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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využití systému SAP v oblasti business itelligence / Business Intelligence with SAP Systems

Hrnko, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá využitím aplikační a integrační platformy SAP NetWeaver 7.0 v oblasti business intelligence a data warehousingu. Hlavním cílem a obsahem této práce je(1) Posoudit, zda je společnost SAP schopna díky akvizici firmy Business Objects splnit své cíle (viz kapitola 5.2.1) a vzájemnou integrací business intelligence (BI) nástrojů posílit svou pozici na tomto trhu a odstranit hlavní nedostatky řešení SAP NetWeaver BI (viz kapitola 4.2). (2) Vzájemně, na základě předem zvolených parametrů, porovnat business intelligence nástroje společnosti SAP a Business Objects s konkurenčními produkty firmy Cognos. Na základě porovnání pak vytvořit hodnocení. (3) Zmapovat pozici SAPu na trhu business intelligence řešení a vytvořit vodítko pro konzultanta, který se zajímá o možnosti uplatnění v této oblasti.

Business Intelligence v bankovním sektoru / Business Intelligence in bank sector

Langmaier, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis is proposal and implementation of the support of decision making with help of Business Inteligence tools in bank environment for deparment of the risk management. The proposal include enlargement of the current used dimensions with new ones. Designed system should fully replace contemporary system and extend possibilities of obtaining informations from data resources and improve the quality of decision making. Designed system will be part of portfolio quality review of multiple business products. The next goal of this work is to analyse current trends in Business Inteligence and analyse the usage of BI in banking. Further analyse the support of BI from operative to strategic decision making. The goals are achieved on the basis of analyses accessible relevant electronic and printed resources, further from knowledge and experience of bank's analysts from deparment of the risk management and BI. Further from service documentation and further from my work experience in deparment of the risk management and from implementation of credit scoring projects. As the personal contribution of the author is possible to consider the demonstration of the usage of BI in bank risk management and at the same time the proposal of one possible way of solving implementation of the supports of decision making in bank's environment.

Srovnání komerčních BI nástrojů s nástroji Open Source / Comparison of commercial BI tools with Open Source tools

Válek, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Cílem této práce je porovnání komerčních business intelligence nástrojů s nástroji Open Source v procesu implementace BI řešení ve střední firmě. V práci jsou porovnávány komerční aplikace Oracle (http://www.oracle.com) ? Oracle Warehouse Builder, Oracle Discoverer a Open Source nástroje z projektu Pentaho (http://www.pentaho.com) ? Kettle, Cube Designer a BI Platforma. Hodnocení obou systémů probíhá na základě předem definovaných metrik. Práce kromě popisu realizace obou řešení a jejich vzájemného porovnání také dává odpověď na zcela zásadní otázku, zda může Open Source řešení konkurovat tomu komerčnímu. Dalším přínosem je návrh modifikovatelného a znovupoužitelného stromu metrik, který je k hodnocení systémů použit.

Kritéria hodnocení nástrojů pro tvorbu dashboardů v řešeních BI / Evaluation `s criteria of the tools for creation dashboards in BI solutions

Chrást, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
Extensive solutions of Business Intelligence consist of wide range of projects. One of them is generating of reporting layer whose part is setting of dashboards. This diploma thesis deals with dashboards and tools serving to their formation. In the first part of the thesis there is explained the theory of dashboards in current company informatics. Consequently there is created a set of evaluative criteria helping with mutual comparison of the tool for the forming of dashboards, which is the primary aim of the thesis. In the last part of the thesis there is a presentation and evaluation of one selected tool (Dashboard Designer) according to the criteria stated in the thesis. During the evaluation of the tool it is possible to verify some of the criteria on the basis of practical experience. That is why the demonstrative implementation of Dashboard Designer over the test data is shown. Thus the second aim of the diploma thesis is completed. Aforementioned targets are achieved on account of pieces of knowledge about dashboards coming especially from the literature published by authorities in the line of business and from background research concerned with contemporary approach to the evaluation of tool for the forming of dashboards. In addition to formed criteria this diploma thesis can be instrumental to further discussion about dashboards and their role in current company informatics.


Janů, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Diploma work is focused on implementation Business Intelligence applications in medium software company in order to support Corporate Performance Management. It creates suitable metrics portfolio according to Balanced Scorecard methodology. Implementation part presents development of the reporting system on the Cognos 8 BI platform in the current software company environment. The system evaluates the metrics every month. Metrics values are based on current data in transactional system. Diploma work has two parts: theory and reporting project. Theoretical part deals with BI system architecture in general. It is focused on reporting issues. It analyses typical usage and expected benefits of BI applications used for Corporate Performance Management in order to specify applications that are suitable for implementation in the company environment. Next issue of the theoretical part deals with IS development methodology that can be used in Business Intelligence projects. According to chosen criteria and weights with regard to this project it evaluates the best methodology for this project. It will be used in the next part. Practical part reporting project is both about development issues and usage the BI application from the end user view. This example provides information about activities, which are necessary for this development from initial study to testing phase. Project scope includes analysis of the environment, analysis of used metrics, design new metrics, metrics selection and implementation on Cognos platform. This example presents analytical usage of the Metric Studio tool and dymamical reports usage from the manager's view. The final part brings together critical success factors (CSF), which appear in this project.

Architektura datových skladů v bankovnictví / Architecture of banking data warehouse

Bureš, Petr January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with banking data warehouse and the factors which influence their architecture. The goal of the thesis is to analyze the influence by fulfilling the three partial goals -- defining banks' requirements on data warehouses, analyzing a data warehouse in the real banking environment and making a comparison of the Czech banks' data warehouses. First, the thesis briefly introduces elements of business intelligence (BI) and data warehousing. Second, after deducing reasons for BI implementation in commercial banks, the requirements on data warehouse are synthesized and their impacts on the data warehouse architecture are analyzed. Finally, conclusions of the thesis are applied on creation of the survey which enables comparison of the Czech banks' data warehouses. The thesis applies the theory of relationship between BI maturity, requirements on BI and data warehouse architecture and creates a tool for evaluating and comparing the data warehouses of banks with respect to bank's BI maturity and predisposition for a particular architecture. The tool can serve as a basis for a general tool able to compare data warehouses in other branches of economy and can help to better understand relations between organizations' need for information, BI solutions used and underlying data warehouses.

Implementace Business Intelligence ve společnosti ThyssenKrupp Výtahy, s.r.o. / Business Intelligence solution in ThyssenKrupp Výtahy, s.r.o.

Němec, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with strategic business management and its support with Business Intelligence tools. The objective of this thesis is to analyze specific company, design a model of metrics suitable for managing this company and implement Business Intelligence solution to monitor chosen metrics. The whole thesis is separated into two basic sections. First section focuses on theory, describes Balanced Scorecard methodology and principles of Business Intelligence tools. Both themes are contextualized in Corporate Performance Management. Second section deals with application of theoretical knowledge in practice - the environment of company. In relevant chapters is the company analyzed by Balanced Scorecard methodology; the second chapter deals with the Business Intelligence solution. The main contribution of this thesis is to demonstrate the utilization of Balanced Scorecard methodology and Business Intelligence technologies in managing a mid-sized company. The solution itself shows the management possibilities of these instruments on observed data and gives a notice to some phenomenons in the company.

Řízení podnikové výkonnosti na bázi Business Intelligence / Corporate Performance Management Based on Business Intelligence

Křepinská, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
Nowadays, corporations run their business on dynamic markets with really harsh competition. If they want to survive, they need to manage their business effectively and increase corporate performance. Management is today highly supported by information and communication technologies that develop and bring new solutions and technologies continuously. One of these new solutions is Corporate Performance Management based on Business Intelligence technologies that enables complex and integrated view of business performance and its management. This thesis is devoted to this new developing approach in IS/ICT. Readers will become familiar with its basic principles, advantages, particular components and process of implementation. After this more theoretical part, follows the practical issue - realization of this solution for an existing organization in order to get expected results and effects. The solution is designed for a company that provides consulting and software development in Business Intelligence technologies. According to the cycle of CPM, firstly, a Performance Management method is chosen, after that the corporate strategy and concrete KPIs as they enhance the goals and strategy achievement. Afterwards data sources are identified and optimized as needed. On these data sources, all the visualization tools for Performance management are developed. In this case we are talking about interactive scorecards and dashboards. After this phase, the solution is ready for the developers to create it in the concrete application. In this case the Microsoft Office PerformancePoint Server 2007.

Analýza platformy SAP BI a porovnání vybraných nástrojů s řešením MS SQL Server BI / SAP BI Platform Analysis and Comparison with Chosen Tools of MS SQL Server BI Solution

Řezníček, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with an analysis of SAP Business Intelligence platform (SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0) and compares its chosen tools with Microsoft SQL Server BI. The main aim of the thesis is to evaluate SAP BI system in a comprehensive way whereas extra attention is paid to certain areas, such as a data warehouse. One of the goals is the comparison of approaches and methods of the creation of the data warehouse with MS SQL Server BI solution. The thesis consists of theoretical insight into Business Intelligence, which is focused on the architecture of data warehouse, and OLAP technologies. There is an evaluation of the role of SAP in the BI market followed by the introduction of SAP NetWeaver, an application and integration platform. Included is also an analysis of the architecture of data warehouse, methods of storing data, ETL process and other chosen functions and tools (including presentation tools) in next sections. A sample application in the final part provides the reader with better understanding of different ETL approaches, which are analyzed into detail and evaluated. There is the comparison of OLAP technologies in the end and the comparison of basic reporting tools, as well.

Datová kvalita, integrita a konsolidace dat v BI / Data Quality, Data intagrity and Data Consolidation in BI

Smolík, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
This thesis fights with the data quality in business intelligence. We present basic principles for building data warehouse to achieve the highest data quality. We also present some data clearing methods as deviation detection or name-address clearing. This work also deals with origin of erroneous data and prevention of their generation. In second part of this thesis we show presented methods and principles on real example of data warehouse and we suggest how to get sales data from our business partners or customers.

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