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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prototyp för rollbaserad Business Intelligence i Microsoft Dynamics AX

Ek, Pontus, Lindner, Rikard January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrunden till examensarbetet är Medius behov av rapporter för uppföljningav verksamheten. Medius använder sig sedan årsskiftet 2008-2009 av affärssy- stemetMicrosoft dynamics AX. I verksamheten finns ett behov av ett antal standardiseraderapporter för uppföljning som inte existerar i Dynamics AX idag samt en portaldär dessa rapporter lätt kan hittas. Syftet med examensarbetet är att ta fram enhifi-prototyp som visar hur rapporter för verksamhetsuppföljning kan standardiserasoch presenteras i ett webbgränssnitt. Arbetet som utförts i examensarbetet kan delasin i fyra steg. Först gjordes ett antal intervjuer med personal från olika nivåer iorganisationen för att få en bra bild av vilka rapporter som det fanns ett behov av.Därefter sammanställdes dessa intervjuer till scenarion som sedan användes för attta fram en kravspecifikation i det tredje steget. I det sista steget utvecklades självahifi-prototypen utifrån kravspecifikationen. Vissa av rapporterna som prototypeninnehåller är informationsmässigt väldigt att generera. För dessa rapporter utveckladesett datalager med en Online Analytic Proccesing kub knuten till sig. Målet med förstudien var att utvecklingen skulle leda fram till en prototyp som på detaljnivåliknar slutprodukten så bra som möjligt. Därför lades vikten vid att skapa endetaljerad kravspecifikation, och arbetet med scenarion tonades ned en aning. Underhela förstudien hölls dialogen med respondenterna från intervjuerna igång, härmärktes nyttan av den öppna strukturen på intervjuerna då en bra kontakt skapadesmed respondenterna. Under utvecklingen av datalagret märktes snart vikten aven bra förstudie. Förstudien var först endast tänkt för att styra vilka rapporter somskulle finnas i rollcentret samt hur dessa skulle presenteras. Scenariona och kravspecifikationenanvändes mycket vid arbetet att bestämma detaljnivå, dimensioner ochfaktatabeller i datalagret och kuben.

Ett holistiskt Business Intelligence för användning i Verksamhetsutveckling

Ahlrik, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Världen förändras. Alla kan kommunicera med alla och kunskap är lättillgänglig. Idag kan vi skicka data mellan varandra med mobiltelefoner utan några direkta geografiska begränsningar och med hastigheter i nivå med vad en vanlig dator gjorde internt mellan processorn och internminnet 1984. Informations- och kommunikations-teknologin har skapat nya förutsättningar för företag att göra affärer samtidigt som den behövs för överlevnad med dagens snabba samhälleliga förändringar. Personalen beskrivs ofta som företagets viktigaste tillgång. Verksamhetens prestation beror mycket på deras engagemang och möjligheter att utföra sina arbetsuppgifter. Samtidigt är det även de som kan sina egna arbetsuppgifter bäst och har mycket kunskap kring hur de kan förbättras. Däremot är det inte så lätt att få fram dessa kunskaper, och som en f.d. koncernchef för Siemens sagt om problematiken: ”Om Siemens visste allt det som Siemens vet skulle vi inte ha några problem”. Den här studien ska utreda hur mobila teknologier kan användas för att ta till vara på personalens inneboende kunskaper på ett systematiskt sätt för att användas med Business Intelligence. Detta för att skapa möjligheter till anpassningsbara och lärande organisationer samt ge förutsättningar för innovativa organisationsstrukturer och affärsmodeller. De slutsatser som dras är att om bara företaget förstår relevansen i att anpassa sig, värdet i personalens inneboende kunskaper samt att de är beredda att ta initiativet, finns det stora möjligheter till att skaffa sig insikter kring sin egen verksamhet vilka kan användas för ständiga förbättringar. Nyckelord: Business Intelligence, Verksamhetsutveckling, Verksamhetsprestation

REALTIDS BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE : Förändring av Besluts- och Affärsprocessen vid Införandet av en Realtids Business Intelligence System / REAL-TIME BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE : Changes needed in Decision-making and Business processes when implementing a Real-Time Business Intelligence System

Dulgher Mustafa, Ludmila January 2014 (has links)
Business Intelligence och realtids Business Intelligence har blivit ett område som allt fler företag intresseras av. Forskningen idag involverar en rad företag som koncentrerar sig på stora kund-, produkt- och tjänstevolymer. Ett av dessa företag är flygbolaget Continental Airlines. Detta bolag har funnit sju faktorer som bör beaktas då en realtids BI-lösning ska anammas.  Detta arbete kommer att lägga fokus på en av dessa faktorer. Denna faktor säger att realtids BI endast levererar något värde om besluts- och affärsprocessen ändras i enlighet med den IT-lösning som införs i företaget. Under denna studie kommer det att undersökas hur denna faktor fungerar i mindre organisationer. Behöver mindre organisationer ändra sina processer vid införandet av en realtids BI-lösning och i så fall i vilken utsträckning ska dessa ändras. Det här projektet innebär ett samarbete med Svenska Kyrkan i Lidköping som utgör den mikromiljö som den ovan nämnda faktorn kommer att testas på, samt iP1 Networks AB som har utvecklat realtids BI-lösningen Svenska Kyrkan i Lidköping är intresserade av.

Towards Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace: Social Media Analytics on Hacker Communities

Li, Weifeng, Li, Weifeng January 2017 (has links)
Social media analytics is a critical research area spawned by the increasing availability of rich and abundant online user-generated content. So far, social media analytics has had a profound impact on organizational decision making in many aspects, including product and service design, market segmentation, customer relationship management, and more. However, the cybersecurity sector is behind other sectors in benefiting from the business intelligence offered by social media analytics. Given the role of hacker communities in cybercrimes and the prevalence of hacker communities, there is an urgent need for developing hacker social media analytics capable of gathering cyber threat intelligence from hacker communities for exchanging hacking knowledge and tools. My dissertation addressed two broad research questions: (1) How do we help organizations gain cyber threat intelligence through social media analytics on hacker communities? And (2) how do we advance social media analytics research by developing innovative algorithms and models for hacker communities? Using cyber threat intelligence as a guiding principle, emphasis is placed on the two major components in hacker communities: threat actors and their cybercriminal assets. To these ends, the dissertation is arranged in two parts. The first part of the dissertation focuses on gathering cyber threat intelligence on threat actors. In the first essay, I identify and profile two types of key sellers in hacker communities: malware sellers and stolen data sellers, both of which are responsible for data breach incidents. In the second essay, I develop a method for recovering social interaction networks, which can be further used for detecting major hacker groups, and identifying their specialties and key members. The second part of the dissertation seeks to develop cyber threat intelligence on cybercriminal assets. In the third essay, a novel supervised topic model is proposed to further address the language complexities in hacker communities. In the fourth essay, I propose the development of an innovative emerging topic detection model. Models, frameworks, and design principles developed in this dissertation not only advance social media analytics research, but also broadly contribute to IS security application and design science research.

Competitive intelligence in the South African pharmaceutical Industry

Fatti, Anna Clare 09 December 2013 (has links)
M.Phil. (Information Management) / The purpose of this study was to establish what the current situation is within the South African pharmaceuticals industry's competitive intelligence (CI) capacity. For a developing country such as South Africa, its political history and newly acquired democracy clearly make it vulnerable to the competitiveness of globalisation. South Africa faces a massive challenge to implement quality social and economic policies to redress the wrongs of the past. In so doing, it continues to disrupt natural market forces through legislation and policies. It has set a goal of optimal growth by 2018 for the pharmaceutical industry. Despite government s promotion of research and the funding of certain aspects of the industry, to date the strategy seems to have failed. The question can therefore be asked whether a legal and ethical business tool such as CI assist in the industry s defence against competitive markets and whether senior management can make use of CI s capacity to help with strategic planning, thereby enhancing decision-making. The findings of the study confirmed that CI activity takes place in the pharmaceutical industry. The study is mainly descriptive. A questionnaire survey methodology was used. Questionnaires were administered electronically to senior managers in the industry. The majority of the respondents were of the opinion that a culture of information sharing and an environment of collaboration on competitive issues existed in their companies. Furthermore, they endorsed the fact that CI generates profit. Respondents confirmed that CI is used on a continuous basis in strategic decision-making and that company strategies are being used to manage competitors.

Využitie techník a princípov data miningu v rámci business intelligence riešenia / Using of data mining techniques and principles in the Business Intelligence solution

Štefke, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on using data mining in Business Intelligence solution. The goal of this thesis is implementation of data mining in Business Intelligence solution. Integration of these technologies is posible to obtain synergic effect. The thesis is made in context of academic project Farfalia and results are used in the project. The goal of project is to create component for a new form of reporting and that is using data mining as a tool for data analysis. The benefit of the implementation is automatic browsing of multidimensional data cube / multidimensional data model to find interesting KPI trends, interesting patterns or anomalies in the data. Tasks of data mining are realized by analytic models that are created in this thesis. These models are prepared in R language. Developed scripts of models are universal and after their adjustment by constraints of specific project are useable in any BI solution.

Pratiques d'intelligence économique et innovation dans les entreprises agroalimentaires en Algérie / Business Intelligence practices and innovation in agri-food companies in Algeria

Baki, Maha 07 December 2016 (has links)
L’objectif fixé à travers ce travail, est de rechercher si l’IE existe dans le secteur des industries agroalimentaires en Algérie, et, le cas échéant, d’en déterminer les pratiques adoptées par l’entreprise, et d’étudier le mécanisme d’intervention de celles-ci dans le processus d’innovation. L’étude exploratoire des pratiques d’intelligence économique et du processus d’innovation a été effectuée dans dix entreprises agroalimentaires algériennes ; elle s’est appuyée sur l’approche qualitative et a été effectuée suivant la stratégie d’étude de cas en combinant l’observation non participante et les entretiens semi-directifs ainsi que la consultation documentaire. L’un des principaux résultats obtenus à travers notre étude est que les principaux acteurs des entreprises observées ne possèdent pas de méthodologie particulière pour l’IE formelle et structurée, mais que tous se fixent des objectifs de surveillance et de collecte d’informations. A de rares exceptions près, ce n’est qu’en situation de crise, que leurs efforts d’IE se concentrent sur le court terme, et que l’information nécessaire à la solution adéquate est recherchée dans l’urgence. En nous basant sur les apports théoriques de la littérature, nous avons défendu la thèse selon laquelle dans les processus de prise de décision et d’innovation de l’entreprise, il serait plus judicieux de prendre en considération aussi bien les pratiques d’IE formelles (systèmes, cellule de veille, …) qu’informelles (réseaux, associations, relations,…) pour une meilleure performance du processus d’innovation. Un modèle qualifié d’ « intelligence innovatrice » a été proposé et qui consiste à innover grâce à un SIE global, recouvrant toutes les pratiques d’IE et rassemblant toutes les sources d’information (formelles et informelles). Une démarche d’anticipation dictée vraisemblablement par l’évolution de l’environnement économique et social du pays suite aux effets du dernier « choc pétrolier » sur le paysage économique, a été toutefois constatée chez quelques entreprises, ce qui semble être un signe susceptible de préfigurer la mise en place, à plus grande échelle, de la pratique d’IE formelle et structurée, et son appropriation effective au sein des entreprises du secteur AA. De plus, des facteurs influençant le choix des pratiques d’IE entre formelles et/ou informelles ont été constatés dans les entreprises étudiées, à savoir : la culture de l’entreprise, la présence à l’international (l’exportation) et le niveau de la concurrence dans la filière. / This work goal is to investigate whether the Business intelligence exists in the agri-food companies sector in Algeria, and, if appropriate, to determine the practices adopted by the company, and to study their mechanism of intervention in the innovation process. The exploratory study of business intelligence practices and innovation process was carried out in ten algerian agribusiness companies; it relied on the qualitative approach and was performed according to the case study strategy by combining non-participant observation and semi-directive interviews and documentary consultation.One of the main results obtained through our study is that the main actors of the companies surveyed do not have a particular methodology for formal and structured Business Intelligence, but that all set goals for monitoring and collecting information. With rare exceptions, it is only in crisis situations, that their Business Intelligence efforts are focused on the short term, and the information required for the proper solution is sought urgently.Based on the theoretical contributions of the literature, we defended the thesis that in the processes of decision making and innovation of the company, it would be wiser to consider both formal Business Intelligence practices (systems, monitoring unit, ...) and informal (networks, associations, relationships, ...) for better performance of the innovation process. A qualified model "innovative intelligence" was proposed, which is to innovate through a comprehensive Business Intelligence system covering all Business intelligence practices and bringing together all sources of information (formal and informal).A proactive approach probably dictated by the changing economic and social environment of the country due to the effects of the last "oil shock" on the economic landscape, however, was observed in some companies, this seems to be a sign capable of foreshadow the establishment, on a larger scale, the practice of formal and structured Business intelligence, and its effective ownership in Agri-Food sector companies. In addition, factors influencing the choice of formal and / or informal Business intelligence practices were found in the companies studied: corporate culture, international presence (export), and level of competition in the sector.

Business intelligence: assimilation and outcome measures for the health sector

Loewen, Elizabeth (Liz) 18 December 2017 (has links)
Increased adoption of health information systems in clinical practice has set a foundation for use of this data for Business Intelligence (BI). BI is the use of specialized tools to collect, analyze, and present organizational data to operational leaders in user-friendly formats to support organizational objectives. This is a routine component of management practice in sectors such as finance and manufacturing but has not yet reached its full potential in the health sector where limited availability of BI systems and factors such as data quality, complexity, and access to data have been identified as barriers. Correspondingly, there are no established conceptual models for measuring successful adoption of BI in the health sector. This dissertation study proposes a Business Intelligence Benefits Model for Health derived from frameworks used in other sectors and establishes health sector measures for two foundational constructs, BI Assimilation and Health System Organizational Performance. Through an online Delphi consensus process involving 25 Canadian health leadership panelists from four provinces, the study establishes a total of 30 concept measures for these constructs. Only seven (23.3%) of the concepts identified by the panelists in the study are reflected in an established non-health sector framework, the Business Value of BI Model, validating the need for sector specific measures. The study also compares priorities between leadership groups: top management team versus operational managers; and, leaders with a nursing related portfolio versus those without. The comparisons demonstrate variations among these groups but consistency in requirements overall. Establishing these BI constructs for healthcare is a precursor to measuring BI success and informs priorities and approaches for BI implementation as well as further instrument development. / Graduate

Supporting Pathology Process Management with Real-time Business Intelligence

Li, Wei Chen January 2016 (has links)
[Context] Clinical pathology is a medical specialty that uses laboratory analysis of tissues and fluids to diagnose diseases. As emerging methodologies and technologies extend their realm to anatomical pathology, pathology facilities are faced with new challenges related to the increasing volume and complexity of patient cases in their work processes. [Problem] Existing tools that monitor process data show limitations in supporting pathology process management. They lack the capability of identifying emerging process bottlenecks in a real-time manner, and this prevents facility managers from conducting corrective actions proactively. [Methodology] Applying the Design Science Research Methodology, this thesis proposes and builds a Business Intelligence solution that provides visual analysis and real-time monitoring functions to support pathology process management. A usability study with expert participants from the Eastern Ontario Regional Laboratory Association was conducted to validate this solution. [Results] The proposed solution meets the requirements of the experts and can provide efficient, flexible, and multi-tenancy support to users in the context of their daily professional activities.

Využití business intelligence ve veřejné správě

Vítek, Josef January 2008 (has links)
Cílem této práce je navrhnout řešení business intelligence pro Úřad městské části Praha10. Práce úzce souvisí s projektem PARMA který je realizován na Katedře informačních technologií FIS VŠE v rámci kurzu Business Process Engineering a jehož cílem je sestavení jednotného referenčního procesního modelu veřejné správy. Práce se zabývá nalezením vhodných strategických ukazatelů na základě aplikace metody Balanced Scorecard.

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