Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bracing"" "subject:"gracing""
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Strategies for rapid seismic hazard mitigation in sustainable infrastructure systemsKurata, Masahiro 14 September 2009 (has links)
The goal of this study is to design and evaluate economic and rapid seismic retrofit strategies for relatively small rehabilitation projects for steel structures consistent with the tenets of sustainable design. The need to retrofit existing structures in earthquake prone regions may arise directly from the problem of aging and deteriorating conditions, recognition of the vulnerability of existing infrastructure, from updates in seismic code requirements, or changes in building performance objectives. Traditional approaches to seismic hazard mitigation have focused reducing the failure probabilities, consequences from failures, and time to recovery. Such paradigms had been established with little regard to the impact of their rehabilitation measures on the environment and disruptions to occupants. The rapid rehabilitation strategies proposed here have sustainability benefits in terms of providing a more resilient building stock for our communities as well as minimizing environmental and economical impacts and social consequences during the rehabilitation project.
To achieve these goals, a unique approach to design supplemental systems using tension-only elements is proposed. In this design approach undesirable global and local buckling are eliminated. Two rapid rehabilitation strategies are presented. The first is a bracing system consisting of cables and a central energy dissipating device (CORE Damper). The second is a shear wall system with the combined use of thin steel plate and tension-only bracing. Analytical studies using both advanced and simplified models and proof-of-concept testing were carried out for the two devices. The results demonstrated stable, highly efficient performance of the devices under seismic load. Preliminary applications of the CORE damper to the retrofitting of a braced steel frame showed the ability of the system to minimize soft story failures.
Both techniques can be implemented within a sustainability framework, as these interventions reduce the seismic vulnerability of infrastructure, are low cost, utilize materials and fabrication processes widely available throughout the world, can be handled by unskilled labor and carried out with minimal disruptions to the environment. The approach taken in this study can provide a road map for future development of sustainability-based rehabilitation strategies.
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Förstärkta strävor i trätakstolar för ökad tryckkapacitet : En laborativ undersökning / Reinforced compression members in wooden roof trusses : An experimental investigationKarlsson, Tomas, Fromell, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>I vissa takstolskonstruktioner kan det ibland uppstå stora tryckkrafter i diagonala reglar. I Sverige löser man oftast detta med hjälp av stagning tvärs diagonalen för att hindra utböjning i veka riktningen. Ibland när det är svårt att på plats trä in strävor på grund av utrymmesbrist och dylikt kan man spika eller skruva på en regel för att på så sätt förstärka den diagonala strävan. Detta examensarbete har undersökt två olika förstärkningsalternativ, rektangulärt- och T-tvärsnitt, med hjälp av reglar med dimension 45x95 mm2 vilka skruvas respektive spikas ihop. Detta har gjorts laborativt genom att trycka provkroppar i en provningsram och undersöka hur mycket den axiala kapaciteten ökar med förstärkning. De två olika förstärkningslösningarna bygger på att man på plats kan förstärka strävor med enkla medel.</p><p>Testbitarna har levererats till Växjö universitet och är av oklassat virke. Provbitarnas E-modul har undersökts för att på teoretisk väg undersöka hur stor axialkraftskapacitet den primära strävan har utan förstärkning. Provkroppar tillverkades och konditionerades i klimatrum, med temperaturen 20°C och 65 % RF, i ca tre veckor före provtryckning.</p><p>De laborativa värdena visar att den axiella kapaciteten ökar med 1,9 – 2,7 ggr för de rektangulära tvärsnitten och 2,5 – 4,0 ggr för T-tvärsnitten. Förstärkningsfaktorn är beroende av längd, förstärkningsalternativ och sammanfogning. Förstärkningseffektiviteten är högst för de längre strävorna.</p> / <p>In wooden roof trusses there sometimes may occur buckling in compressed web members. In most cases in Sweden this is solved by bracing between two webs to prevent buckling of the minor axis. Sometimes it is hard to brace between webs because of lack of space. Then it is possible to nail or screw a side member on the compressed web to increase the capacity. This diploma work has examined two different ways of bracing, rectangular cross section and T-bracing, with webs 45x95 mm2. Experimental tests have been made on compression webs and examine the bracing efficiency. It is important that the bracing alternatives are easy to use with simple tools.</p><p>Ungraded lumber were delivered to Växjö University. The Youngs modulus of the test pieces has been examined so the critical buckling load of the main member without bracing could be calculated theoretically. The lumber was conditioned to equilibrium moisture content of approximately 12 percent in a room maintained at 65 percent relative humidity and 20°C in three weeks before testing the critical buckling load.</p><p>The experimental results show that the critical buckling load increases with a factor of 1,9 – 2,7 for the rectangular cross sections and with a factor of 2,5 – 4,0 for the T-bracing. The bracing efficiency is dependent on length, bracing alternative and type of connectors.. The bracing efficiency increases for longer webs.</p>
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Seismic Design Of Cold Formed Steel Structures In Residential ApplicationsUygar, Celaletdin 01 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Uygar, Celaletdin
M.Sc., Department of Civil Engineering
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ç / etin Yilmaz
May 2005, 82 pages
In this study, lateral load bearing capacities of cold formed steel framed wall panels are investigated. For this purpose lateral load bearing alternatives are analyzed numerically by computer models and results are compared with already done
experimental studies and approved codes.
In residential cold formed steel construction, walls are generally covered with cladding material like oriented strand board (OSB) or plywood on the exterior wall surface and these sheathed light gauge steel walls behave as shear walls with significant capacity. Oriented strand board is used in analytical models since OSB claddings are most commonly used in residential applications. The strength of shear walls depends on different parameters like screw spacing, strength of sheathing, size of fasteners used and aspect ratio. SAP2000 software is used for structural analysis of walls and joint force outputs are collected by Microsoft Excel.
The yield strength of shear walls at which first screw connection reaches its shear capacity is calculated and load carrying capacity per meter length is found. The nonlinear analysis is also done by modeling the screw connections between OSB and frame as non-linear link and the nominal shear capacities of walls are calculated for different screw spacing combinations. The results are consistent with the values in shear wall design Guide and International Building Code 2003. The other lateral load bearing method is flat strap X-bracing on wall surfaces. Various parameters like wall frame section thickness, flat strap area, aspect ratio and bracing number are investigated and results are evaluated.
The shear walls in which X-bracing and OSB sheathing used together are also analyzed and the results are compared with separate analyses.
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Modelos para an?lise e dimensionamento de pain?is de alvenaria estruturalDamasceno, J?lio C?sar Cavalcante 28 February 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-02-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The main objective of this thesis was the study of bracing panels of structural
masonry, by applying the Finite Element Method and Strut and Tie Method. It was
analyzed the following aspects: the effect of orthotropy on the behavior of the panels;
distribution of horizontal forces between panels for buildings; comparison between
Equivalent Frame and Finite Elements models; panels design with the Strut and Tie
The results showed that one should not disregard the orthotropy, otherwise
this can lead to models stiffer than the real. Regarding the distribution of horizontal
forces, showed that the disregard of lintels and shear deformation leads to significant
differences in the simplified model. The results showed also that the models in Finite
Element and Equivalent Frame exhibit similar behavior in respect to stiffness of
panels and stress distribution over the sessions requested.
It was discussing criteria for designing Strut and Tie Method models in one
floor panels. Then, the theoretical strength these panels was compared with the
rupture strength of panels tested in the literature. The theoretical maximum strength
were always less than the rupture strength of the panels obtained in tests, due to the
fact that the proposed model cannot represent the behavior of the masonry after the
start of the panel cracking due to plasticization of the reinforcement / O objetivo principal desta disserta??o foi o estudo de pain?is de
contraventamento de alvenaria estrutural, atrav?s da aplica??o do M?todo dos
Elementos Finitos e do M?todo de Bielas e Tirantes. Foram analisados os seguintes
aspectos: o efeito da ortotropia no comportamento de pain?is; distribui??o de for?as
horizontais entre pain?is de edif?cios; compara??o entre os modelos de P?rtico
Equivalente e Elementos Finitos; c?lculo de pain?is com o M?todo de Bielas e
Os resultados permitiram concluir que n?o se deve desconsiderar a ortotropia,
sob pena de conduzir a modelos mais r?gidos que o real. Em rela??o ? distribui??o
de for?as horizontais, evidenciou-se que a desconsidera??o dos lint?is e da
deforma??o por cisalhamento acarretam diferen?as significativas relativamente ao
modelo de barras isoladas. Os resultados permitiram concluir, ainda que os modelos
em Elementos Finitos e de P?rtico Equivalente apresentam comportamento
semelhante no que se refere ? rigidez de pain?is e distribui??o de tens?es nas
sess?es mais solicitadas.
Foram discutidos crit?rios para a concep??o de modelos de bielas e tirantes
em pain?is isolados. Em seguida, a for?a horizontal te?rica destes pain?is foi
comparada com a carga de ruptura de pain?is ensaiados dispon?veis na literatura.
As for?as m?ximas te?ricas foram sempre inferiores ? for?a de ruptura dos pain?is,
obtidas em ensaios, devido ao fato de que o modelo proposto n?o ? capaz de
representar o comportamento da alvenaria ap?s o inicio da fissura??o do painel
devido ? plastifica??o das armaduras
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Contribuições à análise de estruturas de contraventamento de edifícios em concreto armado / Contributions for analysis of bracing structures for reinforced concrete buildingsGustavo Souza Pereira 16 May 1997 (has links)
Este trabalho trata de detalhes de modelagem de estruturas de contraventamento de edifícios de concreto armado. Inicialmente são discutidos esquemas de modelagem para núcleos de rigidez. São comparados resultados obtidos através de três procedimentos distintos, com diferentes graus de simplicidade e eficiência. É também avaliada a contribuição de vigas secundárias, vigas que não estão conectadas diretamente em pilares, na estrutura de contraventamento. Para tanto são apresentados alguns arranjos onde a consideração das referidas vigas muda significativamente os resultados obtidos e a modelagem de uma estrutura completa de edifício com e sem as referidas vigas secundárias. Por fim, são apresentados um gerador de estruturas de contraventamento e um pós-processador gráfico para visualização da estrutura gerada e dos resultados obtidos, sejam esforços ou deslocamentos. / This work deals with some modelling details of bracing structures for reinforced concrete buildings. lnitially, modelling schemes of structural cores are discussed. Results obtained by three different procedures, with distinct levels of simplicity and efficacy, are compared. The work also shows the contribution of secondary beams, ones that are not directly connected to columns, to the stiffness of bracing structures. Some schemes, in which the consideration of those beams changes expressively the obtained results, and the complete modelling of a building structure, with and without secondary beams, are presented. Finally, the work also introduces a generator of bracing structures and a pos-processor, that permit the visualisation of the obtained results: internal efforts and displacements.
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Estudo da influência da modelagem estrutural do núcleo nos painéis de contraventamento de edifícios altos / Study of the influence of the structural modeling of the cores in the bracing panels of tall buildingsAna Claudia de Oliveira Pereira 30 August 2000 (has links)
O núcleo resistente, considerado um dos principais elementos componentes dos sistemas estruturais de edifícios de andares múltiplos, quando associado ao sistema de contraventamento, consegue conferir à estrutura um razoável acréscimo de rigidez. O núcleo é ainda o único elemento estrutural capaz de resistir isoladamente a todos os esforços atuantes na estrutura de um edifício, contribuindo na determinação mais precisa dos seus deslocamentos. Baseado nestes fatores, acredita-se que as diferentes modelagens, adotadas para o núcleo, proporcionarão diferentes resultados para a mesma estrutura de contraventamento. Este trabalho tem como principal objetivo analisar a influência que estas modelagens exercem na estrutura de contraventamento. Inicialmente, são apresentadas algumas das modelagens mais utilizadas para o núcleo. Com estas modelagens foram processadas algumas estruturas, e os diversos resultados obtidos utilizados no processo comparativo. Para o processamento foram consideradas análises em teoria de primeira e segunda ordem e, para as fundações, vinculação rígida. Não serão consideradas as deformações por esforço cortante nos elementos. / Resistant cores, are considered one of the principal elements of the structural systems of multistory buildings. When associated to the bracing structure, it gives to the structure a reasonable stiffness increment. The core is still the only structural element capable to resist separately all the efforts in the structure of a building, contributing to a more accurate determination of its displacements. Based on these factors, it is believed that different modeling adopted for the cores will provide different results for the same bracing structure. The main aim of this work is to analyze the influence that these modeling exerts on the bracing structure. First, some of the most used core modeling were presented. Then some structures were processed, using these modeling. The several obtained results were compared. For all the analysis it was considered the first and second order theory and rigid connections for the foundations. Shear deformation were not considered in the elements.
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Zastřešená tribuna sportovního stadionu / Roofed Stands of Sports StadiumVild, Martin January 2013 (has links)
In this master's thesis a steel structure of roofed stands of a sports stadium is developed. Inner forces and design of elements are solved with the program Scia Engineer. The computational model is designed as a three-dimensional bar structure. Main elements are also designed by hand for verification. Elements and joints are designed according to ČSN EN 1993. Anchorage of columns is designed as semi-stiff. Three variants differ in type of longitudinal bracing. The most convenient, a model with truss bracing, was worked out in detail.
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Zajištění stavební jámy při výstavbě metra v úseku Dejvická - Motol / Design of foundation pit in metro construction in the section Dejvická - MotolKrško, Matúš January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with design and assessment of bracing the excavation during the construction of subway in the route Dejvická – Motol. The introduction presents possible methods of bracing. The next part is design and assessment of the chosen option, which ensure this construction. It consists of considering of engineering-geological conditions, static design, technological process of building and construction plans.
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Víceúčelová sportovní hala / Multipurpose Sport HallBém, Miroslav January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the master’s thesis is design and assessment of multipurpose sport hall structure. located in Moravské Budějovice. The hall has rectangular ground plan and it is 40 m wide and 48 long. The proposal is developed in four variants according to ČSN EN. Structure is composed of rolling sections and tubes. The main bearing components are arched trusses. In both gable walls are designed steel truss columns. Structure has been accomplished by Scia Engineer 14 and hand computation
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Ocelová konstrukce tribuny / Steel structure of tribuneHellebrand, David January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with a project of steel structure of roofed stand of a sports stadium situated nearby the city of Opava. Dimensions of roofed stand are 54 m x 10,5 m and height is 15 m. Structure is devidet into 9 parts, which are 6 m long. Design of elements and inner forces are solved with program SCIA Engineer. Computational model is designed as a three-dimensional bar structure. Two variants was solved in general and more convenient with a truss girder roof is work up in details.
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