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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SGC : um ambiente para a automação de procedimentos de caracterização e teste

Wirth, Gilson Inacio January 1994 (has links)
Este trabalho trata de ambientes de software para a realização de teste e caracterização de dispositivos, componentes ou circuitos eletro-eletrônicos, de forma automatizada. Ênfase especial é dada à problemática relacionada ao teste e caracterização automatizados de dispositivos e circuitos integrados. O assunto é tratado sob dois pontos de vista distintos e complementares: i) Sob o ponto de vista do engenheiro de teste e caracterização, que realiza experimentos físicos, que são as medidas e aquisições de dados, processa, visualiza e analisa dados. ii) Sob o ponto de vista do projetista de ferramentas de software, que desenvolve programas de computador para automatizar as tarefas rotineiramente realizadas durante o teste e a caracterização. Após a analise do assunto em questão, um ambiente de software (Framework), chamado SGC, é proposto e implementado. O SGC foi implementado em ambiente MS-WindowsTM através de um paradigma de orientação a objetos, e pretende atender as necessidades inerentes ao teste e caracterização automatizados, quando tratados sob os dois pontos de vista citados. O ambiente SGC é um sistema aberto, a fim de permitir o fácil acoplamento de novas facilidades, bem como mostra-se um sistema prático para suportar rotinas de teste e caracterização em laboratório. / This work deals with software environments for automatic test and characterization of electro-electronical devices, components and circuits. Special attention is paid to the features of testing and characterizing integrated devices and circuits. The subject is treated in two different and complementary views: i) The needs of the test and characterization engineer are addressed. The test engineer carries out physical experiments, which embody measurements and data acquisitions, data processing, visualization and analysis. ii) The needs of the software tools developer, who develops computer programs for the automation of the procedures that are usually carried out during test and characterization, are also addressed. After the analysis of the subject under study, a software framework, called SGC ("Sistema de Gerenciamento e Controle"), is proposed and implemented. The SGC Framework was implemented under MS-WindowsTm using a object oriented approach. The SGC framework aims to fulfill the needs inherent to the automatic test and characterization, when treated using the approaches mentioned above. The SGC Framework is a open system, supporting the easy integration of new software functions to the environment, as well as a practical system for test and characterization laboratory routines.

Kvalitetsgranskning av omvårdnadsdokumentation i datoriserad patientjournal

Hellström, Jennie, Pettersson, Ann-Katrin January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur omvårdnaden dokumenteras i datoriserad patientjournal på en medicinavdelning i mellan Sverige, genom en journalgranskning med granskningsinstrumentet Cat-ch-Ing. Frågeställningarna var ”Vilka poäng ger Cat-ch-Ing instrumentet avseende kvantitet samt kvalitet?” och ”Kan omvårdnadsprocessen följas i omvårdnadsjournalen utifrån Cat-ch-Ing instrumentet?”</p><p><strong>Metod:</strong> Studien är kvantitativ, deskriptiv och retrospektiv. En journalgranskning gjordes med hjälp av granskningsinstrumentet Cat-ch-Ing. Ett systematiskt urval av 100 journaler gjordes och därefter ett slumpmässigt urval av 30 journaler. Cat-ch-Ing instrumentet består av designade frågor som poängsätter sjuksköterskans dokumentation avseende kvantitet och kvalitet, samt hur omvårdnadsprocessen som helhet följs.</p><p><strong>Resultat:</strong> Högst poäng avseende kvantiteten fick omvårdnadsepikrisen/slutanteckning och användandet av VIPS-sökord, medan omvårdnadsstatus uppdaterat under vårdtiden fick den lägsta poängen. Högst poäng avseende kvaliteten i dokumentationen fick användandet av VIPS-sökord och omvårdnadsstatus vid ankomst, medan vårdplanens omvårdnadsmål och omvårdnadsdiagnos fick de lägsta poängen. Resultatet visade att dokumentationen på medicinavdelningen följer omvårdnadsprocessens alla steg, då alla delar i omvårdnadsprocessen fick poäng avseende kvantitet i Cat-ch-Ing instrumentet.</p><p><strong>Slutsats: </strong>Resultatet i den här studien tyder på att dokumentationen på medicinavdelningen generellt var bra, eftersom den har fått höga poäng i Cat-ch-Ing instrumentet. Omvårdnadsprocessens alla delar fanns med i dokumentationen. De brister som fanns förekom framförallt i vårdplanernas omvårdnadsdiagnoser, omvårdnadsmål samt i att uppdatera status. Kontinuerlig utbildning för all personal och uppföljning i form av journalgranskning behövs för att öka kvaliteten i omvårdnadsjournalen.</p>

A climatological study of Clear Air Turbulence over the North Atlantic / En klimatologisk studie av Clear Air Turbulence över Nordatlanten

Lee, Leon January 2013 (has links)
Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) is the turbulence experienced at high altitude on board an aircraft. The main mechanisms for its generation are often said to be Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and mountain waves. CAT is an issue to the aviation industry in the sense that it is hard to predict its magnitude and exact location. Mostly, it is just a nuisance for the crew and passengers, but occasionally it causes serious injuries and aircraft damage. It also prevents air-to-air refuelling to be conducted in a safe manner. The micro scale nature of CAT makes it necessary to describe it with turbulence indices. The first part of this study presents a verification of the two commonly used turbulence indices, TI1 and TI2, developed by Ellrod and Knapp in 1992. The verification is done with AMDAR (Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay) reports and computed indices from ERA-Interim data. The second part presents a 33-year climatology of the indices for describing CAT. Results show that the index TI1 is generally the better of the two indices based on hit rate, but TI2 performs better based on false alarm rate. The climatology suggests that CAT is more frequent at the northern east coast of the U.S., over the island of Newfoundland and east of Greenland. In the vertical, CAT seems to occur most frequently at the 225 hPa level but also occur frequently at the 300 hPa level at the aforementioned areas. Based on AMDAR reports from 2011, only 0.014% of the reports were positive turbulence observations. The low amount of reports suggests that CAT can be avoided effectively with current CAT predicting skills and flight planning. / Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) är den turbulens på hög höjd som upplevs ombord på flygplan och orsaken till denna turbulens sägs ofta vara Kelvin-Helmholtz-instabilitet och lävågor. På grund av svårigheten att förutsäga dess styrka och exakta position är CAT ett problem inom flygbranschen. Ofta är CAT bara ett irritationsmoment för besättning och passagerare, men kan ibland orsaka personskador och flygplansskador. Den mikroskaliga strukturen som CAT har gör det nödvändigt att beskriva den med turbulensindex. Den första delen av denna studie tar upp pålitligheten av två ofta använda turbulensindex, TI1 och TI2, utvecklade av Ellrod och Knapp år 1992. Verifikationen görs med hjälp av AMDAR-rapporter (Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay) och turbulensindex beräknade med data från ERA-Interim. Den andra delen består av en 33-års klimatologisk studie av CAT baserat på dessa index. Baserat på träffgrad presterar TI1 generellt bättre än TI2, men TI2 presterar bättre än TI1 vad gäller falsklarmsgrad. Den klimatologiska studien tyder på att CAT är mer frekvent över USAs norra ostkust, över Newfoundland och öster om Grönland. I vertikalled verkar CAT förekomma mest frekvent omkring 225 hPa-nivån, men även runt 300 hPa-nivån över de geografiska områden som nämnts ovan. AMDARrapporter från 2011 visar att endast 0.014% av rapporterna observerade turbulens. Den låga andelen antyder att man effektivt kan undvika CAT över nordatlanten med branschens nuvarande förmåga att förutse CAT och god färdplanering. / Research on a CRuiser Enabled Air Transport Environment, RECREATE

Studie av två jetströmsstråk associerade med kraftig flygturbulens / Study of two jet streaks associated with severe in-flight turbulence

Lee, Leon January 2011 (has links)
Jetströmmar betyder mycket för meteorologer och fungerar som ett hjälpmedel för prognostisering av lågtryck. Kvadrantmodellen för jetströmsstråk beskriver hur det kan bildas lågtryck och konvergens vid marknivå på olika sidor om jetströmmen. Jetströmmar är också av betydelse för flygtrafiken, eftersom man kan spara tid och bränsle genom att flyga in i – eller genom att inte flyga in i – en jetström. Det är känt att jetströmmar ibland kan ge upphov till klarluftsturbulens (CAT), och studier har visat att turbulensen ofta är associerade med stabilt stratifierade zoner i närheten av jetströmmen. Denna studie börjar med en teoridel där jetströmmars uppkomst och kvadrantmodellen redogörs. Teoridelen fortsätter med en kort beskrivning av hur jetströmmar påverkar flygtrafiken och vad det finns för system som varnar för farliga fenomen som är kopplade till jetströmmarna. Det tas även upp att flygturbulensen som upplevs av flygplan inte nödvändigtvis orsakas av termisk eller mekanisk turbulens, utan även kan orsakas av stående vågor. I arbetets senare del görs en fallstudie på två jetströmmar som gav upphov till kraftig flygturbulens under januari månad 2011. Från sonderingsdata beräknades Scorer-parametern och Richardsons tal för att se om dessa värden kunde relateras till flygturbulensen. Resultatet visade att Richardsons tal aldrig föll under 0.25 och antyder därför att det inte fanns någon fullt utvecklad turbulens. Vågor i luften kan därför vara en förklaring till flygturbulensen. Resultatet visade också att Scorer-parametern antog lokala minima och hade tydligare relation till flygturbulensen än Richardsons tal vad gäller flygturbulensens position i höjdled. / Jet streams are useful as a tool for meteorologist to make forecasts of low pressure areas. The four quadrant model describing jet streaks reveals how lows and convergence could form over ground levels on different sides of a jet streak. Jet streams are also of great importance for the aviation industry, as one could save time and fuel by flying into – or by not flying into – a jet stream. It is known that the jet streams sometimes can induce Clear Air Turbulence (CAT), and studies have shown that the turbulence is often associated with stable stratified layers in the vicinity of the jet stream. This study starts with a theory section describing the cause of jet streams and the four quadrant model. The theory section continues with a description of why jet streams could be a hazard for airplanes, and also a description of existing reporting and warning systems that are used to prevent pilots from flying into dangerous phenomena. In this section, it is also emphasized that in-flight turbulence not necessarily is a result of thermal or mechanical turbulence, but could also be induced by standing waves in the atmosphere. The latter part of this report is a case study of two jet streaks that was the cause of severe in-flight turbulence in January 2011. The Scorer parameter and the Richardson number were computed using data from atmospheric soundings. The results show that the Richardson number never fell below 0.25, suggesting that there were no fully-developed turbulence. Waves in the air could therefore be an alternative explanation to the reported in-flight turbulence. The results also show that the Scorer parameter had local minima on the levels where the in-flight turbulence occurred. In contrast to this, the Richardson number had no apparent relation to the position of the reported turbulence.

Kvalitetsgranskning av omvårdnadsdokumentation i datoriserad patientjournal

Hellström, Jennie, Pettersson, Ann-Katrin January 2009 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur omvårdnaden dokumenteras i datoriserad patientjournal på en medicinavdelning i mellan Sverige, genom en journalgranskning med granskningsinstrumentet Cat-ch-Ing. Frågeställningarna var ”Vilka poäng ger Cat-ch-Ing instrumentet avseende kvantitet samt kvalitet?” och ”Kan omvårdnadsprocessen följas i omvårdnadsjournalen utifrån Cat-ch-Ing instrumentet?” Metod: Studien är kvantitativ, deskriptiv och retrospektiv. En journalgranskning gjordes med hjälp av granskningsinstrumentet Cat-ch-Ing. Ett systematiskt urval av 100 journaler gjordes och därefter ett slumpmässigt urval av 30 journaler. Cat-ch-Ing instrumentet består av designade frågor som poängsätter sjuksköterskans dokumentation avseende kvantitet och kvalitet, samt hur omvårdnadsprocessen som helhet följs. Resultat: Högst poäng avseende kvantiteten fick omvårdnadsepikrisen/slutanteckning och användandet av VIPS-sökord, medan omvårdnadsstatus uppdaterat under vårdtiden fick den lägsta poängen. Högst poäng avseende kvaliteten i dokumentationen fick användandet av VIPS-sökord och omvårdnadsstatus vid ankomst, medan vårdplanens omvårdnadsmål och omvårdnadsdiagnos fick de lägsta poängen. Resultatet visade att dokumentationen på medicinavdelningen följer omvårdnadsprocessens alla steg, då alla delar i omvårdnadsprocessen fick poäng avseende kvantitet i Cat-ch-Ing instrumentet. Slutsats: Resultatet i den här studien tyder på att dokumentationen på medicinavdelningen generellt var bra, eftersom den har fått höga poäng i Cat-ch-Ing instrumentet. Omvårdnadsprocessens alla delar fanns med i dokumentationen. De brister som fanns förekom framförallt i vårdplanernas omvårdnadsdiagnoser, omvårdnadsmål samt i att uppdatera status. Kontinuerlig utbildning för all personal och uppföljning i form av journalgranskning behövs för att öka kvaliteten i omvårdnadsjournalen.

Genetinių ligų ir ydų paplitimas atskirose kačių veislėse / The prevalence of genetic diseases and vices in different cat breeds

Kovalenkienė, Julija 05 March 2014 (has links)
Daugelis kačių veislių yra imlios įvairioms ligoms ir patologijoms. Kai kurios iš šių mutacijų nėra pavojingos kačių sveikatai, kitos sukelia sunkias ligas, trečios yra veislės požymis. Genetinės ligos ir ydos skirstomos į fenokopijas, dizgenetines anomalijas ir įgimtas ligas ir ydas. Dažniausiai paplitusios genetinės ligos tarp atskirų kačių veislių yra šios: hipertrofinė kardiomiopatija (HCM), inkstų policistozė (PKD), progresuojanti tinklainės atrofija (rdAc-PRA), gangliozidozė (GM1, GM2), piruvato kinazės trūkumas (PK), glikogeno kaupimosi liga IV tipo (GSD-IV), stuburo raumenų atrofija (SMA). Ydos: plokščios krūtinės kačiukų sindromas, bambinė išvarža, įgimta veido kaulų anomalija, Vandenburgo sindromas, polidaktilija, ektrodaktilija, sindaktilija, nesuaugęs kietasis gomurys, kriptorchizmas. Genetiniam tyrimui atlikti imamas mėginys iš katės skruosto vidinės pusės (reikalingos žando ląstelės) tamponėlio pagalba. Paėmus mėginį, tamponai įdedami į specialų voką su užpildytų blanku ir siunčiami paštu į laboratoriją. Laboratorijoje, atliekant genetinius tyrimus, naudojama DNR polimerazės grandinės reakcija bei genų sukibimo metodas. Genetinį tyrimą galima atlikti bet kurio amžiaus gyvūnui. Nustatėme, kad Lietuvoje per 2009-2013 metus mano tirtose veterinarijos klinikose daugiausia diagnozuota inkstų policistozės, kriptorchizmo, aklumo, bambinės išvaržos ir kurtumo atvejų. Iš kačių genetinių ligų Lietuvoje dažniausiai pasitaiko tik inkstų policistozė ir hipertrofinė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Many cat breeds are susceptible to various diseases and pathologies. Some of these mutations are not dangerous to the health of cats, others cause severe diseases, third ones, are the feature of breed. Genetic diseases and vices are divided into phenocopies, dysgenetic anomalies, and congenital diseases and defects. Most prevalent genetic diseases among different cat breeds are: hipertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), polycystic kidney disease (PKD), progressive retinal atrophy (rdAc-PRA), gangliosidosis (GM1, GM2), pyruvatkinase deficiency (PK), glycogen storage disease IV type (GSD-IV), spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Vices: flat chest kitten syndrome, umbilical hernia, congenital abnormality of the facial bones, Vandenburg‘s syndrome, polydactyly, ectrodactyly, syndactyly, cleft hard palate, cryptorchidism. Use brushes to collected cells from inside the cheek (buccal cells). Place all sample containing sample brushes and completed submission forms into a suitable envelope and male to laboratory. During the genetic research, laboratories are refering to the DNA polymerase chain reaction and gene bonding method. Genetic testing can be performed to the animal of any age. We found out, that in Lithuania in the years of 2009-2013, in veterinary clinics, where I did my research, the following diseases were diagnosed the most: kidney polycystosis, cryptorchidism, blindness, deafness and umbilical hernia. Among feline genetic diseases, only kidney polycystosis and hypertrophic... [to full text]

Επί του συνόρου των δισδιάστατων συμπλόκων

Βροντάκης, Εμμανουήλ 14 December 2009 (has links)
Η παρούσα διατριβή αφορά στη μελέτη του συνόρου υπερβολικών δισδιάστατων πολυέδρων. Οι χώροι οι οποίοι μελετώνται κατασκευάζονται κολλώντας υπερβολικά τρίγωνα τα οποία έχουν 2 τουλάχιστον κορυφές στο άπειρο. Οι συγκολλήσεις γίνονται με ισομετρίες κατά μήκος των πλευρών των τριγώνων και οι χώροι οι οποίοι προκύπτουν εφοδιάζονται φυσιολογικά με μία γεωμετρία η οποία έχει ομοιότητες με την γεωμετρία των υπερβολικών πολλαπλοτήτων. Αρχικά μελετάμε τις βασικές ιδιότητες των δισδιάστατων ιδεωδών πολυέδρων και αποδεικνύουμε ότι: «Για κάθε δύο σημεία του συνόρου του καθολικού καλύμματος του χώρου που κατασκευάζουμε, υπάρχει άπειρο πλήθος υποχώρων του συνόρου ομοιομορφικών με το οι οποίοι περιέχουν τα σημεία αυτά». Στη συνέχεια, για μια ειδική κλάση πολυέδρων που κατασκευάζουμε κολλώντας με ισομετρίες κατά μήκος των πλευρών τους πεπερασμένα υπερβολικά τρίγωνα τα οποία έχουν δύο κορυφές στο άπειρο, αποδεικνύουμε επιπλέον ότι: «το σύνορο του καθολικού καλύμματος του χώρου που κατασκευάζουμε είναι τοπικά συνεκτικό κατά τόξα». Τέλος, στην τρίτη ενότητα δίδουμε μια τοπολογική περιγραφή του συνόρου των ιδεωδών πολυέδρων διάστασης 2. / The present work is related to the study of the visual boundary of hyperbolic two dimensional simplicial complexes. We construct (and study) spaces by gluing hyperbolic triangles with at least two vertices at infinity. We glue the triangles by isometries along their sides and we study the derived spaces. In the first chapter it is proved that for every two points in the visual boundary of the universal covering of a two dimensional ideal polyhedron, there is an infinity of paths joining them. In the second chapter, a class of hyperbolic two dimensional complexes X is defined. Is is shown that the limit set of the action of π1(X) on the universal covering of X, is equal to the visual boundary and also that the visual boundary is path connected and locally path connected. Finally, in the third chapter a kind of Sierpinski set is described which is homeomorphic to the visual boundary of certain ideal polyhedra.

Proposition d’une nouvelle méthode de cotation et contribution à la validation du CAT (Children’s Apperception Test) pour l’approche clinique du développement de l’enfant et de sa personnalité / Proposition of a new rating method’s and validation of CAT (Children’s Apperception Test) for the clinical approach to child development and personality

Simon, Florent 06 October 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail de recherche est de concevoir une nouvelle méthode de cotation et d’interprétation de l’épreuve projective CAT (Children’s Apperception Test). Cette nouvelle méthode que nous avons appelé « méthode des trois axes » est fondée sur les connaissances et techniques des épreuves thématiques de la méthode projective francophone (Ecole de Paris). Elle est basée en partie sur les considérations théoriques de Roussillon (1995, 1997) concernant la métapsychologie projective des processus qui modélise le trajet psychique allant de la perception du stimulus de la planche à la verbalisation de la réponse projective (processus de symbolisation). Elle est constituée de 3 axes, 16 catégories de cotation et d’un total de 83 procédés de cotation. La méthode des trois axes a été appliquée à 500 protocoles d’enfants répartis en deux groupes distincts : un groupe d’enfants dit « tout-venant » rencontré en milieu scolaire (n=380) et un groupe d’enfants dit « consultant » rencontré en institution de soin (n=120). Les données ont été analysées selon une approche descriptive et une approche comparative basée sur trois groupes d’âge : 3 ans, 4-6 ans et 6-12 ans. Nous avons également réalisé une comparaison inter-juges portant sur la cotation avec la méthode actuellement utilisée (méthode de Boekholt) et la méthode des trois axes que nous proposons. A partir des résultats, nous proposons une théorie de la méthode CAT qui comporte trois parties : le dispositif de la passation, le manuel de cotation des procédés et le manuel d’interprétation des données qui comprendra des repères normatifs. Cette théorie de la méthode doit permettre aux psychologues cliniciens utilisateurs de cet outil d’évaluer plus précisément le fonctionnement psychique de l’enfant. / The aim of this research is to develop a new method of rating and interpreting the Children’s Apperception Test (CAT). This new method wich we have called “la méthode des trois axes” is built on techniques from the academic “Ecole de Paris” for projective methods. It is based in part on the theory of Roussillon (1995, 1997) concerning the projective metapsychology of processes which describes the psychic path from the perception of the stimulus of the plate to the verbalization of the response. This grid is built with 3 axis of description, including 16 categories of rating and 83 items used to rate the responses in application to the ten plates of CAT. “La méthode des trois axes” was applied to 500 children in two groups : a group of “all-comers” met in school (n=380) and a group of patients in care institution (n=120). The data was analyzed using a descriptive approach based on three age groups : 3 years old, 4-6 years old and 6-12 years old. We also performed the assessment of inter-rater reliability on the rating with the method curently used (Boekholt’s method) and “la méthode des 3 axes” that we propose. On the basis of the results, we propose a theory of the CAT method, which consists of three parts: the test administration, the process rating manual and the interpretation manual which include normative references. This method will enable clinicians psychologists who use this tool to more accurately assess the psychic functioning of the child.

SGC : um ambiente para a automação de procedimentos de caracterização e teste

Wirth, Gilson Inacio January 1994 (has links)
Este trabalho trata de ambientes de software para a realização de teste e caracterização de dispositivos, componentes ou circuitos eletro-eletrônicos, de forma automatizada. Ênfase especial é dada à problemática relacionada ao teste e caracterização automatizados de dispositivos e circuitos integrados. O assunto é tratado sob dois pontos de vista distintos e complementares: i) Sob o ponto de vista do engenheiro de teste e caracterização, que realiza experimentos físicos, que são as medidas e aquisições de dados, processa, visualiza e analisa dados. ii) Sob o ponto de vista do projetista de ferramentas de software, que desenvolve programas de computador para automatizar as tarefas rotineiramente realizadas durante o teste e a caracterização. Após a analise do assunto em questão, um ambiente de software (Framework), chamado SGC, é proposto e implementado. O SGC foi implementado em ambiente MS-WindowsTM através de um paradigma de orientação a objetos, e pretende atender as necessidades inerentes ao teste e caracterização automatizados, quando tratados sob os dois pontos de vista citados. O ambiente SGC é um sistema aberto, a fim de permitir o fácil acoplamento de novas facilidades, bem como mostra-se um sistema prático para suportar rotinas de teste e caracterização em laboratório. / This work deals with software environments for automatic test and characterization of electro-electronical devices, components and circuits. Special attention is paid to the features of testing and characterizing integrated devices and circuits. The subject is treated in two different and complementary views: i) The needs of the test and characterization engineer are addressed. The test engineer carries out physical experiments, which embody measurements and data acquisitions, data processing, visualization and analysis. ii) The needs of the software tools developer, who develops computer programs for the automation of the procedures that are usually carried out during test and characterization, are also addressed. After the analysis of the subject under study, a software framework, called SGC ("Sistema de Gerenciamento e Controle"), is proposed and implemented. The SGC Framework was implemented under MS-WindowsTm using a object oriented approach. The SGC framework aims to fulfill the needs inherent to the automatic test and characterization, when treated using the approaches mentioned above. The SGC Framework is a open system, supporting the easy integration of new software functions to the environment, as well as a practical system for test and characterization laboratory routines.

SGC : um ambiente para a automação de procedimentos de caracterização e teste

Wirth, Gilson Inacio January 1994 (has links)
Este trabalho trata de ambientes de software para a realização de teste e caracterização de dispositivos, componentes ou circuitos eletro-eletrônicos, de forma automatizada. Ênfase especial é dada à problemática relacionada ao teste e caracterização automatizados de dispositivos e circuitos integrados. O assunto é tratado sob dois pontos de vista distintos e complementares: i) Sob o ponto de vista do engenheiro de teste e caracterização, que realiza experimentos físicos, que são as medidas e aquisições de dados, processa, visualiza e analisa dados. ii) Sob o ponto de vista do projetista de ferramentas de software, que desenvolve programas de computador para automatizar as tarefas rotineiramente realizadas durante o teste e a caracterização. Após a analise do assunto em questão, um ambiente de software (Framework), chamado SGC, é proposto e implementado. O SGC foi implementado em ambiente MS-WindowsTM através de um paradigma de orientação a objetos, e pretende atender as necessidades inerentes ao teste e caracterização automatizados, quando tratados sob os dois pontos de vista citados. O ambiente SGC é um sistema aberto, a fim de permitir o fácil acoplamento de novas facilidades, bem como mostra-se um sistema prático para suportar rotinas de teste e caracterização em laboratório. / This work deals with software environments for automatic test and characterization of electro-electronical devices, components and circuits. Special attention is paid to the features of testing and characterizing integrated devices and circuits. The subject is treated in two different and complementary views: i) The needs of the test and characterization engineer are addressed. The test engineer carries out physical experiments, which embody measurements and data acquisitions, data processing, visualization and analysis. ii) The needs of the software tools developer, who develops computer programs for the automation of the procedures that are usually carried out during test and characterization, are also addressed. After the analysis of the subject under study, a software framework, called SGC ("Sistema de Gerenciamento e Controle"), is proposed and implemented. The SGC Framework was implemented under MS-WindowsTm using a object oriented approach. The SGC framework aims to fulfill the needs inherent to the automatic test and characterization, when treated using the approaches mentioned above. The SGC Framework is a open system, supporting the easy integration of new software functions to the environment, as well as a practical system for test and characterization laboratory routines.

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