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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvinnors upplevelser efter sexuella övergrepp : En kvalitativ studie av bloggar / Women´s experiences after sexual assault : A qualitative study of blogs

Pettersson, Frida, Aho, Tove January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sexuella övergrepp har ökat under de senaste åren och genererar i att de drabbade kvinnorna mår psykiskt dåligt. Det ligger på sjuksköterskans ansvar att omhänderta och vårda dessa patienter när de inkommer till sjukhuset och att erbjuda dem rätt hjälp en tid efter övergreppen. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att belysa kvinnors upplevelser efter sexuella övergrepp. Metod: En induktiv ansats valdes där datamaterialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Data insamlades genom sju bloggar. Resultat: Ur analysen av datamaterialet framträdde tre kategorier; försämrad sexualitet, ett grovt svek samt ensam utan stöd med sju underkategorier. Konklusion: Denna studie har kommit fram till kunskap och en ökad förståelse för hur kvinnors upplevelser är efter sexuella övergrepp. Detta kan sjuksköterskor ha användning för i arbetet med att ge individuellt stöd till patienter och därmed medverka till ökat välmående. / Background: Sexual assault towards women has increased in the recent years, which lead to a poor mental health among these women. It is part of nurses´ responsibility to take care of these patients when they arrive at the hospital and also to offer them the possibility of talking to someone about the assault to start the healing of the soul. Aim: The aim was to illuminate womens´ experiences after sexual assault. Method: An inductive approach was used and the data material was analysed with qualitative content analysis. The data was collected from seven blogs. Result: Three categories emerged from the analysis; impaired sexuality, an abusive betrayal and being alone without support, with seven sub-categories. Conclusion: This study has contributed with knowledge and a increased understanding of what women experiences after sexual assault. This knowledge can be of use for nurses in their profession to be able to give the right support to their patients and to increase their wellbeing.

Parents of children with autism who blog : a thematic analysis

Thomson, Sarah January 2015 (has links)
This study used thematic analysis to investigate the blogs of parents of children diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Condition, with a particular focus on themes that emerge when parents write about themselves, their child and their family relationships. The first stage of the study involved a broad analysis of the first six months of entries presented within eight blogs. Themes which emerged during this stage included ‘Coping’, ‘Searching for an explanation - Meaning making’ and ‘Sense of belonging vs not belonging’. The second stage of the study involved a deeper analysis of two of the eight blogs, used as case studies, which were selected due to differing on aspects of the themes found during the first stage of analysis. Themes which emerged from the second stage were a superordinate theme of ‘Searching for an explanation - Meaning making’, with subordinate themes of ‘Relationship with ASC’ and ‘Relationship with society’. There were only brief mentions of family relationships within the blogs, except the relationship with the child and it seemed that parents often made sense of their experiences through their relationship with ASC and their relationship with society. Many of the parents who blogged reported changes in their relationship with society due to feeling that others do not understand and a sense of not belonging. It seemed that blogging provided a sense of belonging and a way of being understood for these parents, as well as a source of information to help parents explore ASC and their relationship with ASC. The themes that emerged may provide important information for clinicians and the implications of the research findings are discussed. The limitations of the study are noted and there are suggestions for future research.

Patienterns upplevelser av behandlingar vid hematologisk cancer : En kvalitativ studie av bloggar / Patients' experiences of treatments for haematological cancer : A qualitative study of blogs

Andersson, Alina, Larsson, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att genomgå behandlingar vid hematologisk cancer innebär en stor omställning i det dagliga livet. Symtom och biverkningar har en stor påverkan på kropp och själ. Hematologisk cancer innefattar olika typer av cancer: leukemi, lymfom och myelom. Den behandling som ges vid hematologisk cancer innefattar stamcellstransplantation, strålning och cellgifter. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av behandlingar vid hematologisk cancer. Metod: Datamaterialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Data insamlades genom sex bloggar. Resultat: Ur analysen av datamaterialet framträdde tre kategorier; den nya vardagen, en känslomässig berg- och dalbana samt ständigt rätta sig efter kroppens begränsningar med sju underkategorier. Konklusion: Denna studies resultat har bidragit med information som med fördel kan användas för att få en ökad förståelse av personer med hematologisk cancer. Denna kunskap kan hjälpa sjuksköterskor att ge en god, patientcentrerad vård och därmed öka patientens välbefinnande. / Background: To go through treatment against haematological cancer means a big change in the daily life. Symptoms and side effects makes a big impact on both body and soul. Haematological cancer includes, in this study, three different types of cancer: leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. The treatments given for haematological cancer involves stem cell transplant, radiation therapy and chemo therapy. Purpose: The purpose with this study was to describe patients’ experiences during treatments for haematological cancer. Method: The data was analyzed through a qualitative analysis of the context. Data were collected from six blogs. Result: Three categories emerged from the analysis; the new situation of the patients everyday life, the emotional rollercoaster and continuously comply with the body's limitations, with seven sub-categories. Conclusion: The result of this study has contributed with further knowledge about persons living with haematological cancer. This knowledge can help nurses give these patients a good, patient-centered care and raise their well-being.

Blog on Rails

Khan, Junaid January 2010 (has links)
<p>Communication handicap has been observed between student and supervisor during research work owing to various reasons; unavailability of any party on desired time, distance etc. Web base platform could be a solution to these communication problems in that, students can get guidance and feedback from their supervisors in easy, time-effective, cost-effective way. Students could upload his/ her problems, questions on the forum and supervisors would read from that platform and give suggestions, advices and recommendations to students. In this way, supervisors can check students’ progress at any given time slice and students would also get timely feedback. My project is based on Ruby on Rails (RoR), it is a web-base platform, students and supervisor can communicate by this platform without face to face meeting.</p>

Teenage girls’ first-person narratives about weight perception and dangerous weight loss practices: A study of five blogs from LiveJournal.com

Moscovitch, Erica Raina 28 June 2013 (has links)
In Western cultures, social significations are associated with body weight and shape (Woolf, 1990, as cited by Malson, 1998). Thinness is especially valued and especially for women and girls. As a result, many teenage girls aim to be thinner. This thesis examines five blogs on the website LiveJournal that are written by teenage girls who perceive themselves as overweight and who use blogs to talk about their attempts to lose weight. All five of these girls say that they practice at least one extreme method of weight loss and all of them have dangerously low weight loss goals. Two research questions motivated this study: 1) how do teenage girls who perceive themselves as overweight use blogs in their journeys to lose weight? 2) Can LiveJournal, or any other personal blogging site, provide a useful source for researchers so that they can learn about eating disorders in girls’ own words? The blogs provided a tool by which I could discover first-hand experiences of teenage girls who are trying to lose weight. Essentially, the blogs were used as both the data and the mean by which the data was collected. My results suggest that girls rarely discuss their weight loss practices with family or friends and thus their blogs provide a space where they can share their experiences and receive support and encouragement from other members of their online community who will not judge or stigmatize them. The results of this study are useful for social science researchers in two ways. First, the results provide important information pertaining to first-personal narratives about body image, weight loss and the practice of extreme methods of weight loss by teenage girls who perceive themselves as overweight. Second, the results provide useful information for social researchers seeking to use blog research for their projects. This project highlights the benefits of blog research and provides a sort of how-to for future researchers hoping to use the method. / Thesis (Master, Kinesiology & Health Studies) -- Queen's University, 2013-06-28 00:01:52.273

Bloggen ett strategiskt verktyg? : En studie av tre offentliga ledares kommunikation via webben

Grefveberg, Christina January 2006 (has links)
Denna uppsats fokuserar på att fånga upp en relativt ny och växande företeelse inom elektronisk kommunikation, bloggen. Med min undersökning vill jag belysa bloggens möjligheter som ett kommunikationsmedel för ledare inom offentlig verksamhet samt öka förståelsen för vad en blogg är. Ett utmärkande drag för bloggen, som är en uppdaterad webbplats vars startsida karaktäriseras av ett antal daterade texter i omvänd kronologisk ordning, är att den beskrivs som en dagbok med en personlig, subjektiv och vardaglig text utan krav på källkritik av innehållet. Bloggen beskrivs gärna som en form av ”gräsrotsjournalistik” men den används också som strategisk kommunikation till exempel av offentliga aktörer som politiker och företagsledare eller som ett komplement inom traditionella media. Jag har valt att göra en kvalitativ textorienterad analys av tre ledares bloggar: Rektor Kåre Bremer vid Stockholms universitet, vice-ordförande Margot Wallström vid EU-kommissionen och generaldirektör Andreas Carlgren vid Integrationsverket. Jag ville veta vad de bloggar om, hur de använder sig av attributet och hur pass privat eller offentligt deras kommunikation är. I min undersökning kom jag fram till att de tre ledarskribenterna använder bloggen/elektronisk kommunikation som ett strategiskt redskap att kommunicera men de gör det på lite olika sätt. Margot Wallström använder sig av sin privata sfär som metod för sin strategiska kommunikation samtidigt som hon verkar i det offentliga rummet. Hon utnyttjar alltså sitt privata liv för att lyfta upp frågor som berör den offentliga verksamhet hon verkar inom. De två manliga ledarna använder inte den privata sfären utan håller sig till frågor som i stort rör deras verksamhet. Kåre Bremer är den ledare som tydligast fokuserar på sin organisation och för ut ett målinriktat budskap. Detta sker genom att han i högre grad utnyttjar bloggens möjligheter till att skriva ofta och kort. Han tar upp och återkommer till ämnen eller frågor som han anser är viktiga att föra ut till medarbetarna i verksamheten. Han drar sig inte heller för att framföra synpunkter om sin verksamhet gentemot sina uppdragsgivare som riksdag och regering. Andreas Carlgrens personliga brev utnyttjar däremot inte bloggens tekniska attribut eller internets snabba publiceringsmöjlighet. Hans elektroniska brev är allmänt hållna och långa samt utkommer för sällan för att upplevas som ett nyhet eller som en dagbok. Professionen styr de tre ledarnas bloggar, man är medveten om sitt ledarskap. Deras samtalsstil uppfattas som personlig även om de skriver korrekt och med ett välformulerat skriftspråk. Endast Margot Wallström utnyttjar bloggen som interaktiv media med möjlighet till respons via inlägg från läsaren. Samtliga tre ledare poängterar att deras bloggtexter är deras egna personliga åsikter men helt klart är att den information som de förmedlar uppfattas som källkritisk korrekt, representativ och giltig. Min undersökning bekräftar att bloggen bör ses som en formell kanal med en informell stil som ledningen med fördel kan använda som komplement om denne har klart för sig vilka kommunikativa mål man vill uppnå. Den får dessutom bäst effekt om ledaren utnyttjar bloggens tids- och rumsliga styrka.

Bloggsamarbeten – En fråga om etik? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om PR-praktiker, Bloggsamarbeten, Riktlinjer och Etik

Elfstrand, Ebba, Ljunggren, Mimmih January 2017 (has links)
The media landscape is changing, the blogs has taken focus from the traditional media. The PR industry is having a hard time following the rapid development, especially developing an ethical framework. This study aims to examine how PR-practitioners who works at PR- agencies, members of the industry association PRECIS, discuss blog cooperations as a tool on behalf of their clients. The study also examines how the collaboration between the agency and the blogger operate, especially how practitioners discuss issues concerning ethics and moral in their blog cooperations. This study is based on qualitative interviews with PR-practitioners who describes their thoughts of working with blogs as a tool and how they reflect on ethics, rules and frameworks. The findings of this research indicate that there is an uncertainty in the industry due to how practitioners approach to an ethical framework. The findings also show that practitioners see the blog as a great asset and that the medium is under constant development.

Att leva med en traumatiserad hjärna : Unga kvinnors upplevelser av livet efter stroke. / To live with a traumatized brain : Young women's experiences of life after stroke.

Keskinen, Julia, Laagen, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att drabbas av stroke i unga år innebär en stor livsförändring. Försämrad livskvalitét, nedsatt välbefinnande och påverkade relationer är några konsekvenser av att insjukna. Många får dessutom bestående funktionsnedsättningar som påverkar vardagen, såväl i hemmet som på arbetet. En stroke innebär ett trauma som är svårt att hantera för de drabbade individerna, sjukdomen ses som något som bara drabbar äldre. Tidigare studier visar att professionellt stöd till unga individer som drabbas av stroke är begränsat. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva unga kvinnors upplevelser av livet efter att ha drabbats av stroke. Metod: Analysmetoden som användes var en kvalitativ innebördsanalys av narrativa texter från sex bloggar, skrivna på svenska av kvinnor i åldrarna 26-45 år, bosatta i Sverige. Resultat: Unga kvinnor som drabbats av stroke upplevde att livet efter insjuknandet bestod av ett ständigt sökande efter mening och sammanhang. De fick genomleva mycket oförståelse och kände skuld och skam över att inte längre passa in. Kvinnorna upplevde brist på professionellt stöd och fick därmed stödja sig på sina anhöriga. Slutsats: Unga kvinnor som drabbats av stroke är i behov av stöd och rehabilitering. Omvårdnaden behöver bli mer person- och familjecentrerad för att minska lidande hos kvinnor som lever med konsekvenserna av stroke. / Background: Suffering a stroke at a young age is life-changing. Reduced quality of life and well-being, and impact on relationships are some of the consequences following the disease. Some people get permanent disabilities that affects everyday life, both at home and at work. A stroke often means a trauma that is hard to handle for the individuals, and the disease is seen as something that only affects older people. Previous studies show that professional support to young individuals suffering a stroke is limited. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe young women's experiences of life after having suffered a stroke. Method: This study was made with a qualitative meaning analysis of narrative texts from six blogs, written in Swedish by women, age 26-45, living in Sweden. Results: Young women experienced life following a stroke as a constant search for meaning and coherence. They had lived through a lot of misunderstandings and they felt guilty and ashamed because they no longer fit in. The women experienced lack of professional support and therefore had to rely on their relatives for support. Conclusion: Young women who have suffered a stroke are in need of support and rehabilitation. Nursing care needs to be more person- and family centered to minimize suffering in women living with the consequences of stroke.

Fenomén digital labor a jeho různorodé projevy v blogosféře v České republice / Phenomenon of digital labor and its diverse practice in use of blogs in the Czech Republic

Umlaufová, Pavla January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis, The phenomenon of digital labor and its diverse practice in use of blogs in the Czech Republic, aims to bring the current definition of the concept of digital labor and its applicability into the Czech blogosphere. The theoretical part of this work focuses on the demarcation, definition of, and perception of the concept of digital labor, and the blogosphere, which is mainly based on theoretical concepts of Christian Fuchs, Sebastian Sevignani, Ursula Huws, Trebor Scholz, that proceeded the political economic theory of Karl Marx. The analytical part of the thesis presents the environment of the Czech blogosphere, which is based on the interpretation of the data of quantitative research conducted in the Czech Republic as part of a wider project IPREX BLOGBAROMETERM in 2014 and 2015 and secondly on qualitative research, which aims to answer the research question, if Czech bloggers perceive their creative activity as work and leisure activities, or merge their very different activities in one. Keywords Digital labor, digital work, blog, blogosphere, playbour, prosumption, Fuchs

Web 2.0 Tools Improve Teaching and Collaboration in High School English Language Classes

Shihab, Mahmud 01 January 2008 (has links)
Web 2.0 tools, namely blogs, wikis, podcasts, and RSS were introduced to change teaching practices of in-service high school teachers to improve the collaboration of today's students in the English language classroom. Two high school teachers of English language and their classes participated. The teachers were interviewed about their current teaching practices and provided with training to develop teaching units that use Web 2.0 to engage students as active collaborators in their learning. They integrated blogs, podcasts, wikis, and RSS into their teaching. Additional interviews were conducted during and after the implementation stage. Implementation strategies, changes in teaching practices, challenges encountered, and the impact on student interaction and collaboration were closely examined. Students were surveyed at the conclusion. Teachers found that Web 2.0 tools made them more efficient in teaching. Blogging was the most powerful tool for journal writing and sharing ideas. Wikis were more difficult to use but were useful to facilitate group planning and collaborative construction of knowledge. Podcasts were useful for publishing audio recordings of interviews, speeches, and poetry recitals. RSS feeds made it easy for teachers and students to track updates on websites, posts on blogs, collaborations on wikis, and audio recordings on podcasts. Both teachers and students enjoyed the interactions and collaboration that took place in the English classroom using Web 2.0 tools.

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