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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nanocompostos a base de cério com aplicações na absorção da radiação ultravioleta / Cerium-based nanocompounds for UV light absorption application

Juliana Fonseca de Lima 01 March 2013 (has links)
Luz e oxigênio induzem reações de degradação (foto-oxidação) que modificam as propriedades físicas e químicas da matéria, efeitos nocivos da radiação ultravioleta (UV) podem causar descoloração de corantes e pigmentos, amarelamento de plásticos, perda de brilho e da propriedade mecânica (cracking) de materiais, queimaduras, câncer de pele, entre outros problemas relacionados à luz UV. A fim de reduzir os efeitos nocivos da radiação UV e alcançar uma adequada conservação das propriedades dos materiais surgem os absorvedores ou filtros UV. Uma vez que materiais nanométricos a base de cério apresentam atividade fotocatalítica menor e elevada absorção na região do UV tornam-se filtros solares com aplicabilidade em diversas áreas quando comparados aos óxidos utilizados atualmente com função de filtros solares (ZnO e TiO2). Fosfatos de cério (III) (CePO4) foram preparados por Pechini (modificado), síntese hidrotermal e microemulsão reversa; as amostras foram submetidas a tratamento térmico em distintas temperaturas com o intuito de averiguar a estrutura do CePO4 e influência desta na capacidade da absorção UV. Sistemas de óxidos metálicos contendo cério também foram estudados, sendo sintetizados por sol-gel não-alcoóxido e aplicados na forma de pó e filme fino sobre substrato de vidro. A preocupação com a morfologia e o tamanho dos materiais motivou a escolha pelas metodologias de síntese empregadas. Neste trabalho foram exploradas e elucidadas as propriedades dos materiais a base de cério em absorver luz UV, devido às transições 4f-5d dos íons Ce3+ e/ou às transições entre banda de condução e banda de valência. As amostras foram analisadas por espectroscopia de absorção no UV-Vis e na região do infravermelho (FTIR), difração de raios X (XRD), difração de elétrons, susceptibilidade magnética (MS), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM), microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (TEM), espectroscopia de reflectância difusa (DRS), atividade fotocatalítica (AF) e ressonância paramagnética de elétrons (EPR). As excelentes propriedades morfológicas, ópticas e fotocatalíticas indicam a possível aplicação dos materiais à base de cério, foco de investigação do presente trabalho, como filtros solares em proteção cosmetológica (cremes, shampoos, sprays etc) ou de materiais (tintas, vernizes, vidros e outros). / Light and oxygen induce degradation reactions (photo-oxidation) that modify the physical and chemical properties of the matter. The damaging UV radiation is responsible for the discoloration of dyes and pigments, weathering, yellowing of plastics, loss of gloss and mechanical properties (cracking), sunburnt skin and other problems associated to UV light. UV absorbers or UV filters have been used in order to reduce these damaging effects and achieve an adequate conservation of the properties of the materials. In front of this problem, cerium based nanomaterials are promising inorganic UV absorbers for the substitution of zinc and titanium oxide, once it presents high UV absorptivity, a lower refraction index than TiO2 and ZnO, and a higher chemical inertia (and thus a lower photocatalytic activity). Nanostructured cerium phosphates (CePO4) were prepared by Pechini, hydrothermal and reverse microemulsion synthesis, and some parameters (calcinations temperature and reactants rate) employed in each synthesis were investigated. Cerium metal oxide systems synthesized by sol-gel (non-alcooxide) and applied as powder and thin films materials were investigated too. The methodology of the synthesis were chosen aiming ideal morphology and particles size. In this work we explored and elucidated the properties of UV absorber cerium based nanomaterials , due to 4f-5d transitions of Ce3+ ions, charge transference of Ce4+ and, a little portion is due to the contribution of valence and conduction band. The samples were characterized by UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy , Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), electron diffraction, magnetic susceptibility (MS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), photocatalytic activity (PA) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The excellent morphological, optical and photocatalytic properties indicate the possible application of cerium based materials in solar protection for cosmetics (creams, shampoos, sprays etc.) or materials (paints, varnishes, glass and others).

Compostos de terras raras, com alta absortividade no ultravioleta, como agentes de proteção de radiações solares UV-A e UV-B / Rare earth compounds with high absorptivity in uv as protection agents against UVA and UVB solar radiation

Cinara Peverari 07 March 2007 (has links)
A luz do sol possui radiação ultravioleta (UV) que pode ser dividida em luz UVA, com comprimentos de onda na região de 400 a 320 nm; luz UV-B, na região de 320 a 290 nm e luz UV-C para radiações com comprimento de onda menor do que 290 nm, sendo esta última absorvida na atmosfera pelo ozônio. O ser humano dispõe de mecanismos protetores naturais contra as radiações solares, tal como a melanogênese. Entretanto, estes são insuficientes e, por isso, torna-se necessário proteger adequadamente a pele utilizando protetores solares, a fim de minimizar as lesões cutâneas causadas pela radiação solar. Quimicamente, a função dos protetores solares é a absorção da radiação UV, protegendo a pele dos efeitos da exposição à luz solar. Este trabalho visa a preparação de compostos de cério, via método Pechini, com a finalidade de utilizá-los como um componente inorgânico de protetores solares de elevado FPS, juntamente ou substituindo substâncias tais como ZnO e TiO2. A caracterização dos compostos deverá ser realizada por difratometria de raios X, microscopias de eletrônicas de varredura e transmissão, espectroscopia eletrônica de reflectância difusa (ERD) e testes de atividade catalítica e fotocatalítica, pelo método da determinação condutométrica (adaptação RANCIMAT®). / Sunlight emits ultraviolet radiation (UV) which is subdivided into three different UV wavelengths: UV-A band in the range of 400-320 nm; UV-B band in the range of 320-290 nm and UV-C band for radiations lesser than 290 nm. The latter is absorbed in the atmospheres ozone layer. Human beings have natural protective mechanisms against solar radiations, such as melanogenys. However, it has been reported that these mechanisms are insufficient to prevent skin damage. Thus, adequate the use of sunscreen (or UV filters) is needed in order to minimize cutaneous injuries caused by solar radiation. Chemically, the function of solar protectors relies on the absorption of UV radiation, which protects the skin from the effect of the exposition to solar light. The present study reports on the synthesis of CeO2-ZnO systems according to Pechini\'s method. Our objective is to further understand how ZnO modifies the CeO2 nanostructured as we search for a new UV filter material. The characterization of composites will be carried through by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), diffuse reflectance spectroscopic and tests of catalytic activity and photocatalytic activity, for the method of the conductometric determination (RANCIMAT adaptation).

Modificação da superfície de aço eletrozincado para proteção contra a corrosão por revestimentos isentos de cromo / Surface modification of electrogalvanized steel for protection against corrosion for coatings free chrome

José Mario Ferreira Júnior 15 January 2014 (has links)
Os revestimentos eletrozincados empregados como proteção galvânica ativa sobre os aços são utilizados industrialmente há longo tempo. Entretanto, como o zinco é um elemento muito reativo, o tratamento da sua superfície é necessário para aumentar sua vida útil. O tratamento mais utilizado consiste em imersão em solução de conversão contendo cromo hexavalente, o qual vem sendo banido por gerar substâncias tóxicas e carcinogênicas, tendo sua utilização proibida pelas normas europeias. Neste trabalho, foram estudados tratamentos alternativos ao cromato para o aço eletrozincado que não geram resíduos tóxicos. O tratamento escolhido foi desenvolvido em etapas. A primeira etapa envolveu o uso de um composto orgânico, o 2 butino-1,4 diol propoxilato, em solução com sais oxidantes e com nitrato de cério como aditivo. A etapa seguinte consistiu em imersão da superfície tratada pela etapa anterior, em um agente oxidante, o peróxido de hidrogênio. A terceira etapa consistiu na imersão em solução com 2 butino-1,4 diol propoxilato e oxalato de nióbio amoniacal (ANO). As superfícies tratadas, após cada uma das etapas, foram caracterizadas por microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura (MEV), difração de raios X (DRX), espectroscopia por infravermelho (FTIR) e espectroscopia fotoeletrônica de raios X (XPS). A caracterização quanto à corrosão das superfícies tratadas foi feita por ensaios de névoa salina e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica (EIE). Os resultados mostraram que cada uma das etapas teve uma contribuição no aumento da resistência à corrosão e esta foi dependente do tempo de tratamento em cada uma das três etapas. A composição química das camadas obtidas foi caracterizada por FTIR e XPS. Esta última técnica permitiu analisar a distribuição dos elementos nas camadas formadas ao longo da espessura da mesma, usando a técnica de desbaste (sputtering), obtendo perfis de profundidade. A presença de ácido carboxílico ligado ao substrato metálico (zinco) foi observada. Os resultados mostraram que ocorreu formação de camada orgânica e a incorporação de cério e de nióbio a esta camada. Estes se apresentam distribuídos em toda a extensão da camada, na forma de óxidos em dois estados de oxidação, III e IV, no caso do cério, e IV e V, no caso do nióbio. As camadas formadas após as várias etapas adotadas contêm uma estrutura polimérica formada por filme orgânico e uma mistura de óxidos, particularmente óxido e hidróxido de zinco, os quais ficam retidos na estrutura da camada e conferem proteção à corrosão do substrato metálico por períodos prolongados de imersão. Os resultados quanto a proteção à corrosão mostraram que o tratamento com o melhor desempenho (T10_10_10) proporcionou proteção ao substrato por longos períodos de tempo e esta foi superior em comparação à promovida por camada de cromato, tanto pelo ensaio de névoa salina como o de EIE. Este tratamento mostrou-se, portanto, uma alternativa promissora para substituição de camada de cromato na proteção de aço eletrozincado, tanto do ponto de vista ambiental, por não gerar resíduos tóxicos, como de resistência à corrosão. / Electrogalvanized coatings are employed as active galvanic protection to steel and its applications have been used industrially for a long time. However, as zinc is a very reactive element, the treatment of the surface is necessary to increase its lifespan. The most common treatment consisted of a conversion treatment in solution containing hexavalent chromium, which has been banned by generating toxic and carcinogenic substances, and its use prohibited by European standards. In this work, surface treatments alternative to chromating for electrogalvanized steel that do not generate toxic waste were studied. The chosen treatment was developed in stages. The first stage involved the use of an organic compound, 2 butyne 1,4 diol propoxylate in solution with oxidizing salts and cerium nitrate as an additive. The next step involved immersing the treated surface by the previous step in an oxidizing agent, hydrogen peroxide. The third step consisted of immersion in solution with 2-butyne 1,4 diol propoxylate and ammonium niobium oxalate (ANO). Treated surfaces after each step were characterized by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and photoelectron spectroscopy X- ray (XPS). The characterization for corrosion of the treated surfaces was made by salt spray tests and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The results showed that each step has a contribution in increasing the corrosion resistance and this was dependent on the treatment time adopted in each of the three stages. The chemical composition of the layers obtained was characterized by FTIR and XPS. This last technique allowed to analyze the distribution of the elements in the layer formed along its thickness, by sputtering the surface to obtain depth profiling. The presence of carboxylic acid bonded to the metal substrate (zinc) was observed. The results showed that there was formation of organic layer and the incorporation of cerium and niobium this layer. These elements were distributed throughout the length of the layer in the form of oxides in two oxidation states; in the case of cerium, as III and IV, and IV and V, in the case of niobium. The layers formed after the various steps contain a polymeric structure and a mixture of oxides/hydroxide, particularly of zinc, which are retained in the structure of the layer and provide corrosion protection to the metal substrate for prolonged periods. The corrosion results showed that the best treatment (T10_10_10) provided protection to the substrate for long periods of time and that was higher compared to that promoted by the chromate layer, either by the salt spray test as the EIS test. Therefore, this treatment proved a promising replacement to chromate layer in the corrosion protection of electrogalvanised steel, either from its corrosion properties or from an environmental point of view.

Efeito da adição de CeO2 no catalisador Ni/Al2O3 aplicado durante as reações de reforma a vapor e com dióxido de carbono do metano / Effect of CeO2 loading on the properties of Ni/CeO2/Al2O3 catalysts on the methane steam and with carbon dioxide reformings

Amanda Jordão de Abreu 26 February 2008 (has links)
Na atualidade, a reforma do metano é de grande interesse industrial para o aproveitamento deste gás na produção de hidrogênio e de gás de síntese. Entre as reações de reforma do metano, destacam-se as reações de reforma a vapor e a reação com dióxido de carbono.O catalisador comumente utilizado nos processos re reforma do metano é Ni/Al2O3. Porém durante este processo, ocorre uma indesejada formação de depósitos de espécies carbonáceas na superfície deste catalisador, os quais levam a sua destruição mecânica e conseqüentemente sua desativação. Por isso, uma das propriedades mais importantes de um bom catalisador para as reações de reforma do metano é a sua resistência à desativação. Entre as propostas para melhorar o desempenho do catalisador encontra-se a incorporação do óxido de céria junto ao suporte alumina.Catalisadores 5%Ni/xCeO2/Al2O3 (x = 0, 1, 5, 10, 20 e 100%) forma preparados, caracterizados e submetidos a ensaios catalíticos nas reações de reforma a vapor e com dióxido de carbono de metano com objetivo de avaliar o efeito da adição de céria ao suporte.Os suportes e os catalisadores forma obtidos pelo método de impregnação e calcinados a 500ºC. Estes compostos foram caracterizados por Fisissorção de Nitrogênio pelo método B. E. T., Espectroscopia dispersiva de raios-X (EDX), espectroscopia de na região do ultra violeta e do visível (UV-vis-NIR) e Redução à Temperatura Programada (RTP). Após todas as reações catalíticas verificou-se que a adição de céria é benéfica ao catalisador Ni/Al2O3 e entre todos os catalisadores avaliados, o melhor desempenho obtido foram dos catalisadores contendo 20% de céria em massa, seguido do catalisador contendo 10%. / Nowadays, the methane reforming is large interest industrial for the take advantage of these gas in production the hydrogen and synthesis gas (syngas). Among in the reactions of methane stand of the reactiosn steam reformig and carbon dioxide reforming of methane. The main catalysts uses in the methane reforming is Ni/Al2O3. However, the supported-nickel catalyst is susceptible to the deactivation or the destruction by coke deposition. The carbon dissolves in the nickel crystallite and its diffuses through the nickel, leading for formation of the carbon whiskers, which results in fragmentation of the catalyst. Modification of such catalysts, like incorporation of suitable promoters, is desirable to achieve reduction of the methane hydrogenolysis and/or promotion of the carbon gasification. Catalysts 5%Ni/xCeO2/Al2O3 (x = 0, 1, 5, 10, 20 e 100%) were prepared, characterized and evalueted in reactions steam and carbon dioxide refoming of methane with objetive the value effect loading oxide ceria in support. The suppots and catalysts were prepared by impregnation method and calcined at 500ºC. The supports and catalysts were characterized by X Nitrogen Adsorption by B.E.T., method -rays diffraction (XRD), , Xrays dispersive spectroscopy (XDS), to spectroscopy in the region of the ultraviolet and the visible (UV-vis NIR) to and temperature programmed reduction (TPR). After all the catalytic reactions check which the addition of cerium is beneficial for Ni/Al2O3 catalysts and the best catlysts is 5%Ni/20%CeO2/Al2O3 following 5%Ni/10%CeO2/Al2O3.

Papel mineral (i-papel) como substrato para a produção de nanocompósitos funcionais organo-inorgânicos / Mineral paper (i-paper) as substrate for the production of functional organic-inorganic nanocomposites

Nascimento, Rafaella Oliveira do, 1982- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Oswaldo Luiz Alves / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T16:53:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nascimento_RafaellaOliveirado_D.pdf: 2771988 bytes, checksum: 63b8f98c0da43dba0fe3708e5c13eb94 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: A presente tese de doutorado tem como objetivo principal utilizar ferramentas da nanociência e da nanotecnologia para contribuir com a remediação/tratamento de poluentes tradicionais, íons de metais como Pb, Cd, Cu, Co, Ni utilizando como materiais filtrantes folhas de fosfato de cério fibroso (CeP), assim como nanocompósitos inéditos obtidos pela combinação de CeP e nanotubos de carbono de parede múltiplas funcionalizados (MWCNTs- Func) via oxidação (ox-MWCNT) ou via tiolação (MWCNT-SH). Ademais, também foram funcionalizados MWCNT via amidação com 2 - amino- 2 - hidroximetil - propano - 1,3 - diol (TRIS). Tais nanotubos de carbono (ox-MWCNT, MWCNT-SH e MWCNT-TRIS) foram aplicados na síntese de nanocompósitos com nanopartículas de prata (AgNP) através de reação in situ, na qual os NTCs foram dispersos no meio reacional de obtenção das AgNP por redução dos íons prata por borohidreto de sódio. Após a caracterização físico-química das amostras obtidas, as AgNP assim como seus nanocompósitos com MWCNT-Func (AgNP/ox-MWCNT, AgNP/MWCNT-SH e AgNP/MWCNT-TRIS) foram submetidos à ensaios de atividade antimicrobiana do tipo concentração inibitória mínima (MIC) e ensaios de tempo-morte. Finalmente, as AgNP e seus nanocompósitos foram submetidas à degradação pela ação das folhas de CeP e CeP/ox-MWCNT / Abstract: This doctoracte thesis aims the application of the nanoscience and nanotechnology tools in order to contribute with water/wastewater remediation contamined with traditional pollutants. In this regard, we studied the remediation of metals ions, such as Pb, Cd, Cu, Co, Ni through the filtration of simulated ions effluents with fibrous cerium phophate (CeP) and also its inedit nanocomposites obtained by interaction between CeP and functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT-Func). Herein, MWCNT-Func were functionalized by oxidation, thiolation and amidation reactions with 2-amino-2-hydroxymethyl-propane-1,3-diol (TRIS). The MWCNT-Func obtained was named ox-MWCNT, MWCNT-SH and MWCNTTRIS. Adittionally, we prepared silver nanoparticles (AgNP) and their nanocomposites with MWCNT-Func (AgNP/ox-MWCNT, AgNP/MWCNT-SH, AgNP/MWCNT-TRIS) by in situ synthesis method. Moreover, we studied their antibacterial properties. Furthermore, we applied the CeP and CeP/MWCNT-Func nanocomposites as photocalytic materials to remediate water/wastewater simulated effluents wherein AgNP and AgNP/MWCNT-Func were present / Doutorado / Quimica Inorganica / Doutora em Ciências

Cu/CeₓZr(₁₋ₓ)O₂ catalysts for solid oxide fuel cell anodes

Kearney, Jonathan January 2010 (has links)
Ce[subscript(x)]Zr[subscript(1-x)]O₂ mixed oxides of varying compositions were prepared by a sol-gel citrate complexion technique. In order to improve the catalytic activity of the oxides they were impregnated with copper using two different impregnation techniques. The bare oxides and copper impregnated samples were investigated using a range of Temperature Programmed (TP) techniques, in an attempt to establish their effectiveness as anode materials for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) run on hydrocarbon fuels. In order to conduct the TP experiments a novel system was designed and constructed. The high Ce containing mixed oxides were shown to be reduced at lower temperature than high Zr content samples. TPRx experiments were employed to investigate which of the oxides was most prone to carbon deposition when reacted in methane, with the high ceria sample displaying the lowest level of carbon deposition. Lightoff experiments were undertaken to establish which oxide composition was the most active for methane oxidation. The activity of the oxides increased with ceria content up to 75 mole% (ZCe75), before decreasing for ZCe90. All the mixed oxides were shown to be more active for methane oxidation than CeO₂.

Précipitation continue de produits minéraux : étude de l'influence des conditions de mélange à la précipitation sur les caractéristiques d'oxydes mixtes de cérium et de zirconium / Continuous precipitation of mineral products

Di Patrizio, Nicolas 26 January 2015 (has links)
Une installation de mélange rapide entièrement automatisée permet d'étudier l'influence des conditions de mélange sur la co-précipitation d'oxydes mixtes de cérium et de zirconium. L'intensité du mélange est contrôlée par le débit d'entrée des solutions réactives. Un modèle d'engouffrement à iso-volume a permis d'estimer le temps de mélange à partir de la mesure d'un indice de ségrégation par le système de Villermaux Dushman pour trois mélangeurs Hartridge Roughton de géométries différentes. Pour une même puissance spécifique dissipée, le mélange est plus intense lorsqu'un rétrécissement est présent. L'intensification du mélange diminue la température maximale de réductibilité et augmente les contraintes du réseau cristallin des oxydes mixtes synthétisés et calcinés à 1100 °C. Cela est interprété par une meilleure homogénéité des particules. L'étude des particules directement en sortie du mélangeur rapide montre que pour les débits étudiés le mélange parfait avant précipitation n'est pas atteint. Une partie des particules se forme en milieu acide, incorporant des nitrates dans leur structure. Une modélisation simple des phénomènes de mélange couplée à une prise en compte des équilibres chimiques confirme ce résultat expérimental. / An automated experimental set-up with rapid mixers is used to study the influence of mixing conditions on the co-precipitation of cerium-zirconium mixed oxides. The intensity of mixing is controlled by the inlet flowrates of the reacting solutions. An engulfment model is used to estimate a mixing time from the measurement of a segregation index by the Villermaux-Dushman reaction system. Three geometries of Hartridge Roughton mixers are compared. Mixing performance is better when a separate mixing chamber upstream of a narrower outlet pipe is present. A better mixing decreases the maximal reducibility temperature of the material and increases the crystal strains of the particles calcined at 1100 °C. This is probably due to a better homogenization of the particles content. The important incorporation of nitrates in the particle at the outlet of the mixers shows precipitation occurs while the mixing process is not finished. This experimental result was confirmed by numerical simulation and an estimation of sursaturations during the mixing process.

Studium 3-fázových katalytických vrstev pro polymerní palivové články a elektrolyzéry / Study of 3-phase catalytic layers for polymer electrolyte fuel cells and electrolysers

Fuka, Šimon January 2017 (has links)
Title: Study of 3-phase catalytic layers for polymer electrolyte fuel cells and electrolysers Author: Šimon Fuka Department: Department of Surface and Plasma Science Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Iva Matolínová, Dr., Department of Surface and Plasma Science Abstract: The diploma thesis focuses on the study of catalytic layers for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) or electrolyzers based on the mixture of platinum and cerium oxide. These layers are prepared by using magnetron sputtering, their properties are studied depending on the deposition parameters or the choice of the substrate by using SEM, AFM, XPS and then tested as an anode in the fuel cell. In addition to the morphology of the catalytic layers, it has been shown that the dispersion of very small nanoparticles of the catalyst with a size of 1-2 nm has a great effect on PEMFC performance. Most of the prepared samples gave maximal and maximal specific performance much higher than the state of art values published for Pt-CeOx system. By studying properties of the layers used as the anode catalysts, this work contributes to the understanding of PEMFC fuel cell behavior and, consequently, to its potential commercialization. Keywords: Fuel cell, cerium oxide, platinum, catalyst, magnetron sputtering

Production d'hydrogène par reformage catalytique du toluène sur des oxydes mixtes Ni-Mg-Al : Effet de l'ajout de cérium ou de lanthane / Production of hydrogen by catalytic reforming of toluene on mixed oxydes Ni_Mg-Al : effect of the addition of cerium or lanthanum

Abou Rached, Jihane 31 March 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a été réalisée dans le cadre de la valorisation des composés organiques volatils (COVs) tels que le toluène. Cette étude vise à mettre au point des catalyseurs efficaces pour l'élimination du toluène par reformage à sec et vaporeformage du toluène. Les solides de type hydrotalcite ont été choisis en raison des propriétés intéressantes des oxydes obtenus par leur calcination. Les catalyseurs à base de Ni, Mg, et Al ont été préparés par voie hydrotalcite. Afin d'améliorer l'activité catalytique, les éléments Ce et La ont été incorporés dans les solides pour substituer une partie de l'élément Al et les effets ont été étudiés. Dans un premier temps, les différents oxydes mixtes ont été caractérisés par différentes techniques physico-chimiques dont la Diffraction des Rayons X (DRX), les Analyses Thermiques (ATD, ATG), la Réduction en Température Programmée (RTP),... Dans un deuxième temps, les différents oxydes mixtes ainsi préparés ont été testés dans les réactions de reformage à sec du toluène. La substitution progressive des ions Mg²⁺ par les ions Ni²⁺ améliore l'activité des catalyseurs. Le cérium ou le lanthane interviennent au niveau du mécanisme réactionnel pour améliorer la sélectivité tout en réduisant le dépôt de carbone. Les performances catalytiques des oxydes sont ensuite testées vis-à-vis de la réaction de vaporeformage du toluène montrant que la réactivité s'améliore avec l'augmentation de la teneur en magnésium. Les promoteurs ont montré un effet sur la conversion et la sélectivité en hydrogène. Selon les caractérisations physico-chimique après test catalytique, les catalyseurs n'ont montré aucune formation de coke. Une comparaison entre le meilleur catalyseur de cette étude et un catalyseur industriel est abordée. / This thesis was carried out in the context of the valorization of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as toluene. This study aimed to optimize efficient catalysts for the elimination of toluene by dry and steam reforming of toluene. Hydrotalcite solids were chosen because of the interesting properties of the oxides obtained by their calcination. The Ni, Mg and Al-based catalysts were prepared via hydrotalcite road. In order to improve the catalytic activity, the elements Ce and La were incorporated into the solids to substitute a part of the element A1 and the effects were studied. Initially, the mixed oxides were characterized by different physico-chemical techniques including X-Ray Diffraction, Thermal Analysis (TG/DTA), Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR),... In a second step, the mixed oxides were tested in the dry reforming of toluene reaction. The progressive substitution of Mg²⁺ ions by Ni²⁺ ions improves the activity of the catalysts. Cerium or lanthanum played a role in the reaction mechanism, to improve selectivity and reduce carbon deposition. The catalytic performances of the oxydes are tested in the steam reforming of toluene reaction, showing that the reactivity improves with the increase in the magnesium content. The promoters have enhanced the toluene conversion and hydrogen selectivity. According to the physico-chemical characterizations after the catalytic test, the catalysts showed no coke formation. A comparison between the best catalyst of this study and an industrial catalyst is performed.

Magnetic substitution in CePt₂Si₂ and CeCu₅In Kondo lattice

Mahlubi, Zwelithini Melford January 2013 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / In the past few decades, the studies of f-electron materials have revealed unusual physical properties such as Fermi-liquid, non-Fermi-liquid behaviour at low temperatures, heavy- Fermion behaviour, valence fluctuation, Kondo effect, superconducting and magnetic ordering. These materials include binary and ternary compounds and alloys with Cerium (Ce) or Ytterbium (Yb) based rare earth elements or Uranium (U) based actinide element. In these systems the localized magnetic moments formed by Ce, Yb or U ions transform the electronic properties of these compounds leading to quasiparticles with masses in excess to 1000 times the bare electron mass. These materials are known as heavy-fermion materials. Two well known heavy – Fermion compounds with Ce based rare earth elements of interest in this thesis are CePt₂Si₂ and CeCu₅In. The effect of substituting Ce with moment bearing Tb or Dy in these two compounds, are reported through measurements of electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and magnetization. The three alloy systems (Ce₁₋ₓREₓ)Pt₂Si₂ (RE = Tb, Dy) and (Ce₁₋ₓTbᵪ)Cu₅In under investigation in the present thesis, was synthesized and characterized by x-ray diffraction. The alloy systems (Ce₁₋ₓREₓ)Pt₂Si₂ (RE = Tb, Dy, 0≤ ᵡ ≤1) formed a single phase in the P4/nmm tetragonal CaBe₂Ge₂ – type structure across the whole series while the (Ce₁₋ₓTbᵪ)Cu₅In alloy system formed a single phase in the Pnma orthorhombic CeCu₆ – type crystal structure up to 40% Ce substitution. The physical properties of these systems is reported and discussed through the measurements of electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and magnetization. The variables of this study are: the doping concentration of Tb or Dy, the applied magnetic field and the sample temperature. Electrical resistivity studies for all the systems revealed coherence effect at Ce – rich alloys (0≤ ᵡ ≤0.2) and single-ion Kondo scattering with further increased RE concentration ( ᵡ ≥ 0.3). The magnetic property studies indicate antiferromagnetic ordering only for the (Ce₁₋ₓREₓ)Pt₂Si₂ alloy system in the concentration range 0.7≤ ᵡ ≤ 1. The present thesis is comprised of six chapters, which are arranged as follows: The first chapter deals with the theoretical background of the physical properties of Ce based intermetallics compounds and alloys. Experimental techniques constitutes chapter II and explains the techniques used in this study. The theoretical overview of the two parent compounds of interest in this thesis (CePt₂Si₂ and CeCu₅In) is presented in chapter III. The fourth and the fifth chapters of this study deals with results and discussion. The thesis is completed with a conclusion in chapter six.

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