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Molekulargenetische Charakterisierung des pH-regulierten Dimorphismus und der pH-abhängigen Genexpression von Candida albicans und Entwicklung eines Reportersystem für Candida glabrata / Molecular genetic Characterisation of the pH Regulated Dimorphism and the pH Dependent Gene Expression of Candida albicans and Development of a Reporter System for Candida glabrataEl-Barkani, Abdelmalic January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Candida albicans ist in der Lage seine Zellmorphologie in Abhängigkeit von Umweltfaktoren zu verändern (Odds, 1988). Dieser morphologische Formenwechsel ist ein wesentlicher Pathogenitätsfaktor von C. albicans. Der pH-Wert gehört zu den wichtigen Umweltfaktoren, welche die Zellmorphologie von C. albicans beeinflussen. Bei sauren pH-Werten wächst C. albicans als unizellulärer Sprosspilz, während bei neutralen pH-Werten und einer Umgebungstemperatur von 37°C die filamentöse Form dominiert (Buffo et al., 1984). C. albicans reagiert auf unterschiedliche pH-Werte mit der differentiellen Expression bestimmter Gene. Zu diesen gehören die funktional homologen Gene PHR1 und PHR2, deren Genprodukte an der Synthese der Pilzzellwand beteiligt sind. PHR1 wird im neutralen Milieu induziert, während PHR2 im sauren Milieu exprimiert wird. Die Deletion von PHR1 oder PHR2 führt zu pH-abhängigen Defekten des Wachstums, der Zellmorphologie und der Virulenz (Saporito-Irwin et al., 1995; Mühlschlegel und Fonzi, 1997; De Bernardis et al., 1998). Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde anhand der Isolierung von phr2D-Revertanten der Zusammenhang der molekularen Regulation des morphologischen Formenwechsels und der pH-regulierten Expression von Genen, die eine wichtige Funktion bei der Zellwandsynthese besitzen, untersucht. Die phr2D-Revertanten waren in der Lage bei einem pH-Wert von 4 zu wachsen und zu filamentieren. Das irreguläre Wachstum der Revertanten war auf eine konstitutive Expression des PHR1-Gens zurückzuführen. Dagegen spielte das bei sauren pH-Werten exprimierte PHR1 keine Rolle für das atypische Filamentierungsverhalten der Revertanten. Die molekulargenetische Untersuchung unabhängiger phr2D-Revertanten zeigte, dass eine heterozygote dominant-aktive Mutation im RIM101-Lokus für den Phänotyp der Revertanten verantwortlich war. RIM101 ist demnach das Schlüsselelement des pH-regulierten Dimorphismus. Diese Ergebnisse zeigten zudem, dass der in Aspergillus nidulans und anderen Pilzen beschriebene molekulare Mechanismus der pH-abhängigen Genexpression auch in C. albicans konserviert ist. Die Expression multipler wildtypischer oder mutierter RIM101-Kopien führte zur Suppression des Temperatursignals, welches für das pH-abhängige filamentöse Wachstum notwendig ist. Demnach konvergieren die Umweltsignale pH-Wert und Temperatur auf gemeinsame Zielgene. RIM101 von C. albicans scheint seine eigene Expression zu induzieren. Konstitutiv aktive RIM101-Allele verursachen eine starke Expression von RIM101 bei pH 4. Im Wildtyp dagegen wird RIM101 bei sauren pH-Werten nur schwach exprimiert. Die Inaktivierung der MAP Kinase Kaskade und der cAMP-abhängigen Kaskade durch Deletion der beiden Gene CPH1 und EFG1 führt zur Blockade der morphologischen Flexibilität von C. albicans (Lo et al., 1997). Mit Hilfe eines dominant–aktiven RIM101-Allels wurde eine mögliche Wechselwirkung von RIM101 mit diesen Filamentierungskaskaden untersucht. Diese Untersuchungen ergaben, dass der pH-regulierte Dimorphismus von EFG1 abhängig war. Dagegen war die pH-regulierte Genexpression unabhängig von EFG1. C. albicans und Candida glabrata sind als opportunistische Krankheitserreger in der Lage diverse Gewebe und Organe zu besiedeln und zu infizieren. Das Überleben in den unterschiedlichen Wirtsnischen erfordert daher eine hohe Anpassungsfähigkeit. Auf unterschiedliche Umweltbedingungen reagiert C. albicans, wie oben beschrieben, mit der Expression bestimmter Gene, wie z. B. PHR1, PHR2 und RIM101. Während die Genregulation in C. albicans in den letzten Jahren intensiv erforscht wurde, ist über die differentielle Genexpression in der klinisch zunehmend wichtigen Spezies C. glabrata kaum etwas bekannt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die Etablierung eines geeigneten Reportersystems für C. glabrata angestrebt, welches zur Untersuchung der Genregulation und der Identifizierung differentiell exprimierter Gene eingesetzt werden kann. Das lacZ-Gen wurde als Reporter für die Genexpression in C. glabrata getestet. Die Resultate zeigten die Funktionalität des bakteriellen lacZ-Gens als Reporter für die Genexpression in C. glabrata. Zu dem wurden C. glabrata / E. coli Shuttle-Vektoren entwickelt, die für translationelle Genfusionen zum lacZ verwendet werden können. / Morphological development of the fungal pathogen C. albicans is profoundly affected by environmental signals. This morphological flexibility is considered an essential factor for pathogenicity of C. albicans. One of the important signals that regulates morphology of C. albicans is the ambient pH. Acidic pH restricts growth to the yeast form, whereas neutral pH permits development of the filamentous form. Superimposed on the pH restriction is a temperature requirement of approximately 37°C for filamentation. C. albicans responds to changes in environmental pH by differential expression of several genes including PHR1 and PHR2. PHR2 is an acid expressed gene that is not expressed at detectable levels above pH 6.5. Mutants lacking PHR2 are unable to grow at acidic pH and exhibit morphological defects. PHR1 is an alkaline expressed gene with the inverse pattern of expression. PHR1 and PHR2 encode functionally homologous proteins involved in cell wall biosynthesis, which is pivotal in determining cell shape changes during morphogenesis. The role of pH in development was investigated in this work by selecting revertants of phr2D mutants that had gained the ability to grow at acid pH. The extragenic suppressors in two independent revertants were identified as nonsense mutations in the pH response regulator RIM101 that resulted in a carboxy-terminal truncation of the open reading frame. These dominant active alleles conferred the ability to filament at acidic pH, to express PHR1, an alkaline expressed gene, at acidic pH and to repress the acid expressed gene PHR2. This indicates that RIM101 is a key regulator of the pH-dependent dimorphism in C. albicans. Furthermore these results suggest that the molecular mechanisms which control pH-dependent gene expression in Aspergillus nidulans and other fungi are also conserved in C. albicans. It was also observed that both the wild type and mutant alleles could act as multicopy suppressors of the temperature restriction on filamentation, allowing extensive filamentation at 29°C. This observation suggests that two environmental signals, pH and temperature, converge on common molecular targets. The ability of the activated alleles to promote filamentation was dependent upon the developmental regulator EFG1. The results suggest that RIM101 is responsible for the pH-dependence of hyphal development. C. albicans and C. glabrata are opportunistic pathogens which are able to colonize and infect many tissues and organs. This indicates that these organisms are well adapted for survival within the diverse environmental niches of the human host. C. albicans responds to different environmental signals, as described above, with the expression of certain genes, e.g. PHR1, PHR2 and RIM101. In contrast to C. albicans the gene regulation in the emerging pathogen C. glabrata is poorly understood. In order to develop a reporter system allowing studies on regulated gene expression in C. glabrata the functionality of the E. coli lacZ gene as a reporter of gene expression in C. glabrata was investigated. C. glabrata shuttle vectors suitable for the construction of translational fusions of a gene of interest to the E. coli lacZ reporter were generated. By fusing different promoters to the lacZ gene it could be shown that the E. coli lacZ gene provides a sensitive and inducible reporter displaying b-galactosidase activity in C. glabrata.
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Identifizierung und Charakterisierung des vakuolaren ABC-Transporters Mlt1p und der Phospholipase B Plb5p von Candida albicans / Identification and characterisation of the vacuolar ABC-transporter Mlt1p and the phospholipase B Plb5p of Candida albicansTheiß, Stephanie January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Die opportunistische Hefe Candida albicans ist in der Lage durch ein koordiniertes Zusammenspiel bestimmter zellulärer Eigenschaften sich unterschiedlichen Umweltbedingungen anzupassen und unterschiedliche Nischen innerhalb des menschlichen Wirts zu kolonisieren. Die Sekretion hydrolytischer Enzyme, wie Proteinasen und Phospholipasen, stellt eine wichtige Eigenschaft des Pilzes dar, die als wesentlicher Faktor für die Aufrechterhaltung der Pathogenität von C. albicans angesehen wird. Ein Schwerpunkt der hier vorliegenden Studie ist die funktionale Charakterisierung des caPLB5-Gens, eines neuen Mitglieds der insgesamt 5 Mitglieder umfassenden Phospholipase-B-Genfamilie. Im Gegensatz zu den gut untersuchten sekretorischen PLBs caPlb1p and caPlb2p scheint das caPlb5-Protein GPI-verankert und letztlich zellwandgebunden zu sein. Mittels Northernexpressions-Studien ließen sich in verschiedenen C.-albicans-Stämmen und unterschiedlichen Wachstumsbedingungen caPLB5-spezifische Transkripte nachweisen. Während des Hefe-Hyphe-Wechsels in Lee’s Medium zeigte sich interessanterweise eine differentielle Regulation der Gene caPLB5, caPLB1 and caPLB2. Durch Sequenzanalyse einzelner caPLB5-Allele konnte die Anwesenheit zweier unterschiedlicher Allele in C. albicans bei verschiedenen Stämmen nachgewiesen werden. Die gezielte Geninaktivierung beider Allele in zwei verschiedenen Stämmen resultierte in einer attenuierten Virulenz, was sich im Mausmodell für systemische Infektion anhand des Kolonisationsgrads des Wirtsgewebes messen ließ. Die Phänotypen sowohl der Nullmutanten als auch der caPLB5-Revertanten belegen, dass die Phospholipase B caPlb5p für die vollständige Virulenz des Pathogens benötigt wird und dabei eine Rolle bei der in vivo Organbesiedlung spielt. Diese Arbeit präsentiert zudem die Isolierung und Charakterisierung des ATP-Binding-Cassette-(ABC)-Transporter-Gens caMLT1 aus C. albicans. CaMlt1p zählt zur MRP/CFTR-Unterfamilie ATP-bindender Transportproteine, eine Proteinkategorie, die in diesem Pilz bislang noch nicht beschrieben wurde. Energiebetriebene Transportproteine der ABC-Superfamilie schleusen eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Substrate aktiv durch biologische Membranen und erfüllen dabei wichtige Funktionen im zellulären Metabolismus und in der Entgiftung. Das caMlt1-Protein zeigt hohe sequenzielle und strukturelle Ähnlichkeiten zu den vakuolaren Efflux-Pumpen Ycf1p und Bpt1p von S. cerevisiae. Durch genomische Markierung mit dem grün fluoreszierenden GFP-Protein konnte caMlt1p in der vakuolaren Membran lokalisiert werden. Northernblothybridisierungen belegten die Induzierbarkeit der Gentranskripte durch die metabolischen Gifte Cadmium und CDNB, beides Substrate der scYcf1-Pumpe. Obwohl diese Untersuchungen darauf hindeuten, dass caMlt1p ein Ortholog von scYcf1p sein könnte, zeigte sich bei dem Komplementationsversuch einer scycf1-negativen S.-cerevisiae-Mutante mit einer caMLT1-Genkopie keine Reversion des sensitiven Phänotyps gegenüber Cadmium oder CDNB. Auch wiesen die in dieser Arbeit konstruierten, camlt1-negativen Mutanten in C. albicans, die zur Identifizierung potentieller caMlt1p-Substrate eingesetzt wurden, keinen hypersensitiven Phänotyp gegenüber CdCl2, CDNB oder irgendeiner anderen getesteten inhibitorischen Substanz auf. CaMlt1p ist demzufolge kein funktionales Homolog von scYcf1p. Als vakuolar lokalisiertes Protein weist caMLT1 ein für diese Proteingruppe typisches Transkriptionsprofil auf. Die mRNA-Expression erfolgt dabei wachstumsphasenabhängig mit der höchsten Geninduktion während des Diauxic-Shifts, wenn ein Mangel an Glucose (und anderen Nährstoffen) im Medium entsteht. Eine generierte camlt1-Nullmutante war interessanterweise in einem murinen Peritonitismodell in ihrer Fähigkeit die Leber zu invadieren drastisch reduziert. Durch Reintegration einer funktionalen caMLT1-Genkopie konnte der Virulenzdefekt aufgehoben werden. CaMlt1p scheint in die Fähigkeit von C. albicans involviert zu sein an intestinale Organe adhärieren und Gewebebarrieren penetrieren zu können, möglicherweise durch Einbindung des Transporters in Stressantwort- und Detoxifikationsmechanismen. Beide Gene, caMLT1 und caPLB5, wurden auf zweierlei Weise inaktiviert: mittels einer klassischen Mutagenesemethode für C. albicans (dem URA3-Blaster-System im Ura--auxotrophen Stamm CAI4) und durch Entwicklung eines neuen dominanten Selektionssysstems. Die dominante Selektion basiert dabei auf der genomischen Insertion einer Einzelkopie eines mutierten caIMH3-Allels (MPAR), das Transformanten Resistenz gegenüber Mycophenolsäure (MPA) verleiht. Dieses System ermöglicht die genetische Manipulation von C. albicans Wildtypstämmen, wodurch die mühselige Konstruktion auxotropher und oft avirulenter Stämme nicht mehr nötig ist. / A coordinated interplay of certain traits enables the opportunistic yeast Candida albicans to adapt to different environmental conditions and to colonize different niches of the human host. Secretion of hydrolyzing enzymes, like proteinases and phospholipases, is an important characteristic of C. albicans which is considered to be integral to pathogenesis. This study focuses on the functional characterisation of the caPLB5 gene, a new member of the phospholipase B multigene family with five putative members. In contrast to the well characterized secretory PLBs caPlb1p and caPlb2p, the putative caPlb5-protein is likely to be GPI-anchored and ultimately bound to the cell wall. Northern expression studies showed caPLB5-specific transcripts in several strains of C. albicans under each growth condition tested. Interestingly, differential regulation of caPLB5, caPLB1 and caPLB2 could be detected during the yeast to hyphae transition in Lee’s medium. Sequence analysis of single caPLB5 allels resulted in the identification of two different alleles in several strains of C. albicans. The targeted gene disruption of both alleles in two different strains resulted in attenuated virulence as measured by host tissue colonization in a mouse model of systemic infection. The phenotypes expressed by null mutants and revertant strains of caPLB5 indicate that the phospholipase is required for complete virulence of this pathogen by playing a role for in vivo organ colonization. This study further presents the isolation and characterisation of the ABC-transporter gene caMLT1 in C. albicans belonging to the MRP/CFTR-subfamily of ATP-binding casette (ABC) transporters, a class of proteins so far not described in this fungus. Energy-driven transport proteins within the ABC-superfamily actively transport a wide variety of substances across biological membranes and fulfill important functions in cellular metabolism and detoxification. The protein encoded by the caMLT1 gene shows high similarities to the vacuolar efflux-pumps Ycf1p and Bpt1p of S. cerevisiae. Genomic tagging with the green fluorescent protein (GFP) revealed vacuolar membrane localization of caMlt1p. Northern hybridisation experiments documented the inducibility of gene transcripts by the metabolic poisons cadmium and CDNB, which are also substrates of the scYcf1-pump. While caMlt1p could be an orthologue of scYcf1p, complementation of a scycf1-negative S. cerevisiae mutant with a caMLT1-gene copy did not reverse the sensitive phenotype to these toxins. Moreover, the construction of camlt1-negative mutants in C. albicans allowed for screening of substrates putatively transported by caMlt1p. These null mutants showed no hypersensitive phenotype to neither CdCl2 nor CDNB or any other tested inhibitory substances, hence caMlt1p is not a functional homologue of scYcf1p. The caMLT1 mRNA expression pattern is typical for a vacuolar gene, showing an extensively growth phase dependent regulation with the highest gene induction during the diauxic transition when glucose (and other nutrients) becomes limited. Most interestingly, a generated mlt1 null mutant showed a dramatic reduction in liver invasion in a mouse peritonitis model. Reintegration of a functional caMLT1 gene copy reverted the virulence defect. CaMlt1p seems to be involved in the capability of C. albicans to adhere to the intestinal organs and penetrate tissue barriers putatively because of its involvement in mechanisms of stress response and detoxification. Both genes, caMLT1 and caPLB5, were inactivated by using a classical disruption method for C. albicans (the URA3-Blaster-system in Ura- auxotrophic strain CAI4) and by developing a new dominant selection system. Dominant selection is based on genomic insertion of a single copy of a mutated caIMH3 allel (MPAR) that renders transformants resistant to mycophenolic acid (MPA). Using this system, the cumbersome generation of auxotrophic strains, which are often avirulent, is obsolete, while C. albicans wild-type strains become amenable to genetic manipulation.
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Correlação da candidose com a atividade proliferativa epitelial em leucoplasias da mucosa jugal /Baldan, Renato Costa Franco January 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Marcelo Macedo Crivelini / Resumo: Tem sido descrito que cerca de 30% do total leucoplasias possui tendência à malignização, a uma taxa de 2,9% ao ano. O envolvimento concomitante de leucoplasias com Candida albicans tem sido relacionado a possíveis processos de malignidade, tornando este questionamento uma fonte de debate. O presente trabalho avaliou a expressão qualitativa de p 53, Ki-67, PCNA e AgNOR em leucoplasias associadas à Candidose. Não foram observadas diferenças significativamente estatísticas (Tukey test, p<0,05) no grupo corado por AgNOR. Esses resultados discutem a taxa de proliferação celular epitelial e, talvez, indícios de alterações genéticas malignas presentes nas leucoplasias associadas à Candidose. / Abstract: It has been described that 30% of leukoplakia with tendences to malignization, in a rate of 2,9% per year. The envolvement of leukoplakia associated to Candida albicans has been related to possible process of malignity, witch makes this question a source of debate. The aim of this study was to evaluate the qualitative expression of p53, Ki-67, PCNA and AgNOR in leukoplakia related to Candidosis. It wasþt observated statistical diferences in the AgNOR group (F test, p<0,05-ANOVA one-way). This results discuss a rate of celular epitelial proliferation and possibly genetic alterations present in leukoplakia related to Candidosis. / Mestre
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Extraction and Partial Characterization of a Lipophilic, Fungicidal Molecule Associated with Serum AlbuminsEricson, Brett Richard 26 August 2007 (has links)
"Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is a mucosal infection caused by Candida species and represents one of the most common clinical problems in women of reproductive age (68,71). Annually in the United States there are approximately 13 million cases of VVC, resulting in 10 million gynecologic office visits per year (38). It is estimated that 75% of women will experience at least one episode in their lifetime, with a projected 50% of all women experiencing multiple episodes (23). Candida albicans is a dimorphic commensal organism of the urogenital and gastrointestinal tracts and has been identified as the main pathogenic agent in VVC, accounting for approximately 85-90% of patients with positive cultures (52). Despite extensive research, the invasive mechanism of vaginal yeast infections is not well understood. Traditionally it has been assumed that changes in the host vaginal environment promote the dimorphic transition from blastospore to hyphae, resulting in a shift from asymptomatic colonization to symptomatic vaginitis (28). In contrast to the normal, systemic immune response, which confers an aseptic environment for tissue and organs, immune responses at the mucosal level are designed to prevent tissue invasion and local disease while maintaining an indigenous flora that could be both beneficial and pathogenic (28). Since fungi are eukaryotic, the vital cellular mechanisms that are usually targeted by modern pharmacologic agents, such as DNA replication and protein translation, are either conserved or have a strong homology to their human orthologs. Obtaining a better understanding of natural fungal suppression mechanisms and molecules at the mucosal level may pave the way for the development of more efficacious drugs or preventative regiments. The mechanism by which the human immune system is able to resist fungal invasion at the vaginal mucosa is unknown. Our research was aimed at finding any host factors that might play a role in the suppression of or prevention of a fungal infection at the vaginal mucosa. In order to screen candidate molecules that might be important in this type of vaginal defense, we chose a pathogenic C. albicans strain, SC5314, to test fungal cell viability upon introduction of the candidate molecules. We have identified a host factor that exhibits strong fungicidal activity when organically extracted from both human and bovine serum albumins. Characterization of this factor through organic extractions and acetone separations reveal that this molecule is a non-polar lipid. Serum samples that have been thoroughly stripped of fatty acids and other lipophilic molecules show no apparent fungicidal activity in cell viability assays. Since the factor is extractable from both human and bovine serum albumins, it may be conserved among mammals. Identification and characterization of this molecule may play a pivotal role in understanding host-Candida interactions at the mucosal membrane interface. Due to its human origin, the use of this factor as an antifungal would be extremely advantageous in regards to FDA (Food and Drug Administration) guidelines and ADMET (Adsorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion, Toxicology) properties. "
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Understanding the role of stress induced cell wall proteins in C. albicans cell wall compensatory response and pathogenicityIbe, Chibuike January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Efeito do hexametafosfato de sódio, associado ou não ao fluoreto, no biofilme misto contendo Streptococcus mutans e Candida albicans /Hosida, Thayse Yumi. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Alberto Carlos Botazzo Delbem / Coorientador: Juliano Pelim Pessan / Coorientador: Douglas Roberto Monteiro / Banca: Robson Frederico Cunha / Banca: Denise Pedrini Ostini / Banca: Marília Afonso Rabelo Buzalaf / Resumo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar o efeito do hexametafosfato de sódio (HMP), associado ou não ao fluoreto (F), sobre a composição orgânica, inorgânica e no pH do biofilme mistos de S. mutans e C. albicans formados in vitro. Para todos os estudos, os biofilmes foram formados em poços de placas de microtitulação, colocando uma suspensão (1x107 células/mL C. albicans + 1x108 células/mL S. mutans) em saliva artificial suplementada com sacarose (0,4%), a qual tinha metade de seu conteúdo renovada a cada 24 horas. Os biofilmes foram tratados três vezes (72, 78 e 96 horas de formação), por um minuto, com soluções contendo HMP (0.25, 0.5 ou 1%) com ou sem 500 ppm F, além de soluções contendo 500 e 1100 ppm F. A saliva artificial foi utilizada como controle negativo. Para o estudo microbiológico, após o terceiro tratamento foram realizados os testes de quantificação de células cultiváveis (CFU), biomassa total (teste colorimétrico de cristal violeta - CV), atividade metabólica (redução de XTT) e quantificação dos componentes da matriz extracelular (proteína, carboidrato e ácidos nucleicos). Todos os ensaios foram realizados em triplicata, em três ocasiões diferentes. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância a um critério, seguida pelo teste Fisher LSD (p <0.05). O HMP apresentou efeito redutor principalmente na biomassa, metabolismo e nos componentes da matriz extracelular do biofilme. Biofilmes formados por 96 h formam expostos a três diferentes concentraçõ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The aim of the present study was to verify the effect of sodium hexametaphosphate (HMP), associated or not to fluoride (F), on the inorganic, organic composition and pH of the mixed biofilm of S. mutans and C. albicans, formed in vitro. For all studies, the biofilms were formed in wells of microtiter plates by placing a suspension (1 x 107 cells/mL C. albicans + 1x108 cells/mL S. mutans) in artificial saliva supplemented with sucrose (0,4%), which had half of its content renewed every 24 hours. Biofilms were treated three times (72, 78 and 96 hours of formation), for one minute, with solutions containing HMP (0.25, 0.5 or 1%) with or without 500 ppm F, as well as solutions containing 500 and 1100 ppm F. Artificial saliva was used as a negative control. For the microbiological study, the following tests were performed: quantification of cultivable cells (UFC), total biomass (colorimetric crystal violet test - CV), metabolic activity (XTT reduction) and quantification of matrix components (protein, carbohydrate and nucleic acid). All assays were performed in triplicate on three different occasions. The results were submitted to one-way analysis of variance, followed by the Fisher LSD's test (p <0.05). HMP showed a reducing effect mainly on the biomass, metabolism and components of the extracellular matrix of the biofilm. Biofilms formed for 96 h were exposed to three different concentrations of sucrose (10, 20 or 30%) for 1, 3 or 5 min. The pH was measured before exposure to su... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Molecular analyses of ADE2 heterozygosity in obligate diploid candida albicans. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 1999 (has links)
Tsang Wai Kai, Paul. / "July 1999." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 133-157). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.
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Avaliação antifúngica e de citoqueratinas epiteliais após terapia fotodinâmica mediada por Curcumina nanoparticulada em modelo murino de candidose oral /Sakima, Vinicius Tatsuyuji January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Ewerton Garcia de Oliveira Mima / Resumo: Este estudo avaliou os efeitos fotodinâmicos da curcumina (CUR) encapsulada em nanopartículas poliméricas (NP) em um modelo murino com infecção prolongada de candidose bucal. NP de CUR foram sintetizadas utilizando o polímero poli-ácido lático (PLA) e sulfato de dextrana (DEX). Brometo de cetiltrimetil-amônio foi também utilizado para NP catiônicas. Para caracterização dessas formulações, foram determinadas as propriedades fisicoquímicas (tamanho, polidispersão e potencial zeta), testes de eficiência de encapsulamento, espectro de absorção, fotoestabilidade e liberação. Um total de 140 camundongos fêmeas com 6 semanas de vida foram imunossuprimidos e inoculados com uma cepa padrão de Candida albicans (Ca) em uma concentração de 1x107 unidades formadores de colônias por mililitro (UFC/mL) na região dorsal da língua. Para a Terapia Fotodinâmica antimicrobiana (aPDT), uma das formulações sintetizadas ou CUR livre foi aplicada no dorso lingual dos animais que, após 20 min, foram irradiados com uma fonte de luz LED azul a 37,5 J/cm2 (grupo F+L+). Animais adicionais foram tratados somente com uma das formulações ou CUR livre sem luz (F+L-), Nistatina 1 vez ao dia (NIS1x), Nistatina 4 vezes ao dia (NIS4x) ou não receberam nenhum tratamento (controle). Em todos os grupos, os procedimentos foram realizados em 5 dias consecutivos. Após a última aplicação do tratamento, coletas da língua dos animais foram plaqueadas em meio de cultura específico (CFU/mL). Os animais foram eutanasiados 2... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The aims of this study were to synthetize and evaluate the antimicrobial photodynamic effects of curcumin (CUR) encapsulated in polymeric nanoparticles (NP) on a murine model with prolonged infection of oral candidosis. CUR-NP was synthesized using poly-lactic acid (PLA), and dextran sulfate (DEX). Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide was used for cationic NP. To characterize the formulations, the physicochemical properties (size, polydispersity and zeta potential) were determined and tests of encapsulation efficiency, absorption spectrum, photostability (photodegradation of CUR) and release were also performed. The effectiveness of CUR-NPmediated aPDT was evaluated in a murine model of oral candidiasis. Female mice (N = 140) were immunosuppressed and inoculated with C. albicans (Ca) to induce oral candidosis. For aPDT, formulations or free CUR was applied on the dorsum of tongue and, after 20 min, illumination at 37.5 J/cm2 was performed (F+L+ group). Additional animals were treated only with formulations or free CUR without light (F+L-), nystatin once a day (NYS1x), nystatin four times a day (NYS4x) or received no treatment (control). In each group, procedures were performed for 5 consecutive days. After the last treatment application, microbial samples were plated in specific agar media (CFU/mL). The animals were euthanatized 24 hours and 7 days after the treatments for histological evaluation and expression of cytokeratins (CK) 13 and 14 by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Data [log10(CFU/mL)] were analyzed by ANOVA/Welch and Games-Howell (α = 5%). After synthesis CUR-NP had appropriate pharmacotechnical nanometric properties, mean values of size, polydispersity, and zeta potential were 225.38; 0.15 and -30.96 mV; 248.12; 0.21 and +35.84 mV, respectively for anionic and cationic CUR-NP. Encapsulation efficiency of 60.84% and 73.81% ...[Complete abstract electronic access below) / Mestre
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Efeito fotodinâmico da curcumina em micelas de cetrimida sobre cepas de candida susceptíveis e resistentes a fluconazolColetti, Tatiana Maria Starck Fogaça de Aguiar [UNESP] 22 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
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coletti_tmsfa_me_arafcf.pdf: 679985 bytes, checksum: 44586dabcae6690099fbdb0e6005a933 (MD5) / Nos últimos anos o aumento na incidência da candidose superficial ou invasiva causada por espécies emergentes e resistentes aos medicamentos tem sido atribuído a disseminação do uso de antibióticos e/ou agentes imunossupressores. A candidose é considerada uma doença oportunista de alta incidência em pacientes que utilizam medicamentos imunossupressores após transplante de órgãos, antibióticos de amplo espectro, terapias antineoplásicas e nos que possuem imunossupressão relacionada à síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida. A Terapia Fotodinâmica (Photodynamic Therapy ou PDT) utiliza a combinação de luz (visível) e um composto fotossensível. A maior aplicação da PDT ocorre no tratamento de câncer, entretanto, a técnica está difundindo-se para o tratamento de outras doenças como infecções microbianas. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da PDT mediada pela Curcumina, na ausência e na presença do surfactante brometo de cetiltrimetilamônio (CTAB), com uma fonte de luz do tipo LED, sobre suspensões planctônicas de isolados clínicos das espécies C. albicans e C. glabrata fluconazol-resistentes, bem como de cepas ATCC. Após a PDT, foram obtidas diluições seriadas de cada amostra e alíquotas foram plaqueadas para a contagem das células viáveis (ufc/mL). O metabolismo celular para todas as condições experimentais também foi avaliado por meio do ensaio de redução do 2,3-bis[2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulphophenyl]2H-tetrazolium-carboxanilida (XTT). Também foi avaliada a capacidade de adesão/formação de biofilme dessas cepas após a PDT. Para isso, amostras obtidas da fase de adesão e da fase madura dos biofilmes foram monitoradas pela contagem de células viáveis (ufc/mL). Os resultados permitem observar que a utilização da PDT com curcumina em micelas de CTAB em suspensões planctônicas... / In recent years the increase in the incidence of superficial or invasive candidiasis caused by species emerging drug-resistant and has been attributed to widespread use of antibiotics and/or immunosuppressive agents. Candidiasis is considered an opportunistic disease of high incidence in patients taking immunosuppressive drugs after organ transplantation, broad-spectrum antibiotics, anticancer therapies and who has immunosuppression related to acquired immunedeficiency syndrome. Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) uses a combination of (visible) light and a photosensitive compound. The largest application of PDT occurs in the treatment of cancer, however, the technique is diffusing in the treatment of other diseases such microbial infections. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of PDT mediated by Curcumin, in the absence and presence of surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) with a light source type LED on planktonic suspensions of clinical isolates of the species C. albicans and C. glabrata Fluconazole-resistant strains as well as strains ATCC. After PDT, serial dilutions were collected and aliquots of each sample were plated for viable cell count (cfu/ml). Cellular metabolism for all experimental conditions was also assessed by reduction assay of 2,3-bis [2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulphophenyl]-2H-tetrazolium carboxanilide (XTT). It was also evaluated the ability of adhesion/biofilm formation of these strains after PDT. For this, samples of the accession and the mature phase biofilms were monitored by viable cell count (cfu/mL). The results allow to observe that the use of PDT with curcumin in CTAB micelles in planktonic suspensions was able to decrease metabolism (XTT) strains of C. albicans and C. glabrata susceptible and resistant to fluconazole, however, the reduction in viable cell count... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Análise da atividade antimicrobiana dos extratos de Cordia verbenacea DC, Mikania laevigata Sch. Bip. ex Baker e Psidium Cattleianum frente a microrganismos endodônticos /Massunari, Loiane. January 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Cristiane Duque / Coorientador: Eloi Dezan Júnior / Banca: Rogério de Castilho Jacinto / Banca: Denise Madalena Palomari Spolidorio / Resumo: Na busca por fontes alternativas de antimicrobianos, diversos autores tem explorado o uso de plantas medicinais para o tratamento de várias doenças. A atividade antimicrobiana de várias espécies de plantas como, Cordia verbenacea DC, Mikania laevigata Schultz Bip. Ex Baker e Psidium cattleianum, popularmente chamadas de erva-baleeira, guaco e de araçá, respectivamente, tem sido relatada contra diversos microrganismos orais. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito antimicrobiano dos extratos hidroetanólico bruto e as suas respectivas frações aquosa, butanol, hexano e acetato de etila de Cordia verbenacea (CV) e Mikania laevigata (ML) e extratos aquoso e hidroetanólico de Psidium cattleianum (PC) contra Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Actinomyces israelii e Candida albicans, sob condições planctônicas e de biofilme. Os microrganismos foram analisados em condições planctônicas por meio de ensaios para a determinação da concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) e concentração letal mínima (CLM), pelo método de microdiluição em caldo. Posteriormente, foram selecionados somente os extratos capazes de eliminar completamente cada microrganismo (CLM 100%), para a análise da atividade antimicrobiana em ensaios de biofilme. Os resultados mostraram que os valores de CIM e CLM variaram de 250 à 4000μg/ml. O biofilme formado por E. faecalis foi eliminado frente à ação dos extratos aquoso e hidroetanólico de PC e à fração acetato de etila de ML. A mesma fração de ML e o extrato hidroetanólico de PC também foram capazes de eliminar biofilme de P. aeruginosa. O mesmo ocorreu com as frações hexânicas de CV e ML e o extrato hidroetanólico de ML frente ao biofilme de A. israelii. Nenhum extrato/fração foi capaz de eliminar biofilme de C. albicans. Este estudo demonstrou o potencial antimicrobiano de extratos ou frações de Cordia verbenacea, Mikania laevigata... / Abstract: Seeking for alternative sources of the antimicrobials, several authors have explored the use of herbal medicines for the treatment of diseases. The antimicrobial activity of various species of plants, such as Cordia verbenacea DC, Mikania laevigata Schultz Bip. Ex Baker and Psidium cattleianum, known as erva-baleeira, guaco and araçá, respectively, has been reported against several oral microorganisms. The present study aimed to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of Cordia verbenacea (CV) and Mikania laevigata (ML) hydroethanolic crude extracts and their fractions aqueous, butanol, hexane and ethyl acetate and aqueous and hydroethanolic extracts of Psidium cattleianum (PC) against Enterococcus faecalis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Actinomyces israelii and Candida albicans, under planktonic and biofilm conditions. The microorganisms in planktonic conditions were analyzed by determination of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum lethal concentration (MLC) assays using the microdilution broth method. Posteriorly, only the extracts that were able to totally eliminate each microorganism (MLC 100%) were selected for the antimicrobial activity analysis in the biofilm assay. The results showed that the MIC and MLC values ranged between 250 and 4000μg/ml. E. faecalis biofilm was eliminated by PC aqueous and hydroethanolic extracts and the ML ethyl acetate fraction. The same ML fraction and PC hydroethanolic extract were also able to eliminate the P. aeruginosa biofilm. The same occurred with the CV and ML hexane fractions and ML hydroethanolic extract against the A. israelii biofilm. None of the extracts/fractions were able to eliminate the C. albicans biofilm. This study confirmed the antimicrobial activity potential of Cordia verbenacea, Mikania laevigata and Psidium cattleianum, suggesting their use for endodontic purposes due to their effectiveness against pathogens associated with persistent or se... / Mestre
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