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組織符號之研究:非營利組織-慈濟功德會的個案分析彭俊亨 Unknown Date (has links)
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符號學運用於政策行銷之研究李涴汝, Lee, Wan-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
1969年,Kotler & Levy首次提出將商業行銷的概念,應用於非營利組織,開啟了公共組織行銷的大門,它將公共組織的服務視為一種“產品”,並著重對於標的顧客團體的界定與顧客行為的分析﹔運用行銷的手法,將市場區隔、市場定位、產品定位等行銷技術引進政府部門中,使得政府所提供的公共服務更具廣泛性及系統性。
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校園公共藝術符號取向之研究 / The study on symbol orientation for campus public arts王如杏 Unknown Date (has links)
三、經驗傳承研習進修,兼任行政專業成長 / This study explored the status and relations between the characterization of campus public art symbolic interaction and the influence of campus public art symbol, and then to propose conclusions and recommendations provided for school to apply the characterization of symbolic interaction and refer to strengthen the influence of the public art.
The researcher adopted document analysis, questionnaires, observation, and interview research in the study. The research was begun to collect the related documents and then probe related theories of the campus public art and the symbolic interaction. Through document analysis of 136 campus public art cases, from 2005 to 2007, inducted three levels of the characterization of campus public art symbolic interaction, including: objects symbols, operation symbols, and construct symbols.
On the other hand, to explore the influence of the campus public art, including: enhancing the quality of campus environment, conserving students’ aesthetic literacy ", showing the school brand image, promoting the development of public relations, and strengthening the function of communication and coordination of the five dimensions.
Further, to survey the interaction and status of the members of the school and the campus public art signs by questionnaires, the researcher proceeded with the statistical analysis of the empirical data to develop the interview outline related to the study purposes , interview and observe the case study schools .According to the comprehensive findings , the study showed the specific recommendations .
From 2005 to 2007, there are 35 schools that are from the national primary and secondary schools of public art in Taipei City, Taipei County, Ilan County in this study questionnaire. There are 765 subjects who were surveyed altogether and 706 valid samples were acquired. The statistical methods of the research include mean, standard deviation, t test, one-way anova , regression analysis and other statistical methods, data processing and analysis. The summary of the research findings are as followings:
1. The symbolic objects is the "most obvious" ,followed by "construct symbols “, and then followed by "operational symbols" in the interactive status of the symbolic representation between the teachers and students and the campus public art.
2. Teachers and students in school by campus public art symbols were to: " enhance the quality of campus environment," "conserve students’ aesthetic literacy ", "show the school brand image", "promote the development of public relations", "strengthen the function of communication and coordination"
3. Between the teachers and students and the campus public art are the differences in the school district, years of service, education, and current position.
4. Teachers and students in school are affected by campus public art symbols with the differences in the school district, gender, years of service, education, current position, and school grade.
5. The symbolic representation of public art on campus and the campus public art signs at all levels showed a positive correlation. The “operation symbols” and to "strengthen communication and coordination functions," were the highest relevance; followed by “operation symbols” and "improving the quality of campus environment"; the lowest relevance for the "symbolic objects" and "conserving students’ aesthetic literacy."
6. "Operation symbols" on the public art of the overall campus can predict the best.
7. Teachers and students in case school generally agree that the public art at all levels of symbolic interaction representation.
8. Teachers and students in case school differ from the influence of the campus public art symbol.
Based on the research finding, the following recommendations are made for school and teacher:
Recommendations on school:
1. To use the characterization of the symbolic interaction, and strengthen the influence of the public art.
2. To make use of thee funds for public arts and conserve students’ aesthetic literacy.
3. To implement the public arts education, and improve the quality of the campus environment.
4. To utilize operation symbolic representation, and enhance the function of communication and coordination.
5. To market campus public art, and establish the school public relations.
6. To design the campus building signs, and create the school brand image.
Suggestions for teachers:
1. To participate campus public art , and enhance communication and professional dialogue.
2. To develop public art programs, and refine teachers and students’ artistic life.
3. To inherit the experience of the studies education, and promote the administrative professional development.
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台灣家具平面廣告之符號消費研究 / The Symbolic Consumption of Furniture Print Advertisements in Taiwan林怡均, Lin, Yi-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
現代消費社會籠罩在濃厚的符號性消費氛圍之下,「家具」也從純功能性的物件轉變為符號價值高的象徵性消費商品。本研究以Roland Barthes的圖像符號理論為基礎,試圖分析台灣的家具平面廣告,探究這些廣告的符號運作原則,以及隱含於家具消費背後的社會文化價值。從居家設計雜誌《ARCH雅砌》與《室內interior》中選取二十三則家具廣告,並依據廣告的主題與文本特性分為五個類別,進行深入分析。本研究發現,家具平面廣告的圖像訊息常依循「堆疊引申」與「二元對立」兩種意義建構過程,自然化物件的並置,堆砌出各種符號指涉系統;此外,在家具廣告中,文字訊息能同時對圖像訊息產生預設意義與情境意義的功能,但多對圖像進行「預設意義」的作用。本研究進一步發現,多數的家具廣告未建構出一個「家庭」的氛圍,而僅是搭築一個富含指涉意義的家具展示空間,利用這個空間極力強調西方文化的優越性,而西化的氛圍指涉了高級的生活型態。最後,研究結果顯示,在家具消費的領域中,社會階層、品味與文化資本皆影響了消費者行為,驗證了Baudrillard與Bourdieu等學者的符號消費理論。 / Modern society operates behind a shroud of symbolic consumption. Home furniture consumption, as an example, has been altered from purely functional to highly symbolic. Based on Roland Barthes’ pictorial semiotic theory, this paper attempts to analyze the print advertisements of furniture in Taiwan in order to clarify the signifying process of these furniture print ads and the socio-cultural values embedded in the Taiwan’s furniture consumption. Twenty-three print ads selected from popular design magazines, Arch and interior, are categorized into five groups according to their thematic and textual characteristics. The research finds that the iconic messages of these print ads are mostly in the pattern of “refrain” and “binary-opposition” utilizing “naturalization of objects” to construct symbolic meanings. Furthermore, the meaning of iconic message is frequently restrained by the linguistic message in terms of “anchorage,” although both “anchorage” and “relay” may both function in the print ad simultaneously. Most of the furniture advertisements didn’t construct a “home” atmosphere, but only a space to display furniture products and build rich referential meaning. The superiority of western culture is strongly emphasized; westernized ambience signifies the high-class life style. Finally, the research results indicate that in the case of furniture purchase, consumer behavior involves social class, taste, and cultural capital, which confirm Baudrillard’s and Bourdieu’s theories of symbolic consumption.
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中華民國政治符號之研究陳□明, CHEN, HENG-MING Unknown Date (has links)
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企業領導人的形象建構與管理 : 以傑克威爾許為例 / The image management of business leaders - Case Study of Jack Welch鄭繡瑩, Cheng, Hsiu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
進一步分析「從符號研究的觀點理解新聞媒體的企業領導人形象建構原則」,可歸納為以下要點:一、形象符號的建構需與其本身本質與其所投放的訊息相符。二、形象符號的建構需將當下時代社會氛圍納入考量。三、形象符號的建構需先釐清主要(優先)利益關係人與其立場。四、運用符號的轉喻,以部份代替全體,可以暗示欲建構的形象。五、透過隱喻以「熟悉」代替不熟悉的,有利於進行形象溝通與拉抬。六、符號與符號之間可以透過意涵的連結,進行意義的翻轉,進而重塑形象。七、名人與主流媒體的背書,可以協助形塑輿論風向。八、形象建構為動態過程,需隨時監控與調整。 / Business leaders and companies are thus closely linked and inseparable. Every movement of the business leaders could possibly affect the public's perception for the companies, and furthermore it can’t be considered as the category of personal affairs. Image Management of business leaders has become the crucial point to control the risk of the corporate image management. As a public relations officer, one should take the responsibility of corporate internal/external communication management so that possible negative effects as a result of poor image management could be alleviated.
The present study raises three research questions: First of all, taking the perspective of Semiotics, what kinds of images were presented by Jack Welch, one of the best manager in the twentieth century? Second, what signs were used to construct the images of this business leader? What are the principles of signification? Third, according to the image construction principles, we wish to provide useful suggestions for the public relations practitioners and business leaders nowadays.
In this study, the media texts under semiotic analysis are from three major domestic mainstream commercial media: "Business Weekly", "Common Wealth Magazine” and " Global Views Monthly". The results are as follows:
Taking the perspective of semiotics, we find that although Welch was called the best professional manager, people were never stopped criticizing him. However, many negative implications for the original meaning of the wordings used in the media text under analysis, seems to be converted into positive ones in the context of reporting Welch’s accomplishment.
On one hand, this conversion of meanings depends on the angle the frame, on the other depends on the mixed signs in a certain context. That is, Welch could be portrayed as a cruel guy (negative in connotation) but being cruel is necessary to save the corporation (positive in connotation). By combining these two seemingly contradictory connotations the whole meaning of the media text become positive. In addition, by using quantitative figures of metonymy, Welch's leadership management skills were highlighted by media reports, and by using the metaphor of accomplishments of other successful people Welch achievements and status were also established.
What are the principles of signification? First, principles of the image construction need to be matched their own corporate nature consistent with the messages delivered. Second, we need to take into consideration of the social environment when analyzing Welch’s image construction process. Third, we need to fully understand what stakeholders’ stances are when analyzing image construction process. Fourth, the strategy of metonymy to substitute part of the whole helps to construct a successful image. Fifth, through the metaphor by using the "familiar" signs instead of the unfamiliar ones, we can help to construct a positive image. Sixth, a sign with originally negative connotations could be converted to positive ones when Welch’s management skills are new and innovative implied by the media contexts. Seven, the mainstream media and celebrity endorsement can help to shape public opinions. Eight, the image construction process needs to be constantly monitored and adjusted.
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林燿德詩中標點符號之研究 / The Study of Punctuation Marks In LIN,YAO-DE's Poetry黃彥昇 Unknown Date (has links)
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我國報紙符號真實與客觀真實之分析與比較陳炳宏, CHEN, BING-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
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政黨電視競選廣告政治符號之研究:1991∼2000羅時宜, Luo, Shih Yi Unknown Date (has links)
自1989年解除動員戡亂時期以來,台灣社會歷經快速的變遷,政治上,中央民代改選、二二八官方事件報告的出爐、廢國大、開放直轄市市長民選、第一次的台灣省長大規模地區的選舉、也是最後一次;1996年第一次的民選總統,李登輝高票當選,台灣本土意識的高漲,凍省,宋楚瑜出走國民黨獨自參選,直至2000年第二屆的總統副總統選舉,民進黨陳水扁的勝選,形成台灣有史以來第一次政黨輪替;本土化的興起、去中國化的爭議;而競選傳播上,報紙、電視競選廣告的相繼開放、候選人商品化、call in、政論節目的熱潮,選民與媒體多元聲音呈現,1989年至今的台灣變遷不僅快速、多元、更是驚人。
(一) 兩黨均以形象塑造傳達國家認同意識
(二) 民進黨擅長負面攻擊以形塑對手國家認同之『謬誤』
(三) 民進黨與『標榜自己愛台』訊息高度連結;但國民黨標榜『自己愛中華民國』,也同樣『愛台灣』
(四) 國民黨以『中華民國』與民進黨『台灣』認同的競爭
(五) 長期觀察國民黨國家認同模稜兩可
(六) 國民黨形塑多元民族認同,民進黨形塑單一民族認同
(七) 國民黨之『中國』符號為正向,民進黨之『中國』符號為負向
(八) 不同年代國家認同、土地認同、民族認同明顯不同,但歷年『愛台』訊息逐年上升
(九) 單一選區:隱性訴求獨立;複數選區:顯性訴求獨立
(十) 長期觀察『台灣』符號成為主流
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懷舊圖像的消費——以小草藝術學院明信片為例吳靖雯, Jing-Wen, Wu Unknown Date (has links)
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