Spelling suggestions: "subject:"brassica napus L."" "subject:"rassica napus L.""
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Působení aplikace hnojiv na bázi síranu amonného na výnos a olejnatost semen řepky oziméVrtěl, Petr January 2019 (has links)
This thesis follow up influence of fertilization on yield and oil content of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). There were used fertilizers based on ammonium sulfate in the regeneration (BBCH 26, spring) and production fertilization (BBCH 31) during vegetation phase of oilseed rape. The issue was solved as a two-year small-plot field experiment carried out in the vegetation seasons 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 at the Field Experimental Station in Žabčice. The following variants were included in the experiment: Control (CAN), Ammonium sulfate (AS), Ammonium sulfate with boron (AS + B), Ammonium sulfate with nitrification inhibitor (AS + IN). Each fertilization variant was applied either as regenerative fertilization (BBCH 26) or first production fertilization (BBCH 31). The yield of seeds and also their oil content was significantly influenced by the vegetation season. Yield in the vegetation season 2017/2018 were higher by 41 % than in the vegetation season 2016/2017 because of weather conditions. The oil content was higher by 4 % in the vegetation season 2017/2018. The yield of seeds and also their oil content were not significantly influenced by the fertilization variant or by the vegetation phase of application. The highest average yield 4,23 t/ha was variant Control. The Control also was the highest average oil content of 40,2 %. High temperatures during both years reduced the efficiency of nitrification inhibitor. Fertilization with a boron-containing fertilizer had no effect because of drought and pH.
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Dispersion des graines de colza (Brassica napus L.) et origines des populations férales dans un agroécosystème / Dispersal of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) seeds and feral populations origins in an agroecosystemBailleul, Diane 02 April 2012 (has links)
Les agroécosystèmes sont des mosaïques d’espaces cultivés, d’espaces naturels et semi-naturels et d’infrastructures humaines fortement imbriqués et donc intrinsèquement liés et dépendants. Les espaces semi-naturels sont confinés généralement aux bordures de champs et aux bordures de route où se côtoient biodiversités végétales cultivées et sauvages. Cette thèse se concentre principalement sur la dispersion des graines de colza (Brassica napus L.) vers ces espaces qui peut conduire à la formation de populations de colza dites férales. A l’échelle d’un agroécosystème, l’étude de données génotypiques couplées à des méthodes d’assignations aux variétés commerciales existantes, a permis de mettre en évidence un lien entre la diversité variétale des champs de colza cultivés et la diversité variétale des populations férales de l’année suivante. De surcroît, l’étude de ces diversités variétales a montré que les champs ne sont pas des entités uniformes comportant des plantes d’une seule variété et que les populations férales accumulent les variétés au fil des années grâce aux apports annuels des champs récoltés, à la survie dans la banque de graines et à l’autorecrutement au sein des populations férales. La modélisation des flux efficaces de graines par une méthode de maximum de vraisemblance a permis d’identifier des dynamiques de dispersion locales au sein des agroécosystèmes. Suivant la zone considérée et les axes de circulation vers le silo de récolte, les sources locales de graines varient et les apports extérieurs de graines sont plus ou moins importants. Nos données nous ont permis d’estimer que les semis de la même année (n), les champs récoltés l’année antérieure ou même les années précédentes (jusqu’à n-2) pouvaient contribuer de manière significative à la présence de populations férales (l’année n). Les distances moyennes de dispersion estimées varient de la dizaine de mètres au kilomètre. Enfin, une expérimentation in-situ nous a permis de quantifier les pertes de graines pendant la récolte liées aux bennes de récolte. Nous avons évalué ces pertes à 400 graines par m2 et nous avons mis en évidence de rares évènements de pertes massives de graines. L’analyse statistique des résultats de ces pertes nous a permis de les mettre en relation avec des caractéristiques du paysage, notamment les surfaces des champs et les axes de circulations principaux et secondaires. Dans le contexte de mise en culture de plantes transgéniques, ces résultats impliquent de prendre en compte la complexité du paysage dans les modèles qui prédisent les flux de transgènes à l’échelle des agroécosystèmes. / Agroecosystems are mosaics of cultivated areas where natural and semi-natural areas and human infrastructures are strongly nested and intrinsically linked and dependent. Semi-natural areas are generally confined to field edges and roadsides where wild and cultivated plants biodiversity are combined. This thesis focuses mainly on seed dispersal of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) towards semi-natural areas which can lead to establishment of feral oilseed rape populations. At the agroecosystem scale, the study of genotypic data coupled with assignment methods to existing commercial cultivars has highlighted the link between diversity of cultivars of oilseed rape cultivated fields with diversity of cultivar of feral populations the following year. Furthermore, the study of cultivar diversity revealed that fields are not uniformly composed of plants of a unique cultivar and that feral populations accumulate different cultivars over years consecutive of annual seeds rain of harvested fields, survival in the seed bank and self-recruitment in feral populations. Modeling the effective seed flow with maximum likelihood method revealed local dispersal dynamics within the agroecosystem. Local and extern sources of seeds differ according the area studied and the traffic roads to the silo. Our data have shown that both sowing of the same year (n), the fields harvested the previous year or even in previous years (up to n-2) could significantly contribute to the presence of feral populations (year n). The average dispersal distances estimated range from ten meters to kilometers. Finally, an in-situ experiment enabled us to quantify seed losses during harvest related to grain trailers. We evaluated these losses to 400 seeds per m2 and we highlighted rare events of massive seed deposition. Statistical analysis of these losses enabled us to relate them with landscape elements, including the traffic roads and. In the context of GM crops cultivation in agroecosystems, these results emphasize the need to introduce the landscape complexity in models predicting the presence and persistence of GM OSR feral populations.
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Arranjo de plantas e seus efeitos na produtividade de grãos e teor de óleo em canola / Plants arrangement and its effects on grain yield and oil content in canolaKruger, Cleusa Adriane Menegassi Bianchi 20 January 2011 (has links)
The adjustment plant arrangement is one of the fundamental management techniques
for canola show positive reaction in the ability to absorb light energy, nutrients and water,
which reflects on maximizing the production of photosynthate directed to the plant and grains.
The aim of this study was to assess the interference of arrangement plant on direct and
indirect components of yield in canola, and includes determining the effects produced in oil
content. The study was conducted at the Instituto Regional de Desenvolvimento Rural do
Departamento de Estudos Agrários da Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio
Grande do Sul (IRDeR/DEAg/UNIJUÍ) in Augusto Pestana, RS, involving the execution of
three experiments for different spacing of 0.20, 0.40 and 0.60m. The experimental design
consisted of a factorial arrangement in randomized blocks with four replicates of 2 x 2 x 4, for
the crop year (2008 and 2009), genotype (Hyola 432 and 61) and plant density (20, 40, 60 and
80 plants m-2) in each set line spacing. Components were determined direct and indirect grain
yield, oil content, morphological and adaptive, as well as the thermal and solar radiation
during the grain filling. The year of cultivation was more effective in changing the grain yield
and other traits in canola direct production and oil content, followed by the genetic potential
to grow and smaller share of the planting density. The cv. Hyola 432 shows greater
effectiveness in maximizing grain yield over Hyola 61 regardless of year, row spacing and
planting density. Moreover, in the shortest space of culture, the character of direct and indirect
yield high values of heritability and character number of tertiary branches shows stability
when subjected to strong variations in the plants arrangement. The thermal shows no
correlation with grain yield and oil content. On the other hand, variables related to the crop
cycle are associated with the thermal and solar radiation accumulated in the grain filling stage
of canola. / O ajuste do arranjo de plantas representa um dos termos de manejo fundamental para a
canola mostrar reação positiva na capacidade de absorção de energia luminosa, nutrientes e
água, o que reflete em maximizar a produção de fotoassimilados direcionados a planta e aos
grãos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a interferência do arranjo de plantas sobre os
componentes diretos e indiretos do rendimento de grãos em canola, incluindo também, a
determinação dos efeitos proporcionados no conteúdo de óleo. Nesse sentido, foi
desenvolvido um experimento nos anos agrícolas de 2008 e 2009 no Instituto Regional de
Desenvolvimento Rural, pertencente ao Departamento de Estudos Agrários da Universidade
Regional do Noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul (IRDeR/DEAg/UNIJUÍ), localizada no
município de Augusto Pestana, RS. Para o estudo dos diferentes arranjos de população, foram
utilizados três espaçamentos entrelinhas (0,20, 0,40 e 0,60 m), quatro densidades de plantas
por metro quadrado (20, 40, 60 e 80 plantas m-2) e utilizando dois híbridos de canola (Hyola
432 e Hyola 61). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos completamente casualizados
com quatro repetições, num esquema fatorial 2 x 3 x 4, para ano, genótipo e densidade de
cultivo em três distintos espaçamentos entre linhas, respectivamente. Foram determinados os
componentes direto e indiretos do rendimento de grãos, o conteúdo de óleo, caracteres
morfológicos e adaptativos, bem como a soma térmica e a insolação durante o período de
enchimento de grãos. O ano de cultivo foi mais efetivo em alterar o rendimento de grãos e
demais caracteres diretos de produção em canola, bem como o teor de óleo, seguido do
potencial genético de cultivar e de menor participação da densidade de cultivo. A cultivar
Hyola 432 mostra maior efetividade em maximizar a produção de grãos em relação a Hyola
61, independente do ano, espaçamento entre linhas e densidade de cultivo. Além disso, no
menor espaçamento de cultivo, os caracteres diretos e indiretos do rendimento de grãos
apresentam elevados valores de herdabilidade e o caráter número de ramos terciários
evidencia forte estabilidade quando submetido a variações no arranjo de plantas. A soma
térmica não apresenta correlação com o rendimento de grãos e teor de óleo. Por outro lado,
variáveis relacionadas ao ciclo da cultura apresentam associação com a soma térmica e com a
insolação acumulada na fase de enchimento de grãos de canola.
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Resposta da canola a fontes, doeses e parcelamento de nitrogênio, em Toledo PR / Response of canola to nitrogen fertilizationKaefer, João Edson 25 June 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-25 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The canola term is an acronym for Canadian Oil Low Acid and was adopted as the standard to indicate low levels of erucic acid and glucosinolates. In general, tropical soils are poor in available nitrogen (N) because of the low stocks of organic matter, requiring the external supply of N to meet the demands of the culture. Among the main sources of N used in the culture of canola are nitrogen fertilizers urea and ammonium sulfate. Besides the choice of fertilizer nitrogen source related to N, to adjust the timing of nitrogen application at the time of greatest demand increased demand will increase crop production efficiency In view of this, six experiments were carried out from May 2009 to April 2010. These experiments were mainly aimed at evaluating the response of canola to nitrogen sources and application methods (seeding and / or coverage) of nitrogen fertilizer. All experiments were conducted in the experimental units at the Catholic University of Paraná - PUCPR - Toledo campus. To attend the responses of canola relative to rates and N sources were implanted three experiments in randomized blocks in a 7x2 factorial arrangement, consisting of seven levels of nitrogen at sowing (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 kg ha -1) and two N sources (ammonium sulphate and urea), with four replications. To attend the responses of canola on the forms of nitrogen application and nitrogen sources were implanted over three experiments, which are conducted in randomized blocks in a 5x2 factorial arrangement consisting of five forms of nitrogen in the seeding and / or in coverage, respectively (0 and 0, 120 and 0, 0 and 120, 40 and 80, 80 and 40 kg N ha-1) and two nitrogen sources (ammonium sulphate and urea), with four replications. The coverage fertilization was performed in stage B4. The six experiments were carried out in three production cycles, two experiments in each cycle, corresponding to the following sowing dates: cycle 1: 12/05/2009; cycle 2: 20/06/2009 and cycle 3: 23/04 / 2010. All treatments received a fertilizer equivalent to 300 kg ha-1 00-25-25 formulation, each plot received the amount of nitrogen corresponding to the predetermined treatment. For the six experiments were evaluated the basal diameter, plant height, number of plants m-2, dry leaves, dry weight of stem + petioles, inflorescence dry mass, total plant dry mass, leaf area, area ratio of leaf, mass of pods per plant, weight per pod, weight of grains per pod, thousand grain weight, yield, leaf N content, protein and oil content in grain and oil yield per hectare. The results show that the variables were not influenced by sources of nitrogen fertilizer, ammonium sulfate and urea, for any of the six experiments conducted. The response to N rates influence these variables measured, and the higher productivity achieved with 88 kg ha-1 N. The increase of N doses promotes an increase in the protein reducing therefore the oil content in grains. The forms of nitrogen application also influenced the variables measured, and the best results achieved by the split of applying fertilizer at planting one-third and two-thirds coverage (40 and 80 kg N ha-1) / O termo canola é um acrônimo de CANadian Oil Low Acid e foi adotado como padrão para indicar baixos teores de ácido erúcico e glucosinolatos. De um modo geral, os solos tropicais apresentam baixa disponibilidade de nitrogênio (N) em função dos baixos estoques de matéria orgânica, exigindo o fornecimento externo de N para suprir as demandas da cultura. Dentre as principais fontes de N utilizados na cultura da canola estão os adubos nitrogenados uréia e sulfato de amônio. Além da escolha do adubo nitrogenado relacionado à fonte de N, ajustar o momento da aplicação do N ao momento de maior demanda da cultura aumenta a eficiência de produção. Visando instrumentar decisões relativas a estas alternativas de manejo, foram desenvolvidos quatro experimentos no período de maio de 2009 a abril de 2010. Estes experimentos tiveram como principal objetivo avaliar a resposta da canola a fontes, doses e momento de aplicação do N em Toledo Pr. Todos os experimentos foram conduzidos na unidade experimental da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná PUCPR - campus Toledo. Para quantificar as respostas da canola relativas a doses e fontes de N foram implantados dois experimentos de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 7x2, constando de sete doses de N na semeadura (0; 20; 40; 60; 80; 100 e 120 kg ha-1 de N) e duas fontes de N (sulfato de amônio e uréia), com quatro repetições. Para quantificar as respostas da canola relativas ao momento de aplicação e às fontes de N foram implantados mais dois experimentos, sendo estes conduzidos em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 5x2, constando de cinco combinações de momento de aplicação do N, na semeadura e/ou em cobertura, respectivamente (0 e 0; 120 e 0; 0 e 120; 40 e 80; 80 e 40 kg ha-1 de N) e duas fontes de N (sulfato de amônio e uréia), com quatro repetições. A adubação em cobertura foi realizada no estádio B4. Os quatro experimentos foram implantados em duas épocas de semeadura: 12/05 e 23/04. Todos os tratamentos receberam a adubação correspondente a 300 kg ha-1 de N, P2O5 e K2O na formulação 00-25-25 aplicado na semeadura, além da quantidade de N correspondente ao tratamento pré-estabelecido. Nos quatro experimentos foram avaliados o diâmetro basal, altura de planta, número de plantas m-2, massa seca de folhas, massa seca de caule+pecíolo, massa seca de inflorescência, massa seca da parte aérea, área foliar, razão de área foliar, massa de síliquas por planta, massa por síliqua, massa de grãos por síliqua, massa de mil grãos, produtividade, teor de N foliar, teor de proteína e óleo nos grãos e rendimento de óleo por hectare. Os resultados obtidos mostram que as variáveis avaliadas não foram influenciadas pelas fontes de N utilizadas, sulfato de amônio e uréia, para nenhum dos quatro experimentos conduzidos. Quanto à resposta às doses de N estas influenciaram as variáveis mensuradas, sendo a maior produtividade alcançada com 88 kg ha-1 de N. O aumento nas doses de N promove um incremento nos teores de proteína reduzindo, por consequência o teor de óleo nos grãos. O momento de aplicação do N também influenciou as variáveis mensuradas, sendo os melhores resultados alcançados pelo parcelamento da adubação aplicando-se um terço na semeadura e dois terços em cobertura (40 e 80 kg ha-1 de N)
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Methodical improvements in microspore culture of Brassica napus L. / Methodische Verbesserungen in der Mikrosporenkultur von Brassica napus L.Klutschewski, Sarah 14 February 2013 (has links)
Bei der routinemäßigen Anwendung der Mikrosporenkultur zur Herstellung doppelt-haploider Linien kommt es bis heute zu Engpässen in der praktischen Rapszüchtung. Die Hauptprobleme stellen eine unzureichende Colchizin-induzierte Diploidisierungsrate und eine niedrige direkte Regeneration von Pflanzen aus Mikrosporen-Embryonen dar. Ein hoher Prozentsatz an Rapsembryonen aus Mikrosporenkultur durchläuft den Prozess der sekundären Embryogenese, der eine zeitintensive Subkultivierung erfordert. Hierbei werden die direkten Sprossansätze wiederholt von undifferenziertem Gewebe freigeschnitten bis eine Überführung in Erde und die letztendliche Regeneration zu doppelt-haploiden Pflanzen möglich ist. Die vorliegende Doktorarbeit besteht aus zwei Studien, die sich mit dem Thema: „Methodische Verbesserungen der Mikrosporenkultur in Brassica napus L.“ auseinandersetzen.
Ziel der ersten Studie war die Erhöhung der Colchizin-induzierten Diploidisierungsrate von Mikrosporen ohne die Regeneration von Pflanzen aus den Mikrosporen-Embryonen zu verringern und damit die Entwicklung zu doppelt-haploiden Pflanzen zu verzögern. Aufgrund der hohen Toxizität von Colchizin wurden die weniger toxischen Mitosehemmstoffe Amiprophos-methyl (APM) und Pronamid, die eine höhere Affinität zu Pflanzentubulin als Colchizin besitzen, allein und in Kombination mit Colchizin untersucht. Eine Kombination dieser Mitosehemmstoffe führte zu keiner effizienten Diploidisierungsrate; demnach konnte ein synergistischer Effekt ausgeschlossen werden. Die acht untersuchten Winterrapsgenotypen erzielten eine Diploidisierungsrate von 40% bis 64%. Die Mitosehemmstoff-Behandlungen der isolierten Mikrosporen variierten hierbei zwischen 33% (3 µM APM, 72 Stunden) und 70% (25 µM Colchizin, 72 Stunden). Ein signifikanter Einfluss der Mitosehemmstoffe auf die Konversionsrate der Mikrosporen-Embryonen konnte nicht nachgewiesen werden. In Abhängigkeit der Genotypen konvertierten 14% bis 23% direkt. Unterschiedliche getestete Colchizinkonzentrationen (250, 150, 125, 25 µM) zeigten für 4 untersuchte Genotypen eine Colchizin-induzierte Diploidisierungsrate von 58% bis 66%, wobei die Behandlung 250 µM Colchizin für 48h die höchste Rate aufwies. Ein signifikanter Einfluss von Dimethylsulfoxid (DMSO), das oftmals als Lösungsmittel der angewendeten Mitosehemmstoffe verwendet wird, konnte jedoch nicht in den untersuchten Konzentrationen (0,3% und 3%) in Kombination mit der Colchizin-Behandlung (250 µM, 72 Stunden) auf die Diploidisierungsrate und die direkte Konversionsrate nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin wurden 17 Winterrapsgenotypen bezüglich ihrer spontanen und ihrer Colchizin-induzierten Diploidisierungsrate untersucht und deren Konversionsrate der Mikrosporen-Embryonen zu Regeneraten mit direkten Sprossansätzen bestimmt. Die ausgewählten Genotypen enthielten sowohl Sorten als auch F1–Hybriden. Die spontan-induzierte Diploidisierungsrate zeigte eine große Variation von 15% bis 69%. Im Vergleich dazu erreichte die Colchizin-induzierte Diploidisierungsrate Werte von 40% bis 83%. Die Mikrosporen-Embryonen der getesteten Genotypen wiesen ebenfalls eine große Spannbreite bezüglich ihrer direkten Konversionsrate auf. Die Ergebnisse zeigten keinen signifikanten Einfluss der Mitosehemmstoff-Behandlung auf den Regenerationserfolg der Mikrosporen-Embryonen zu Pflanzen. Sowohl die beobachtete spontane und die Mitosehemmstoff-induzierte Diploidisierung als auch die Konversionsrate der Mikrosporen-Embryonen zu Regeneraten mit direkten Sprossansätzen waren stark Genotyp-abhängig.
Ziel der zweiten Studie war die Erhöhung der direkten Regeneration der Mikrosporen-Embryonen zu Pflanzen trotz der starken Abhängigkeit der Genotypen. Zunächst wurde der Einfluss von zehn unterschiedlichen Sprossregenerationsmedien mit und ohne Phytohormone (Gibberellinsäure, 6-Benzylaminopurin, 3-Indolylbuttersäure) und eine 14-tägige Kältebehandlung bei 4 °C (Lichtthermostat) auf die direkte Konversionsrate der Mikrosporen-Embryonen von 5 Winterrapsgenotypen untersucht. Die 14-tägige Kältebehandlung erfolgte sowohl unter acht Stunden Licht als auch in Dunkelheit. Die Standardkultivierung der Mikrosporen-Embryonen erfolgte im Kulturraum bei 26 °C und 12 Stunden Licht. 13% bis 39% der Mikrosporen-Embryonen konvertierten direkt, wobei die höchste Rate von 43% nach Kultivierung der Embryonen auf Gamborg B5-Medium mit 0.1 mg/L Gibberellinsäure resultierte. Die Mittelwerte der Konversionsrate der Mikrosporen-Embryonen zu Regeneraten mit direkten Sprossansätzen aller untersuchten Genotypen und Kulturmedien wurden durch die 14-tägige Kältebehandlung (28%) gegenüber der Standardkultivierung (14%) signifikant erhöht. Nachfolgend wurde der Einfluss der vier effizientesten Sprossregenerationsmedien und eine 14-tägige Kältebehandlung bei 1.5 °C und bei 4 °C (Lichtthermostat) auf die Konversionsrate von Mikrosporen-Embryonen von 13 Winterrapsgenotypen untersucht. Die Kältebehandlung bei 1.5 °C erfolgte unter Lichtabwesenheit als auch unter acht Stunden Licht. Die Kältebehandlung bei 4 °C erfolgte dagegen in Dauerlicht und Dauerdunkel. Zwischen 29% und 76% der Mikrosporen-Embryonen konvertierten direkt. Im Vergleich zur Kultivierung unter Standardbedingungen konnte mit der Kältebehandlung eine signifikante Erhöhung erzielt werden (von 21% auf bis zu 71%). Nach vorheriger Kultivierung der Mikrosporen-Embryonen auf den unterschiedlichen Kulturmedien variierte die Konversionsrate zwischen 50% (MS) und 60% (B5 mit 0.1 mg/L Gibberellinsäure). Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen zeigten, dass trotz einer vorherrschenden starken Abhängigkeit vom Genotyp, die direkte Konversionsrate der Mikrosporen-Embryonen mit Kältebehandlung (1.5 °C im Dauerdunkel) signifikant erhöht werden konnte. Fast alle Genotypen zeigten Konversionsraten der Mikrosporen-Embryonen von über 70%. Es ist demnach möglich die sekundäre Embryogenese und die damit verbundene zeitintensive in vitro-Subkultivierung erheblich zu reduzieren, und dadurch den Entwicklungsprozess von doppelt-haploiden Linien zur Verwendung in der praktischen Rapszüchtung zu beschleunigen.
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Efeitos da temperatura na secagem e da umidade relativa no armazenamento sobre a qualidade de grãos e óleo de canola para biocombustível. / Effects of drying temperature and relative humidity in storage on the quality of grains and canola oil for biofuelZeni, Diego Batista 30 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:42:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010-06-30 / The storage of grain for longer periods, especially those containing high
content of oil to manufacture biodiesel, generated a major difficulty of the production
chain in the stage of post-harvest, where there are few data on drying and storage of
oilseeds with maintaining their technological characteristics. The aim of the work, we
study the effects of canola grain temperature in grains dried at temperatures of 20-
25, 35-40, 55-60 and 75-80°C, were stored for periods of 1, 100, 200 and 300 days in
both environments with relative humidity 55-65% and 75-85%, and temperature
controlled of 21±3°C. Were analyzed moisture, bulk density and oil content of grains
and also its acidity, peroxide value, saponification and iodine oil canola grain stored
subjected analysis of variance (ANOVA) of data, by Tukey test (P<0,05). We
conclude that: A) the drying temperature in grains causes more damage than
immediate dormant grains. B) the relative humidity in the storage environment alters
the equilibrium moisture content of grain density, oil content and hydrolytic and
oxidative stability. C) the storage time is more important in the stability of oil in the
grain mass during drying temperatures above 40°C and storage environment with
relative humidity above 70%. D) drying temperature with a mass greater than 60ºC
only allow oil stability of grain in storage with humidity below 70% and up to 200
days. / A armazenagem de grãos por períodos mais longos, principalmente os que
contém alto teor de óleos para a fabricação de biocombustível, gerou uma maior
dificuldade da cadeia produtiva na etapa de pós-colheita, onde há poucos dados
referentes a secagem e armazenamento de grãos oleaginosos com manutenção de
suas características tecnológicas. Objetivou-se, com o trabalho, estudar nos grãos
de canola os efeitos da temperatura na massa de grãos secados as temperaturas de
20-25, 35-40, 55-60 e 75-80°C, armazenados por períodos de 1, 100, 200 e 300
dias, em ambientes com umidade relativa do ar de 55 a 65% e 75 a 85% e
temperatura controlada de 21±3°C. Foram analisados umidade, massa volumétrica e
teor de óleo dos grãos e também índices de acidez, peróxidos, saponificação e iodo
do óleo dos grãos de canola armazenados e submetidos análise de variância
(ANOVA) dos dados, pelo teste de Tukey (P<0,05). Conclui-se que: A) a temperatura
de secagem na massa de grãos provoca mais danos latentes do que imediatos nos
grãos. B) A umidade relativa do ar no ambiente de armazenamento altera a umidade
de equilíbrio dos grãos, a massa específica, o teor de óleo e a estabilidade hidrolítica
e oxidatíva. C) O tempo de armazenamento é mais influente na estabilidade do óleo
dos grãos em secagens com temperaturas de massa superiores a 40ºC e
armazenamento em ambiente com umidade relativa do ar superior a 70%. D)
Secagens com temperatura de massa superior a 60ºC só possibilitam estabilidade
do óleo dos grãos em armazenamentos com umidade menor que 70% e até 200
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Dispersion des graines de colza (Brassica napus L.) et origines des populations férales dans un agroécosystèmeBailleul, Diane 02 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les agroécosystèmes sont des mosaïques d'espaces cultivés, d'espaces naturels et semi-naturels et d'infrastructures humaines fortement imbriqués et donc intrinsèquement liés et dépendants. Les espaces semi-naturels sont confinés généralement aux bordures de champs et aux bordures de route où se côtoient biodiversités végétales cultivées et sauvages. Cette thèse se concentre principalement sur la dispersion des graines de colza (Brassica napus L.) vers ces espaces qui peut conduire à la formation de populations de colza dites férales. A l'échelle d'un agroécosystème, l'étude de données génotypiques couplées à des méthodes d'assignations aux variétés commerciales existantes, a permis de mettre en évidence un lien entre la diversité variétale des champs de colza cultivés et la diversité variétale des populations férales de l'année suivante. De surcroît, l'étude de ces diversités variétales a montré que les champs ne sont pas des entités uniformes comportant des plantes d'une seule variété et que les populations férales accumulent les variétés au fil des années grâce aux apports annuels des champs récoltés, à la survie dans la banque de graines et à l'autorecrutement au sein des populations férales. La modélisation des flux efficaces de graines par une méthode de maximum de vraisemblance a permis d'identifier des dynamiques de dispersion locales au sein des agroécosystèmes. Suivant la zone considérée et les axes de circulation vers le silo de récolte, les sources locales de graines varient et les apports extérieurs de graines sont plus ou moins importants. Nos données nous ont permis d'estimer que les semis de la même année (n), les champs récoltés l'année antérieure ou même les années précédentes (jusqu'à n-2) pouvaient contribuer de manière significative à la présence de populations férales (l'année n). Les distances moyennes de dispersion estimées varient de la dizaine de mètres au kilomètre. Enfin, une expérimentation in-situ nous a permis de quantifier les pertes de graines pendant la récolte liées aux bennes de récolte. Nous avons évalué ces pertes à 400 graines par m2 et nous avons mis en évidence de rares évènements de pertes massives de graines. L'analyse statistique des résultats de ces pertes nous a permis de les mettre en relation avec des caractéristiques du paysage, notamment les surfaces des champs et les axes de circulations principaux et secondaires. Dans le contexte de mise en culture de plantes transgéniques, ces résultats impliquent de prendre en compte la complexité du paysage dans les modèles qui prédisent les flux de transgènes à l'échelle des agroécosystèmes.
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QTLs for oil content and their relationships to other agronomic traits in an European x Chinese oilseed rape population / QTL für Ölgehalt und deren Beziehung zu anderen agronomischen Eigenschaften in einer Europäisch x Chinesischen Winterraps-PopulationZhao, Jianyi 14 November 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Untersuchungen zum Blatt- und Wurzelmetabolismus sowie zum Phloem- und Xylemtransport in Zusammenhang mit der Stickstoff-Effizienz bei Raps (Brassica napus L.) / Study on nitrogen efficiency of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) in relation to the metabolism in leaves and roots and to the transport in phloem and xylemZhou, Zewen 02 November 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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