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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


李涴汝, Lee, Wan-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
1969年,Kotler & Levy首次提出將商業行銷的概念,應用於非營利組織,開啟了公共組織行銷的大門,它將公共組織的服務視為一種“產品”,並著重對於標的顧客團體的界定與顧客行為的分析﹔運用行銷的手法,將市場區隔、市場定位、產品定位等行銷技術引進政府部門中,使得政府所提供的公共服務更具廣泛性及系統性。 這股對於政府行銷概念的演進可以從公民參與的觀念開始探討,近來由於民主思潮的推動及公民自覺的意識提高,政府部門開始積極將民眾之參與和社會公益納入公共政策的規劃與評估中。再加上公民參與機制之建立、廣泛地運用新管理方式,使得政府必須像私人企業一般回應顧客的需求與偏好,將從前把民眾視為受影響的標的團體,改為擁有選擇權的顧客。而這也代表以往傳統理論權威行政下公共行政封閉式的意識型態已經被打破。 而公共組織在其特殊環境的系絡下,如環境與組織的差異、利潤與非利潤導向、貨品與服務的不同等方面由於其特殊性,所以多以宣導的方式作為對政策行銷的方法,來為民眾提供公共服務,並以各種管道實際依據顧客需要來設計產品(服務提供),藉以提供良好品質的服務。 在這行銷擴大化的潮流下,政策行銷概念開始被提出,本文將行銷學上的行銷工具引進在政策行銷要素之研究上,加入更多行銷工具及技術,如政策目標確立、政策市場區隔等概念,來補充、修正、及檢測公共組織的行銷實務。 加上「符號學」的運用,使得政策行銷的宣傳透過傳播管道,將意識型態加以建構,而形成在認同的過程中,不斷的將政策行銷目標所欲傳達的意識型態加以複製強化,透過意識型態的強化產生認同,形成認同的不同層次。 最後透過ELM理論將符號的特質跟傳播特性加以結合,更使得政策行銷效果更為顯著,可見符號是意識型態、認同、說服所生成的基本元素。在邁向後現代的社會當中,「符號的行銷」也漸漸的形成行銷的另一種方法,這股趨勢再再的印證本文所述:我們所處的世界是個「符號的世界」。

康拉德《黑暗之心》中的旅行敘述 / Travel Narrative in Joseph Conrad's <u>Heart of Darkness</u>

林靜鶯, Lin, Jing Ing Unknown Date (has links)
旅者踏上旅程之動機為何?在旅程中追尋之物為何?當他敘述旅行見聞時是否說了真話?而旅者的焦慮從何而來?這些貌似簡單的問題在這篇論文裡,卻呈現了豐富的文學議題。康拉德的中篇<<黑暗之心>>,不論從其旅行之主題,殖民主題,或層層細膩的敘述框架技巧觀之,旅行論述之多面性在此浮現出來,並與當代的後結構理論銜接。這篇論文試圖為一個具長久歷史之文類:旅行文學,做一個往前延伸與往後銜接的工作,在傳統旅行文學偏重主題式的探討架構下,試圖為其添加現代文學理論,特別是有關於心理學、符號學、觀光學、及敘述理論,以挖掘"旅行論說"作為一個文類的複雜多面。此論文架構不僅合適探討<<黑暗之心>>這本小說,也適於一般旅者思索自我的靈魂之旅,讓讀者為此文類擴充架構。 / What sets the traveler on road? What makes him search for the higher truth during his journey? Does he tell the truth while recounts his story? Where does traveler's anxiety come from? How does a traveler's mind change after making a journey? In this issue, those issues can play an important role in the study of literary text. With <u>Heart of Darkness</u> in mind, I will probe into colonial discourse, the neatly embedded narrative frame, and the multi-facet levels of travel narrative. This thesis attempts to adopt some strands of contemporary literary theory, such as psychology, semiotics, tourism, and narratology. By adding new dimension to the time-honored travelogue, this thesis tends to explore the travel narrative as a complex and multifarious form of expression.

網站文本中的符號運作:以房地產建案網站為例 / The Signifying Process of Real-estate Website Texts: A Structural Semiotic Analysis

謝雅如, Hsieh, Ya-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
網路的普及使得大眾越來越依賴網站資訊,作為消費依據。網路的超鏈結功能可讓瀏覽者任意跳接文本,這使得網路文本的核心意義流動不定;對於把網站作為重要傳播銷售工具的企業來說,該如何將網站的訊息正確地傳達給瀏覽者是重要議題之一。本研究挪用並調整法國符號學者Roland Barthes提出的圖文兼具的廣告文本研究取徑,據以分析房地產建案網站的文本,希冀能發掘網站文本中的符號意義指涉及其運作形式。本文發現,經由刻意的設計,網路文本限制了意義可能的開展,運用圖文符號的預設意義功能、以及情境意義功能等,將建案網站的核心意義保持單一,以方便建案行銷人員進行行銷推廣活動。 / We have entered an era in which hypertext has become a major information source for the audience. Hypertext allows the Internet surfers customize reading path based on their personal interests. However, the infinite hyperlinks between web-pages pose a challenge to marketing and advertising professionals. The study intends to describe the signifying process of the website texts based on Roland Barthes’ image-text analytical approach. We first appropriate Barthes’ analytical method by taking the features of websites into consideration. Secondly, we choose three real-estate websites and analyze the signifying process of these web messages. We conclude that commercial websites frames website viewers’ perception by utilizing the anchorage and relay functions proposed by Barthes. That is, the meanings of samples under this study are limited to a single voice so as to strengthen the persuasion effects.

台灣家具平面廣告之符號消費研究 / The Symbolic Consumption of Furniture Print Advertisements in Taiwan

林怡均, Lin, Yi-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
現代消費社會籠罩在濃厚的符號性消費氛圍之下,「家具」也從純功能性的物件轉變為符號價值高的象徵性消費商品。本研究以Roland Barthes的圖像符號理論為基礎,試圖分析台灣的家具平面廣告,探究這些廣告的符號運作原則,以及隱含於家具消費背後的社會文化價值。從居家設計雜誌《ARCH雅砌》與《室內interior》中選取二十三則家具廣告,並依據廣告的主題與文本特性分為五個類別,進行深入分析。本研究發現,家具平面廣告的圖像訊息常依循「堆疊引申」與「二元對立」兩種意義建構過程,自然化物件的並置,堆砌出各種符號指涉系統;此外,在家具廣告中,文字訊息能同時對圖像訊息產生預設意義與情境意義的功能,但多對圖像進行「預設意義」的作用。本研究進一步發現,多數的家具廣告未建構出一個「家庭」的氛圍,而僅是搭築一個富含指涉意義的家具展示空間,利用這個空間極力強調西方文化的優越性,而西化的氛圍指涉了高級的生活型態。最後,研究結果顯示,在家具消費的領域中,社會階層、品味與文化資本皆影響了消費者行為,驗證了Baudrillard與Bourdieu等學者的符號消費理論。 / Modern society operates behind a shroud of symbolic consumption. Home furniture consumption, as an example, has been altered from purely functional to highly symbolic. Based on Roland Barthes’ pictorial semiotic theory, this paper attempts to analyze the print advertisements of furniture in Taiwan in order to clarify the signifying process of these furniture print ads and the socio-cultural values embedded in the Taiwan’s furniture consumption. Twenty-three print ads selected from popular design magazines, Arch and interior, are categorized into five groups according to their thematic and textual characteristics. The research finds that the iconic messages of these print ads are mostly in the pattern of “refrain” and “binary-opposition” utilizing “naturalization of objects” to construct symbolic meanings. Furthermore, the meaning of iconic message is frequently restrained by the linguistic message in terms of “anchorage,” although both “anchorage” and “relay” may both function in the print ad simultaneously. Most of the furniture advertisements didn’t construct a “home” atmosphere, but only a space to display furniture products and build rich referential meaning. The superiority of western culture is strongly emphasized; westernized ambience signifies the high-class life style. Finally, the research results indicate that in the case of furniture purchase, consumer behavior involves social class, taste, and cultural capital, which confirm Baudrillard’s and Bourdieu’s theories of symbolic consumption.


黃奕珍, HUANG, YI-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文計一冊,約十一餘萬字,主要以西方之符號學理論對李益詩做實際的剖析、 評價、一共分為六章: 第一章緒論:說明研究李益及其詩作之動機,所欲採用的方法及章節之安排。 第二章符號學的文學運用:介紹基本的符號學概念,並歸納數位符號學家及文學批評 家的學說,整理出一套批評中國古典詩的模式,以為實際批評時之標準。 第三章李益的生平及著作:考述作者生平及著作流傳之情形,作為實際批評之參考; 並將李益詩篇依內容大致分為六類,以為下兩章實際批評的基礎。 第四章李益詩剖析(一)從軍詩:實際批評李益詩作中最特出的從軍詩,並附評論。 第五章李益詩剖析(二):分別實際批評李益之抒懷、詠史、送別、贈答、遊歷及其 他詩作。 第六章結論:前半部總評李益詩之特點及其在文學史上應占的地位;後半部則針對符 號學模式之實際應用提出個人的省思。 研究結困顯示,採用符號學式的批評方法,不但可以正確有效地閱讀詩篇,從而對詩 作本身產生較全面、深刻的了解,同時也能更進一步地認識詩篇寫作之時的文學現象 ,文學傳統及社會、文化等層面,而這方法的純熟與知識的累積,又使我們在面對新 的文學作品時,能夠提出更精確銳利的批評意見。


王念綺, Wang,Daphne Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣社會中健康商品與療法種類繁多,健康似乎成為了全民追求的目標。疾病型態的轉變,使得慢性病較急性病更為困擾大眾。然而正統醫療對於慢性病較難有效治療、易引發副作用以及醫病關係的疏離,使得強調自然、無副用的另類醫療的發展迅速,而芳香療法即是另類醫療深入民眾生活的最佳例證。許多芳香療法衍生商品於市場上流通,業者並於媒體中傳遞健康為個人責任,並塑造出人人都需接受治療的氛圍,亦間接造成醫療領域的擴張現象。這種促使大眾對於健康的追求,卻漸漸淪為資本主義商業體系下謀利的意識型態,而媒體亦成為傳遞商品化意識型態的場域。 媒體報導為影響民眾健康資訊的重要來源,因此本研究選擇新聞報導中對於對於芳香療法多所著墨者做為分析對象,來探討現今社會中另類醫療的媒體再現、醫療化與健康商品化的現象。首先,本研究將整理健康與疾病的定義,以及正統與另類醫療的特點;再來,將對於醫療化、健康促進與商品化做一文獻探討,且以符號學為分析方法,探究芳香療法新聞報導中的另類醫療特質如何再現,以及其外延意義、內涵意義與迷思。最後,本研究更進一步地剖析文本中所蘊涵的醫療化與商品化意識型態,藉此提醒大眾於閱讀媒體中健康相關訊息時,能有更警覺與批判之意識。

台灣搖滾樂評研究 / A study on rock criticism in Taiwan

袁行耑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討台灣搖滾樂評反映的美學價值,以及樂評人在實踐評論時如何自我展現以確立其發言地位。 搖滾樂一直是大眾音樂中非常重要的一類,而評論是影響、詮釋搖滾樂發展中的重要論述,樂評不只可左右讀者對作品的看法,也是最能展現書寫者個人風格的文體。 本研究結構主義符號學為分析工具,以毗鄰軸為基礎,檢視樂評人如何將概念相互連結;系譜軸方面則探討樂評人選擇的字句詞彙,以及這些選擇反映出的價值,另一方面則將帶入Bourdieu文化資本的概念,詮釋樂評人如何展現自身品味,以及達到的效果,最後統整搖滾樂評的特徵,並分析樂評展現出的迷思。 研究結果發現,搖滾樂評主要依據五大標準:嚴肅性、反商業和反主流、創新性、真誠、經典傳承。對嚴肅性的要求,反應在搖滾樂評偏好作品有主題,主題可大可小,但必須言之有物;反商業和反主流是重視作品能否顛覆商業慣例,是否維持自我風格,而不附和流行;創新性顯示在樂評對作品的創意的要求,除了實質的創新之外,有沒有創新的企圖也會成為評價的依據;真誠表現在創作者的自我表達,以及作品促成聽眾情感共鳴的程度;因為經典作品和搖滾樂的發展密切相關,使樂評人除了崇尚經典,習於以經典評價新作,也偏好和經典相似的作品。而樂評人在論述過程中進行權力展示,以修辭和文化資本的進行象徵鬥爭,一方面展示生活風格,形塑個人形象,同時藉此累積象徵資本,用以區別自己與其他樂評人,加強說服力,鞏固發言地位。   樂評採用的標準本身除了指涉意涵不清之外,更有自我矛盾的問題,但樂評人並未真正提出質疑,反而不斷以去脈絡化的論述實踐這些標準,使得「理想的搖滾樂」的迷思得以持續維繫。


謝宗翰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究世貿展場中以showgirl為促銷策略的運作方式與細節,試圖解讀隱藏於showgirl現象背後的意識形態結構,從而對以性訴求為主要說服策略的商業與消費行為提出批判。 本文回顧歷年相關報導與研究發現,showgirl逐漸從過往單純的產品解說員變成訴求性感、分飾多角的3C展場焦點,乃隨廠商需求、消費習性與社會文化而變遷。而雖然性訴求策略仍難斷言其效果,訴求性感的showgirl活動仍被3C廠商普遍採用,並且呈現出刻板單一的性感女性形象。 為了深入剖析展場showgirl活動,本研究援用Saussure提出的毗鄰軸/系譜軸分析法,以及Barthes的意識形態分析,針對所收集之五個個案中十七個足以代表3C展場showgirl活動樣貌的事件,進行深入的解讀。研究發現,3C展場活動的敘事符號結構,重點其實就是以穿著暴露的showgirl來貫串整個敘事脈絡,一切的目的在以性感、性化、提供性想像的showgirl作為酬庸,換取男性消費者的駐足參與,從而將showgirl物化為感官消費的商品,以順利達成廠商的銷售目標。 據此,本研究對3C展場showgirl活動提出兩項批評:(一)廠商在缺乏仔細思考下挪用性訴求說服策略於3C展場,反而將真正重要的產品利益與消費者需求邊緣化;(二)以男性消費者為目標的性訴求策略,枉顧女性消費者權益,也枉顧不關注showgirl活動的男性消費者,並將所有男性視為同質性的群體,如此偏狹的性別認知及其所造成的消費者歧視,無論對兩性與社會,都是深刻的傷害。 / This research aims to explore the function and details of “showgirls as a marketing strategy” in Taipei World Trade Center. The goal is to interpret the ideology structure hidden behind the showgirl phenomena, and to criticize adopting “sex appeal” as a persuasion strategy of consumption. Relating news reports and researches point out that the role of showgirls alters from simple product narrator to eye-catching sexy babe in 3C mall, which results from the demand of suppliers, consumption habits and social culture. Though the effect of sex appeal has not been proved yet, sexy showgirl activities still prevail, while the showgirls are molded into the stereotype of sexy female image. In order to interpret the showgirl activities in World Trade Center, Saussure’s syntagm and paradigm and Barthes’ ideology analysis are applied to seventeen cases out of five core events that can sketch the showgirl incidents. The research indicates that the whole point of the 3C mall narrative structure is the half-naked showgirls, and the purpose is to present these sexy, sexual and sexually-imaginative showgirls as rewards for male consumers’ attention and gaze. Showgirls are so objectified as products of sensuous consumption to achieve the sales-volume goal. Therefore, the research offers two criticisms regarding the showgirl activities in 3C malls: 1. the suppliers adopt sex appeal persuasion strategy without thorough consideration, which results in the marginalization of product benefits and consumer needs. 2. Aiming at the male consumers, the sex appeal strategy disregards the interactions of female consumers and also those male consumers who are not attracted by showgirls. Neglecting the variation of male consumers, such a narrow gender definition and the discrimination towards consumers does a serious damage to both sexes and the society.

廣告如何說故事? —從符號觀點分析全國電子「足感心」系列廣告 / How advertising tell stories?:semiotics analysis of Chua-Kuo-Tiu-Tzu commercials

吳肇倫 Unknown Date (has links)
本文運用符號學及敘事學作為工具,對全國電子「足感心」系列廣告進行文本分析,希望透過符號觀點的研究,了解企業品牌如何運用廣告來進行故事行銷,以及廣告在文本實作的層次上,其敘事與符號意義指涉的策略為何,故事的說服功能又如何產生。 研究發現,全國電子利用情節的互動,刻畫了貧困家庭在物質需求與親情間的壓抑與拉扯,並藉著敘事上的鋪陳,讓品牌化身為生活難題的解決者。透過故事情境的描寫,全國電子讓原本商業氣息濃厚的促銷宣傳,變成了溫暖有情的企業關懷,品牌也搖身一變成為弱勢族群的扶持者,成功的在目標消費者心中建立起好感度。為了讓這樣的故事更具戲劇張力,廣告中更利用各種符號指標,來形塑角色「勞工階級」的身分設定,呈現其低社經地位、低生活水平的「小人物」特質。此外,故事裡也運用「本土」作為符號選擇的原則,來具體打造廣告文本的氛圍、場景與角色,並訴求相關的社會迷思來幫助敘事的進行。這使得「足感心」廣告文本不僅塑造了鮮明的文本風格,在文化方面,也扣合了台灣社會仍持續發展的本土化運動,博得了更多在地族群的認同。 而藉著「足感心」廣告的案例分析,本研究也從故事行銷的角度出發,將分析所得的發現與文獻整合,並提出一個發想廣告故事腳本的策略流程,供廣告實務人員參考。 / This research takes perspectives from semiotics and applies the methodology of semiotics and narratology to analyse Chua-Kuo-Tiu-Tzu commercials. The main goal of this research is to reveal the brands how to use “story marketing” with commercial films, including the strategy of story-telling and signs-indicating within text, and how to persuade comsumers into buying by stories. The result shows, Chua-Kuo-Tiu-Tzu decipts the poor families’ dilemma of satisfying material demand or considering mutual financial difficulties, and takes itself as the resolution of the families’ problems in the story. Through stories, Chua-Kuo-Tiu-Tzu translates business promotion into concern about the the minority, and presents itself as a supporter of economically disadvantaged people,which makes favorable impression on the target comsumers. To make the commercials more dramatic and heart-stirring, Chua-Kuo-Tiu-Tzu also uses lots of “indexs” to build up labor characters in the stories, show their low Socioeconomic status and living standard to express their characteristic of “nobody”. Besides, Chua-Kuo-Tiu-Tzu makes use of “locality” as the principle of signs selection in the stories to establish the scenes and characters in the comercials, and appeal to the connected myths to smooth the narration of the stories. It makes the commercials distinct and earns the recognition from the local people in the context of the localization in Taiwan. Moreover, focusing on linking story marketing, this research imtegrates the result of the analysis and literature to construct a strategical model that is able to direct the creation of commercial stories for advertisement employees.

企業領導人的形象建構與管理 : 以傑克威爾許為例 / The image management of business leaders - Case Study of Jack Welch

鄭繡瑩, Cheng, Hsiu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
企業領導人與企業具有密不可分的關係。企業領導人的一舉一動,牽動著公眾對企業的觀感,已經不單屬於個人事務範疇。企業領導人的形象管理儼然已成為控制企業形象風險的重要環節,身為公關人員,肩負企業對內對外溝通的重責大任,應該更有系統的對企業領導人進行形象管理,發揮引導作用、限制其可能的負面作用。 本研究探討的研究問題有三:一、從符號研究的觀點分析被封為二十世紀最佳經理人威爾許的形象。二、從符號研究的觀點理解新聞媒體的企業領導人形象建構原則。三、據此形象建構原則,對公關實務人員進行企業領導人的形象建構與管理,提出建議。 本研究針對國內三大主流商業媒體:《商業周刊》、《天下雜誌》、《遠見雜誌》有關威爾許相關報導進行文本分析,透過符號研究取徑的理論性探討、歸納其符號運作策略以及邏輯。研究結果如下: 從符號研究的觀點分析被封為二十世紀最佳經理人威爾許的形象。批評威爾許的力道從不手軟,環似在負面聲量中,威爾許仍贏得一身的美譽。許多原義為負面意涵的辭彙,套在威爾許身上,隨之轉化為正面的讚許。其中威爾許形象的翻轉,一部份取決於框架的角度,也就是符號裝置的選擇;另一部份取決於框架內符號的翻轉,包含「藉由負面符號與正面意涵的連結,翻轉符號由負面為正面」、「運用量化數字的轉喻,彰顯威爾許的領導管理才能」、「透過其他成功人士的隱喻,拉台威爾許的成就與地位」。 進一步分析「從符號研究的觀點理解新聞媒體的企業領導人形象建構原則」,可歸納為以下要點:一、形象符號的建構需與其本身本質與其所投放的訊息相符。二、形象符號的建構需將當下時代社會氛圍納入考量。三、形象符號的建構需先釐清主要(優先)利益關係人與其立場。四、運用符號的轉喻,以部份代替全體,可以暗示欲建構的形象。五、透過隱喻以「熟悉」代替不熟悉的,有利於進行形象溝通與拉抬。六、符號與符號之間可以透過意涵的連結,進行意義的翻轉,進而重塑形象。七、名人與主流媒體的背書,可以協助形塑輿論風向。八、形象建構為動態過程,需隨時監控與調整。 / Business leaders and companies are thus closely linked and inseparable. Every movement of the business leaders could possibly affect the public's perception for the companies, and furthermore it can’t be considered as the category of personal affairs. Image Management of business leaders has become the crucial point to control the risk of the corporate image management. As a public relations officer, one should take the responsibility of corporate internal/external communication management so that possible negative effects as a result of poor image management could be alleviated. The present study raises three research questions: First of all, taking the perspective of Semiotics, what kinds of images were presented by Jack Welch, one of the best manager in the twentieth century? Second, what signs were used to construct the images of this business leader? What are the principles of signification? Third, according to the image construction principles, we wish to provide useful suggestions for the public relations practitioners and business leaders nowadays. In this study, the media texts under semiotic analysis are from three major domestic mainstream commercial media: "Business Weekly", "Common Wealth Magazine” and " Global Views Monthly". The results are as follows: Taking the perspective of semiotics, we find that although Welch was called the best professional manager, people were never stopped criticizing him. However, many negative implications for the original meaning of the wordings used in the media text under analysis, seems to be converted into positive ones in the context of reporting Welch’s accomplishment. On one hand, this conversion of meanings depends on the angle the frame, on the other depends on the mixed signs in a certain context. That is, Welch could be portrayed as a cruel guy (negative in connotation) but being cruel is necessary to save the corporation (positive in connotation). By combining these two seemingly contradictory connotations the whole meaning of the media text become positive. In addition, by using quantitative figures of metonymy, Welch's leadership management skills were highlighted by media reports, and by using the metaphor of accomplishments of other successful people Welch achievements and status were also established. What are the principles of signification? First, principles of the image construction need to be matched their own corporate nature consistent with the messages delivered. Second, we need to take into consideration of the social environment when analyzing Welch’s image construction process. Third, we need to fully understand what stakeholders’ stances are when analyzing image construction process. Fourth, the strategy of metonymy to substitute part of the whole helps to construct a successful image. Fifth, through the metaphor by using the "familiar" signs instead of the unfamiliar ones, we can help to construct a positive image. Sixth, a sign with originally negative connotations could be converted to positive ones when Welch’s management skills are new and innovative implied by the media contexts. Seven, the mainstream media and celebrity endorsement can help to shape public opinions. Eight, the image construction process needs to be constantly monitored and adjusted.

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