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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification of novel components that connect cellulose synthases to the cytoskeleton

Bringmann, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer on earth and the main load-bearing structure in plant cell walls. Cellulose microfibrils are laid down in a tight parallel array, surrounding plant cells like a corset. Orientation of microfibrils determines the direction of growth by directing turgor pressure to points of expansion (Somerville et al., 2004). Hence, cellulose deficient mutants usually show cell and organ swelling due to disturbed anisotropic cell expansion (reviewed in Endler and Persson, 2011). How do cellulose microfibrils gain their parallel orientation? First experiments in the 1960s suggested, that cortical microtubules aid the cellulose synthases on their way around the cell (Green, 1962; Ledbetter and Porter, 1963). This was proofed in 2006 through life cell imaging (Paredez et al., 2006). However, how this guidance was facilitated, remained unknown. Through a combinatory approach, including forward and reverse genetics together with advanced co-expression analysis, we identified pom2 as a cellulose deficient mutant. Map- based cloning revealed that the gene locus of POM2 corresponded to CELLULOSE SYNTHASE INTERACTING 1 (CSI1). Intriguingly, we previously found the CSI1 protein to interact with the putative cytosolic part of the primary cellulose synthases in a yeast-two-hybrid screen (Gu et al., 2010). Exhaustive cell biological analysis of the POM2/CSI1 protein allowed to determine its cellular function. Using spinning disc confocal microscopy, we could show that in the absence of POM2/CSI1, cellulose synthase complexes lose their microtubule-dependent trajectories in the plasma membrane. The loss of POM2/CSI1, however does not influence microtubule- dependent delivery of cellulose synthases (Bringmann et al., 2012). Consequently, POM2/CSI1 acts as a bridging protein between active cellulose synthases and cortical microtubules. This thesis summarizes three publications of the author, regarding the identification of proteins that connect cellulose synthases to the cytoskeleton. This involves the development of bioinformatics tools allowing candidate gene prediction through co-expression studies (Mutwil et al., 2009), identification of candidate genes through interaction studies (Gu et al., 2010), and determination of the cellular function of the candidate gene (Bringmann et al., 2012). / Zellulose ist das abundanteste Biopolymer der Erde und verleiht pflanzlichen Zellwänden ihre enorme Tragkraft. Mit der Reißfestigkeit von Stahl umwickeln Zellulosefibrillen pflanzliche Zellwände wie ein Korsett. Die Orientierung der Zellulosefibrillen bestimmt zugleich die Wachstumsrichtung, indem sie den Zellinnendruck (Turgor) in die entsprechende Ausdehnungsrichtung dirigiert (Somerville et al.,2004).Folglich zeigen Mutanten mit gestörter Zellulosesynthese oft geschwollene Organe und Zellen, die sich nicht mehr gerichtet ausdehnen können (zusammengefasst von Endler und Persson,2011). Wie aber erhalten die Zellulosefibrillen ihre parallele Orientierung? Erste Experimente aus den1960ern führten zur Vermutung, kortikale Mikrotubuli leiten die Zellulosesynthasen auf ringförmigen Bahnen um die Zellen herum (Green, 1962; Ledbetter and Porter, 1963). Diese Theorie wurde 2006 mit Hilfe moderner mikroskopischer Methoden bestätigt (Paredez et al., 2006). Wie jedoch dieser Leitmechanismus funktioniert, blieb bisher unentdeckt. Durch die Kombination verschiedener genetischer und bioinformatischer Methoden, konnten wir pom2 als Zellulose defiziente Mutante identifizieren. Die Ermittlung des Genlocus durch Map-based cloning zeigte, dass es sich bei POM2 um CELLULOSE SYNTHASE INTERACTING 1 (CSI1) handelt, ein Gen, dessen korrespondierendes Protein, wie vorher von uns gezeigt, mit dem zytosolischen Teil der primären Zellulosesynthasen interagiert (Gu et al., 2010). Durch ausführliche zellbiologische Charakterisierung von POM2/CSI1 konnten wir seine zelluläre Funktion entschlüsseln. Mit Hilfe konfokaler Spinning- Disc-Mikroskopie konnten wir zeigen, dass in Abwesenheit von POM2/CSI1, Zellulosesynthasen von den Mikrotubuli- Bahnen abweichen. Der ebenfalls von den Mikrotubuli abhängige Transport der Zellulosesynthasen zur Zellmembran hingegen, war nicht beeinflusst (Bringmann et al., 2012). Demzufolge ist POM2/CSI1 das gesuchte Bindeglied zwischen aktiven Zellulosesynthasen und Mikrotubuli. In dieser Dissertationsschrift werden drei Publikationen des Autors zusammengefasst, die wa ̈hrend der Arbeit an der Dissertiation entstanden sind. Sie beinhalten die Entwicklung bioinformatischer Methoden zur Ko- Expressionsanalyse, um Kandidatengene zu ermitteln (Mutwil et al., 2009), die Identifikaton des Kandidatengens POM2/CSI1 in einer Interaktionsstudie (Gu et al., 2010), sowie die Bestimmung der zellula ̈ren Funktion des korrespondieren- den Proteins POM2/CSI1 (Bringmann et al., 2012).

A formação de estratégias em empresas estatais : analise de um caso : a cesa

Tatto, Luiz January 1987 (has links)
O estudo explora a formação de estratégias em empresas estatais, através da análise de um caso real. Utilizase de uma empresa estatal estadual ligada ao setor de armaze namento de cereais e produtos horti-fruti-granjeiros, localiza da em Porto Alegre e cuja área de ação territorial cobre todo o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O trabalho desenvolvido, consistiu em pesquisar a em presa estatal fixando os principais momentos desde a sua cria ção (1950) até 1985, usando a metodologia proposta por Mintzberg. Com isto, procura-se proporcionar ao leitor uma visão tão clara e segura o quanto possível de como foram se estabelecendo e surgindo as diferentes estratégias na vida da organização. Acreditamos que o esforço empreendido tenha utilidade para as próprias organizações, como uma das formas de com preender como suas estratégias atuais influenciam suas ações futuras. O estudo tem um caráter exploratório e busca, acima de tudo, avançar na compreensão de como as estratégias se for mam para que a organização alcance seus objetivos tanto de na tureza econômica como social. / This study explores the strategy formation process in a state owned corporation. The company deals with the storage of fruit, vegetables and grain. It is located in Porto Alegre, but its activity is spread out over the State of Rio Grande do Sul. This work consisted in surveying the company from the times previous to its creation (1950) until 1985. The objective was to put in evidence its most crucial moments, followina the method proposed by Mintzberg. It tries to provide the reader with a clear vision about the rising of different strategies. We believe this effort may be useful for carporations as a means to evaluate how current strategies influence future actions and strategies. This study has an exploratory character and seeks, above all, an advance in the comprehension of how strategies are formed so that the organization can attain its social and economic objetives.

A formação de estratégias em empresas estatais : analise de um caso : a cesa

Tatto, Luiz January 1987 (has links)
O estudo explora a formação de estratégias em empresas estatais, através da análise de um caso real. Utilizase de uma empresa estatal estadual ligada ao setor de armaze namento de cereais e produtos horti-fruti-granjeiros, localiza da em Porto Alegre e cuja área de ação territorial cobre todo o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O trabalho desenvolvido, consistiu em pesquisar a em presa estatal fixando os principais momentos desde a sua cria ção (1950) até 1985, usando a metodologia proposta por Mintzberg. Com isto, procura-se proporcionar ao leitor uma visão tão clara e segura o quanto possível de como foram se estabelecendo e surgindo as diferentes estratégias na vida da organização. Acreditamos que o esforço empreendido tenha utilidade para as próprias organizações, como uma das formas de com preender como suas estratégias atuais influenciam suas ações futuras. O estudo tem um caráter exploratório e busca, acima de tudo, avançar na compreensão de como as estratégias se for mam para que a organização alcance seus objetivos tanto de na tureza econômica como social. / This study explores the strategy formation process in a state owned corporation. The company deals with the storage of fruit, vegetables and grain. It is located in Porto Alegre, but its activity is spread out over the State of Rio Grande do Sul. This work consisted in surveying the company from the times previous to its creation (1950) until 1985. The objective was to put in evidence its most crucial moments, followina the method proposed by Mintzberg. It tries to provide the reader with a clear vision about the rising of different strategies. We believe this effort may be useful for carporations as a means to evaluate how current strategies influence future actions and strategies. This study has an exploratory character and seeks, above all, an advance in the comprehension of how strategies are formed so that the organization can attain its social and economic objetives.

A formação de estratégias em empresas estatais : analise de um caso : a cesa

Tatto, Luiz January 1987 (has links)
O estudo explora a formação de estratégias em empresas estatais, através da análise de um caso real. Utilizase de uma empresa estatal estadual ligada ao setor de armaze namento de cereais e produtos horti-fruti-granjeiros, localiza da em Porto Alegre e cuja área de ação territorial cobre todo o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O trabalho desenvolvido, consistiu em pesquisar a em presa estatal fixando os principais momentos desde a sua cria ção (1950) até 1985, usando a metodologia proposta por Mintzberg. Com isto, procura-se proporcionar ao leitor uma visão tão clara e segura o quanto possível de como foram se estabelecendo e surgindo as diferentes estratégias na vida da organização. Acreditamos que o esforço empreendido tenha utilidade para as próprias organizações, como uma das formas de com preender como suas estratégias atuais influenciam suas ações futuras. O estudo tem um caráter exploratório e busca, acima de tudo, avançar na compreensão de como as estratégias se for mam para que a organização alcance seus objetivos tanto de na tureza econômica como social. / This study explores the strategy formation process in a state owned corporation. The company deals with the storage of fruit, vegetables and grain. It is located in Porto Alegre, but its activity is spread out over the State of Rio Grande do Sul. This work consisted in surveying the company from the times previous to its creation (1950) until 1985. The objective was to put in evidence its most crucial moments, followina the method proposed by Mintzberg. It tries to provide the reader with a clear vision about the rising of different strategies. We believe this effort may be useful for carporations as a means to evaluate how current strategies influence future actions and strategies. This study has an exploratory character and seeks, above all, an advance in the comprehension of how strategies are formed so that the organization can attain its social and economic objetives.


Giro, Emilce Rodrigues Gomes 19 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T16:16:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Paginas 1 a77.pdf: 3112502 bytes, checksum: b1bf35ef02582fc99f1e8f3362bb0142 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-19 / This study aims to reflect on the non-formal education and its educational role within the framework of a Citizen School: The Educational Centers of Santo André (CESAs), presenting themselves as a counter-hegemonic project of inclusive school. The (CESAs) are spaces for non-formal education, a field of knowledge still under construction. To that end, this analysis aims to find out what happens to the mediation of the educational process in this other form of organization of public school. The architectural space, new strategies for educating, training of teachers and participation of all actors of the school as: parents, children, teachers and the community in general are considered voices in the management of these institutions. We started from theoretical references for scholars of the current critical-reproduction which examine the school in the context of corporate class. We support ourselves in the school's unique perspective, defended by Gramsci (1981), where the alternative learning happens in the interactions generated in the participatory process in all its social significance. In the initial chapters of historical and bibliographical character, we discuss the implementation of public policies of this nature, which makes use of non-formal education; we finalize our job evidencing the public politics of education developed in (CESAs), exploring, mainly, the artistic languages in the development of the citizenship.(AU) / Este estudo tem por objetivo refletir sobre a educação não-formal e seu papel educativo nos marcos de uma Escola Cidadã: os Centros Educacionais de Santo André (CESAs), que se apresentam como um projeto contra-hegemônico de escola inclusiva. Considerando-se a educação não-formal um campo de conhecimento em construção, analisa-se outra forma de organização da escola pública e como ocorre a mediação deste processo educativo. O espaço arquitetônico, as novas dimensões do educar, a formação dos professores e a entrada de outros atores na escola são apreciados ouvindo-se as vozes de crianças, pais e professores. Partindo-se de referências teóricas de estudiosos da corrente crítico-reprodutivista que analisam a escola no contexto de sociedades de classe, buscam-se, apoiados na perspectiva da escola única, defendida por Gramsci (1981), alternativas em que as aprendizagens aconteçam nas interações geradas no processo participativo em todo seu significado social. Nos capítulos iniciais, de caráter histórico e bibliográfico, discute-se a implantação de políticas públicas dessa natureza, que lançam mão da educação não-formal; finalizamos buscando evidenciá-las na política pública de educação desenvolvida nos CESAs, explorando, principalmente, as linguagens artísticas no desenvolvimento da cidadania.(AU)

Structure of the Plant-Conserved Region of Cellulose Synthase and Its Interactions with the Catalytic Core

Phillip S Rushton (9143657) 29 July 2020 (has links)
<p><a>The processive plant cellulose synthase (CESA) synthesizes (1→4)-β-D-glucans. CESAs assemble into a six-fold symmetrical cellulose synthase complex (CSC), with an unknown symmetry and number of CESA isomers. The CSC synthesizes a cellulose microfibril as the fundamental scaffolding unit of the plant cell wall. CESAs are approximately 110 kDa glycosyltransferases with an N-terminal RING-type zinc finger domain (ZnF), seven transmembrane α-helices (TMHs) and a cytoplasmic catalytic domain (CatD). In the CatD, the uridine diphosphate glucose (UDP-Glc) substrate is synthesized into</a> (1→4)-β-D-glucans. The ZnF is likely to facilitate dimers in the CSC. Recombinant class-specific region (CSR), a plant specific insertion to the C-terminal end of the CatD is also known to form dimers<i> in vitro</i>. The CSR sequence is the primary source of distinction between CESA isoforms and class structure. Also within the CESA CatD is a 125-amino acid insertion known as the plant-conserved region (P-CR), whose molecular structure was unknown. The function of the P-CR is still unclear, especially in the context of complete CESA and CSC structures. Thus, one major knowledge gap is understanding how multimeric CSCs synthesize multiple chains of (1→4)-β-D-glucans that coalesce to form microfibrils. The specific number of CESAs in a CSC and how interactions of individual CESA isoforms contribute to the CSC are not known. Elucidating the structure-function relationships of the P-CR domain, and with the consideration of the ability of CSR and ZnF domains to dimerize, it is possible to more completely model the structure of the CSC.</p> <p>Recombinantly expressed rice (<i>Oryza sativa</i>) secondary cell wall OsCESA8 P-CR domain purifies as a monomer and shows distinct α-helical secondary structure by circular dichroism analysis. A molecular envelope of the P-CR was derived by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The P-CR was crystallized and structure solved to 2.4 Å resolution revealing an anti-parallel coiled-coiled domain. Connecting the coiled-coil α-helices is an ordered loop that bends back towards the coiled-coils. The P-CR crystal structure fits the molecular envelope derived by SAXS, which in turn fits into the CatD molecular envelope. The best fit places the P-CR between the membrane and substrate entry portal. In depth analysis of structural similarity to other proteins, and 3D-surface structure of the P-CR, leads to hypotheses that it could function in protein-protein interactions as a dimer, trimer or tetramer in the CSC, that it could form protein-protein interactions with CESA-interacting proteins, and/or modulate substrate entry through its N- and/or C-terminus. From modeling, hypothetically important residues within the P-CR or related to the P-CR through potential protein contacts were mutated in <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> <i>AtCESA1</i> constructs. These constructs were expressed in the temperature-sensitive <i>radial swelling</i> (<i>rsw</i>)<i> rsw1-1</i> mutant of <i>AtCESA1 </i>to test for complementation of growth phenotypes at restrictive temperatures. Preliminary experiments indicate that some mutated CESA1 sequences fail to complement the <i>rsw1-1</i> phenotype, suggesting that specific functions of individual amino can be tested using this system.</p>

Detection of Cellulose Synthase Antisense Transcripts Involved in Regulating Cell Wall Biosynthesis in Barley, Brachypodium and Arabidopsis

Nething, Daniel B. 19 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Criteria for sound Christian education, with reference to Christian Education South Africa (CESA) 1984-1993 : a historical-educational investigation and evaluation

Nel, Monika Barbara Elisabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Christian Education South Africa (CESA), formerly known as Accelerated Christian Education (South Africa) or ACE(SA), represents a significant number of evangelical Christian schools in South Africa. Most CESA schools are multiracial· and part of charismatic fellowships. The purpose of this study was to investigate CESA {its roots, philosophy of education and methodology) and to evaluate the quality of Christian education offered at CESA schools. Firstly, 'sound Christian education' was defined. Secondly, a model for assessing Christian education was developed. The SAPPAB model with its six criteria (spiritual, academic, physical, practical, administrative and balance) assess both the biblical and t educational 'soundness' of an education programme . . Information was gathered over six years by way of interviews, surveys, ethnographic and in-depth case studies. Evaluations included individual CESA schools, CESA as an organization and the ACE programme. The major finding was that individual CESA schools do contribute meaningfully to sound Christian education, but that the organization as such lost its vision and its influence. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (History of Education)

Criteria for sound Christian education, with reference to Christian Education South Africa (CESA) 1984-1993 : a historical-educational investigation and evaluation

Nel, Monika Barbara Elisabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Christian Education South Africa (CESA), formerly known as Accelerated Christian Education (South Africa) or ACE(SA), represents a significant number of evangelical Christian schools in South Africa. Most CESA schools are multiracial· and part of charismatic fellowships. The purpose of this study was to investigate CESA {its roots, philosophy of education and methodology) and to evaluate the quality of Christian education offered at CESA schools. Firstly, 'sound Christian education' was defined. Secondly, a model for assessing Christian education was developed. The SAPPAB model with its six criteria (spiritual, academic, physical, practical, administrative and balance) assess both the biblical and t educational 'soundness' of an education programme . . Information was gathered over six years by way of interviews, surveys, ethnographic and in-depth case studies. Evaluations included individual CESA schools, CESA as an organization and the ACE programme. The major finding was that individual CESA schools do contribute meaningfully to sound Christian education, but that the organization as such lost its vision and its influence. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (History of Education)

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