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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Information systems adoption in small business firms in the Western Cape

De Wet, Jacques Milne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With the advent of low priced and easy to use computing capability, information systems have become more accessible to smaller business. Despite the increased availability and affordability, the perception exists that many small businesses are reluctant to adopt technology that might enhance their operations. Besides the opportunities brought about by information systems, this exposes businesses to additional risks and confusions. The purpose of this study was to identify the state of use of various information systems, the perception held about the business value of information systems and the factors that influence the adoption of these systems by small businesses in the Western Cape. Based on previous research in information systems adoption and theories from the technological innovation literature, ten variables under the four broad categories of decision-maker characteristics, organisational characteristics, information systems characteristics and external influences were specified as primary determinants of adoption. These variables are the decision makers' innovativeness, information systems knowledge and computer self-efficacy, the business size, the availability of slack financial resources, employees' information systems knowledge, the importance of information to the business, the perceived relative advantage of using information systems, the social expectations about information systems use, and competitive pressure. A distinction was made between the initial adoption decision and the extent of adoption. Data for the study was collected by means of a survey of 89 small businesses with less than 60 employees. Discriminant analysis was used to identify determinants for the initial decision to adopt information systems, while structural equation modelling was used to identify the factors that influence the extent of adoption. The findings in this study suggest that the computer self-efficacy, information systems knowledge and innovativeness of the decisionmaker, business size, perceived relative advantage and competition are important determinants of the decision to adopt information systems. Once adopted, the decisionmaker's innovativeness, business size, employee's information systems knowledge and competition were found to further influence the extent of adoption. Although small businesses generally have a very positive view about the advantages of using information systems, there is still scope for growth in information systems use in this sector. The most common use for information systems is at an operational level. Very few small businesses make strategic use of information systems. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontwikkeling van relatief goedkoop en gebruikersvriendelike rekenaartegnologie het inligtingstelsels meer toeganklik vir kleinsakeondernemings gemaak. Ten spyte hiervan, bestaan 'n persepsie dat klein besighede traag is met die ingebruikneming van inligtingstelsels om hulle operasionele metodes te verbeter. Inligtingstelsels ontwikkel nuwe geleenthede vir kleinsakeondernemings, maar dit veroorsaak ook addisionele risikos en verwarring. Hierdie studie poog om die omvang van inligtingstelselgebruik, die persepsies omtrent die gebruik daarvan, en die faktore wat die ingebruikneming van inligtingstelsels in kleinsakeondernemings beïnvloed in die Wes Kaap te ondersoek. 'n Model wat gebaseer is op vorige studies van inligtingstelsel gebruik in kleinsakeondernemings, asook die teorie van tegnologiese innovasie, word opgestel en getoets. Die model identifiseer en omskryf tien veranderlikes in vier kategorieë wat die ingebruikneming van inligtingstelsels beïnvloed. Die vier kategorieë is die eienskappe van die besluitnemer in die onderneming, eienskappe van die onderneming, eienskappe van die inligtingstelsels self en eksterne faktore. Die besluitnemereienskappe wat ondersoek is, is innovasie, kennis van inligtingstelsels, en rekenaarselfvertroue. Vier sakeondernemingseienskappe, te wete grootte, beskikbaarheid van spaar finansiële bronne, inligtingstelselkennis van personeel en die belangrikheid van inligting vir die onderneming, is ondersoek. Onder die inligtingstelseleienskappe is die persepsie van die relatiewe voordeel wat inligtingstelsels aan kleinsakeondernemings bied gemeet, en die eksterne faktore wat ondersoek is, was die status wat geassosieer word met die gebruik van inligtingstelsels asook druk as gevolg van kompetisie. Onderskeid is getref tussen die besluit om inligtingstelsels te gebruik en die vlak van penetrasie van inligtingstelsels in die kleinsakeonderneming nadat die aanvanklike besluit geneem is. Data is ingesamel deur middel van 'n vraelys, wat deur 89 klein besighede voltooi is. Die grootte van die kleinsakeondernemings het gewissel tussen eenmansake en sakeondernemings met maksimaal sestig werknemers. Multiveranderlike statistiese metodes is gebruik om die data te ontleed. Daar is bevind dat die besluitnemer se rekenaarselfvertroue, sy inligtingstelselkennis, sy innovasie, die grootte van die sakeonderneming, relatiewe voordeel, en kompetisie belangrike invloede is ten opsigte van die besluit om inligtingstelsels aan te neem. Nadat die besluit geneem is om wel inligtingstelsels te gebruik, word die mate van gebruik bepaal deur die innovasie van die besluitnemer, die grootte van die sakeonderneming, die werknemers se kennisvlak van inligtingstelsels en kompetisie. Oor die algemeen beskou kleinsakeondernemings inligtingstelsels as voordelig, maar dit lei nie noodwendig tot die ingebruikneming daarvan nie. Daar is steeds heelwat moontlikhede vir groei in die gebruik van inligtingstelsels in hierdie bepaalde sektor. Kleinsakeondernemings maak hoofsaaklik gebruik van stelsels om hulle bedryf te verbeter maar wend dit selde strategies aan.

Managing product quality risks through the supply chain

Malgas, Yolanda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With globalisation and the accompanying increase in international trade there is a great drive towards performing risk assessments on the quality of products. Such assessments are of particular importance within the food and drug industry, so much that this approach is also being adapted by the FDA in their analysis of the quality of products and probable risks to it. The pharmaceutical industry is heavily regulated to reduce or eliminate the production and distribution of poor quality products. Pharmaceuticals have to be of high quality as people's lives depend on it. Many pharmaceutical companies import raw materials from international manufacturers or international agents. In most cases the raw material or the products have to go through a long and complicated supply chain. The more parties involved in the supply chain, the greater the risk to product quality. Supply chain partnerships have therefore become critical to manage these risks to product quality throughout the supply chain. In order to manage risks to product quality, it has become vital to perform product quality risk assessments, especially through the supply chain. In this study the Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA) is used to perform a risk assessment of risks to product quality throughout the supply chain. To obtain the criticality of the risks the Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis (FMCEA) is applied. Quality improvement systems which contribute towards managing the risks to product quality are also discussed in this report. By managing quality risks to pharmaceutical products along with using quality as a strategy, the pharmaceutical company contributes towards improved health for patients as well as customer satisfaction, business success and excellence. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toepassing van die analise van die risiko op produkte is vinnig besig om te vermeerder. Die FDA gaan dit toepas in hulle analise van die kwaliteit van produkte en die risiko wat daarmee gepaard gaan, in die voedsel en medisyne bedryf. Die farmaseutiese industrie word baie streng gereguleer om te verhoed dat die produksie en distribusie van swak kwaliteit produkte ervaar word. Farmaseutiese produkte moet van hoë gehalte wees, omdat die gesondheid van pasiënte daarvan afhang. Baie farmaseutiese maatskappye bestel rou materiale van oorsese makelaars en in baie gevalle moet die rou materiale deur 'n lang en gekompliseerde voorsieningsketting gaan. Hoe meer agente betrokke is, hoe hoër word die risiko met respek tot die kwaliteit van die produk. Die voorsieningsketting speel 'n kritiese rol om te verseker dat risikos beheer kan word, omdat elke party verantwoordelik is vir die lewering van kwaliteitsprodukkte. Om te verseker dat risikos beheer word, het dit belangrik geword om risiko analise te doen op die kwaliteit van produkte, veral wanneer in die voorsieningsketting. In hierdie studie word die "Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEAJ' gebruik om 'n risiko analise te doen met betrekking tot risikos op 'n produk se kwaliteit wanneer in die voorsieningsketting. Die "Failure Mode Effect, and Criticality Analysis (FMECAJ', word ook toegepas om te bereken hoe krities die risiko is. Verbeteringstelsels wat bydra tot die beheer en kontrole van risikos vir produk kwaliteit word ook in hierdie studie bespreek. Deur die risikos te beheer op die kwaliteit van produkte, dra die farmaseutiese maatskappy by tot beter gesondheid vir pasiente, en verseker klient satisfaksie en suksesvolle besigheid.

Managing the forecasting function within the fast moving consumer goods industry

Burger, S. (Stephan) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Forecasting the future has always been one of the man's strongest desires. The aim to determine the future has resulted in scientifically based forecasting models of human health, behaviour, economics, weather, etc. The main purpose of forecasting is to reduce the range of uncertainty within which management decisions must be made. Forecasts are only effective if they are utilized by those who have decisionmaking authority. Forecasts need to be understood and appreciated by decision makers so that they find their way into management of the firm. Companies still predominantly rely on judgemental forecasting methods, most often on an informal basis. There is a large literature base that point to the numerous biases inherent in judgemental forecasting. Most companies know that their forecasts are incorrect but don't know what to do about it and choose to ignore the issue, hoping that the problem will solve itself. The collaborative forecasting process attempts to use history as a baseline, but supplement current knowledge about specific trends, events and other items. This approach integrates the knowledge and information that exists internally and externally into a single, more accurate forecast that supports the entire supply chain. Demand forecasting is not just a matter of duplicating or predicting history into the future. It is important that one person should lead and manage the process. Accountability needs to be established. An audit on the writer's own organization indicated that no formal forecasting process was present. The company's forecasting process was very political, since values were entered just to add up to the required targets. The real gap was never fully understood. Little knowledge existed regarding statistical analysis and forecasting within the marketing department who is accountable for the forecast. The forecasting method was therefore a top-down approach and never really checked with a bottom up approach. It was decided to learn more about the new demand planning process prescribed by the head office, and to start implementing the approach. The approach is a form of a collaborative approach which aims to involve all stakeholders when generating the forecast, therefore applying a bottom up approach. Statistical forecasting was applied to see how accurate the output was versus that of the old way of forecasting. The statistical forecast approach performed better with product groups where little changed from previous years existed, while the old way performed better where new activities were planned or known by the marketing team. This indicates that statistical forecasting is very important for creating the starting point or baseline forecast, but requires qualitative input from all stakeholders. Statistical forecasting is therefore not the solution to improved forecasting, but rather part of the solution to create robust forecasts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vooruitskatting van die toekoms was nog altyd een van die mens se grootste begeertes. Die doel om die toekoms te bepaal het gelei tot wiskundige gebaseerde modelle van die mens se gesondheid, gedrag, ekonomie, weer, ens. The hoofdoel van vooruitskatting is om die reeks van risikos te verminder waarbinne bestuur besluite moet neem. Vooruitskattings is slegs effektief as dit gebruik word deur hulle wat besluitnemingsmag het. Vooruitskattings moet verstaan en gewaardeer word deur die besluitnemers sodat dit die weg kan vind na die bestuur van die firma. Maatskappye vertrou nog steeds hoofsaaklik op eie oordeel vooruitskatting metodes, en meestal op 'n informele basis. Daar is 'n uitgebreide literatuurbasis wat daarop dui dat heelwat sydigheid betrokke is by vooruitskattings wat gebaseer is op eie oordeel. Baie organisasies weet dat hulle vooruitskattings verkeerd is, maar weet nie wat daaromtrent te doen nie en kies om die probleem te ignoreer, met die hoop dat die probleem vanself sal oplos. Die geïntegreerde vooruitskattingsproses probeer om die verlede te gebruik as 'n basis, maar voeg huidige kennis rakende spesifieke neigings, gebeurtenisse, en ander items saam. Hierdie benadering integreer die kennis en informasie wat intern en ekstern bestaan in 'n enkele, meer akkurate vooruitskatting wat die hele verskaffingsketting ondersteun. Vraagvooruitskatting is nie alleen 'n duplisering of vooruitskatting van die verlede in die toekoms in nie. Dit is belangrik dat een persoon die proses moet lei en bestuur. Verantwoordelikhede moet vasgestel word. 'n Oudit op die skrywer se organisasie het getoon dat geen formele vooruitskattingsprosesse bestaan het nie. Die maatskappy se vooruitskattingsproses was hoogs gepolitiseerd, want getalle was vasgestel wat in lyn was met die nodige teikens. Die ware gaping was nooit werklik begryp nie. Min kennis was aanwesig rakende statistiese analises en vooruitskatting binne die bemarkingsdepartement wat verantwoordelik is vir die vooruitskatting. Die vooruitskatting is dus eerder gedoen op 'n globale vlak en nie noodwendig getoets deur die vooruitskatting op te bou uit detail nie. Daar is besluit om meer te leer rakende die nuwe vraagbeplanningsproses, wat voorgeskryf is deur hoofkantoor, en om die metode te begin implementeer. Die metode is 'n vorm van 'n geïntegreerde model wat beoog om alle aandeelhouers te betrek wanneer die vooruitskatting gedoen word, dus die vooruitskatting opbou met detail. Statistiese vooruitskatting was toegepas om te sien hoe akkuraat die uitset was teenoor die ou manier van vooruitskatting. Die statistiese proses het beter gevaar waar die produkgroepe min verandering van vorige jare ervaar het, terwyl die ou manier beter gevaar het waar bemarking self die nuwe aktiwiteite beplan het of bewus was daarvan. Dit bewys dat statistiese vooruitskatting baie belangrik is om die basis vooruitskatting te skep, maar dit benodig kwalitatiewe insette van all aandeelhouers. Statistiese vooruitskattings is dus nie die oplossing vir beter vooruitskattings nie, maar deel van die oplossing om kragtige vooruitskattings te skep.

Rationale of the beehive model of organisational renewal for entrenching change and high performance

Bouwer, Ernst Jooste 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Beehive Model (Figure 1.1) of organisational renewal is a theoretical model and analytical tool, in a honeycomb formation as developed by Nel (2001), which is used to obtain a 'snapshot' of organisational compliance with the application of either best or poor practices associated with seven individual workplace practices within the contemporary economic climate. Each of the seven workplace practices has eight pairs of indicators, in a questionnaire format (Appendix A), used to obtain the 'snapshot' of how an evaluated organisation/department/business unit performs regarding the application of either poor or best practices. The workplace practices, namely Strategy, Change Leadership, Stakeholder Commitment, Pay and Incentives, Talent Creation, Business Disciplines, and Structures, are suggested to be strongly related to and critical for entrenching change and high performance in organisations if best practices are applied correctly as driven by strategy. It is suggested that the application of poor practices within the organisational environment is likely to result in inertia and poor performance. The study project endeavour to determine the rationale behind the Beehive Model of organisational renewal for the entrenchment of change and high performance in organisational culture, as justified by recent academic literature, using a literature review as research design. The correlation of entrenched change and high performance with the application of best practices, and entrenched organisational inertia and poor performance with the application of poor practices, is in both cases assumed to be positive and no attempt is made to empirically test the correlations within this study project. The Beehive Model and the literature reveal a synthesised environment that culturally and structurally integrates workplace practices and questionnaire indicators, reinforcing and causing high performance, and endeavouring to create and explain the following scenario: All employees are enabled and empowered to achieve their maximum capability and potential through formal and informal workplace practices and processes that are integrated throughout the organisation and structured in such a way that makes them clear and simple to understand and easy to use, channels information flow purposefully, encourages and forces active information flow, and delivers relevant and useful information within specific contexts as underpinned by competent employees that are actively involved in the design, implementation, usage and ongoing adjustment of the workplace practices. This encourages contextual business understanding, and commitment to and participation in performance enhancing problem solving through effort that is aligned with strategy. The findings suggest that the Beehive Model's structure and purpose and the associated questionnaire indicators are soundly supported by recent academic theory as well as the limited available empirical research on related topics. It is therefore possible to conclude with a reasonably high level of confidence, as viewed against the backdrop of trends in the literature, that high compliance with the correct and holistic application of best practice, as associated with the seven workplace practices' indicators, is likely to result in the entrenchment of change and high performance within an organisation's culture. The literature reviewed also strongly suggests the industry independence of the effective application of the Beehive Model's questionnaire indicators. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die 'Beehive'-model (Figure 1.1) van organisatoriese vernuwing is 'n teoretiese model en analitiese werktuig, in 'n heuningkoekformaat soos ontwerp deur Nel (2001), wat gebruik word om 'n 'kiekie' te verkry van organisatoriese nakoming ten opsigte van die toepassing van goeie of slegte praktyke binne die kontemporêre ekonomiese klimaat. Elkeen van die sewe werkplekpraktyke het agt pare aanwysers, in 'n vraelysformaat (Aanhangsel A), wat gebruik word om die 'kiekie' te verkry van hoe die geëvalueerde organisasie/afdeling/besigheidseenheid presteer ten opsigte van die toepassing van óf slegte óf goeie praktyke. Daar word te kenne gegee dat die werkplekpraktyke, naamlik Strategie, Veranderingsleierskap, Verbintenis van belanghebbendes, Vergoeding en Aansporing, Talentskepping, Besigheidsdissiplines en Strukture, sterk in verband staan met en kritiek is vir die vaslegging van verandering en hoë prestasie binne organisasies indien goeie praktyke korrek toegepas word soos gedryf deur strategie. Daar word te kenne gegee dat die toepassing van slegte praktyke binne die organisasie-omgewing waarskynlik traagheid en swak prestasie tot gevolg sal hê. Die studieprojek poog om die rasionaal van die 'Beehive'-model van organisasievernuwing vir die vaslegging van verandering en hoë prestasie in die organisasiekultuur te bepaal soos geregverdig deur onlangse akademiese literatuur deur die gebruikmaking van 'n literatuuroorsig as navorsingsontwerp. Daar word aangeneem dat die korrelasie van vasgelegde verandering en hoë prestasie met die toepassing van goeie praktyke, en vasgelegde organisasietraagheid en swak prestasie met die toepassing van swak praktyke in beide gevalle positief is en geen poging word aangewend om die korrelasies empiries te toets as deel van hierdie studieprojek nie. Die 'Beehive'-model en literatuuroorsig toon 'n saamgevoegde omgewing wat kultureel en struktureel die werkplekpraktyke en vraelysaanwysers integreer en daardeur hoë prestasie versterk en veroorsaak, en wat poog om die volgende scenario te skep en te verduidelik: Alle werknemers word in staat gestel (bekwaam) en bemagtig om hul volle vermoë en potensiaal te bereik deur formele en informele werkplekpraktyke en prosesse wat regdeur die organisasie geïntegreer is en wat duidelik en eenvoudig gestruktureer is om dit maklik te maak om te verstaan en te gebruik, informasievloei doelgerig te kanaliseer, aktiewe inligtingsvloei aan te moedig en te forseer, en wat toepaslike en nuttige inligting binne bepaalde verband lewer soos ondersteun deur bekwame werknemers wat aktief betrokke is by die ontwerp, implementering, gebruik en deurlopende aanpassing van die werkplekpraktyke. Dit moedig die kontekstuele begrip van die besigheid, asook verbintenis tot en deelname aan prestasieverhogende probleemoplossing aan deur inspanning wat strategiegerig is. Die bevindings dui daarop dat die 'Beehive'-model se struktuur en doel en die gepaardgaande vraelysaanwysers sterk ondersteun word deur onlangse akademiese teorie asook beperkte beskikbare empiriese navorsing ten opsigte van verwante onderwerpe. Daarom is dit moontlik om met 'n redelike hoë mate van vertroue tot die gevolgtrekking te kom, soos gesien teen die agtergrond van tendense in die literatuur, dat 'n hoë mate van nakoming van die korrekte en holistiese toepassing van goeie praktyke, soos geassosieer met die sewe werkplekpraktykaanwysers, waarskynlik sal lei tot die vaslegging van verandering en hoë prestasie in die kultuur van 'n organisasie. Die literatuuroorsig dui ook redelik sterk op die begryfsonafhanklikheid van die doeltreffende toepassing van die "Beehive'- modelvraelysaanwysers.

Stress as a complication for emotional intelligence in the workplace : a neurochemical argument

Daniels, William M. U. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Salovey and Mayer have formulated the theory of Emotional Intelligence in 1990. Since then, the term and concept have been widely used to describe the ability to identify and regulate one's own emotions (personal self-management) as well as that of others (relationship skills). This ability is said to be a crucial element in the make-up of company executives today, distinguishing those who are successful from struggling followers. Because of its apparent importance, many industrial psychologists have spent numerous hours developing tests and questionnaires to be applied within the field. The idea is to identify the underlying shortfalls and then design the appropriate corrective strategies that will improve the competencies of managers. In doing so, great benefits are envisaged for the specific company. The proposed neurobiological mechanisms operative in emotional intelligence hinges strongly on the function of the limbic system of the brain. The hippocampus is one limbic region that is central to functions such as mood and emotion. Therefore the optimal working of this brain structure is essential if a person's emotional intelligence is to increase. The workplace of today is a highly stressful environment. International competition for market share, pressures on price and quality, mobility of labour force, are but some of the global factors that are primarily responsible for the extreme stress levels experienced by many employees in leadership positions. One of the body's physiological responses to stress is the release of the hormone cortisol. This cortisol catalyses biochemical reactions that initiate coping mechanisms (e.g. maintenance of blood glucose levels) for the stress. Cortisol also binds to receptors in the brain, one structure being the hippocampus. The purpose hereof has interested scientists for years. Clinical studies have recently shown that high levels of cortisol are deleterious for the brain. Patients suffering from Post -Traumatic Stress Syndrome or Depression showed elevated cortisol levels that were associated with a significant decrease in hippocampal volume. It has been postulated that this defect in hippocampal structure contributes to the behavioural abnormalities observed in these patients. The information contained in this document therefore provides scientific evidence to show that to have programmes aimed at developing the emotional intelligence of people without addressing issues around stressful working environments, is a futile exercise. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Salovey en Meyer het die teorie van Emosionele Intelligensie in 1990 geformuleer. Sedertien word die term en konsep wêreldwyd gebruik om die vermoeë te beskryf van iemand wat sy eie emosies (persoonlike selfbestuur) en die van ander (verhoudingsvaardighede) te kan identifiseer en reguleer. Hierdie vermoeë maak 'n kritieke deel uit van die mondering van top bestuurders in 'n firma en onderskei die suksesvolles van die volgelinge. As gevolg van die oënskynlike belangrikheid van emosionele intelligensie, bestee talle industriële sielkundiges menige van hul tyd aan die ontwikkeling van toetse en vraeboë in hierdie veld. Die idee is om die onderliggende kortkominge uit te lig, die gepaste remediërende strategieë te bepaal, wat weer op hul beurt die bevoegdheid van bestuurders moet verbeter. Hierdie aksies kan geweldige voordele vir die firma inhou. Die voorgestelde neurobiologiese meganisme waarop emosionele intelligensie berus, gaan nou gepaard met die funksionering van die limbiese sisteem in die brein. Die hippokampus is een van die limbiese areas wat gemoeid is met gemoed en emosie by die mens. Daarom is die optimale werking van hierdie brein area essensieël vir die ontwikkeling van iemand se emosionele intelligensie. Die hedendaagse werksplek word gekenmerk deur die teenwoordigheid van hoë vlakke van stres. Internasionale kompetisie, druk op prys en kwaliteit, beweeglikheid van werkerskorps, is maar 'n paar van die globale faktore wat primêr verantwoordelik is vir die uitermate vlakke van stress ervaar deur werkers in leierskapsposisies. Vrystelling van die hormoon kortisol, is een van die liggaam se reaksies op stres. Kortisol kataliseer biochemiese reaksies (bv. die handhawing van bloed glukose vlakke) wat die liggaam in staat stel om te "cope" met die stres. Kortisol bind egter ook aan reseptore in die brein, veral in die hippokampus. Die doel hiervan het navorsers vir baie jare geïntereseer. Kliniese studies het onlangs getoon dat hoë vlakke van kortisol skadelik is vir die brein. Pasiënte wat presenteer met Post-traumatiese stres of Depressie, toon verhoogde vlakke van kortisol, wat geassosieër word met 'n beduidende verkleining in die volume van die hippokampus. Dit is dan ook gepostuleer dat hierdie strukturele brein defek aanleiding kan gee tot die gedragsafwykings wat in hierdie pasiënte voorkom. Die inligting vervat in hierdie dokument dui dus daarop dat programme wat bedoel is om emosionele intelligensie van werkers te ontwikkel, 'n sinnelose oefening is, indien die stresvolle omgewing waarin hierdie werkers moet opereer, nie korrek aangespreek word nie.

The criteria for becoming an employer of choice and how these criteria impact on performance

Solecki, Steven James 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / This study is an evaluation of the components of organisational success and how they combine to distinguish employers of choice from other organisations. Being an employer of choice is attracting interest in the employment market as organisations attach a perceived value to this. Employers of choice are not only of interest to organisations but also to prospective employees who are increasingly choosing the companies for which they would prefer to work according to organisation ran kings. Job seekers try to move to top companies as the benefits and opportunities are believed to be better. This study looks at the various surveys and opinions available in an attempt to identify the specific criteria that make one organisation better than another. These criteria are then evaluated and conclusions drawn regarding the extent to which they are beneficial to organisational performance. Most of the criteria appear to be components of sound human resource management practices. This leads us to believe that success is driven by sound practices, which in turn attract top performers who can continue the cycle by adding improved organisational performance. Being an employer of choice and being a top-performing organisation cannot be separated. The two concepts are interdependent as the one fuels the other.

The fundamental drivers of stock market liquidity : international, emerging markets and African evidence

Bieger, Jasper, Floquet, Keegan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: According to the World Bank's leading economists Beck and Demlrquc-Kunt one of the major competitive advantages of countries competing for long-term economic growth is the existence of an efficient and liquid domestic stock market. A number of studies have already been performed to examine solitary aspects of stock liquidity, however, rather little work has been done to comprehensively investigate its fundamental set of determinants. Furthermore, none of these studies has ever attempted to specifically focus on African stock markets. Consequently, this study aims to determine the fundamental set of drivers of stock market liquidity in general terms and to investigate the specific conditions of African equity exchanges as part of the group of emerging stock markets. Data for three different samples is collected - comprising a maximum of 46 countries and 17 annual data points - and regression analysis is employed to analyse the relationship between stock market turnover as a proxy for liquidity and a set a potential predictors. Several pure cross-sectional as well as dynamic panel regression models are designed and the results reveal that the four predictors, comprising: number of listed companies, country credit rating, severe restrictions on foreign investors and geographical location on the African continent constitute the fundamental set of drivers of stock market liquidity. In the specific case of African stock markets, domestic banking sector development tends to be the strongest determinant of stock liquidity. This study provides a great deal of value to governments and exchange managers alike; however, it should be regarded as a starting point for subsequent papers analysing the fundamental determinants of stock liquidity. For future research efforts it is recommended to expand the set of potential predictors and specifically focus on the contemporaneous component of the relation between stock market liquidity and its determinants. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Volgens die Wêreldbank se voorste ekonome, Beck en Dernirquc-Kunt, is een van die grootste mededingende voordele van lande wat meeding om langtermyn ekonomiese groei, die bestaan van 'n doeltreffende en likiede binnelandse aandelebeurs. 'n Aantal studies is reeds gedoen om die afsonderlike aspekte van effekte-likiditeit te ondersoek, maar redelik min werk is egter gedoen om die fundamentele bepalende faktore omvattend na te vors. Verder het geeneen van hierdie studies ooit probeer om spesifiek op Afrika-aandelebeurse te fokus nie. Gevolglik poog hierdie studie om die fundamentele stel drywers van aandelebeurslikiditeit in die algemeen te bepaal en om die spesifieke omstandighede van Afrika-aandelebeurse as deel van die groep ontwikkelende aandelebeurse te ondersoek. Data is versamel vir drie verskillende steekgroepe - bestaande uit 'n maksimum van 46 lande en 17 jaarlikse datapunte - en 'n regressie-analise is gebruik om die verhouding tussen aandelebeurs-omset as 'n aanduiding van likiditeit en 'n stel potensiële aanwysers te bepaal. Verskeie gewone kruisgewyse sowel as dinamiese paneelregressiemodelle is ontwerp en die resultate toon dat vier aanwysers, naamlik die aantal genoteerde maatskappye, die land se kredietgradering, ernstige beperkings op buitelandse beleggers en geografiese ligging op die Afrika-vasteland, die fundamentele stel drywers van aandelebeurs-likiditeit is. In die spesifieke geval van Afrika-aandelebeurse wil dit voorkom asof die ontwikkeling van 'n binnelandse banksektor die sterkste bepaler van effekte-likiditeit is. Hierdie studie is van waarde vir beide regerings en valutabestuurders. Dit moet egter as 'n beginpunt beskou word vir verdere studies wat die fundamentele bepalers van effekte-likiditeit analiseer. Vir verdere navorsingspogings word voorgestel dat die versameling moontlike aanwysers uitgebrei word en dat daar spesifiek gefokus word op die gelyktydige komponent van die verhouding tussen aandelebeurs-likiditeit en en sy bepalers.

The need for emotional intelligence training in higher education : an exploratory study

Groenewald, Anna Margaretha 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Leadership, over the years, has changed due to the rise of new technology, globalisation of markets and increased shareholders' tempo. Leaders are expected to accomplish projectsfaster and with fewer resources. Therefore, to be able to respondto these rapid changes in organisations and the market place, leaders are faced with the challenge of changingthe way people work together. The typical ways of relatingto one another seem more ineffective with each changing day. Organisationsshould therefore face the fact that, today, the quality of relationships is as importantto business success as the quality of products and services produced. Working with people involves some degree of skills in the realm of feeling, along with whatever cognitive elements are at play. This process stands in sharp contrast to purely cognitive competencies, which a computer can be programmed to execute about as well as a person can do it. Emotional intelligence skills, however, are synergistic with cognitive ones, and star performers will have both. The new measure that organisations make use of and take for granted, is that employees will have enough intellectual ability and technical know-how to get the job done. Their focus has moved to personal qualities such as initiative, empathy, adaptability and persuasiveness. It has been found that corporations that seek to employ MBA graduates are looking for capabilities such as communication skills, interpersonal skills and initiative when employing. Research supports the claim that Emotional Intelligence is a form of intelligence, in that it encompasses a set of skills which are coherent and can be measured. Emotional intelligence competencies, such as persuasion, motivation, focus and leadership, can be acquired or learnt. Emotional intelligence should further be seen as an acquired skill that can enhance intellectual performance. Emotional intelligence management therefore gives individuals the opportunity to further their knowledge of people. Emotional intelligence training is mostly about behavioural change: through repeated experiences, people's minds are programmed to react in a certain way when faced with feared encounters or stressors. Old mind patterns keep forcing people to revert to using preset reactions, even though this may be unintentional. Emotional intelligence training will therefore take time and commitmentfrom both the student's and the lecturer's perspectives. Most higher education programs, however, do not focus on emotional intelligence training as part of their curricula, and therefore a serious void exists in terms of essential skills required for success in the workplace, used for piloting their careers and for leadership. Even though more statistical research needs to be done to prove the relative significance of emotional competencies as compared to cognitive abilities, analyses indicates that emotional intelligence translates into hard results within the workplace. For example, sales people can create better and more trusting relationships with clients, customer care representatives can handle customers more effectively, and engineers are able to not only deal with the technical skills required by their positions, but are able to relate to co-workers in a more constructive manner. Taking into consideration that researchers within the field of emotional intelligence believe that emotional intelligence is a more reliable predictor of success in the workplace, it would therefore make sense to start including emotional intelligence training in higher education programs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Leierskap het oor die jare verander, as gevolg van faktore soos vooruitgang in tegnologie, globalisering van markte en versterkte druk van aandeelhouers. Daar word verder verwag van leiers om projekte te realiseer met minder hulpbronne en in korter periodes. Ten einde opgewasse te wees teen hierdie veranderinge, word leiers inherent gekonfronteer met die uitdaging om die manier waarop mense in groepe saamwerk te verander, omrede die bestaande wyses waarop mense met mekaar betrokke is, meer en meer as oneffektief bestempel word. Dit is 'n realiteit dat die kwaliteit van hedendaagse werksverhoudinge net so belangrik tot 'n suksesvolle besigheid is, as die produkte en dienste gelewer. Wanneer daar met mense omgegaan word, behels dit beide 'n gevoels- en kognitiewe element. Hierdie proses is in direkte kontras met suiwer kognitiewe vaardigheid, wat net soveel 'n kwaliteit van 'n rekenaar as die van 'n mens is. Emosionele intelligensie is egter in sinergie met kognitiewe intelligensie, en uitblinkers besit beide kwaliteite. Die nuwe maatstaf wat deur organisasies gebruik word gaan van die veronderstelling uit dat werknemers voldoende tegniese vaardigheid besit om die taak na wense te verrig. Daar is klaarblyklik 'n fokusverskuiwing wat homself meer leen tot kwaliteite soos inisiatief, empatie, aanpasbaarheid en oorredingsvermoë. Daar is verder bevind dat besighede wat MBA gegradueerdes wil aanstel, meerendeels op die uitkyk is vir individue met kommunikasievaardighede, interpersoonlike behendigheid en inisiatief. Navorsing is dit verder eens dat emosionele intelligensie 'n daadwerklike vorm van intelligensie is, gesiene dat dit gemeet kan word en dat dit bestaan uit 'n stel samehangende vaardighede. Emosionele intelligensie vaardighede, soos oorreding, motivering, fokus en leierskap, kan verder aangeleer word. Dit behoort dus gesien te word as 'n verworwe vaardigheid wat 'n persoon se intellektuele kapasiteit versterk. Die bestuur van emosionele intelligensie skep ook die moontlikheid van verdere geesteswetenskaplike studie, en opleiding in emosionele intelligensie omvat meerendeels gedragsverandering. Deur herhaalde blootstelling word die brein geprogrammeer om op spesifieke maniere te reageer wanneer vrese gekonfronteer word. Selfs al word daar gepoog om anders te reageer, word daar teruggeval op ingebedde gedragspatrone. Opleiding in emosionele intelligensie neem dus tyd en toewyding van beide die dosent en sy student. Die meeste tersiêre opvoedingsprogramme fokus egter nie op emosionele intelligensie as deel van die kurrikulum nie, en daar is dus 'n ernstige leemte in die voorbereiding van studente betreffende voldoende vermoëns wat deur leierskap in 'n beroep vereis word. Alhoewel verdere statistiese navorsing benodig word om die relatiewe belangrikheid van emosionele behendigheid teenoor kognitiewe vaardigheid te bepaal, is daar indikasies dat emosionele intelligensie wel bepalend kan wees in die werksomgewing. Verkoopspersoneel kan byvoorbeeld sterker en meer vertrouenswaardige verhoudings bewerkstellig met kliënte, kliëntedienste kan meer effektief hanteer word en ingenieurs kan bemagtig word om in meer as slegs die tegniese aspekte van hulle werk met medewerkers om te gaan. In ag genome dat menige navorsers dit eens is dat emosionele intelligensie 'n getroue voorspeller van sukses is, maak dit dus sin om opleiding in emosionele intelligensie in tersiêre opleidingsprogramme te vervat.

The role of talent management in the recruitment and retention of a high performance workforce

Joubert, Carolien 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is firstly to theoretically describe the concept of talent management and determine the role thereof in the recruitment and retention of a high performance workforce. Secondly the experience of organisations and Recruitment Practitioners in the Cape Peninsula towards talent management is described through the utilisation of phenomenological research principles. The theoretical concepts determined are compared to the actual status quo that presently exists in the marketplace to determine the gaps that resides. The literature investigation concentrated on the central aspects pertaining to this study namely a clear definition of talent management principals, recruitment trends that currently influences the world of work. talent retention practises and the development of an integrated talent management system. The phenomenological investigation was conducted through interviews with selected Human Resource professionals and Recruitment Practitioners in the Cape Peninsula. Carefully constructed open-ended questionnaires were utilised in the interviews. Four themes emerged from the investigation centring on the general principles of talent management, the understanding versus application of talent management, organisational recruitment, retentions practises and the role of the Recruitment Practitioner. From the study it is clear that talent management principles are still not entrenched in organisation especially regarding the retention of their workforce as well as the establishment of an integrated approach towards talent management. An emerging realisation of the importance of talent management existed among the respondents interviewed, however true application is still within a development phase. The role of Recruitment Practitioners and their relationship towards organisations in the recruitment and selection of talent is also scrutinised. It becomes evident that Recruitment Practitioners operate within a highly competitive and volatile market necessitating certain survival techniques that is in contrast to the principals pertaining to proper talent management practises. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om eerstens die aspekte random talent bestuur teoreties te beskryf en sodoende die rol daarvan in terme van die werwing en behoud van 'n uitstaande arbeidsmag te bepaal. Die tweede aspek van die studie wentel rondom 'n fenomenologiese ondersoek wat die ervaring van organisasies en werwings agente in die Kaapse Skiereiland in terme van talent bestuur beskryf. Die teoretiese beginsels wat bepaal is word dan vergelyk met die werklike stand van sake en die gapings word ge"identifiseer. Die literatuurondersoek fokus op die sentrale aspekte van die studie naamlik 'n duidelike definisie van talent bestuur, werwings tendense wat huidig in die mark voorkom, talent behoud in organisasies en die ontwikkeling van 'n geintegreerde talent bestuur sisteem. In die fenomenologiese ondersoek is gebruik gemaak van onderhoude met gekose personeel beamptes as ook werwings agente in die Kaapse Skiereiland. Spesiaal ontwikkelde vraelyste is gebruik vir die onderhoude. Uit die ondersoek ontvou vier temas wat sentreer om, 'n vergelyking van die begrip en die werklike toepassing van talent bestuur, werwings beginsels in organisasies, talent behoud praktyke en die rol van werwings agente. Dit blyk duidelik dat talent bestuur praktyke nog steeds nie geintegreer is in organisasies nie spesifiek in terme van talent behoud en die ontwikkeling van 'n geintegreerde talent bestuur benadering. Respondente het wel die belangrikheid van talent bestuur besef, maar die toepassing hiervan is steeds in 'n ontwikkelings fase. Die studie het ook 'n noukeurige ondersoek gedoen in terme van die rol wat werwings agente speel in terme van die werwing van hoë kwaliteit werknemers in organisasies. Dit blyk duidelik dat werwings agente onder baie wispelturige toestande in 'n hoogs kompeterende mark werk. Dit het sekere faktore tot gevolg wat kontrasteer met die praktyke van talent bestuur.

The service quality of internet banking in South Africa

Hendricks, Henry Robert 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The internet is widely regarded as a major driving force that is changing the business environment in terms of industry boundaries, competitive forces, and the character of business practices. Electronic commerce on the internet provides businesses and consumers with an alternative choice to conduct their business transactions. In the services research literature the component of electronic commerce that receives the most attention, is the business-to-business component. This study focuses on the business-to-consumer component, with special reference to the service quality of internet banking in South Africa. The literature study investigates extant literature on the internet and electronic commerce, service quality as applied to an internet-based consumer-business interaction, and the current state of the internet banking environment in South Africa. The literature study is supported by statistics on the current internet access, and how this affects the adoption of internet banking in South Africa. Statistics on the current internet banking environment is also presented and discussed. The empirical study focuses on the service quality of internet banking in South Africa. The research instrument is a checklist-based questionnaire and it is applied to the internet sites of the four major banks, namely Amalgamated Banks of South Africa, Standard Bank, Nedbank, and First National Bank. The result of the evaluation yielded data that is useful to determine the qualitative nature of the banks' internet offerings in terms of ease of use, functionality and extra mile service. It also provides a measure of the comparative nature of the internet sites of the banks. Recommendations relating to improved service quality in internet banking are suggested and areas of future research are identified. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die internet word alom beskou as 'n hoof dryfkrag vir die verandering van die besigheidsomgewing in terme van die industrie grense, kompiterende dryfkragte en die aard van die besigheids praktyke. Elektroniese besigheid via die internet verskaf aan besighede en hulle kliente alternatiewe metodes om besigheid-transaksies te beklink. Die komponent van elektroniese besigheid wat tans die meeste navorsings-aandag geniet, is die besigheid-tot-besigheid komponent. Die fokus van hierdie studie is op die besigheid-tot-klient komponent, met spesiale verwysing na die dienste kwaliteit van internet-bankwese in Suid Afrika. Die literatuur studie fokus op huidige literatuur aangaande die internet en elektroniese besigheid, dienste kwaliteit soos toegepas op die internet-gebaseerde klient-besigheid interaksie, en die huidige toestand van die internet bankwese in Suid Afrika. Die literatuur studie word gerugsteen deur statistiek aangaande die huidige internet toegangklikheid, en hoe dit die aansluiting van internet bankwese in Suid Afrika beinvloed. Statistiek wat die huidige internet bankwese in Suid Afrika beskryf word ook aangebied en bespreek. Die empiriese studie fokus op die dienste kwaliteit van internet bankwese in Suid Afrika. Die navorsings instrument was 'n oorsiglys-gebaseerde vraelys wat aangewend was op die internet webtuistes van die vier grootste banke in Suid Afrika, naamlik Amalgamated Banks of South Africa, Standard Bank, Nedbank, and Eerste Nasionale Bank. Die resultaat van die evaluasie het data opgelewer wat nuttig is om die gebruiks vriendelikheid, funksionaliteit, en die kwaliteit van hulle aanvullende internet dienste te bepaal. Dit het ook 'n maatstaf van die kompiterende aard van die banke se internet webtuistes verskaf. Die studie word afgesluit met voorstelle wat kan dien om die dienste kwaliteit van internet bankwese te verbeter en voorstelle vir toekomstige navorsing word aangebied.

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