Spelling suggestions: "subject:"business intelligence"" "subject:"business lntelligence""
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Self Service Business Intelligence - návrh dostupného BI řešení pro malé společnosti v oblasti on-line prodeje / Self Service Business Intelligence - Available BI solution for small on-line sales businessŘehout, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The thesis analyzes and proposes stance on how to implement self-service Business Intelligence solution in a company involved in online marketing. Analysis is focused on data sources, information needs in the company and research of suitable product to be implemented. Goal of the thesis is, based on the performed analysis, to propose actions needed for a successful implementation, and to demonstrate opportunities, that such an implementation may provide to the company.
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Návrh datového skladu v SaaS společnosti / Design of Data Warehouse in SaaS CompanyZetocha, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis consists of design and steps leading to build of data warehouse in startup developing SaaS product. Theoretical information about data warehouses and business intelligence are projected into design and following process of data warehouse development mainly for marketing data. Importing process of data into a data warehouse and reporting are fully automated.
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Analýza a návrh reportingu výkonnosti / Evaluation and design of performance reportingTihelka, Filip January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the analysis of reporting in a selected department in a selected company and then develops a proposal for a new method of reporting in Microsoft Excel and Power BI. The analytical part is preceded by an extensive theoretical search, which deals with information management in the organization and the essence of reporting applications.
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Vytvoření monitorovacího řešení pro službu PowerBI / Monitoring Solution for the PowerBI ServiceTrifanov, Filip January 2021 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with design of the monitoring solution for the Power BI service. The thesis is divided into theoretical, analytical and design sections. In the theoretical part describes the theoretical fundamentals, used technologies and analytical tools. The analytical part analyzes the company Intelligent Technologies, competitive solutions and data sources for the design part. The design part proposes its own solution for monitoring the Power BI service, including the costs and benefits of the proposed solution.
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Aplikace Business Intelligence ve firemním prostředí / Application of Business Intelligence in a Corporate EnvironmentMakuch, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design and creation of a reporting solution in a corporate environment over a selected Business Intelligence system. The most suitable Business Intelligence solution will be selected on the basis of criteria specified by the company and a comparison of existing solutions. The output of the diploma thesis will be automatic monitoring of company reports in the Business Intelligence environment, both in information and visually attractive form.
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Implementace reportovacích služeb pro nově přidruženou společnost / Implementation of Reporting Services for Newly Acquired SubsidiaryTremko, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design and implementation of operational and financial reports using BI tools. Theoretical part describes basic principles of Business Intelligence, datamarts, OLAP cubes and reporting services. Several interactive reports are designed in practical part, based on users business requirements. The reports permit users to interact, drilling down from summary to detail information and jumping to related websites within intranet portal.
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Processes for unlocking actionable business intelligence in SA banking institutionsAckerman, Marius 21 April 2005 (has links)
Since much more than the implementation of IT solutions is frequently required to produce actionable intelligence output, the unlocking of actionable Business Intelligence (BI) for decision-making based on both internal and external information sources, is proving to be a real challenge for SA banking institutions. Although all the major banking institutions in South Africa produce and use BI in some form or the other, the concept is often not clearly defined, and not enough emphasis is placed on the use of recognized intelligence processes to provide intelligence output that is both accurate and actionable. The aim of this research was to determine whether SA banking institutions applied recognized intelligence processes, or components thereof, while conducing BI assignments. Whilst the typical four- or five-stage intelligence process, as discussed in BI literature, was commonly accepted by the banking institutions that participated in this research as a benchmark in conducting BI, the researcher established that these institutions placed more emphasis on executing some stages, whilst other stages were executed in an ad hoc manner. In this regard it was found that, while emphasis was placed on the collection stage of the BI process during the ‘analysis stage’, which is one of the most important stages of the process, no specific step-by-step procedure was followed. In the analysis stage of the process, emphasis was typically placed on the application of the specific methods of analysis. In the stages of the BI processes that deal with BI requirements definition and dissemination of BI products, formal BI processes were also found to be lacking. This prompted the researcher to suggest a practical step-by-step process for dealing with each stage of the BI process. In the final chapter of this dissertation, the researcher provides a summary of the key findings in relation to the research problem and identifies a number of areas in which further research should be conducted. Finally, it is important to note that BI will remain a critical business issue for SA banking institutions in their efforts to become more profitable, more customer centred, and ultimately more competitive in the face of dynamic and challenging market conditions. In this regard BI processes provide a critical framework for the conduct of BI assignments in SA banking institutions. he full text of this thesis/dissertation is not available online. Please contact us if you need access Since much more than the implementation of IT solutions is frequently required to produce actionable intelligence output, the unlocking of actionable Business Intelligence (BI) for decision-making based on both internal and external information sources, is proving to be a real challenge for SA banking institutions. Although all the major banking institutions in South Africa produce and use BI in some form or the other, the concept is often not clearly defined, and not enough emphasis is placed on the use of recognized intelligence processes to provide intelligence output that is both accurate and actionable. The aim of this research was to determine whether SA banking institutions applied recognized intelligence processes, or components thereof, while conducing BI assignments. Whilst the typical four- or five-stage intelligence process, as discussed in BI literature, was commonly accepted by the banking institutions that participated in this research as a benchmark in conducting BI, the researcher established that these institutions placed more emphasis on executing some stages, whilst other stages were executed in an ad hoc manner. In this regard it was found that, while emphasis was placed on the collection stage of the BI process during the ‘analysis stage’, which is one of the most important stages of the process, no specific step-by-step procedure was followed. In the analysis stage of the process, emphasis was typically placed on the application of the specific methods of analysis. In the stages of the BI processes that deal with BI requirements definition and dissemination of BI products, formal BI processes were also found to be lacking. This prompted the researcher to suggest a practical step-by-step process for dealing with each stage of the BI process. In the final chapter of this dissertation, the researcher provides a summary of the key findings in relation to the research problem and identifies a number of areas in which further research should be conducted. Finally, it is important to note that BI will remain a critical business issue for SA banking institutions in their efforts to become more profitable, more customer centred, and ultimately more competitive in the face of dynamic and challenging market conditions. In this regard BI processes provide a critical framework for the conduct of BI assignments in SA banking institutions. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2003. / Information Science / unrestricted
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Business-Intelligence-Umfrage 2011: Softwaregestütztes Lebenszyklusmanagement und aktuelles Dokumentationsgeschehen für Business-Intelligence-SystemeGluchowski, Peter, Hofmann, Marcus, Jacobi, Frieder, Krawatzeck, Robert, Müller, André 21 September 2011 (has links)
Am Lehrstuhl Wirtschaftsinformatik II der TU Chemnitz arbeitet die Nachwuchsforschergruppe Computer-Aided Warehouse Engineering (CAWE), die seit August 2010 besteht, an einem vollständig modellgetriebenen Vorgehen zur Unterstützung des Lebenszyklus von Business-Intelligence-Systemen (BI-Systemen). Neben der Durchführung von Grundlagenforschung hat die Nachwuchsforschergruppe die Erstellung eines Software-Prototyps zum Ziel. Eine wichtige Funktionalität ist die automatische Erzeugung von Systemdokumentationen für verschiedene BI-Systeme mit dem Schwerpunkt auf den Architekturkomponenten. Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes führte die CAWE Nachwuchsforschergruppe unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Peter Gluchowski in 2011 eine bundesweite Umfrage bei mittelständischen bis großen Unternehmen zu folgendem Thema durch: „Softwaregestütztes Lebenszyklusmanagement und aktuelles Dokumentationsgeschehen für Business Intelligence-Systeme“.
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Rozšíření analytické vrstvy s využitím nástrojů firmy MicrosoftŠčudla, Petr January 2017 (has links)
Thesis deals with the realization of complex Business Intelligence (BI) solution, which is an extension of current analytical layer of the company and also includes implementation of data warehouse, data cubes and report. The introductory part of the thesis describes theory of BI problematics, usage of data warehouse in Customer Realationship Management (CRM) and data-driven marketing. Later part describes specification of requirements, analysis of the current state of the company and own work. Microsoft tools and technologies were used for development of the solution.
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Addressing challenges in the initial stages of Business Intelligence with Design ThinkingKindvall, Oscar January 2022 (has links)
Business Intelligence (BI) can be a great source of advantage in a business decision process. However, as we move forward, data comes in a greater volume and variety than before which puts pressure on BI to utilize this complex data and take better decisions. From BI companies point of view, it is about creating as much value as possible for its customers and stakeholders. It can however be challenging creating value with data that does not correspond with the purpose, business- goals and needs as well as user- goals and needs. Setting up goals, desires, and an overall plan happens in the initial stages of the BI process. This thesis aims to investigate and characterize the possible challenges appearing in these initial stages and discuss a method for addressing these challenges. In consultation with a company within BI, the method chosen was Design Thinking (DT). The challenges of BI in the initial stages and DT relevant for this thesis was studied through a literature study as well as through qualitative interviews and a workshop-like approach. Since the goal of this thesis is to generate theory that can be further researched, grounded theory is used as a strategy. The interviews conducted was with four BI experienced persons, whereas one had experience in DT as well. The result of these interviews confirms, corroborate, and adds to the challenges in the initial stages of BI brought up in the literature study. Challenges such as extracting goals and needs, plan, involve and manage. A desire for a method of ensuring that value is created for the customers was expressed in the interviews. One of the interviewees had used DT-tools in an implementation project scenario before with success. Findings from literature review and interviews gave insights about common challenges in BI and that a human-centered method such as DT can address these challenges.
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