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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organisering av informationsflödet i kommunsamordningscentralen (KSC) : En studie kring informationsflödet mellan fyra kommuner i Skaraborg och ledningen i kommunsamordningscentralen / Organizing the information flow in the Municipality Coordination Centre : A study about the information flow between four municipalities in Skaraborg and the Municipality Coordination Centre

Tillakoy, Savå January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie har undersökt hur informationsflödet ska organiseras vid en samverkan mellan kommunsamordningscentralen (KSC) samt de tekniska förvaltningarna i fyra kommuner i Skaraborg.Undersökningen har tillämpat en kvalitativ metodansats för att kunna besvara frågeställningen. Datainsamlingen skedde via semi-strukturerade intervjuer, en litteratursökning efter relevanta artiklar och böcker, samt en djupgående fallstudie.För att skildra teoretiska perspektiv i studien tillämpas även front-office back-office modellen, som indikerar på hur verksamhetens enheter är organiserade. Detta har varit relevant och återkommande i flera faser under arbetets gång. Vidare har även framgångsfaktorer inom business intelligence (BI) behandlats, för att kunna förtydliga hur organisationer ska ha möjlighet att anpassa sig till omvärldens ständiga krav.Uppsatsen har redogjort för vilka aspekter som bör beaktas i samband med en integrering av olika aktörer. Forskning har visat att informationsflödet i de berörda verksamheterna är ineffektivt i dagsläget. Relevansen av detta baseras på att personalen vill tillämpa tydligare tillvägagångssätt för informationshanteringen i kris samt vardagliga situationer. De prioriterar en hög integrering som syftar i att ha ständig kontakt mellan kommunerna och KSC. Däremot är de negativt inställda till en standardisering i informationsflödet vid de vardagliga situationerna, då deras arbetsuppgifter är varierande. Inom krissituationer krävs däremot standarder att följa för tillämpning av interaktionen.Upplägget för denna studie var att, i samband med business intelligence (BI), belysa behov av informationshantering för verksamheter som har en vision för en samverkan.

IT-stöd för Migrationsverket : En studie om nyttjande av beslutsstödssystem vid placeringen av ensamkommande flyktingbarn / IT-support for Migration Agency : A study on the use of decision support systems for the placement of refugee children

Alam, Kashan January 2016 (has links)
Sverige har de senaste åren konfronterats med ett ökat mottagande av ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Vid situationer som denna är det viktigt för myndigheter att fatta rättvisa beslut med rätt beslutsstödsystem. Denna studie inriktar sig på en undersökning hos Migrationsverket samt två kommuner där forskningsfrågan som tillämpades var ”Hur används beslutsstödsystem vad gäller placering av ensamkommandebarn i kommuner?”. Metoden som användes var kvalitativ data erhölls genom litteratursökning samt intervjuer. Studien har pågående under flera faser tillämpat Zachmans ramverk som ett hjälpmedel för att analysera erhållen data samt för att skapa intervjufrågor och genomföra intervjuer. En beslutsmodell och Zachmans ramverk har applicerats på respondenternas svar för att kartlägga respondenterna enligt modellerna. Resultatet har varit en önskan av en ökad effektivitet vad gäller beslutsfattande för kommuner och mottagandet av denna information från Migrationsverket. Idag uppfattar kommunerna sina beslutprocesser som manuella. Utifrån ett Business Intelligence (BI) perspektiv är slutsatsen av denna studie att Migrationsverket samt kommunerna behöver tillämpa ett dynamiskt samspel vad gäller beslutsfattande, integrering, mottagande av information och hantering av denna information för att fatta beslut. Denna studie kan användas som grund för framtida forskning där syftet är att applicera Business Intelligence (BI) behov i en verksamhet genom en tillämpning av Zachmans ramverk.

Investigating the Perceived Influence of Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Maturity on Organizational Performance: A Mixed Methods Study

Perkins, Charles F. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Over the past two decades organizations have made considerable investment in implementing data warehousing and business intelligence to improve business performance through facts-based decision-making. Although many of these organizations reap the rewards of their investments, others find that realizing the full value proposition is elusive. While the literature is rich with studies regarding data warehousing and business intelligence, much of the existing research focused on the initial experiences of adoption and implementation, and few yielded empirical data that reflected post-implementation conditions that lead to mature capabilities and improved business performance. Sited at the Defense Intelligence Agency where data warehousing and business intelligence capabilities have been in place for 10 years, this study investigated the perceived influences of data warehousing and business intelligence maturity on organizational performance through the perceptions of end users and senior leaders. This study employed mixed methods to examine the linkages between organizational support, information technology capabilities, practices, use, and organizational performance. Using survey responses from end users (N = 29 respondents), the researcher employed linear regressions, and mediation analyses to test hypotheses and assess correlations among maturity variables and their effect on organizational performance. Conversely, the qualitative phase included semi-structured interviews with six senior leaders to understand their perceptions of existing data warehousing and business intelligence capabilities. The quantitative results and qualitative findings indicated significant correlations between the perceptions of organizational support, information technology capabilities, and use in predicting organizational performance. The discoveries resulting from this research represent an original contribution to the body of knowledge by providing empirical data to aid in advancing the scholarship and practice of the data warehousing and business intelligence maturity phenomenon.

Business Intelligence : The impact on decision support and decision making processes

Andersson, Daniel, Fries, Hannes, Johansson, Per January 2008 (has links)
Historically, decision support systems have been used in organizations to facilitate better decisions. Business Intelligence has become important in recent years because the business environment is more complex and changes faster than ever before. Organizations have started to realize the value of existing information in operational, managerial, and strategic decision making. By using analytical methods and data warehousing, decision support can now be used in a flexible way and assist decision makers in decision making processes. Increasing investments in Business Intelligence indicate that it can bring value to organizations. Benefits such as the ability to access relevant and timely decision support when it is needed can be of tremendous value when the use of existing information has become more a question of survival or bankruptcy for an organization, than profit or loss. Thus, it would be interesting to see how decision support and decision making have changed in organizations after implementing a Business Intelligence system. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate if and how Business Intelligence has changed decision support and decision making processes.A deductive approach using a qualitative method has been used with semi-structured elite interviews. The thesis aims to investigate the manufacturing industry located in the Jönköping region in Sweden. The interviewed organizations are Husqvarna AB, Fläkt Woods AB, Myresjöhus AB, and Kinnarps AB. Our analysis shows positive effects of Business Intelligence in organizations with improvements of decision support due to timeliness, accessibility, quality, and better control of organizational information. As improvements in decision support has occurred, decision making has become better. Complicated problems are now easier to interpret by decision makers. Our research also concludes that intuition still has a major impact in decision making processes.

Operational Business Intelligence : en studie i automatisering av beslutsprocessen vid kreditbedömningar

Persson, Lise-Lotte January 2011 (has links)
Operational Business Intelligence (OpBI) är en typ av Business Intelligence som används i det operativa arbetet och det röner mer och mer intresse. I samarbete med ett företag har en fallstudie genomförts med syftet att etablera och kontextualisera riktlinjer för att kunna införa en ökad automatiseringsgrad i en OpBI-lösning som används för kreditbedömning av fakturor. Studien har fokuserat på att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar finansieringsbolag vid val av automatiseringsgrad, val av parametrar att använda vid kreditbedömning samt val av antalet regler som styr automatiseringen. Inom ramen för fallstudien har en analys av det utvalda systemet utförts och intervjuer gjorts med kreditupplysnings­bolagen som är leverantörer av de externa para­metrarna samt intervjuer med sju finansieringsbolag som använder det utvalda systemet. Fall­studien har resulterat i 19 riktlinjer. Resultatet visar att ju högre volym som hanteras, ju högre tidspress det finns i pro­cessen och ju större tillit som finns för en automatisering, desto högre auto­matiseringsgrad väljs.

Extending the opinion integration model

Eigert, Henrik January 2012 (has links)
Internet holds large amounts of data. This data is in many cases unstructured. The information is there, the problem is how to structure it so that we can quantify the data and save it in a database. Yaakub et al (2011) proposes a model (Opinion Integration Model) for structuring product reviews written by customers or opinion mining. This method is in many ways a complete base for structuring this type of data but it lacks a way of creating the ontology that creates a common language for how to interpret what the customers are talking about. This is were this paper enters the picture. This paper intends to extend Yaakubs et al. (2011) work with a way of developing this ontology. This is done by walking two different paths, one commercially grounded ontology development process were a web application is used as the base for the ontology, and one ontology development process based on a literature study of earlier research within the area. These are then compared by applying them in a real case were customer reviews for a television is used as input. These results are then used as a basis for a proposed way of creating an ontology that also is tested by applying the developed ontology in Yaakubs et al (2011) research on new reviews for the same television. The conclusion and the result of this paper is a 5-step method for developing ontologies for home electronic products that can be directly applied in Yaakubs et al (2011) model.

Can Google Earth enhance Business Intelligence? : Exploring innovative uses of a new GIS tool

Wu, Xue January 2007 (has links)
We are facing a period that coming into information time, which forced us to live in a new living style. It seems that every business movement is related with information transformation. When computers are used to deal with business data, we begin to search a way to make digital data into refined format information in order to let people to understand. This change results in a changing of business forms. For example, e-services refer to provide a certain service or play function on line, which has the tendency to replace the place of traditional service. How this kind of service can be developed remains a question mark to us. The challenge of e-service is how to get different functions into integration. This thesis begins to research it focusing the point view of GIS (Geography Information System). Take Google earth as an example to illustrate how GIS is being used and what possible future uses of it can be developed. By exploring its use in data collecting, and analyzing, the possible applications in business world can be obviously released.

Business Intelligence : en diskussion om begreppet och fenomenet

Karlsson, Göran, Karlberg, Joon January 2006 (has links)
Our aim with this thesis was to closer study business intelligence to be able to present an overview of both the concept and the phenomenon. We have also developed a framework that show how business intelligence can be used effectively. We think that our framework can be of help to under-stand the areas which constitutes the core of business intelligence. We think that the framework we have developed is a good basis for the im-plementation of business intelligence in an organisation and that it also can be of help in the daily business intelligence work. / Vårt mål med denna uppsats var att studera business intelligence närma-re för att kunna presentera en övergripande bild av både begreppet och fenomenet. Vi har även tagit fram ett framework för hur en effektiv an-vändning av business intelligence skulle kunna se ut. Vi tror att vårt fra-mework kan vara till hjälp för att förstå de områden som utgör kärnan i business intelligence. Vi tror att det framework vi tagit fram är en bra grund för införandet av business intelligence i en organisation och att det även kan vara till hjälp i det arbete som dagligen utförs gällande business intelligence.

Automatic generation of production reports using   SharePoint

Rhodin, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
This study investigates different ways to use Microsoft SharePoint to publish data in the form of charts and tables from a software system as a part of a business intelligence effort. The purpose is to provide accurate and up-to-date statistics automatically on a corporate website instead of manually creating it. An application was developed to serve as middleware between the SharePoint server and the data source. Different options were analyzed, both client-side and server-side components. It was found that using the SharePoint .NET client API is an efficient way to achieve this goal, especially in an IT environment where development of SharePoint server-side components isn’t a viable option due to IT security concerns. The study describes a way to initiate a small-scale BI implementation without large budgets or firm commitments in the organization. It uses a web collaboration tool that is common in larger businesses and shows a way to interface in-house developed data sources. What SharePoint API to use was restricted from a IT security and stability standpoint in this thesis. This restriction is likely to apply also on other larger organizations where a similar initiative is driven from outside the IT department. It was found that automating the generation of production reports could save significant time compared to manually creating them.

Business analytics in traditional industries – tackling the new age of data and analytics.

Fors, Anton, Ohlson, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
Decision-making is no longer based on human preferences and expertise alone. The era of big data brings up new challenges with business analytics for organizations that want a competitive advantage. Previous research shows that a lot of studies have been made on why this era is now crucial to organizations but not how they can adapt it. In this case study there is a glimpse of how a traditional organization with an old mindset can catch up on the new technological advantages. The purpose of this study is to understand how a traditional company in Sweden is affected by analytics and if it is valuable to them.For us to be able to create our theoretical framework, we based our on peer-reviewed material but also technological and science blogs from key experts in the field. The material examines the most essential and crucial elements within the area of business analytics and data management. The theoretical framework has guided our work when formulating and refining the research question and the interview questions.The results of the study clearly show that our case is on the right track with new development and projects, but there are still a lot of milestones to achieve before these are fulfilled. Issues within the company have to be solved and there is a need to modify and change the culture in the organization to a more data-driven decisive culture. The study gives a clear insight into the challenges that organizations have to face and overcome before making radical changes.

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