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SELF-SERVICE : Vägen till en lyckad Self-Service lösningOlsson, Gustav, Kunfu, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
SSBI-verktygen möjliggör att flytta framtagningen av rapporter och analyser av affärsdata från IT-avdelningen till användarna. SSBI svarar mot ett behov av att snabbare skapa rapporter och analyser för att ta affärskritiska beslut. Med en SSBI-implementation finns det ett antal utmaningar som behöver hanteras. Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse för hur utmaningar relaterade till SSBI-implementationer hanteras, för att möjliggöra en lyckad implementation. Det leder till frågeställningen: Hur hanteras utmaningar relaterade till SSBI- implementationer? För att skapa förståelse för hur utmaningarna hanterats valde vi en kvalitativ metod där vi tolkat konsulters utsagor. Studien utgår från ett konsultperspektiv eftersom konsulterna har erfarenhet kring kundprojekt, som involverar såväl nykomlingar till erfarna BI- organisationer. I slutsatsen presenterar vi tre grupper av angreppssätt för hur utmaningarna hanteras, för att lyckas med SSBI-implementeringar. / The SSBI tools enable the production of reports and analyzes of business data from the IT department to be transferred to the users. SSBI is developed to satisfy a demand to be able to create fast reports and analyzes, to make business driven decisions. With a SSBI implementation, there are a number of challenges that need to be managed. The aim of the study is to identify how challenges related to SSBI implementations are managed, which enable successful implementation. This leads to the question: How are challenges related to SSBI implementations managed? To gain an understanding of how the challenges have been managed, we chose a qualitative method to interpreted consultants' statements. The study is based on a consulting perspective, since the consultants have experience of customer projects, which involve both newcomers and experienced BI organizations. In the conclusion, we present three groups of approaches of how challenges are managed to succeed with SSBI- implementations.
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Self Service Business Intelligence inom offentlig sektor : En kvalitativ studie om vilka utmaningar som den offentliga sektorn ställs inför vid användning av SSBIEric, Törgren, Hugo, Jagaeus January 2023 (has links)
Digitalisering sker idag både i privat som offentlig sektor där datadriven beslutsfattning är en av trenderna. En teknologi som vuxit fram i samband med digitaliseringen och som hjälper verksamheter utvecklas är Self Service Business Intelligence (SSBI). Offentliga verksamheters digitala utveckling går långsammare än för privata bolag. Studien syftar till att undersöka vilka utmaningar offentliga verksamheter ställs inför i sin användning av SSBI samt att presentera hanteringsförslag på dessa utmaningar. För att besvara studiens frågeställning och uppfylla dess syfte har en kvalitativ forskningsansats använts. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts där respondenterna har varit personer som arbetar på offentliga verksamheter alternativt mot offentliga verksamheter. Studien resulterade i fyra utmaningar som är vanligt förekommande inom offentlig verksamhet och som inte lyfts i tidigare litteratur. Dessa fyra är; diversifierade verksamheter, ledningen, lagar och säkerhet samt begränsad självständighet. För varje utmaning har förslag diskuterats för hur utmaningarna effektivt kan hanteras. Studiens slutsats kan vara hjälpsam för offentliga verksamheter i deras fortsatta utveckling mot att bli datadrivna i sin beslutsfattning. Med hjälp av datadriven beslutsfattning möjliggörs för offentliga verksamheter att arbeta mer hållbart och bli mer resurseffektiva. / Digitization is today taking place in both private and public sectors, wheredata driven decision making is one of the trends. Self Service BusinessIntelligence (SSBI) is a technology that has emerged in conjunction with thedigital development and is helping businesses to develop. However, thedigital development in public organizations tends to be slower than forprivate companies. Therefore, this study aims to examine the challengesfaced by public organizations in their use of SSBI and also to presentproposals for addressing these challenges.To answer the research question and fulfill the study's purpose, a qualitativeresearch approach has been used with an abductive thinking. Semistructured interviews have been conducted with respondents who work in orwith public organizations. The study resulted in four challenges that arecommon in public organizations and that have not been addressed inprevious literature. These four challenges are diversified organizations, themanagement, laws and security, limited self-reliance. For each challenge,proposals have been discussed for how the challenges can be effectivelyaddressed. This study conclusion can be helpful for public organizations inthe continued development towards becoming data driven decision making.With the help of data driven decision making, public organizations can workmore sustainably and become more resource efficient.
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Information Disclosure and Banking Sector Performance and StabilityIren, Perihan 01 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Tillgängliggöra data inom SSBI : En kvalitativ studie hur data bör tillgängliggöras vid införande av SSBI / Data access within SSBI : A qualitative study how data should be made accessible when setting up SSBIGötlind, Oskar January 2019 (has links)
I dagens affärsvärld är det i princip ett måste för verksamheter att ta del av den konkurrensfördel som Jinns möjlig via att använda affärsdata genererat av en verksamhets processer för att sedan ta eventuella beslut, detta möjliggörs inom en Business Intelligence- miljö. Dock behöver dessa beslut ofta tas snabbare, mer nu än förr, detta sätter allt större press på den IT-avdelning som skall tillhandahålla beslutsfattare det beslutsunderlag som är nödvändig. På grund av nödvändigheten för dom snabba besluten behöver verksamheter korta ner dom ledtider som den traditionella Business Intelligence-miljön skapar. Ledtiderna skapas via att en beslutsfattare skapar en förfrågan på en analys och IT-avdelningen sedan tar fram en rapport som kan svara på förfrågan. För att verksamheter tillsammans med IT-avdelningen skall kunna minska ledtider kan verksamheten införa en så kallad Self-Service BI-miljö[SSBI]. SSBI fokuserar mer på att göra beslutsfattare självständiga genom att möjliggöra för beslutsfattare att själva, utan hjälp av en IT-avdelning ta del av data och analysera data för att ta sina eventuella beslut. Verksamheter lyckas inte alltid med att införa SSBI, det har visat sig Jinnas många stora utmaningar med ett sådant införande. Att tillgängliggöra data för beslutsfattare inom en sådan miljö är en del av alla utmaningar, men vad Jinns det för utmaningar inom just tillgängliggörandet? Vilka faktorer bör verksamheter fokusera på vid tillgängliggörandet av data, detta är frågor som denna studie skall besvara. Studien baseras på frågeformuleringen nedan: • Hur bör data tillgängliggöras till slutanvändare vid införande av SSBI? Studien genomförs via en fallstudie som involverar ett Jlertal intervjuer av respondenter anställda på ett ledande företag inom Sverige som konsulterar stora verksamheter att inom Business Intelligence och dessutom Self-Service BI. En litteraturgranskning av forskning inom samma domän sker också under studiens gång för att skapa en grund inför intervjuerna. Samt också berika informationen från respondenterna. Resultatet av studien är en modell med diverse faktorer och utmaningar med tre huvudkategorier med tillhörande underkategorier som verksamheter bör fokusera på vid tillgängliggörande av data i en SSBI-miljö. / In today's business world, in fact, it is a must for businesses to take part of the competitive advantage that is made possible by using business data generated by a business's processes and then taking decisions, this is made possible within a Business Intelligence environment. However, these decisions often need to be taken more quickly, more now than before, this is putting increasing pressure on the IT department to provide decision makers with the necessary supporting documentation. Due to the necessity for the quick decisions, businesses need to shorten the lead times that an traditional Business Intelligence environment creates. This is because a decision maker creates an inquiry for an analysis and the IT department then produces a report that can respond to the request. In order for businesses to be able to reduce lead times together with the IT department, the company can introduce a so-called Self- Service BI environment [SSBI]. SSBI focuses more on making decision makers self-reliant by enabling decision makers to themselves, without the help of an IT department, to analyze data to make their decisions. Businesses do not always succeed in introducing SSBI, it has proved to be many major challenges with such introduction. Making data available to decision makers in such an environment is one part of all the challenges, but what are the challenges in the area of accessibility? What factors should businesses focus on when making data available, these are questions that this study answer. The study is based on the question below: • How should data be made available to end users when introducing SSBI? The study is carried out by a case study that involves a number of interviews of respondents employed at a leading company in Sweden that consult large businesses within Business Intelligence and also Self-Service BI. A literature review of research within the same domain also takes place during the study to enrich the information from the respondents. The result of the study is a model with various factors and challenges with three main categories with associated subcategories that businesses should focus on when making data available in an SSBI environment.
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Förväntningar på SSBI – slutanvändarnas perspektiv : Identifiering av slutanvändarnas förväntningar på SSBI / Expectations on SSBI – end users’ perspective : Identifying end-users expectations on SSBIPedersen, Martin January 2022 (has links)
I dagens konkurrensutsatta miljö där organisationer verkar i, behöver organisationer fatta databaserade beslut snarare än beslut baserat på magkänsla. Detta med syfte att ta rätt beslut, vid rätt tillfälle. Tidigare har Business Intelligence mestadels nyttjas av beslutsfattare på den strategiska nivån, men i takt med att fler personer inom organisationerna behöver ha beslutsunderlag när de fattar beslut, har ett behov av rapporter och dataanalys också genererats på den operativa nivån. Exempelvis behöver operativa avdelningar snabbt tillgång till tillförlitlig information när de skall ta fram idéförslag till ledningsgrupper. Detta ökade behov av BI har således skapat ett ökat tryck på IT-avdelningen vilket resulterat i att deras arbetsbörda eskalerats. En lösning på detta är Self-Service Business Intelligence (SSBI) vilket i praktiken innebär att vanliga användare, så kallade casual users, får tillgång till SSBI-verktyg med direkt koppling till en eller flera datakällor så att de själva kan skapa egna rapporter och analyser. Ett syfte med SSBI är således att förbättra informationstillgängligheten inom företaget så att fler användare kan nyttja data för att kunna ta databaserade beslut. Beträffande hur SSBI kan förbättra nuvarande informationstillgänglighet utifrån slutanvändarnas förväntningar visar studien på att casual users och power users anser att SSBI kan förbättra informationstillgängligheten. Genom att använda SSBI innehållandes en förenklad datamodell kan ett databaserat arbetssätt appliceras, resurser i form av tid kan besparas samt en hög nivå av transparens kan uppnås. Emellertid, för att kunna uppnå en förbättrad informationstillgänglighet behöver slutanvändarnas förväntningar på vad SSBI kan tillhandahålla, hanteras. Detta bör göras genom att involvera slutanvändare tidigt i de projekt som arbetar med att ta fram en SSBI-lösning samt arbeta med strategier för att säkerställa att förväntningarna på SSBI-lösningen motsvarar de behov slutanvändarna har. Frågeställningen har besvarats genom en fallstudie innehållandes två fall. Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med två olika användargrupper, casual users och power users. Casual users motsvarar det ena fallet och är slutanvändare från ett företag, power users motsvarar det andra fallet och är slutanvändare från ett annatföretag. Samtliga respondenter och företag är anonyma i studien. / In today's competitive environment in which organizations operate, organizations need to make computerized decisions rather than decisions based on gut feeling. This with the aim of making the right decision, at the right time. In the past, business intelligence has mostly been used by decision-makers at the strategic level, but as more people within the organizations need to have a decision basis when they make decisions, a need for reports and data analysis has also been arisen at the operational level. For example, operational departments need quick access to reliable information when developing idea suggestions for senior management teams. This increased need for BI has thus created increased pressure on the IT department, which has resulted in their workload being escalated. One solution to this is self-service business intelligence (SSBI), which in practice means that ordinary users, so-called casual users, have access to SSBI tools with a direct connection to one or more data sources so that they can create their own reports and make analyses. One purpose of SSBI is to improve the availability of information within the company so that more users can use data to be able to make fact-based decisions. Regarding how SSBI can improve current information availability based on end users' expectations, the study shows that casual users and power users believe that SSBI can improve information availability. By using SSBI containing a simplified data model, a data-driven working approach can be applied, resources in terms of time can be saved and a high level of transparency can be achieved. However, to achieve improved information availability, end users' expectations of what SSBI can provide need to be managed. This should be done by involving end users early in projects that is responsible for developing a SSBI-solution as well as working with strategies to ensure that the expectations of the SSBI solution correspond to what the end users want. The research question has been answered through a case study containing two cases. Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with two different user groups, casual users and power users. Casual users correspond to one case and are end users from one company, power users correspond to the other case and are end users from the other company. All respondents and companies are anonymous in the study.
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Self-service business intelligence : A study on the Swedish marketJansson, Malin, Persson, Jonatan January 2017 (has links)
In a time where information is ever present and in large quantities, it becomes of extreme importance to organisations to find a way to store and analyse all this information in order to maintain their position on the market. One way to deal with this, which has been adopted by large company groups as well as smaller organisation, is the use of business intelligence, BI. This feature helps organisations to store and analyse information and provide analytical reports to support decision making. Despite the fact that BI has been around for a couple of decades it is still a rather new phenomena with a couple of problem areas which has been highlighted by several international studies and articles. Sweden as a market has been considered as somewhat of a pioneer when it comes to IT-development in general and early usage of business intelligence as well as the emerging trend in the business intelligence market; self-service BI. This solution aims to make business intelligence more user friendly in order to increase the amount of users and ease the pressure on IT-departments within organisations. The purpose of this study is to identify these problems and investigate whether they can be applied to decision makers on the Swedish market and if self-service BI is affecting these problems. The study was done by using a survey with 46 respondents from different organisations located in Sweden. The result shows that the problem areas were not recognised by the majority of the respondents and there were correlations between user-friendliness and how often the respondents used self-service BI.
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Self-Service Business Intelligence success factors that create value for businessSinaj, Jonida January 2020 (has links)
Business Intelligence and Analytics have changed the business needs, but the market requires a more data-driven decision-making environment. Self-Service Business Intelligence initiatives are currently providing more competitive advantages. The role of the users and freedom of access is one of the essential advantages that SSBI holds. Despite this fact, there is still needed analysis on how business can gain more value from SSBI, based on the technological, operational and organizational aspects. The work in this thesis serves to analysis on the SSBI requirements that bring value to business. The paper is organized starting from building knowledge on the existing literature and exploring the domain. Data will be collected by interviewing experts within the BI, SSBI and IT fields. The main findings of the study show that on the technological aspect, data is more governed and its quality is improved by implementing SSBI. Visualization is one of the features of SSBI that boosts quality and governance. On the digital capability aspect, the end-users need training and there is found a rate of impact of SSBI on the main departments in an organization. It is discussed how SSBI implementation affects the companies that do not have BI solution. The final conclusions show that in order for SSBI to be successful, a solid BI environment is necessary. This research will provide future suggestions related to the topic and the results will serve both, the companies that have implemented SSBI and the ones that want to see it as a perspective in the future.
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Is Self-Service Business Intelligence a hoax? : A descriptive study of casual users’ independence using SSBI in the data mining processHansson, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
When using Business Intelligence (BI), organizations can improve decision-making bycompiling, understanding and utilizing the data held by the organization. Self-serviceBusiness Intelligence (SSBI) has emerged as a new focus within BI and aims to make BI tools available to business users, and relieve IT-experts involvement of in ad hoc reporting andanalysis. The aim of this research is to examine challenges of casual users being self-reliant when using SSBI tools, and the way they are using them in the data mining process. This wasdone through a qualitative study, interviewing seven individuals from different user groups: casual users, power user and IT-experts. From the results it appears that most casual users are not sufficiently self-reliant in the data mining process using SSBI. The visualization is theprime area for SSBI, which most casual users manage themselves if the data and dashboards are pre-defined for them. SSBI is becoming increasingly more common, which leads to moreand more casual users with increased experience who need to be able to dig out their own data for interpretation and analysis. Yet, without additional knowledge, such as data knowledge or SQL skill, casual users are in need of support when it comes to more complex operations thanad hoc analysis and reporting, still creating a request-response relationship to power users and IT-experts. The major challenges, limiting casual users from being self-reliant, are: not sufficiently user-friendly tools, poor data definition and lack of data knowledge, limited data access, indigent validation of reports and lastly, inadequate education.
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Trust in Data : Prerequisite for Self-Service Business Intelligence Adoption by Business UsersGuan, Zhong Lai January 2021 (has links)
As data becomes a ubiquitous part of today’s business, trust in data is recognised as a crucialfactor for organisations on the data-driven journey to stay competitive in the fast-evolvingmarketplace. To support the journey, Self-Service Business Intelligence (SSBI) has emerged asa popular approach for organisations to empower business users and gain actionable insightfrom data faster and better. Despite its importance and relevance at the organisational level,SSBI has suffered sluggish adoption rates at the user level. The purpose of this thesis is toexplore the importance of trust in data and how it influences SSBI adoption by business users.Through seven semi-structured interviews, this thesis is able to establish that: 1) trust in data isa prerequisite for SSBI adoption by business users; 2) business users trust the people behind thedata; 3) trust in SSBI tools is essential; and 4) trust in data is necessary for user adoption.Furthermore, these findings lead to a descriptive model of how trust in data influences SSBIadoption by business users as well as how business users can transition between a vicious cycleof SSBI resistance and a benign cycle of SSBI adoption.
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Rätt information till rätt person i rätt tid : Hur organisationer lyckas med självbetjäning inom Business Intelligence / Right information to right person in right timeHurtig, Ludwig, Bollbring, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Business intelligence is a tool that helps decision makers make informed decisions based on data. Self-Service is an extension of Business Intelligence that focuses on the individual that uses BI-tools and how independent they are. The purpose of this research paper is to cover missing pieces from previous research regarding Self-Service Business Intelligence and to identify factors that can help organizations succeed to become more independent decision makers. This paper is focused only on the combination of Self-Service and Business Intelligence and on organizations that are in the beginning of their usage of BI- tools. Previous research shows that there are many challenges that can affect users and organizations in the process of becoming more Self-Serviced in Business Intelligence. By conducting a case study with the help of a qualitative research method consisting of seven semi-structured interviews, a strategy has been created to help organizations identify what they need to do, to reach a higher level of independent decision-making. The collected data has been analyzed by using an inductive method. The results of the analysis and previous research has led to the conclusion of the study which involves a model consisting of four steps that need to be assessed to overcome the challenges of becoming Self-Service Business Intelligence users. The four steps consist of; becoming aware of the organization’s level of digital maturity; conducting education to raise internal knowledge; identifying different internal needs; and, finally, making BI-reports available to the users, thus increasing accessibility.
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