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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização físico-hídrica e fracionamento físico da matéria orgânica em solo com horizonte antrópico / Hydro-physical characterization and physical fractionation of organic matter in soil horizon with anthropic horizon

Silva, Sâmala Glícia Carneiro 15 July 2016 (has links)
Nos últimos anos o interesse pelo estudo da Terra Preta de Índio (TPI) tem aumentado em razão das suas características únicas em relação aos solos normalmente encontrados na região, como sua maior fertilidade natural. Diversos estudos relatam que a presença do chamado carbono pirogênico na composição das TPIs é a responsável por esta superioridade, entretanto ainda não se sabe se este afeta as propriedades físicas dos solos de TPI. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo comparar o comportamento de propriedades físico-hídricas de solos antrópicos (Terra Preta de Índio) com um solo adjacente por meio da determinação de suas propriedades físicas, e verificar a distribuição do carbono pirogênico entre os diferentes compartimentos da matéria orgânica em solos de TPI e adjacentes. Para este estudo foram coletadas amostras indeformadas em anéis volumétricos e blocos em uma área de TPI e adjacente. As áreas estão localizadas na Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã, estado do Pará. As propriedades físicas analisadas foram textura, porosidade total, macro e microporosidade, curva de retenção da água no solo, condutividade hidráulica saturada, permeabilidade do solo ao ar e estabilidade de agregados. Para verificar o comportamento da matéria orgânica foi realizado o fracionamento físico, onde foram analisados a distribuição do carbono total e pirogênico nas diferentes frações da matéria orgânica. Verificou-se diferença nas duas áreas quanto às propriedades físicas porosidade total, macro e microporosidade, condutividade hidráulica do solo (Ksat), permeabilidade do solo ao ar (Ka), e retenção de água no solo, entretanto não foi possível verificar diferenças na estabilidade de agregados entre as duas áreas. A distribuição da matéria orgânica nas diferentes frações do solo foi distinta nas duas áreas, onde verificou-se que na área de TPI o C no solo foi predominante na fração macroagregados, enquanto que na área adjacente o carbono se localizou em maior quantidade na fração microagregados. Os valores de carbono pirogênico foram maiores na área de TPI do que na área adjacente, demostrando que a matéria orgânica das TPIs apresenta uma composição diferenciada, modificando o comportamento das propriedades físicas dos solos. / In recent years the interest in the study of Terra Preta de Indio or Amazonian Dark Earths (TPI) has increased, especially because of its unique characteristics when related to typical soils of the region, as its higher natural fertility. Several studies have reported that the presence of so-called pyrogenic carbon in its composition is responsible for this superiority, however it is not known if it affects the physical properties of TPI soils. This research aims to compare the behavior of physical and hydraulic properties of anthropic soils (Terra Preta de Indio) to an adjacent soil by determining its physical properties, and evaluating the distribution of the pyrogenic carbon between the different compartments of organic matter for both soils. For this study, undisturbed soil samples were collected in volumetric cylinders and blocks from a TPI and adjacent area. The areas are located in Caxiuanã National Forest, state of Pará, Brazil. The analyzed physical properties were texture, porosity, macro and microporosity, soil water retention curve, soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil permeability to air and aggregate stability. A physical fractionation was performed to verify the behavior of organic matter, which analyzed the distribution of the total and pyrogenic carbon in the different fractions of organic matter. There were difference in the two areas regarding the physical properties as total porosity, macro and microporosity, soil hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), air permeability to soil (Ka), and soil water retention, however it was not possible to see differences in stability aggregates between the two areas. The distribution of organic matter in different soil fractions was different in the two areas, where it was found that in the TPI area, soil carbon was prevalent in the macroaggregates fraction, while the adjacent area had larger amounts in the microaggregates fraction. The values for pyrogenic carbon were higher in the TPI area, showing that the organic matter of TPIs has a different composition which modifies the behavior of physical properties in the soil.

Efeito das principais variáveis do processo de fabricação sobre as propriedades de briquetes de misturas de carvão fóssil e carvão vegetal para uso siderúrgico. / Effect of the main process variables on the proprieties of briquettes of mixtures of coal and charcoal for steelmaking.

Varon Cardona, Lina Maria 28 September 2017 (has links)
A utilização de briquetes de misturas de carvão fóssil e biomassa em substituição ao coque como agente redutor pode contribuir para a diminuição das emissões de CO2 à atmosfera no processo de redução de minério de ferro. O fenômeno do amolecimento e fluidificação do carvão fóssil durante o aquecimento permite que o mesmo absorva certa quantidade de materiais inertes à coqueificação durante o tratamento térmico. O objetivo deste trabalho é correlacionar o efeito das principais variáveis de processo de fabricação (temperatura e tempo de tratamento térmico, tamanho de partícula dos componentes, porosidade e proporção de carvão vegetal e carvão fóssil) sobre as propriedades obtidas (resistência mecânica e reatividade ao CO2) de briquetes compostos de misturas de carvão fóssil e carvão vegetal, para uso na indústria siderúrgica. Briquetes de dois formatos diferentes foram preparados em matriz cilíndrica e em maquina briquetadeira e tratados termicamente em forno vertical aquecido com resistência elétrica sob atmosfera de nitrogênio. A resistência à compressão dos briquetes foi analisada em função das seguintes variáveis: proporção de carvão fóssil e carvão vegetal, taxa de aquecimento do tratamento térmico e tamanho de partícula dos carvões. A reatividade ao CO2 dos briquetes tratados termicamente foi analisada em função das seguintes variáveis: temperatura de ensaio e vazão de CO2. Foram comparados os resultados obtidos de ambos os formatos de briquetes. Com o aumento da proporção de carvão vegetal nos briquetes cilíndricos de biocoque, a densidade aparente e a resistência à compressão após tratamento térmico aumentaram para as misturas contendo 5, 10 e 15% de carvão vegetal. A partir dessa composição (15% de carvão vegetal) tanto a densidade final quanto a resistência à compressão apresentaram diminuição. Encontrou-se que tanto os briquetes cilíndricos a verde quanto os briquetes tratados termicamente apresentam perda de resistência mecânica com o aumento do tamanho de partícula do carvão fóssil. Os melhores valores de resistência à compressão foram obtidos em briquetes feitos com carvão fóssil em mistura de 15% em peso de carvão vegetal, tamanho de partícula abaixo de 0,044 mm, tratados termicamente a 1100°C durante 8 horas. Com o aumento na adição de carvão vegetal nos briquetes compostos de carvão fóssil e carvão vegetal, observou-se um aumento da reatividade do biocoque ao CO2. As micrografias dos briquetes tratados termicamente mostraram que a textura dos briquetes tende a ser mais homogênea com aumento de carvão vegetal de madeira na mistura. Os briquetes de biocoque fabricados em briquetadeira permitiram a ampliação do processo de fabricação de briquetes a uma escala laboratorial maior e mostraram a viabilidade industrial na fabricação do biocoque. Encontrou-se que a adição de carvão vegetal de madeira na mistura influencia diretamente na resistência a compressão e a reatividade ao CO2, devido a diferentes fatores como a composição das cinzas da madeira, a diminuição da fluidez devido à ação do inerte na mistura a carbonizar, a formação de uma estrutura porosa dentro da matriz carbonosa. Não encontrou-se correlação entre o índice de alcalinidade dos briquetes e sua reatividade ao CO2. / The substitution of metallurgical coke by briquetted mixtures of coal and biomass as a reducing agent can lower the emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2) in the iron and steelmaking industry. The thermal plasticity of the coking coal can be used to absorb an amount of inert materials during heat treatment. The objective of this study is to correlate the effect of the main processes variables (heat treatment temperature and duration, particle size of the materials, porosity and coal and charcoal ratio) on the properties (compressive strength and CO2 reactivity) of briquetted mixtures of coal and charcoal. Two types of briquettes were produced, one in a cylindrical die and another in a laboratory briquetting machine. The briquettes were heat treated in a vertical electrical furnace under nitrogen atmosphere. The compressive strength of the briquettes was analyzed as a function of the following variables: coal and charcoal ratio, heating rate and particle size. The CO2 reactivity of the heat treated briquettes was analyzed as a function of the following variables: temperature and CO2 flow. For the cylindrical briquettes, the increase of charcoal (5, 10, 15 wt%) in the coal-charcoal mixtures caused an increase on the bulk density and on the compressive strength of the heat treated briquettes. Above 15 wt% of charcoal in the mixtures, the bulk density and the compressive strength decreased. It was found out that both green and heat treated briquettes had a decrease in compressive strength with the increase of the coal particle size. Optimum results of compressive strength were obtained in the briquettes with 15 wt% of charcoal, particle size <0.044 mm, heat treatment temperature of 1100°C for 8 hours. The increase in charcoal proportion caused an increase in the CO2 reactivity of the briquettes. The SEM micrographs of the heat treated briquettes showed that the texture of the briquettes tend to be more homogeneous with the increase of charcoal in the mixture. The properties of the briquettes produced in the laboratorial briquetting machine showed that a large scale production could be viable. Also, it was found out that the addition of wood charcoal in the mixture directly affects the compressive strength and the CO2 reactivity of the briquettes due to factors such as: the ashes composition, the decrease in fluidity because of the inert material in the mixture, the formation of a porous structure inside the carbon matrix. It was not found a relation between the alkalinity index and the CO2 reactivity in the briquettes.

Estudo das metodologias da Convencão-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre mudanças climáticas, referentes à avaliação de emissões de gases de efeito estufa na produção de carvão vegetal / Study of the methodologies of the United Nations Framework Council on Climate Changes, regarding the assessment of greenhouse gases emissions on the charcoal production

Taccini, Marcel Miranda 17 February 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a relação entre a emissão de CH4 e temperaturas finais de carbonização de madeira de Eucalyptus urograndis, conforme a metodologia AMSIIIK (UNFCCC, 2008). Da mesma forma, pretendeu-se avaliar a relação entre a emissão de CH4 e o rendimento gravimétrico em carvão (base seca), conforme preconizado pela metodologia AM0041 (UNFCCC, 2006). Com base nas informações encontradas, buscou-se analisar a adequação de ambas as metodologias com relação ao arcabouço teórico sobre a emissão de GNC no processo de pirólise, assim como ao incentivo, via Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo, à adoção de práticas de carbonização mais eficientes, que possam resultar na redução da emissão de CH4. O experimento consistiu na condução de pirólises de cavacos da madeira a temperaturas finais de 400, 500, 600 e 700°C, a diferentes tempos de carbonização (2,5; 5,0; 7,5 e; 10 horas), em um forno-mufla conjugado a um sistema de coleta de gases. Foram calculados os rendimentos gravimétricos em carvão, licor pirolenhoso e gases não condensáveis. Os compostos químicos presentes nos gases nãocondensáveis foram identificados e quantificados mediante análise em cromatógrafo gasoso dotado de detectores de condutividade térmica, onde foi aplicado o ensaio dos seguintes gases: H2, CH4, CO e CO2. Além dessas análises foram realizadas regressões, conforme preconizam as metodologias AMSIIIK e AM0041, para identificar qual o melhor modelo obtido e, portanto, o mais indicado para a estimativa da emissão de CH4 no processo de carbonização. Concluiu-se que: a) aumentos na temperatura final de carbonização ocasionam aumento e diminuição no rendimento em gases e carvão, respectivamente; b) as diferentes taxas de aquecimento aplicadas nos ensaios laboratoriais não influenciaram o rendimento gravimétrico dos produtos da pirólise e a emissão de CO2, CO, CH4 e H2. Fugiram a essa tendência, os resultados de rendimento gravimétrico em carvão (base seca) obtidos a temperatura de 700oC; c) houve aumento na emissão de praticamente todos os gases com o aumento da temperatura final de carbonização; d) as regressões propostas pela metodologia AMSIIIK obtiveram melhores resultados do que aquela preconizada na metodologia AM0041, sendo o modelo de regressão que adota a temperatura como parâmetro de inferência da emissão de CH4 no processo de pirólise, o mais indicado para a estimativa de linhas de base em carvoarias que buscam a obtenção de créditos de carbono via melhoria da eficiência do processo de carbonização. / The objective of this work was to assess the relation between CH4 emissions and carbonization final temperatures of Eucalyptus urograndis wood, according to the AMSIIIK methodology (UNFCCC, 2008). On the same way, the correlation between CH4 emissions and the charcoal gravimetric yield (dry basis), as praised by the AM0041 methodology (UNFCCC, 2006), was evaluated. The results found were analyzed regarding the adequacy of both methodologies with the theoretical knowledge of noncondensable gases emissions in the pyrolysis process, as well as the incentive, through the Clean Development Mechanism, to the more efficient adoption of carbonization procedures that contribute to the reduction of CH4 emissions. The experiment consisted of the conduction of wood chips pyrolysis, in the temperatures of 400, 500, 600 and 700oC, at different times of carbonization (2,5; 5,0; 7,5 e; 10 hours), in an oven-muffle conjugated to a gas collector system. The gravimetrical yields of charcoal, pyroligneous liquor and non-condensable gases were calculated. The chemical composition of noncondensable gases were identified and quantified in gaseous chromatograph endowed with thermal conductivity detector, where the essay of the following gases was applied: H2, CH4, CO and CO2. Besides these analyses, regressions regarding the methodologies AMSIIIK and AM0041, have been carried through, to indentify the best model and, therefore, the most indicated for estimating CH4 emission in the carbonization process. Conclusions: a) increases in the carbonization final temperatures caused increase and reduction in the yields of gases and charcoal, respectively; b) the different heating rates applied in the laboratorial analysis have not influenced the gravimetric yield of the pyrolysis products, nor the emission of CO2, CO, CH4 and H2. The gravimetric yield of charcoal (dry basis) obtained at the temperature of 700oC, was the only data not to show this same trend; c) increases in the carbonization final temperatures lead to an increase in the emission of all gases; d) the AMSIIIK methodology regressions have gotten better results than those praised in methodology AM0041. Thus, the regression model which adopts the temperature as a parameter of CH4 emission inference in the pyrolysis process, is the most indicated for baseline estimate in charcoal facilities that seek carbon credits through the improvement of the carbonization process efficiency.

Solidificação/estabilização do adsorvente composto por cinza de casca de arroz e carvão ativado, contaminado com hidrocarbonetos de petróleo, em matriz de cimento Portland

Schneider, Joice Brochier 21 August 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-07-06T13:37:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Joice Brochier Schneider.pdf: 4213539 bytes, checksum: 49fa8f402cb598050e77b581c7d7d449 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-06T13:37:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Joice Brochier Schneider.pdf: 4213539 bytes, checksum: 49fa8f402cb598050e77b581c7d7d449 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-21 / FAPERGS - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul / Projeconsult Engenharia Ltda. / A ideia de se transformar resíduos em matéria prima tem produzido esforços no sentido de estudá-los e qualificá-los, já que o aproveitamento integral de resíduos é uma necessidade cada vez maior na indústria moderna, principalmente pela crescente escassez de recursos naturais não renováveis e a necessidade de preservação e recuperação do meio ambiente. O resíduo cinza de casca de arroz (CCA), resultante da queima da casca de arroz para geração de energia, vem sendo utilizado em diversos ramos industriais. Destaca-se sua aplicação na construção civil e também como material adsorvente. A CCA utilizada neste trabalho está misturada com carvão ativado (CA). Esta mistura é proveniente de filtros de adsorção de sistemas de remediação de áreas degradadas com hidrocarbonetos de petróleo. Com isto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a solidificação/estabilização de hidrocarbonetos de petróleo, em especial, benzeno, tolueno, etilbenzeno e xileno (BTEX), contidos no adsorvente composto por CCA e CA, em matriz de cimento Portland. Para tal, foram confeccionadas argamassas com substituição do agregado natural, em volume, pelos seguintes materiais: resíduo, nos teores de 10% e 30%, adsorvente CCA/CA in natura no teor de 30% e adsorvente CA in natura, também no teor de 30%. Essas argamassas foram caracterizadas ambientalmente, através dos ensaios descritos nas Normas Brasileiras. Analisou-se também a influência dessa substituição, através da determinação de propriedades no estado fresco (evolução da temperatura semi-adiabática de hidratação, penetração de cone e tempo de pega), de propriedades mecânicas (resistência à tração na flexão e à compressão) e caracterização dos produtos de hidratação através das técnicas de difração de Raio-X e espectroscopia de infravermelho. A argamassa RESÍDUO 10% atingiu a maior temperatura e menor tempo entre o início e fim da evolução da temperatura devido à hidratação. Já a argamassa RESÍDUO 30%, ao contrário, apresentou o maior tempo, fato justificado pela ação do óleo, presente no resíduo incorporado, que impediu, em parte, a passagem da água, retardando o processo de hidratação. Todas as argamassas, em relação a REFERÊNCIA, apresentaram menor consistência, na penetração de cone, e menor tempo de início e fim de pega. Resultados estes que corroboram, para as argamassas RESÍDUO 10%, CCA/CA 30% e CA 30% com a evolução da temperatura semi-adiabática da temperatura. A incorporação do resíduo não interferiu na formação dos compostos de hidratação do cimento, porém, a hidratação, conforme os resultados obtidos na evolução da temperatura semi-adiabática, ocorreu mais lentamente com a substituição de 30% da areia natural pelo resíduo. Os resultados da espectroscopia de infravermelho sugerem a presença BTEX nas argamassas RESÍDUO 30% e RESÍDUO 10%. Carbonatos e silicatos também foram identificados em todas as argamassas. Quanto aos resultados de resistência mecânica, observou-se, na resistência à tração na flexão, que a diferença entre o maior e menor desempenho, entre as argamassas REFERÊNCIA, RESÍDUO 10% e RESÍDUO 30%, foi de 8,9% e 5,6% para 7 e 21 dias, respectivamente. Já na resistência à compressão, aos 7 dias, os resultados obtidos das argamassas RESÍDUO 10% e RESÍDUO 30% foram superiores ao de REFERÊNCIA. Aos 21 dias, a REFERÊNCIA apresentou o melhor desempenho, 31,7% e 52,5% superior à argamassa RESÍDUO 30% e RESÍDUO 10%, respectivamente. Com os resultados de resistência mecânica obtidos, não foi possível avaliar a melhoria de desempenho com relação à idade. Porém, observou-se que a contaminação presente contribuiu para a resistência das argamassas, quando comparadas a CCA/CA 30%. Logo, sugere-se que a presença do contaminante possivelmente contribuiu quanto à aderência entre as partículas da mistura. Na caracterização ambiental, as argamassas confeccionadas foram classificadas como Classe II A, resíduo não perigoso, não inerte. A análise do extrato lixiviado e solubilizado das argamassas RESÍDUO 30% e RESÍDUO 10% não identificou a presença de hidrocarbonetos de petróleo. Estes resultados, associados à espectroscopia de infravermelho, às propriedades mecânicas bem como ao odor característico dos corpos de prova, confirmam a s/s do contaminante na matriz de cimento Portland. Este resultado positivo representa um avanço na busca da viabilidade de se empregar o resíduo CCA/CA contaminado com hidrocarbonetos de petróleo, direta ou indiretamente, para algum fim comercial. / The idea of turning waste into raw material has made efforts to study them and qualify them as the full utilization of waste is an increasing need in modern industry, mainly by increasing scarcity of non-renewable natural resources and need for preservation and restoration of the environment. The residue of rice husk ash (RHA), resulting from the burning of rice husk for power generation, has been used in various industries. We highlight its application in construction and as adsorbent material. The CCA used in this work is mixed with activated carbon (AC). This mixture is from adsorption filter remediation systems of degraded with petroleum hydrocarbons. With this, the objective of this study was to evaluate the solidification / stabilization of petroleum hydrocarbons, in particular benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX), composed of adsorbent contained in CCA and CA, in Portland cement matrix. To this end, mortars were prepared with substitution of natural aggregate, by volume, of the following materials: residue, content of 10% and 30%, adsorbent CCA / CA in natura content of 30% and CA adsorbent in nature, also the content 30%. These environmentally mortars were characterized by the tests described in the Brazilian Standards. It was also analyzed the influence of substitution by determining the properties in the fresh state (temperature evolution semi-adiabatic hydration, penetration cone and setting time), mechanical properties (tensile strength in bending and compression), and characterization of the hydration products through the techniques of X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy. The mortar RESIDUE 10% reached the highest temperature and shortest time between the beginning and end of the temperature due to hydration. Already 30% RESIDUE mortar, instead, showed the greatest time, which may be explained by the action of the oil present in the residue incorporated, which prevented partly the passage of water, slowing the hydration process. All mortars, for the reference, showed less consistency, cone penetration, and shorter start and end of the handle. These results corroborate that, for mortars RESIDUE 10% CCA/CA 30% CA and 30% with the temperature evolution of the semi-adiabatic temperature. The incorporation of the residue did not affect the formation of the compounds of the cement hydration, however, hydration, as the results in the evolution of semi-adiabatic temperature, was slower by replacing 30% of the natural sand residue. The results of infrared spectroscopy suggests the presence BTEX in mortars RESIDUE RESIDUE 30% and 10%. Silicates and carbonates have also been identified in all mortars. Regarding the results of mechanical strength was observed in tensile strength in bending, the difference between the highest and lowest performance among REFERENCE mortars, 10% Residue and Residue 30%, was 8.9% and 5 6% for 7 and 21 days, respectively. In the compressive strength after 7 days, the results of mortar RESIDUE RESIDUE 10% and 30% were higher than the reference. At 21 days, the REFERENCE showed the best performance, 31.7% and 52.5% higher than the mortar WASTE WASTE 30% and 10%, respectively. With the results obtained from mechanical strength, it was not possible to evaluate the performance improvement with respect to age. However, it was observed that this contributed to the contamination resistance of mortars, compared to CCA / CA 30%. Therefore, it is suggested that the presence of the contaminant as possibly contributing to adhesion between the particles of the mixture. In characterizing environmental mortars made were classified as Class II, non-hazardous waste, not inert. The analysis of the extract solubilized and leached mortar WASTE WASTE 30% and 10% failed 17 to identify the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons. These results, combined with the infrared spectroscopy, the mechanical properties and the odor of the specimens, confirm / s of the contaminant in the matrix of Portland cement. This result represents a breakthrough in the search for feasibility of employing the waste CCA/CA contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons, directly or indirectly, for any commercial purpose.

Electrical behaviour of submerged arc furnace’s charge materials

Hietava, A. (Anne) 01 June 2018 (has links)
Abstract When producing ferrochrome, a submerged arc furnace (SAF) is used. The charge of an SAF consists of chromite pellets, coke, lumpy ore and quartzite as a slag modifier. The charge is pre-heated before it descends into the SAF where the charge eventually reduces and melts. The electrical conductivity of the charge is important because, among other things, it affects the productivity of the furnace. The electrical conductivity of the charge should ideally be low on the higher parts of the furnace and high near the electrode tip. This is to ensure that the electric current path travels through the metal bath via arcing, which provides the most effective heat transfer. Another option for the current path would be through the solid feed material via ohmic conduction, but since this zone is less reactive, the heat energy would be mostly wasted. This work brings forth new information about the electrical behaviour of coke and chromite pellet is produced. The electrical conductivity was measured at room temperature for different simulated process conditions (different coke textures, different reduction degrees of chromite pellets, sulphur in atmosphere and replacing the coke used in chromite pellet production with charcoal). It was found out that unlike gasification with a CO/CO2 mixture, heat treatment at 950&#176;C increased the degree of graphitization and changed the electrical behaviour of coke. Furthermore, it was observed that increasing the chromite pellets’ reduction degree reduced the electrical conductivity measured at room temperature. In the case of chromite pellets and sulphur in the atmosphere it was found that sulphur has an effect on the pellets’ electrical behavior and structure during reduction, which - in turn - has an effect on the SAF performance when raw materials with varying sulphur contents are used. Lastly, it was found that substituting coke with charcoal when producing chromite pellets affects the sintering behaviour, cold compression strength, and electrical conductivity of the chromite pellets. / Tiivistelmä Uppokaariuuni on osa ferrokromin valmistusprosessia. Uppokaariuuniin panostetaan kromiittipellejä, koksia, palarikastetta ja kvartsiittia. Etukuumennusuunista panos laskeutuu uppokaariuuniin, jossa se pelkistyy ja lopulta sulaa. Uppokaariuunin panoksen sähkönjohtavuus on tärkeää uunin toiminnan kannalta, koska se vaikuttaa suoraan esimerkiksi tuottavuuteen. Jotta virran kulku tapahtuisi optimaalisesti sulan metallin kautta, panoksen sähkönjohtavuuden tulee olla pieni uunin yläosissa ja suuri alaosassa lähellä elektrodien päitä. Mikäli virran kulku tapahtuu uunin yläosassa, hukataan lämpöenergiaa ja uunin toiminta hankaloituu. Tässä työssä on selvitetty koksin ja kromiittipellettien sähköisiä ominaisuuksia. Sähkönjohtavuutta on tutkittu useilla simuloiduilla prosessiolosuhteilla (koksin eri tekstuurit, kromiittipellettien eri pelkistysasteet, rikin pitoisuus atmosfäärissä ja kromiittipellettien valmistuksessa on korvattu koksi puuhiilellä). Nämä mittaukset on tehty huonelämpötilassa. Huomattiin, että toisin kuin koksin kaasutus, koksin lämpökäsittely (950&#176;C) nosti grafitoitumisastetta ja vaikutti sähköisiin ominaisuuksiin. Kromiittipelletin pelkistymisasteen noustessa huonelämpötilassa mitattu sähkönjohtavuus laski. Kun kromiittipelletit altistetaan atmosfäärille, jossa on rikkiä, pellettien sähköiset ominaisuudet muuttuvat samoin kuin rakenne pelkistyksen aikana. Tämä vaikuttaa uppokaariuunin toimintaan, kun käytetään raaka-aineita, joissa rikkipitoisuus vaihtelee. Kun kromiittipellettien valmistuksessa käytettävä koksi korvataan puuhiilellä, tämä vaikuttaa sintrausprosessiin, kylmälujuuteen ja sähköisiin ominaisuuksiin.

Caracterização físico-hídrica e fracionamento físico da matéria orgânica em solo com horizonte antrópico / Hydro-physical characterization and physical fractionation of organic matter in soil horizon with anthropic horizon

Sâmala Glícia Carneiro Silva 15 July 2016 (has links)
Nos últimos anos o interesse pelo estudo da Terra Preta de Índio (TPI) tem aumentado em razão das suas características únicas em relação aos solos normalmente encontrados na região, como sua maior fertilidade natural. Diversos estudos relatam que a presença do chamado carbono pirogênico na composição das TPIs é a responsável por esta superioridade, entretanto ainda não se sabe se este afeta as propriedades físicas dos solos de TPI. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo comparar o comportamento de propriedades físico-hídricas de solos antrópicos (Terra Preta de Índio) com um solo adjacente por meio da determinação de suas propriedades físicas, e verificar a distribuição do carbono pirogênico entre os diferentes compartimentos da matéria orgânica em solos de TPI e adjacentes. Para este estudo foram coletadas amostras indeformadas em anéis volumétricos e blocos em uma área de TPI e adjacente. As áreas estão localizadas na Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã, estado do Pará. As propriedades físicas analisadas foram textura, porosidade total, macro e microporosidade, curva de retenção da água no solo, condutividade hidráulica saturada, permeabilidade do solo ao ar e estabilidade de agregados. Para verificar o comportamento da matéria orgânica foi realizado o fracionamento físico, onde foram analisados a distribuição do carbono total e pirogênico nas diferentes frações da matéria orgânica. Verificou-se diferença nas duas áreas quanto às propriedades físicas porosidade total, macro e microporosidade, condutividade hidráulica do solo (Ksat), permeabilidade do solo ao ar (Ka), e retenção de água no solo, entretanto não foi possível verificar diferenças na estabilidade de agregados entre as duas áreas. A distribuição da matéria orgânica nas diferentes frações do solo foi distinta nas duas áreas, onde verificou-se que na área de TPI o C no solo foi predominante na fração macroagregados, enquanto que na área adjacente o carbono se localizou em maior quantidade na fração microagregados. Os valores de carbono pirogênico foram maiores na área de TPI do que na área adjacente, demostrando que a matéria orgânica das TPIs apresenta uma composição diferenciada, modificando o comportamento das propriedades físicas dos solos. / In recent years the interest in the study of Terra Preta de Indio or Amazonian Dark Earths (TPI) has increased, especially because of its unique characteristics when related to typical soils of the region, as its higher natural fertility. Several studies have reported that the presence of so-called pyrogenic carbon in its composition is responsible for this superiority, however it is not known if it affects the physical properties of TPI soils. This research aims to compare the behavior of physical and hydraulic properties of anthropic soils (Terra Preta de Indio) to an adjacent soil by determining its physical properties, and evaluating the distribution of the pyrogenic carbon between the different compartments of organic matter for both soils. For this study, undisturbed soil samples were collected in volumetric cylinders and blocks from a TPI and adjacent area. The areas are located in Caxiuanã National Forest, state of Pará, Brazil. The analyzed physical properties were texture, porosity, macro and microporosity, soil water retention curve, soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil permeability to air and aggregate stability. A physical fractionation was performed to verify the behavior of organic matter, which analyzed the distribution of the total and pyrogenic carbon in the different fractions of organic matter. There were difference in the two areas regarding the physical properties as total porosity, macro and microporosity, soil hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), air permeability to soil (Ka), and soil water retention, however it was not possible to see differences in stability aggregates between the two areas. The distribution of organic matter in different soil fractions was different in the two areas, where it was found that in the TPI area, soil carbon was prevalent in the macroaggregates fraction, while the adjacent area had larger amounts in the microaggregates fraction. The values for pyrogenic carbon were higher in the TPI area, showing that the organic matter of TPIs has a different composition which modifies the behavior of physical properties in the soil.

Patossistema caupi X Macrophomina phaseolina: método de detecção em sementes, esporulação e controle do patógeno. / The pathosystem cowpea x Macrophomina phaseolina: detection in seeds, esporulation and pathogen control.

Athayde Sobrinho, Candido 14 January 2005 (has links)
Apesar da espécie Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. ser bastante rústica e estar adaptada às condições adversas de clima e solo brasileiros, seu rendimento é muito baixo. Diversas causas têm sido levantadas para explicar esse comportamento; entre elas destacam-se as doenças fúngicas, sobretudo aquelas cujos patógenos são transmitidos por sementes, em especial a podridão cinzenta do caule, causada por Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. A abordagem analítica desse patossistema revelou alguns problemas emergentes. Entre eles, destacam-se: a) desconhecimento da qualidade sanitária das sementes de caupi, utilizadas para semeadura; b) desunifomidade na metodologia usada para detectar os patógenos presentes nas semente; c) dificuldade na esporulação do patógeno, máxime de alguns isolados reticentes em esporular em meios artificiais de cultivo, cujo comportamento dificulta os trabalhos de seleção de genótipos resistentes; d) carência de medidas de controle do patógeno, que empreguem práticas naturais, como uso de sementes sadias, de indutores de resistência e de cultivares resistentes, de fácil uso e passível de adoção por parte dos produtores. Na estruturação da matriz lógica do presente estudo, referidos problemas foram transformados em objetivos. Os trabalhos foram conduzidos no Departamento de Entomologia, Fitopatologia e Zoologia Agrícola da ESALQ/USP, em Piracicaba-SP. Os resultados indicaram o teste de sanidade de sementes de caupi empregando o método do papel de filtro com restrição hídrica utilizando NaCl a -0,8Mpa, como o mais adequado para detecção dos fungos presentes nas sementes de caupi, especialmente M. phaseolina. A análise sanitária das amostras de sementes originadas de vários estados brasileiros revelou que, em 62% das amostras analisadas, o fungo M. phaseolina estava presente, sendo as amostras originadas do estado da Paraíba, Piauí, Pará e Bahia as que apresentaram maiores níveis de incidência do patógeno. Os melhores níveis de esporulação do patógeno foram conseguidos com a combinação de sobreposição de discos de folhas de trigo ao meio BDA, com temperatura de 25oC. Quanto à identificação de indutores de resistência, capazes de controlar M. phaseolina, os resultados revelaram que o acibenzolar-S-metil (ASM) foi o mais eficiente, quando comparado com quitosana e com um produto silicatado derivado de rocha micronizada (PSiM), apresentando um controle residual por mais de 40 dias após a semeadura. A maior eficiência verificada pelo ASM ocorreu devido a sua capacidade de ativar mecanismos bioquímicos de defesa, configurando-se em efetivo ativador da resistência induzida nas plantas de caupi, por atuar na cinética de importantes enzimas relacionadas à defesa, como a fenilalanina amônia-liase, peroxidase e quitinase. Quanto à reação de cultivares de caupi à doença, foi possível verificar razoável nível de resistência de algumas cultivares, tendo sido consideradas resistentes Mulato, Guariba e Maratauã. / Notwithstanding the specie Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp is sufficiently rustic and adapted to the adverse conditions of the Brazilian soil and climate, its improvement is very low. Many causes have been raised in order to explain such behavior; among them the fungal diseases stand out, over all those whose pathogens are transmitted by the seeds especially the charcoal rot disease caused by Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. The analytical approach of such pathosystem has revealed some emerging problems. Among them, it stands out: a) the ignorance of the sanitary quality of the cowpea seeds used for sowing; b) the non-uniformity in the used methodology in order to detect the pathogens, which are present in the seed; c) the difficult in pathogen sporulation, principally of some isolated reticent in forming spores in cultivation artificial environments whose behavior hampers the selection works of the resistant genotypes; d) lack of pathogen control measures, which utilize natural practices, such as the use of healthy seeds, resistance inducers and resistant cultivars of easy utilization and liable to adoption by the producers. In structuring the logical matrix of this study, such problems were transformed into objectives. The works were conducted at the Entomology, Phytopathology and Agricultural Zoology Departments of ESALQ/USP, in Piracicaba-SP. The results have pointed out the sanity test of the cowpea seeds through the method of filter paper with hydric restriction using NaCI - 0,8Mpa, as the most suitable for detecting the current fungus in cowpea seeds, especially M. phaseolina. The sanitary analysis of the seeds samples originated from several Brazilian states has revealed that in 63% of the analyzed samples, the fungus M. phaseolina was present, and the samples originated from the states of Paraíba, Piauí, Pará and Bahia were those that have presented higher incident levels of pathogen. The best levels of sporulation were obtained with the combination of the superposition of wheat leaves disks in the middle of BDA in 25ºC. As to the identification of the resistance inducers, capable of controlling the M. phaseolina, the results have revealed that the acinbezolar-S-methyl (ASM) was more efficient when compared to chitosan and with a silicate product originated from micronized rock (PsiM), presenting a residual control for more than 40 days after the sowing. The greatest efficiency ascertained by ASM has occurred due to its capacity of activate the defense biochemistries mechanisms, forming itself in an activator effect of the induced resistance in cowpea plants because it acts in the kinetic of important enzymes related to the defense, such as the phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, peroxidase and chitinase. As to the cowpea cultivars reaction to the disease, it was possible to ascertain a reasonable resistance level of some cultivars, and BR 14 Mulato, Guariba e Maratauã were considered as resistant.

Landscapes of Technology Transfer : Swedish Ironmakers in India 1860–1864

af Geijerstam, Jan January 2004 (has links)
<p>In the early 1860s three Swedes, Nils Wilhelm Mitander,Julius Ramsay and Gustaf Wittenström, were engaged by theBritish to build and run charcoal-based ironworks in India.These works, the Burwai Iron Works of the British Government inthe case of Mitander and the privately owned Kumaon Iron Worksin the case of Ramsay and Wittenström, were both to bebased on the most modern European technology. The projects werepioneering in Indian ironmaking. The ambitions were high andstakes big, but after only a few years the projects were closedand the Swedes returned home.<i>Landscapes of Technology Transfer</i>presents a detailedstudy of the Kumaon and Burwai Iron Works, from their firstconception to their final closure. The investigation isbasically empirical and a fundamental question is: Why were theworks never brought into full and continuous production?</p><p>The ironworks projects should be considered as processes oftechnology transfer rather than fully fledged and completedtransfers. In spite of this lack of success, or maybe becauseof it, the history of the ironworks and the Swedes also forms afruitful case to put other questions of wide relevance. Itexposes workings and effects of colonialism and offers anexplanation of the late development of India's iron and steelindustry and analyses of the complex totality forming theprerequisites for a successful transfer of technology. The longtraditions of bloomery ironmaking in India and ismarginalisation is also discussed.</p><p><i>Landscapes of Technology Transfer</i>is a comprehensiveempirical study. From a local and individual perspective ittraces lines of connection across boundaries of time andgeography. The historical landscapes of technology transfer aredescribed in their cultural, social, economic and politicaldimensions and the thesis underlines the importance of a closeacquaintance with local settings and conditions, where historyis manifested in a physical presence. The remains of theironworks and theirlocal landscapes in present-day India areused as a central source for writing their histories. There isalso a strong emphasis on the use of photographs and drawingsas sources.</p><p>The outcome of the projects was the result of the interplaybetween the local and the global, between a diversity ofconcrete factors influencing the construction of the works andtheir running and their colonial character. The studyemphasises the importance of technological systems andnetworks, both on a micro and a macro level. On a local leveldemanding logistics, a sometimes adverse climate, theprocurement of charcoal and iron ore in sufficient quantitiesand the build up of knowledge of ironmaking posed serious butnot insurmountable difficulties. Most obstacles were overcomealready during the first few years of the 1860s, the period ofthe Swedes, but to put the works into full and continuousproduction would have needed perseverance and purposefulefforts to support and protect the iron production, at leastduring an initial period. In the end the position of India as acolonial dependency, subjected to the primacy of Britishinterests, set the limits of the projects.</p><p><b>Key words:</b>History of technology, industrial heritagestudies, industrial archaeology, technology transfer,diffusion, technological systems, landscapes of technology,iron and steel, charcoal iron, direct and indirect ironmaking,bloomeries, 19th century, industrial history,industrialisation, de-industrialisation, underdevelopment,colonialism, India, Sweden, Great Britain, global history,annales.</p>

Holocene paleohydrology from Lake of the Woods and Shoal Lake cores using ostracodes, thecamoebians and sediment properties

Mellors, Trevor 07 September 2010 (has links)
Ten sediment cores (2.0-8.5 m long) from various locations in Lake of the Woods (LOTWs) and Shoal Lake (SL) were recovered in August 2006, using a Kullenberg piston corer. From the study of the macrofossils (primarily ostracodes and thecamoebians) and the sediments in six processed cores, variations in paleoconditions were observed both spatially and temporally, and the timing of these changes were identified in over 10,000 years of postglacial history. Ostracodes disappeared from the LOTWs record from about 9000 to 7600 calendar years before present (BP) (about 5800 in SL), after LOTWs became isolated from glacial Lake Agassiz. Thecamoebians appeared in many cores around 2000 calendar years BP, with the earliest appearance at 9200. Buried paleosols in three cores indicate portions of the lake dried on several occasions during the Hypsithermal, perhaps indicating the region’s future climate response. One core contained a pink clay bed indicative of the Marquette readvance about 11,300 years (BP), and the subsequent input of water from the Superior basin.

Effects of herbivores, fire and harvesting on the population dynamics of Acacia drepanolobium sjoestedt in Laikipia, Kenya.

Okello, Bell Dedan. January 2007 (has links)
Effects of herbivory, fire, and tree harvesting on Acacia drepanolobium were studied using plant population dynamics as the philosophical basis of research. Specifically, growth rates, chrono-sequence of re-growth, biomass and charcoal yield, herbivory, flowering, seed production, germination, mortality and the ants of Acacia drepanolobium were studied in the black cotton ecosystem of Mpala Research Centre, Laikipia, Kenya, between September 1995 and December 2000. Acacia drepanolobium was the most abundant tree or shrub with densities ranging from 80% to 98% of all the overstorey species, but it was the least browsed of all the trees and shrubs in the black cotton ecosystem, ranging from a mean of 7.2% to 9% of the individuals browsed. The tree is inhabited by four Acacia ant species, Crematogaster mimosae, Crematogaster sjoestedti, Crematogaster nigriceps, and Tetraponera penzigi, which are believed to be obligate, and which probably play a role in the low browsing rates observed. Six herbivore treatments replicated three times (no herbivores - O; only cattle - C, all herbivores allowed - MWC {control}, mega-herbivores {elephants and giraffe} and wildlife {W} – MW only, wildlife – W - only {all wildlife except mega-herbivores} and wildlife and cattle only - WC) was the main experimental design used in understanding the dynamics of the tree species under influence of different herbivores. Mean annual height growth of A. drepanolobium trees was 24.9 cm yr-1, while the mean Relative Growth Rates ranged from 14.6 x 10 –3 cm cm-1 yr-1 to 18.7 x 10 –3 cm cm-1 yr-1. Growth rates were different among the herbivore treatments and between seasons. Shoots of the tree grew by a mean range of 6.8 cm to 9.1 cm, were similar among the treatments but differed among the seasons. Canopy volume increased over time although it fluctuated with seasons, suggesting an increase in bushiness of A. drepanolobium in the ecosystem. Trees occupied by different ant species showed differences in shoot density (number of new shoots per twig), being greater in Crematogaster nigriceps occupied trees compared with the other ant species. Swollen thorn (gall) density per unit of twig length was greatest in treatments with megaherbivores; these galls were significantly larger on trees occupied by the ant Crematogaster nigriceps. Treatments with herbivores were more spinescent than the total exclusion treatment. Spine lengths ranged from 0.8 to 2.4 cm, and recorded a progressive reduction of up to 36.36.7% in treatments without browsers suggesting a relaxation of induced defence in A. drepanolobium. Flowering in A. drepanolobium was low and staggered over the study period ranging from 0.8% to 2.0% of the trees with no differences among the treatments suggesting that the level of herbivory was not sufficient to influence reproduction of the tree in the experimental site. Consequently, seedling recruitment was very low within the experimental site. However, a nearby site recorded flowering of between 22.7% and 93.5%. Mean pod production, mean number of seeds per tree and mean weight of pods and seeds had a positive linear relationship with tree density (R2=0.77, 0.81 and 0.81 respectively). Trees occupied by Crematogaster mimosae were the most likely to flower (68%) compared with C. nigriceps (5.8%), again suggesting that ants had an effect on the tree’s reproduction. Mortality of A. drepanolobium trees averaged 0.9% to 4.2% over the study period, being significantly greater in treatments with mega-herbivores. Seedling survival ranged from 42% to 75%, being greatest in the cattle only treatment. Between 30% and 100% (mean 67.2%), of A. drepanolobium seeds were attacked by a bruchid beetle (Bruchus sp.). Seeds attacked by bruchid beetles had significantly lower germination rates. Similarly, seeds passed through a fire also recoded significantly low germination rates compared with normal seeds. Fire (3.4%) and bruchid beetles (20.7%) germination compared with (control) undamaged seeds (84%) play an important role in the population dynamics of A. drepanolobium. Fewer A. drepanolobium seeds (33%) were recovered from the surface compared with buried (72%) seeds after a fire, indicating seed loss from the effect of fire and predation. In the burn experiment, fire top-killed 16% of A. drepanolobium trees but no tree or seedling was killed. On the other hand, fire significantly reduced the density of non-A. drepanolobium trees by between 50% and 100%, with none of them showing signs of coppicing after the fire unlike top-killed A. drepanolobium trees. Woody biomass from A. drepanolobium was strongly related to stem diameter (Y = 3.77x + 1.17, R2 = 0.96, P < 0.001). Mean charcoal production from earthen kilns was 2.83 Mg ha- 1. Height and stem diameter in coppicing stands increased at a mean rate of 28.6 cm yr-1 and 0.7 cm yr-1 respectively. Biomass in coppicing stands accumulated at a mean rate of 1.3 Mg ha-1 yr-1 in a 14-year period, yielding dry biomass of 18.26 Mg ha-1 useable wood that can produce a minimum of 3.0 Mg ha-1 of charcoal. This study shows that Acacia drepanolobium populations are affected by several factors including herbivory, fire and ants. The population dynamics of this tree shows that it can be harvested for sustainable charcoal yield over a 14-year cycle. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.

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