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Rekonstruojamų visuomeninių pastatų architektūros ir konstrukcinių sprendinių ypatumai / Singularities in Solutions of Reconstructed Public Buildings‘ Architectural and Structural SolutionsSurdokienė, Rūta 13 June 2011 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe analizuojami visuomeninių pastatų eksploatacijos periodai, vertės kitimo priežastys ir pasekmės, nusidėvėjimo tipai, pastatų gyvavimo trukmės teoriniai ir statistiniai duomenys bei jų reikšmė Lietuvai. Apibendrinamas ir pateikiamas visuomeninių pastatų Lietuvoje konversijos pagrindimas, tikslas ir reikšmė. Išskiriama ekologijos ir darnios statybos plėtros reikšmė visuomeninių pastatų rekonstrukcijos procese. Suformuluojama optimaliai visuomeninių pastatų konversijai įtaką darančių veiksnių bei motyvų schema. Atlikta pasirinktų XX a. pab. Europos ir kitose pasaulio šalyse konvertuotų visuomeninių pastatų architektūros ir konstrukcinių sprendinių analizė. Nagrinėjami šiuolaikiški ir modernūs pastatų rekonstrukcijos metodai. Remiantis teoriniais visuomeninių pastatų konversijos aspektais, analizuojama idėjinė kino teatro ,,Lietuva“ konversijos schema, atsižvelgiant į sociologinius, ekonominius, funkcinius, estetinius, darnaus vystymo principus, pateikiami pastato konversijos sklypo plano, architektūros, funkcinės, konstrukcijų dalies sprendinių pasiūlymai. Darbą sudaro įvadas, analitinė – metodinė, eksperimentinė tiriamoji, eksperimentinė projektinė dalys, išvados, naudotos literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Darbo apimtis – 65 psl. teksto be priedų, 36 iliustracijos, 35 bibliografiniai šaltiniai, 2 priedai. / The main thesis of the exploitation periods of public buildings, causes and consequences of building value changes, depreciations types and possible theoretical and statistics appliance with their importance for Lithuania are analyzd in the final master‘s study. The summarized substantiation, purpose and meaning of public building conversion is given. The environment and sustainable developments for the construction of public buildins reconstruction process are excluded. The combination of factors and reasons scheme for public building conversion process optimization is formulated. Modern architectural and structural solutions of selected converted public buildings in twentieth century end in Europe and other countries were analysed. Based on the theoretical aspects of the conversion of public buildings, ideological analysis of cinema building ,,Lietuva“ conversion landscape, architecture, functions, structural solutions deals scheme with sociological, economic, functional, aesthetic, sustainable development are made. The conclusion of analysis are formulated and recommendations for futher scientific researches are presented. The final paper consists of 65 p. exploratory text without appendixes (an introduction, analysis – methodological, experimental research, experimental design sections, conclusion), 36 pictures, 35 bibliographical entries. Appendixes included.
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PS1 / MoMA-PS1: a transformação de um edifício em espaço expositivo de arte / PS1 / MoMA PS1 - : the transformation of a building into an exhibition space for artMacedo, Wesley 06 April 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa aborda o movimento dos espaços alternativos de arte contemporânea observado em Nova Iorque (EUA), nas décadas de 1960 e 1970, com foco no PS1 lnstitute of Contemporary Ar/, inaugurado em 1976. Embora sua criação abarque características latentes do modelo dos espaços alternativos, logo indicou uma progressão inevitável rumo à institucionalização desses espaços, cujos padrões administrativos se afastaram de suas concepções e ideias mais experimentais. Ainda que alguns autores classifiquem o PS1 como antimuseu\", não tardou para que este centro de arte contemporânea fosse incorporado ao tradicional Museu de Arte Moderna de Nova Iorque - MoMA-NY. Com isso, o PS1 adentra o mainstream da arte sob o título de MoMA-PS1, oficialmente em 2010. A abordagem discorre sobre o objeto de estudo como resultado de manifestações artísticas que contribuem na mudança de convenções estabelecidas no sistema da arte. Essas manifestações incluem a prática de apropriação da arquitetura como tema da criação artística. Assim, este trabalho contribui para fomentar novas interpretações na análise crítica do projeto de arquitetura para espaços expositivos de arte, instalados em edifícios não projetados para um fim museológico. / The research addresses the movement of alternative spaces for contemporary art seen in New York (USA), in the 1960s and 1970s, focusing on the PS11nstitute of Contemporary Art, opened in 1976. Though his creation comprises /atent characteristics of the model of the alternative spaces, soon it indicated an inevitable progresswn bound for the institutionalization of these spaces, whose administrative standards have drifted away from their conceptions and more experimental ideas. Even though some authors c!assify the PS1 as \"antimuseum \", soon this contemporary art center was incorporated into the traditional Museum of Modem Art of New York- MoMA-NY. Thus, the PS 1 enters the mainstream of art under the title of MoMA-PS1, officially in 201 O. The approach discusses the object of study as a result of artistic events that contribute to the change of conventions established in the art system. These events include the practice of architecture appropriation as theme for artistic creation. 7his work contributes to fostering new interpretations on critica/ analysis of the architectural project for exhibition spaces of art instal/ed in buildings not designed for Museum purpose.
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PS1 / MoMA-PS1: a transformação de um edifício em espaço expositivo de arte / PS1 / MoMA PS1 - : the transformation of a building into an exhibition space for artWesley Macedo 06 April 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa aborda o movimento dos espaços alternativos de arte contemporânea observado em Nova Iorque (EUA), nas décadas de 1960 e 1970, com foco no PS1 lnstitute of Contemporary Ar/, inaugurado em 1976. Embora sua criação abarque características latentes do modelo dos espaços alternativos, logo indicou uma progressão inevitável rumo à institucionalização desses espaços, cujos padrões administrativos se afastaram de suas concepções e ideias mais experimentais. Ainda que alguns autores classifiquem o PS1 como antimuseu\", não tardou para que este centro de arte contemporânea fosse incorporado ao tradicional Museu de Arte Moderna de Nova Iorque - MoMA-NY. Com isso, o PS1 adentra o mainstream da arte sob o título de MoMA-PS1, oficialmente em 2010. A abordagem discorre sobre o objeto de estudo como resultado de manifestações artísticas que contribuem na mudança de convenções estabelecidas no sistema da arte. Essas manifestações incluem a prática de apropriação da arquitetura como tema da criação artística. Assim, este trabalho contribui para fomentar novas interpretações na análise crítica do projeto de arquitetura para espaços expositivos de arte, instalados em edifícios não projetados para um fim museológico. / The research addresses the movement of alternative spaces for contemporary art seen in New York (USA), in the 1960s and 1970s, focusing on the PS11nstitute of Contemporary Art, opened in 1976. Though his creation comprises /atent characteristics of the model of the alternative spaces, soon it indicated an inevitable progresswn bound for the institutionalization of these spaces, whose administrative standards have drifted away from their conceptions and more experimental ideas. Even though some authors c!assify the PS1 as \"antimuseum \", soon this contemporary art center was incorporated into the traditional Museum of Modem Art of New York- MoMA-NY. Thus, the PS 1 enters the mainstream of art under the title of MoMA-PS1, officially in 201 O. The approach discusses the object of study as a result of artistic events that contribute to the change of conventions established in the art system. These events include the practice of architecture appropriation as theme for artistic creation. 7his work contributes to fostering new interpretations on critica/ analysis of the architectural project for exhibition spaces of art instal/ed in buildings not designed for Museum purpose.
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Data center cooling solutions : A techno-economical case study of a data center in SwedenSjökvist, Joel, Magnusson, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
Given the coinciding growth-trend in the production of consumer electronics and generation of data, the increase in server halls and data centers, as a means for hosting storage capacity for the generated data, has been prominent over the last decades. The establishment of data centers in already existing infrastructure can entail major changes in terms of energy system design. The activity of data processing and storage is power intensive and as the centers demonstrate substantial heat generation, one of the most important fractions of the energy use comes from the need to provide cooling. The study is a techno-economic analysis purposed for determining the feasibility of different cooling systems for a data center in Sweden. The investigated building currently hosts an industrial printing press hall in which paper printing has been conducted for the several decades. This press hall is subject to a refurbishment process to eventually be converted into a data center. In order to achieve the objectives, a data center building model is developed, designated for the estimation of the internal heat generation and demand for cooling. The design and energy requirements of a number of cooling solutions are then investigated and evaluated using a number of performance metrics: Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE), Capital Expenditure (CapEx), Operational Expenditure (OpEx) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC). More specifically the systems incorporate technologies for utilizing air-based free cooling, ground-source free cooling through borehole ground source heat exchangers (GHEs), mechanical cooling through compressor-driven machines as well as District Cooling (DC). The results of the study show that free cooling is a viable solution for covering the vast majority of the yearly cooling requirements, during sufficiently low outdoor temperatures. Free cooling, provided through borehole GHE’s, is feasible as a partial solution from a technical point of view, to provide cooling capacity during warmer periods. However, it can not alone act to provide a major part of the relatively high and constant cooling capacity requirements throughout the year. All of the investigated scenarios display a similar energy performance in terms of total PUE, at values well below the national average of 1.37. It is also seen, that the scenario that displays the lowest LCC includes a combination of free cooling and compressor-driven cooling. This holds for the studied sensitivity cases. It is found that a combined system incorporating borehole GHE’s and compressor cooling machines perform the best in terms of a low PUE. However, the relative difference in energy performance turns out to be lesser than the relative difference in LCC, when substituting the borehole GHE’s for additional cooling machine capacity. / I takt med digitaliseringen och en ökad global användningen- och produktionen av hemelektronik, vilket föranlett en ökad generering av data, har antalet datahallar blivit allt fler de senaste decennierna. Datahallens syfte är att hantera och bereda lagringskapacitet för den data som genereras vilket involverar en rad energikrävande processer. Upprättandet av datahallar i redan befintlig infrastruktur kan medföra förändringar när det kommer till utformningen av byggnadens energisystem. Att bedriva datalagring och informationsbehandling kräver påtagliga mängder elektricitet vilket medför stor intern värmealstring och därtill behov av aktiv kylning. Denna studie, som valt att benämnas som en tekno-ekonomisk fallstudie, undersöker lämpligheten i implementeringen av olika kylsystem för ett byggnadskomplex i Stockholm. I byggnadens lokaler återfinns idag en industrihall där det sedan flera decennier bedrivits tryckeriverksamhet. Industrihallen är föremål för en konverteringsprocess för att på sikt bli en datahall. Studien är centrerad kring denna konverteringsprocess. För att utvärdera kylbehoven för den framtida datahallen har en modell utvecklats som uppskattar interna värmelaster samt reglerar inomhusklimatet efter rådande krav på inomhuskomfort. Därefter studeras utformning och energibehov för flera olika typer av kylsystemlösningar där en utvärdering av dessa system görs utifrån indikatorerna Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE), Capital Expenditure (CapEx),Operational Expenditure (OpEx) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC). Mer konkret undersöks kombinerade kylsystem som utnyttjar luftburen frikyla, geotermisk frikyla via bergvärmeväxlare (GHEs), mekanisk kyla via kompressordriven kylmaskin samt regional fjärrkyla. Resultaten från studien visar att frikyla från kylmedelskylare är en lämplig lösning för att täcka majoriteten av datahallens kylbehov över ett år, med undantag för årets varmare perioder. Geotermisk frikyla via borrhål är möjlig som partiell lösning ur ett tekniskt perspektiv, men kan inte enskild leverera en majoritet av effekt- eller energibehovet av kyla. Resultatet visar också att alla undersökta scenarier uppvisar en liknande energiprestanda i termer av total PUE, med värden som underskrider det nationella genomsnittet 1,37. Lägst LCC påvisades för ett system som kombinerar luftburen frikyla via kylmedleskylare och mekanisk kyla via kompressordrivna kylmaskiner. Denna låga LCC är signifikant vilket påvisas i utförd känslighetsanalys. Slutligen konstateras att ett system innefattande luftburen och geotermisk frikyla i kombination med kompressordrivna kylmaskiner resulterar i lägst PUE bland de undersökta scenarierna. Den relativa skillnaden i energiprestanda visar sig vara mindre än den relativa skillnaden i LCC, när geotermisk frikyla ersätts med ytterligare kapacitet från kylmaskiner.
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Historický pivovar - potenciál regionálního rozvoje / Historical brewery - potential for regional developmentMosler, Štěpán January 2018 (has links)
Nowadays there are hundreds of breweries scattered throughout Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, waiting for their new future. They are either abandoned or in private property. In the worst case they have been deteriorating with no hope of recovery. There are not many left. It is very difficult to find a new function and especially enlightened investor. Important thing is how we will treat with these structures in the future. Will we use this unique potential, or leave this place for a new function? Which way we can choose? What is the potential of these buildings and what they need? This thesis attempts to briefly describe and demonstrate the value of brewery architecture which due to dramatic changes in society became endangered. And to offer possible solutions for the preservation this unique buildings their charm and atmosphere for the next generations.
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Revitalizace hotelového zařízení, Přehrada Brno / Revitalisation of the Hotel Facility by the Brno Artificial LakeŠvec, Martin Unknown Date (has links)
This is the proposal of the new utilization of the former recreational centre, which is situated in the beautiful surrounding of the Brno lake. It has been abandoned for many years and is suffering from decay. It has been built in the 1970's for the demand of the Socialistic youth union (remark: the youth organisation of the communist's party). There were held international political conventions and educational sojourns for the students of high schools and universities. The new utilization will be analogous. Only the communist's ideals will be replaced with the ideals of today's democratical society – especially friendly relations between mankind and environment. There will be created the environmental educational centre with the meeting spaces, conference hall and accomodation. The universal concept enables the usage of the facility also for the international students' workshops, training courses, teambuilding events etc. The ecological educational centre primarily makes the good example and is the live educational requisite. Thanks to the concept of the original facility is very convenient the refurbishment to the standard of the energetically passive building, which consists from the natural materials and utilizes renewable energy resources. Because of the very poor technical condition and devastation of the building will be re-used only basement and steel framework. This solution is more economical than the demolition and following new construction. The construction core of the building is almost for free. However, only if we make minimal changes in the framework and we preserve the original building's shape. On the steel framework will be created the new lightweight housing, which will be made from wood, straw pannels and filled with the cannabis thermal insulation. Almost all the roofs will be covered with the photovoltaic foils and the heat source will be air heat pump. The area is very pleasant place to stay. It's full of sunshine all day long and offers very beautiful view of the lake. The main building and bungalows profit of the attractive views. All the former recreational area has was designed to make the people meeting together and to provide the freedom of move and wide variety of activities. However, the rooms and bungalows provide the highest privacy. The inside and outside of the buildings are shading into each other. All the recreational ground – in exterior and interior – is full of liveliness, in the opposite of the rooms, which are the private islands. This aspect, which is present in the former concept from the 1970's, is to be preserved. The former hotel building is distinguished by the quality architectural concept, above-average in the age of origin. It is thanks to the dynamically balanced composition – inspirative today too, and visually interesting interior design of the meeting spaces. This proposal attempts to continue in this qualities. The ground is enriched with the relaxational spaces and the outside gym path. In the opposite of the original state the area is open to the public and is utilized as a park for leisure activities.
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