Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bracing"" "subject:"gracing""
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Treatment of lower limb spasticity in adults using a multimodal intervention: A mixed-methods approach evaluating the impact across all domains of the ICFKim, Jasmine Min Jung 07 May 2014 (has links)
Spasticity is highly prevalent in neurological conditions involving upper motor neuron lesions (UMNL). Lower limb spasticity is known to impair gait and limit participation in physical activity. Multimodal interventions including botulinum toxin A, orthoses, and physiotherapy have shown longer lasting improvements compared to unimodal interventions. Studies to date, however, have not examined the long term efficacy of this multimodal intervention nor have they examined the impact across a breadth of domains necessary to comprehensively and fully understand its impact. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of a multimodal intervention to treat lower limb spasticity in adults using a longitudinal mixed-methods approach, including a comprehensive set of outcome measures spanning the domains of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) model. Seven-teen participants with chronic UMNL were included in the analysis as per inclusion criteria and showed improvements at 6 and 12 months, compared to baseline, within all domains of the ICF model. / Graduate / 2015-04-24 / 0571 / 0382 / 0384 / jazkim@uvic.ca
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Estudo do comportamento estrutural de prédios de concreto armado contraventados por núcleo rígido tendo em vista o esforço de torção originado pela ação do ventoKüster, Viviane Kelle Jacundino Porto 10 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-10 / A widely used solution in multiple pavement's edifications to absorb lateral action of the wind and promote structure stability, is to create an element of large rigidity, usually at stairs and elevators areas, denominated central core or bracing core. This structural element is formed by the junction of pillars walls and normally has a C format, what implies having the shear center is not coincidente with the gravity center of the section. It is assumed that always when the resulting of the action does not cross the section s shear center, will occur a tortion of the central core and the building. In order to verify this hipothesis inicially four models were proposed. The first with the shear center coinciding to the ground plan center. The second with the nucleus positioned in a region generally sugested in architectural projects, in other words, aligned to the central porticos, in this case with the CG very close to the center of the ground plan. The third example consists in turning the nucleus totally eccentric. At the fourth example the eccentric nucleus has its rigidity increased. Four aspects are analysed: 1) The structure must be capable of resisting the efforts introduced by the action of the wind; 2) The structure must be rigid enough to satisfy the limits of deformation for the actions in Estado Limite de Serviço; 3) The reinforcement ratio must not exceed to the limits specified in standard; 4) The verifications concerning global stability must be attended. The study shows that the position of the nucleus at the ground plan and slenderness directly influences in the occurence or not of tortion of the building as a whole. Although the wind falls on the nucleus core shear center, being asymmetrical the rigidity of the building in plan, a tortion will occur. May also be concluded that the core bracing does not support the effort proveniente of wind action by itself, before, the other pillars also contribute. / Uma solução bastante usada em edificações de múltiplos pavimentos para absorver a ação lateral do vento, e prover a estrutura de estabilidade, é criar um elemento de grande rigidez, em geral na região de escadas e elevadores, denominado núcleo central ou núcleo de contraventamento. Este elemento estrutural é formado pela junção de pilares paredes e normalmente tem seção em formato C, o que implica ter o centro de cisalhamento não coincidente com o centro de gravidade da seção. Supõe-se que sempre que a resultante da ação não passar pelo centro de cisalhamento da seção, ocorrerá torção do núcleo central e do prédio. Para verificação desta hipótese foram propostos inicialmente quatro modelos. O primeiro com o centro de cisalhamento coincidindo com o centro da planta. O segundo com núcleo posicionado em região mais comumente sugerido em projetos arquitetônicos, ou seja, alinhado aos pórticos centrais, e neste caso com o CG muito próximo ao centro da planta. O terceiro exemplo consiste em tornar o núcleo totalmente excêntrico. No quarto exemplo o núcleo excêntrico tem rigidez aumentada. Quatro aspectos são verificados: 1) A estrutura deve ser capaz de resistir aos esforços introduzidos pela ação do vento; 2) A estrutura deve ter rigidez suficiente para satisfazer os limites de deformação para as ações em Estado Limite de Serviço; 3) A taxa de armadura não deve exceder aos limites especificados em norma; 4) Devem ser atendidas às verificações quanto à estabilidade global. O estudo mostrou que a posição do núcleo em planta e a esbeltez influencia diretamente na ocorrência ou não de torção do prédio com um todo. Ainda que o vento incida no centro de cisalhamento do núcleo, estando assimétrica a rigidez do prédio em planta, ocorrerá torção. Pode-se concluir também que o núcleo de contraventamento não trata sozinho o esforço proveniente da ação do vento, antes os demais pilares também contribuem.
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Sistema computacional com geração de dados e visualização de resultados para estrutura de edifícios / A computational system with input data generation and output data visualization for building structuresLuiz Liserre 16 May 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho trata do desenvolvimento de um sistema computacional, para a geração de dados e apresentação de resultados, específico para as estruturas de edifícios. As rotinas desenvolvidas devem trabalhar em conjunto com um sistema computacional para análise de estruturas com base no Método dos Elementos Finitos, contemplando tanto as estruturas de pavimentos; com a utilização de elementos de barra, placa/casca e molas; como as estruturas de contraventamento; com a utilização de elementos de barra tridimensional e recursos especiais como nó mestre e trechos rígidos. A linguagem computacional adotada para a elaboração das rotinas mencionadas é o Object Pascal do DELPHI, um ambiente de programação visual estruturado na programação orientada a objetos do Object Pascal. Essa escolha tem como objetivo, conseguir um sistema computacional onde alterações e adições de funções possam ser realizadas com facilidade, sem que todo o conjunto de programas precise ser analisado e modificado. Por fim, o programa deve servir como um verdadeiro ambiente para análise de estruturas de edifícios, controlando através de uma interface amigável com o usuário uma série de outros programas já desenvolvidos em FORTRAN, como por exemplo o dimensionamento de vigas, pilares, etc. / This work deals with a pre and pos data processing computational system specific for building structures. This computational system has been developed to work together with a finite element program for structural analysis, and it must include elements for flood structures analysis, as bars, plates, membranes and springs; and elements for bracing structures, as 3D-bar and rigid elements. Borland\'s Delphi, a rapid application development environment based on Object Pascal, has been used in this work. The reason for this choice is to provide an easy way to future modifications and additions in the source code. Finally, the developed system should make possible the integration, through user friendly interfaces, with other programs already developed in Fortran, for instance, for designing beams, columns, and others structural elements.
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Otimização de topologia aplicada ao projeto conceitual de edifícios usando o método da estrutura base / Topology optimization applied to the conceptual design of buildings using the ground structure methodSilva, Sara Brandão e 19 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2016-10-17T18:47:03Z
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Dissertação - Sara Brandão e Silva - 2016 - Parte 01.pdf: 12396227 bytes, checksum: 53cc99a947a01ed352cf6cbd21751a01 (MD5)
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-10-18T16:18:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3
Dissertação - Sara Brandão e Silva - 2016 - Parte 01.pdf: 12396227 bytes, checksum: 53cc99a947a01ed352cf6cbd21751a01 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2016-01-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / Topology optimization provides design solutions to several engineering applications and density
methods are the most popular approach in this field. However, when it comes to building design, the
dimension of the extended domain related to the high of the building provides material
concentration at the basis of the building. On the other side, the ground structure method provides
desirable grid solutions using a highly connected truss in an approach close to size optimization
techniques. This work presents a prospective study about the application of ground structure method
to obtain bracing systems for buildings comparing with the known solutions obtained by density
methods. Desirable manufacturing constraints such as patterns repetition and symmetry are
considered. Multiple loading functions are Simulations are developed in two-dimensional building
configurations to validate the method and show the structural comportment. Three dimensional
examples are developed to show possibility of interesting solutions obtained with the ground
structure method. / A otimização de topologia fornece soluções para muitas aplicações da engenharia e os métodos
baseados na densidade são as abordagens mais populares neste campo. No entanto, quando se trata
da concepção de edifícios a dimensão do domínio estendido em relação à altura dos edifícios
propicia a concentração de matéria na base do edifício. Por outro lado, o método da ground
structure fornece soluções desejáveis usando uma treliça altamente conectada em uma abordagem
próxima as técnicas de otimização de dimensões. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobrea a
aplicação do método da ground structure para obtenção do projeto conceitual dos sistemas de
contraventamento dos edifícios comparando com o conhecido método baseado na densidade. Para
isso leva-se em consideração características de manufatura como simetria e repetição de padrão,
além das considerações de múltiplos carregamentos. Simulações em 2D são apresentadas para
validação do método e observação do comportamento estrutural. Exemplos em 3D com arquiteturas
mais ousadas são desenvolvidos para mostrar as possiblidades arquitetônicas que as soluções
obtidas pela ground structure propicia.
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Modelisation des maisons à ossature en bois et remplissage en terre / Modeling of timber frame structures with infilling subjected to earthquake excitationAl-Gusab, Hussein Ali Hussein 20 April 2018 (has links)
Un modèle simplifié aux éléments finis a été proposé pour l'analyse des structures à ossature bois avec remplissage en pierres et mortier de terre en utilisant des modèles de comportement hystérétique pour les assemblages et certains éléments structuraux. Trois échelles différentes ont été définies pour l'identification et la validation des modèles hystérétiques: celle de l'assemblage, celle du mur de cisaillement et enfin celle de la structure complète en vraie grandeur. Le modèle calibré a été utilisé pour vérifier la correcte résistance aux séismes d'une maison traditionnelle Haïtienne à un étage ainsi que pour concevoir un exemple de bâtiment à deux étages utilisant les mêmes dispositifs constructifs. / A simplified finite element model was proposed for the analysis of timber-framed structures with infilling of rocks and clay morter by using hysteretic constitutive models for joints and structural elements. Three different scales were defined for the identification and validation of hysteretic models: connection, shear wall and full-scale building; comparisons of numerical and test results were performed at each scale. The calibrated model allowed assessing the earthquake-resistant performance of a traditional Haitian one-storey house and could be used for the design of a two-storey house.
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Nosná ocelová konstrukce objektu výstavního pavilonu / Load carrying steel structure of the exhibition hall buildingBui, Trung Thanh January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with design of the supporting steel structure of the building of the exhibition pavilion with 84 m length and 30 m width. Roofing structure is designed and examined in two versions. Variant A is designed like tubular truss girder with axis distance 6 m. Variant B is also designed like tubular truss girder, but with different look, with same axis distance. These versions are compared by weight, manufacturing complexity and appearance, preferable version is processed in detail. Drawing documentation includes an anchor plan, layout structure and truss production drawing.
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Ocelový skelet průmyslového objektu / Steel Structure of Industrial BuildingBuchta, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deal with design of a technological building in Ostrava serving for the sorting of slag to enagle its sequential use. Geometry of the structure was customized to technological requests. Static system was considered in two versions – joint connections with vertical bracing and omni-directional frame. For detail processing was chosen the joint one, besause it showed up as more advantageous. Static calculation was performed by Scia Engineer 14 software, then some typical connections and drawings were manually designed.
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Vícepodlažní budova / Multi-storey buildingZaikin, Danil January 2020 (has links)
The subject of the thesis was the design of a multi-storey office building. In the transverse direction the building was designed as a three-tract 6.0 + 4.0 + 6.0 = 16 m. In the longitudinal direction 9x6.6 m = 59.4 m. The design was designed in several variants: articulated and frame in transverse directions. The joint variant was selected for detailed analysis.
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Zastřešení víceúčelového sportovního objektu / The Roofing of the Sport Multipurpose HallKoteš, Mário January 2013 (has links)
Main task of this thesis is to design a roofing of multi-purpose sport hall. Multipurpose sport hall has a floor dimensions 48 x 35 m and is 16.0 m high. The hall is composed of cross-linked steel girders saved on rolled profiles of columns, which transmit loads into concrete pile foundations. Gable roof has a slope 7° and it is hidden behind a parapet which consists of steel square profiles. The construction consists of thin-walled purlins made by the company Voestalpine. Rigidity is ensured by steel elements in the plane of the roof structure in the longitudinal plane and gable walls. The thesis is carried out in compliance with the Eurocodes.
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Spojovací koridor / Connecting FootbridgeSláma, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this master’s thesis was desingn and assessments the connection of two buildings by footbridge corridor. The structure was designed as a lattice structure without verticals. Construction is stored on two pillars lattice design. Cladding footbridge was cosidered by glazing. Construction is freestanding and doesn’t load bordering adjacent buildings.
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