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Turbulence at MHD and sub-ion scales in the magnetosheath of Saturn : a comparative study between quasi-perpendicular and quasi-parallel bow shocks using in-situ Cassini dataAl Moulla, Khaled January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to investigate the spectral properties of turbulence in the magnetosheath of Saturn, using in-situ magnetic field measurements from the Cassini spacecraft. According to models of incompressible, turbulent fluids, the energy spectrum in the inertial range scales as the frequency to the power of -5/3, which has been observed in the near-Earth Solar wind but not in the Terrestrial magnetosheath unless close to the magnetopause. 120 time intervals for when Cassini is inside the magnetosheath are identified — 40 in each category of behind quasi-perpendicular bow shocks, behind quasi-parallel bow shocks, and inside the middle of the magnetosheath. The power spectral density is thereafter calculated for each interval, with logarithmic regressions performed at the MHD and sub-ion scales separated by the ion gyrofrequency. The results seem to indicate similar behaviour as in the magnetosheath of Earth, without significant difference between quasi-perpendicular and quasi-parallel cases except somewhat steeper exponents at the MHD scale for the former. These observations confirm the role of the bow shock in destroying the fully developed turbulence of the Solar wind, thus explaining the absence of the inertial range. / Syftet med detta projekt är att undersöka de spektrala egenskaperna hos turbulens i Saturnus magnetoskikt, med in-situ-mätningar av magnetfältet från Cassini-rymdsonden. Enligt modeller av inkompressibla, turbulenta fluider, är energispektrumet i det intertiala omfånget proportionellt mot frekvensen upphöjd i -5/3, vilket har observerats i den jordnära Solvinden men inte i det jordiska magnetoskiktet förutom nära magnetopausen. 120 tidsintervall för när Cassini befinner sig inuti magnetoskiktet identifieras — 40 styck i kategorierna bakom kvasi-vinkelräta bogchockar, bakom kvasi-parallella bogchockar, och inuti mellersta delen av magnetoskiktet. Effektspektraltätheten beräknas därefter för varje intervall, med logaritmiska regressioner på MHD- och subjon-skalorna som separeras av jongyrofrekvensen. Resultaten verkar tyda på liknande beteende som i Jordens magnetoskikt, utan märkvärdig skillnad mellan kvasi-vinkelräta och kvasi-parallella fall förutom något brantare exponenter på MHD-skalan för de förnämnda. Dessa observationer bekräftar bogchokens roll i förstörandet av den fullt utvecklade turbulensen i Solvinden, därmed förklarande avsaknaden av det inertiala omfånget.
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Vliv rozlišení obrázku na přesnost vyhledávání podle obsahu / The Impact of Image Resolution on the Precision of Content-based RetrievalNavrátil, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on comparing methods for similarity image retrieval. Common techniques and testing sets are introduced. The testing sets are there to measure the accuracy of the searching systems based on similarity image retrieval. Measurements are done on those models which are implemented on the basis of presented techniques. These measurements examine their results depending on the input data, used components and parameters settings, especially the impact of image resolution on the retrieval precision is examined. These results are analysed and the models are compared. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Enlivening California's sixth grade history/social sciences curriculum with historical fictionHildreth-Blue, Cynthia 01 January 1990 (has links)
No description available.
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Direkcionální asymetrie aktivity svalů horní končetiny a zad při nátahu luku; implikace pro bioarcheologii / Directional asymmetry of upper limb and back muscle activity during bow draw; implications for bioarcheologyVéle, Dominik January 2020 (has links)
This theses explores muscle activity during bow draw. The goal of his study is to evaluate whether muscle activity corresponds with increase in mechanical robusticity of the left humerus found in mezolithic osteological material. Muscle activity is measured by the means of surface electromyography. We measure activity of arm and back muscles. Activity was measured on m. deltoideus, m. infraspinatus, m. biceps brachii, m. triceps brachii and m. latissimus dorsi. Muscle activity was measured on 20 male archers, during bow draw of three wooden long-bows. Results of this study support the idea that change in robusticity of the left humerus could be caused by frequent bow use in post-glacial Europe.
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Astronomy in Denver: Polarization of Bow Shock Nebulae around Massive StarsShrestha, Joseph, Hoffman, Jennifer L., Ignace, Richard, Neilson, Hilding R. 01 June 2018 (has links)
Stellar wind bow shocks are structures created when stellar winds with supersonic relative velocities interact with the local interstellar medium (ISM). They can be studied to understand the properties of stars as well as the ISM. Since bow shocks are asymmetric, light becomes polarized by scattering in the regions of enhanced density they create. We use a Monte Carlo radiative transfer code calle SLIP to simulate the polarization signatures produced by both resolved and unresolved bow shocks with analytically derived shapes and density structures. When electron scattering is the polarizing mechanism, we find that optical depth plays an important role in the polarization signatures. While results for low optical depths reproduce theoretical predictions, higher optical depths produce higher polarization and position angle rotations at specific viewing angles. This is due to the geometrical properties of the bow shock along with multiple scattering effects. For dust scattering, we find that the polarization signature is strongly affected by wavelength, dust size, dust composition, and viewing angle. Depending on the viewing angle, the polarization magnitude may increase or decrease as a function of wavelength. We will present results from these simulations and preliminary comparisons with observational data.
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Possible Bow Shock Current Closure to Earth's High Latitude Ionosphere on Open Field LinesNordin, Gabriella January 2023 (has links)
The bow shock is formed due to the abrupt deceleration of the supersonic solar wind in front of the terrestrial magnetic field. The solar wind plasma and the Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) are both compressed across the shock, and according to Ampère's law a current thus flows on the bow shock at all times. The Bow Shock Current (BSC) is suggested to play an important role in solar wind-magnetosphere coupling, but there is still an open debate about its closure path. For predominantly east-west IMF, the BSC has been suggested to close to Earth's high latitude ionosphere as Field-Aligned Currents (FACs). Since the bow shock is magnetically connected to the solar wind, it must do so via open field lines through the magnetosheath. For southwards IMF with a significant east-west component, the R0 FAC flows into the ionosphere in one hemisphere, and out of it in the other. The R0 current flows on open field lines, and is thus a potential candidate to close the BSC. While a few studies have already found evidence in favour of this idea, the majority have been based on simulations. Additional observational evidence is required to confirm these findings. We used OMNI data for the IMF at the bow shock, and Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE) data for the FACs, to make simultaneous observations of the IMF at the bow shock and the northern hemisphere FACs, including the R0 current. We successfully identified 15 events of southwards but predominantly east-west IMF (Bz<0, |By|>|Bz|) at the bow shock, for which the northern hemisphere R0 current could be observed both in the AMPERE and DMSP data. In each of these events, the R0 current was of the correct polarity to connect to the BSC. Moreover, using Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) and Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) data, we were able to verify that part of the R0 current was flowing on open field lines. Collectively, the 15 events presented here constitute an argument in favour of at least a partial BSC closure to Earth's high latitude ionosphere as R0 FACs, for predominantly east-west IMF. Additional investigation is required to reveal the details of BSC closure.
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Kontinuität, Verdichtung, Synchronizität: Zu den großformalen Funktionen des gepressten Bogenstrichs in Helmut Lachenmanns StreichquartettenEgger, Elisabeth 10 July 2023 (has links)
Helmut Lachenmann’s three string quartets Gran Torso. Musik für Streichquartett (1970/71 with later revisions), »Reigen seliger Geister« (1989) and »Grido« (2000/2001, rev. 2002) introduce a huge variety of extended playing techniques that are first listed systematically allowing for a comparison between the three works on a purely technical level. It becomes obvious that most of the extended techniques are introduced in the first quartet and that the subsequent quartets show increasingly smaller selections of these techniques. This especially applies to the most prominent of these techniques: the pressed bow, described by the composer as »rattling«, which symbolizes Lachenmann’s sound world like no other technique. Although the statistics again show the highest degree of timbral differentiation in the first quartet, the pressed bow indeed takes a crucial formal function in all three works. Each quartet includes a relatively long section or field in which this technique dominates. Although the transformation processes by which these fields are integrated show some degree of similarity, a separate predominant function can be discerned for each field. In Gran Torso, the pressed bow section is part of a complex continuous transformation from »tenuto« sounds to single impulses, not least due to its »perforated« sound quality. Whereas this transformation integrates a huge variety of different timbres, »Reigen seliger Geister« condenses the music to two main sound qualities, »flautato« sounds and pizzicato-impulses. The pressed bow field here forms part of a much more concentrated large-scale development and most prominently figures in the retransition from pizzicato-chords to »toneless« impulses towards the end of the piece. In »Grido«, the pressed bow fields integrate other playing techniques as well as pitched sounds, and can be characterized by a tendency towards rhythmic and pitch-related synchronicity that also describes a large-scale formal tendency in this work. Except for the pressed bow sections, the musical flow in this work cannot be characterised by playing techniques anymore, but might be divided into »calm« and »agitated« fields that are interconnected by the »rattling fields«. The analysis provides evidence for the argument that the pressed bow technique, which often was misunderstood as a simple »negation« of beautiful sound, fulfills an essential structural function in Lachenmann’s music.
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Vippning av stålfackverk : En studie av erforderlig stagning av över- och underram samtuppträdande moment i diagonaler / Lateral torsional buckling of steel trusses : A study of required lateral and torsional restraint of top and bottomchord and resulting moment in the diagonalsSvensson, Ellen, Boman, Nils January 2017 (has links)
Horisontella laster som uppstår från till exempel vindlast, snedställning och initialkrokighet kan ge upphov till vippning och måste därför hanteras. En vanlig metod som tillämpas för att hantera vippning är stagning, men för att kunna staga ett konstruktionselement är det viktigt att ha kännedom om hur elementet beter sig under vippning. Denna studie har behandlat stagningens betydelse för fackverk som utsatts för initialkrokighet. Med hjälp av ett FEM-program har krokiga modeller ritats upp och analyserats i syfte att ge en djupare förståelse för hur stagning av fackverk är betydande. För modellerna har flera olika typer av tvärsnittshöjder, upplagsförhållanden (fritt respektive kontinuerligt upplag) och randvillkor för diagonalerna prövats. Fackverk är ett konstruktionselement som i många avseenden verkar likt en balk, men hur det beter sig under vippning är ett hittills inte fullt utrett område. Vid en jämförelse mellan fackverksmodell och en anpassad balkmodell med samma förutsättningar påvisades att skillnaden mellan konstruktionselementen låg i underramens upplag. Studien har visat hur fackverkets överram kan stagas av ett takfackverk i horisontalplanet, men för att fackverket ska kunna uppnå global stabilitet är det kritiskt att underramen stagas via överramen från ovanliggande åsar. Detta realiseras först då diagonalerna kan tillgodogöra sig vridinspänningen från åsarna, vilket innebär att en fast inspänning mellan diagonaler och överram måste utformas på ett tekniskt korrekt sätt. Resultaten har påvisat att ett allmänt förhållande mellan stagkraft och axialkraft existerar, och att detta har kunnat jämföras mot rekommendationen från Eurokoderna EC3. Resultaten har också visat att en rekommendation för förhållande mellan lokala moment i knutpunkter och axialkraft kan ges, vilket är av betydelse vid knutpunktsutformning. / Horizontal loads caused by, for example, wind loads, initial sway imperfections and initial bow imperfections, can result in lateral torsional buckling and must therefore be managed. A common method used to handle lateral torsional buckling is lateral and torsional restraints, but in order to restrain a constructional element it’s important to have knowledge of how the element behaves during lateral torsional buckling. In this study the importance of the restrain for truss elements affected by initial bow imperfections has been considered. The truss element is a constructional element that in many ways acts like a beam, but how it behaves during lateral torsional buckling is a non-fully investigated area. With the help of a FEM-software initial bow imperfect models have therefore been drawn up and analysed to provide deeper understanding for how and when lateral and torsional restraints are of importance. The models have been trialled with different section heights, support conditions (simply and continuously supported) and boundary conditions for the diagonals. When comparing a truss model to a beam model with the same conditions, it was demonstrated how the difference between the elements were due to the support conditions of the lower chord. The study has demonstrated how the upper chord of the truss element can be restrained by a horizontal truss construction, but for the truss element to reach global stability it’s critical that the lower chord is restrained via the upper chord by overlying ridges. This cannot be realised until the diagonals can utilize the torsional connection from the ridges, which means that a fixed connection between diagonals and upper chord of truss element must be executed in a technically correct manner. The results have shown that a general relationship between restraint force and axial force exists, and that it can be compared with the recommendation from the Eurocode EC3. The results have also shown that a recommendation for the relationship between local moment appearing in the truss connections and axial force can be provided, which is helpful to the design process of the connections.
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X-ray Emission Line Profiles from Wind Clump Bow Shocks in Massive Stars.Ignace, R., Waldron, W., Cassinelli, J., Burke, A. 01 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The consequences of structured flows continue to be a pressing topic in relating spectral data to physical processes occurring in massive star winds. In a preceding paper, our group reported on hydrodynamic simulations of hypersonic flow past a rigid spherical clump to explore the structure of bow shocks that can form around wind clumps. Here we report on profiles of emission lines that arise from such bow shock morphologies. To compute emission line profiles, we adopt a two-component flow structure of wind and clumps using two “beta” velocity laws. While individual bow shocks tend to generate double-horned emission line profiles, a group of bow shocks can lead to line profiles with a range of shapes with blueshifted peak emission that depends on the degree of X-ray photoabsorption by the interclump wind medium, the number of clump structures in the flow, and the radial distribution of the clumps. Using the two beta law prescription, the theoretical emission measure and temperature distribution throughout the wind can be derived. The emission measure tends to be power law, and the temperature distribution is broad in terms of wind velocity. Although restricted to the case of adiabatic cooling, our models highlight the influence of bow shock effects for hot plasma temperature and emission measure distributions in stellar winds and their impact on X-ray line profile shapes. Previous models have focused on geometrical considerations of the clumps and their distribution in the wind. Our results represent the first time that the temperature distribution of wind clump structures are explicitly and self-consistently accounted for in modeling X-ray line profile shapes for massive stars.
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Maya Use And Prevalence Of The Atlatl: Projectile Point Classification Function Analysis From Chichen Itza, Tikal, And CaracolCiofalo, Andrew J 01 January 2012 (has links)
Multiple scholars have briefly discussed the Maya use of the atlatl. Yet, there has never been a decisive encompassing discussion of prevalence and use of the atlatl in the Maya region with multiple lines of support from iconographic and artifactual analyses. This thesis explores the atlatl at Chichén Itzá, Tikal, and Caracol Maya sites to prove that atlatl prevalence can be interpreted primarily based on projectile point “classification function” analysis with support from iconographic and artifactual remains. The classification functions are derived from creating mutually exclusive groups of dart points and arrow points by using discrete functional analysis. Discerning between dart and arrow points can be completed with a high degree of accuracy based on maximum shoulder width of lithic points in an assemblage. Because the atlatl and bow complexes have been primarily constructed of perishable materials, the best method to determine the prevalence of atlatl use is by identifying the launcher based on projectile point identification. Using a cross-site comparison of projectile point size, the Maya use and prevalence of the atlatl will be elucidated
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