Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mohr"" "subject:"bohr""
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Niels Bohr's philosophy of quantum physics in the light of the Helmholtzian tradition of theoretical physics /Brock, Steen, January 2003 (has links)
Filosofiske Doktorgrad--Humanistiske Fakultet--Aarhus universitet, 1989. / Bibliogr. p. 295-301.
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Die Geschichte der Bohrschen AtomtheorieHoyer, Ulrich. January 1974 (has links)
Habilitationsschrift--Stuttgart. / Bibliography of N.H.D. Bohr's works, 1909-1915: p. 260. Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
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Ergodic averages, correlation sequences, and sumsetsGriesmer, John Thomas. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2009. / Title from first page of PDF file. Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 220-225).
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Models and Scientific ExplanationLusk, Gregory S. January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Ergodic averages, correlation sequences, and sumsetsGriesmer, John Thomas 08 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Um estudo da dinâmica de duas partículas clássicas carregadasSilva, Rodrigo Ribeiro da 16 February 2016 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, 2016. / A partir dos campos eletromagnéticos obtidos dos potenciais de Liénard-Wiechert gerados por uma carga pontual elétrica em movimento, construímos as equações de movimento para duas partículas carregadas. Para construir as equações de movimento usamos a força de Lorentz, dp/dt = q(E + v x B), onde E e B são os campos elétrico e magnético respectivamente e p é o momento relativístico. Fazendo um reescalonamento temporal e espacial obtemos um sistema de equações diferenciais que depende de apenas um parâmetro: a razão das massas. Com a dinâmica do sistema dependendo apenas da razão das massas e das condições iniciais, podemos simular um sistema elétron-pósitron e qualquer outro sistema de duas cargas elétricas pontuais. Para cada sistema podemos analisar à aceleração, velocidade e posição das partículas, à aceleração relativa, velocidade relativa e posição relativa das partículas bem como a do centro de massa e o tempo de decaimento. Analisando as equações do movimento em coordenadas polares deduzimos uma expressão para o tempo de decaimento das partículas, o qual depende do raio inicial e da razão entre as massas. / From the electromagnetic fields obtained from the Liénard-Wiechert potentials generated by an electric point charge in motion, we build the equations of motion for two charged particles. To build the equations of motion we use the Lorentz force, dp/dt = q(E + v x B), where E and B are the electric and magnetic fields respectively and p is the relativistic momentum. Making a temporal and spatial rescaling we obtain a system of differential equations which depends on only one parameter: the ratio of the masses. With the dynamics of the system depending only on the ratio of the masses and the initial conditions, we can simulate an electron-positron system and any other system two point electric charges. For each system we can analyze the acceleration, velocity and position of the particles, the relative acceleration, relative velocity and relative position of the particles as well as the center of mass and the decay time. Analyzing the equations of motion in polar coordinates we deduce an expression for the decay time of the particles, which depends on the initial radius and the ratio of the masses.
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A set of almost periodic discontinuous functionsDíaz, Lolimar, Naulin, Raúl 25 September 2017 (has links)
In this paper the non density of AP, the set of almost periodic functions in the sense of Bohr, in the space S of almost periodic functions in the sense of Stepanov is proven.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Knowing and understanding the Chemistry concepts is directly related to the capability of moving between the three levels of representation which concern Chemistry. Each one of these levels involve the developing of different abilities, as the capability of abstraction. There are several Chemistry concepts which depend on this articulation between the macroscopic, microscopic and symbolic levels, for example, the study of the matter structure. Though, it is noticed that a large part of the students show difficulties in comprehending the transition between the levels of representation and therefore identifying the relation between the chemical concepts and their everyday lives, this is why it is important to know the concepts of the students. With the purpose of helping the students in the construction, visualization and application of the knowledge which involve the study of the atom, especially the Bohr atomic model, with facts of their daily lives, in this study we elaborated and developed different experimental and modeling activities. Moreover, we evaluated the didactic objective of the visual resources present in the five textbooks approved by the PNLD-2012, in relation to the atomic structure. This analysis was done duo to the importance of this material in class and its use as research source in some activities developed in this research, as the images present in the textbooks may help the students in the relation between the theory and the practice during the process of imagining some chemical phenomenon. In a general way, we observed that there is diversity in the way the visual resources are used in the textbooks concerning the Bohr atomic model. This study was taken with thirty seven subjects in a class of freshman students in the city of Júlio de Castilhos, RS. The data taken in seven interventions was analyzed and categorized according to the methodology of the discursive text analyses. After the analyses of the data, the results showed that the different developed interventions, either through experimental or modeling activities, collaborated to the students to correlate the chemical concepts acquired in the classroom with several phenomena of their routine. Furthermore, it helped them to formulate their own relation between the macroscopic and the microscopic by their own observation, discussion, and idea interpretation using the Chemistry codes and symbols. Thus it can be said that, after the interventions, students were able to move between the three levels of representation of matter. These implications show that the teaching of Chemistry needs to provide students with differentiated classes in the attempt that they are able to identify and relate Chemistry as an integral part of their lives. / Conhecer e compreender os conceitos químicos está diretamente relacionado com a capacidade de transitar entre os três níveis de representação que permeiam a Química. Cada um desses níveis envolve o desenvolvimento de diferentes habilidades, dentre elas, a capacidade de abstração. Inúmeros são os conceitos químicos que dependem dessa articulação entre os níveis macroscópico, microscópico e simbólico, como por exemplo, o estudo da estrutura da matéria. Porém, o que se percebe é que grande parte dos estudantes apresenta dificuldades em compreender a transição entre os níveis de representação e consequentemente identificar as relações entre os conceitos químicos e seu cotidiano, por isso a importância de se conhecer as concepções dos alunos. Com o propósito de auxiliar os estudantes na construção, visualização e aplicação dos conhecimentos que envolvem o estudo do átomo, em específico o modelo atômico de Bohr, com fatos de seu dia a dia, neste trabalho elaboramos e desenvolvemos diferentes atividades experimentais e de modelagem. Além disso, avaliamos o objetivo didático dos recursos visuais presentes nos cinco livros didáticos aprovados pelo PNLD-2012, em relação à estrutura atômica. Esta análise foi realizada devido à importância desse material em sala de aula e à sua utilização como fonte de pesquisa em algumas atividades desenvolvidas nesta pesquisa, já que as imagens presentes nos livros didáticos podem auxiliar os estudantes nas relações entre a teoria e a prática durante o processo de imaginar alguns fenômenos químicos. De maneira geral, constatamos que há uma diversidade na forma como os recursos visuais são utilizados pelos livros didáticos na abordagem do modelo atômico de Bohr. O trabalho realizado nesta pesquisa foi desenvolvido com trinta e sete sujeitos, de uma turma da primeira série do ensino médio de uma escola pública da cidade de Júlio de Castilhos-RS. Os dados obtidos em sete intervenções foram analisados e categorizados conforme a metodologia da análise textual discursiva. Após a análise dos dados, os resultados demonstram que as diferentes intervenções desenvolvidas, seja através de atividades experimentais ou de modelagem, colaboraram para que os estudantes relacionassem os conceitos químicos aprendidos em sala de aula com diversos fenômenos de seu cotidiano. Além disso, auxiliaram para que eles a partir de suas observações, discussões, interpretações e ideias formulassem suas próprias relações entre o macroscópico e o microscópico, utilizando símbolos e códigos da Química, desta forma, pode-se afirmar que, após as intervenções, os estudantes foram capazes de transitar entre os três níveis de representação da matéria. Essas implicações evidenciam que o ensino de Química precisa proporcionar aos estudantes aulas diferenciadas na tentativa de que estes consigam identificar e relacionar a Química como parte integrante de sua vida.
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De l’inséparabilité quantique au holisme sémantique / From quantum inseparability to semantic holismOsnaghi, Stefano 22 December 2014 (has links)
La thèse vise à montrer que la cohérence de l’interprétation instrumentaliste de la mécaniquequantique (sur laquelle les reconstructions logiques de la théorie, d’inspiration pragmatiste, s’appuient) ne peut pas être défendue sans remettre en cause la sémantique extensionnelle utilisée en logique classique. J’examine en particulier les arguments misen avant par Niels Bohr, en montrant que son analyse physique du processus de mesureest insuffisante pour assurer la cohérence de l’interprétation conditionnelle des probabilités quantiques qu’il adopte. Au lieu d’essayer de ‘compléter’ l’approche de Bohrpar un compte rendu plus exhaustif des processus physiques (telle la décohérence) quijouent un rôle dans l’observation, je suggère que le problème de la mesure découle d’unethéorie de la signification inadéquate. Je discute l’intérêt et les limites de la critiquebohrienne des présupposés représentationalistes inhérents à la description classique desphénomènes, et je conclus en formulant l’hypothèse que l’adoption d’une sémantiqueinférentialiste permettrait d’envisager à la fois la dissolution du problème de la mesureet la justification a priori des traits structuraux des probabilités quantiques (comme étantl’expression des relations conceptuelles présupposées par tout langage qui doit incluredes énoncés objectifs). / The dissertation purports to show that the consistency of the instrumentalist interpretationof quantum mechanics (upon which the logico-operational reconstructions of thetheory rest) cannot be defended without relinquishing the extensional semantic frameworkof classical logic. I examine in particular Niels Bohr’s argument, arguing that hisphysical analysis of measurement is insufficient to establish the coherence of the conditionalconstrual of quantum probabilities that he advocates. Rather than attemptingto ‘complete’ Bohr’s approach by means of a more sophisticated and comprehensiveaccount of the physical processes involved in the act of observation (e.g., decoherence),I suggest that the measurement problem should be viewed as the outgrowth of an inadequatetheory of meaning. I discuss, and point out some limitations of, Bohr’s ownpioneering critique of the representational assumptions inherent to the classical accountof phenomena, and I conclude by suggesting that the endorsement of an inferentialistsemantic approach would not only contribute to defusing the measurement problem, butmight also enable the a priori justification of the structural features of quantum probability(in terms of the conceptual relations presupposed by any language which allowsfor objective assertions).
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Règles de quantification semi-classique pour une orbite périodique de type hyberbolique / Semi-classical quantization rules for a periodic orbit of hyperbolic typeLouati, Hanen 27 January 2017 (has links)
On étudie les résonances semi-excitées pour un Opérateur h-Pseudo-différentiel (h-PDO)H(x, hDx) sur L2(M) induites par une orbite périodique de type hyperbolique à l’énergie E = 0. Par exemple M = Rn et H(x, hDx; h) est l’opérateur de Schrödinger avec effet Stark, ouH(x, hDx; h) est le flot géodesique sur une variété axi-symétrique M, généralisant l’exemplede Poincaré de systèmes Lagrangiens à 2 degrés de liberté. On étend le formalisme de Gérard and Sjöstrand, au sens où on autorise des valeurs propres hyperboliques et elliptiques del’application de Poincaré, et où l’on considère des résonances dont la partie imaginaire est del’ordre de hs, pour 0 < s < 1.On établit une règle de quantification de type Bohr-Sommerfeld au premier ordre en fonction des nombres quantiques longitudinaux (réels) et transverses (complexes), incluantl’intégrale d’action le long de l’orbite, la 1-forme sous-principale, et l’indice de Conley-Zehnder. / In this Thesis we consider semi-excited resonances for a h-Pseudo-Differential Operator (h-PDO for short) H(x, hDx; h) on L2(M) induced by a periodic orbit of hyperbolic type at energy E = 0, as arises when M = Rn and H(x, hDx; h) is Schrödinger operator withAC Stark effect, or H(x, hDx; h) is the geodesic flow on an axially symmetric manifold M,extending Poincaré example of Lagrangian systems with 2 degree of freedom. We generalizethe framework of Gérard and Sjöstrand, in the sense that we allow for hyperbolic and ellipticeigenvalues of Poincaré map, and look for (excited) resonances with imaginary part of magnitude hs, with 0 < s < 1,It is known that these resonances are given by the zeroes of a determinant associatedwith Poincaré map. We make here this result more precise, in providing a first order asymptoticsof Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization rule in terms of the (real) longitudinal and (complex)transverse quantum numbers, including the action integral, the sub-principal 1-form and Gelfand-Lidskii index.
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