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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards the effective utilisation of trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights flexibilities to improve access to essential medicines in Ghana

Kuudogrme, Barbara Bangfudem January 2018 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Access to medicines is an essential component of the basic human right to health and a key determinant of the importance attached to the health care system of a country. It essentially entails the availability and acceptability of the essential medicines on the market and the ability of patients to afford such medicines when needed. Globally, countries face access to medicine challenges partly because of patents which undoubtedly accounts for excessive pricing of medicine. As such, efforts have been made to ensure the accessibility of medicines through the Trade-Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) flexibilities of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Beyond these interventions, it is incumbent on Members of the WTO to domesticate the flexibilities of the TRIPS Agreement before their utilisation because by their very nature, they cannot be self-executed. With an estimated population of 29.6 million, about 310 000 people in Ghana are living with HIV. The country’s health facilities record 40 per cent of outpatient visits each year and about 14 550 per 100 000 of the population are infected with tuberculosis with cancer on the rise. These diseases require medicines which are mostly patented yet Ghana has access to medicine problems despite the existence of a national health insurance system. Ghana has however not fully incorporated the TRIPS flexibilities in its national legislations and therefore unable to fully utilise the flexibilities as an option to access essential medicines. Questions therefore remain as to why and how Ghana can utilise the flexibilities to improve access to medicines. Based on an examination of the WTO’s patent system and legislations of Ghana, this mini- thesis contends that, the extent of incorporation of the flexibilities are inadequate due to the existence of lacunas in the Ghanaian legislations. Furthermore, a comparative assessment with South Africa supports an understanding that conditions are not ripe for full utilisation of all the flexibilities. It further argues that the utilisation of the TRIPS flexibilities by Ghana has been rendered ineffective due to administrative, political, economic and social challenges which adversely affects the full utilisation of the flexibilities incorporated and those yet to be incorporated. It is therefore important that Ghana adopts holistic approaches taking into consideration best practices if the TRIPS flexibilities must be effectively utilised. This mini-thesis concludes that, the TRIPS flexibilities are necessary for accessing essential medicines in Ghana to promote the right to health and that a review of Ghana’s current legislations to fully incorporate the TRIPS flexibilities and addressing other non-legal challenges are the required linchpin for effective utilisation of the TRIPS flexibilities.

專利法及藥事法上實驗例外之研究─以製藥產業為中心 / The Research of Experimental Use Exception on Patent Law and Pharmaceutical Affairs Act -Especially in Pharmaceutical Industry

孫小萍, Sun, Hsiao-ping Unknown Date (has links)
專利權具有獨占性,對一國產業發展具有重要影響,為了平衡該權利,各國專利法在給予發明人專利權的同時也加諸某些限制,以我國為例,於專利法第五十七條第一項列舉專利權效力所不及之情形有:(一)為研究、教學或試驗,實施其發明,而無營利行為者。此即所謂之「實驗例外」 (experimental use exception)條款。 實驗例外條款在各國司法實務運作上,最常被引起爭論者向來集中在處方藥市場中專利藥廠與學名藥廠間之競爭議題。因為學名藥廠為了能夠盡早進入市場,不免須在專利期間屆滿前實施原廠專利進行必要之研究、試驗,以符合各國對於藥物上市管理法令之要求。 雖然我國專利法與其他國家一樣也有試驗例外條款,但其中要件嚴格限定為「非營利行為」,從比較法之方式分析,該規定係受美國普通法之影響。美國普通法關於試驗例外係採取嚴格路線,必須行為人之試驗係出於非營利目的,單純追求真相、探求知識理論,或為滿足好奇心,才可主張普通法上之實驗例外,即始係不具營利色彩之公家機關、學術單位從事之試驗,只要背後具有實質的商業目的亦不得主張試驗例外。如此造成要成功適用試驗例外是愈來愈不可能。 國際間對於試驗例外之立法,除美國外,尚存在許多形式值得我國借鏡,以歐洲共同體專利規則草案(Proposal for a Council Regulation on a Community Patent)為例,其區分「私人且非商業性目的之行為」,以及「為試驗目的之行為」,後者要求必須係針對系爭專利技術本身所進行之試驗始非專利權效力所及,若係將該專利技術作為研究工具之用,仍非法之所許。這種區分方法不僅層次分明、無觀念上混淆之虞,判斷上也較具有可預測性。 美國於1984年通過Hatch-Waxman 法案鼓勵學名藥之發展,對於為滿足主管機關關於醫藥品上市要求之試驗,在專利法271(e)(1)明文規定排除在專利權效力之外,即所謂之「Bolar例外」。我國於九十四年二月五日亦增訂藥事法第四十條之二第五項:「新藥專利權不及於藥商申請查驗登記前所進行之研究、教學或試驗」關於Bolar例外之規定。惟或因立法匆促,致法條要件不符合實際狀況,例如限定「申請查驗登記前」之行為,實際上藥廠於提出查驗登記之申請後,往往在主管機關之要求下須進行其他試驗,這些行為均在立法者原欲保護之範圍內,僅因立法用語之不當,造成實務運用之困擾。 筆者最後從法律及商業管理觀點著眼,對國內立法提出下列修法建議,作為本研究之最終成果: 壹、對於專利法第五十七條第一項第一款修法之建議 一、刪除「教學」之行為態樣 二、刪除「而無營利行為」之要件 三、增列關於研究工具之專利則無本條之適用 四、放寬適用範圍為符合主管機關法規要求而實施他人專利亦有實驗例外之適用。 贰、對於藥事法修法之建議 一、刪除「申請查驗登記前」之要件,改以行為目的來限定範圍,即「為通過藥品查驗登記所進行之研究或試驗」,始有本款之適用。 二、明定「物品專利」及「方法專利」均有本條之適用

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