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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implantação de demonstrativos e indicadores de desempenho através das ferramentas de business intelligence do Qlik View para análise da produção na Fagundes Construção e Mineração Ltda

Vieira, Guilherme January 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo de caso tem o objetivo de estudar um método de avaliação da performance através da implantação das ferramentas de Business Intelligence do software Qlik Wiew para gestão de desempenho da produção da Fagundes Construção e Mineração Ltda. O trabalho apresenta a caracterização do processo utilizado na empresa na busca de dados de produção para gerar informações, bem como, elabora uma sugestão dos demostrativos e indicadores relacionados a produção para implantação na empresa. Da mesma forma, é realizada uma descrição do banco de dados e desenvolvida uma demonstração, como sugestão, de gráficos e tabelas para monitoramento dos demostrativos e indicadores sugeridos. / This case study examines a performance evaluation method through the deployment of the QlikView software Business Intelligence tools for production performance management at Fagundes Construção e Mineração Ltda. It describes the process used by the company to search for production data to generate information. It also elaborates a plan for the production-related demonstratives and indicators to be deployed in the company. Similarly, the work describes the database and develops a demonstration plan of charts and tables to monitor the suggested demonstratives and indicators.

Self-service business intelligence : A study on the Swedish market

Jansson, Malin, Persson, Jonatan January 2017 (has links)
In a time where information is ever present and in large quantities, it becomes of extreme importance to organisations to find a way to store and analyse all this information in order to maintain their position on the market. One way to deal with this, which has been adopted by large company groups as well as smaller organisation, is the use of business intelligence, BI. This feature helps organisations to store and analyse information and provide analytical reports to support decision making. Despite the fact that BI has been around for a couple of decades it is still a rather new phenomena with a couple of problem areas which has been highlighted by several international studies and articles. Sweden as a market has been considered as somewhat of a pioneer when it comes to IT-development in general and early usage of business intelligence as well as the emerging trend in the business intelligence market; self-service BI. This solution aims to make business intelligence more user friendly in order to increase the amount of users and ease the pressure on IT-departments within organisations. The purpose of this study is to identify these problems and investigate whether they can be applied to decision makers on the Swedish market and if self-service BI is affecting these problems. The study was done by using a survey with 46 respondents from different organisations located in Sweden. The result shows that the problem areas were not recognised by the majority of the respondents and there were correlations between user-friendliness and how often the respondents used self-service BI.

Web-based spreadsheets and Business Intelligence : Combining a web-based spreadsheet with Pentahos Business Intelligence

El Harbiti, Deeb January 2017 (has links)
Business Intelligence is becoming more and more an essential element for a company’s planning, development and consistency. A company usually aims to predict and optimize the outcome of different decisions. In order to do that, it requires a tool that can perform scenario analysis or “what if” – analysis. These analyses can be performed with spreadsheets and today with the tools within business analysis being web-based, the purpose of the project is to combine a web-based spreadsheet with an analysis from a BI server. The BI server provides sample data. Should a combination be possible then a continuing goal would be to connect the BI server with a database and in that way provide the spreadsheet with data to perform “what if” – analysis. The results indicated that a combination between the web-based spreadsheet and the BI server was possible. However, a few alterations of the spreadsheet are still necessary in order for the combination to work as desired. Further developments of the product involve managing to adapt it to smartphones and tablets.

Framgångsfaktorer i en datadriven kultur / Success factors in a data driven culture

Stein, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Datadriven kultur är inget nytt begrepp men har blivit allt mer vanligare när organisationer vill göra analyser och rapporter på egen data. Många organisationer har gjort stora investeringar i att blir mer datadrivna men inte lyckats ta till vara på den investeringen som har gjorts. Vilket har skapat problem för många organisationer som har svårt att identifiera var problemet ligger inom organisationen. Att vara datadriven handlar ofta inte om svårigheten i tekniken utan det är många andra faktorer som spelar in. Denna studie har som syfte att ta reda på hur organisationer jobbar för att etablera en datadriven kultur. Studien frågeställning som ska försöka besvaras är:” ”Hur arbetar organisationer med att etablera en datadriven kultur?”. För att besvara frågeställningen kommer två datainsamlingsmetoder att användas. Den primära insamlingen är en systematisk litteraturstudie och den sekundära insamlingen består av kvalitativa intervjuer. Den systematiska litteraturstudien syfte är att söka genom litteraturen för att besvara frågeställningen. De kvalitativa intervjuerna kommer utgå från resultatet av den systematiska litteraturstudie som görs.  Resultatet visar att det finns flera olika sätt att etablera en datadriven kultur på. Det går inte att trycka på en sak utan det är flera faktorer som spelar in. Mycket av den litteratur som finns ger indikationer på hur organisationer bör jobba för att etablera en datadriven kultur men enbart ett fåtal beskriver hur organisationer jobbar med att etablera en datadriven kultur. Ett viktigt steg i att etablera en datadriven kultur är att ta reda på hur verksamheten jobbar idag och hur de ska gå vidare till att utnyttja sin data på ett bättre sätt. Det krävs ofta många förändringar i en organisation för att lyckats att etablera en datadriven kultur från organisationsledning ner till den enskild anställd.

Business Intelligence-system och deras inverkan på rationellt beslutsfattande : En studie på två företag

Lagerström, Robin, Ährlig, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
I alla typer av organisationer måste beslut fattas och att kunna fatta korrekta beslut är en avgörande faktor för om en organisation ska bli framgångsrik eller ej. En stark tradition bland ekonomer är att beslut bör fattas utifrån den så kallade rationella beslutsmodellen, där beslutsfattare antas ha tillgång till den nödvändiga informationen för att kunna fatta väl underbyggda beslut i enlighet med de övergripande organisatoriska målen. Denna uppfattning har emellertid kritiserats för att vara otillräcklig när verkliga beslut i verkliga organisationer ska fattas, och att rationaliteten är begränsad. Dock finns en uppfattning att datorbaserade beslutsstöd ska kunna minska dessa begränsningar för att mer rationella beslut ska kunna fattas, då dessa exempelvis ska kunna bistå beslutsfattare med adekvat information för snabba och korrekta beslut. Ett sådant beslutsstöd som blivit alltmer populärt under det senaste decenniet är business intelligence-system (BI-system). Vi vill i denna uppsats undersöka vilken inverkan BI-system har på beslutsfattares möjligheter att fatta rationella beslut, men även hur dessa BI-system är uppbyggda. Problemfrågorna blir därför: Hur kan företags BI-system vara uppbyggda? Vilken inverkan kan BI-system ha på beslutsfattares möjlighet att fatta rationella beslut? Syftet med denna magisteruppsats blir således att beskriva företags BI-systems möjliga uppbyggnad, samt analysera deras inverkan på beslutfattares möjlighet att fatta rationella beslut. De centrala delarna i denna uppsats teorikapitel utgörs av rationellt beslutsfattande samt allmän teori kring BI-system och dess komponenter. Dessa båda delar vigs sedan samman i en modell vilken vi sedan kommer att använda för att genomföra studien som ligger till grund för uppsatsen och sedan vid analysen av nämnda studie. Metoden som använts för insamlingen av empiriskt material är besöksintervjuer hos två företag (SNA Europe och KG Knutsson AB), och de som intervjuats är personer som använder BI-system i sitt dagliga arbete som ett stöd i deras beslutsfattande. Vi har även intervjuat personer från respektive företags IT-avdelningar för att få en inblick i hur BI-systemet är uppbyggt och fungerar rent tekniskt. De slutsatser vi kommit fram till gällande BI-systemens uppbyggnad är att de varierar i ganska stor utsträckning, beroende på hur företagets övriga IT-infrastruktur ser ut. Dock medför detta inte några nämnvärda skillnader i hur företagen sedan använder sina respektive BI-system, då besluten som fattas och de data som utgör grunden för dessa är av samma typ oavsett företag. Vidare har vi kunnat se att lättare det är att få fram information relevant för sammanhanget, desto mer används BI-systemen vid beslutsfattande. Ytterligare en slutsats är att det företag som har flera legacy-system på plats tenderar att ha en mer traditionellt uppbyggt BI-system. Gällande BI-systems inverkan på möjligheten att fatta rationella beslut kan vi dra slut­satsen att BI-system framförallt bidrar till att öka rationaliteten när besluten grundas i kvantifierbara data som är enkla att mäta. Dessa enklare beslut kan vi konstatera är i det närmaste rationella. Vi har vidare sett att när besluts­förutsättningarna blir mer komplicerade så bidrar i alla fall BI-systemen till att öka rationaliteten. Detta framförallt då de, i många fall, kan förse beslutsfattare med informa­tionen som behövs för att kunna fatta mer objektiva beslut baserade på adekvat information och på så sätt minska begränsningarna i rationaliteten. / In all kinds of organizations decisions have to be made and if an organization is to succeed, the ability to make the right decisions is of uttermost importance. When it comes to decision-making the so called rational decision model, in which decision-makers are assumed to possess the necessary information in order to make the correct decisions in accordance with the organizations overall objectives, has been one of the most popular among economists. However, this view has been criticized and said to be inadequate when real decisions in real organizations are to be made, and that the rationality is bounded. There are, however, those who are of the opinion that these limitations can be overcome by computer-based decision-support systems in order to make rational decisions, and, in addition, that these systems can provide the information necessary for making quick and accurate decisions. One such decision-support that has gained popularity during the last decade is the business intelligence system (BI system). In this thesis we want to investigate what impact BI systems may have on rational decision-making, and, in addition, how these BI systems may be composed. Hence, our research questions are: How may companies' BI systems be composed? What impact do BI systems have on decision-makers ability to make rational decisions? Hence, the purpose of this master thesis is to describe how companies' BI systems are composed and analyze the impact BI systems have on decision-makers ability to make rational decisions. The focus in this thesis's framework of ideas is on rational decision-making and general ideas concerning BI systems and their components. These sections are then merged into a research model which is used in order to analyze the results of the study that constitute the foundation of this thesis. The method used in this study is interviews at two companies (SNA Europe and KG Knutsson AB), and the interviewees are persons that use BI systems in their everyday work as a support in their decision-making. We have also interviewed persons from each of the companies' IT depart­ments in order to understand the structure and technical functionality of each of the companies' BI system. When it comes to the composition of the BI systems we have been able to come to the conclusion that they vary quite a bit, depending on the overall IT infrastructure of the company. This does not induce any differences worth mentioning regarding the two companies' use of their BI systems, since the decisions supported and the data used in order to make these decisions are practically the same regardless of company. We have also noted that the easier it is to access information the more the BI system is used. Another conclusion is that company IT infrastructures including several legacy-systems tend to have a more traditionally composed BI system. Regarding the impact on rational decision-making we have been able to come to the conclusion that BI systems improves the rationality concerning decisions based on quantifiable data that are easily measured. These more simple decisions have turned out to be, if not completely rational, at least very close to being rational. We have also seen that when the conditions in which decisions are being made are more complicated, the BI systems at least have some positive effect on the rationality of the decisions. Above all, the BI systems can provide the decision-makers with the information necessary to make more objective, informed decisions and by doing so reduce the limitations of the rationality.

Modelo de business intelligence y analytics soportado por la tecnologia cloud computing para pymes del sector retail

Lopez Inga, Milton Elvis, Guerrero Huaranga, Ricardo Martín 01 December 2017 (has links)
El principal reto de las PYMES peruanas es la obtención de información para la toma de decisiones. En este contexto, el uso de tecnologías tradicionales de análisis de datos como Business Intelligence y Analytics resultan poco accesibles para las empresas, debido a limitantes económicas y de capital humano. El objetivo principal del proyecto es implementar un modelo tecnológico que combine Business Intelligence y Analytics con Cloud Computing, para permitir a las PYMES retail integrar y procesar sus datos para tomar decisiones informadas y oportunas en materia de planificación y gestión de inventarios. Todo con un bajo costo de implementación y despliegue. Para el desarrollo del proyecto se realiza una investigación previa sobre las tecnologías Business Intelligence, Analytics y Cloud Computing, donde se estudian las aplicaciones de cada una y casos de éxito de PYMES retail a nivel mundial. Luego, se diseña el modelo tecnológico orientado a las necesidades de las PYMES retail peruanas, acompañado de un plan de implementación del modelo basado en metodologías de Business Intelligence y Cloud Computing y un análisis de proveedores de servicios cloud que mejor se adecuan a este tipo de empresas. El modelo es validado mediante su implementación en una PYME retail peruana. Para ello, se realiza un análisis de negocio e infraestructura tecnológica y se identifican los principales requerimientos de información. Con ello, se consigue integrar la información aislada de múltiples tiendas, reducir el tiempo de demora de consolidación de datos en un 94% y una reducción de costos del 20%. Finalmente, se propone un plan de continuidad que permite escalar las funcionalidades del modelo, orientado a las tendencias tecnológicas del sector retail. / The main challenge for Peruvian SMEs is obtaining information for decision making. In this context, the use of data analysis technologies such as Business Intelligence and Analytics are not very accessible to companies, due to economic and human capital limitations. The main objective of the project is the implementation of a technological model that combines Business Intelligence and Analytics with Cloud Computing, to allow retail SMEs to integrate and process their data to make informed and timely decisions regarding inventory planning and management, with a low cost of implementation and deployment. For the development of the project, a preliminary investigation is carried out about Business Intelligence, Analytics and Cloud Computing technologies, where the applications of each one is studied and success cases of retail SMEs worldwide. Then, the technological model oriented to the necesities of Peruvian retail SMEs is designed, accompanied by a plan to implement the model based on Business Intelligence and Cloud Computing methodologies and an analysis of cloud service providers that best suit to this type of Business. The model is validated through its implementation in a Peruvian retail SME. To accomplish it, a business and technological infrastructure analysis is carried out and the key information requirements are identified. All this data allows to integrate the isolated information of multiple stores, reducing the data consolidation delay time by 94% and reducing costs by 20%. Finally, we propose a continuity plan that allows scaling the functionalities of the model, oriented to the technological trends of the retail sector.

Business Intelligence em redes hoteleiras no Brasil / Business Intelligence in hotel chains in Brazil

Mariana Consoni Rubio 30 March 2016 (has links)
Em um momento em que a produção de conhecimento é cada vez mais necessária junto à contínua expansão e diversificação dos meios de hospedagem, torna-se interessante investigar o recém-criado campo de Inteligência de Negócios ou Business Intelligence (BI). Na hotelaria, as tecnologias e os sistemas de informação são empregados em diversas áreas, como gestão, política de preços, programação e operação de sistemas de informações estratégicas, a fim de facilitar as análises dos principais indicadores de desempenho do setor. A preocupação gira em torno da elevada quantidade de informações produzidas, sendo fundamental dispor de uma maior precisão em processos de tomada de decisões. Nesse contexto, propõe-se um estudo com enfoque no tema Inovação em gestão hoteleira no Brasil, com o objetivo geral de analisar a gestão da inteligência de negócios das redes hoteleiras que atuam no Brasil. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo, baseado em revisão de literatura e aplicação de questionários junto aos gestores das redes hoteleiras, podendo, assim, mapear as necessidades das cadeias hoteleiras em termos de gestão, ao se avaliar as práticas de BI. Como resultados, foram identificados os principais softwares de BI existentes no mercado brasileiro (Cognos, MicroStrategy, SAS, Business Objects, Oracle Business Intelligence, QlikView e Pentaho) e os mais adequados para cada porte de empresa. Também foram identificadas as soluções utilizadas para a gestão da informação de BI pelas redes: emprego de softwares de BI, terceirização por meio de serviços de consultoria e tratamento manual dos dados dos sistemas dos hotéis. Por fim, foram avaliados os resultados da gestão de BI nas redes, concluindo que a implantação de gestão de BI considerando a gestão da informação atrelada às TIs traz mais benefícios do que custos às redes hoteleiras analisadas, sobretudo no que diz respeito a propiciar uma tomada de decisão mais acertada / In a time when the production of knowledge is increasingly required for the continued expansion and diversification of lodging facilities, it is interesting to investigate the newly created Intelligence field of Business or Business Intelligence (BI). In hospitality, technology and information systems are used in various fields such as management, pricing, scheduling and operation of strategic information systems to facilitate analysis of key industry performance indicators. The concern revolves around the vast amount of information produced and it is essential to dispose of greater accuracy in decision-making processes. In this context, is proposing a study focusing on the theme Innovation in hotel management in Brazil, with the overall objective to analyse the management of the business intelligence of the chains operating in Brazil. It is a qualitative research, based on literature review and application of questionnaires with the managers of the chains, and thus can map the needs of hotel chains regarding management when evaluating BI practices. As a result, the primary existing BI software in the Brazilian market was identified (Cognos, MicroStrategy, SAS, Business Objects, Oracle Business Intelligence, QlikView, and Pentaho) and the most suitable for every size company. Also, the solutions identified were used for the management of BI information across networks: use of BI software, outsourcing through consultancy and manual data processing systems of the hotel services. Finally, it was evaluated the BI management achievements in the nets, concluding that the BI management implementation - considering the information management linked to IT - bring more benefits than costs to the analysed chains, particularly about providing a more positive decision making

Implantação de demonstrativos e indicadores de desempenho através das ferramentas de business intelligence do Qlik View para análise da produção na Fagundes Construção e Mineração Ltda

Vieira, Guilherme January 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo de caso tem o objetivo de estudar um método de avaliação da performance através da implantação das ferramentas de Business Intelligence do software Qlik Wiew para gestão de desempenho da produção da Fagundes Construção e Mineração Ltda. O trabalho apresenta a caracterização do processo utilizado na empresa na busca de dados de produção para gerar informações, bem como, elabora uma sugestão dos demostrativos e indicadores relacionados a produção para implantação na empresa. Da mesma forma, é realizada uma descrição do banco de dados e desenvolvida uma demonstração, como sugestão, de gráficos e tabelas para monitoramento dos demostrativos e indicadores sugeridos. / This case study examines a performance evaluation method through the deployment of the QlikView software Business Intelligence tools for production performance management at Fagundes Construção e Mineração Ltda. It describes the process used by the company to search for production data to generate information. It also elaborates a plan for the production-related demonstratives and indicators to be deployed in the company. Similarly, the work describes the database and develops a demonstration plan of charts and tables to monitor the suggested demonstratives and indicators.

Um ambiente de Business Intelligence para apoio a decisões sobre o ciclo de vida de serviços / A business intelligence environment to support decisions on the service lifecycle

Silva, Ernando Eduardo da January 2013 (has links)
Com o crescimento da demanda por aplicações orientadas a serviços, a complexidade da gestão de mudanças em serviços aumenta cada vez mais. Nesse contexto, provedores de portfólios de serviços têm como objetivo a minimização do impacto de tais mudanças para os seus clientes. Os trabalhos existentes abordam essencialmente a mudança sob o viés técnico, lidando com técnicas de versionamento e determinação de compatibilidade. No entanto, os provedores possuem dilemas de decisão que vão além dos aspectos técnicos, abrangendo o impacto na perspectiva de negócios, considerando clientes afetados, receitas, custos, violações de SLA, entre outros. Este trabalho faz parte de um framework voltado para a análise da evolução de serviços considerando a perspectiva de uso dos mesmos. O presente trabalho propõe o uso de técnicas de Business Intelligence e Data Warehousing para apoiar a tomada de decisões orientadas a negócios na gestão do ciclo de vida de serviços. Em tal contexto, considera-se o cenário de portfólio de serviços e mudanças profundas, abrangendo cadeias de serviços e clientes diretos/indiretos. Este trabalho identifica e analisa requisitos de decisão, juntamente com indicadores financeiros e de uso relacionados à provisão de serviços. Um data warehouse é modelado para prover uma visão unificada e integrada de tais indicadores, de acordo com diferentes perspectivas de análise. Uma arquitetura para a extração, transformação e carga dos dados também é apresentada com a proposição de alternativas para lidar com a integração e heterogeneidade das fontes de dados. Através de um estudo de caso inspirado em um cenário real, demonstra-se como a análise do impacto é analisada através da abordagem proposta. / With the growing demand for service-oriented applications, the complexity of service change management is increasing. In this context, service providers aim at the minimal impact of changes to its clients. Existing work essentially addresses change decisions from a technical perspective, with versioning techniques and compatibility assessments. However, providers have decisional dilemmas that go beyond the technical aspects, addressing the business impact in terms of clients affected, revenues, costs, SLA penalties, among others. This work integrates a framework addressing the service evolution analysis based on service usage perspective. We propose the use of Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing techniques to support business-oriented decisions on the service life-cycle management. Our approach covers service portfolios and the deep change context, i.e. services consumed in large scale and direct/indirect clients. This work is centered on the identification and analysis of decisional requirements and financial and usage indicators related to the service provision business. A data warehouse is modeled to provide a unified and integrated view of these indicators, according to different analysis perspectives. An architecture to extract, transform and loading data also is presented, proposing alternatives to lead with the integration and the heterogeneity of the data sources. Through a case study inspired by a real world scenario, we demonstrate how change impact is analyzed according our approach.

Relação entre inteligência competitiva, cultura da informação, aprendizagem organizacional e desempenho no setor vitivinícola da Serra Gaúcha

Lima, Juliano Uecker de 28 April 2017 (has links)
A inteligência competitiva é reconhecida como um processo sistemático, composto de fases inter-relacionadas que visam a análise de dados e informações, para suportar tomadas de decisões estratégicas. Contudo, a utilização dos resultados gerados pela inteligência competitiva está associado à cultura da informação, ligada aos valores, normas e atitudes com relação à informação e à aprendizagem organizacional. Esse conjunto de variáveis pode estar relacionado ao desempenho das organizações que atentam para o processo de inteligência competitiva. Dado ao evidente relacionamento destes constructos, a presente dissertação possui o objetivo de analisar a relação entre a inteligência competitiva, a cultura da informação, a aprendizagem organizacional e o sua influência no desempenho em empresas do setor vitivinícola. A pesquisa foi realizada com uma abordagem quantitativa, natureza aplicada e com objetivos descritivos, junto às empresas vitivinícolas localizadas nos municípios da Serra Gaúcha. O procedimento adotado foi o levantamento do tipo survey, por meio de instrumento de pesquisa de escalas validadas em estudos anteriores. Os resultados indicaram a existência da relação entre a inteligência competitiva, cultura da informação, aprendizagem organizacional e desempenho, no entanto, atitudes e comportamentos relacionados a consciência da inteligência competitiva, com vistas a promover um ambiente e processos propícios ao desenvolvimento da aprendizagem, servirão suporte ao processo de inteligência competitiva e, consequentemente, na melhora do desempenho da empresa. / Competitive intelligence is recognized as a systematic process, with interrelated phases that aim to analyze data and information, in order to support strategic decision making. However, the use of the results generated by competitive intelligence is conected to information culture, linked to values, norms and attitudes regarding information and organizational learning. This set of variables may be related to the performance of organizations that engage in the competitive intelligence processes. In this context, this dissertation aims to analyze the relation between competitive intelligence, information culture, organizational learning and performance. The research was carried out with a quantitative approach and descriptive objectives, in the wine companies located at Serra Gaúcha, with the support of the Brazilian wine institute. The survey procedure was adopted, with research instrument validated in previous studies. The results showed that there is a relation between competitive intelligence, information culture, organizational learning and performance, however, attitude and behaviors related to the awareness of competitive intelligence, aimed to promote an environment and processes to develop learning, will sustain the process of competitive intelligence and, consequently, improving the company's performance.

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