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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Low cost intelligent automation (LCIA) and process analysis methodology with implementation examples at the company 'Festool GmbH Deutschland'

Kreisel, Bjorn 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This document describes the different possibilities of Low Cost Intelligent Automation (LCIA)and process analysis for companies in the processing industry. These techniques can be used in production and assembly to reach a higher productivity and to maintain the company's competitiveness. Productivity is very important for any company, because it influences the profit. LCIA means using cheap solutions to automate processes in assembly and production. Cheaper machines payoff much faster. This is important, because life cycles are becoming shorter and shorter. With LCIA more manual processes can be automated. This is an advantage especially in countries with high labour costs. Process analysis helps to optimise processes in a company. To reach this goal it is essential to analyse processes systematically. This helps to gather detailed information about manufacturing defects and where they originated from. With these information it is much easier to eliminate the source of error and to reduce the number of defective products. Less errors in a production process lead to higher quality and productivity. The company "Festool GmbH Deutschland" serves as an example for using the described methods. The presented examples for LCIA are simple solutions to automate manual processes in the assembly division. The process of a fully automated machine serves as an example to illustrate the different aspects of a process analysis in this company. The methodologies presented in this document can be used to achieve improvements especially in productivity. Therefore any company coming from a labour intensive industry should think about integrating LCIA and process analysis into their continuous improvement strategy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie dokument beskryf die verskillende moontlikhede van Lae Koste Intellegente Automasie (LKIA)en die proses analise vir maatskappye in die vervaardiging industrie. Hierdie metodes kan gebruik word in produksie en montering om hoër produktiwiteit te verkry sowel as die maatskapy se mededingendheid te handhaaf. Produktiwiteit is baie belangrik vir enige maatskappy, want dit beïnvloed die winsgewindheid. LKIA beteken die gebruik van goedkoop oplossings om prosesse te automatiseer in montering en produksie. Goedkoper masjiene word vinniger afbetaal. Dit is belangrik, want die lewenssiklus van beide produkte en masjiene word al korter. Met LKIA kan meer handprosesse ge-automatiseer word. Dit is 'n voordeel veral in lande met hoë arbeidskostes. Proses analise help om die prosesse in 'n maatskappy te optimiseer. Om hierdie doel te bereik is dit belangrik om prosesse sistematies te analiseer. Bogenoemde help om gedetaileerde informasie in te samel rondom vervaardigings defekte sowel as die oorsprong daarvan. Met hierdie informasie is dit makliker om die oorsprong van foute uit te skakel en om die getal foutiewe produkte te verminder. Minder foute tydens die vervaardigings proses ly tot 'n hoër kwaliteit en produktiwiteit. Die maatskappy "Festool GmbH Deutschland" dien as 'n voorbeeld vir die gebruik van die beskryfde metodes. Die voorgestelde voorbeelde vir LKIA is eenvoudige oplossings om die handprosesse in die monterings afdeling te outomatiseer. Die proses van 'n ten volle ge-automatiseerde masjien, dien as 'n voorbeeld om die verskillende aspekte van proses analise in hierdie maatskappy te illustreer. Die metodologie wat gebruik is in die dokument, kan gebruik word om verbeteringe veral in produktiwiteit te bewerkstellig. Dus kan enige firma in 'n arbeidsintensiewe industrie gebruik maak van die integrasie van LKIA en proses analise in sy deurlopende verbeterings strategie.

Navigating through some burning issues on people management in corporations

Mapisa, Cindy 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explored the present and future challenges faced by a group of South African managers. These challenges were identified and/or explored in the form of burning issues. The motivation for the study was the perception that often the ordinary South African manager is quick to import change interventions without really finding out what the real issuesare. In the processsuch interventions fail becausethey are in tandem with the real problem(s). A literature study was undertaken to explore and identify possible reasons that cause managers to adopt a quick-fix approach. An in-depth analysiswas made of the challenges facing South African organisations and the importance thereof, as well as of the need to channel limited resourcesto what really matters. Data for empirical study was collected by means of questionnaires completed by Management Development Programme Students of the University of Stellenbosch Business School as part of an assignment for change management. Research findings indicated five critical challenges/ the burning issues that should be given the necessary focus. Each of the five critical findings was discussed in depth and recommendationswere made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die huidige en toekomstige uitdagings waarvoor 'n groep Suid-Afrikaanse bestuurders staan. Hierdie uitdagings is as brandende vraagstukke geïdentifiseer en/of ondersoek. Die motivering vir die studie was die persepsie dat Suid-Afrikaanse bestuurders oor die algemeen vinnig veranderingsintervensies implementeer sonder om vas te stel wat die werklike probleme is. Gevolglik misluk sulke intervensies omdat dit saam met hierdie probleme bestaan. 'n Literatuurstudie is gedoen om die moontlike redes waarom bestuurders die benadering van kitsoplossings volg, te identifiseer en te ondersoek. 'n Deurtastende ontleding is gedoen van die uitdagings waarvoor Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies staan, die belangrikheid daarvan, en die nodigheid om beperkte hulpbronne te kanaliseer na dit wat werklik saak maak. Data vir die empiriese studie is versamel deur middel van vraelyste wat as deel van 'n werkstuk oor bestuursverandering ingevul is deur studente op die Bestuursontwikkelingsprogram van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch BestuurskooI. Navorsingsbevindinge het vyf kritieke uitdagings/brandende vraagstukke geïdentifiseer waarop gefokus moet word. Elk van hierdie vraagstukke word uitvoerig bespreek en aanbevelings word gedoen.

Privatisation in transition economies : lessons and experience from Tanzania

Mwapachu, Aisha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The process of privatisation has been prompted in many instances by economic necessity and high fiscal deficits prevalent in many developing countries in the 1980s. Although addressing fiscal prudence is commonly cited as the main objective, it has been argued that the choice of enterprises for privatisation suggest that the primary motivation for privatisation has been to secure World Bank, International MonetaryFund (IMF) and donor financial support. Privatisation of state assets has been a key element of the emerging new market orthodoxy concerned with redefining the role of the state. Market theories posit that sustainable development and achievement of more dynamic economic growth in most economies requires a greater role for the private sector. Underlying this consensus is the belief that resources will be used more productively if they are transferred to the private sector. The low saving capacity has led to the realisation by African leaders through the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) initiative that Africa's achievement of long-term sustainable development is dependent on its ability to create conducive conditions that will attract Foreign Direct Investments (FDI). Consequently, the importance of Multinational Corporations in privatisation transactions, especially now that most African countries have embarked on privatisation of utilities and infrastructure sector cannot be emphasised enough. This has, inevitably, led to conflicting objectives between the need to mobilise foreign investors, particularly in countries such as Tanzania where broadening of ownership is a primary objective of privatisation. It is important to note that Tanzania's Parastatal Sector Reform Programme was initiated lnthe context of broader policy changes initiated since the late 1980s. The privatisation programme has formed part of comprehensive economic reforms and Structural Adjustment Programmes(SAPs) prescribed by the World Bank and IMF. This study presents findings on the extent of privatisation in Tanzania, its process, challenges and the impact it has had on the economy since 1993. The study explores and identifies key factors that have led to the varying performance of privatised enterprises. Key lessons and experience from Tanzania's privatisation exercise are also outlined. The study concludeswith possible areas for further research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ekonomiese noodsaak en groot fiskale tekorte in menige ontwikkelende lande gedurende die 1980s het in baie gevalle aanleiding gegee tot die privatiseringsproses. Alhoewel die aanspraak van fiskale omsigtigheid gewoonlik as hoofrede aangegee word, is daar ook aangevoer dat die keuse van ondernemings vir doeleindes van privatisering daarop dui dat finansiële ondersteuning van die Wêreldbank, Internasionale Monetêre Fonds (IMF) en donateurs die eintlike motivering onderliggend aan privatisering is. Privatisering van staatsbates was 'n kern element van die opkomende nuwe markortodoksie wat betréf die heromskrywing van die staat se rol. Markteorieë postuleer dat handhaafbare ontwikkeling en die bereiking van meer dinamiese ekonomiese groei in die meeste ekonomieë 'n groter rol aandui vir die privaat sektor. Onderliggend aan hierdie konsensus is die aanname dat hulpbronne meer produktief eksploiteer sal word as dit na die privaat sektor oorgedra word. Die lae spaarkapasiteit het Afrikaleiers laat besef dat deur die New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) inisiatiewe, Afrika se langtermyn handhaafbare ontwikkeling afhanklik is van sy vermoë om bevorderlike omstandighede te skep wat direkte buitelandse investering sal lok. Die belangrikheid van multinasionale korporsies in privatiseringstransaksies, veral nou dat Afrikalande 'n poging in die werk gestel het op privatisering van gebruiksgoedere en die infrastruktuur sektor, kan derhalwe nie genoeg beklemtoon word nie. Dit is belangrik om kennis te neem van Tanzanië se Parastatal Sector Reform Programme sedert die laat 1980s wat in die konteks van breër beleidsveranderinge inisieer is.' Die privatiseringsprogram het deel gevorm van omvattende ekonomiese hervormings en strukturele aanpassingsprogramme soos voorgeskryf deur die Wêreldbank en die IMF. Bevindings oor die omvang van privatisering in Tanzanië, die proses van privatisering, uitdagings en die impak wat dit op die ekonomie gehad het sedert 1993, word in hierdie studie gebied. Hierdie studie eksploreer en identifiseer kern faktore wat tot die wisselende prestasie van geprivatiseerde ondernemings gelei het. Belangrike lesse en ervaring uit Tanzanië se privatiseringsoefening word ook toegelig. Die studie sluit af met moontlike areas vir verdere navorsing.

Problems experienced by South African microfinance institutions (MFIs) : priorities and trends

Volschenk, Jako 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The efficiency and availability of financial services for the poor is a global problem, and has only recently started to enjoy attention in South Africa. This dissertation aims to study the problems experienced by the South African microfinance industry, which includes a vast range of financial products. The survey conducted of the South African industry indicates that its makeup is significantly different from the industries in Latin America and Asia. The problems in the industry are prioritised and show the high cost structure to be the most pressing issue. A number of these issues show agreement as expressed by Spearman rank correlation coefficients. Clear trends exist between distinct market-segments in the industry. Tests for differences in location of specific populations indicate significant differences in perceptions regarding these segments. The government's recent suggestion to unify the financial service regulators into a mega-regulator is based on the assumption that the microcredit and commercial credit industries share the same priorities and problems. The very low Spearman rank correlation coefficient found in this study, on the other hand, seems to indicate that no reason exists to assume the priorities are the same at the two levels. Finally, it is shown by means of a "best practice matrix", that solutions to most problems can be found, but that the fit is dependent on a large number of variables. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beskikbaarheid van finansiële dienste vir armes is 'n wêreldwye probleem, en het eers onlangs meer aandag in Suid Afrika begin geniet. Hierdie studie fokus op die probleme wat ervaar word in die mikrokrediet (mikrolenings) industrie. Die opname toon dat die Suid-Afrikaanse industrie beduidend verskil in samestelling van die ooreenstemmende industrieë in Suid-Amerika en Asië. Die probleme in die industrie is geprioritiseer en toon dat die hoë koste-struktuur die grootste probleem is. Sekere kwelpunte toon ooreenstemming, uitgedruk by wyse van Spearman se rangkorrelasie-koëffesiënt. Duidelike tendense bestaan tussen onderskeie mark-segmente in die industrie. Toetse vir ooreenstemming in die ligging van sekere populasies toon beduidende verskille in persepsies rakende hierdie segmente. Die regering se onlangse voorstel om die beheer-liggame van finansiële dienste saam te snoer in een liggaam is gebaseer op die aanname dat die mikrokrediet en kommersiële krediet industrië dieselfde probleme en prioriteite deel. Die baie lae Spearman rangkorrelasie-koëffisiënt impliseer egter dat daar geen grondige rede bestaan om aan te neem dat die prioriteite dieselfde is vir die twee vlakke nie. Laastens word beste praktyke aangedui in die vorm van 'n "beste praktyk matriks". Oplossings vir byna alle probleme kan gevind word, maar die toepaslikheid is afhanklik van 'n wye verskeidenheid veranderlikes.

Results-based leadership : the core of organisational energy and success

Williams, Brian Kenneth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This mini-thesis examines the relationships between results-based leadership and the success of organisations through the maintenance of high levels of energy. In Chapter 1 the concept of energy is introduced by focusing on the relationship between globalisation, through increased competition and concurrent adaptation, and the need for high energy levels in organisations. Chapter 2 has a twofold focus. Firstly, a model for the creation of energised organisations is developed through examining the interrelationships between people, energy and systems, developing an understanding of the requirements of energy, describing systems as open entities, investigating the impact and efficiency of systems and discussing the need for organisational energy. The second part of the chapter investigates the relationship between energy levels and organisational success. Section " emphasises the conceptual development of leadership. Chapter 3 focuses on the conceptual history of leadership, some popular myths around the concept, and four theoretical approaches that are critical to modern-day understanding of leadership. It argues that leadership determines, or strongly influences, the strategy, direction and success of organisations, institutions and companies. The process of leadership is affected by three distinct variables: leaders themselves, the employees reporting to them, and the situation. The interaction between these variables determines the leadership behaviour and the reactions of subordinates through commitment, job satisfaction and performance. In this, leadership becomes a function of these three variables. The debate in Chapter 4 concentrates, firstly, on the dichotomous relationship between leaders and managers. Leaders have a role to play in the charting of the longer-term horizon of the organisation in which they set vision, mission and direction through effective communication and subtle motivation. Managers have a shorter-term horizon in which they define the vision, mission, goals and values of leadership into shorterterm strategy and implementation interventions. They draw the road map that follows the compass direction of leadership. Secondly, Chapter 4 argues that transformational leadership is paradoxical in nature. Transformational leaders have to build organisations that embrace paradox, i.e. organisations that manage the uncertainty of change in their environments. Their role is one of being change agents. The argument, thirdly, claims that leadership is results-based. Here the argument is for a framework of leadership that is output-driven, i.e. that has a goal orientation towards organisational output and success. Chapter 5 focuses on the conclusions of the research project. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie minitesis ondersoek die verband tussen uitsetgedrewe leierskap en organisatoriese sukses deur die handhawing van hoë energievlakke. In Hoofstuk 1 word die konsep van energie ingelei deur 'n fokus op die verband tussen globalisering, as gevolg van toenemende kompetisie en konkurrente aanpassings, en die noodsaaklikheid van hoë energievlakke in organisasies. Hoofstuk 2 het 'n tweeledige fokus. Eerstens word 'n energiemodel ontwikkel deur die ontleding van die verband tussen mense, energie en stelsels, die ontwikkeling van 'n begrip vir die vereistes van energie, die beskrywing van stelsels as oop entiteite, 'n ondersoek van die impak en effektiwiteit van stelsels, en die verduideliking van die noodsaaklikheid van energie. Die tweede deel van die hoofstuk ondersoek die verband tussen energievlakke en organisatoriese sukses. Afdeling II beklemtoon die konsepsuele ontwikkeling van leierskap. Hoofstuk 3 fokus op die konsepsuele geskiedenis van leierskap, 'n aantal mites rondom leierskap en vier teoretiese benaderinge wat kritiek vir die hedendaagse begrip van leierskap is. Daar word aangevoer dat leierskap die strategie, rigting en sukses van organisasies bepaal of sterk beïnvloed. Die leierskapproses word deur drie aspekte geaffekteer: leiers self, die werknemers wat aan hulle rapporteer, en die situasie waarbinne dit plaasvind. Die interaksie tussen hierdie aspekte bepaal die gedrag van leiers en die reaksie van werknemers deur toegewydheid, werkstevredenheid en prestasie. Hierdeur word leierskap 'n funksie van die drie aspekte. Die debat in Hoofstuk 4 konsentreer, eerstens, op die tweedelige verhouding tussen leiers en bestuurders. Leiers speel 'n rol in die kartering van die langtermynhorison van die organisasie deur die bepaling van visie, missie en rigting deur effektiewe kommunikasie en subtiele motivering. Bestuurders het 'n kortertermynhorison waarbinne hulle die visie, missie, doelstellinge en waardes in strategie en implementering omskep. Hulle teken die kaart wat die kompasrigting van leierskap navolg. In Hoofstuk 4 word tweedens aangevoer dat transformasieleierskap paradoksaal van aard is. Transformasieleiers moet organisasies bou wat paradokse aanvaar, d.i. organisasies wat die onsekerheid van omgewingsverandering kan bestuur. Hulle moet ook die rol van transformasieagente speel. Derdens word aangevoer dat leierskap uitsetgedrewe is. Hier word geargumenteer vir 'n leierskapraamwerk wat uitsetgedrewe is, wat doelmatig op organisatoriese uitset en sukses gemik is. Hoofstuk 5 fokus op die samevatting van die bevindinge van die navorsingsprojek.

Shared values : the road to reconstruction and success

Siegruhn, R. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Governments and organisations focus their efforts and resources on physical production factors and the skills of their employees. However, in order to focus the resources and skills of an organisation on a specific outcome there needs to be a common and binding set of values. Many empowerment efforts in South Africa have not succeeded and the reasons cited for their failures, concomitantly, have been based on physical production factors and lack of skills. This study will investigate whether a misalignment of values may be the real problem of which the physical production factors and skills were mere symptoms. The Mckinsey 7s Model will be used to structure the analysis and to determine whether the reconstruction, development and empowerment organisations, both successful and unsuccessful, had shared values. The result was that the reconstruction, development and empowerment organisations that were successful had shared values and that the reconstruction, development and empowerment organisations, that were unsuccessful did not have shared values. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Regerings en privaat organisasies fokus hulle insette op fisiese produksie faktore en die vaardighede van hul werknemers. Om die insette en aksies van 'n organisasie te fokus op 'n spesifieke uitkoms, moet daar 'n gedeelde en samebindende stel waardes wees. Verskeie bemagtigingspogings in Suid-Afrika was nie suksesvol nie. Die redes wat vir hierdie mislukkings aangevoer word, is gebaseer op die fisiese insette en die gebrek aan vaardigheid van die deelnemers. Die navorsing in hierdie studie is daarop gemik om te bepaal of die gebrek aan gedeelde waardes nie dalk die werklike probleem is nie, en dat die fisiese produksie faktore en vaardigheidsvlakke slegs simptome hiervan is. Die Mckinsey 7s model sal aangewend word om struktuur aan die studie te verleen. Die Mckinsey 7s model sal ook aangewend word om te bepaal of die heropbou-, ontwikkelings- en bemagtigings organisasies, beide suksesvol en onsuksesvol, gedeelde waardes gehad het al dan nie. Die resultate van die studie het daarop gedui dat al die heropbou-, ontwikkelings en bemagtigings organisasies, wat gedeelde waardes gehad het suksevol was en al die heropbou-, ontwikkelings- en bemagtigings organisasies, wat onsuksesvol was nie gedeelde waardes gehad het nie.

Strategy formulation and the Internet : what are the issues? : a critical literature review

Kongoro, Engelhardt Zevarua 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study has reviewed the current literature and debates on the relevance of conventional strategy formulation given the turbulence in the business environment. Conventional strategy formulation is under attack as a result of the advancement of disruptive technologies such as the Internet. Many have gone further, and referred to this digitization of the business environment as a "new" economy. This study has reviewed a range of literature from academicians as well as practitioners on the relevance of strategy in an Internet environment. Many of the authors, while admitting that real-time fine-tuning of some of the analytical tools currently in use was warranted, still feel that most of the conventional concepts still apply. Businessesare still affected by the same competitive forces of rivalry, substitutes, new entrants and the bargaining powers of suppliers and buyers. Organisations must still look for distinctiveness for them to have a sustainable competitive edge over their rivals. This study has reviewed the impact of the Internet on industry structure, the value chain, and the implications for competitive advantage. The conclusion that can be gleaned from these reviews is that doing business on the Internet will not save businessesfrom failure if they are not applying the correct strategies. The convergence of views appears to be that there is nothing new about the "new" economy, but the technological platform created by the Internet presents major opportunities that can be used in a hybrid form of online practices such as online order processing with established models of brick and mortar such as warehousing. While the study did not intend to produce new or validate existing empirical insights, it is has recommended that the Internet must be used as an enabler and integrated within existing businessprocesses. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie hersien die huidige literatuur en bespreek die toepaslikheid van die konvensionele strategieformulasie gegewe die onvoorspelbaarheid in die besigheidsomgewing. Konvensionelestrategieformulering is onder aanval as gevolg van die vordering van omverwerpende tegnologie soos die Internet. Verskeie menings gaan verder, met verwysing na die rekenarisering van die besigheidsomgewing as 'n "nuwe" ekonomie. Hierdie studie hersien 'n reeks van literatuur van akademeci, asook praktisyns oor die toepaslikheid van strategie in die Internet omgewing. Baie van die outeure, terwyl hulle erken dat intydse verfyning van sekere van die analitiese modelle("tools") tans in gebruik geldig is, is hulle terselfdertyd van mening dat die konvensionele konsepte steeds toepaslik is. Besighede word steeds beinvloed deur dieselfde kompeterende drywers van kompetisie, subtitusie, nuwe mark toetreders en die onderhandelingsmag van verskaffers en aankopers. Organisasies moet steeds op die uitkyk bly vir iets wat volhoubare kompeterende voordele inhou oor mededingers. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie oorsigte is dat besighede nie suksesvol bedryf kan word op die Internet sonder die toepaslike strategie nie. Die herleiding van sieninge wil voorgee dat daar geen verandering is in die "nuwe" ekonomie, maar dat die tegnologiese platform geskep deur die Internet materiële geleenthede bied wat gebruik kan word as deel van intydse praktyke en bestelprosesse met bestaande basiese"briek and mortar" modelle, soos pakhuise. Terwyl die studie nie bedoel om nuwe empiriese insigte te genereer of te staaf nie, word dit aanbeveel dat die Internet gebruik moet word as deel van bemagting van huidige besigheidsmodelle.

The beehive of organisational excellence : entrenching workplace practices that lead to high performance

Abrahams, M. F. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: For the past two decades or so we have been witnessing the dawn of the information age. The technological revolution that typifies this era is proceeding at a rate unparalleled by the advances of previous eras. This technological advancement has spawned what is called the New Economy, where the currency is information and the watchword is speed. The New Economy is global, knowledge-driven, and highly competitive. It has forever changed the competitive landscapes of many industries, combined others into new industries, and has even created entirely new industries. The New Economy poses many new challenges for organisations that strive for excellence. Amongst other things, globalisation and rapid advances in technology are constantly raising performance level benchmarks on all fronts. This means that organisations striving for excellence have to be stable yet agile, lean, responsive, innovative, efficient, customer-focused, and profitable. In addition, the pressure on organisations to democratise the workplace brings its own challenges. One such approach for organising for excellence is the Beehive model where minimum levels of performance have to be attained in each of seven interdependent areas: strategy, structures, people capacity, business disciplines, stakeholder commitment, pay and incentives, and change leadership. Taken out of context, these practices will not produce the desired improvements in performance. They need to be treated as a system where the practices fit with and support each other. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vir ongeveer die afgelope twee dekades ervaar ons die aanbreek van die informasie tydperk. Die tegnologiese revolusie, wat 'n kenmerk is van hierdie era, gaan voort met 'n tempo ongeewenaard met die vooruitgang van vorige eras. Hierdie tegnologiese vooruitgang het voortgebring wat die Nuwe Ekonomie genoem word, waar die geldeenheid informasie en die wagwoord spoed is. Die Nuwe Ekonomie is wereldwyd, kennis aangedrewe, en hoogs kompeterend. Dit het die kompeterende landskappe van baie industriee vir ewig verander, ander in nuwe industriee kombineer en selfs geheel en al nuwe industriee geskep. Die Nuwe Ekonomie lewer vele nuwe uitdagings op vir organisasies wat na uitmuntenheid streef. Om maar een te noem veroorsaak globalisasie en vinnige vooruitgang in tegnologie 'n konstante styging in prestasie vlak hoogtemerke reg deur die industrie. Dit beteken dat organisasies wat na uitmuntenheid streef stabiel, tog ook behendig, reagerend, vernuwend, effektief, klient gefokus en winsgewend moet wees. Daarmee saam bring die druk op organisasies om by die werkplek te demokratiseer sy eie uitdagings. Een so benadering vir organisering vir uitmuntendheid is die Beehive model waar minimum vlakke van prestasie in elke sewe interafhanklike areas behaal moet word: strategie, strukture, menslike kapasiteit, besigheids dissipline, insethouer toegewydheid, betaling en prestasielone, en oorgangsleiding. Uit konteks sal hierdie praktyke nie die gewensde verbeterings in prestasie behaal nie. Dit moet as 'n sisteem behandel word waar die praktyke mekaar pas en ondersteun.

The evaluation of the South African unit trust fund managers' performance and strategy in a changing economic climate (1989-2002)

Akinjolire, Akinwande 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Previous studies show that interest rates, dividend yields and other commonly available variables are useful market indicators. Although this has produced new insights into asset pricing models, it has not been applied to the measurement of unit trust funds' performance. This study introduces a set of predetermined variables into the measures of performance of South African unit trust fund managers. This paper modifies classical performance measures to incorporate these well-known market indicators. The performance and strategy of the South African general equity unit trust managers are evaluated for the period 1989 to 2002. The incorporation of these predetermined variables is both statistically and economically significant. It is concluded that when the conditional measures are applied to this sample of unit trusts, their performance improves and there is no evidence of market timing strategy. This study advocates conditional performance evaluation in which the relevant expectations are conditioned on public information variables. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vorige studies toon dat rentekoerse, dividendopbrengste en ander algemeen beskikbare veranderlikes bruikbare markaanwysers is. Hoewel dit nuwe insigte in bateprysbepalingsmodelle bring, is dit nog nie toegepas op die meting van effektetrust prestasie nie. Hierdie ondersoek gebruik 'n stel voorafbepaalde veranderlikes in die prestasiemeting van Suid-Afrikaanse effektetrust bestuurders. Hierdie werkstuk wysig klassieke prestasiemetings om die bekende markaanwysers in ag te neem. Die prestasie van Suid-Afrikaanse algemene aandele-effektetrusts vir die tydperk van 1989 tot 2002 is geëvalueer met behulp van hierdie wysigings. Daar word bevind dat die gebruik van hierdie voorafbepaalde veranderlikes statisties sowel as ekonomies beduidend is. Hierdie ondersoek bevind dat die prestasie van die steekproef van effektetrusts verbeter wanneer voorwaardelike metings daarop toegepas word. Daar is geen bewys van marktydberekeningstrategie nie. Hierdie werkstuk beveel voorwaardelike prestasie-evaluering aan waarin die betrokke verwagtings bepaal word deur veranderlikes wat openbare inligting is.

The relationship between brand loyalty and brand choice within the emerging markets of South Africa

Mathekgana, Khutso 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Brands, compnsing goods and services, serve to differentiate them from those of competitors. These have now proliferated to such an extent that it is difficult for brand owners to reach consumers and make their brands stand out. Brand loyalty has become one of the most frequently studied aspects of the purchasing process. It is thus defined through its measurements as the repeated purchase behaviour of one brand vis-á-vis other brands in the same category. The definition assumes a choice between two or more brands on the shelf. The objective of this project was to establish the presence of a direct relationship between brand loyalty and brand choice (or the lack thereof), in the emerging black markets of South Africa. The issue at hand is what happens in the absence of choice, i.e. the situation where there is only one brand per category. The second aspect to this is how do you measure brand loyalty in the absence of competition. The, outcome of the study clearly states that the choice that consumers are faced with in a particular market, lacks the dictionary meaning, In the absence of other brands in the same stable, loyalty has been found to exist because of the following: Brand being the first to market. Brand's superiority in terms of delivering on its promise, The presence of a strong advertising and promotions team to demonstrate its quality. Disposable incomes that are low and as such consumers' unwillingness to try other unknown brands, The lack of choice was described as a hostage situation, As long as the brand continues to deliver on quality, consumer choice will be deliberate and biased towards one brand. One very interesting other aspect to loyalty was that once it exists; it gets passed from one generation to the next. It becomes a family tradition, / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Handelsmerke onderskei produkte en dienste van hul mededingers. Die getal handelsmerke het nou tot so 'n mate toegeneem dat handelsmerkeienaars dit moeilik vind om verbruikers te bereik en hul handelsmerke duidelik van ander te onderskei. Handelsmerklojaliteit is een van die aspekte van die koopproses wat die meeste bestudeer word. Op grond van metingsprosedures word dit gedefinieer as 'herhaalde koopgedrag wat een handelsmerk bo ander handelsmerke in dieselfde kategorie bevoordeel'. Hierdie definisie veronderstel 'n keuse tussen twee of meer handelsmerke op dieselfde rak. Die doel van hierdie projek is om die direkte verwantskap tussen handelsmerklojaliteit en - keuse (of die gebrek daaraan) in die opkomende swart markte van Suid-Afrika te bepaal. Die eerste aspek van die ondersoek handel oor wat gebeur as verbruikers geen keuse het nie, m.a.w. as daar net een handelsmerk per kategorie op die rak is. Die tweede aspek handel oor die meting; van handelsmerklojaliteit as daar geen kompetisie van ander handelsmerke is nie. Die gevolgtrekkings van die studie illustreer duidelik dat die keuse wat verbruikers in 'n bepaalde mark het, nie aan 'n woordeboekdefinisie voldoen nie. Daar is ook bevind dat wanneer verbruikers nie 'n keuse van meer as een handelsmerk het nie, lojaliteit wel ontwikkel, om die volgende redes: Die handelsmerk was die eerste een wat in die mark beskikbaar was. Die betrokke handelsmerk doen sy beloftes beter gestand as ander handelsmerke. 'n Sterk advertensie- en promosiespan is teenwoordig om die kwaliteit van die handelsmerk te demonstreer. Die lae besteebare inkomste van verbruikers maak hulle onwillig om ander, onbekende handelsmerke te beproef Die gebrek aan keuse word beskryf as 'n "gyselaar"-situasie. Solank die handelsmerk aan die gehaltevereistes voldoen, sal verbruikers se keuse doelgerig daardie handelsmerk bevoordeel. Een van die interessantste aspekte van lojaliteit wat vorendag gekom het, is die volgende: as lojaliteit eers gevestig is, word dit van een generasie na die volgende oorgedra. So word dit dan 'n familietradisie.

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