Spelling suggestions: "subject:"business -- managemement"" "subject:"business -- managementment""
691 |
How to protect your firm against rogue tradersRussell, Brandon 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many companies have suffered large financial losses as a result of the actions of
rogue traders; traders taking unauthorised positions in financial markets - specifically
derivatives markets. Effective operational controls must form the foundation of
managing the risk of derivatives trading.
A large number of institutions, specifically those directly involved in the trading of
derivatives, and regulatory bodies have developed controls and procedures which
firms need to put in place to help manage the risk of rogue trading. Many of the
controls firms can implement are "common sense" however, there are a number of
formal procedures that have been developed.
These risk management practices need to be implemented and overseen by
individuals who have the necessary skills and experience in dealing with the risks
associated with trading in derivative instruments. Many firms consider these risk
management policies and procedures to be sufficient to address the risk of rogue
However. many firms have come to the realisation that no matter what controls and
procedures they have in place, a well-motivated rogue trader will always be able to
"outfox" the system. This has Jed some firms to consider appropriate risk transference
measures in addition to risk management policies and procedures. Two such
measures are insurance and outsourcing.
At this stage only a limited number of firms are using insuring themselves against
rogue trading or outsourcing their treasury functions. Although this number is
increasing, companies should not dismiss insurance and outsourcing as effective
tools to combat rogue trading, without conducting thorough cost benefit analysis.
This paper offers guidelines to both the common sense and formal measures that are
currently employed by firms to combat rogue trading, as well as a few "fanatical"
options. As rogue traders are continuously pushing the boundaries, we should be
thinking out-of-the box too. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Talle maatskappye Iy groot finansiele verliese as gevolg van die aksies van
slenterhandelaars; handelaars wat ongemagtigde posisies in finansiele markte neem
- veral in die handel van afgeleide instrumente. Effektiewe operasionele kontrole
moet die basis vorm om die risiko van handel in afgeleide instrumente te beheer.
'n Groot aantal instellings, spesifiek die wat direk betrokke is by handel in afgeleide
instrumente, en regulerende liggame het kontrolemaatreels en prosedures ontwikkel
wat maatskappye in plek moet plaas om die risiko van ongemagtigde handel te help
bestuur. Verskeie van hierdie kontroles wat maatskappye kan implementeer is
algemene kennis, maar 'n paar formele prosedures is ook ontwikkel.
Hierdie risikobestuursaksies behoort ge·implementeer en bestuur te word deur
individue wat die nodige vaardighede en ondervinding het om die risiko's te bestuur
wat geassosieer word met handel in afgeleide instrumente. Verskeie maatskappye
beskou hierdie risikobestuursbeleidsriglyne en prosedures as voldoende om die
risiko van ongemagtigde handel aan te spreek.
Verskeie maatskappye het egter tot die besef gekom dat ongeag watter kontroles en
prosedures in plek is, 'n goedgemotiveerde slenterhandelaar altyd 'n manier sal vind
om die stelsel te omseil. Dit het daartoe gelei dat maatskappye bo en behalwe
risikobestuursbeleid en prosedures, geskikte stappe oorweeg om risiko oor te dra,
waarvan versekering en uitkontraktering twee insluit.
In hierdie stadium gebruik slegs 'n beperkte aantal maatskappye versekering teen
ongemagtigde handel of uitkontraktering van hul tesourie. Alhoewel hierdie getal
besig is om toe te neem, moet maatskappye nie versekering of uitkontraktering as
effektiewe teenmaatreels teen ongemagtigde handel uitsluit voordat hulle nie
deeglike koste-voordeel analises gedoen het nie.
Hierdie tesis bied riglyne vir beide die algemene kennis en formele maatreels wat
tans deur maatskappye gebruik word om ongemagtigde handel te keer, maar sluit
ook 'n paar "fanatiese" voorstelle in. Aangesien slenterhandelaars aanhoudend besig
is om die grense te oorskry, moet ons ook verby die voor-die-hand-liggende kyk.
692 |
Analysis of value-added reporting by listed industrial companies on the Johannesburg Stock ExchangeMotswagae, Pauline 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 1998. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study investigated the divergent practice in the presentation of Value-Added Statements
(V AS) by industrial companies on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. A standard statement
(for 1997 only), as suggested by the author, was constructed for all 188 companies analysed to
eliminate unusual or faulty recording of certain items. Overall, the calculated value added
differed from that published by the companies due to the inclusion of certain items which are
specific to particular companies. The information compiled during the investigation will also
he used to upgrade the database of the University of Stellenbosch Business School.
The results of the study suggest that there are indeed some deep-rooted conceptual problems
in reporting value added as well as problems associated with the treatment of individual items
in the statement. Taxation reporting in the V AS was found to be the major item where
inconsistency was prevalent. Of the 188 companies studied, about forty percent included what
the author tenned "taxation mistakes" in their VAS. Minority reporting was found to be
another significant problem area where companies were very inconsistent in reporting the
item. In addition, there were some strange items that the writer came across in the published
[f value added is to be accepted as a useful tool in financial reporting, that is, if it is to gain
popularity and usefulness, it must be derived from a consistent model and should be
systematically applied. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie het die verskillende wyses ondersoek waarop Toegevoegdewaardestate (TWS)
opgestel is deue industriele maatskappye op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs. 'n Standaard
staat (slegs vir 1997) soos voorgestel deur die skrywer is opgestel vir elk van die 188
maatskappye wat ontleed is ten einde ongewone of foutiewe rapportering te elimineer. Oor die
aigemeen het die berekende toegevoegde waarde verskil van die syfers soos gepubliseer deur die
maatskappy. Die verskille was hoofsaaklik toe te skryf aan die insluiting van sekere items wat
uniek was aan bepaaJde maatskappye. Die informasie versamel gedurende hierdie ondersoek sal
ook gebruik word om die databasis van die Bestuurskool van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch
op te gradeer.
Die resultate van die studie het getoon dat daar weI sommige diep-geworteide konseptuele
probleme in die rapportering van toegevoegde waardc bestaan het sowel as probleme
geassosieer met die hantering van individuele items in die TWS. Veertig persent van die 188
maatskappye ondersoek, het belastingfoute (soos deur die skrywer omskryf) ingesluit in die
gepubliseerde TWS. Die rapportering van minderheidsbelang was ook 'n groot probleem area
wat gelei het tot 'n groot mate van inkonsekwente rapportering. Verder het die skrywer op 'n
hele aantal ongewone items in die gepubliseerde TWS gevind.
As toegevoegde waarde as 'n handige hulpmiddel in finansiele rapportering aanvaar wil word,
dit is om groter populariteit en groter gebruikswaarde te verkry, sal dit ontwikkel moet word uit
'n bepaalde model, en op 'n sistematiese wyse opgestel word.
693 |
The viability of crowdsourcing : a supply side market surveyStrauss, D Niel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / Crowdsourcing is a new phenomenon, giving companies the ability to tap into the wisdom of
crowds in order to solve complex problems, often at a fraction of the cost. In this document, the
viability of crowdsourcing from the supply side is investigated with a market research questionnaire
at the core of the research.
Firstly, an overview of the current online crowdsourcing landscape is given with a focus on the big
players, followed by a literature study on the motivation of solvers and their associated
compensation needs. Because of the nature of crowdsourcing, an assumption is made that
knowledge workers will be the biggest contributors in the form of solvers; this presumption is
demonstrated by analysing responses to the questionnaire.
The following research question is answered: What are the needs and profile of the solvers (supply
side) of an internet platform that uses the principle of crowdsourcing to solve complex problems? It
also answers the questions of many online crowdsourcing enthusiasts with regards to the typical
solver and what their needs are, specifically with regards to compensation structures on these
The typical solver profile was found to be predominantly male between the ages of 19 and 37, with
a tertiary education or busy earning a degree of some sort and a strong will to become wealthy
through applying this knowledge. These typical solvers have a primary objective to earn money
with 100 per cent of the incentive paid to one „winner‟. They will participate more than three times
even if they do not „win‟ the challenge and expect to earn more that R1 000 but less than R10 000
per day for this type of work.
Certain limitations of the study are also addressed, like the clear self-selection bias and difficulty to
generalise the findings to a well-defined group of people, as became evident from analysing
questionnaire findings.
694 |
Developing an integrated marketing communication strategy for the MGK GroupBronkhorst, N. J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Marketing of Agricultural Products Act 47 (No 47 if 1996) led to the dilution of single-channel marketing in the agricultural sector. Hence, marketing boards such as the Maize Board were dismantled. New legislation forced agricultural businesses to adapt to the changing environment and turn co-operatives into companies. The new developments also implied that these companies had to reposition themselves to be more competitive in a deregulated market.
MGK Group Operating Company Pty (Ltd) is a prominent role player in the agricultural sector in the North West, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and Gauteng provinces in South Africa. Unexpected growth in the company as well as the deregulation of the industry necessitated a bona fide marketing communication department to manage and coordinate all advertising, promotional and communication efforts. After establishing this department all marketing communication efforts were still fragmented. Consequently, the cost-effectiveness of this department was questioned by the company’s board of directors.
The MGK Group’s the board of directors received a mandate to follow a holistic approach and formulate a strategy to enhance the impact of its marketing communication efforts while cutting costs. This study sets out to establish whether the implementation of an integrated marketing communication programme can ultimately satisfy the board of directors’ requirements for marketing communication that is more accountable, effective and efficient.
This study starts with a literature review of the practices and theories underpinning integrated marketing communication. This is followed by testing the applicability of the various approaches and methodologies in the MGK Group environment. The study is concluded with the formulation of a marketing communication strategy and recommendations based on the needs of the MGK Group. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Wet op die Bemarking van Landbouprodukte (Nr 47 van 1996) het eenkanaal-bemarking in die sektor verwater. Dit het daartoe gelei dat bemarkingsrade soos die Mielieraad afgeskaf is. Nuwe wetgewing het landbou-ondernemings genoop om in 'n veranderende sake-omgewing aan te pas en koöperasies in maatskappye te omskep. Die aanpassing het ook beteken dat maatskappye hulself in 'n meer mededingende en gedereguleerde mark moes herposisioneer.
Die MGK Groep Bedryfsmaatskappy Edms Bpk is 'n vooraanstaande rolspeler in die landbousektor in die volgende provinsies in Suid-Afrika: Noordwes, Limpopo, Mpumalanga en Gauteng. Onverwagse groei asook die deregulering van die bedryf het meegebring dat dié maatskappy 'n bona fide bemarkingskommunikasie-afdeling nodig gehad het om alle reklame-, promosie- en kommunikasie-aktiwiteite te bestuur en te koördineer. Nadat die afdeling op die been gebring is, het bemarkingskommunikasie-aktiwiteite steeds los van mekaar gestaan. Dit het daartoe gelei dat die kostedoeltreffendheid van die funksie op divisievlak bevraagteken is.
Die direksie van die MGK Groep het 'n mandaat gehad om 'n holistiese benadering te volg en 'n strategie te formuleer om die impak sowel as die kostedoeltreffendheid van die maatskappy se bemarkingskommunikasie te verbeter. Hierdie studie poog om vas te stel of die implementering van 'n geïntegreerde bemarkingskommunikasieplan uiteindelik in die direksie van die MGK Groep se behoefte aan verantwoordbare, doeltreffende en doelmatige bemarkingskommunikasie kan voorsien.
Die studie begin met 'n literatuuroorsig van die praktyk en teorie van geïntegreerde bemarkingskommunikasie. Daarna word die toepaslikheid van die onderskeie benaderings en metodologieë ten opsigte van die MGK Groep getoets. Die studie word afgesluit met 'n bemarkingskommunikasiestrategie en aanbevelings wat op die behoeftes van die MGK Groep gegrond is.
695 |
Corporate brand rejuvenationSmit, Yanic 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / The purpose of this study is to investigate why and when corporate brands in the retail environment rejuvenate, with the aim to determine the key components that plays a role in the corporate brand rejuvenation process. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate the impact that the brand rejuvenation has on the four components of Aaker’s brand equity model (brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived quality and brand association).
The study used Woolworths as a case study and is divided into three sections. The first section aims to study the principles and concepts of corporate brand rejuvenation. Secondly, the study aims to investigate the process of brand rejuvenation in Woolworths. The last section will investigate the impact that brand rejuvenation has on the four components of Aaker’s brand equity model (brand loyalty, brand awareness, perceived quality and brand association).
A qualitative research design was selected with a single case study at Woolworths South Africa. The case study examines the thought process of the decision makers during the brand rejuvenation process and the effect that the business model had on the corporate brand rejuvenation. The study also aims to investigate if the life cycle of the brand plays a vital role in the rejuvenation process of the corporate brand.
The study will go into more depth on the effect that the world recession had on the corporate brand rejuvenation process and determine whether the corporate brand rejuvenation had a positive effect on the bottom line of the business.
The study found that Woolworths mostly went against the principles and theory of corporate brand rejuvenation, yet the organisation still showed good growth after the brand rejuvenation process.
Furthermore, even though Woolworths did not use theory as a guideline for brand rejuvenation, the strategic decisions made within the business model had a very positive effect on the bottom line of the business. It is clear from this study that the brand strategy needs to be aligned with the business strategy.
The principles of brand rejuvenation will differ from industry to industry and therefore it is recommended that theory needs to be written on corporate brand rejuvenation, specifically for the retail environment. The processes and principles of brand rejuvenation that work for a service brand such as a bank, will not necessarily work for a retail brand. The study suggests that organisations that decide to rejuvenate brands should have a strong and integrated brand strategy that is aligned with the business model of the organisation.
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Exploring marketing accountability and credibility within Sasko BakeriesPheko, Tholoana 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: “Haphazard”, “uncommercial”, or perhaps “unaccountable” are some of the terms frequently used to describe the marketing function. Most marketers are faced with immense pressure to boost their marketing effectiveness and measurement. The pressures include the need to reduce the inaccuracy of marketing decisions, increase customer profitability, recognise new potential revenue prospects, calculate future sales performance, and ultimately ascertain marketing’s value to the rest of the organisation (Binet & Field 2008:11).
In the pursuit of marketing accountability, credibility and profitability, this thesis will explore the avenues available in ensuring that marketing is viewed as adding value to the organisation. To attain this objective, investigative and qualitative research will be conducted. The qualitative methodology utilised in this study is a two-pronged approach; namely, primary research and secondary research. The primary research is achieved through in-depth interviews with seven members of the senior and middle management team of Sasko Bakeries, a division of Pioneer Foods (Pty) Ltd. Secondary research, on the other hand, is conducted by means of a broad literature review that provides essential insight into marketing measurement, accountability, and credibility.
The study firstly, provides an orientation to the scope of the study and covers the introduction to the research problem, research objectives, and research propositions, as well as clarifies the key concepts used in the study. Secondly, the study identifies the key critical marketing metrics that will ensure the correct characteristics of the marketing function are being measured. Aspects of marketing accountability, credibility and metrics are then subsequently reviewed. Thirdly, the study discusses the research design and methodology and consequently provides an analysis of the data gathered from the in-depth interviews. Lastly, the study wraps up with final thoughts and recommendations.
The recommendations provide a framework for planning a highly effective marketing dashboard. Marketing dashboards connect data points in a manner that enables marketers to observe how any one marketing action affects the entire organisation. Moreover, marketing dashboards are a collection of critical indicative and prognostic metrics, arranged in a way to promote the recognition of patterns of business performance (LaPointe, 2007:27). Essentially, dashboards go beyond purely attempting to balance financial success with perceived business processes in order to generate growth. Sasko Bakeries is well-poised to implement dashboards; which will offer key decision-makers with the capability to relay and analyse large patterns of information, in order to gather new insights and pave the way to marketing accountability and credibility. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: “Wild”, “sonder handelsgees”, of dalk “onberekenbaar” is net ‘n paar van die terme wat dikwels gebruik word om die bemarkingsfunksie te beskryf. Die meeste bemarkers is onder geweldige druk om hul bemarkingsdoeltreffendheid en meetbaarheid te versterk. Hierdie druk sluit in die behoefte om die onnoukeurigheid van bemarkingsbesluite te verminder, klant winsgewendheid te vermeerder, nuwe potensiële inkomste vooruitsigte/moontlikhede te idientifiseer, toekomstige verkope te bereken en om uiteindelik vas te stel wat die bemarkingsfunksie se waarde vir die res van die organisasie is (Binet & Field 2008:11).
In die soektog na bemarking rekenpligtigheid en geloofwaardigheid en winsgewendheid, sal hierdie tesis die verskillende beskikbaare moontlikhede ondersoek wat kan verseker dat die bemarkingsfunksie beskou word as waardevol vir ‘n organisasie. Om hierdie doelwit te bereik, sal ondersoekende en kwalitatiewe navorsing aangevoer word. Die navorsingsmetode wat gebruik was in hierdie is twee-ledig; naamlik primere navorsing en sekondere navorsing. Die primêre navorsing is bekom deur intensiewe onderhoude te voer met lede van die senior en middelbestuur span van Sasko Bakkerye, ‘n divisie van Pioneer Foods (Edms) Bpk. Sekondêre navorsing was aangevoer d.m.v. ‘n breë literatuur studie wat die noodsaaklike insig lewer in bemarking meetbaarheid, rekenpligtigheid en geloofwaardigheid.
Eerstens, voorsien die dokument oriëntasie vir die omvang van die studie en dit dek die inleiding tot die navorsingsprobleem, navorsingsdoelwitte, en navorsingsvoorstelle. Dit verduidelik ook die konsepte waarna verwys word in die studie. Tweedens indentifiseeer die dokument die sleutel, kritiese bemarking maatstaf wat sal verseker dat die korrekte karaktereienskappe van die bemarkings funksie gemeet word.
Aspekte van bemarking rekenpligtigheid, geloofwaardigheid en meetbaarheid word dan hersien. Derdens, bespreek die dokument die navorsingsontwerp en metodologie en voorsien dan ook ‘n ontleding van die data wat versamel was d.m.v. die onderhoude.
Die dokument sluit af met finale gedagtes en aanbevelings. Die aanbevelings bied ‘n raamwerk vir die beplanning ‘n hoogs effektiewe bemarking instrumentbord of paneelbord – die padkaart vir bemarking rekenpligtigheid en geloofwaardigheid. Bemarking instrumentborde verbind data punte op so ‘n manier dat dit bemarkers in staat stel om waar te neem hoe enige bemarker se aksies die hele organisasie affekteer. Bemarking instrumentborde is ‘n versameling van ‘n kritiese, aanduidende en voorspellende maatstaf, geranskik in ‘n manier wat die herkenning van die patrone van besigheidsverrigtinge bevorder. Hoofsaaklik gaan instrumentborde verder as om net finansiële sukses met besigheidsprossesse te balanseerd gepositioneer om sodoende groei voort te bring. Sasko Bakkerye is goed gevestig om instrumentborde te implementeer; dit sal sleutel besluitnemers die vermoë en geleentheid bied om patrone van informasie deur te gee en te ontleed, sodat nuwe insigte bekom kan word om die pad vorentoe uit te lê vir bemarking rekenpligtigheid en geloofwaardigheid.
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Investigating the determinants of brand equity: a verification approach in the detergents industry in South AfricaSaal, Alvin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2018. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Creating brand equity, that is, building a strong brand is a successful strategy for differentiating a product from competing brands (Aaker, 1991: 256). Brand equity provides sustainable competitive advantages, because it creates meaningful competitive barriers. Brand equity is developed through perceived quality, brand loyalty, brand awareness and brand associations, which cannot be either built or destroyed in the short run; but can be created only in the long run through carefully designed marketing investment.
This study aims to examine the practicality and application of a customer-based brand equity model, based on Aaker’s (1991: 256) well-known conceptual framework of brand equity.
The study investigates the causal relationships between the 4 dimensions of brand equity and brand equity itself. It specifically measured the way in which consumers’ perceptions of the dimensions of brand equity affected the overall brand equity evaluations. Data were collected from a sample of house-wives in South Africa.
The study concludes that brand loyalty and perceived quality is the most influential dimension of brand equity. Support was also found for the brand awareness and brand association dimensions. Implications for marketing managers and marketing planners are discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die skep van handelsmerkekwiteit “brand equity”, wat die bou van sterk handelsmerke impliseer, is 'n suksesvolle strategie om 'n produk van mededingende produkte te onderskei (Aaker, 1991: 256). Handelsmerkekwiteit voorsien volgehoue mededingende voordele omrede dit betekenisvolle mededingende hindernisse skep. Dit is ontwikkel op grond van kwaliteitsherkenning, handlesmerklojaliteit, kwaliteitsbewustheid en kwaliteitsassosiasies. Handelsmerkekwiteit kan geskep word deur omsigtige bemarkingsinvestering.
Die doelwit van hierdie studie was om die toepaslikheid en praktiese toepassing van 'n kliëntgebasseerde ekwiteitsmodel te ondersoek en is gebaseer op Aaker (1991: 256) se bekende konseptuele handelsmerk-ekwiteitsraamwerk.
Die studie ondersoek die kousale verwantskap tussen die vier handelsmerkekwiteitsdimensies en die algehele ekwiteitsevaluasie. Dit meet die wyse waarop die verbruiker se persepsie van die dimensies ekwiteit beïnvloed en die algehele ekwiteitsevaluasie. Data-insameling is gedoen onder huisvrouens in Suid-Afrika.
Die resultate bevestig dat handelsmerklojaliteitlojaliteit en kwaliteitherkenning die mees invloedryke dimensies van handelsmerekwiteit is. Ondersteuning is ook gevind vir die kwaliteitsbewustheid en assosiasie dimensies. Hiervolgens is implikasies vir bemarkingbestuurders en -beplanners geformuleer.
698 |
Assessing the impact of customer relationship management on customers in ABSA's Western Cape corporate and business banking divisionBotes, Antoon Abraham Adriaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTACT: Many organisations implement customer relationship management (CRM) systems and processes but very few are able to obtain noticeable successes or even measure the successes. The successful implementation of CRM can have a very positive effect on customer service. Not only will it improve customer satisfaction, but it will increase customer loyalty and also lead to repurchases.
Improved customer relationships will have a positive effect on profitability since it will reduce costs and the longer the relationship the higher the profits will be. Firms should know the long-term value of their clients and the lifetime value of their customers should be calculated, otherwise the value of existing customers will not be appreciated, and the loss of value that follows from departing customers will not be fully understood.
It is critical for any organisation to employ highly professional and trained staff who can interact with customers in such a manner that their needs are satisfied and that value is optimised. In Absa‟s case the relationship executives need to have regular contact with their customers and they need to understand the industries within which the customers operate. They also need to have a very good product and service knowledge.
In the research done for this report, the author researched CRM, customer service and relationship marketing. The CRM model which was implemented in the medium business segment of Absa Corporate and Business Bank in the Western Cape was analysed as was the new operating model which was implemented in April 2007. Customers and relationship executives were presented with questionnaires which had to be completed. These questionnaires dealt with the implementation of CRM and the impact, if any, it had on customer service.
Conclusions and recommendations were made based on the research and findings. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Baie organisasies implementeer kliënteverhoudingsbestuur in een of ander vorm maar baie min van hierdie organisasies slaag daarin om enige merkbare verskil aan hul kliëntediens te maak. Geen of weinig suksesse word behaal en word in die meeste gevalle nie eers gemeet nie. Die suksesvolle implementering van 'n kliënteverhoudingsbestuursproses kan 'n baie positiewe uitwerking op kliëntediens teweegbring en kan ook veroorsaak dat kliënte baie meer lojaal teenoor organisasies word en sodoende ook herhaalde aankope maak.
Sterker kliënteverhoudings kan 'n positiewe uitwerking op winsgewendheid veroorsaak aangesien dit kostes sal verminder en hoe langer die verhouding, hoe hoër sal die winsgewendheid wees. Organisasies behoort die waarde wat in langtermyn verhoudings gesetel is, te verstaan en hierdie waarde behoort bereken te word. Die berekening van die waarde van langtermyn verhoudings sal organisasies in staat stel om die waarde van bestaande kliënte te waardeer en die impak van die verlies van hierdie kliënte te kan begryp.
Dit is krities belangrik vir enige organisasie om hoogs professionele en opgeleide personeel aan te stel wie aan kliënte se behoeftes kan voldoen op so 'n wyse dat die maksimum waarde van die verhouding ontgin word. In Absa se geval moet die verhoudingsbestuurders gereelde kontak met hulle kliënte hê en moet hulle die industriëe waarin hulle kliënte funksioneer, ten volle verstaan. Hulle moet ook 'n baie goeie produkkennis en 'n begrip van kliëntediens hê.
Die navorsing wat vir hierdie verslag gedoen is, fokus op kliënte verhoudingsbestuur, kliëntediens en verhoudingsbemarking. Die verhoudingsbestuurmodel wat in die medium segment van Absa Korporatiewe en Besigheidsbank in die Weskaap geïmplementeer is asook die nuwe bedryfsmodel wat in April 2007 geïmplimenter is, is volledig ontleed. Verhoudingsbestuurders en kliënte het vraelyste voltooi wat gehandel het oor verhoudingsbestuur en die impak, indien enige, wat dit op kliëntediens gehad het .
Gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings is gedoen, gebaseer op die navorsing en bevindings wat gemaak is.
699 |
Positioning of the Red Bull brand in the future markets of South AfricaNaude, Rall 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Red Bull brand has been in the international market since 1992 and entered the South African market in 1997. The company has seen phenomenal growth in the South African market, selling in excess of 39 million cans in South Africa during 2010. The brand created the energy drink category for the Western world. Red Bull grew the energy drink category in South Africa (SA) and with growth in profits and turnover, competitors entered the energy drink category. According to the brand strategy, the positioning of the Red Bull brand has always been premium. However, the economy and the fierce competitive environment in the energy drink category have become challenging for the brand both in terms of market share and value share. This begs the question: Is the Red Bull brand in South Africa sustainable? The brand remained premium in difficult economic times and during a time when many new brands entered the energy drink category. Hence, Red Bull’s loss of value and volume share in the energy drink category is the motivation for this study.
The approach to the research includes conducting focus-group interviews with consumers and administering questionnaires. The research consists of three parts, namely Project Toro, Project Rojo and Project Matador, and was conducted by TNS Research SA for Red Bull. The research indicated that the brand is challenged in the area of pricing. Price remains the barrier of entry for new consumers purchasing Red Bull. Consumers agree that the brand must remain a premium brand. However, at some stage premium can become too premium. The price of Red Bull products will have to decrease to help ensure sustainability of the brand in South Africa. However, consumers did note that the brand must not decrease its prices too much because it will take away the status of the brand. The Red Bull brand is also challenged by the value proposition component. Competitor brands have larger cans which offer consumers value for money while Red Bull is known as the “small can” brand.
As based on Red Bull’s international strategy, the efficacy and re-energising functional value of the brand are the main reasons why people still consume Red Bull. The focus that Red Bull once had on the entry-level consumer market that ensures sustainability of the brand has also been challenged by new brands in the category. Competitors have seen the opportunity created by investing in the entry-level consumer market. Red Bull SA has not been keeping up with international energy trends, which created an opportunity for competitors to launch bigger pack sizes and to be first-to-market. This has taken away value and volume share from the most valuable energy drink brand in South Africa.
Renewed focus on the main findings of the research can give Red Bull the opportunity to once again be the leading brand in terms of value and volume.
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A social network study to identify the user features required for an online sports community network siteBrunette, Chantal 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / The purpose of this study is to identify the user features for an online sports community network.
Social networks sites are on a rapid increase. Designers of these sites need to consider what
features are critical to optimally facilitate their users’ behaviour on these sites. This identification of
features will seek to enhance the growth and development of a site’s social communities and allow
for its ultimate success.
This study focuses on establishing the social networking ecosystem by identifying the role of social
networks in society, the user behaviour trends on social network sites and the key features
required for a social network site. Furthermore, the study establishes the role of sports fans in
society and digital trends for online sports fans visiting sports sites.
This study met the research objectives from the findings gained from relevant literature and the
employment of an empirical research study. The latter was carried out by means of an online
questionnaire targeting an audience that qualified to be both social media lovers and online sports
The research disclosed fundamental findings with regards to the user behaviour and frequency of
usage of both social network sites and sports sites. Specifically, it was determined that the
technological behaviours in the social technographic profile for online users were aligned to those
of the social technographic profile for social media lovers and online sports fans. Consequently, the
key features of social network sites and most frequently-used features on sports sites could be
used to identify the features required for an online sports community network.
The main conclusion drawn from this research was a list of features required for a sports
community network. These features were determined for the initial launch phase of a sports
community network. Enhancement and development of new features would be required to facilitate
the user requirements as the site grows. It is therefore important for the success of the sports
community site that the owners or designers continuously review the user requirements and adapt,
enhance and develop features as the site gains traction.
This research study recommends that the list provided be used for the initial design and launch
phase of an online sports community network. This list should be constantly evaluated from a usercentric
perspective as the site grows.
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