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台北地區小劇場之文化生產場域分析(1986-1995)-從「收編論」談起 / Incorporation or Not: The Field-Analysis of Cultural Production on Taipei's Little Theatre (1986-1995)戴君芳, Tai, Chun-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本論文嘗試從法國當代社會學家Pierre Bourdieu 的「文化生產場域」出發,期能為在地的小劇場研究提供一個全新的分析視野。鑑於「收編論」所引發的諸多爭議乃是小劇場當前迫切需要解決的問題,而問題癥結之所在又涉及小劇場的「反體制」定位,因此有必要重新檢視「小劇場運動」的興起與轉型。本文章節的安排如下:第一章為導論,主要在指出一般收編論辯的盲點,以及「場域」分析的適切性,作為本文的起始點。第二章則探討Bourdieu的文化生產場域,並提出本文的中心問題與研究架構。第三章重新檢視「小劇場運動」(1986-1989) 的萌發,以及藝術中介機制如何挪用以型塑神聖的光環,而成為象徵暴力的來源。第四章探討九0年代小劇場可能性空間的轉型,這個轉型主要遭受文化生產場域內部兩個層級化原則的挑戰,以及文化正當性危機。我們並以一個空間圖式分析當前戲劇場域的結構。最後第五章,將回到收編論的主戰場(1994人間劇展),並以此作為總結。由於媒體介入辦展的特性,因此討論的重心同時擴及劇展的媒體呈現與信念的生產。研究結果指出:
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台灣搖滾樂評研究 / A study on rock criticism in Taiwan袁行耑 Unknown Date (has links)
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災難資訊的正當性爭奪--莫拉克風災資訊彙整平台之行動探討 / Legitimacy competition of disaster information: a study of the mobilization of information platforms in morakot typhoon曾上嘉, Tseng, Shang Chia Unknown Date (has links)
透過次級資料收集和對資訊平台行動者的田野深度訪談發現,災情資訊平台有效性的問題不只是討論行動者擁有社會條件為何,更有趣的是行動者如何從中衍生有效性論述,並建構一套擬似「客觀」有效性標準,作為區隔他者資訊平台進而確立自身正當性的說法。借用Bourdieu象徵鬥爭(symbolic struggle)的分析觀點,對行動者如何進行資訊平台有效性的論述進一步分析。從行動者的有效性論述邏輯中,浮現一個爭奪資訊平台正當性的意見場域。災難情境作為一個突發性的例外狀態,不在政府例行化運作機制可以反應的程度,也因此使其原本作為救災以及災情資訊掌握的正統角色有了被挑戰的機會,而民間災情平台的集體行動則是挑戰此正當性的「異端」,透過網路開放式和平權化的特性,因而得以作到社會性的災情通報、彙整和溝通傳遞的資訊系統。
資訊平台的行動者作為一種網路動員並非僅是匿名而隨機的網友匯集,核心行動者多是屬於網路資訊圈或自由軟體的社群,其共享某些知識、價值或文化氛圍。他們熟悉網路資訊的傳遞或各種網站架構技術,再加上日常以網路資訊為共同興趣的聚會或交流形成不同的社群圈以及相對情感關係更緊密的「小圈圈」。線上、離線社交互動是跨越時、空限制的延續,彼此熟悉的程度高、信任度也高,也因此能協力完成高度動態分工的災情平台架構和維持。其他透過間接關係從網路上召募而來的資訊志工,則是受到災難感的情境影響,較平時更有機會產生對於組織或運作機制的系統信任。而災情資訊平台的有效性,除了建立在在網際網路技術物的開放和平權特性條件外,同時也在於行動者建構有效性論述,讓網路動員持續具有正當性,在災難情境中召喚更多人投入,形成另一股相對於「失靈」政府的公民動員的力量。 / This study aims at discussing the factors of information effectiveness presented in several online platforms built for Typhoon Morakot when it attacked Taiwan. Previous researches which have discussed information flows on the Internet during or after disasters focused on the media effect of the Internet. However, online information platforms built for Typhoon Morakot disaster were not only about the internet technology, but presented a social phenomenon of online mobilization. Based on this observation, this study underlines the discourse and relationship of the key actors ─ the bloggers and engineers, who constructed 4 major information platforms, and explored how these social factors make information platforms possible and effective. The methods of this research are through interview and second-hand data collection, and two results are analyzed and concluded as key factors which contribute to the effectiveness of information platforms.
First, not only the actors’ technology or media background play an important role in effective problem of information platform but also their discourses about information effectiveness, which were based on their social conditions, were crucial. The key actors constructed seemingly “objective” standard in their discourse to justify their platforms’ legitimacy for distinguishing theirs from others. Borrowing Bourdieu’s theoretical lens of Symbolic Struggle, this study analyzed the context of actor’s discourses and found different logics of information effectiveness which emerged a field of opinion of discourse for legitimacy completion; at the same time, the government’s failure in dealing with the disasters as the background of the information platform’s appearing is also closely connected to legitimacy competition. The catastrophe that Typhoon Morakot brought to Taiwan was far beyond the government’s routinely mechanism can response to, and challenged government as the only orthodoxy of disaster information and rescue. Hence, civic action mobilized in delivering disaster information on several important internet platforms was the heterodoxy to challenge orthodoxy’s legitimacy. All these mobilization and competition of discourse are possible because of the open and equal-right characters of the Internet.
Second, the online mobilization of information platform was not based on people’s random gathering, but based on most of the key actors belong to specific “circles”, such as those from the internet information or open-source communities. In the communities, these people are all interested in internet-related topics and are familiar with online communication technology. Moreover, they became much closer circles by regular meeting and daily communicating on social media and off-line parties for their common interest: internet and information. Their bonds and relationships are formed by intensive on-line and off-line daily practices which brought mutual understanding and trust ─ that is why they could work together and cooperate to keep the platform working.
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