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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specific Heat Studies on the Charge-Density-Wave Transition of Lu5Ir4Si10 and Lu5Rh4Si10

Hsu, Fung-Hsueh 29 June 2001 (has links)
Recently, the formation of charge density wave in 3D structure, Lu5Ir4Si10, had been observed in the X-ray diffraction experiment. At the same time, the transition in Lu5Ir4Si10 was thought to be first-order due to the spike-shaped anomaly in specific heat. The first-order transition usually accompanies with thermal hysteresis. In order to clarify this problem, we measure and analyze the specific heat result of Lu5Ir4Si10. As a matter of fact, we don¡¦t observe the thermal hysteresis behavior within the resolution of our apparatus, and we think the formation of CDW in Lu5Ir4Si10 is strong interchain coupling. In addition, we also perform the resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and specific heat measurements under zero and external field on the isostructure component Lu5Rh4Si10 for comparison, which has also been thought to undergo a CDW transition. We indeed observe the thermal hysteresis behavior no matter on resistivity, susceptibility or on specific heat results, and this phenomenon doesn¡¦t have magnetic effects. The thermal hysteresis features in Lu5Rh4Si10 are attributed to the presence of metastable states due to the pinning of the CDW phase to impurities, and we also discuss some possibilities about it. The specific heat measurement in our research is performed with an ac calorimetry, using chopped light as a heat source. The details of this technique are also discussed.


Gaspar, Luis Alejandro Ladino 01 January 2008 (has links)
We have studied the charge density wave (CDW) repolarization dynamics in blue bronze (K0.3MoO3) by applying symmetric bipolar square-wave voltages of different frequencies to the sample and measuring the changes in infrared transmittance, proportional to CDW strain. The frequency dependence of the electro-transmittance was fit to a modified harmonic oscillator response and the evolution of the parameters as functions of voltage, position, and temperature are discussed. We found that resonance frequencies decrease with distance from the current contacts, indicating that the resulting delays are intrinsic to the CDW with the strain effectively flowing from the contact. For a fixed position, the average relaxation time for most samples has a voltage dependence given by τ0 ∼ V −p, with 1 < p < 2. The temperature dependence of the fitting parameters shows that the dynamics are governed by both the force on the CDW and the CDW current: for a given force and position, both the relaxation and delay times are inversely proportional to the CDW current as temperature is varied. The long delay times (∼ 100 μs) for large CDW currents suggest that the strain response involves the motion of macroscopic objects, presumably CDW phase dislocation lines. We have done frequency domain simulations to study charge-density-wave (CDW) polarization dynamics when symmetric bipolar square current pulses of different frequencies and amplitudes are applied to the sample, using parameters appropriate for NbSe3 at T = 90 K. The frequency dependence of the strain at one fixed position was fit to the same modified harmonic oscillator response and the behavior of the parameters as functions of current and position are discussed. Delay times increase nonlinearly with distance from the current contacts again, indicating that these are intrinsic to the CDWwith the strain effectively flowing from the contact. For a fixed position and high currents the relaxation time increases with decreasing current, but for low currents its behavior is strongly dependent on the distance between the current contact and the sample ends. This fact clearly shows the effect of the phase-slip process needed in the current conversion process at the contacts. The relaxation and delay times computed (∼ 1 μs) are much shorter than observed in blue bronze (> 100 μs), as expected because NbSe3 is metallic whereas K0.3MoO3 is semiconducting. While our simulated results bear a qualitative resemblance with those obtained in blue bronze, we can not make a quantitative comparison with the K0.3MoO3 results since the CDW in our simulations is current driven, whereas the electro-optic experiment was voltage driven. Different theoretical models predict that for voltages near the threshold Von, quantities such as the dynamic phase velocity correlation length and CDW velocity vary as ξ ∼ |V/Von − 1| −ν and v ∼ |V/Von − 1|ξ with ν ∼ 1/2 and ζ = 5/6. Additionally, a weakly divergent behavior for the diffusion constant D ∼ |V/Von − 1|−2ν+ζ is expected. Motivated by these premises and the fact that no convincing experimental evidence is known, we carried out measurements of the parameters that govern the CDW repolarization dynamic for voltages near threshold. We found that for most temperatures considered the relaxation time still increases for voltages as small as 1.06Von indicating that the CDW is still in the plastic and presumably in the noncritical limit. However, at one temperature we found that the relaxation time saturates with no indication of critical behavior, giving a new upper limit to the critical regime, of |V/Von − 1| < 0.06.

Development of ambient-cured geopolymer mortars with construction and demolition waste-based materials

Yildirim, Gurkan, Ashour, Ashraf F., Ozcelikci, E., Gunal, M.F., Ozel, B.F., Alhawat, Musab M. 21 February 2023 (has links)
No / Degrading infrastructure and applications of structural demolition create tremendous amounts of construction and demolition waste (CDW) all around the world. To address this issue in an effective way, recycling CDW in a most appropriate way has become a global concern in recent years. To this end, this study focused on the utilization of CDW-based materials such as hollow brick (HB), red clay brick (RCB), roof tile (RT), glass (G) and concrete (C) in the production of geopolymer mortars. These materials were first collected from an urban transformation area and then subjected to an identical two-step crushing-milling procedure to provide sufficient fineness for geopolymerization. To investigate the influence of blast furnace slag (S) addition to the CDW-based mixtures, 20% S substituted mixture designs were also made. Fine recycled concrete aggregates (FRCA) obtained from crushing and sieving of the waste concrete were used as the aggregate. A series of mixtures were designed using different proportions of three distinct alkali activators such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH), sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) and calcium hydroxide (Ca[OH]2). To improve their applicability, the mixtures were left to cure at room temperature rather than the heat curing which is frequently applied in the literature. After 28 days of ambient curing, the 100% CDW-based geopolymer mortar activated with three different activators reached a compressive strength of 31.6 MPa, whereas the 20% S substituted geopolymer mortar achieved a compressive strength of 51.9 MPa. While the geopolymer mortars activated with only NaOH exhibited poor performance, it was found that the use of Na2SiO3 and Ca(OH)2 improved the compressive strength. Main geopolymerization products were related to NASH, CASH, and C(N)ASH gel formations. Our results demonstrated that mixed CDW-based materials can be employed in the manufacturing geopolymers, making them potential alternatives to Portland cement-based systems by being eco-friendly, energy-efficient, and comparable in compressive strength. / This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 894100.

Mechanical and microstructural characterization of geopolymers from assorted construction and demolition waste-based masonry and glass

Ulugöl, H., Kul, A., Yildirim, Gurkan, Şahmaran, M., Aldemir, A., Figueira, D., Ashour, Ashraf 23 September 2020 (has links)
Yes / Geopolymers are mostly produced with main-stream precursors such as fly ash and slag. These precursors are successfully used and competitively demanded by the cement industry. Development of geopolymers from alternative precursors is appealing. The main aim of this work is the development of geopolymers with construction and demolition waste-based precursors including masonry units (red clay brick, roof tile, hollow brick) and glass. Different curing temperatures (50, 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125 oC), curing periods (24, 48, 72 h), and Na concentrations (10, 12, 15%) of alkaline activator (NaOH) were employed. Compressive strength testing and microstructural investigations were performed including X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetry and scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Results showed that depending on the type of precursor (hollow brick), curing temperature/period (115 oC/24 h) and concentration of alkaline activator (12%), it is possible to obtain compressive strength results more than 45 MPa. Hollow brick is the most successful precursor resulting in higher compressive strength results thanks to a more compact microstructure. The strength performance of red clay brick and roof tile is similar. The compressive strength results of geopolymers with glass precursor are lower, most probably due to significantly coarser particles of glass used. The main reaction products of red clay brick-, roof tile- and hollow brick-based geopolymers are sodium aluminosilicate hydrate (N-A-S-H) gels with zeolite-like structures while they are sodium silicate gels in the case of glass-based geopolymers. Our findings showed that CDW-based materials can be used successfully in producing geopolymers. Current research is believed to help raise awareness in novel routes for the effective utilization of such wastes which are realistically troublesome and attract further research on the utilization of CDW-based materials in geopolymer production. / The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance of the Scientific and Technical Research Council (TUBITAK) of Turkey and British Council provided under projects: 117M447 and 218M102.

Les bronzes monophosphate de tungstène et l'antimoine : l'interaction entre l'instabilité de "framework" et le couplage électron-phonon / Monophosphate tungsten bronzes and antimony : the interplay of framework instability and electron-phonon coupling

Minelli, Arianna 20 December 2018 (has links)
Les phonons mous et le couplage électron-phonon sont considérés comme responsables d’un grand nombre de transition de phase. Pour en comprendre complétement les mécanismes, il est nécessaire d’étudier à la fois les modifications structurales, les changements de configuration électronique et les dynamiques de réseau cristallin. De toute évidence, cela représente une charge de travail expérimental et théorique considérable, voire même hors d’atteinte.Néanmoins, il est parfois possible d’introduire certaines simplifications et d’ainsi rendre une telle étude réalisable. C’est le cas pour les deux systèmes au cœur de ce travail de thèse, pour lesquels la transition de phase peut être diviser en deux instabilités : l’une est structurale, intrinsèque aux éléments constitutifs du système et l’autre, superposée, provient de la configuration électronique. L’interaction entre ces instabilités est illustrée à travers l’exemple de deux systèmes à priori hétérogènes, la famille des bronzes monophosphate de tungstène d’une part et l’antimoine d’autre part, qui révèleront finalement posséder des similarités inattendues. La combinaison des techniques de diffusion diffuse et de diffusion inélastique de rayons X permet des observations qualitatives et une meilleure compréhension de la situation pour les deux systèmes.Les bronzes monophosphate de tungstène font partie de la famille des oxydes quasi-2D, (PO2)4(WO3)2m, qui ont la particularité d’être sujet à des instabilités de type onde de densité de charges (ODC). Ces bronzes sont constitués d’une structure de perovskite vide composée par des couches octaédriques (WO3)2m. L’épaisseur de chacune de ces couches est définie par la valeur de m, qui mène ainsi à différents types de phase d’ODC. Le cas du terme m=2 a aussi été étudié car le fait que les chaînes zig-zag y soient isolées conduit à une instabilité quasi-1D. La présence d’une phase d’ODC a été découverte à TC=270K avec q=0.25b*. Cette phase est engendrée par le mouvement à corps rigide, plus exactement, par les basculements corrélés des octaèdres. Pour les autres termes (m=6,7 et 8), l’instabilité structurale a une origine différente et est liée à l’agencement en couches de WO3, plus particulièrement aux déplacements corrélés des chaînes W-O-W-O. Ces derniers sont la cause d’une forte diffusion diffuse sur des plans spécifiques, résultant de la présence de phonons ’relativement’ mous localisés dans la même région. Ensuite, l’emboitement de la surface de Fermi quasi-2D est à l’origine de l’ancrage du vecteur de modulation sur une valeur spécifique de transfert de moment, définit par l’interaction de deux instabilités, structurale et électronique. De façon remarquable, l’amplitude des déplacements des atomes de tungstène dans le terme m=8 est beaucoup plus élevée que dans le m=6.L’antimoine à température ambiante possède une structure rhomboédrique, dérivant d’une légère distorsion de la structure cubique primitive (CP) par transition de Peierls. Sous pression, la distorsion se réduit sans toutefois disparaître complétement, puisque l’antimoine se transforme dans un premier temps en une série de structures complexes, pour finalement adopter celle possédant la plus grande symétrie, la structure cubique centrée (CC). De la même façon que pour les bronzes, les caractéristiques de la diffusion diffuse ainsi que, dans une certaine mesure, les particularités de la dynamique du réseau rhomboédrique, s’expliquent à travers de l’instabilité du réseau cubique primitif. Cette dernière est liée aux déplacements corrélés dans les chaînes avec direction pseudo-cubique <100>. En outre, les détails de la transition de phase peuvent être explicités par l’association de l’analyse des vecteurs critiques de la transformation CC-CP avec les résultats expérimentaux obtenus sur la dépendance en pression de l’énergie des phonons. / A large number of phase transitions can be interpreted as being driven by phonon softening and/or electron-phonon coupling. Thus, a full mechanistic description requires the understanding of structural transformation, changes in electronic structure and lattice dynamics. All together this represents an enormous, for many cases unrealisable, experimental and theoretical effort.However, with the introduction of appropriate assumptions the problem may be simplified. Here we concentrate on two systems, where the interpretation of the phase transition may be split into an intrinsic instability of the building blocks combined with a superimposed electronic instability. We illustrate the interplay between the framework and electron-phonon-related instabilities using the seemingly heterogeneous examples of phosphate tungsten bronzes and elementary antimony. Based on the combined results from diffuse and inelastic X-ray scattering, we propose for the two systems a picture that explains the experimental observations. The similarities found between these two systems are deemed to be rather surprising.Monophosphate tungsten bronzes are a family of quasi-2D-oxides, (PO2)4(WO3)2m, that exhibits charge density wave (CDW) instability. They contain empty perovskite WO3 slabs with varying thickness between different members, characterised by the $m$ value. This thickness defines the sequence of charge density wave phases that appear on cooling. The degenerate case of $m$=2, presenting a quasi-1D instability, was explored since the WO3-octahedra zig-zag chain is isolated. A CDW phase (TC=270K and q=0.25b*) is found to be linked to a rigid-body motion, precisely, to a correlation in the tilting of the octahedra. For the others studied members, as m=6,7 and 8, we found another kind of structural instability. In this case the origin comes from the WO$_3$ slabs framework, realised as correlated displacements of tungsten atoms along the octahedral 4-fold axis direction (W-O-W-O direction). This leads to a strong x-ray diffuse scattering localised in specific planes, linked to relatively soft phonons modes. Specific Fermi surface nesting, close to the 2D case, gives rise to a freezing of the modulations at the specific momentum transfer, defined by the interplay of two instabilities, the structural and electronic one. Remarkably, the displacements of W for m=8 are much superior than in m=6.Elemental antimony at ambient condition has an A7 rhombohedral structure, obtained by small distortion from primitive cubic (PC) lattice through a Peierls transition. Under pressure, the distortion is reduced, but remains finite, as antimony transforms through a series of highly complex structures, before adopting as last the highest-symmetry body-centred cubic (BCC) phase. The main diffuse scattering features and to some extent the peculiarities in the lattice dynamics of the A7 phase – as above - can be explained by the instability of the primitive cubic network with respect to correlated displacements along the chains with <100> pseudo-cubic directions. Analysis of critical vectors for the BCC-PC transformation together with experimentally obtained phonon-energies pressure dependence provides further insights into the details of the phase transformation.

Crescimento de monocristais e investigação experimental de propriedades físicas de calcogenetos de nióbio / Crystal growth and experimental studies of physical properties of niobium calcogenides

Lima, Bruno Sanches de 13 December 2017 (has links)
Recentemente foi descoberto que diversos calcogenetos de metais de transição podem ter o estado charge density waves (CDW) suprimido a partir de pressão hidrostática e dopagens, e, por conseguinte, o estado supercondutor emerge. Nesse contexto, este trabalho apresenta um estudo sistemático de propriedades físicas de amostras poli e monocristalinas de dois compostos do sistema Nb-Te, NbTe2 e NbTe4. Com relação ao composto NbTe2, os resultados aqui apresentados demonstram que esse composto é mais um exemplo de material que exibe ambos os estados a pressão atmosférica e sem dopagens. No que tange as propriedades do NbTe4, este trabalho demonstra que amostras deficientes em telúrio tem a anomalia na curva de resistividade elétrica relacionada a formação do estado CDW amplificada e, a deficiência em telúrio é também capaz de fazer emergir supercondutividade em 5.5 K. Este trabalho também sugere algumas mudanças no diagrama de equilíbrio de fases Nb-Te publicado na base de dados da sociedade americana de metalurgia (ASM). As fases Nb5Te4 e Nb3Te4 foram identificadas como sendo fases de altas temperaturas que são formadas a partir de reações eutetóides. Além do mais, nossos resultados demonstram que a região entre as fases NbTe2 e NbTe4 consiste, na verdade, de uma região bifásica. Durante a realização deste trabalho, outro composto foi investigado, o NiTe2. Nesse composto, nossos resultados demonstram que a intercalação de Ti faz emergir um estado supercondutor em 4.5 K e cuja temperatura de transição parece insensível a pressão hidrostática. Cálculos de estrutura de bandas sugerem fortemente que o composto NiTe2 intercalado com Ti pode ser mais um exemplo de supercondutor com aspectos topológicos em sua superfície de Fermi. / Recently was demonstrated that it is possible to suppress the charge density waves (CDW) ground states while, simultaneously, a superconductor state emerges in several transition metal chalcogenides (TMC), by means of hydrostatic pressure or chemical doping. Within this context, this work presents a systematic study on physical properties of two Nb chalcogenides, NbTe2 and NbTe4. Our results demonstrate that NbTe2 is another example of a TMC which exhibit both stabilities at atmospheric pressure and without doping. Regarding the physical properties of NbTe4, we have demonstrated that Te deficiency increases significantly the anomaly in the electrical resistivity as function of temperature behavior related with the CDW formation. At the same time, Te deficiency can also cause a SC state to emerge at 5.5 K. This work also presents a review of the binary phase diagram, Nb-Te, and some changes are proposed. Nb5Te4 and Nb3Te4 were identified as high temperature phases originated from eutectoid reactions. Furthermore, our results demonstrated that the region between the phases NbTe2 and NbTe4 are, in fact, a two-phase region, differently from what is proposed in the actual version of the phase diagram. Also, during this work, another chalcogenide was investigated, NiTe2. Our results demonstrate that Ti can be intercalted between the Van der Waals gaps of the structure and consequently a superconductor state emerges at 4.5 K. The critical temperature is found to be insensitive to hydrostatic pressure. Band structure strongly suggests that NiTe2 could be another example of a superconductor with topological aspects in its Fermi surface.

Crescimento de monocristais e investigação experimental de propriedades físicas de calcogenetos de nióbio / Crystal growth and experimental studies of physical properties of niobium calcogenides

Bruno Sanches de Lima 13 December 2017 (has links)
Recentemente foi descoberto que diversos calcogenetos de metais de transição podem ter o estado charge density waves (CDW) suprimido a partir de pressão hidrostática e dopagens, e, por conseguinte, o estado supercondutor emerge. Nesse contexto, este trabalho apresenta um estudo sistemático de propriedades físicas de amostras poli e monocristalinas de dois compostos do sistema Nb-Te, NbTe2 e NbTe4. Com relação ao composto NbTe2, os resultados aqui apresentados demonstram que esse composto é mais um exemplo de material que exibe ambos os estados a pressão atmosférica e sem dopagens. No que tange as propriedades do NbTe4, este trabalho demonstra que amostras deficientes em telúrio tem a anomalia na curva de resistividade elétrica relacionada a formação do estado CDW amplificada e, a deficiência em telúrio é também capaz de fazer emergir supercondutividade em 5.5 K. Este trabalho também sugere algumas mudanças no diagrama de equilíbrio de fases Nb-Te publicado na base de dados da sociedade americana de metalurgia (ASM). As fases Nb5Te4 e Nb3Te4 foram identificadas como sendo fases de altas temperaturas que são formadas a partir de reações eutetóides. Além do mais, nossos resultados demonstram que a região entre as fases NbTe2 e NbTe4 consiste, na verdade, de uma região bifásica. Durante a realização deste trabalho, outro composto foi investigado, o NiTe2. Nesse composto, nossos resultados demonstram que a intercalação de Ti faz emergir um estado supercondutor em 4.5 K e cuja temperatura de transição parece insensível a pressão hidrostática. Cálculos de estrutura de bandas sugerem fortemente que o composto NiTe2 intercalado com Ti pode ser mais um exemplo de supercondutor com aspectos topológicos em sua superfície de Fermi. / Recently was demonstrated that it is possible to suppress the charge density waves (CDW) ground states while, simultaneously, a superconductor state emerges in several transition metal chalcogenides (TMC), by means of hydrostatic pressure or chemical doping. Within this context, this work presents a systematic study on physical properties of two Nb chalcogenides, NbTe2 and NbTe4. Our results demonstrate that NbTe2 is another example of a TMC which exhibit both stabilities at atmospheric pressure and without doping. Regarding the physical properties of NbTe4, we have demonstrated that Te deficiency increases significantly the anomaly in the electrical resistivity as function of temperature behavior related with the CDW formation. At the same time, Te deficiency can also cause a SC state to emerge at 5.5 K. This work also presents a review of the binary phase diagram, Nb-Te, and some changes are proposed. Nb5Te4 and Nb3Te4 were identified as high temperature phases originated from eutectoid reactions. Furthermore, our results demonstrated that the region between the phases NbTe2 and NbTe4 are, in fact, a two-phase region, differently from what is proposed in the actual version of the phase diagram. Also, during this work, another chalcogenide was investigated, NiTe2. Our results demonstrate that Ti can be intercalted between the Van der Waals gaps of the structure and consequently a superconductor state emerges at 4.5 K. The critical temperature is found to be insensitive to hydrostatic pressure. Band structure strongly suggests that NiTe2 could be another example of a superconductor with topological aspects in its Fermi surface.

Reuse in Demolition Projects : A Systematic Multicriteria Approach to Rank andOptimize the Reuse of Building Components in Demolition Projects / Återbruk i rivningsprojekt

Ferlander, Matilda, Ellinor, Wedin January 2021 (has links)
The waste framework directive from the European Commission states that 70 percent of allconstruction- and demolition waste (CDW) should be reused or recycled. In Sweden during theyear of 2018, 52,1 percent of the generated CDW was reused or recycled, but a report fromAvfall Sverige showed that reuse only accounted for small fractions of this. According to theEU's waste hierarchy, waste reduction followed by reuse are the most desirable ways to handlewaste. Research for how to reuse CDW is therefore considered an interesting and relevant topicfor research to help achieve the goal of the waste framework directive. The purpose of this master thesis was to further develop a Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA)model which was applied on different building components to evaluate how well suited theywere for reuse considering; (1) financial return, (2) environmental impact, (3) energyconsumption and (4) external aspects. The study was performed as a case study and the appliedmethods within the case study were interviews, a survey as well as the MCA model. To estimateaspects one to three of the MCA model, the theoretical framework consisted of a Cost BenefitAnalysis (CBA) and a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) in accordance with the European standardEN15978. The fourth aspect was evaluated with help of a survey to assess qualitativedimensions of reuse. The study concluded that there are many challenges related to reuse in demolition projects.Some major challenges identified were the limited time frames, absence of competence andexperience among actors as well as logistical challenges. According to the results from theMCA model, there is a difference in how well suited the studied components were for reuse.The two most beneficial components to reuse out of the investigated ones in the case studywere crushed concrete and aluminum doors. It was also concluded that the MCA model issuitable to apply in this component specific context. / Avfallsdirektivet från Europeiska kommissionen säger att 70 procent av allt bygg- ochrivningsavfall (CDW) ska återanvändas eller återvinnas. I Sverige under året 2018återanvändes eller återvanns 52,1 procent av den totala mängden genererad CDW. En rapportfrån Avfall Sverige visade dock att återanvändning endast stod för små andelar av dessa 52,1procent. Enligt EU:s avfallshierarki är avfallsminimering följt av återanvändning de mestönskvärda metoderna för hantering av avfall. För att uppnå målet i avfallsdirektivet är studierkring återbruk av CDW ett intressant och relevant ämne. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att vidareutveckla en MCA-modell (Multi CriteriaAnalysis) som tillämpades på olika byggkomponenter för att utvärdera hur lämpliga de var föråteranvändning. Fyra aspekter togs i beaktning i modellen, nämligen (1) finansiell avkastning,(2) miljöpåverkan, (3) energiförbrukning och (4) externa aspekter. Studien utfördes som enfallstudie och de tillämpade metoderna inom fallstudien var intervjuer, en enkät samt utförandetav MCA-modellen. Det teoretiska ramverket för att uppskatta aspekterna ett till tre i MCAmodellenvar en kostnadsnyttoanalys (CBA) och en livscykelanalys (LCA) som utfördes ienlighet med den europeiska standarden EN15978. Den fjärde aspekten utvärderades med hjälpav en enkät för att bedöma de kvalitativa dimensionerna av återanvändning. Slutsatsen av studien var att det finns många utmaningar relaterade till återanvändning irivningsprojekt. Några stora utmaningar som identifierats var begränsade tidsramar, avsaknadav kompetens och erfarenhet bland aktörer samt logistiska utmaningar. Enligt resultaten frånMCA-modellen finns det en skillnad i hur väl lämpade de studerade komponenterna var föråteranvändning. De två mest fördelaktiga komponenterna att återanvända av de undersökta ifallstudien var krossad betong och aluminiumdörrar. Vidare drogs slutsatsen att MCAmodellenär lämplig att använda i detta komponentspecifika sammanhang.

To probe deeply into the Customer Relationship Management strategy and operation flow of life Insurance.-ex. Nan Shan life Insurance Co, LTD.

Hsiao, Chen-Nung 28 July 2003 (has links)
Abstract To probe deeply into the Customer Relationship Management strategy and operation flow of life Insurance. - ex. Nan Shan life Insurance Co, LTD. Due to the well development of information technology (IT) during the recent years, the clearance of the contents and knowledge as well as the price offered of life insurance caused the dramatic competition in this industry. The commodity of life insurance is only an intangible contract , it has to be relied on the operation combining with company image, reputation and the trust from customers for long term. Also they are the promise and responsibility to their clients. The marketing of life insurance is different from the other industries , it is an intangible deal. Owing to the variation of the whole environment comes the drastic competition, life insurance is the buyer¡¦s market oriented instead of seller¡¦s . It says the cost to create a new account is about 6 times or even 5 less or 10 more to maintain an old customer. Therefore, this industry has to pay more attention on the current accounts on hand and try to attract new clients to be owned gradually. To look for a break through as the task of the greatest urgency at present is to make good use of Customer Concept, which is to take good care of the CRM, to enhance customers¡¦ loyalty and satisfaction as to keep our clients and wish them also to introduce new accounts for us. Therefore, CRM is the most important part of life insurance. Previousely most of the customers¡¦ data base is incomplete. Now it is the e century, we can take the advantage by using the IT service to do a good CRM one to one deeply as to cope with the competition. To look into the 21th century, now the form of customer group is varied, the market is also different, they reform the market direction of life insurance industry as well¡Xfrom the commodity oriented to the customer base. Besides, the insurants now expect the value of commodity and service much more than before and also very sensitive to them. They would like the custom made offer, voluntarily to participate in the offer, they no longer accept the offer passively. Consequentially, we have to make the design-in service and one-to-one commodity as our new marketing strategy. Following is the planning on CRM case study¡XHow to cite the 4 big steps of Pepper & Roger¡¦s Model and 5W to probe the execution of tactic and operation flow, meanwhile, to learn and to execute the 4 conceptions of Customer Process Cycle Model to achieve the company strategy target of this CRM case. The findings through this research are : 1. Nan Shan Life Insurance Co, LTD. especially stress the function and operation of Call Center and result in the significant achievements. It is the most important area and elite of CRM. 2. By the CRM system integration and collecting the customers¡¦ information from time to time, the system can understand the customer¡¦s value and update it. Moreover, with the concept and technique of CRM Data warehouse and Data mining, it can record and analysize the customer¡¦s behavior mode then look for the target market as to correct the strategy of service and marketing in time(to carry out the project marketing) 3. In regards to the customer segment, according to the items of those information that Nan Shan Life Insurance Co, LTD. searching and collecting, it is not easy to make out the customer value-based and only can segment the customers by Need-based. Moreover, it is uneasy to find out the value of effective segment customer for company, but, it can rely on customer¡¦s demand to look for suitable service and commodity to your customers. 4. As human is the main motive for interaction between insurance and customer, sales rep. is acting a key role in this business. The CRM system of Nan Shan Life Insurance Co, LTD. requests the rep. to have the deal done by using the e-tooling and IT. They are pretty successful in the efficiency. 5. The skeleton of IT in CRM is very intact, which provides extensive channels for data surfing. Do pay the attention on insurant¡¦s servicing articles and convenience, direct contact with customers and do the best to find the chance to contact your customers. There are so many ways to communicate effectively with the customers by science and technology, no space-time limitation on communication: ¡]1¡^ www.nanshanlife.com.tw ¡]2¡^ E-mail ¡]3¡^ Telephone (Call center) ¡]4¡^ Cellular phone news flash ¡]5¡^ Sales representatives ¡]6¡^ Mail or DM 6. The construction of e-tooling in Nan Shan life Insurance Co, LTD. is perfect. It is also excellent on providing the design-in commodity and servicing. There have been 10 marketing projects presented within one year, they are all P/S after the analysis from customer segment. However, the training for the outside field sales reps. has to be re-inforced because there were too many projects presented within a short period of time, they can not comprehend completely duly and fail to become CI and CK then it will change the customers¡¦ purchasing habit. 7. The customer¡¦s information will not be complete collected in case the rep. is not practicable in the operation of CRM. The following proposals are brought up after the research: ¡]1¡^ To share the company current situation and various information with the insurant via e-mail or internet, such as the operation of investment. To deem your customers as the stock shareholders or partners, you will get the trust from your accounts. On the other hand, they will also be proud that they are the insurant of Nanshan. Life Insurance. ¡]2¡^ Recommend to use ES From 2002, the reps. prefer to deal with the investment insurance policy. If the education system can combine with the ES to do the financial planning, you will be a financial specialist soon. ¡]3¡^ Rep. is the interface to communicate with customers, while, there is always no good performance on those activities for projected commodity with the less bonus. It can link up with the campaign of balance score card to evaluate the performance and give the pressure on rep. to achieve the execution efficiency and target of CRM. ¡]4¡^ Nan Shan Life Insurance Co, LTD. does not only have a very good performance on the 4 steps of CRM flow but also can be pattern for those companies in the same business who would like to achieve company target by the way of CRM. It can be even perfect if they can consider their own company culture, background and market demand then modify a bit to be their own.

Estudo das propriedades elétricas não lineares de polímeros conjugados

Souza, Valdeci Pereira Mariano de [UNESP] 18 February 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:25:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2003-02-18Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:27:50Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 souza_vpm_me_rcla.pdf: 535132 bytes, checksum: d3bce6e40a2c0ef0a0bc8cc227fe99dd (MD5) / Neste trabalho, apresentamos um estudo experimental das propriedades elétricas não lineares de polímeros conjugados, como por exemplo, curvas I(V) não lineares para baixos valores de campo elétrico aplicado e existência de um campo elétrico de threshold. Investigamos o comportamento elétrico não linear em pastilhas prensadas de poli(3-metiltiofeno) (P3MT) oxidadas, obtidas através do processo de síntese eletroquímica. Das medidas elétricas realizadas, na faixa de temperatura (~9 K - ~297 K), os resultados experimentais obtidos: curvas I(V), condutividade versus freqüência e constante dielétrica versus freqüência, foram comparados com os diversos modelos teóricos existentes na literatura. Os dados obtidos em toda a faixa de temperatura mencionada mostraram boa concordância com a teoria de tunelamento para CDW (charge density wave deppining) proposta por J. Bardeen. / In this work, we present an experimental study of the non-linear electrical properties in conjugated polymers, as for example, non-linear I(V) curves at low electric fields and existence of a threshold electric field. We investigated the non linear electrical behavior of pressed pellets of poly(3-methilthiopene) (P3MT), which were obtained through electrochemical synthesis oxidized. From the electrical measurements, in the temperature range (~9K - ~297K), the experimental results: I(V) curves, conductivity versus frequency and dielectric constant versus frequency, were compared with the several theoretical models discussed in the literature. The data obtained in the whole temperature range have shown good agreement on the tunneling theory for CDW systems (charge density wave depinning) proposed by J. Bardeen.

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