Spelling suggestions: "subject:"brain injury"" "subject:"brain jnjury""
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A Comparison of Brain Trauma Characteristics from Head Impacts for Lightweight and Heavyweight Fighters in Professional Mixed Martial ArtsKhatib, Ali 11 October 2019 (has links)
Athletes competing in the unarmed combat sport of mixed martial arts (MMA) are at an increased risk for long-term neurological consequences due to repetitive head trauma. Mass differentials as well as reported differences in fight styles between Lightweight and Heavyweight fighters in MMA may affect head impact kinematics creating different levels of head injury risk. Factors that influence the risk for head injury include the frequency, magnitude and interval of head impacts. The purpose of this study was to compare differences in frequency, frequency distribution of impact magnitudes, and time interval between head impacts per match between Lightweight and Heavyweight fighters in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). Head impacts of 60 fighters were documented from 15 Lightweight and 15 Heavyweight MMA fight videos. Impact type, frequency, and interval were recorded for each fighter, followed by the reconstruction of 345 exemplar impacts in the laboratory using a Hybrid III headform and finite element modeling to determine impact magnitudes. Next, head impacts (punches, kicks, knees and elbows) from fight videos were visually estimated to determine their corresponding magnitude range and establish the frequency distribution of impact magnitudes. The study revealed no significant differences in overall impact frequency and interval between Lightweight and Heavyweight fighters. The frequency distribution of different impact magnitudes was significantly different, with Lightweights sustaining significantly more Very Low, and High magnitude impacts. Overall, both Lightweight and Heavyweight MMA fighters sustain similar impact characteristics as other high-risk athletes including professional boxers and football players. Understanding the different factors that create brain trauma allows for the monitoring, identification, and protection of higher-risk athletes within these two weight classes.
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Intracranial Compliance and Secondary Brain Damage. Experimental and Clinical Studies in Traumatic Head InjurySalci, Konstantin January 2006 (has links)
<p>Traumatic brain injury (TBI) renders the brain more vulnerable to secondary insults. The increased vulnerability can probably be explained by a combination of disturbances in hemodynamics, metabolism and craniospinal dynamics. Reduced ability to compensate for added intracranial volume, i.e. reduced intracranial compliance (IC), is one possible mechanism. The <i>aim</i> of this thesis was to study the role of IC on the effect of secondary insults after TBI. </p><p>A rat TBI model was developed where IC could be altered without causing pathological increases in intracranial pressure (ICP). Reduction of IC was made by placing rubber film between the dura mater and bilateral bone flaps. A reduction of IC in terms of reduced Pressure Volume Index was confirmed. Microdialysis (MD) of extracellular fluid was used to monitor neurochemical changes. Reduced IC after TBI proved to increase the vulnerability of the brain to secondary intracranial volume insults according to neurochemical microdialysis markers. Reduced IC or intracranial volume insults alone did not cause any metabolic changes as compared to controls. Moderate posttraumatic hypotension (50mmHg for 30 min) induced 2 hrs after TBI, did not aggravate posttraumatic extracellular neurochemical changes significantly, irrespective of the level of IC. Although controversial, a mild to moderate hypotensive insult after initial posttraumatic stabilization may not be as detrimental as earlier believed.</p><p>The Spiegelberg Compliance Monitor and MD were simultaneously used in 10 TBI patients to get an impression of the clinical value of IC monitoring and the relationship between IC, temperature and MD Lactate/Pyruvate ratio. IC and MD could be monitored simultaneously in TBI patients. Higher L/P ratios were seen when IC was low. Patients with induced coma treatment had significantly higher average L/P ratios, possibly due to their poorer neurological condition. An indication was also found that in TBI patients with high temperatures, L/P ratio rose as IC decreased, but in patients with low temperature there was no effect of IC on L/P ratio. These data suggest the importance of avoiding hyperthermia in TBI patients, especially in patients with low or decreased IC (monitored or anticipated).</p>
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Altération et récupération de la conscience chez les patients cérébro-lésés : Une approche comportementale, électrophysiologique et par neuro-imagerie fonctionnelleSchnakers, Caroline 30 April 2008 (has links)
Les états de conscience altérée représentent un réel problème au niveau social, économique et éthique et constituent un défi au niveau diagnostique et thérapeutique. Nos résultats ont permis de montrer que lutilisation dune échelle comportementale standardisée reste indispensable pour éviter lerreur diagnostique et que la Coma Recovery Scale-Revised (Giacino et al, 2004) réprésente loutil diagnostique le plus efficace pour détecter des signes de conscience et donc, distinguer les patients végétatifs des patients en état de conscience minimale. Nos résultats suggérent également que lutilisation de paradigmes actifs électrophysiologiques permet dévaluer les capacités cognitives résiduelles de patients sévèrement cérébro-lésés et de détecter une activité cérébrale consciente, même en présence, au niveau de lévaluation comportementale, de comportements peu complexes tels quune fixation et/ou une poursuite visuelle. Enfin, au niveau du traitement, nous avons pu démontrer, à laide de limagerie fonctionnelle, lefficacité de lamantadine sur la récupération de la conscience chez un patient anoxique chronique en état de conscience minimale.
Ainsi, nous pensons que lutilisation combinée de techniques comportementales et de techniques objectives telles que lélectrophysiologie et la neuro-imagerie est primordiale et permettra à lavenir, dune part, de clarifier ce quest un comportement conscient et donc, de mieux caractériser les états de conscience altérée et, dautre part, dinvestiguer lefficacité de thérapeutiques invasives ou non et donc, de mieux traiter les patients sévèrement cérébro-lésés récupérant du coma.
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Intracranial Compliance and Secondary Brain Damage. Experimental and Clinical Studies in Traumatic Head InjurySalci, Konstantin January 2006 (has links)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) renders the brain more vulnerable to secondary insults. The increased vulnerability can probably be explained by a combination of disturbances in hemodynamics, metabolism and craniospinal dynamics. Reduced ability to compensate for added intracranial volume, i.e. reduced intracranial compliance (IC), is one possible mechanism. The aim of this thesis was to study the role of IC on the effect of secondary insults after TBI. A rat TBI model was developed where IC could be altered without causing pathological increases in intracranial pressure (ICP). Reduction of IC was made by placing rubber film between the dura mater and bilateral bone flaps. A reduction of IC in terms of reduced Pressure Volume Index was confirmed. Microdialysis (MD) of extracellular fluid was used to monitor neurochemical changes. Reduced IC after TBI proved to increase the vulnerability of the brain to secondary intracranial volume insults according to neurochemical microdialysis markers. Reduced IC or intracranial volume insults alone did not cause any metabolic changes as compared to controls. Moderate posttraumatic hypotension (50mmHg for 30 min) induced 2 hrs after TBI, did not aggravate posttraumatic extracellular neurochemical changes significantly, irrespective of the level of IC. Although controversial, a mild to moderate hypotensive insult after initial posttraumatic stabilization may not be as detrimental as earlier believed. The Spiegelberg Compliance Monitor and MD were simultaneously used in 10 TBI patients to get an impression of the clinical value of IC monitoring and the relationship between IC, temperature and MD Lactate/Pyruvate ratio. IC and MD could be monitored simultaneously in TBI patients. Higher L/P ratios were seen when IC was low. Patients with induced coma treatment had significantly higher average L/P ratios, possibly due to their poorer neurological condition. An indication was also found that in TBI patients with high temperatures, L/P ratio rose as IC decreased, but in patients with low temperature there was no effect of IC on L/P ratio. These data suggest the importance of avoiding hyperthermia in TBI patients, especially in patients with low or decreased IC (monitored or anticipated).
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Molecular Characterization of Experimental Traumatic Brain InjuryIsraelsson, Charlotte January 2006 (has links)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the most common cause of mortality and disability in the younger (<50 years) Swedish population with an incidence rate of 20,000 cases per year. This thesis aims to increase the understanding of brain injury mechanisms, especially in a molecular and cellular context. Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signalling was examined in three genetically modified mice (two “loss-of-function”, one “gain-of-function”) exposed to TBI (controlled cortical impact, CCI) with CaMKII used as promoter for Cre-driven recombination in postnatal forebrain neurons. The mice survived, developed normally and did not show any obvious phenotypes except for an upregulation in Mtap2 mRNA in mice with impaired BMP signalling. Reactive Gfap and Timp1 mRNA expression measured using quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) was reduced in the mice overexpressing BMP signals. The BMP signalling pathway was further studied in cultured PC12 cells with BMP4 and NGF added. Egr3 expression was substantially increased by these growth factors. Blocking Egr or Junb functions reduced neurite outgrowth. TBI-induced mRNA expression changes in 100 selected genes in C57BL/6J mouse neocortex and hippocampus were measured using qRT-PCR at different time points post-injury. Several distinct gene clusters with similar expression patterns were identified. GeneChip analysis (Affymetrix) of the injured mouse neocortex at three days revealed 146 transcripts significantly upregulated, confirming and extending the qRT-PCR results. The findings demonstrate marked increases after injury among chemokine transcripts and activation of many genes involved in inflammation. In conclusion, the present study has revealed transcriptional changes in specific signalling pathways after brain injury. The results may help to identify novel targets for neuroprotective interventions after traumatic brain injury.
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Neural Stem and Progenitor Cells as a Tool for Tissue RegenerationWallenquist, Ulrika January 2009 (has links)
Neural stem and progenitor cells (NSPC) can differentiate to neurons and glial cells. NSPC are easily propagated in vitro and are therefore an attractive tool for tissue regeneration. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common cause for death and disabilities. A fundamental problem following TBI is tissue loss. Animal studies aiming at cell replacement have encountered difficulties in achieving sufficient graft survival and differentiation. To improve outcome of grafted cells after experimental TBI (controlled cortical impact, CCI) in mice, we compared two transplantation settings. NSPC were transplanted either directly upon CCI to the injured parenchyma, or one week after injury to the contralateral ventricle. Enhanced survival of transplanted cells and differentiation were seen when cells were deposited in the ventricle. To further enhance cell survival, efforts were made to reduce the inflammatory response to TBI by administration of ibuprofen to mice that had been subjected to CCI. Inflammation was reduced, as monitored by a decrease in inflammatory markers. Cell survival as well as differentiation to early neuroblasts seemed to be improved. To device a 3D system for future transplantation studies, NSPC from different ages were cultured in a hydrogel consisting of hyaluronan and collagen. Cells survived and proliferated in this culturing condition and the greatest neuronal differentiating ability was seen in cells from the newborn mouse brain. NSPC were also used in a model of peripheral nervous system injury, and xeno-transplanted to rats where the dorsal root ganglion had been removed. Cells survived and differentiated to neurons and glia, furthermore demonstrating their usefulness as a tool for tissue regeneration.
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Energy Balance out of Balance after Severe Traumatic Brain InjuryKrakau, Karolina January 2010 (has links)
The overall aim of the research presented here was to expand the knowledge on metabolic course and nutritional outcome in patients with severe traumatic brain injury and to analyze the use and accuracy of different methods of assessment. Study I, a systematic review of 30 articles demonstrated consistent data on increased metabolic rate, of catabolism and of upper gastrointestinal intolerance in the majority of the patients during early post injury period. Data also indicated a tendency of less morbidity and mortality in early fed patients. Study II, a retrospective survey, based on medical records of 64 patients from three regions in Sweden, showed that the majority of patients regained their independence in eating within six months post injury. However, energy intake was set at a low level and 68 % of the patients developed malnutrition with 10 to 29 % loss of initial body mass during the first and second month post injury. Study III, a questionnaire based study addressed to 74 care units caring for patients with severe traumatic brain injury showed that resources in terms of qualified staff members were reportedly good, but nutritional guidelines were adopted in less than half of the units, screening for malnutrition at admission was rarely performed and surveillance of energy intake declined when oral intake began. Moreover, assessment of energy requirements relied on calculations and the profession in charge to estimate energy requirement varied depending on nutritional route and unit speciality. At transferral between units nutritional information was lost. Study IV and V, a prospective descriptive study on metabolic course, energy balance and methods of assessment in six patients showed that patients were in negative energy balance from 3rd week post injury and lost 8-19 % of their initial body weight. Concurrent nutritional problems were difficulties in retaining enteral and/or parenteral nutrition delivery routes until oral feeding was considered satisfactory. The majority of methods for predicting energy expenditure agreed poorly with measured energy expenditure. The Penn-State equation from 1998 was the only valid predictive method during mechanical ventilation. This thesis concludes that patients with moderate or severe traumatic brain injury exhibit a wide range of increased metabolic rate, catabolism and upper gastrointestinal intolerance during the early post-injury period. Most patients regain independence in eating, but develop malnutrition. Suggested explanations, other than the systemic disturbances early post injury, could be the use of inaccurate predictions of energy expenditure, deficient nutritional routines and difficulties in securing alternative nutritional routes until oral feeding is satisfactory. The impact of timing, content and ways of administration of nutritional support on neurological outcome after a severe traumatic brain injury remains to be demonstrated.
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Acute neuro-endocrine profile and prediction of outcome after severe brain injuryOlivecrona, Zandra, Dahlqvist, Per, Koskinen, Lars-Owe January 2013 (has links)
Object: The aim of the study was to evaluate the early changes in pituitary hormone levels after severe traumatic brain injury (sTBI) and compare hormone levels to basic neuro-intensive care data, a systematic scoring of the CT-findings and to evaluate whether hormone changes are related to outcome. Methods: Prospective study, including consecutive patients, 15-70 years, with sTBI, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score <= 8, initial cerebral perfusion pressure > 10 mm Hg, and arrival to our level one trauma university hospital within 24 hours after head trauma (n = 48). Serum samples were collected in the morning (08-10 am) day 1 and day 4 after sTBI for analysis of cortisol, growth hormone (GH), prolactin, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free triiodothyronine (fT3), free thyroxine (fT4), follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) (men). Serum for cortisol and GH was also obtained in the evening (17-19 pm) at day 1 and day 4. The first CT of the brain was classified according to Marshall. Independent staff evaluated outcome at 3 months using GOS-E. Results: Profound changes were found for most pituitary-dependent hormones in the acute phase after sTBI, i.e. low levels of thyroid hormones, strong suppression of the pituitary-gonadal axis and increased levels of prolactin. The main findings of this study were: 1) A large proportion (54% day 1 and 70% day 4) of the patients showed morning s-cortisol levels below the proposed cut-off levels for critical illness related corticosteroid insufficiency (CIRCI), i.e. < 276 nmol/L (= 10 ug/dL), 2) Low s-cortisol was not associated with higher mortality or worse outcome at 3 months, 3) There was a significant association between early (day 1) and strong suppression of the pituitary-gonadal axis and improved survival and favorable functional outcome 3 months after sTBI, 4) Significantly lower levels of fT3 and TSH at day 4 in patients with a poor outcome at 3 months. 5) A higher Marshall CT score was associated with higher day 1 LH/FSH-and lower day 4 TSH levels 6) In general no significant correlation between GCS, ICP or CPP and hormone levels were detected. Only ICPmax and LH day 1 in men was significantly correlated. Conclusion: Profound dynamic changes in hormone levels are found in the acute phase of sTBI. This is consistent with previous findings in different groups of critically ill patients, most of which are likely to be attributed to physiological adaptation to acute illness. Low cortisol levels were a common finding, and not associated with unfavorable outcome. A retained ability to a dynamic hormonal response, i.e. fast and strong suppression of the pituitary-gonadal axis (day 1) and ability to restore activity in the pituitary-thyroid axis (day 4) was associated with less severe injury according to CT-findings and favorable outcome.
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Brain Tissue Oxygenation in Traumatic Brain Injury : Experimental and Clinical StudiesPurins, Karlis January 2013 (has links)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability. TBI is frequently followed by cerebral ischemia which is a great contributor to secondary brain damage. The main causes of cerebral ischemia are pathophysiological changes in cerebral blood flow and metabolism. Treatment of TBI patients is currently based on intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) targeted treatment protocols. However, ICP and CPP alone do not provide information of the oxygen availability in the brain. Monitoring of brain tissue oxygenation (BtipO2) may give additional and valuable information about the risk for development of ischemia in TBI patients. The aims of this thesis were to study BtipO2 monitoring devices in-vitro regarding accuracy and stability, to detect threshold level of cerebral ischemia in-vivo and finally to examine the cerebral oxygen levels and cerebral metabolism in TBI patients. The BtipO2 probes performed with high accuracy and stability at different clinically relevant oxygen concentrations. A pig TBI model was developed by step-wise intracranial volume/pressure increase. Volume increase resulted in a gradual increased ICP, decreased CPP, intracranial compliance and BtipO2, respectively. Brain death (BD) was confirmed by negative CPP and negligible amount of previously injected microspheres in the brain tissue. The model simulated the clinical development of BD in humans with a classical pressure-volume response and systemic cardiovascular reactions. The model should be suitable for studies of brain injury mechanisms. From the same in-vivo model it was also possible to detect the threshold level of cerebral ischemia in the pig, where BtipO2 below 10 mmHg and CPP below 30 mmHg was associated with an impaired cerebral metabolism (microdialysis lactate to pyruvate ratio >30). BtipO2 together with cerebral microdialysis were studied in 23 severe TBI patients. We observed different patterns of changes in BtipO2 and cerebral microdialysis biomarkers in focal and diffuse TBI. Increased cerebral microdialysis levels of glutamate, glycerol or the lactate/pyruvate ratio were observed at BtipO2 < 5 mmHg, indicating increased vulnerability of the brain at this critical level of tissue oxygenation in TBI patients.
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Sleep and Wake Disorders Following Traumatic Brain Injury: Impact on Recovery of Cognition and CommunicationWiseman-Hakes, Catherine 08 January 2013 (has links)
Objective: To examine sleep and wake disorders following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and their impact on recovery of cognition, communication and mood. Research Design: This three-manuscript thesis comprises an introduction to sleep in the context of human function and development. It is followed by a systematic review of the literature pertaining to sleep and wake disorders following TBI, and then explores the relationship between sleep and arousal disturbance and functional recovery of cognitive-communication through a single case study, pre–post intervention. Finally, a larger study longitudinally explores the impact of treatment to optimize sleep and wakefulness on recovery of cognition, communication and mood through objective and subjective measures, pre-post intervention. The thesis concludes with a chapter that addresses the implications of findings for rehabilitation from the perspective of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), and a presentation of future research directions for the field Methods: The first manuscript involved a systematic review and rating of the quality of evidence. The second manuscript involved the evaluation of sleep and wakefulness by objective measures, and longitudinally by self-report through the Daily Cognitive-Communication and Sleep Profile (DCCASP, © Wiseman-Hakes 2008, see Appendix S). Cognitive-communication abilities were also measured by the DCCASP. The third manuscript utilized a single case series and cohort design to evaluate sleep and wakefulness, and to examine cognition, communication and mood at baseline and following optimization of sleep and wakefulness. Results: For Manuscript One, 43 articles were reviewed for levels and quality of evidence across 5 domains: epidemiology, pathophysiology, neuropsychological implications, intervention and paediatrics. In Manuscript Two, we showed that there was a statistically and functionally significant relationship between perceived quality of sleep and language processing, attention and memory, seen across the phases of the intervention. In Manuscript Three, we showed that there were statistically and functionally significant improvements across several domains of cognition, communication and mood in response to treatment. Conclusions: Sleep and wake disorders after TBI are pervasive, and can negatively impact rehabilitation and recovery. There is a need for systematic evaluation and intervention for these disorders in all persons with TBI.
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