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The Calculus Concept Inventory and teaching methodology reformCohen, Sara Estelle 03 October 2014 (has links)
Unlike fields in the humanities and social sciences, mathematics is traditionally taught through lectures in which students are expected to passively learn material. Research has shown that this didactic method leaves students with little conceptual understanding and discourages them mathematically. The Calculus Concept Inventory (CCI) is an exam which was developed to determine the impact of different teaching methodologies on students' conceptual understanding. The results have demonstrated that teaching methods which fall under the category of Interactive Engagement have the largest positive impact on conceptual knowledge. These methods actively engage students through social interactions with their peers and instructors in addition to providing immediate feedback and time for second attempts. The purpose of this report is to describe the current status of calculus reform and the ways in which the CCI is affecting mathematics pedagogy. For example, the University of Texas at Austin Mathematics Department has implemented flipping, an interactive engagement method delivering instruction on-line outside of class and bringing homework into the classroom. / text
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Electrophysiological Signature of Neuropathic PainChen, Yishen Unknown Date
No description available.
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Aging and the Preclinical Efficacy of Nicotinamide in the Treatment of Traumatic Brain InjurySwan, Alicia Ann 01 January 2008 (has links)
The clinical relevance of vitamin B3, nicotinamide (NAm), has been demonstrated in a variety of injury models to exert a number of therapeutic benefits in the protection against and treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI). This study investigated its efficacy on recovery from TBI in animals of differing ages (6- and 10-months old) that were injured using the controlled cortical impact model and tested for motor and cognitive recovery following injury. Injured animals were treated with NAm or saline following injury and sham-injured animals were included as a control group. It was hypothesized that increasing age reduces the potentiality of recovery from injury as well as a decreased therapeutic benefit derived from the post-injury administration of NAm. The results found that neither the 6- nor 10-month old animals treated with NAm demonstrated improved functional recovery, indicating that age is an important factor in the vitamin's efficacy. These results indicate that the success of possible treatments for TBI needs to also consider the effects of an individual's age on the drug's effectiveness.
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The goal of this study was to investigate the therapeutic potential of memantine on functional recovery following a cortical contusion impact (CCI) traumatic brain injury (TBI) in a rodent model. A unilateral parietal injury was induced and compared to open sham surgeries under controlled experimental conditions. Animals were randomly assigned to a sham group, vehicle-treated injured group, or memantine-treated injured group. Dosage regimens were designed to provide serum concentrations in the range obtained with clinically approved doses, using both a low (5 mg/kg) and high (20 mg/kg) dose for 48 h. Functional recovery was assessed using five behavioral assessments, as well as neuropathological measurements. Motor function was observed using the locomotor placing task, the rotor-rod procedure, and a photobeam activity monitoring system. Cognitive function as learning ability was assessed through the Morris Water Maze and a passive avoidance assessment. Memantine did not improve motor or cognitive function in any of the behavioral assessments. These results indicate that while memantine may provide benefits at a neurobiological level, its therapeutic potential on the recovery of behavioral function following TBI is severely limited.
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Using neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging and tracts constrained by underlying anatomy to differentiate between subjects along the Alzheimer's disease continuumZhang, Zannan 18 June 2019 (has links)
OBJECTIVE: To assess the involvement of the white matter of the brain in the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease. Using Neurite Orientation Density and Dispersion Imaging (NODDI) and the probabilistic white matter parcellation tool Tracula as a means for understanding whether alterations in the white matter underlie changes in perceived cognitive abilities across the spectrum from health aging to Alzheimer’s disease.
METHOD: Data were obtained from 28 participants in the Health Outreach Program for the Elderly (HOPE) at the Boston University Alzheimer’s Disease Center (BU ADC) Clinical Core Registry. MRI scans included an MPRAGE T1 scan, multi-b shell diffusion scan and a High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging scan (HARDI). Scans were processed with Freesurfer v6.0 and the NODDI Python2.7 toolkit. The resulting data included the orientation dispersion index (ODI) and Fractional Anisotropy (FA) values for cortical and subcortical regions in the DKT atlas space as well as specific Tracts Constrained by Underlying Anatomy (TRACULA) measurements for 18 specific established white matter tracts. Statistical models using measures of pathway integrity (FA and ODI data) were used to assess relationships with Informant Cognitive Change Index (ICCI), self-described Cognitive Change Index (CCI), and Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) values.
RESULTS: Measures of white matter integrity within several tracts predicted ICCI and CDR well in statistical models. FA and ODI values of the bilateral superior longitudinal fasciculi, inferior longitudinal fasciculi, and the cingulum bundle tracts were all related to ICCI and CDR. None of the known tracts’ FA or ODI values were related to CCI.
CONCLUSIONS: Measures of white matter pathway integrity were predictive of ICCI and CDR scores but not CCI. These finding support the notion that self-report of cognitive abilities may be compromised by alterations in insight and reinforce the need for informed study partners and clinical ratings to evaluate potential MCI and AD.
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Interference Mitigation in Wireless CommunicationsKim, Kihong 24 August 2005 (has links)
The primary objective of this thesis is to design advanced interference resilient schemes for asynchronous slow frequency hopping wireless personal area networks (FH-WPAN) and time division multiple access (TDMA) cellular systems in interference dominant environments. We also propose an interference-resilient power allocation method for multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems.
For asynchronous FH-WPANs in the presence of frequent packet collisions, we propose a single antenna interference canceling dual decision feedback (IC-DDF) receiver based on joint maximum likelihood (ML) detection and recursive least squares (RLS) channel estimation. For the system level performance evaluation, we propose a novel geometric method that combines bit error rate (BER) and the spatial distribution of the traffic load of CCI for the computation of packet error rate (PER). We also derived the probabilities of packet collision in multiple asynchronous FH-WPANs with uniform and nonuniform traffic patterns.
For the design of TDMA receivers resilient to CCI in frequency selective channels, we propose a soft output joint detection interference rejection combining delayed decision feedback sequence estimation (JD IRC-DDFSE) scheme. In the proposed scheme, IRC suppresses the CCI, while DDFSE equalizes ISI with reduced complexity. Also, the soft outputs are generated from IRC-DDFSE decision metric to improve the performance of iterative or non-iterative type soft-input outer code decoders.
For the design of interference resilient power allocation scheme in MIMO systems, we investigate an adaptive power allocation method using subset antenna transmission (SAT) techniques. Motivated by the observation of capacity imbalance among the multiple parallel sub-channels, the SAT method achieves high spectral efficiency by allocating power on a selected transmit antenna subset. For 4 x 4 V-BLAST MIMO systems, the proposed scheme with SAT showed analogous results. Adaptive modulation schemes combined with the proposed method increase the capacity gains. From a feasibility viewpoint, the proposed method is a practical solution to CCI-limited MIMO systems since it does not require the channel state information (CSI) of CCI.
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Etude des processus de décision dans une organisation complexe : le cas d'une CCI / Study of process-decision in a complex organization : the case of CCIAldrin, Jérémy 12 March 2012 (has links)
La présente recherche a pour objet l'étude des processus de décisions dans une organisation pluraliste. Elle prend pour terrain de recherche une importante Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de l'Est de la France et pose la problématique générale suivante : « Comment améliorer la prise de décision dans une organisation politique ? ». A la suite de notre revue de la littérature, nous avons retenu trois dimensions dans la décision nous paraissant pertinentes dans le cadre de ce travail : une dimension d'ordre temporel, une dimension d'ordre sociocognitif (chez les acteurs de la décision) et une dimension technique (quels outils de gestion ?) Ce travail s'est inscrit dans une approche pratique de la décision, expliquant ainsi notre référence à la théorie de l'acteur réseau dont l'utilisation nous a semblé parfaitement pertinente pour ce type d'organisation.Nous avons travaillé sur trois études de cas au sein de la CCI : la mutualisation des services export, la supervision de la gestion d'un aéroport régional et le développement de l'école de commerce consulaire. A l'issue de la recherche, nous pouvons mettre en avant des apports d'ordre conceptuel et prescriptif.Parmi les apports conceptuels, nous validons le modèle de « décideur express » au sein des organisations pluralistes, celui-ci étant de nature à réduire la complexité de sens des acteurs. Par ailleurs, nous avons aussi pu montrer l'intérêt de séparer ceux qui portent les décisions et ceux qui doivent les mettre en oeuvre par la suite. Les porteurs de projets ne doivent pas être ceux qui les pilotent. Les différentes études de cas ont montré également la nécessité d'un contrôle de gestion proactif dans les organisations pluralistes.Enfin, ce travail de thèse propose un guide des bonnes pratiques répondant à la problématique générale sur l'amélioration de la prise de décisions. Cela s'inscrit aussi dans la dimension « decision as practice » de la recherche et dont l'un des objectifs est de soumettre des implications managériales. / This research aims to study the process of decisions in a complexorganization. Based on three cases studies in a wide Chamber of Industry andCommerce, this work raises the following question ?How to improve the decisionmaking in a political organization?Following our review of the literature, we kept three dimensions in thedecision appearing to us relevant within the framework of this work: a temporaldimension, a dimension of socio-cognitive order (at the actors of the decision) anda technical dimension (which management tools?).This research was part of a practical approach of the decision. This is thereason why we used the Actor Network Theory which seems to be appropriate forthis type of organization. We worked on three case studies: the pooling of exportservices, the management of a regional airport and the development of the consular business school.Among the conceptual contributions, we validate the model of -expressdecision-maker-. In addition, we have been able to show the interest of separatingthose who made the decisions and those who must put into service them later.Project manager should not be the one who implement them. The several casestudies have also shown the need of proactive management control in thisorganization.Finally, this work proposes a guide of good practices to improve thedecision-making. The guide keeps the dimension "decision as practice" withmanagerial implications.
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A assimilação da arbitragem no Brasil: disputas em torno da constituição de uma justiça extraestatal / The assimilation of arbitration in Brazil: disputes involving the constitution of non-official justice systemChasin, Ana Carolina da Matta 06 February 2015 (has links)
A arbitragem é um instituto previsto no direito brasileiro que consiste num método de solução de conflitos alternativo ao Poder Judiciário. Quando as duas partes concordam, procuram uma instituição especializado para que a controvérsia seja solucionada por meio da decisão de um ou mais árbitros. Desde 1996 com a aprovação da Lei da Arbitragem o laudo arbitral apresenta a validade de uma sentença judicial regular, devendo igualmente ser cumprido. Essa incorporação do instituto no Brasil está inserida no movimento transnacional de reforma dos sistemas de justiça nacionais visando adaptá-los ao mercado em expansão da arbitragem internacional. Inspirado em vários instrumentos internacionais, principalmente na Lei Modelo da Comissão das Nações Unidas para o Comércio Internacional (UNCITRAL), o método também permite a integração do país no esforço mais amplo de harmonização do direito entre os países. O principal objetivo desta tese é, assim, analisar esse processo de transplante da arbitragem ao contexto jurídico brasileiro. Para isso, inicialmente reconstitui o surgimento das mais importantes instituições da arbitragem comercial internacional e, em seguida, investiga a assimilação local deste instituto. Este último processo é analisado à luz da mobilização que resultou na aprovação da legislação em 1996, bem como da abordagem do funcionamento da arbitragem atualmente. O argumento destaca a participação fundamental dos intermediários para o sucesso da operação de mediação entre instâncias globais e locais. O trabalho finaliza com uma reflexão acerca do encaixe estrutural da arbitragem no campo do direito nacional. / Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution mechanism allowed by the Brazilian law. When both parties agree about it, they search for an specialized institution that will delegate the resolution of the conflict to one or more arbitrators. Passage of Brazils 1996 Arbitration Act recognized the validity of decisions reached by arbitrators. The incorporation of arbitration in the country happens as part of an international movement to reform local justice systems adapting them to the growth of the commercial arbitration market. Brazil\'s law was inspired by various international instruments, including the UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law) Model Law and can be considered part of a broader effort to homogenize law across countries. The main goal of this dissertation is, thus, to analyze the arbitration transplant to the Brazilian legal context. To do so, it first explores the emergence of the main institutions of international commercial arbitration and then it investigates its local assimilation. This process is analyzed through the mobilization that resulted in the approval of the law in 1996 and also through the exploration of the way by which arbitration operates today. The argument emphasizes the role of the gatekeepers in intermediating the local and the global. This work finishes with a reflection about the structural fitting of arbitration in the local judicial field.
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A assimilação da arbitragem no Brasil: disputas em torno da constituição de uma justiça extraestatal / The assimilation of arbitration in Brazil: disputes involving the constitution of non-official justice systemAna Carolina da Matta Chasin 06 February 2015 (has links)
A arbitragem é um instituto previsto no direito brasileiro que consiste num método de solução de conflitos alternativo ao Poder Judiciário. Quando as duas partes concordam, procuram uma instituição especializado para que a controvérsia seja solucionada por meio da decisão de um ou mais árbitros. Desde 1996 com a aprovação da Lei da Arbitragem o laudo arbitral apresenta a validade de uma sentença judicial regular, devendo igualmente ser cumprido. Essa incorporação do instituto no Brasil está inserida no movimento transnacional de reforma dos sistemas de justiça nacionais visando adaptá-los ao mercado em expansão da arbitragem internacional. Inspirado em vários instrumentos internacionais, principalmente na Lei Modelo da Comissão das Nações Unidas para o Comércio Internacional (UNCITRAL), o método também permite a integração do país no esforço mais amplo de harmonização do direito entre os países. O principal objetivo desta tese é, assim, analisar esse processo de transplante da arbitragem ao contexto jurídico brasileiro. Para isso, inicialmente reconstitui o surgimento das mais importantes instituições da arbitragem comercial internacional e, em seguida, investiga a assimilação local deste instituto. Este último processo é analisado à luz da mobilização que resultou na aprovação da legislação em 1996, bem como da abordagem do funcionamento da arbitragem atualmente. O argumento destaca a participação fundamental dos intermediários para o sucesso da operação de mediação entre instâncias globais e locais. O trabalho finaliza com uma reflexão acerca do encaixe estrutural da arbitragem no campo do direito nacional. / Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution mechanism allowed by the Brazilian law. When both parties agree about it, they search for an specialized institution that will delegate the resolution of the conflict to one or more arbitrators. Passage of Brazils 1996 Arbitration Act recognized the validity of decisions reached by arbitrators. The incorporation of arbitration in the country happens as part of an international movement to reform local justice systems adapting them to the growth of the commercial arbitration market. Brazil\'s law was inspired by various international instruments, including the UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law) Model Law and can be considered part of a broader effort to homogenize law across countries. The main goal of this dissertation is, thus, to analyze the arbitration transplant to the Brazilian legal context. To do so, it first explores the emergence of the main institutions of international commercial arbitration and then it investigates its local assimilation. This process is analyzed through the mobilization that resulted in the approval of the law in 1996 and also through the exploration of the way by which arbitration operates today. The argument emphasizes the role of the gatekeepers in intermediating the local and the global. This work finishes with a reflection about the structural fitting of arbitration in the local judicial field.
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Investor Sentiment and Stock Returns: Global EvidenceWang, Wenzhao, Su, C., Duxberry, D. 09 August 2021 (has links)
Yes / We assess the impact of investor sentiment on future stock returns in 50 global stock markets. Using the consumer confidence index (CCI) as the sentiment proxy, we document a negative relationship between investor sentiment and future stock returns at the global level. While the separation between developed and emerging markets does not disrupt the negative pattern, investor sentiment has a more instant impact in emerging markets, but a more enduring impact in developed markets. Individual stock markets reveal heterogeneity in the sentiment-return relationship. This heterogeneity can be explained by cross-market differences in culture and institutions, along with intelligence and education, to varying degrees influenced by the extent of individual investor market participation.
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