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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strategies for Ensuring the Timeliness of Small Business Financial Reporting in Nigeria

Nden, Nanzing Nangil 01 January 2019 (has links)
Small business owners in Nigeria submit financial reports to regulators and stakeholders, and they often lack strategies to ensure timeliness in the Nigeria report rendition. Lack of accounting competence and audit lag in the preparation, rendition, and submission of financial statements and reports are some of the contributors to this lack of timeliness. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies that owners of small businesses used to ensure timeliness of financial reporting. The population for this study was 5 owners of small businesses in Nigeria. Management by objectives and Hoshin Kanri were the conceptual framework for this study. Data were collected using semistructured interviews and a review of company documents. The thematic analysis led to the emergence of the following themes: (a) hiring the right employees, (b) regular training of accountants, (c) working with external accountants, (d) effective leadership and organizational structure, (e) attending accounting courses or workshops, and (f) using or abiding by formal financial reporting standards. Local small business owners may apply these results to hiring professional accountants to prepare timely financial reports to meet stakeholders' needs. Timely preparation of financial reports by owners of small businesses may contribute to positive social change by providing appropriate feedback to regulators, tax administrators, and small business owners, and encouraging and supporting local economic growth.

Verslą kuriančių moterų lyderystės sėkmės kriterijai / Key success factors of leadership for women entrepreneurs

Stragienė, Romualda 14 November 2008 (has links)
Ar tikrai moteris-lyderė turi būti maištaujanti feministė? Kyla klausimas, ar mes gerai suprantame, kas yra geras lyderis ir kokios yra jo savybės. Ilgą laiką buvo įprasta įmonės vadovo poste matyti vyrą, kuris elgiasi tarsi karo vadas: griežtai bei užtikrintai. Šiandien lyderiui šių savybių nepakanka, jam keliami ir nauji reikalavimai: grįžtamasis ryšys, paskatinimas ir parama, empatija ir intuicija. Šios savybės paprastai labiau būdingos moterims, tačiau mūsų visuomenėje jos, net ir turėdamos ambicijų pirmauti, rečiau negu vyrai siekia lyderių pozicijos. Moterims pasiekti aukščiausią poziciją yra sunkiau, o priežasčių tam reikia ieškoti visuomenės ir pačių moterų nuostatose. Darbo tikslas: Išnagrinėti moterų lyderystės ypatumus ir įvardinti jų lyderystės sėkmės kriterijus Darbo uždaviniai: 1) Atskleisti šiuolaikinio lyderio sampratą, 2) palyginti moterų ir vyrų lyderystės ypatumus, 3) išryškinti moterų lyderystės sėkmės veiksnius, 4) išnagrinėti Lietuvos verslininkių lyderystės bruožus, 5) nustatyti Lietuvoje verslą kuriančių moterų lyderystės sėkmės veiksnius. Tyrimo metodai: 1) mokslinės literatūros analizė ir apibendrinimai, 2) pusiau struktūrizuotas interviu. Atlikta literatūros analizė parodė, kad mokslininkai neturi vieningos nuomonės dėl lyčių skirtumų lyderystės kontekste. Dauguma atliktų tyrimų parodė, kad vyrams yra labiau būdingas transakcinis lyderystės stilius, o moterims – transformacinis. Sėkmingos moterims lyderėms yra būdinga: bendradarbiavimas, kitų žmonių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Is woman leader always a rebellious feminist? There’s a question about understanding of a true leader and his characteristics. For a long time it was normal to see a man at manager‘s position, acting like a war hero: strictly and firmly. For a modern leader it is not enough! He is required to show feedback, support and empowerment, empathy and intuition. These characteristics are often found in daily behavior of women, but still in our society women do not show enough ambitions to seek for leading positions. It is more difficult to reach a top position for a woman than a man. Why? We need to look for reasons in our society and inside women thinking. The purpose: to analyze characteristics of women leadership and determine key success factors of their leadership success. The tasks: 1) Reveal the concept of modern leadership, 3) Compare peculiarities of female and male management; 3) Determine key success factors of female leadership; 4) Analyze leadership characteristics of Lithuanian women entrepreneurs; 5) Specify key success factors of leadership of Lithuanian women entrepreneurs. Research methods: 1) Analysis of academic literature, 2) Semi-formal interview. Analysis of academic literature showed that academics do not have a common opinion about sex differences in the context of leadership. Most researches show that men often demonstrate transactional style of leadership and women prefer transformational. Successful women leaders have some things in common: cooperation... [to full text]

Leadership Development Strategies to Build Leaders Through Mentorship Programs

Bradley, Devin 01 January 2018 (has links)
Developing employees to assume leadership positions has never been more critical for organizational leaders given the competitive climate and the shortage of executive leaders. Organizations must develop future leaders at unprecedented rates to assume roles and responsibilities of the current executive leaders who will leave the organization due to retirement and other forms of attrition. Using mentorship theory, the purpose of this multicase study was to explore strategies that business leaders use to successfully improve their mentoring programs for employee leadership development. The target population consisted of 3 business leaders located in central Florida with successful experience in improving their mentoring programs for employee leadership development. Data were collected via semistructured interviews and review of organizational documents. Data were analyzed using methodological triangulation through inductive coding of phrases and words. Three themes emerged from the thematic analysis, which are: mentoring functions are critical for leadership development, multiple modes of mentoring are effective for leadership development, and a mentor's motivation is critical for a successful mentoring relationship with mentee. Business leaders must understand the processes and functions of mentoring to make informed decisions when considering integrating mentorship programs into the organizational processes and initiatives aimed at leadership development. The implications for positive social change include the development of leaders empowered to make significant contributions to their local communities, allowing leaders to effectively respond to challenges associated with lack of proper health, homelessness, environmental sustainability, and violent acts.

企業領導人的形象建構與管理 : 以傑克威爾許為例 / The image management of business leaders - Case Study of Jack Welch

鄭繡瑩, Cheng, Hsiu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
企業領導人與企業具有密不可分的關係。企業領導人的一舉一動,牽動著公眾對企業的觀感,已經不單屬於個人事務範疇。企業領導人的形象管理儼然已成為控制企業形象風險的重要環節,身為公關人員,肩負企業對內對外溝通的重責大任,應該更有系統的對企業領導人進行形象管理,發揮引導作用、限制其可能的負面作用。 本研究探討的研究問題有三:一、從符號研究的觀點分析被封為二十世紀最佳經理人威爾許的形象。二、從符號研究的觀點理解新聞媒體的企業領導人形象建構原則。三、據此形象建構原則,對公關實務人員進行企業領導人的形象建構與管理,提出建議。 本研究針對國內三大主流商業媒體:《商業周刊》、《天下雜誌》、《遠見雜誌》有關威爾許相關報導進行文本分析,透過符號研究取徑的理論性探討、歸納其符號運作策略以及邏輯。研究結果如下: 從符號研究的觀點分析被封為二十世紀最佳經理人威爾許的形象。批評威爾許的力道從不手軟,環似在負面聲量中,威爾許仍贏得一身的美譽。許多原義為負面意涵的辭彙,套在威爾許身上,隨之轉化為正面的讚許。其中威爾許形象的翻轉,一部份取決於框架的角度,也就是符號裝置的選擇;另一部份取決於框架內符號的翻轉,包含「藉由負面符號與正面意涵的連結,翻轉符號由負面為正面」、「運用量化數字的轉喻,彰顯威爾許的領導管理才能」、「透過其他成功人士的隱喻,拉台威爾許的成就與地位」。 進一步分析「從符號研究的觀點理解新聞媒體的企業領導人形象建構原則」,可歸納為以下要點:一、形象符號的建構需與其本身本質與其所投放的訊息相符。二、形象符號的建構需將當下時代社會氛圍納入考量。三、形象符號的建構需先釐清主要(優先)利益關係人與其立場。四、運用符號的轉喻,以部份代替全體,可以暗示欲建構的形象。五、透過隱喻以「熟悉」代替不熟悉的,有利於進行形象溝通與拉抬。六、符號與符號之間可以透過意涵的連結,進行意義的翻轉,進而重塑形象。七、名人與主流媒體的背書,可以協助形塑輿論風向。八、形象建構為動態過程,需隨時監控與調整。 / Business leaders and companies are thus closely linked and inseparable. Every movement of the business leaders could possibly affect the public's perception for the companies, and furthermore it can’t be considered as the category of personal affairs. Image Management of business leaders has become the crucial point to control the risk of the corporate image management. As a public relations officer, one should take the responsibility of corporate internal/external communication management so that possible negative effects as a result of poor image management could be alleviated. The present study raises three research questions: First of all, taking the perspective of Semiotics, what kinds of images were presented by Jack Welch, one of the best manager in the twentieth century? Second, what signs were used to construct the images of this business leader? What are the principles of signification? Third, according to the image construction principles, we wish to provide useful suggestions for the public relations practitioners and business leaders nowadays. In this study, the media texts under semiotic analysis are from three major domestic mainstream commercial media: "Business Weekly", "Common Wealth Magazine” and " Global Views Monthly". The results are as follows: Taking the perspective of semiotics, we find that although Welch was called the best professional manager, people were never stopped criticizing him. However, many negative implications for the original meaning of the wordings used in the media text under analysis, seems to be converted into positive ones in the context of reporting Welch’s accomplishment. On one hand, this conversion of meanings depends on the angle the frame, on the other depends on the mixed signs in a certain context. That is, Welch could be portrayed as a cruel guy (negative in connotation) but being cruel is necessary to save the corporation (positive in connotation). By combining these two seemingly contradictory connotations the whole meaning of the media text become positive. In addition, by using quantitative figures of metonymy, Welch's leadership management skills were highlighted by media reports, and by using the metaphor of accomplishments of other successful people Welch achievements and status were also established. What are the principles of signification? First, principles of the image construction need to be matched their own corporate nature consistent with the messages delivered. Second, we need to take into consideration of the social environment when analyzing Welch’s image construction process. Third, we need to fully understand what stakeholders’ stances are when analyzing image construction process. Fourth, the strategy of metonymy to substitute part of the whole helps to construct a successful image. Fifth, through the metaphor by using the "familiar" signs instead of the unfamiliar ones, we can help to construct a positive image. Sixth, a sign with originally negative connotations could be converted to positive ones when Welch’s management skills are new and innovative implied by the media contexts. Seven, the mainstream media and celebrity endorsement can help to shape public opinions. Eight, the image construction process needs to be constantly monitored and adjusted.

Constructing Future Business Leaders:Evaluating a Mixed Methods Approach to Leadership Education in an MBA Curriculum

Gorman, C. Allen, Moore, Thomas W. 31 March 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Competition Among Domestic Apparel Manufacturers

Simpson, Mary 01 January 2017 (has links)
Apparel manufacturing characterizes a sustainable means of creating employment and encouraging economic growth; however, 86% of U.S. apparel manufacturing companies and 74.7% in North Carolina have closed since the late 1990s. Less than 3% of apparel bought in the United States is domestic. The purpose of this case study was to explore the strategies used by American apparel manufacturing business leaders who produce competitive products using Porter's diamond theory as the conceptual framework. Data were collected through semistructured interviews of 4 business leaders from an apparel manufacturer that had been in business a minimum of 5 years in North Carolina. Member checking and transcript review were used to ensure the trustworthiness of the findings. Data were coded using a qualitative analysis software. Coded data were analyzed to identify themes. The results led to 3 major themes: technology, time, and brand development. The findings revealed that apparel manufacturing business managers used technology to produce competitive apparel products by owning the fiber, fabric, and technologies in the apparel products and shortened lead-times to the retailer. New knowledge from this study could contribute to social change through improved opportunities for apparel workers, improved business strategies among apparel manufacturing business leaders, and increased demand for apparel products produced in the United States. The findings from this study may also contribute to positive social change by potentially increasing business prospects for apparel manufacturers, suppliers, auxiliary businesses, thereby increasing revenue in North Carolina and the United States.

Prosazování konceptu CSR v ČR / Promotion of the CSR concept in the Czech Republic

Záhorská, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
This final thesis describes the core of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) concept, monitors its development and its present role in the Czech Republic and the world. In the practical part of this thesis I focus on the institutions in the field of CSR in the Czech Republic, with emphasis on the Business Leaders Forum. I reveal the knowledge and the attitude of the target groups (managers, university students) towards the concept. In the last part of the thesis I suggest measures for higher efficiency of the promotion of the CSR concept in the Czech Republic.

A social contract with business as the basis for a postmodern MBA in a world order of inclusive globalisation : a critical metasynthesis

Coetzee, Josef Jooste 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis addresses the paradigm shift required for an MBA qualification in a world order of inclusive globalisation (WOIG) – where humankind‟s security is assured, and where global poverty has been eradicated. A new research methodology, termed critical metasynthesis, which is the enrichment of critical management research with metasynthesis and Socrates‟ dialectic method of systematic inquiry has been used. The critical metasynthesis derives its outcome from the insights of global leaders from the developed and developing world, refuted by Nobel Laureates from the past decade. From the Socratic dialogue an end-purpose Statement of Visions for a new world order, society, business, business leadership, and the postmodern MBA emerged, namely: to deliver a WOIG; requiring a society that finds its greatness in protecting both its humanity and its economy as a whole; requiring world-class businesses – financially robust across business cycles, with global stewardship as the dominant business logic; requiring global business leaders with an ability to envision the WOIG, and then to lead thereto in an entrepreneurial and path-breaking manner exerting leadership qualities associated with the golden Rule of Humanity; requiring an MBA that educates and inspires the business leader to lead (and, to co-lead with societal and political leaders) the planetary turn-around to a WOIG. For this, a fundamental change of paradigm for the MBA emerged as a prerequisite. The first prerequisite is a Social Contract with Business as a trichotomy of global business responsibility towards society, politics and the Earth. This, becomes the raison d‟être of the postmodern MBA. The second prerequisite is an educational context aligned with the values and aspirations of a WOIG society. The outcome of the postmodern MBA is a fundamental personal re-orientation as thé kairos moment - through holistic critical reasoning excellence and achieving a WOIG mindset. Flowing from this to craft, build and to manage enterprises for the turn-around from today‟s world order of destructive globalisation to a WOIG. The thesis contributes a new educational context, vocabulary, and guidelines for a new canon of MBA knowledge. The thesis concludes by describing new vistas of follow-up research in four interlocking priorities for the professoriate, namely: discovering, integrating, applying and teaching a postmodern MBA in a WOIG – to deliver MBA graduates who can lead any business in any industry sector in any country towards positive sustained results for all stakeholders. / Business Leadership / D.B.L.

A social contract with business as the basis for a postmodern MBA in a world order of inclusive globalisation : a critical metasynthesis

Coetzee, Josef Jooste 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis addresses the paradigm shift required for an MBA qualification in a world order of inclusive globalisation (WOIG) – where humankind‟s security is assured, and where global poverty has been eradicated. A new research methodology, termed critical metasynthesis, which is the enrichment of critical management research with metasynthesis and Socrates‟ dialectic method of systematic inquiry has been used. The critical metasynthesis derives its outcome from the insights of global leaders from the developed and developing world, refuted by Nobel Laureates from the past decade. From the Socratic dialogue an end-purpose Statement of Visions for a new world order, society, business, business leadership, and the postmodern MBA emerged, namely: to deliver a WOIG; requiring a society that finds its greatness in protecting both its humanity and its economy as a whole; requiring world-class businesses – financially robust across business cycles, with global stewardship as the dominant business logic; requiring global business leaders with an ability to envision the WOIG, and then to lead thereto in an entrepreneurial and path-breaking manner exerting leadership qualities associated with the golden Rule of Humanity; requiring an MBA that educates and inspires the business leader to lead (and, to co-lead with societal and political leaders) the planetary turn-around to a WOIG. For this, a fundamental change of paradigm for the MBA emerged as a prerequisite. The first prerequisite is a Social Contract with Business as a trichotomy of global business responsibility towards society, politics and the Earth. This, becomes the raison d‟être of the postmodern MBA. The second prerequisite is an educational context aligned with the values and aspirations of a WOIG society. The outcome of the postmodern MBA is a fundamental personal re-orientation as thé kairos moment - through holistic critical reasoning excellence and achieving a WOIG mindset. Flowing from this to craft, build and to manage enterprises for the turn-around from today‟s world order of destructive globalisation to a WOIG. The thesis contributes a new educational context, vocabulary, and guidelines for a new canon of MBA knowledge. The thesis concludes by describing new vistas of follow-up research in four interlocking priorities for the professoriate, namely: discovering, integrating, applying and teaching a postmodern MBA in a WOIG – to deliver MBA graduates who can lead any business in any industry sector in any country towards positive sustained results for all stakeholders. / Business Leadership / D.B.L.

The Self-Directed Career Growth Success Factors of Autistic Business Leaders Who Serve The United States Tech Industry. A Phenomenological Study

Cohen, Jason Todd 31 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

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