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Optical investigations of InGaN heterostructures and GeSn nanocrystals for photonic and phononic applications: light emitting diodes and phonon cavitiesHafiz, Shopan d 01 January 2016 (has links)
InGaN heterostructures are at the core of blue light emitting diodes (LEDs) which are the basic building blocks for energy efficient and environment friendly modern white light generating sources. Through quantum confinement and electronic band structure tuning on the opposite end of the spectrum, Ge1−xSnx alloys have recently attracted significant interest due to its potential role as a silicon compatible infra-red (IR) optical material for photodetectors and LEDs owing to transition to direct bandgap with increasing Sn. This thesis is dedicated to establishing an understanding of the optical processes and carrier dynamics in InGaN heterostructures for achieving more efficient visible light emitters and terahertz generating nanocavities and in colloidal Ge1−xSnx quantum dots (QDs) for developing efficient silicon compatible optoelectronics.
To alleviate the electron overflow, which through strong experimental evidence is revealed to be the dominating mechanism responsible for efficiency degradation at high injection in InGaN based blue LEDs, different strategies involving electron injectors and optimized active regions have been developed. Effectiveness of optimum electron injector (EI) layers in reducing electron overflow and increasing quantum efficiency of InGaN based LEDs was demonstrated by photoluminescence (PL) and electroluminescence spectroscopy along with numerical simulations. Increasing the two-layer EI thickness in double heterostructure LEDs substantially reduced the electron overflow and increased external quantum efficiency (EQE) by three fold. By incorporating δ p-doped InGaN barriers in multiple quantum well (MQW) LEDs, 20% enhancement in EQE was achieved due to improved hole injection without degrading the layer quality. Carrier diffusion length, an important physical parameter that directly affects the performance of optoelectronic devices, was measured in epitaxial GaN using PL spectroscopy.
The obtained diffusion lengths at room temperature in p- and n-type GaN were 93±7 nm and 432±30 nm, respectively. Moreover, near field scanning optical microscopy was employed to investigate the spatial variations of extended defects and their effects on the optical quality of semipolar and InGaN heterostructures, which are promoted for higher efficiency light emitters owing to reduced internal polarization fields. The near-field PL from the c+ wings in heterostructures was found to be relatively strong and uniform across the sample but the emission from the c- wings was substantially weaker due to the presence of high density of threading dislocations and basal plane stacking faults. In case of heterostructures, striated regions had weaker PL intensities compared to other regions and the meeting fronts of different facets were characterized by higher Indium content due to the varying internal field.
Apart from being the part and parcel of blue LEDs, InGaN heterostructures can be utilized in generation of coherent lattice vibrations at terahertz frequencies. In analogy to LASERs based on photon cavities where light intensity is amplified, acoustic nanocavity devices can be realized for sustaining terahertz phonon oscillations which could potentially be used in acoustic imaging at the nanoscale and ultrafast acousto-optic modulation. Using In0.03Ga0.97N/InxGa1-xN MQWs with varying x, coherent phonon oscillations at frequencies of 0.69-0.80 THz were generated, where changing the MQW period (11.5 nm -10 nm) provided frequency tuning. The magnitude of phonon oscillations was found to increase with indium content in quantum wells, as demonstrated by time resolved differential transmission spectroscopy. Design of an acoustic nanocavity structure was proposed based on the abovementioned experimental findings and also supported by full cavity simulations.
Optical gap engineering and carrier dynamics in colloidal Ge1−xSnx QDs were investigated in order to explore their potential in optoelectronics. By changing the Sn content from 5% to 23% in 2 nm-QDs, band-gap tunability from 1.88 eV to 1.61 eV, respectively, was demonstrated at 15 K, consistent with theoretical calculations. At 15 K, time resolved PL spectroscopy revealed slow decay (3 − 27 μs) of luminescence, due to recombination of spin-forbidden dark excitons and effect of surface states. Increase in temperature to 295 K led to three orders of magnitude faster decay (9 − 28 ns) owing to the effects of thermal activation of bright excitons and carrier detrapping from surface states. These findings on the effect of Sn incorporation on optical properties and carrier relaxation and recombination processes are important for future design of efficient Ge1−xSnx QDs based optoelectronic devices.
This thesis work represents a comprehensive optical study of InGaN heterostructures and colloidal Ge1−xSnx QDs which would pave the way for more efficient InGaN based LEDs, realization of terahertz generating nanocavities, and efficient Ge1−xSnx based silicon compatible optoelectronic devices.
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Evaluation du potentiel probiotique de lactobacilles buccaux / Assessment of probiotic potential of oral lactobacilliSamot, Johan 06 December 2012 (has links)
La cavité buccale est un écosystème dynamique et complexe à l'équilibre fragile. A l'occasion de modifications des conditions environnementales ou d'une augmentation de la sensibilité de l'hôte, il y a rupture de cet équilibre. L'altération des conditions locales va permettre la croissance et le développement d'espèces pathogènes jusqu'alors faiblement représentées, ce qui va autoriser la survenue de diverses pathologies infectieuses orales. Devant l'insuffisance des solutions apportées par une prise en charge uniquement mécanique, des moyens supplémentaires doivent être envisagés. La stratégie probiotique ouvre une voie séduisante puisque l'on se propose de remplacer des bactéries pathogènes par des microorganismes ayant des effets bénéfiques sur la santé orale. L'objectif de ce travail vise donc à identifier des souches probiotiques parmi des isolats oraux de lactobacilles. Pour cela, soixante six souches ont été évaluées. Afin de prédire leur persistance orale, trois méthodes différentes d'évaluation de l'adhérence ont été utilisées : une méthode sur tube de verre, la méthode MATS et un modèle de biofilm monoespèce. Des études in vitro ont été conduites pour déterminer si les lactobacilles pouvaient inhiber des pathogènes carieux (Streptococcus mutans et Actinomyces viscosus) et certains pathogènes parodontaux (Fusobacterium nucleatum et Porphyromonas gingivalis) et pour identifier les mécanismes impliqués. Enfin, les capacités fermentaires de certaines souches ont été appréciées, afin d'éviter l'apparition d'effets délétères comme la déminéralisation carieuse. Trois souches seulement ont montré des capacités d'adhérence intéressantes. Selon les critères que nous avions défini pour caractériser une activité comme antibactérienne, aucune souche n'a inhibé P. gingivalis et 9 souches ont été retenues pour leur pouvoir inhibiteur contre les autres pathogènes. Le mode d'action précis de l'inhibition reste encore à préciser. Dans les conditions de cette étude, aucune des souches évaluées pour son activité fermentaire n'a présenté un risque cariogène. Ce travail a permis de mettre en évidence des souches intéressantes soit de part leur adhérence soit de part leur activité inhibitrice. Des études in vitro complémentaires semblent nécessaires (évaluation de la stimulation immunitaire, précision sur les mécanismes impliqués dans les effets observés) avant de poursuivre sur un modèle animal ou des études cliniques chez l'Homme. / The oral cavity is a complex and dynamic ecosystem with a delicate balance. On the occasion of changes in environmental conditions or an increase in the sensitivity of the host, a break can occur. The alteration of local conditions will allow the growth and development of pathogenic species hitherto poorly represented, which will allow the occurrence of various oral infectious diseases. Due to the lack of solutions given by a purely mechanical support, additional resources should be considered. Probiotic strategy appears as an attractive way since it proposes to replace pathogenic bacteria by microorganisms having beneficial effects on oral health. The aim of this study was therefore to identify probiotic strains among oral lactobacilli isolates. To this end, sixty-six strains were evaluated. To predict persistence in mouth, three different methods of assessing adherence were used: a method on glass tube, the MATS method and a monospecie biofilm model. In vitro studies were conducted to determine whether lactobacilli could inhibit caries pathogens (Streptococcus mutans and Actinomyces viscosus) and some periopathogens (Fusobacterium nucleatum and Porphyromonas gingivalis) and to identify the mechanisms involved. Finally, the fermentation capacity of certain strains was assessed in order to avoid the occurrence of adverse effects such as carious demineralization. Only three strains showed adhesion interesting capabilities. According to the criteria we defined to characterize an activity as antibacterial, no strain inhibited P. gingivalis and 9 strains were selected for their inhibitory potency against the others pathogens. The precise mode of action of the inhibition remains unclear. Under the conditions of this study, none of the strains tested for its fermentative activity has introduced a cariogenic risk. This work has highlighted interesting strains because of their adhesion or because of their inhibitory activity. Additional in vitro studies seem necessary (evaluation of immune stimulation, precision of the mechanisms involved in the observed effects) before continuing in an animal model and clinical studies in humans.
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Cavity enhanced image recording for holographic data storageMiller, Bo E., Takashima, Yuzuru 08 September 2016 (has links)
Previously, we proposed and experimentally demonstrated that optical cavities can be employed in recording and readout of plane wave holograms to improve data rates in Holographic Data Storage Systems (HDSS). However, there were some concerns about whether these techniques would be applicable to page based HDSS where signal beams are image bearing and have multiple wave vectors. We have consequently demonstrated cavity enhanced writing of image bearing holograms in Fe: LiNbO3 with a 532 nm wavelength, CW, single mode, DPSS, Nd: YAG, laser with a cavity on the reference arm. The diffraction efficiency was monitored by pseudo-phase-conjugate readout during the recording process. Additionally, standing wave cavity recording was described as inappropriate to HDSS due to introducing additionally gratings to the recording process. The balancing of these grating strengths is analyzed relative to a trade-off in dynamic range consumption vs. data rates and the elimination of the extra gratings via quarter wave plates and isotropic recording media is proposed.
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An Experimental Study of Formation of Circulation Patterns in Laminar Unsteady Driven Cavity Flows Using Particle Image Velocimeter (PIV) TechniquesFarkas, Jon 17 December 2011 (has links)
An experimental study is conducted to determine the velocity fields, from development to steady state, in a square enclosure due to movement of a constant velocity lid using Particle Image Velocitmetry (PIV). Experiments were conducted with water, seeded with hollow glass sphere particles 10 microns in diameter, at three different lid velocities leading to Reynolds numbers in the high laminar to transitional range. Driven Cavity Flow is a classic fluid dynamics case often used for benchmarking of computational codes. Previous work has primarily focused on improving computational codes, experimental work is lacking and focused on obtaining steady state readings. The test cavity is 1 inch (25.4mm) high by 1 inch (25.4 mm) wide leading to an aspect ratio of 1.0. The depth is taken to be 5 (127mm) inches to reduce the three dimensional effects. Readings are taken from development to steady state allowing for a full spectrum of flow characteristics. PIV technique is successful in capturing the development of driven cavity flow. Circulation is shown to increase strength with time and Reynolds number. PIV capture and processing settings are determined.
Keywords: Driven Cavity Flow, Particle Image Velocimeter (PIV)
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Conception d’un dispositif de contrôle non-destructif par ultrasons de structure collée exploitant une cavité réverbérante à retournement temporel / Development of a non-destructive ultrasonic inspection device of a bonded structure using a reverberant cavity with time reversal processZabbal, Paul 06 December 2018 (has links)
Le collage suscite un intérêt important pour remplacer les techniques traditionnelles d’assemblage, car il permet d’alléger les structures via une meilleure répartition des contraintes, et également de limiter les contraintes liées à l’assemblage de matériaux différents. Cependant, l’absence de technique de contrôle non destructive robuste de la qualité du collage et plus particulièrement de l’adhésion freine son développement en particulier dans le domaine aéronautique. Dans ce travail une méthode d’inspection ultrasonore d’interfaces collées qui doit révéler des défauts d’adhésion est proposée. Cette technique est validée sur un système représentatif d’applications industrielles, à savoir une liaison entre substrats métalliques liés par un adhésif époxy en film de faible épaisseur. Des défauts ont été introduits au sein de l’interface adhésive (dans l’adhésif ou à l’interface adhésif/substrat) de façon à simuler des défauts rencontrés en environnement industriel. Afin d’améliorer les capacités de détection des méthodes ultrasonores linéaires usuelles, des algorithmes de reconstruction des courbes de dispersion optimisés ont été développés. Cependant, les ondes guidées ne se sont pas montrées suffisamment sensibles à des interfaces faibles dans cette configuration, pour des adhésifs de faible épaisseur et lorsqu’une incertitude des épaisseurs des matériaux est tolérée. Dès lors, des méthodes de contrôle reposant sur l’interaction non-linéaire entre une onde ultrasonore de forte amplitude et un défaut sont proposées car moins système dépendant. Pour détecter et quantifier ces nonlinéarités, des ultrasons suffisamment énergétiques doivent être générés, ce qui implique généralement l’usage de dispositifs électroniques de puissance potentiellement intrinsèquement non-linéaires. Pour contourner ces limitations technologiques, un dispositif dédié est proposé, utilisant des traducteurs alimentés sous tension faible et placés sur un objet réverbérant. L’émission de signaux complexes préalablement établis par étalonnage permet par retournement temporel de concentrer l’énergie acoustique temporellement et spatialement, pour générer des déplacements particulaires ultrasonores de fortes amplitudes à la surface de l’échantillon contrôlé. Pour valider cette approche, le dispositif est utilisé pour contrôler des interfaces collées au sein desquelles différents types de défauts de collage ont été introduits : pollutions (particules de PTFE, démoulant, trace de doigt, etc.), insert. Les échantillons sont finalement testés mécaniquement pour évaluer la sensibilité de la résistance des interfaces à la présence de ces défauts. / Bonding is of great interest to replace traditional assembly techniques, as it makes it possible to lighten structures, through a better distribution of stresses but also to limit the stresses associated with assembling different materials. However, the lack of a robust non-destructive control technique for bonding quality and more particularly adhesion slows down its development, particularly in the aeronautical field. In this work an ultrasonic inspection method of glued interfaces which should reveal defects in adhesion is proposed. This technique is validated on a system representative of industrial applications, metal substrates bonded by a thin film epoxy adhesive. Defects have been introduced into the adhesive interface (in the adhesive or at the adhesive/substrate interface) in order to simulate defects encountered in an industrial environment. In order to improve the detection capabilities of conventional linear ultrasonic guided waves methods, algorithms for reconstructing optimized dispersion curves have been developed. However, the guided waves were not sufficiently sensitive to low interfaces in this configuration, where adhesives are thin, and an uncertainty of material thickness is tolerated. Therefore, control methods based on the non-linear interaction between a high amplitude ultrasonic wave and a defect are proposed. To detect and quantify these non-linearities, sufficiently energetic ultrasound must be generated, which generally involves the use of potentially intrinsically non-linear electronic power devices. To overcome these technological limitations, a dedicated device is proposed, using transducers powered under low voltage and placed on a reverberant object. The emission of complex signals previously established by calibration makes it possible to concentrate acoustic energy temporally and spatially, to generate after time reversal ultrasonic particle movements of high amplitude on the surface of the controlled sample. To validate this approach, the device is used to control glued interfaces in which different types of gluing defects have been introduced: pollution (PTFE particles, release agent, fingerprints, etc.), insert. The samples are finally mechanically tested to assess the sensitivity of the interface resistance to the presence of these defects.
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Cavité de type klystron pour des dispositifs microondes / Klystron type cavity for microwave devicesApedjinou, Anoumou 18 March 2019 (has links)
Les propriétés électriques des matériaux sont des données indispensables dans les phases de conception de circuits micro-ondes. Ainsi, de nombreuses méthodes ont été mises au point en s’appuyant sur des mesures de paramètres «S», pour les systèmes de transmission-réflexion, ou de fréquences de résonance, pour les méthodes résonantes. Chacune d’entre elles présente des caractéristiques adaptées à un type de géométrie d’échantillon, à une bande de fréquence d’analyse, à une précision des résultats souhaitée... Dans tous les cas, les dimensions de l’échantillon doivent être au moins de l’ordre de grandeur de la longueur d’onde et donc, les caractérisations deviennent impossibles aux basses fréquences pour des échantillons de petites tailles. Un autre inconvénient de ces méthodes est qu’il est obligatoire de connaître parfaitement l’épaisseur de l’échantillon pour déterminer avec précision les caractéristiques électriques du matériau. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse a donc consisté à mettre au point une nouvelle méthode de caractérisation en s’appuyant sur une cavité de géométrie particulière. Celle-ci permet des mesures basses fréquences pour des dimensions très inférieures à la longueur d’onde. Avec un système de couplage original, nous avons pu également obtenir une réponse en transmission particulière, caractérisée par une fréquence de résonance et une fréquence d’antirésonance. Par rapport aux méthodes classiques qui ne travaillent que sur la fréquence de résonance, cette double information permet de déterminer à la fois la permittivité du milieu mais également l’épaisseur de l’échantillon. / The electrical properties of the materials are essential data in the design phases of microwave circuits. Thus, many methods have been developed based on "S" parameter measurements, for transmission-reflection systems, or resonance frequencies, for resonant methods. Each of them has characteristics adapted to a type of the samplegeometry, to the frequency band of analysis, to a desired precision of the results... In all the cases, the dimensions of the sample must be at least of the order of the wavelength and therefore the characterizations become impossible at low frequencies for samples of small sizes. Another disadvantage of these methods is that it is mandatory to know perfectly the thickness of the sample to accurately determine the electrical characteristics of the material. The objective of this thesis work was therefore to develop a new method of characterization based on a cavity of particular geometry. This allows low frequency measurements for dimensions much smaller than the wavelength. With an original coupling system, we have also been able to obtain a particular transmission response, characterized by a resonance frequency and an antiresonance frequency. Compared to conventional methods that only work on the resonant frequency, this double information makes it possible to determine both the permittivity of the medium but also the thickness of the sample.
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Etudes des mécanismes de transfert de charge dans les plateformes granulaires renforcées par géosynthétiques / GRANULAR PLATFORM REINFORCED BY GEOSYNTHETICS ABOVE CAVITIES : Laboratory experiments and numerical modeling of load transfer mechanismsPham, Minh Tuan 04 April 2019 (has links)
L’aménagement progressif du territoire conduit à l’exploitation de nouvelles zones, actuellement délaissées, car présentant des risques pour la sécurité des usagers. C’est notamment le cas des zones d’effondrements potentiels qui sont liées à la présence de cavités souterraines. Parmi les nombreuses solutions préventives, le renforcement géosynthétique permet de prévenir les risques d’effondrement localisés. Cette solution de renforcement est largement utilisée à la fois pour ses avantages économiques et environnementaux, que pour sa facilité et rapidité de mise en œuvre. Néanmoins, les méthodes de conception existantes des plateformes granulaires renforcées par géosynthétiques sont fondées sur diverses hypothèses simplificatrice et ne prennent pas en compte toute la complexité du problème. En effet, ces méthodes ne considèrent pas par exemple l’influence du mode d’ouverture de la cavité, le foisonnement du sol granulaire au droit de la cavité ou encore la distribution de charge sur le géosynthétique après ouverture de la cavité.La présente étude tente d’améliorer les méthodes de dimensionnement en analysant les mécanismes développés dans la plateforme granulaire renforcée sur la base d’une campagne expérimentale couplée à des modélisations numériques.Un dispositif expérimental a été développé pour simuler l’ouverture d’une cavité sous une plateforme renforcée par géosynthétique. Ce dispositif permet de simuler deux modes d’ouverture : une trappe qui s’abaisse ou une ouverture concentrique, pour différentes hauteurs de plateformes. Les mécanismes de renforcement sont étudiés en mesurant la déflexion du géosynthétique, le tassement en surface et la distribution de contrainte verticale qui s’applique du le géosynthétique. Un modèle numérique par éléments finis a été calibré sur les résultats expérimentaux puis utilisé pour analyser finement les mécanismes pour de nombreuses configurations.Cette étude expérimentale et numérique a permis d’améliorer la compréhension des mécanismes de transfert de charge et de foisonnement dans la zone effondrée et de valider expérimentalement l’influence du mode d’ouverture sur les mécanismes. Sur la base de ces résultats, des propositions sont formulées pour améliorer le dimensionnement des plateformes renforcées par géosynthétiques soumises à des effondrements localisés. / The progressive development of the territory leads to the exploitation of new areas, which are currently being abandoned because they come up risks to the safety of users. This is particularly the case for areas of potential collapse that are related to the presence of underground cavities. Among the many preventative solutions, geosynthetic reinforcement prevents localized collapse. This solution is widely used for both its economic and environmental benefits, as well as for its ease and speed of setting up. However, the existing design methods for granular platforms reinforced by geosynthetic are based on various simplifying assumptions and do not take the complexity of the problem into account. These methods do not consider, for example, the influence of how the cavity is opened, the expansion of granular soil above the cavity, or the stress distribution on the geosynthetic after opening the cavity.The present study tries to improve the design methods by analyzing mechanisms developed inside the reinforced granular platform on the basis of an experimental study coupled with numerical simulations.An experimental device was developed to simulate the opening of a cavity under a platform reinforced by geosynthetic. This device allows simulating two types of opening: a trapdoor or a concentric opening, for various heights of platforms. The mechanisms are studied by measuring the deflection of the geosynthetic, the settlement at the surface and the stress distribution applied of the geosynthetic. A finite element model was calibrated on the experimental results then used to analyze mechanisms finely for many configurations.This experimental and numerical study allows improving the understanding of the stress distribution, the soil expansion above the cavity and experimentally validated the influence of the opening mode on the mechanisms. Based on these results, proposals are formulated to improve the design of geosynthetic-reinforced platforms subject to localized collapse.
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Implementação do método das características na modelagem de problemas de convecção natural em cavidades cilíndricas /Jordam, Alice. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Vicente Luiz Scalon / Banca: Helio Aparecido Navarro / Banca: Sergio Rodrigues Fontes / Resumo: A fluidodinâmica computacinal (CFD) tem sido utilizada, estudadda e implementada ao longa das duas últimas décadas na solução dos mais diversos problemas de engenharia. O princípio básico desta ciência é a aplicação de métodos numéricos em problemas que envolvam mecânica dos fluidos. Nesse contexto, este trabalho utiliza essa técnica para analisar o comportamento de um fluido incompreensível, que se encontra numa cavidade cilíndrica fechada onde as faces inferior e superior são adiabáticas e as superfícies laterais se encontram em diferentes temperaturas. Os perfis de velocidade e temperatura resultantes - ocasionados pela convecção natural - serão avaliados em todo o domínio do problema. Existe uma série de técnicas para a solução de problemas envolvendo escoamentos, sendo as mais comuns as que se utilizam do "Esquema de Passo Fracionado" proposto por Chorin no final da década de 60. Dentre as diversas soluções que se utilizam desta técnica, este trabalho optou pelo uso do método das características e do algoritmo CBS de solução proposto por Zienkiewicz e Codina (1995). Para a implementação do algoritmo de solução do problema proposto foi realizada uma discretização geral através do método dos elementos finitos usando-se de uma malha formada por elementos bilineares. A solução foi obtida a partir de um ambiente matemático adequado, a GNU-Octave (2008). Os resultados foram analisados para diferentes razões de curvatura, números de Rayleigh e métodos de solução, sendo plotados para as suas diversas variáveis buscando descrever o comportamento do fenônemo / Abstract: The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been used, studied and performed through the last two decades to solve the series of problems in Engineering. The most basic aim of this science is the appliance of numerical methods in cases that envolve fluid mechanics. In this context, this work uses this technic to analyze the behaviour of an incompressible fluid, which is found in a closed cylindrical cavity, a place where the inferior and superior surfaces are adiabatic and the lateral surfaces are shown in different temperatures. The resultant profiles of speed and temperature - induced by the free convection - are going to be appraised in all the dominion of the problem. There is a set of technics to solve the problems which involve the drainage, but the most usual are those which use the techic "Fractional Step Method" offered by Chorin in the final of 60s. Among the several solutions that are solved through this technic, this research used the characteristics method and of the CBS algorthm, offered by Zienkiewicz e Codina (1995). For the implementation of the algorithm, it was realized a general discretization through the finite elements method, making use of a loop formed by bilinear elements. The resolution was obtained from an adequated mathematical ambient, the GNU-Octave (2008). The results were analysed for different curvature ratios, Rayleigh numbers and methods of solution, being plotted for its different variables searching to describe the behavior of the phenomenon / Mestre
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Estudo anatômico do comportamento do nervo pudendo em fetos de bovinos azebuados / Anatomical study on the behavior of the pudendum nerve in fetuses of the crossbred zebu cattleFerraz, Rosa Helena dos Santos 19 February 1997 (has links)
Para a execução deste trabalho, valemo-nos de trinta fetos de bovinos azebuados, fêmeas. Após o processo de conservação e de redução das peças, realizamos sua dissecção, com auxílio de instrumentos de cirurgia oftálmica e lupa circular de luz fria. Priorizamos a observação da origem do tronco do nervo pudendo registrando-a, maus freqüentem ente (76,7%) em relação ao segundo, terceiro e quarto nervos sacrais, destacando como contribuição mais conspícua, a que se refere ao terceiro nervo sacra (90%). Especificamos também as contribuições dos ramos ventrais dos nervos sacrais destinadas a cada um dos ramos, registrando participação mais freqüentemente do terceiro e quartos nervos, isto é: cutâneo proximal (56,7% à direita e 53,3% à esquerda), cutâneo distal (70% à direita e 56,7% à esquerda) e nervo pudendo (propriamente dito - 76,7% à direita e 73,3% à esquerda), considerandoo-os enquanto contidos na cavidade pélvica. Registramos o número de ramos representativos dos ramos cutâneos proximal e dista], sendo respectivamente encontrado em apresentação única à direita (63,3% - 96,7%) e à esquerda (66,7% - 83,3%); dupla à direita (23,3% - 3,3%) e à esquerda (23,3% - 16,7%) e tripla, exclusivamente para o ramo cutâneo proximal à esquerda (3,3%). Observamos também a emergência desses ramos da cavidade pélvica, representada para o ramo cutâneo proximal mais freqüentemente através do forame isquiático menor à direita (16,7%) e à esquerda (16,7%) oou perfurando o ligamento sacrotuberal largo à direita (46,7%) e à esquerda (50%) e, para o ramo cutâneo distal pela fossa ísquio-retal para ambos os antímeros (100%). 0 nervo pudendo (propriamente dito), no terço final da cavidade pélvica, origina sempre o ramo dorsal do clitóris e o ramo mamário (100%). Registramos ainda, ocorrência de ramo conectivo (\"anastomose\") entre um pequeno ramo que adentra a cavidade pélvica pela porção cranial do forame isquiático menor e o nervo pudendo (propriamente dito) ou um de seus ramos - o nervo perineal profundo (63,3%). Os resultados obtidos em relação ao comportamento do nervo pudendo em fetos de bovinos azebuados, fêmeas, de modo geral, não mostram discordância com os correspondentes dados obtidos na literatura consultada, referentes a bovinos de origem européia. / In order to perform this research, 30 female fetuses from crossbred zebus were used. After applying the process of conservation and reduction of the pieces, dissections were made by using ophthalmic surgical instruments and circular magnifying glass fitted with cold lamp. Priority was given to the observation of the origin of the pudendum nerve trunk registering it, more frequently, in relation to the second, third and fourth sacral nerves (76.7%), emphasizing it as the most remarkable contribution, the one that refers to the third sacral nerve (90%). While enclosed in the pelvic cavity, we considered contributions of the ventral branches of the sacral nerves, specifically destinated to each of the branches, registering more abundantly participation of the third and fourth nerves, that is: proximal cutaneous (56.7% to the right and 53.3% to the left), distal cutaneous (70% to the right and 56.7% to the left) and pudendum nerve (properly speaking - 76.7% to the right and 73.3% to the left). We registered the number of branches representative of the proximal cutaneous and of the distal cutaneous, being respectively found in the unique appearance to the right si de (63.3% and 96.7%) and to the left (66.7% and 83.3%); double to the right (23.3% and 3.3.%) and to the left (23.3% and 16.7%), and triple, exclusively to the proximal cutaneous branch to the left (3.3%). The emergence of these branches from the pelvic cavity was also observed, represented to the proximal cutaneous branch more often through the minor ischiatic foramen to the right (16.7%) and to the left (16.7%) or perforating the large sacrotuberal ligament to the right (46.7%) and to the left (50%) and, to the distal cutaneous branch through ischiorectal fossa to both antimeres (100%). The pudendum nerve (properly speaking), in the final one-third of the pelvic cavity, always originates the dorsal branch of the clitoris and the mammary branch (100%). The occurrence of the comiective branch (\"anastomosis\") between a small branch entering into the pelvic cavity through the cranial portion of the minor ischiatic foramen (properly speaking) and the pudendum nerve or one of its branches - the deep pudendum nerve was also observed (63.3%). The results of the behavior of the pudendum nerve found in female fetuses of the crossbred zebu cattle did not differ from those of the Europen cattle, as described in the literature.
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Influência do tratamento da dentina radicular com três substâncias irrigadoras ácidas no vedamento marginal apical de obturações endodônticas. / The influence of root dentin treatment with three acid irrigating solutions in apical marginal sealing of endodontic fillings.Carlik, Jaime 21 December 2000 (has links)
Analisou-se a influência da aplicação do ácido cítrico em três concentrações, EDTA-T e EDTA-C no vedamento marginal apical de canais radiculares em 90 caninos humanos extraídos. O preparo químico-cirúrgico dos canais radiculares foi realizado pela técnica de Paiva & Antoniazzi, sendo esses dentes posteriormente distribuídos aleatoriamente em seis grupos. Cada grupo de dentes recebeu um tratamento químico específico efetuado pela repleção do canal radicular por 3 minutos com uma das seguintes substâncias: soro fisiológico, ácido cítrico a 10%, ácido cítrico a 15%, ácido cítrico a 20%, EDTA-T a 17% e EDTA-C a 17%. Posteriormente, todos os canais radiculares foram obturados com cones de guta-percha e cimento N-Rickert pela técnica de cones múltiplos com condensação vertical. Foi observado um aumento crescente de infiltração do corante azul-de-metileno nos canais tratados com ácido cítrico correspondente ao aumento da concentração do ácido. A maior média de infiltração verificada ocorreu nos canais radiculares tratados com EDTA-C e as menores registradas naqueles tratados com soro fisiológico ou EDTA-T. As diferenças entre as médias de infiltração apical nos seis grupos experimentais, analisadas conjuntamente, não foram estatisticamente significantes. Em comparações individualizadas, houve diferença significante (p < 0,05) entre o grupo G6 (EDTA-C) tanto em relação ao grupo G5 (EDTA-T) quanto ao grupo G1 (soro fisiológico). / Ninety extracted human teeth were analysed in this work to verify the influence of citric acid application under three concentrations, EDTA-T and EDTA-C in the apical marginal sealing of root canals. Chemical and surgical root canal preparations were performed by Paiva & Antoniazzi technique, being these teeth randomly distributed in six groups. Each group had specific chemical treatment of filling the root canal for 3 minutes with one of the following substances: saline solution, 10% citric acid, 15% citric acid, 20% citric acid, 17% EDTA-T and 17% EDTA-C. All root canals were filled with gutta-percha cones and N-Rickert cement by the multiple cone technique with vertical condensation. A crescent increase of methylene blue dye penetration could be observed in the root canals treated with citric acid equivalent to the increase in acid concentration. The highest penetration mean was shown in the root canals treated with EDTA-C and the lowest in those treated wint saline solution or EDTA-T. The differences between the apical penetration means in the six experimental groups that had been together analysed showed no statistical significance. When individually compared, there was a significant difference (p<0,05) between group G6 (EDTA-C), group G5 (EDTA-T) and group G1 (saline solution).
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