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Gas turbine combustor modelling for designMurthy, J. N. January 1988 (has links)
The design and development of gas turbine combustors is a crucial but uncertain part of an engine development process. Combustion within a gas turbine is a complex interaction of, among other things, fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer and chemical kinetics. At present, the design process relies upon a wealth of experimental data and correlations. The proper use of this information requires experienced combustion engineers and even for them the design process is very time consuming. Some major engine manufacturers have attempted to address the above problem by developing one dimensional computer programs based on the above test and empirical data to assist combustor designers. Such programs are usually proprietary. The present work, based on this approach has yielded DEPTH, a combustor design program. DEPTH ( Design and Evaluation of Pressure, Temperature and Heat transfer in combustors) is developed in Fortran-77 to assist in preliminary design and evaluation of conventional gas turbine combustion chambers. DEPTH can be used to carry out a preliminary design along with prediction of the cooling slots for a given metal temperature limit or to evaluate heat transfer and temperatures for an existing combustion chamber. Analysis of performance parameters such as efficiency, stability and NOx based on stirred reactor theories is also coupled. DEPTH is made sufficiently interactive/user-friendly such that no prior expertise is required as far as computer operation is concerned. The range of variables such as operating conditions, geometry, hardware, fuel type can all be effectively examined and their contribution towards the combustor performance studied. Such comprehensive study should provide ample opportunity for the designer to make the right decisions. It should also be an effective study aid. Returns in terms of higher thermal efficiencies is an incentive to go for combined cycles and cogeneration. In such cases, opting for higher cycle pressures together with a second or reheat combustor promise higher thermal efficiencies and exhaust temperatures and hence such designs are likely to be of interest. The concepts that are needed for understanding a double or reheat combustor are also addressed using the programme. A specific application of the programme is demonstrated through the design of a double combustor.
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Analysing the Effects of Incentives and Model Attributes on CAD Model Creation and Alteration / Analyzing the Effects of Incentives and Model Attributes on CAD Model Creation and AlterationDiwakaran, Ram Prasad 2010 December 1900 (has links)
Modern computer-aided design (CAD) systems have contributed significantly towards product development cycle time reduction and product quality improvement. To enhance the performance of CAD systems engineers must be able to create CAD models of conceptual designs quickly; at the same time CAD models must be easy to alter, so as to accommodate the rapid changes that the design undergoes through the lifecycle. However, there is no agreement in the way CAD models should be created to accomplish these goals. This work attempts to assess the effects of incentives on CAD model attributes during model creation and alteration; the effects of CAD model attributes on alteration are also investigated. Its aim is to derive prescriptions based on empirical evidence to improve CAD model creation and alteration efficiency.
The CAD models under study are created by three sets of participants – students from a junior level CAD course, students from a senior level CAD course and experienced engineers involved in product development activities. The participants are incentivized to create and alter CAD models of designs they are provided with. The results indicate that upon removal of incentives, engineers (both students and professionals) tend to compromise on proper modeling procedures. Experts are quicker and adhere to commonly agreed correct modeling procedures during CAD model creation and alteration than students. The results also indicate that it is beneficial for alteration to construct a model with several simple features as opposed to a few complex features and that these features be fully constrained. Maintaining the traditional feature sequence improves the perception of the model. The retention and alteration of features (as opposed to deletion) is also shown to be positively correlated with model perception ratings.
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Obrobitelnost kompresních kol z titanových slitin / On the Machinability of Compression Titanium-Alloys WheelsPepin, Faustin January 2012 (has links)
Nespornou vyhodou počítačem podporované výroby (CAM) je výrazná časová úspora při přípravě obráběcího programu. Asociativita je jedním z řešení, její místo v rámci přípravy výrobku se nachází mezi hlavní konstrukcí a technologií podniku. Pro studium asociativity byl použity CAD/CAM modely kompresoru, který díky své komplexní geomtrii posloužil jaky dobrý příklad. Tato práce se podtrhuje omezené možnosti asociativity, především pokud jde o realizaci obráběcího programu pro součást tvořenou více prvky. Dále v této studii budou prezentovány jisté možnosti zlepšení procesu. Studie asociativity v této práci je zaměřena především na obrábění, tedy její aplikace jsou využívány zejména ve oborech jako je automobilový průmysl, letectví, kosmický průmysl či stavebnictví. Kompresor studovaný v této práci je vyroben ze slitiny titanu Ti-6Al-4V a jedná se o součást využívanou v kosmickém průmyslu. Jelikož se jsou jeho rozměry velmi malé, jsou pro jeho obrábění nezbytné velmi přesné nástroje a vysoké řezné rychlosti. Tato práce představuje odlišné strategie obrábění navrhnuté pro výrobu kompresoru, společně s analýzou výsledků. Po počáteční přípravě výroby následují dvě hlavní etpy : editace programu v CATII V5 a jeho ověření v NCSimul8.
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Parametric human spine modellingCeran, Murat January 2006 (has links)
3-D computational modelling of the human spine provides a sophisticated and cost-effective medium for bioengineers, researchers, and ergonomics designers in order to study the biomechanical behaviour of the human spine under different loading conditions. Developing a generic parametric computational human spine model to be employed in biomechanical modelling introduces a considerable potential to reduce the complexity of implementing and amending the intricate spinal geometry. The main objective of this research is to develop a 3-D parametric human spine model generation framework based on a command file system, by which the parameters of each vertebra are read from the database system, and then modelled within commercial 3-D CAD software. A novel data acquisition and generation system was developed as a part of the framework for determining the unknown vertebral dimensions, depending on the correlations between the parameters estimated from existing anthropometrical studies in the literature. The data acquisition system embodies a predictive methodology that comprehends the relations between the features of the vertebrae by employing statistical and geometrical techniques. Relations amongst vertebral parameters such as golden ratio were investigated and successfully implemented into the algorithms. The validation of the framework was carried out by comparing the developed 3-D computational human spine models against various real life human spine data, where good agreements were achieved. The constructed versatile framework possesses the capability to be utilised as a basis for quickly and effectively developing biomechanical models of the human spine such as finite element models.
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El proyecto de investigación propuesto se enmarca dentro del área de diseño de producto con aplicaciones de modelado sólido CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing). Concretamente, se pretende hacer un estudio de las herramientas de anotación asociativas disponibles en las aplicaciones comerciales de modelado CAD con el fin de analizar su uso, viabilidad, eficiencia y efectos en la modificación y reutilización de modelos digitales 3D, así como en la gestión y comunicación del conocimiento técnico vinculado al diseño.
La idea principal de esta investigación doctoral es establecer un método para representar y evaluar el conocimiento implícito de los ingenieros de diseño acerca de un modelo digital, así como la integración dinámica de dicho conocimiento en el propio modelo CAD, a través de anotaciones, con el objetivo de poder almacenar y comunicar eficientemente la mayor cantidad de información útil acerca del modelo, y reducir el tiempo y esfuerzo requeridos para su alteración y/o reutilización. / Dorribo Camba, J. (2014). ANNOTATION MECHANISMS TO MANAGE DESIGN KNOWLEDGE IN COMPLEX PARAMETRIC MODELS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON ALTERATION AND REUSABILITY [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/45997
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SkiPo – Ein skizzen- und portbasiertes Modell für die Entwicklung von mechanischen SystemenGrundel , Martin, Abulawi, Jutta 10 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Dieser Beitrag stellt ein neues, hybrides Modell für die Entwicklung mechanischer und mechatronischer Systeme vor. Ziel ist es, die derzeitig bestehende Lücke zwischen abstrakten Funktionsmodellen und sehr konkreten, geometrieorientierten 3D-CAD-Modellen zu überbrücken. Das hier vorgestellte SkiPo-Modell beschreibt die Interaktionen zwischen den Komponenten eines Systems basierend auf den zugehörigen Material-, Energie- und Signalflüssen. Ergänzt wird diese abstrakte Darstellung mit Skizzen, die wichtige Konstruktionsentscheidungen in einer strukturierten, semistandardisierten Weise dokumentieren. Das Ziel dieser hybriden Modellierung ist es, die unvermeidbaren Iterationen zwischen abstrakten und sehr detaillierten Betrachtungen von mechanischen und mechatronischen Systemen in der frühen Phase der Produktentstehung zu unterstützen. In Erprobungen mit Studentengruppen zeigte sich, dass dieser Modellierungsansatz das Verständnis und die Kommunikation im Team fördern kann.
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Model Based Aircraft Control System Design and SimulationM Venkata, Raghu Chaitanya January 2009 (has links)
<p>Development of modern aircraft has become more and more expensive and time consuming. In order to minimize the development cost, an improvement of the conceptual design phase is needed. The desired goal of the project is to enhance the functionality of an in house produced framework conducted at the department of machine design, consisting of parametric models representing a large variety of aircraft concepts.</p><p>The first part of the work consists of the construction of geometric aircraft control surfaces such as flaps, aileron, rudder and elevator parametrically in CATIA V5.</p><p>The second part of the work involves designing and simulating an Inverse dynamic model in Dymola software.</p><p>An Excel interface has been developed between CATIA and Dymola. Parameters can be varied in the interface as per user specification; these values are sent to CATIA or Dymola and vice versa. The constructed concept model of control surfaces has been tested for different aircraft shapes and layout. The simulation has been done in Dymola for the control surfaces.</p>
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Model Based Aircraft Control System Design and SimulationM Venkata, Raghu Chaitanya January 2009 (has links)
Development of modern aircraft has become more and more expensive and time consuming. In order to minimize the development cost, an improvement of the conceptual design phase is needed. The desired goal of the project is to enhance the functionality of an in house produced framework conducted at the department of machine design, consisting of parametric models representing a large variety of aircraft concepts. The first part of the work consists of the construction of geometric aircraft control surfaces such as flaps, aileron, rudder and elevator parametrically in CATIA V5. The second part of the work involves designing and simulating an Inverse dynamic model in Dymola software. An Excel interface has been developed between CATIA and Dymola. Parameters can be varied in the interface as per user specification; these values are sent to CATIA or Dymola and vice versa. The constructed concept model of control surfaces has been tested for different aircraft shapes and layout. The simulation has been done in Dymola for the control surfaces.
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Reconstruction de modèles CAO de scènes complexes à partir de nuages de points basés sur l’utilisation de connaissances a priori / Reconstruction of CAD model of industrial scenes using a priori knowledgeBey, Aurélien 25 June 2012 (has links)
Certaines opérations de maintenance sur sites industriels nécessitent une planification à partir de modèles numériques 3D des scènes où se déroulent les interventions. Pour permettre la simulation de ces opérations, les modèles 3D utilisés doivent représenter fidèlement la réalité du terrain. Ces représentations virtuelles sont habituellement construites à partir de nuages de points relevés sur le site, constituant une description métrologique exacte de l’environnement sans toutefois fournir une description géométrique de haut niveau.Il existe une grande quantité de travaux abordant le problème de la reconstruction de modèles 3D à partir de nuages de points, mais peu sont en mesure de fournir des résultats suffisamment fiables dans un contexte industriel et cette tâche nécessite en pratique l’intervention d’opérateurs humains.Les travaux réalisés dans le cadre de cette thèse visent l’automatisation de la reconstruction,avec comme principal objectif la fiabilité des résultats obtenus à l’issu du processus. Au vu de la complexité de ce problème, nous proposons d’exploiter des connaissances et données a priori pour guider la reconstruction. Le premier a priori concerne la compositiondes modèles 3D : en Conception Assistée par Ordinateur (CAO), les scènes industrielles sont couramment décrites comme des assemblages de primitives géométriques simples telles que les plans, sphères, cylindres, cônes, tores, etc. Nous hiérarchisons l’analyse en traitant dans un premier temps les plans et les cylindres, comme un préalable à la détection de stores. On obtient ainsi une description fiable des principaux composants d’intérêt dans les environnements industriels. Nous proposons en outre d’exploiter un certain nombre de règles régissant la manière dont ces primitives s’assemblent en un modèle CAO, basées surdes connaissances ”métier” caractérisant les scènes industrielles que nous traitons. De plus,nous tirons parti d’un modèle CAO existant d´ecrivant une scène similaire à celle que nous souhaitons reconstruire, provenant typiquement de la reconstruction antérieure d’un site semblable au site d’intérêt. Bien que semblables en théorie, ces scènes peuvent présenterdes différences significatives qui s’accentuent au cours de leur exploitation.La méthode que nous développons se fonde sur une formulation Bayésienne du problème de reconstruction : il s’agit de retrouver le modèle CAO le plus probable vis à visdes différentes attentes portées par les données et les a priori sur le modèle à reconstruire. Les diverses sources d’a priori s’expriment naturellement dans cette formulation. Pour permettre la recherche du modèle CAO optimal, nous proposons une approche basée surdes tentatives d’insertion d’objets générés aléatoirement. L’acceptation ou le rejet de ces objets repose ensuite sur l’am´elioration systématique de la solution en cours de construction. Le modèle CAO se construit ainsi progressivement, par ajout et suppression d’objets, jusqu’à obtention d’une solution localement optimale. / 3D models are often used in order to plan the maintenance of industrial environments.When it comes to the simulation of maintenance interventions, these 3D models have todescribe accurately the actual state of the scenes they stand for. These representationsare usually built from 3D point clouds that are huge set of 3D measurements acquiredin industrial sites, which guarantees the accuracy of the resulting 3D model. Althoughthere exists many works addressing the reconstruction problem, there is no solution toour knowledge which can provide results that are reliable enough to be further used inindustrial applications. Therefore this task is in fact handled by human experts nowadays.This thesis aims at providing a solution automating the reconstruction of industrialsites from 3D point clouds and providing highly reliable results. For that purpose, ourapproach relies on some available a priori knowledge and data about the scene to beprocessed. First, we consider that the 3D models of industrial sites are made of simpleprimitive shapes. Indeed, in the Computer Aided Design (CAD) field, this kind of scenesare described as assemblies of shapes such as planes, spheres, cylinders, cones, tori, . . . Ourown work focuses on planes, cylinders and tori since these three kind of shapes allow thedescription of most of the main components in industrial environment. Furthermore, weset some a priori rules about the way shapes should be assembled in a CAD model standingfor an industrial facility, which are based on expert knowledge about these environments.Eventually, we suppose that a CAD model standing for a scene which is similar to theone to be processed is available. This a priori CAO model typically comes from the priorreconstruction of a scene which looks like the one we are interested in. Despite the factthat they are similar theoretically, there may be significant differences between the sitessince each one has its own life cycle.Our work first states the reconstruction task as a Bayesian problem in which we haveto find the most probable CAD Model with respect to both the point cloud and the a prioriexpectations. In order to reach the CAD model maximizing the target probability, wepropose an iterative approach which improves the solution under construction each time anew randomly generated shape is tried to be inserted in it. Thus, the CAD model is builtstep by step by adding and removing shapes, until the algorithm gets to a local maximumof the target probability.
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Návrh a analýza konstrukční varianty pístu spalovacího motoru / Design and Analysis of IC Engine PistonSlezák, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with the numerical analysis state of stress diesel engine piston. Based on results of performed analyses a new pistons designed with a focus on mass reduction and consequently individual structural designs are compared with present piston.
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