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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vérification de programmes avec structures de données complexes / Harnessing forest automata for verification of heap manipulating programs

Simacek, Jiri 29 October 2012 (has links)
Les travaux décrits dans cette thèse portent sur le problème de vérification des systèmes avec espaces d’états infinis, et, en particulier, avec des structures de données chaînées. Plusieurs approches ont émergé, sans donner des solutions convenables et robustes, qui pourrait faire face aux situations rencontrées dans la pratique. Nos travaux proposent une approche nouvelle, qui combine les avantages de deux approches très prometteuses: la représentation symbolique a base d’automates d’arbre, et la logique de séparation. On présente également plusieurs améliorations concernant l’implementation de différentes opérations sur les automates d’arbre, requises pour le succès pratique de notre méthode. En particulier, on propose un algorithme optimise pour le calcul des simulations sur les systèmes de transitions étiquettes, qui se traduit dans un algorithme efficace pour le calcul des simulations sur les automates d’arbre. En outre, on présente un nouvel algorithme pour le problème d’inclusion sur les automates d’arbre. Un nombre important d’expérimentes montre que cet algorithme est plus efficace que certaines des méthodes existantes. / This work addresses verification of infinite-state systems, more specifically, verification of programs manipulating complex dynamic linked data structures. Many different approaches emerged to date, but none of them provides a sufficiently robust solution which would succeed in all possible scenarios appearing in practice. Therefore, in this work, we propose a new approach which aims at improving the current state of the art in several dimensions. Our approach is based on using tree automata, but it is also partially inspired by some ideas taken from the methods based on separation logic. Apart from that, we also present multiple advancements within the implementation of various tree automata operations, crucial for our verification method to succeed in practice. Namely, we provide an optimised algorithm for computing simulations over labelled transition systems which then translates into more efficient computation of simulations over tree automata. We also give a new algorithm for checking inclusion over tree automata, and we provide experimental evaluation demonstrating that the new algorithm outperforms other existing approaches.

Le Web politique : l'espace médiatique des candidats de la présidentielle 2012 / Political Web : the candidates’s media space during the French 2012 presidential election

Goldberger-Bagalino, Laura 21 December 2017 (has links)
À l'instar de la psychotechnique des industries culturelles, savoir manier l’émotion pour toujours mieux capter l’attention d’un électeur dans la sphère de l'infotainment reste l’un des premiers objectifs d'une stratégie de campagne. Cependant, le Web politique a fait émerger de nouvelles formes de communication dans les méthodes de persuasion électorale : l’impact du capital médiatique d’un candidat se joue en ligne prolongeant celui du terrain. Sur Internet, les politiques, efficacement secondés par des experts de l’image chargés de façonner leur identité, leur réputation et leur influence, ont découvert de nouveaux territoires pour amplifier leur message, se promotionner 24 heures sur 24 ou mobiliser en temps réel des militants et récolter des fonds. Contournant les médias traditionnels pour ne pas être déstabilisé par les éditorialistes, un responsable politique s’exposera plus généreusement sur les réseaux sociaux pour devenir « rédacteur en chef » de sa propre campagne. En immersion de 2011 à 2017 sur le site de microblogging Twitter qui n’utilise que 140 caractères par message, j'essaie au travers de ma thèse de déterminer la place et la fonction de ce « média social », ainsi que son poids dans la construction de l’espace médiatique des prétendants à l’Élysée, notamment lors de la présidentielle française de 2012. Quels sont les enjeux des candidats sur le Web et que nous révèlent-ils sur les mises en scène du pouvoir ? Comment les professionnels des cellules de communication politique ont-ils pris possession de ces nouveaux outils qui accélèrent la temporalité des logiques institutionnelles et qui offrent aux militants un espace de réactivité aussi performant que celui d’un journaliste pour corriger les imprécisions des promesses de campagne ? Quelques éléments de réponses se trouvent dans les mots-clés : défiance, fact-checking, storytelling, Big Data, modélisations prédictives, irrévérence, infotainment, riposte-party et social-TV et dans les chiffres qui leur sont associés. / According to the psycho-technological model of the cultural industries, the ability to manage emotion to get voters’ constant attention in the infotainment sphere, remains one of the first objective in an electoral campaign strategy. However, the political Web contributes to the emergence of new forms of communication in electoral persuasion methods. The impact of a candidate’s media capital plays an important part online and as an extension offline. On the internet, the political class, effectively assisted by technical design experts whose job is specifically to deal with the profile of their identity, their reputation and their influence, have discovered new territories to amplify their message and to promote 24 hours a day, or to mobilize supporters in real time to raise funds. Circumventing traditional media rather than taking the risk of being destabilized by an editorialist, a political manager will choose to be more present on social media to become editor-in-chief of his or her own campaign. Totally immersed from 2011 to 2017 in website Twitter, to practice microblogging (140 characters), I try in my thesis to identify the position and the function of this « social media » as well as its value in the construction of presidential candidates, including during the French 2012 presidential election.What are the issues of the candidates who are present on the web sites and what do they reveal to us about the representation of power? How do the professionals of communication cells (the « cellcoms ») manage to take possession of these new communications tools that accelerate the temporality of institutional logics and offer to supporters an equivalent space to correct the imprecisions of campaign pledges?I suggest some answers to these questions that can be found in these keywords: suspicion, fact-checking, storytelling, Big Data, predictive modeling, irreverence, infotainment, riposte-party and social-TV as well as the associated figures presented in this thesis.

Framework para modelagem e verificação formal de programas de controle de sistemas instrumentados de segurança. / A framework for modeling and formal verification of safety instrumented systems control programs.

Rodrigo César Ferrarezi 09 December 2014 (has links)
Devido à alta complexidade dos Sistemas Produtivos, o projeto de sistemas de controle adequados às exigências normativas vinculadas aos processos industriais que são executados, e seu impacto no ser humano e no ambiente demandam a necessidade do desenvolvimento de soluções de controle que sejam seguras e estáveis no sentido de não causar interrupções no processo produtivo e danos ao ser humano e ao meio. Uma abordagem para o desenvolvimento de sistemas que contemplem estes requisitos baseia-se no conceito de Sistemas Instrumentados de Segurança e na aplicação das normas IEC 61508 e IEC 61511. Entretanto, assim como o desenvolvimento de qualquer software, os programas de controle de SIS também estão sujeitos a erros de especificação e projeto, mesmo quando o desenvolvimento é feito conforme os critérios normatizados. Além dos erros de projeto, também deve ser levado em consideração que as camadas de prevenção e mitigação especificadas nas normas podem ser desenvolvidas separadamente e dessa forma podem ocorrer comportamentos não previstos ou indesejáveis quando da operação conjunta delas. Uma das formas para uma melhoria na confiabilidade desses programas e que também é um requerimento pertinente ao ciclo de desenvolvimento de um SIS - de acordo com as normas de segurança IEC 61508 e IEC 61511 - é a aplicação de técnicas de verificação formal dos modelos desses programas de controle bem como o uso de um ambiente unificado para modelagem desses sistemas de controle, onde suas interações possam ser mais bem compreendidas. Atualmente, umas das técnicas mais proeminentes para a verificação de sistemas é o Model Checking, que realiza uma busca exaustiva no espaço de estados de um sistema dirigido por eventos, verificando as propriedades especificadas a partir de proposições estabelecidas em lógica temporal. Para esse trabalho é utilizada a lógica TCTL devido a sua capacidade de expressar propriedades em domínio temporal denso. Como ferramenta computacional será usado o ambiente GHENeSys, que propicia um ambiente unificado para modelagem, simulação e verificação dos sistemas por conjugar os benefícios de rede de Petri para modelagem e as técnicas de Model Checking para verificação de modelos. / Due to the high complexity of the actual Productive Systems, the design of suitable control systems according to the applicable industrial standards, and the possible negative impacts on the human being, on the environment and on equipment, the development of control solutions that are be both secure and stable as some systems have to operate nonstop is much demanded. One approach for the development systems with such requirements is the use of Safety Instrumented Systems complying with the standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511. However, as on the development of any kind of software, SIS control programs are also prone to specification and design errors, even when the control programs are developed according to the applicable standards. Besides design errors, must be taken into consideration the fact that the SIS prevention and mitigation layers, as prescribed on the standards, can be developed individually and thus presenting unanticipated or undesirable behaviors when operating together. One way to improve the reliability of these control programs, which is also required by the safety standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 as part of the SIS development cycle, is the application of formal verification techniques on the control software models. Another way is to use a unified approach for modeling these control systems, and thus having the opportunity to understand their interactions better. Currently, one of the most prominent techniques for the verification of systems is the Model Checking. Such technique performs an exhaustive search in the space state of an event driven system, verifying the properties specified as established propositions in temporal logic. On this work, the TCTL logic is used due its ability to express properties in the dense time domain. As computational tool will be used GHENeSys environment, as it provides a unified environment for modeling, simulating and the verification of systems, which enjoys the benefits of modelling through Petri Nets and Model Checking techniques for formal verification.

Metody pro redukci velikosti interpolantů při použití částečného přiřazení / Methods for reduction of Craig's interpolant size using partial variable assignment

Blicha, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Abstract. Since the introduction of interpolants to the field of symbolic model checking, interpolation-based methods have been successfully used in both hardware and software model checking. Recently, variable assignments have been introduced to the computation of interpolants. In the context of abstract reachability graphs, variable assignment can be used not only to prevent out-of-scope variables from appearing in interpolants, but also to reduce the size of the interpolant significantly. We further extend the framework for computing interpolants under variable assignment, prove the correctness of the system and show that it has potential to further decrease the size of the computed interpolants. At the end we analyze under which conditions the computed interpolants will still have the path interpolation property, a desired property in many interpolation-based techniques. 1

Contribution à la modélisation et à la vérification de processus workflow / Contribution to the modeling and verification of workflow processes

Sbaï, Zohra 13 November 2010 (has links)
La technologie de workflow, tendant à automatiser les processus d'entreprise et à fournir un support pour leur gestion, est aujourd'hui un secteur actif de recherche. C'est dans ce contexte que se situent ces travaux de thèse qui portent aussi bien sur la modélisation des processus workflow que sur leur vérification. Ces processus, pouvant être contraints par des ressources partagées ou encore par des durées de traitement, doivent être vérifiés avant d'être confiés aux systèmes de gestion de workflow qui vont les exécuter. Nous nous sommes intéressés par la vérification de la propriété de cohérence (soundness) des réseaux de workflow (WF-net) : sous-classes des réseaux de Petri (RdPs) modélisant les processus workflow.Dans ce cadre, en explorant la théorie structurelle des RdPs, nous avons identifié des sous-classes de WF-nets pour lesquelles la cohérence peut être vérifiée et caractérisée efficacement. Nous nous sommes focalisés en outre sur l'extension de ces sous-classes en tenant compte de la présence de ressources partagées et sur la propriété de cohérence en présence d'un nombre arbitraire d'instances prêtes à s'exécuter. Dans cette partie, nous avons dû automatiser le calcul des siphons minimaux dans un RdP. Pour ce faire, nous avons choisi un algorithme de la littérature et l'amélioré par la recherche et la contraction de circuits alternés.Ensuite, nous avons abordé la modélisation et la vérification de processus workflow tenant compte des contraintes temporelles. Nous avons en premier lieu proposé un modèle de TWF-net (WF-net Temporisé). Pour ce modèle, nous avons défini la propriété de cohérence temporelle et proposé une condition nécessaire et suffisante pour la vérifier. En deuxième lieu, nous avons relaxé les contraintes temporelles adoptées par la proposition d'un modèle temporel visant des processus à contraintes temporelles variant dans des intervalles de temps. Nous avons défini formellement le modèle de ITWF-net (Interval Timed WF-net) et donné sa sémantique. Par ailleurs, nous avons développé et testé un prototype de modélisation et de simulation des ITWF-nets.La dernière partie de cette thèse a concerné la vérification formelle des processus workflow par SPIN model checker. Nous avons dû en premier lieu traduire la spécification des workflows adoptée vers Promela : le langage de description des modèles à vérifier par SPIN. En second lieu, nous avons exprimé les propriétés de cohérence en Logique Linéaire Temporelle (LTL) et utilisé SPIN pour tester si chaque propriété est satisfaite par le modèle Promela du WF-net en question. Enfin, nous avons exprimé les propriétés de k-cohérence pour les WF-nets modélisant plusieurs instances et de (k,R)-cohérence pour les processus workflow concurrents et qui possèdent des ressources partagées. / Workflow technology, whose role is to automate business processes and to provide a support for their management, is today an active sector of research. This thesis deals with the modelling of the workflow processes and their analysis. These processes, probably constrained by shared resources or by durations of treatment, must be checked before being executed by their workflow management systems. In this direction, we were interested by the checking of the soundness property of workflow nets (WF-nets): subclasses of Petri nets modelling the workflow processes.To begin with, by exploring the structure theory of Petri nets, we have identified subclasses of WF-nets for which soundness can be checked and characterized effectively. We also extended these subclasses by taking account of the presence of shared resources and we focused on the soundness property in the presence of an arbitrary number of instances ready to be carried out. In this part, we had to automate the computation of minimal siphons in a Petri net. For that, we chose an algorithm of the literature and improved it by the research and the contraction of alternate circuits.Then, we were concerned by the modelling and the analysis of workflow processes holding temporal constraints. We initially proposed the model of TWF-net (Timed WF-net). For this model, we defined its soundness and proposed a method to check it. Then, we released the adopted temporal constraints by the proposal of a model covering workflow processes for witch temporal constraints vary in time intervals. We formally defined the model of ITWF-net (Interval Timed WF-net) and gave its semantics. In addition, we developed and tested a prototype of modelling and simulation of ITWF-nets.The last part of this thesis concerns the formal analysis of workflow processes with SPIN model checker. We initially translated the workflow specification into Promela: the model description language used by SPIN. Then, we expressed the soundness properties in Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) and used SPIN to test if each property is satisfied by the Promela model of a given WF-net. Moreover, we expressed the properties of k-soundness for WF-nets modelling several instances and (k,R)-soundness for competitive workflow processes which share resources.

Content-based automatic fact checking

Orthlieb, Teo 12 1900 (has links)
La diffusion des Fake News sur les réseaux sociaux est devenue un problème central ces dernières années. Notamment, hoaxy rapporte que les efforts de fact checking prennent généralement 10 à 20 heures pour répondre à une fake news, et qu'il y a un ordre de magnitude en plus de fake news que de fact checking. Le fact checking automatique pourrait aider en accélérant le travail humain et en surveillant les tendances dans les fake news. Dans un effort contre la désinformation, nous résumons le domaine de Fact Checking Automatique basé sur le contenu en 3 approches: les modèles avec aucune connaissances externes, les modèles avec un Graphe de Connaissance et les modèles avec une Base de Connaissance. Afin de rendre le Fact Checking Automatique plus accessible, nous présentons pour chaque approche une architecture efficace avec le poids en mémoire comme préoccupation, nous discutons aussi de comment chaque approche peut être appliquée pour faire usage au mieux de leur charactéristiques. Nous nous appuyons notamment sur la version distillée du modèle de langue BERT tinyBert, combiné avec un partage fort des poids sur 2 approches pour baisser l'usage mémoire en préservant la précision. / The spreading of fake news on social media has become a concern in recent years. Notably, hoaxy found that fact checking generally takes 10 to 20 hours to respond to a fake news, and that there is one order of magnitude more fake news than fact checking. Automatic fact checking could help by accelerating human work and monitoring trends in fake news. In the effort against disinformation, we summarize content-based automatic fact-checking into 3 approaches: models with no external knowledge, models with a Knowledge Graph and models with a Knowledge Base. In order to make Automatic Fact Checking more accessible, we present for each approach an effective architecture with memory footprint in mind and also discuss how they can be applied to make use of their different characteristics. We notably rely on distilled version of the BERT language model tinyBert, combined with hard parameter sharing on two approaches to lower memory usage while preserving the accuracy.

Model-Checking in Presburger Counter Systems using Accelerations

Acharya, Aravind N January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Model checking is a powerful technique for analyzing reach ability and temporal properties of finite state systems. Model-checking finite state systems has been well-studied and there are well known efficient algorithms for this problem. However these algorithms may not terminate when applied directly to in finite state systems. Counter systems are a class of in fininite state systems where the domain of counter values is possibly in finite. Many practical systems like cache coherence protocols, broadcast protocols etc, can naturally be modeled as counter systems. In this thesis we identify a class of counter systems, and propose a new technique to check whether a system from this class satires’ a given CTL formula. The key novelty of our approach is a way to use existing reach ability analysis techniques to answer both \until" and \global" properties; also our technique for \global" properties is different from previous techniques that work on other classes of counter systems, as well as other classes of in finite state systems. We also provide some results by applying our approach to several natural examples, which illustrates the scope of our approach.

Computing Quantiles in Markov Reward Models

Ummels, Michael, Baier, Christel 10 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Probabilistic model checking mainly concentrates on techniques for reasoning about the probabilities of certain path properties or expected values of certain random variables. For the quantitative system analysis, however, there is also another type of interesting performance measure, namely quantiles. A typical quantile query takes as input a lower probability bound p ∈ ]0,1] and a reachability property. The task is then to compute the minimal reward bound r such that with probability at least p the target set will be reached before the accumulated reward exceeds r. Quantiles are well-known from mathematical statistics, but to the best of our knowledge they have not been addressed by the model checking community so far. In this paper, we study the complexity of quantile queries for until properties in discrete-time finite-state Markov decision processes with nonnegative rewards on states. We show that qualitative quantile queries can be evaluated in polynomial time and present an exponential algorithm for the evaluation of quantitative quantile queries. For the special case of Markov chains, we show that quantitative quantile queries can be evaluated in pseudo-polynomial time.

Model Checking Systems with Replicated Components using CSP

Mazur, Tomasz Krzysztof January 2011 (has links)
The Parameterised Model Checking Problem asks whether an implementation Impl(t) satisfies a specification Spec(t) for all instantiations of parameter t. In general, t can determine numerous entities: the number of processes used in a network, the type of data, the capacities of buffers, etc. The main theme of this thesis is automation of uniform verification of a subclass of PMCP with the parameter of the first kind, using techniques based on counter abstraction. Counter abstraction works by counting how many, rather than which, node processes are in a given state: for nodes with k local states, an abstract state (c(1), ..., c(k)) models a global state where c(i) processes are in the i-th state. We then use a threshold function z to cap the values of each counter. If for some i, counter c(i) reaches its threshold, z(i) , then this is interpreted as there being z(i) or more nodes in the i-th state. The addition of thresholds makes abstract models independent of the instantiation of the parameter. We adapt standard counter abstraction techniques to concurrent reactive systems modelled using the CSP process algebra. We demonstrate how to produce abstract models of systems that do not use node identifiers (i.e. where all nodes are indistinguishable). Every such abstraction is, by construction, refined by all instantiations of the implementation. If the abstract model satisfies the specification, then a positive answer to the particular uniform verification problem can be deduced. We show that by adding node identifiers we make the uniform verification problem undecidable. We demonstrate a sound abstraction method that extends standard counter abstraction techniques to systems that make full use of node identifiers (in specifications and implementations). However, on its own, the method is not enough to give the answer to verification problems for all parameter instantiations. This issue has led us to the development of a type reduction theory, which, for a given verification problem, establishes a function phi that maps all (sufficiently large) instantiations T of the parameter to some fixed type T and allows us to deduce that if Spec(T) is refined by phi(Impl(T)), then Spec(T) is refined by Impl(T). We can then combine this with our extended counter abstraction techniques and conclude that if the abstract model satisfies Spec(T), then the answer to the uniform verification problem is positive. We develop a symbolic operational semantics for CSP processes that satisfy certain normality requirements and we provide a set of translation rules that allow us to concretise symbolic transition graphs. The type reduction theory relies heavily on these results. One of the main advantages of our symbolic operational semantics and the type reduction theory is their generality, which makes them applicable in other settings and allows the theory to be combined with abstraction methods other than those used in this thesis. Finally, we present TomCAT, a tool that automates the construction of counter abstraction models and we demonstrate how our results apply in practice.

Verificação formal de sistemas modelados em estados finitos. / Formal verification of systems modeled as finite state machines.

Ferreira, Nelson França Guimarães 09 March 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho reflete os esforcos realizados no estudo das principais técnicas automaticas de verificacao de sistemas que podem ser modelados em Maquinas de Estados Finitas, em particular as que normalmente se enquadram dentro da denominacao de model checking (verificacao de modelos). De modo a permitir ao leitor uma compreensao das vantagens e desvantagens de cada tecnica, os fundamentos teoricos de cada uma delas sao apresentados e ilustrados atraves de exemplos. Alem de uma apresentacao da teoria associada a cada tecnica, esta dissertação ainda apresenta dois estudos de caso de interesse bastante pratico: a verificacao de propriedades de um sistema de manufatura originalmente modelado atraves de uma rede de Petri e a verificacao de propriedades do intertravamento de uma seção metroviaria. Os dois estudos de caso utilizam tecnicas denominadas simbolicas. No primeiro estudo de caso, propoe-se que as invariantes obtidas da equação de estado sejam acrescentadas ao modelo a ser verificado, o que permite a obtenção de ganhos de desempenho na verificacao. O segundo estudo de caso e resolvido a partir da utilizacao de um procedimento proposto nesta dissertacao. Este procedimento permite a verificacao de algumas propriedades de seguranca sem que a verificacao se inviabilize devido a explosao no numero de estados. A utilizacao deste procedimento permite a verificacao de propriedades de uma secao de intertravamento com cerca de 2000 variaveis digitais em questao de poucos segundos.A principal conclusao a que este trabalho chega e consequencia dos resultados positivos observados nos estudos de caso: o model checking simbólico parece possuir um amplo campo de aplicacoes ainda por ser mais bem explorado / This work is the result of the efforts oriented to the study of the main automatic verification techniques for systems that can be modeled as Finite State Machines, in particular of those techniques which are generally called as model checking. In order to make the reader able to understand the pros and cons of each technique, the theory associated to each one is presented, as well as some examples. This work also presents two case studies of practical interest, both of each were solved with techniques which are called symbolic. The first one is the verification of some properties of a manufacturing system originally modeled by a Petri net. In order to improve the verification performance, it is proposed that the model to be verified be enlarged with the inclusion of the invariants calculated with the help of the state equation. The second case study is the verification of some safety properties of an interlocking system of a subway section. The verification is carried out with the help of a procedure which is proposed in this work. The aim of such a procedure is to bypass the state explosion problem, in order to make the verification feasible. It was possible to verify an interlocking system with about 2000 digital variables in a matter of few seconds. The main conclusion of the work comes from the positive results reached by both case studies: it seems to be a large number of applications yet to be explored in which symbolic model checking may be considered.

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