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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uplatnenie princípov a nástrojov business intelligence pri riadení nemocničného zariadenia / Application of principles and tools of business intelligence in the management and control process of the hospital facility

Hocko, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the application of principles and tools of business intelligence in the management and control process of the hospital facilities. In term of the definition of problem areas in the management and control process of the hospital is proposed concept of streamlining the current state, which consists of the methodological unification of the main control and managing areas, in the implementation of consolidated data structure (data warehouse) and reporting tool above the primary systems. Practical application of the analyzed areas is demonstrated in the practical part of diploma thesis, which is devoted to the real implementation of management information system in five regional hospitals in the Czech Republic. The main benefit of this thesis is the definition of the problem areas in the management and control process of hospital facilities, which can be made more effective by applying the principles and tools of business intelligence, and personal appreciation of the author's practical experience with the implementation of business intelligence solutions in healthcare facilities.

Business intelligent for use in the context of project management / Utilização de business intelligent no contexto do gerenciamento de projetos

Antonio Ricardo Mendrot 10 June 2016 (has links)
The projects are made by organizations to achieve their strategic objectives. By having multidisciplinary implementation requires the involvement of many areas of the same company making it essential to their managers a good information management and the historical record in order to generate a solid database for strategic decisions and thus ensuring the reach your goals. To ensure the effectiveness of the information management process it must be stored in computer systems based on business intelligence thus allowing the application of analysis and artificial intelligence tools enabling simulations in the medium and long term. This study aims to: assess the degree of importance attributed to knowledge management in the context of projects among project management professionals; check the level of knowledge and use of computerized tools for project managers to enable them to carry out the management of information related thereto; map the process of knowledge management within the project management; and identify the existence of strategic benefits mentioned by managers of projects related to the applications of knowledge management techniques and BI tools. To do this we used an exploratory research with questionnaire technique developed in Likert scale model and selected sample accessibility among a population of professionals working in project management area. Data analysis was carried out in a quantitative manner by the individual variables analysis technique and its correlation with the Pearson method. It was concluded that the greater the importance given to the management of knowledge and its use in routine activities, the greater the search for tools based on BI, and business intelligence are important technical tools for stimulating success in management activities projects, making it necessary to create standardized processes of technological knowledge management to complement the good practices in project management advocated by institutes studying the segment. / Os projetos são comumente realizados por organizações para atingir seus objetivos estratégicos. Em razão da sua natureza multidisciplinar, a execução dos projetos requer o envolvimento de diversas áreas de uma mesma empresa, tornando indispensável aos seus gerentes uma boa gestão de informações, bem como o seu registro histórico a fim de gerar uma sólida base de dados para tomadas de decisão estratégicas com objetivo de garantir o sucesso do empreendimento. Para garantir a eficácia do processo de gestão, as informações devem ser armazenadas em sistemas informatizados com base em business intelligence, permitindo, dessa forma, a aplicação de ferramentas de análise e inteligência artificial que possibilitam simulações em médio e longo prazo. Este estudo tem como objetivos aferir o grau de importância atribuído à gestão do conhecimento no contexto de projetos entre profissionais de gerência de projetos; verificar o nível de conhecimento e utilização de ferramentas informatizadas por gestores de projetos para que possam realizar a gestão das informações relativas aos projetos; mapear, com base na literatura e nos resultados advindos da pesquisa exploratória, o processo de gestão do conhecimento no âmbito do gerenciamento de projetos; e identificar a existência de benefícios estratégicos, apontados por gestores de projetos, referentes às aplicações de técnicas de gestão de conhecimento e ferramentas de BI. Para alcançá-los utilizou-se a pesquisa exploratória com coleta de dados a partir de questionário elaborado no modelo de escala Likert, e amostra selecionada por acessibilidade dentre uma população de profissionais atuantes na área de gerenciamento de projetos. O tratamento dos dados foi realizado de forma quantitativa pela técnica de análise das variáveis individuais e de sua correlação com o método de Pearson. Conclui-se que quanto maior a importância dada à gestão de conhecimentos e sua utilização nas atividades rotineiras, maior a busca por ferramentas com base em BI, e que as técnicas de business intelligence são importantes instrumentos para o estímulo ao sucesso nas atividades de gestão de projetos. Essa técnica torna necessária a criação de processos padronizados de gestão tecnológica do conhecimento, para complementar as boas práticas em gerência de projetos defendidas por institutos que estudam o segmento.

Business Intelligence : Från användning till effektiv användning

Ehnberg, Alexander, Persson, Niclas January 2021 (has links)
Business Intelligence-system möjliggör för organisationer att fatta datadrivna beslut i en miljö som är i ständig förändring. Likt andra informationssystem skapas värdet av Business Intelligence-system vid användningen av det. För att Business Intelligence ska ha en positiv inverkan på organisationen krävs effektiv användning av systemet. Trots vetskapen om vikten av effektiv användning av Business Intelligence-system finns det en avsaknad av empiriska studier kring ämnet. Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskapen kring vilka aktiviteter som bidrar till effektiv användning av Business Intelligence. Därmed är studiens frågeställning: Vilka aktiviteter bidrar till effektiv användning av Business Intelligence? För att identifiera aktiviteter som bidrar till effektiv användning av Business Intelligence har en kvalitativ metod tillämpats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med respondenter som på olika sätt arbetar med Business Intelligence inom organisationer. Problem som kan hindra effektiv användning av Business Intelligence har identifierats i tidigare litteratur. Respektive problem har kopplats till en eller flera dimensioner för effektiv användning. Aktiviteterna har kommit fram genom att studien har tagit del av vad som utförs i syfte att hantera problem som hindrar effektiv användning. Studien har bekräftat aktiviteter som bidrar till effektiv användning från tidigare forskning samt kompletterat dessa med fem nya aktiviteter. I studiens slutsats presenteras de aktiviteter som bidrar till effektiv användning av Business Intelligence, som kompletterar tidigare forskning. / Business Intelligence-systems enables companies to make data driven decisions in a constantly changing environment. Like other information systems, the value of Business Intelligence-systems is created in the use of it. For Business Intelligence to make a positive impact, effective use of it is required. Despite the understanding of the importance of effective use of Business Intelligence-system there is a lack of empirical research regarding the field. The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding regarding the activities that supports effective use of Business Intelligence. Therefore, this study aims to answer the following research question: What activities supports effective use of Business Intelligence? To answer the research question, a qualitative research method has been applied and semi-structured interviews have been implemented with informants that work with Business Intelligence in different ways within their respective organization. Prior research has discovered problems that hinders effective use of Business Intelligence. Each problem has been linked to one or more dimensions of effective use of Business Intelligence. The activities have been identified through understanding how organizations handle the problems that hinder effective use. These activities have then been linked to dimensions of effective use. The study has, apart from confirming several activities found in prior research as contributors to effective use, identified five new activities. In the conclusion, activities that support effective use of Business Intelligence are presented as a complement to prior research.

Framgångsfaktorer för dashboard projekt inom business intelligence : Faktorer som bör uppmärksammas inom Business Intelligence projekt / Prosperous factors for dashboard projects in business intelligence : Factors that should be taken into consideration throughout Business Intelligence projects

Kölbrant, Oskar January 2020 (has links)
Business Intelligence (BI) har blivit en stor byggsten för många företag och en viktig aspekt är att det implementeras rätt så att beslutsfattare kan ta del av data för att fatta faktabaserade beslut. Detta data behöver beslutsfattare och övriga i ledningen ha tillgång till och kunna förstå det utan problem. Ett sätt att undvika problematiken med data är att visualisera det i form av grafer för att ge en överblick och förenkla analysuppgiften i en dashboard. Att skapa dessa dashboards har genom tidigare forskning visat sig vara problematiskt genom att lösningen i slutet inte bidrar med den analytiska förmåga som önskas. För att kunna dra nytta av en dashboard krävs det att de skapas på ett korrekt sätt avseende användning och analysförmåga. Detta leder till att denna studie kommer besvara frågan: Vilka framgångsfaktorer finns för att framgångsrikt driva ett BI-projekt sett från en dashboardutvecklares perspektiv? För att undersöka problemet kommer en litteraturanalys utföras tillsammans med en fallstudie med intervjuer baserade på det som kommer från litteraturanalysen. Intervjun kommer undersöka vad frontend-utvecklare identifierar för framgångsfaktorer med implementation av dashboards. Resultatet som kom fram från studien och med hjälp av det insamlade materialet och utförd analys är en modell över de framgångsfaktorer som påverkar ett dashboard projekt. Resultatet framkom genom att analysera alla respondenters svar för att identifiera återkommande fraser och ord respondenterna nämnde. Dessa fraser och ord sammanställdes till en tabell som senare ledde vidare till den slutgiltiga resultat modellen. / Business Intelligence (BI) has become a more important building block for many companies and an important aspect is that it is implemented correctly so that decision makers can make decisions based on facts rather than intuition. This data is needed for decision makers and other people in the management team and also be able to understand this data without any bigger issues. One way to avoid issues with the understanding of data is to visualize it into graphs to give a fast overview and to simplify analysis of data in a dashboard. To create said dashboards has been identified by earlies research to be problematic in the sense of the solution not contributing to the analytic capability that are desired. To be able to get any sort of benefit from the dashboard it is necessary that it is built correctly with usage and analysis in mind. This leads to the question that this study aims to answer: Which success factors contributes to successfully manage a BI-project as seen from a dashboard developers point of view? To investigate the issue a literature analysis together with a case study making use of interviews based on what is gathered from the literature analysis. The interviews will investigate the factors that dashboard developers has experienced themselves whilst implementing dashboards. The result from the study and with help from the data gathered via the interview and the analysis process a model could be formed showing the success factors that has an effect on dashboard oriented projects. The result came through by analyzing all of the answers from the respondents to identify reoccurring phrases and words that they mentioned. These phrases and words were put together into a table which eventually led to the finalized model.

Business Intelligence Implementation from a User Perspective : A case study of an international company implementing BI in the procurement function

Ahlqvist, Malin, Jansson, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
This case study investigates what factors are important during the business intelligence implementation, and also how those factors affect the perception of the BI project according to the end-users. The study was conducted as a qualitative single case study where the data was mainly collected using semi-structured interviews in two rounds. The studied case was a proof of concept project in an international company, where they implemented business intelligence within the procurement function in three of their subsidiaries to determine if they would implement BI in the whole group. During the first round of interviews, three factors were identified as important namely, ownership, involvement and evaluation. During the second round, the end-users expressed some deficiencies that could be improved in regard to the three factors. The study concludes that the factors ownership, involvement and evaluation were important even though evaluation was the only factor that affected the end-users’ perception of the implementation. However, their acceptance of the project was not affected due to the fact that they had expressed such a strong need for BI a long time before the project.

Business intelligence: kunskapsklyftor mellan strategiska och taktiska organisationsnivåer : En kvalitativ studie om hur business intelligence kan hantera kunskapsklyftor mellan strategisk och taktisk nivå i samband med beslutsprocesser / Business intelligence: the knowledge gap between strategic and tactical organizational levels

Lindqvist, Niklas, Löthner, Sebastian January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att genom insamlad empiri och teoretiskt underlag besvara hur business intelligence kan hantera kunskapsklyftor mellan taktisk och strategisk nivå i samband med beslutsprocesser. Metod: En kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer, hermeneutiskt perspektiv och tematisk analys. Studien innefattar sju intervjuer på omkring en till två timmar och innehar informanter med varierande befattningar från ett flertal branscher. Upptäckter: Studien påvisar att BI-systems korrekthet och datakvalitet är av hög betydelse samt att arbetssystem bör utformas efter deltagarnas kunskap och behov. Utmaningar som explicit framhävs är vilken data och i vilken utsträckning datat ska delas mellan olika deltagare för att skapa en så kreativ process som möjligt utan att integritet och effektivitet påverkas negativt. Strategiska aktörer kan med BI använda intuitiva strategier som ett sätt att utvärdera de taktiska aktörernas underlag. Vidare tyder undersökningen på att graden av tillit som ges till taktiska aktörer grundas i aspekter som risk, tidsfönster och möjligheter.  Utöver detta indikerar undersökningen på att strategiska aktörer måste hitta en balansgång mellan standardisering och flexibilitet. Strategiska aktörer verkar vilja tillsätta en högre grad av standardisering på arbetssystemen i sig men inte så pass hög grad att de hämmar deltagarnas effektivitet.   Vidare verkar kultur, dataflöde och talangförvaltning vara av vital vikt. Ett lämpligt dataflöde medför till att de strategiska aktörerna får en översikt i taktiska aktörers arbetssystem. Vad gäller kultur och talangförvaltning påvisar undersökningen att BI kräver konstant arbete för att främja krossfunktionalitet och därmed få BI som en naturlig och genomsyrande kompetens inom hela organisationen. Originalitet och värde: Studien särskiljer sig genom att fokusera på taktisk respektive strategisk nivå inom organisationer. Studien innefattar även insikter från både taktisk och strategiskt håll - något som inte riktigt undersökts än. Tidigare empiri har främst fokuserat på andra ansatser som fokuserat specifika nivåer. Utöver detta fokuserar denna studie på bådas perspektiv och syn på hela beslutsunderlagsprocessen. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is through collected empirical and theoretical ground answer how business intelligence can manage the knowledge gap between tactical and strategic levels when it comes to decision making. Method: This is a qualitative study with semi-structured interviews, hermeneutic perspective and thematic analysis. The study consists of seven interviews with an estimated length of one to two hours each, with informants from varying sectors and positions. Findings: The study shows that the data quality is of high importance and that work systems should be designed according to the participants' knowledge and needs. Challenges that are explicitly emphasized are which data and to what extent the data should be shared between different participants, in order to create a creative process without having a negative effect on integrity and efficiency. Strategic actors can with BI use intuitive strategies as a means to evaluate the tactical actors' work. Furthermore, the survey indicates that the degree of trust given to tactical actors is based on aspects such as risk, urgency and opportunity. In addition, the survey indicates that strategic actors must find a balance between standardization and flexibility. Strategic actors seem to add a higher degree of standardization to the work systems themselves, but not to such an extent that they hamper the participants' efficiency. Furthermore, culture, data flow and talent management seem to be vital. An appropriate data flow means that the strategic actors get an overview of the tactical actors' work systems. In terms of culture and talent management, the survey shows that BI requires constant work to promote cross-functionality and thus get BI as a natural and ubiquitous competence within the entire organization. Originality and value: The study differs by focusing on tactical and strategic levels within organizations. This study also includes insights from both a tactical and strategic point of view - something that has not thoroughly been investigated yet. Previous empirical work has mainly focused on other approaches that have emphasized on specific levels. In addition, this study focuses on both perspectives on the entire decision-making process.

Einsatz von Business Intelligence-Technologien in Call Centern

Hrach, Christian 14 December 2011 (has links)
Diese Studie präsentiert die Ergebnisse einer Befragung zur Verbreitung von Business Intelligence-Technologien (BI) in der Call Center-Branche. Neben der Erfassung struktureller Daten der Call Center umfasst dies die detaillierte Untersuchung der Bereiche Datenspeicherung, Umgang mit Kundendaten, Einsatz von BI-Technologien sowie die Analyse der Gesprächsqualität.:1 Zur Studie 1.1 Forschungshintergrund der Studie 1.2 Untersuchungsgebiet – BI-unterstützte Prozesse in Call Centern 1.3 Ablauf der Studie 1.4 Aufbau des Fragebogens 1.5 Aufbau der Umfrageauswertung 2 Kommentierte Ergebnisse der Studie 2.1 Strukturdaten 2.2 Datenspeicherung 2.3 Umgang mit Kundendaten 2.4 Einsatz von Business Intelligence-Technologien 2.4.1 Internes Reporting 2.4.2 Monitoring 2.4.3 Data Mining 2.5 Analyse der Gesprächsqualität 2.6 Zusammenfassung der Studienergebnisse 3 Fazit Anhang A – Ergebnisse der Studie im Detail

Kritiska framgångsfaktorer för Business Intelligence i realtid

Jönsson, Ola, Lindelöf Holmqvist, Anton January 2018 (has links)
Den ökade mängden realtidsdata som bland annat IoT-utvecklingen för med sig gör business intelligence (BI) i realtid mer relevant än någonsin. Då många BI-projekt tenderar till att misslyckas är förståelse av kritiska framgångsfaktorer vitalt. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka skillnader i kritiska framgångsfaktorer som utmärker implementationer av realtids-BI (RBI) system jämfört med BI-implementationer. Semistrukturerade intervjuer baserade på forskning kring framgångsfaktorer för BI har använts för att undersöka utmärkande drag för RBI. Studien har identifierat att RBI kräver en arkitektur designad för att stödja analys av strömmande data samt att RBI kräver ett mer visionärt och experimentellt förhållningssätt. Slutligen belyser studien att risken för feltolkning och felaktiga slutsatser ökar då beslut tas utifrån rådata. Därmed krävs en högre datakvalitet vid RBI för att data ska anses vara av en hållbar kvalitet. / The increased amount of real-time data, such as IoT's development, makes business intelligence (BI) in real-time more relevant than ever before. As many BI projects tend to fail, the understanding of critical success factors are vital. This study aims to investigate the differences in critical success factors that characterize implementations of real-time BI (RBI) systems versus BI implementations. Semi-structured interviews based on research of critical success factors for BI has been used to investigate distinguishing features for RBI. The study has identified that RBI requires an architecture designed to support analysis of streaming data and that a more visionary and experimental approach is required. Finally, the study highlights that the risk of misinterpretation and incorrect conclusions increases when decisions are taken based on raw data. Therefore, higher data quality is required to be considered to be a sustainable quality in the RBI context.

Exploring A Visualization System For History Paths / Utforska ett visualiseringssystem för historiska vägar

Yang, Jing January 2019 (has links)
Many business intelligence tools aim to digest data into easy, understandable and visualizable information for helping decision-making, while they are still lack of ability to support visualizing the history of selections. This limitation concerns the coming future when everything is about data. Due to it, users are not able to share their thinking paths to the decision. Here a history selection path means a sequence of previous selections. As an approach, it helps users in decision-making and discovery insight. This study investigated an efficient graphical visualization system of history selection paths to support communicating and iterative analysis. We selected tree representation as the main visualization model and also propose features needed for the system. Specifically, we researched the significance of this study, existing solutions and also the proper designs and functions for the idea. It is initiated by user research including targeting users and scenario mapping. Based on the understanding, we applied a parallel design to narroww down the suitable design. As a result, tree representation was selected as the visualization model. To evaluate whether it touched user needs or not, we applied usability test to collect quantitative data and qualitative comments. For making the test environment as real as possible, a webbased interactive prototype supported by D3.js library was implemented for testing. We analyzed the user experience and also consolidated improvements. As a case study, we implemented the solution on Qlik Sense to verify the possibility to place this solution into real data visualization tool. Generally, the result of this study formed a valuable initiative for further development and we saw potentials of this tree model system to be used in other areas when it comes to reviewing history as well. / Många verktyg för affärsintelligens avser till att bryta ner data till enkel, förståelig och visualiserar information för att hjälpa till beslutsantagande, medan det fortfarande saknar förmåga att stödja visualiseringen av urvalens historik. Den här begränsningen berör framtiden när allt är om data. På grund av det, användaren är inte kunniga till att dela deras sökväg till beslutet. Här menas historik urvalsväg en sekvens av tidigare val. Som ett tillvägagångsätt, hjälper det användare att fatta beslut och upptäcka insikt. Denna studie undersökte ett effektivt grafiskt visualiseringssystem av historik urvalsvägar för att stödja kommunikation och iterativ analys. Vi valde trädrepresentation som huvudligavisualisering modell och föreslår också funktioner som behövs för systemet. Specifikt har vi undersökt betydelsen av denna studie, befintliga lösningar och även rätt design och funktioner för denna idé. Det initieras av användare undersökningar inklusive målriktning av användare och scenariokartläggning. Baserat på förståelsen använde vi en parallell design för att begränsa den lämpliga designen. Som ett resultat, valdes trädrepresentation som visualiseringsmodell. För att utvärdera om det rörde användarnas behov eller inte, använde vi användbarhetstest för att samla in kvantitativa data och kvalitativa kommentarer. För att testmiljön ska bli så verklig som möjligt implementerades en webbaserad interaktiv prototyp som stöds av D3.js biblioteket för testning. Vi analyserade användare upplevelsen och konsoliderade förbättringar. Som en fallstudie implementerade vi lösningen på Qlik Sense för att verifiera möjligheten att placera denna lösning i ett verkligt data visualiseringsverktyg. I allmänhet bildade resultatet av den här studien ett värdefullt initiativ för vidare utveckling och vi såg potentialerna i detta trädmodellsystem som kan användas på andra områden när det gäller till att granska historik.

Business Intelligence : En studie om den upplevda nyttan av att använda BI-system

Axelsson, Tina, Hogby, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
An information society under constant development enables organizations to have access to a growing supply of information. Handled in an efficient manner, information can be a valuable, competitive resource. This can be achieved by investing in a Business Intelligence system (BI system). BI system's main function is to manage large amounts of unstructured data, convert it into useful information, which in turn will be used as a basis for performance management. The purpose of this study is that, through qualitative, semi-structured, in-depth interviews, to examine the perceived benefit of using BI systems to support business governance. This benefit is analyzed using theories such as traditional, bounded and flexible-bounded rationality, cognitive bias and theories of man's ability to think intuitively and reflective. The benefits of BI systems will also be analyzed using the theories of the communication process, conflicts in decision making and DIKW pyramid describing the process data, information, knowledge, wisdom. It also analyzes the benefits of BI systems using agency theory. The results show that users of BI systems are experiencing the benefits as follow: BI systems provide increased access to information in the organization, increasing the ability to handle large amounts of information, creating more fact-based decisions, freeing up time for analysis, reducing opportunistic behavior and facilitates internal communication. This creates flexibility in the bounded rationality, a more reflective decision-making process that improves the prospects to make rational decisions. Users go higher up in DIKW pyramid. BI systems reduce the information asymmetry between principal and agent. BI systems reduce uncertainty in decision reducing the risk of conflict. Training and practice are essential for BI systems to generate benefits. Unlike previous research, this study shows that BI systems are well integrated into organizations as well as live up to expectations. A new aspect of BI systems is that they reduce the risk of opportunistic behavior.

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