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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marketing Introduction Plan for the New Generation of Sustainable Circuit Breakers LTA 420 kV : A real-life case for implementation at Hitachi ABB Power Grids / Introduktionsplan för marknadsföring av den nya generationen av hållbara strömbrytare LTA 420 kV : Ett verkligt fall för implementering på Hitachi ABB Power Grids

Fradinho Bastos, Ivan January 2021 (has links)
En strömbrytare är en säkerhetsanordning som är utformad för att bryta strömmen om ett problem uppstår. Det finns ett flertal olika typer av brytare beroende vilket spänningsområde som avses. Brytare för lågspänning används för hushållsapparater, medan högspänningstyper används för överföring av spänning i elnätet. Högspänningsbrytare använder idag svavelhexafluorid (SF6)-gas, som ett isolerande medium för att släcka den elektriska ljusbåge som bildas när strömmen bryts. SF6 är dock problematiskt för miljön, då dess globala uppvärmningspotential (GWP) är 23 500 gånger högre jämfört med koldioxid (CO2). Företaget Hitachi ABB Power Grids har utvecklat AirPlus™-tekniken som ersätter SF6-gasen med en koldioxidbaserad gasblandning. Examensarbetet fokuserade på att utvärdera möjligheten att minska användningen av SF6 genom AirPlus™-tekniken och hur tekniken skulle kunna en introduceras på marknaden. Slutligen så utvecklades en strategi för hur detta skulle kunna ske. Studien innefattar den bakomliggande informationsinhämtningen och analysen av data, marknadsutvärdering och utvecklingen av marknadsstrategin. Detta utfördes genom att utvärdera AirPlus™-tekniken och dess konkurrenter, samt genom en kvalitativ och kvantitativ analys av implementeringen av LTA 420 kV-brytaren på marknaden. Sammanfattningsvis så visar studien att marknadsintroduktionen av strömbrytaren LTA 420 kV är genomförbar. Även om koldioxid tekniskt inte har samma prestanda som SF6, är tekniken fortfarande bra och ger starka kundfördelar: GWP minskar med över 99,9%, användningen överensstämmer med miljöregler, den ger lägre ägandekostnader, färre kontroller, lägre kostnad för hantering av koldioxidgasen, och fungerar väl vid extremt låga temperaturer. De viktigaste utmaningarna för Hitachi ABB Power Grids relaterar till konkurrensen på marknaden. Det är därför tillrådligt att företaget arbetar med en effektiv marknadsintroduktion för att säkerställa en stor marknadsandel. / A circuit breaker is a safety device designed to interrupt power if a problem is detected. There are several kinds of circuit breakers for different applications. Low-voltage circuit breakers are used for household appliances, while high-voltage types are used for transmission networks. High-voltage circuit breakers use sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas as an insulating medium, which extinguishes the electric arc that is formed when power is cut. However, it is a huge hazard for the environment, as its global warming potential (GWP) is 23,500 times higher than that of CO2 gas. The company Hitachi ABB Power Grids developed the AirPlus™ technology, which replaces the SF6 gas with a carbon dioxide (CO2) based gas mixture. The presented degree project has evaluated the feasibility of reducing the use of SF6 through the AirPlus™ technology and then developed a strategy for the company Hitachi ABB Power Grids for the market introduction of the eco-efficient LTA 420 kV circuit breaker. This study covers the background research, market evaluation, and market strategy.  It was done through research about the AirPlus™ technology and its competitors, so as qualitative and quantitative analysis of the LTA 420 kV circuit breaker implementation in the market. In conclusion, the study shows that the market introduction of the LTA 420 kV circuit breaker is feasible. Although CO2 is not as good an insulation medium as SF6, it is still good and presents strong customer benefits: GWP reduced by over 99.9%, compliance with new regulations, lower cost of ownership, fewer regulatory controls, reduced cost of handling the gas, and well-functioning at extremely low temperatures. The main concerns for Hitachi ABB Power Grids are related to market competition. Thus, it is advisable that the company works on an effective market introduction to assure a large market share.

On the design of hybrid DC-breakers consisting of a mechanical switch and semiconductor devices

Magnusson, Jesper January 2015 (has links)
The interest of using direct current in networks for both transmission and distribution of power is increasing due to the higher efficiency compared to the alternating current used today. As no natural zero crossings exist in direct current, the interruption of fault currents becomes a challenge. Several circuit breaker topologies have been proposed to fulfill the requirements for DC grids. One such topology is the hybrid DC-breaker consisting of three parallel branches: a mechanical switch, a semiconductor branch, and a metal oxide varistor. The current interruption in the hybrid DC-breaker is made in three steps. A mechanical switch carries the nominal current with low losses during normal operation. When the breaker is tripped to interrupt the current, the mechanical switch is opened and commutates the current into the semiconductor branch. This branch will then conduct the current as the mechanical switch regains its voltage withstand. The semiconductors turn off and force the current into the varistor branch where the magnetic energy is absorbed and the current is forced to zero. This thesis is based on simulations and experiments to obtain design rules for such a DC-breaker. It has been shown that several aspects needs to be considered. Simulations are performed with several different models to obtain the requirements of each of the components in the DC-breaker. First of all, the choice of the semiconductor is important. There are a number of components available in the market, but typically they are optimized for fast switching applications like inverters rather than circuit breaker applications that only requires one single switching. Due to the high current and voltage ratings and the easy control, the IGBT seems to be the best choice among the commercially available components. Simulations on the mechanical switch show that there is an optimal combination of opening time and arc voltage of the to obtain a successful commutation into the semiconductor branch. The actuator is a key component since a relatively low increase in performance of the actuator drive circuit, significantly decreases the requirement of the other components in the DC-breaker. A significant part of the work has been put on the voltage transient during the turn-off of the semiconductor. As the current is forced into the varistor branch, the stray inductance in that loop will result in an over-voltage due to the high current derivative. A new type of snubber has been investigated using another varistor mounted close to the semiconductor. It has been shown that the function of the varistor snubber can be divided into two regions depending on the ratio between the snubber and the main varistor. If the ratio is high enough, the energy absorbed in the snubber varistor is only a few percent of the total energy. / Intresset för att använda likström i både transmission och distribution av elkraft har ökat tack vare en högre verkningsgrad och lägre förluster. En begränsande faktor för utbyggnad av likströmsnät är utvecklingen av brytare för likström. Svårigheten att bryta en likström jämfört med växelström är att det saknas en naturlig nollgenomgång där strömmen kan brytas. För att tvinga fram en nollgenomgång kan man använda en hybrid brytare som består av tre parallella grenar: en mekanisk switch, en gren med krafthalvledarkomponenter och en gren med en varistor. Hybridbrytaren bryter en ström i tre steg. I normalfallet leder den mekaniska kontakten strömmen för att hålla nere de elektriska förlusterna. När strömmen ska brytas öppnas den mekaniska kontakten och strömmen kommuteras över till krafthalvledargrenen. När krafthalvledaren stängs av, trycks strömmen över till den tredje grenen där varistorn begränsar spänningen över brytaren och absorberar den magnetiska energi som finns lagrad i nätet. Strömmen avtar och när systemet är avmagnetiserat når strömmen noll. Denna avhandling sammanfattar ett arbete att med hjälp av simuleringar och experiment få fram designparametrar för en sådan brytare. Flera simuleringsmodeller har av använts för att få fram designkriterier för de olika komponenterna i hybridbrytaren. Ett första steg är att välja krafthalvledarkomponent. Dessa komponenter är främst utvecklade för omvandling mellan lik- och växelström där de slås av och på i korta intervall. En brytartillämpning skiljer sig markant från detta eftersom strömmen bara behöver brytas enstaka gånger vilket ändrar kraven på komponenten. Enkelheten i att kontrollera komponenten tillsammans med dess höga ström- och spänningstålighet gör IGBTn till det bästa valet bland de kommersiellt tillgängliga komponenterna. Simuleringar visar att en optimal design av den mekaniska switchen är en kombination av snabbhet och ljusbågsspänning. En nyckelkomponent är den snabba aktuatorn som driver switchen. En relativt liten förbättring av drivkretsen kan leda till minskade krav och därmed kostnader på övriga komponenter i brytaren. En stor del av arbetet har lagts på att studera den transienta överspänningen då krafthalvledarkomponenten bryter strömmen. Den höga strömderivatan medför att även små ströinduktanser leder till relativt stora överspänningar som riskerar att skada brytaren. En ny typ av snubberkrets, bestående av en mindre varistor som monteras nära krafthalvledaren, har föreslagits. På detta sätt separeras överspänningsskyddet från absorptionen av den magnetiska energin. Experiment och simuleringar visar att om spänningsförhållandet mellan de två varistorerna är tillräckligt stort absorberas endast ett par procent av energin i snubbern. / <p>QC 20150420</p>

T-Type Modular Dc Circuit Breaker (T-Breaker) with Integrated Energy Storage for Future Dc Networks

Zhang, Yue 24 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

T-Type Modular DC Circuit Breaker (T-Breaker) for the Stabilization of Future High Voltage DC Networks

Alsaif, Faisal January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Positional games on graphs / Pozicione igre na grafovima

Mikalački Mirjana 20 February 2014 (has links)
<p>\section*{Abstract}<br />We study Maker-Breaker games played on the edges of the complete graph on $n$ vertices, $K_n$, whose family of winning sets $\cF$ consists of all edge sets of subgraphs $G\subseteq K_n$ which possess a predetermined monotone increasing property. Two players, Maker and Breaker, take turns in claiming $a$, respectively $b$, unclaimed edges per move. We are interested in finding the threshold bias $b_{\cF}(a)$ for all values of $a$, so that for every $b$, $b\leq b_{\cF}(a)$, Maker wins the game and for all values of $b$, such that $b&gt;b_{\cF}(a)$, Breaker wins the game. We are particularly interested in cases where both $a$ and $b$ can be greater than $1$. We focus on the \textit{Connectivity game}, where the winning sets are the edge sets of all spanning trees of $K_n$ and on the&nbsp; \textit{Hamiltonicity game}, where the winning sets are the edge sets of all Hamilton cycles on $K_n$.<br /><br />Next, we consider biased $(1:b)$ Avoider-Enforcer games, also played on the edges of $K_n$. For every constant $k\geq 3$ we analyse the $k$-star game, where Avoider tries<br />to avoid claiming $k$ edges incident to the same vertex. We analyse both versions of Avoider-Enforcer games, the strict and the monotone, and for each provide explicit winning strategies for both players. Consequentially, we establish bounds on the threshold biases $f^{mon}_\cF$, $f^-_\cF$ and $f^+_\cF$, where $\cF$ is the hypergraph of the game (the family of target sets).<br />We also study the monotone version of $K_{2,2}$-game, where Avoider wants to avoid claiming all the edges of some graph isomorphic to $K_{2,2}$ in $K_n$.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Finally, we search for the fast winning strategies for Maker in Perfect matching game and Hamiltonicity game, again played on the edge set of $K_n$. Here, we look at the biased $(1:b)$ games, where Maker&#39;s bias is 1, and Breaker&#39;s bias is $b, b\ge 1$.</p> / <p>\section*{Izvod}</p><p>Prou\v{c}avamo takozvane Mejker-Brejker (Maker-Breaker) igre koje se igraju na granama kompletnog grafa sa $n$ \v{c}vorova, $K_n$, \v{c}ija familija pobedni\v{c}kih skupova $\cF$ obuhvata sve skupove grana grafa $G\subseteq K_n$ koji imaju neku monotono rastu\&#39;{c}u osobinu. Dva igra\v{c}a, \textit{Mejker} (\textit{Pravi\v{s}a}) i \textit{Brejker} (\textit{Kva\-ri\-\v{s}a}) se smenjuju u odabiru $a$, odnosno $b$, slobodnih grana po potezu. Interesuje nas da prona\dj emo grani\v{c}ni bias $b_{\cF}(a)$ za sve vrednosti pa\-ra\-me\-tra $a$, tako da za svako $b$, $b\le b_{\cF}(a)$, Mejker pobe\dj uje u igri, a za svako $b$, takvo da je $b&gt;b_{\cF}(a)$, Brejker pobe\dj uje. Posebno nas interesuju slu\v{c}ajevi u kojima oba parametra $a$ i $b$ mogu imati vrednost ve\&#39;cu od 1. Na\v{s}a pa\v{z}nja je posve\&#39;{c}ena igri povezanosti, gde su pobedni\v{c}ki skupovi&nbsp; grane svih pokrivaju\&#39;cih stabala grafa $K_n$, kao i igri Hamiltonove konture, gde su pobedni\v{c}ki skupovi grane svih Hamiltonovih kontura grafa $K_n$.</p><p>Zatim posmatramo igre tipa Avojder-Enforser (Avoider-Enforcer), sa biasom $(1:b)$, koje se tako\dj e igraju na granama kompletnog grafa sa $n$ \v{c}vorova, $K_n$. Za svaku konstantu $k$, $k\ge 3$ analiziramo igru $k$-zvezde (zvezde sa $k$ krakova), u kojoj \textit{Avojder} poku\v{s}va da izbegne da ima $k$ svojih grana incidentnih sa istim \v{c}vorom. Posmatramo obe verzije ove igre, striktnu i monotonu, i za svaku dajemo eksplicitnu pobedni\v{c}ku strategiju za oba igra\v{c}a. Kao rezultat, dobijamo gornje i donje ograni\v{c}enje za grani\v{c}ne biase $f^{mon}_\cF$, $f^-_\cF$ i $f^+_\cF$, gde $\cF$ predstavlja hipergraf igre (familija ciljnih skupova).<br />%$f^{mon}$, $f^-$ and $f^+$.<br />Tako\dj e, posmatramo i monotonu verziju $K_{2,2}$-igre, gde Avojder \v{z}eli da izbegne da graf koji \v{c}ine njegove grane sadr\v{z}i graf izomorfan sa $K_{2,2}$.</p><p>Kona\v{c}no, \v{z}elimo da prona\dj emo strategije za brzu pobedu Mejkera u igrama savr\v{s}enog me\v{c}inga i Hamiltonove konture, koje se tako\dj e igraju na granama kompletnog grafa $K_n$. Ovde posmatramo asimetri\v{c}ne igre gde je bias Mejkera 1, a bias Brejkera $b$, $b\ge 1$.</p>

Analýza působení spínacího systému jističe nn na tepelnou spoušť / Analysis of effect of the switching system of low voltage breaker on the thermal tripping unit

Liščák, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
Main aims of this master’s thesis are executing measurements and simulations on low voltage circuit breaker and analyzing effect of the switching mechanism on the thermal tripping unit. There are two programs used for simulations in this thesis ANSYS and SolidWorks Flow Simulation. As another part of the thesis were done two types of tests. First was electrical durability test and second one was warming test. In this thesis were measured values of warming on whole current path not only on thermal tripping unit.


Dostál, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
The theses is focused on efficient use of numerical methods in development of low-voltage switching devices, namely to create a physically correct and reliable numerical model of the temperature field to find an application in the design of the current path of a device for various operating conditions. The creation of this numerical model requires not only correct inclusion of all modes of heat transfer - conduction, convection and radiation, but also correct solution of problematic transient resistance - both electrical and thermal in electrical contacts at different stages of usage. Therefore an essential part of the theses forms a thorough experimental analysis of the necessary material properties and dependencies which forms input data for the numerical model that is based on the finite volume method. The last part of the theses deals with debugging and verification of numerical model to correspond with experimentally obtained data. The result of the theses is the numerical model which is able to solve correctly both steady and various transient states of swiching devices.

Electrical, Magnetic, Thermal Modeling and Analysis of a 5000A Solid-State Switch Module and Its Application as a DC Circuit Breaker

Zhou, Xigen 28 September 2005 (has links)
This dissertation presents a systematic design and demonstration of a novel solid-state DC circuit breaker. The mechanical circuit breaker is widely used in power systems to protect industrial equipment during fault or abnormal conditions. Compared with the slow and high-maintenance mechanical circuit breaker, the solid-state circuit breaker is capable of high-speed interruption of high currents without generating an arc, hence it is maintenance-free. Both the switch and the tripping unit are solid-state, which meet the requirements of precise protection and high reliability. The major challenge in developing and adopting a solid-state circuit breaker has been the lack of power semiconductor switches that have adequate current-carrying capability and interruption capability. The high-speed, high-current solid-state DC circuit breaker proposed and demonstrated here uses a newly-emerging power semiconductor switch, the emitter turn-off (ETO) thyristor as the main interruption switch. In order to meet the requirement of being a high-current circuit breaker, ETO parallel operation is needed. Therefore the major effort of this dissertation is dedicated to the development of a high-current (5000A) DC switch module that utilizes multiple ETOs in parallel. This work can also be used to develop an AC switch module by changing the asymmetrical ETOs used to symmetrical ETOs. An accurate device model of the ETO is needed for the development of the high-current DC switch module. In this dissertation a novel physics-base lumped charge model is developed for the ETO thyristor for the first time. This model is verified experimentally and used for the research and development of the emitter turn-off (ETO) thyristor as well as the DC switch module discussed in this dissertation. With the aid of the developed device model, the device current sharing between paralleled multiple ETO thyristors is investigated. Current sharing is difficult to achieve for a thyristor-type device due to the large device parameter variations and strong positive feedback mechanism in a latched thyristor. The author proposes the "DirectETO" concept that directly benefits from the high-speed capability of the ETO and strong thermal couplings among ETOs. A high-current DC switch module based on the DirectETO can be realized by directly connecting ETOs in parallel without the bulky current sharing inductors used in other current-sharing solutions. In order to achieve voltage stress suppression under high current conditions, the parasitic parameters, especially parasitic inductance in a high-current ETO switch module are studied. The Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) method is used to extract the parasitics. Combined with the developed device model, the electrical interactions among multiple ETOs are investigated which results in structural modification for the solid-state DC switch module. The electro-thermal model of the DC switch module and the heatsink subsystem is used to identify the "thermal runaway" phenomenon in the module that is caused by the negative temperature coefficient of the ETO's conduction drop. The comparative study of the electro-thermal coupling identifies a strongly-coupled thermal network that increases the stability of the thermal subsystem. The electro-thermal model is also used to calculate the DC and transient thermal limit of the DC switch module. The high-current (5000A) DC switch module coupled with a solid state tripping unit is successfully applied as a high-speed, high-current solid-state DC circuit breaker. The experimental demonstration of a 5000A current interruption shows an interruption time of about 5 microseconds. This high-speed, high-current DC switch module can therefore be used in DC circuit breaker applications as well as other types of application, such as AC circuit breakers, transfer switches and fault current limiters. Since the novel solid-state DC circuit breaker is able to extinguish the fault current even before it reaches an uncontrollable level, this feature provides a fast-acting, current-limiting protection scheme for power systems that is not possible with traditional circuit breakers. The potential impact on the power system is also discussed in this dissertation. / Ph. D.

Perceived implications of privatization for Canadian Coast Guard Services, principally Arctic icebreaking

Parsons, James January 2009 (has links)
Climate change, with the possibility of an ice free Arctic ocean by 2015, has generated a renewed interest in the Arctic. This interest is being driven by the possibility of easier access to the abundant supply of resources such as oil, gas, minerals, and fisheries. Interest in Arctic tourism is also growing. Retreating sea ice will provide opportunities to avail of shorter routes for maritime traffic to and from Asia, North America, and Asia via the Arctic Ocean and Northwest Passage. In addition, the rate of population growth of local inhabitants in the Canadian Arctic is the fastest in Canada and one of the fastest in the world. A growing population will increase the demand for sealift resupply to Canada's northern communities. This work presents the first attempt to examine the role of privatization of icebreaking services in light of the present and projected shortages of infrastructure to support development in the Arctic. A unique combination of multiple methods within marine transportation, comprising of Delphi, grounded theory, and quantitative survey, is applied to investigate the potential for private involvement in the delivery of icebreaking services in the Canadian Arctic. This includes a novel application of Strauss and Corbin's Grounded Theory approach to develop hypotheses and relationships grounded in expert opinion. Although the Arctic Ocean may be ice free during the summers, there is still the issue of winter freezing and the threat of lingering multi-year ice which will impede marine transportation especially during periods of darkness and fog. The research shows that the future growth and development of the Canadian Arctic will undoubtedly require the use of designated icebreakers and ice strengthened vessels. However, Canada's fleet of Arctic icebreakers is ageing and considered unsuitable for future demands. While Canada has earmarked CAD $750M for the construction of one new icebreaker scheduled for delivery in 2017, the research shows that Icebreakers can be built outside of Canada for considerably less money and in less time. Also, the management and operation of the Canadian Coast Guard is under considerable security by the Auditor General of Canada. The research shows that not unlike others Arctic nations, there is potential for the creation of private-public partnerships in the delivery of Canadian Coast Guard services, principally icebreaking, in the Arctic.

Understanding sediment mobilisation under plunging waves within a gravel beach

Ball, Ian Phillip January 2013 (has links)
Numerical modelling currently cannot accurately reproduce the onshore-offshore transport asymmetry observed on gravel beaches. The role of the impulsive pressure response generated by plunging waves has been hypothesised to aid mobilisation of sediment, and thus may contribute to transport asymmetry. This process is not currently included in models. Laboratory tests were conducted across a range of wave conditions to investigate the role of plunging wave-breaker impacts on the mobilisation of sediment of gravel beaches. Pressure records were obtained at positions close to the plunging impact locations, to monitor the localised pressures that lead to sediment mobilisation. The correction of the recorded pressure to the bed surface, for further analysis, was achieved through a two stage approach. Adoption of a new technique for separating the pressure records into two components, each determined by different processes is presented. Each component is then corrected to the bed surface with the application of a pragmatic prediction of the experienced attenuation. Data covering a wide range of Iribarren values was assessed, and the impact pressure was parameterised against the wave-breaker type. This procedure identified a potential peak in the impact pressure-Iribarren space in the plunging breaker region, consistent with the previous hypothesis. Comparison of cross-shore profile records provides further limited evidence that morphological prediction fails to reproduce specific characteristics associated with profiles generated under plunging breaker action. Finally, a brief discussion is provided on how the role of the additional pressure generated under plunging impacts can be incorporated into future numerical models.

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