefaciens UCMB5113 on a Plant Model Arabidopsis thaliana

Mattapally, Peter Vijay January 2014 (has links)
Organic farming is gaining importance and acceptance worldwide due to its beneficial effects in agriculture and standing against losses caused by chemical fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides. Plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) plays an important role in organic farming by fixing atmospheric nitrogen, chelate iron, solubilizing phosphorous, producing and modulating phytohormones, providing antibiotics against pathogens. Understanding interaction mechanisms between PGPB and plant will be helpful in developing new formulations to form a strong symbiotic relationship between plant and bacteria. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens UCMB5113 is a red pigmented, rod shaped Gram positive bacteria which has been isolated from fields of the Ukraine. In the present study UCMB5113 and its interactions with the plant has been characterized. There was a significant promotion of plant root growth and protection against biotic stress with the application of 10 μl of 1x107/ml CFU UCMB5113 culture in Arabidopsis. The UCMB5113 can significantly withstand plant antimicrobial activity to stimulate plant root growth, but needs root hair defective RHD proteins to stimulate root hair elongation. UCMB5113 has significantly inhibited primary root elongation and developed number of lateral roots and root hairs in ethylene over expressed mutant, which suggests that it may be affecting ethylene signaling pathway in plants. UCMB5113 has a distinct red pigmentation which is a 38.5kDa water soluble protein with maximum absorbance at 422nm. These features are similar to the Orange Carotenoid Protein (OCP) of Synechocystis PCC 6803. This red pigmented protein has no significant effect on plant root growth promotion. Further biochemical and molecular studies are required to characterize and confirm the mechanisms of interaction.

Lactobacilli Suppress Gene Expression of Key Proteins Involved in miRNA Biogenesis in HT29 and VK2/E6E7 Cells

Jacobsen, Annette January 2013 (has links)
It has previously been demonstrated that lactic acid bacteria are able to influence the innate immune response of host cells. One way this can be achieved is through modulation of inflammatory cascades initiated by pattern recognition elements such as toll-like receptors. Micro RNA can also have an effect on innate immunity, and has been shown to have an influence in regulation of these pathways in immune responsive cells. However, it is yet to be determined if the interaction between lactic acid bacteria and host cells involves regulation of the RNA interference machinery involved in micro RNA biogenesis. Three of the key proteins responsible for miRNA production and activation are Argonaute 2, Dicer and Drosha. Together, these are responsible for the processing and activation of miRNA to enable post-transcriptional gene regulation. In this study we have used quantitative PCR to evaluate changes in gene expression of these enzymes in HT29 and VK2/E6E7 mucosal epithelial cells after treatment with Lactobacillus and uropathogenic bacteria. We have found that bacterial treatment downregulates gene expression of elements responsible for miRNA biogenesis, and our results showed different responses dependent on the cell line. In addition to this we have also determined stable reference genes for use in further studies involving this model. Our findings indicate that modulation of the RNAi machinery might be an important element of immune regulation by bacterial colonists.

Igelkottar i jordbrukslandskapet på Gotland 2011.

Norrby, Nils-Erik January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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