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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interactions between platelets and complement with implications for the regulation at surfaces

Nilsson, Per H. January 2012 (has links)
Disturbances of host integrity have the potential to evoke activation of innate immunologic and hemostatic protection mechanisms in blood. Irrespective of whether the activating stimulus is typically immunogenic or thrombotic, it will generally affect both the complement system and platelets to a certain degree. The theme of this thesis is complement and platelet activity, which is intersected in all five included papers. The initial aim was to study the responses and mechanisms of the complement cascade in relation to platelet activation. The secondary aim was to use an applied approach to regulate platelets and complement on model biomaterial and cell surfaces.    Complement activation was found in the fluid phase in response to platelet activation in whole blood. The mechanism was traced to platelet release of stored chondroitin sulfate-A (CS-A) and classical pathway activation via C1q. C3 was detected at the platelet surface, though its binding was independent of complement activation. The inhibitors factor H and C4-binding protein (C4BP) were detected on activated platelets, and their binding was partly dependent on surface-exposed CS-A. Collectively, these results showed that platelet activation induces inflammatory complement activation in the fluid phase. CS-A was shown to be a central molecule in the complement-modulatory functions of platelets by its interaction with C1q, C4BP, and factor H. Platelet activation and surface adherence were successfully attenuated by conjugating an ADP-degrading apyrase on a model biomaterial. Only minor complement regulation was seen, and was therefore targeted specifically on surfaces and cells by co-immobilizing a factor H-binding peptide together with the apyrase. This combined approach led to a synchronized inhibition of both platelet and complement activation at the interface of biomaterials/xenogeneic cells and blood. In conclusion, here presents a novel crosstalk-mechanism for activation of complement when triggering platelets, which highlights the importance of regulating both complement and platelets to lower inflammatory events. In addition, a strategy to enhance the biocompatibility of biomaterials and cells by simultaneously targeting ADP-dependent platelet activation and the alternative complement C3-convertase is proposed.

Automatizované sledování pohybujících se objektů pomocí robotického manipulátoru / Automated object tracking using robotic manipulator

Zelený, Miroslav January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the tracking of objects using a robotic manipulator Epson C3 and a color camera. The work describes the basic qualities of the device to be used. The OpenCV library and its wrapper EmguCV are used as software tools for computer vision. It discusses the basic issues and principles of tracking objects in the image and introduces some methods of tracking. These methods have been tested and therefore their strengths and weaknesses, which appeared during testing, are listed here. Furthermore, there is a procedure for calculating the new coordinates of the camera and the manipulator effector using homogeneous transformations. The work contains the results of testing the algorithms and their evaluation. The output of the work is a test application for the Epson C3 robot.

Interactive Effects of Elevated CO2 and Salinity on Three Common Grass Species

Moxley, Donovan J. 14 August 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Carbon dioxide (CO2) level in the atmosphere has increased steadily since Pre-Industrial times. The need for a better understanding of the effects of elevated CO2 on plant physiology and growth is clear. Previous studies have focused on how plants are affected by either elevated CO2 or salinity, one of many environmental stresses for plants. However, little research has been focused on the interaction of these two factors. In my project, three common grass species were exposed to both elevated CO2 and salinity, so that the effects of either of these factors and the interaction of the two on these species could be examined. The CO2 levels were set to 400 µmol mol-1, close to the current concentration, or 760 µmol mol-1, projected to be reached by the end of this century. Salt solutions of 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 mM NaCl with CaCl2 at lower rates (1% of each respective molarity for NaCl) were used to water the grasses, which are unlikely to experience prolonged exposure to salt conditions beyond this range in their natural habitats. The three common grass species studied in my experiment were Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) and red fescue (Festuca rubra L.), both C3 cool season grasses, as well as buffalo grass (Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.), a C4 warm season grass. Each treatment had five replicates, bringing the total number of experimental pots to 150. Various growth parameters were monitored, and all data was statistically analyzed for statistical significance. My results showed that elevated CO2 had a stimulating effect on most growth parameters, particularly when plants were given more time to grow. In a 100-day growth experiment, CO2 affected the number and dry biomass of plants of all species, regardless of their C3 or C¬4 photosynthetic pathways. Salinity consistently inhibited germination and growth at all stages, from germination through plant emergences, numbers of established plants, and dry biomasses at harvest. Interactive effects of CO2 and salinity did occur, though often in seemingly specific instances rather than forming clear and consistent trends. My findings suggested that growth of common grasses would be enhanced by the rising level of CO2 in the atmosphere, but the effect would be modified by environmental stresses, such as salinity.

Simulating Evapotranspiration in the Lower Maumee River Watershed Using a Modified Version of the Boreal Ecosystem Productivity Simulator (BEPS) Model and Remote Sensing

Senevirathne, Chathuranga K. 21 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Palynological studies and Holocene ecosystem dynamics in north western Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan in the Hindu Kush Himalayan region / Trends of pollen grain size variation in C3 and C4 Poaceae species using pollen morphology for future assessment of grassland ecosystem dynamics / Vegetation and pollen along a 200 km transect in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, north western Pakistan / Vegetation and climate dynamics in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, north-western Pakistan, inferred from the Kabal Swat pollen record during the last 3300 years

Farooq, Jan 30 April 2015 (has links)
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (31 ° 49'N, 70 ° 55'E bis 35 ° 50'N, 71 ° 47'E) liegt im Nordwesten Pakistans im Süden Asiens. Das Hindukusch-Gebirge in Afghanistan liegt im Westen, dem indischen Himalaya im Nordosten und die Karakorum Berge südlich vom tibetischen Hochland auf der Nordseite. Diese Arbeit besteht überwiegend aus drei separaten Studien entlang eines 200 km langen Transekts mit einem Höhengradienten ausgehend von den Sedimentbecken im Peshawar Tal (275 m ü.M.) bis hinauf zu den Malam Jabba Hills im Swat-Tal (2600 m ü.M.). Die erste Studie, die auf einer Datengrundlage von 160 Poaceae Arten beruht, zeigt Trends, dass polyploide C3- und C4-Poaceae-Arten größere Pollenkkörner als die jeweiligen diploiden Arten haben. In diesem Datensatz haben alle C4-Arten größere Pollenkörner als die C3-Arten. Ob Grassländer von C3 oder C4 Arten dominiert werden kann in verschiedenen Regionen und Lebensräumen durch die Untersuchung der Muster des Trends von zu- oder abnehmenden Pollenkorngrößen ermittelt werden. In unserem Datensatz ist Polyploidie bei C4-Gräsern häufiger als bei den C3 Arten. Die verwendete Methode kann auf Poaceae-Pollenkörner in Umweltarchiven angewendet werden, um das Klima der Vergangenheit zu rekonstruieren und die Dynamik der früheren Graslandökosysteme zu bewerten. Dieser Ansatz wird nicht nur bei laufenden paläoökologischen Studien helfen aufzuklären, wie die Änderungen der Vegetations-zusammensetzung und die Veränderungen in Biomen vergangener Graslandökosysteme zu entschlüsseln sind, sondern auch nützliche Erkenntnisse für die Vorhersage zukünftiger Entwicklungen ermöglichen. Die zweite Studie befasst sich mit modernen Pollenspektren aus Oberflächenproben und ihre Beziehung zu der umgebenden Vegetation, die nützliche Daten für die Interpretation von holozänen Pollenprofilen bietet. Dabei konnten entlang eines 200 km langen Höhengradienten vier verschiedene Höhenstufen unterschieden werden, wo die dominierenden Pflanzenfamilien, Poaceae, Asteraceae, Cyperaceae, Verbenaceae, Acanthaceae und Euphorbiaceae eine signifikante Korrelation mit dem gefunden Pollenniederschlag hatten, während sich bei anderen Familien, den Boraginaceae, Saxifragaceae, Apiaceae, Balsaminaceae und Rubiaceae große Unterschiede zu der zugehörigen Vegetationszusammensetzung ergaben. Für die Kalibrierung und Interpretation fossiler Pollendaten sollte also immer auch die aktuellen Beziehungen von Pollenniederschlag und Vegetationsdaten zumindest auf der Familienebene berücksichtigt werden. Die dritte Studie befasst sich mit einem Pollenprofil aus der Kabal Swat-Region, welches eine detaillierte Geschichte der Vegetation und des Klimas des Hindukuschs der letzten 3300 Jahre, also dem späten Holozäns enthält. Von 3300 bis 2400 cal BP, war eine subtropische semiaride krautige Vegetation hauptsächlich durch Cyperaceae- und Poaceae-Arten vertreten. Sie wurde ersetzt von gemischten Nadelwäldern mit Taxus, Pinus, sowie Juglans, Poaceae und Cyperaceae während der Zeit von 2400 bis 900 cal BP, was auf eine vergleichsweise moderate Klimaschwankung während des späten Holozäns weist. Der Rückgang der Poaceae von 2400 bis1500 cal BP und eine erneute Zunahme von 1500 bis 1200 cal BP Jahre zeigen, dass das Kabal Swat nass-kühlere und trocken-wärmere Phasen durchmachte. Nadelbäume in den gemischten Nadelwäldern treten heute bei größeren Höhe im alpinen Bereich auf. Weitere hochauflösende holozäne Pollenprofile des Hindukusch sind notwendig, um einen ausführlicheren Vergleich zu anderen süd- und zentralasiatischen Paläo-Archiven zu ermöglichen, die auch ein detaillierteres und anwendbares Wissen für Management und Naturschutzfragen ergeben.

A Radio Frequency Quadrupole Instrument for use with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: Application to Low Kinetic Energy Reactive Isobar Suppression and Gas–phase Anion Reaction Studies

Eliades, John Alexander 21 August 2012 (has links)
A radio frequency (rf) quadrupole instrument, currently known as an Isobar Separator for Anions (ISA), has been integrated into an Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) system to facilitate anion–gas reactions before the tandem accelerator. An AMS Cs+ sputter source provided > 15 keV ions that were decelerated in the prototype ISA to < 20 eV for reaction in a single collision cell and re-accelerated for AMS analysis. Reaction based isobar suppression capabilities were assessed for smaller AMS systems and a new technique for gas–phase reaction studies was developed. Isobar suppression of 36S– and 12C3– for 36Cl analysis, and YF3– and ZrF3– for 90Sr analysis were studied in NO2 with deceleration to < 12 eV. Observed attenuation cross sections, σ [x 10^–15 cm^2], were σ(S– + NO2) = 6.6, σ(C3– + NO2) = 4.2, σ(YF3– + NO2) = 7.6, σ(ZrF3– + NO2) = 19. With 8 mTorr NO2, relative attenuations of S–/Cl– ~ 10^–6, C3–/Cl– ~ 10^–7, YF3–/SrF3– ~ 5 x 10^–5 and ZrF3–/SrF3– ~ 4 x 10^–6 were observed with Cl– ~ 30% and SrF3– > 90% transmission. Current isobar attenuation limits with < 1.75 MV accelerator terminal voltage and ppm impurity levels were calculated to be 36S–/Cl– ~ 4 x 10^–16, 12C3–/Cl– ~ 1.2 x 10^–16, 90YF3–/SrF3– ~ 10^–15 and 90ZrF3–/SrF3– ~ 10^–16. Using 1.75 MV, four 36Cl reference standards in the range 4 x 10^–13 < 36Cl/Cl < 4 x 10^–11 were analyzed with 8 mTorr NO2. The measured 36Cl/Cl ratios plotted very well against the accepted values. A sample impurity content S/Cl < 6 x 10^–5 was measured and a background level of 36S–/Cl < 9 x 10^–15 was determined. Useful currents of a wide variety of anions are produced in AMS sputter sources and molecules can be identified relatively unambiguously by stripping fragments from tandem accelerators. Reactions involving YF3–, ZrF3–, S– and SO– + NO2 in the ISA analyzed by AMS are described, and some interesting reactants are identified.

A Radio Frequency Quadrupole Instrument for use with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: Application to Low Kinetic Energy Reactive Isobar Suppression and Gas–phase Anion Reaction Studies

Eliades, John Alexander 21 August 2012 (has links)
A radio frequency (rf) quadrupole instrument, currently known as an Isobar Separator for Anions (ISA), has been integrated into an Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) system to facilitate anion–gas reactions before the tandem accelerator. An AMS Cs+ sputter source provided > 15 keV ions that were decelerated in the prototype ISA to < 20 eV for reaction in a single collision cell and re-accelerated for AMS analysis. Reaction based isobar suppression capabilities were assessed for smaller AMS systems and a new technique for gas–phase reaction studies was developed. Isobar suppression of 36S– and 12C3– for 36Cl analysis, and YF3– and ZrF3– for 90Sr analysis were studied in NO2 with deceleration to < 12 eV. Observed attenuation cross sections, σ [x 10^–15 cm^2], were σ(S– + NO2) = 6.6, σ(C3– + NO2) = 4.2, σ(YF3– + NO2) = 7.6, σ(ZrF3– + NO2) = 19. With 8 mTorr NO2, relative attenuations of S–/Cl– ~ 10^–6, C3–/Cl– ~ 10^–7, YF3–/SrF3– ~ 5 x 10^–5 and ZrF3–/SrF3– ~ 4 x 10^–6 were observed with Cl– ~ 30% and SrF3– > 90% transmission. Current isobar attenuation limits with < 1.75 MV accelerator terminal voltage and ppm impurity levels were calculated to be 36S–/Cl– ~ 4 x 10^–16, 12C3–/Cl– ~ 1.2 x 10^–16, 90YF3–/SrF3– ~ 10^–15 and 90ZrF3–/SrF3– ~ 10^–16. Using 1.75 MV, four 36Cl reference standards in the range 4 x 10^–13 < 36Cl/Cl < 4 x 10^–11 were analyzed with 8 mTorr NO2. The measured 36Cl/Cl ratios plotted very well against the accepted values. A sample impurity content S/Cl < 6 x 10^–5 was measured and a background level of 36S–/Cl < 9 x 10^–15 was determined. Useful currents of a wide variety of anions are produced in AMS sputter sources and molecules can be identified relatively unambiguously by stripping fragments from tandem accelerators. Reactions involving YF3–, ZrF3–, S– and SO– + NO2 in the ISA analyzed by AMS are described, and some interesting reactants are identified.

Therapeutic Antibody Against Neisseria gonorrhoeae Lipooligosaccharide, a Phase-variable Virulence Factor

Chakraborti, Srinjoy 25 May 2017 (has links)
Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Ng) which causes gonorrhea has become multidrug-resistant, necessitating the development of novel therapeutics and vaccines. mAb 2C7 which targets an epitope within an important virulence factor, the lipooligosaccharide (LOS), is a candidate therapeutic mAb. Ninety-four percent of clinical isolates express the 2C7-epitope which is also a vaccine target. Ng expresses multiple LOS(s) due to phase-variation (pv) of LOS glycosyltransferase (lgt) genes. mAb 2C7 reactivity requires a lactose extension from the LOS core Heptose (Hep) II (i.e. lgtG ‘ON’ [G+]). Pv results in HepI with: two (2-), three (3-), four (4-), or five (5-) hexoses (Hex). How HepI glycans impact Ng infectivity and mAb 2C7 function are unknown and form the bases of this dissertation. Using isogenic mutants, I demonstrate that HepI LOS glycans modulate mAb 2C7 binding. mAb 2C7 causes complement (C’)-dependent bacteriolysis of three (2-Hex/G+, 4-Hex/G+, and 5-Hex/G+) of the HepI mutants in vitro. The 3-Hex/G+ mutant (resistant to C’-dependent bacteriolysis) is killed by neutrophils in the presence of mAb and C’. In mice, 2- and 3-Hex/G+ infections are significantly shorter than 4- and 5-Hex/G+ infections. A chimeric mAb 2C7 that hyperactivates C’, attenuates only 4- and 5-Hex/G+ infections. This study enhances understanding of the role of HepI LOS pv in gonococcal infections and shows that longer HepI glycans are necessary for prolonged infections in vivo. This is the first study that predicts in vitro efficacy of mAb 2C7 against all four targetable HepI glycans thereby strengthening the rationale for development of 2C7-epitope based vaccines and therapeutics.

Carbon Dating of Agricultural Soils and Further Understanding the Transport of CO2 Gas Using Isotopes

Zal, David 22 August 2023 (has links)
CO2 is a greenhouse gas which is significantly emitted by agricultural soils through the decomposition of plant residue and soil organic carbon. Carbon isotopes can be used in determining the source of the CO2, origin of the carbon, and the age of the CO2 emissions. This study investigates the transport of CO2 gas through agricultural soils using carbon isotopes 14C and 13C to complement concentration and production rate measurements in two comparative agricultural settings in Eastern Ontario, one of which has been modified by clearing and dredging of the adjacent riparian zone and one left undredged. Traditional radiocarbon dating measures time through loss by decay, while recent dating is based on matching measurements with the atmospheric 14CO2 signal (F14C) generated by nuclear bomb testing in the 1950s and 1960s. CO2 emissions were analyzed from soil core sections together with soil-probe gas samples and surface flux chamber samples collected from the study area. Soil cores were collected from 0- 90 cm at 7.5 cm increments and placed into IsoJar® microcosms for a period of one month. CO2 in-growth was monitored to provide production rates and samples for 14C and 13C analysis. The radiocarbon data for the microcosms showed that values increase with depth from the current fraction modern value of 1.00 F14C at the surface to an attenuated peak of 1.04 F14C at a depth of 30 to 40 cm and then decrease to values below 1.00 F14C. The data collected from the soil-probe gas showed a significant depletion in comparison to the microcosms and the surface chambers. The soil cores were subsequently analyzed by a selective leach oxidation protocol to sample decreasingly labile solid organic carbon. This involved placing the weighed soil samples into MilliQ water for 24 hours, before being passed through two sieves, 63 microns and 0.45 microns. The DOC leachate was collected and analyzed for 14C and 13C. The two solid soil fractions were then dried, treated with HCl to remove carbonate and then oxidized under vacuum with 5% H2O2 yielding CO2 and residual soil carbon for 14C and 13C. The radiocarbon analysis of these variously labile fractions, together with the microcosm and soil probe measurements, demonstrate that surface emissions at both sites are greatly dominated by CO2 from recently-sequestered labile organic carbon from the upper 30 cm with minor contribution from earlier, bomb-pulse carbon or from deeper pre-bomb carbon. No significant difference in age of emissions between the dredged and undredged sites was found.

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