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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthèse in-situ et caractérisation de nanotubes de carbone individuels sous émission de champ / In-situ growth and characterization of individual carbon nanotubes by field emission

Marchand, Mickaël 16 November 2009 (has links)
L'étape clé pour intégrer des nanotubes de carbone à une échelle industrielle demeure un meilleur contrôle de leur croissance et notamment le contrôle sélectif de leurs chiralités en lien avec leurs propriétés électroniques. Ce travail a pour but de s'intéresser à la synthèse in-situ et à la caractérisation de nanotubes de carbone individuels par émission de champ pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes de nucléation et de croissance qui conditionnent sa chiralité. Nous avons développé un microscope à émission de champ couplé à un réacteur CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) pour observer directement la croissance catalytique de nanotubes de carbone individuels sur des pointes émettrices. Nous avons ainsi découvert que les nanotubes tournent souvent axialement pendant leur croissance, soutenant ainsi un modèle de « dislocation de vis ». L’analyse détaillée des résultats obtenus montre que nous observons directement la croissance atome par atome d'un nanotube monofeuillet individuel avec ajout d’un dimère de carbone à la fois à sa base. Parallèlement, des échantillons ont été caractérisés en détail sous émission de champ. Nous avons établi un protocole de collage de nanotubes individuels à l’apex d’une pointe métallique sous microscopies optique et électronique à balayage à l’aide d’un nanomanipulateur. Leur dépendance en température à très bas courant a été mise en évidence avec un compteur d’électrons afin d'identifier les différents domaines d'émission électronique. L'analyse des distributions énergétiques a fait apparaître un phénomène de chauffage induit qui peut mener à des températures de l’ordre de 2000 K à l’extrémité du nanotube lorsqu’il est soumis à un fort champ. / The key issue for realizing the potential of carbon nanotubes has always been, and still remains, a better control of their growth and in particular the selective control of their chirality related to their electronic properties. This work aims to address the in-situ synthesis and characterization of individual carbon nanotubes by field emission to better understand the mechanisms of nucleation and growth that determine their chirality. We have developed a field emission microscope coupled to a CVD reactor (Chemical Vapor Deposition) to observe directly the catalytic growth of individual carbon nanotubes on metallic tips. We found that nanotubes often turn axially during growth, thereby supporting a model of "screw dislocation". Detailed analysis of results shows that we directly observe the atom by atom growth of one individual single wall nanotube with addition of a carbon dimer to the base. In parallel, certain samples were characterized by in-depth field emission studies. For this we established a protocol of bonding individual nanotubes at the apexes of metal tips under optical and scanning electron microscopies using a nanomanipulator. Their temperature dependence at very low current has been demonstrated with an electron counter to identify the various fields of electron emission. Analysis of energy distributions revealed an induced heating phenomenon that can lead to temperatures of about 2000 K at the end of the nanotube subjected to strong fields that create high current emission.

Etude du procédé de CVD en lit fluidisé en vue de revêtir des particules denses pour applications nucléaires / Study of the fluidized bed chemical vapor deposition process on very dense powder for nuclear applications

Vanni, Florence 21 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre du développement d’un combustible nucléaire faiblement enrichi pour les réacteurs de recherche, constitué de particules d’uranium-molybdène mélangées à une matrice d’aluminium. Dans certaines conditions sous irradiations, les particules d’U(Mo) interagissent avec la matrice d’aluminium, provoquant un gonflement rédhibitoire de la plaque combustible. Pour inhiber ce phénomène, une solution consiste à déposer, à la surface des particules d’U(Mo), une fine couche de silicium, pour créer un effet barrière. Cette thèse a concerné l’étude du procédé de dépôt chimique à partir d’une phase vapeur (CVD) en lit fluidisé à partir de silane pour déposer le silicium sur la poudre d’U(Mo), qui a une densité exceptionnelle de 17,5. Pour atteindre cet objectif, deux axes d’études ont été traités au cours de la thèse : l’étude et l’optimisation de la mise en fluidisation d’une poudre aussi dense, puis celles du procédé de dépôt de silicium. Pour le premier axe, une campagne d’essais a été réalisée sur poudre simulante de tungstène dans différentes colonnes de fluidisation en verre et en acier avec des diamètres internes compris entre 2 et 5 cm, à température ambiante et à haute température (650°C), proche de celle des dépôts. Cette campagne a permis d’identifier des phénomènes d’effets de bord au sein du lit fluidisé, pouvant conduire à des dépôts hétérogènes ou à des prises en masse. Des dimensions de colonnes de fluidisation et des conditions opératoires permettant une fluidisation satisfaisante de la poudre ont pu être identifiées, ouvrant la voie à l’étude du dépôt de silicium. Plusieurs campagnes d’essais de dépôt sur poudre simulante, puis sur poudre U(Mo), ont ensuite été menées dans le cadre du second axe d’étude. L’influence de la température du lit, de la fraction molaire d’entrée en silane dilué dans l’argon, et du débit total de fluidisation, a été étudiée pour différents diamètres de réacteur et pour diverses masses de poudre. Des analyses de caractérisation morphologique et structurale (MEB, DRX...) ont révélé un dépôt de silicium uniforme sur toute la poudre et autour de chaque grain, majoritairement cristallisé et dont l’épaisseur atteint les objectifs visés. Des recommandations précises ont ainsi pu être émises pour optimiser les caractéristiques du dépôt de silicium sur la poudre combustible U(Mo) par le procédé de CVD en lit fluidisé. / This thesis is part of the development of low-enriched nuclear fuel, for the Materials Test Reactors (MTRs), constituted of uranium-molybdenum particles mixed with an aluminum matrix. Under certain conditions under irradiations, the U(Mo) particles interact with the aluminum matrix, causing unacceptable swelling of the fuel plate. To inhibit this phenomenon, one solution consists in depositing on the surface of the U(Mo) particles, a thin silicon layer to create a barrier effect. This thesis has concerned the study of the fluidized bed chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process to deposit silicon from silane, on the U(Mo) powder, which has an exceptional density of 17,500 kg/m3. To achieve this goal, two axes were treated during the thesis: the study and the optimization of the fluidization of a so dense powder, and then those of the silicon deposition process. For the first axis, a series of tests was performed on a surrogate tungsten powder in different columns made of glass and made of steel with internal diameters ranging from 2 to 5 cm, at room temperature and at high temperature (650°C) close to that of the deposits. These experiments helped to identify wall effects phenomena within the fluidized bed, which can lead to heterogeneous deposits or particles agglomeration. Some dimensions of the fluidization columns and operating conditions allowing a satisfactory fluidization of the powder were identified, paving the way for the study of silicon deposition. Several campaigns of deposition experiments on the surrogate powder and then on the U(Mo) powder were carried out in the second axis of the study. The influence of the bed temperature, the inlet molar fraction of silane diluted in argon, and the total gas flow of fluidization, was examined for different diameters of reactor and for various masses of powder. Morphological and structural characterization analyses (SEM, XRD…) revealed a uniform silicon deposition on all the powder and around each particle, mostly crystallized and whose thickness reached the objectives. Specific recommendations were proposed to optimize the characteristics of the silicon deposit on the U(Mo) powder by the fluidized bed CVD process.

Diamond nanostructure fabrication by etching and growth with metallic nanoparticles / Diamant nanostructures fabrication par gravure et de croissance avec des nanoparticules métalliques

Mehedi, Hasan-Al 18 December 2012 (has links)
Le diamant est un matériau fascinant avec d'exceptionnelles propriétés physiques. Son application à divers domaines reste limitée parce que sa fabrication est difficile et nécessite des substrats et conditions spécifiques. En outre, les dispositifs de diamant tels que les capteurs nécessitent généralement la structuration et l'échelle micro ou nanométrique, et l'inertie chimique du diamant rend ce processus technologique plus difficile que celui des semiconducteurs réguliers. Il s'agit d'un besoin évident de la recherche fondamentale d’explorer de nouvelles façons de fabriquer des nanostructures de diamant, ce qui permet de nouvelles formes de capteurs et dispositifs. Dans ce contexte, le travail présenté est d'une grande importance pour la communauté de diamant et pour le développement futur de la technologie du diamant.Le manuscrit est divisé en huit parties: une introduction; 6 chapitres, une conclusion générale. Dans l'introduction le contexte de l'étude est brièvement présenté avec les deux objectifs. Le premier consistait à étudier la croissance des nanofils de diamant et à trouver des conditions appropriées pour obtenir des nanofils de façon reproductible. Le deuxième objectif était la mise au point du procédé de gravure du diamant avec des particules de catalyseur et de l'optimisation des paramètres du procédé.Le premier chapitre de ce manuscrit présente tout d'abord l'état de l’art en mat ière de propriétés et des technologies de croissance du diamant. Puis, dans le deuxième chapitre, en vue de la croissance des nanofils et des études de gravure de nanostructures utilisées catalyseurs métalliques, la base de l'interaction métal-carbone est présenté.Le chapitre trois contient l'instrumentation et principe de fonctionnement des techniques expérimentales et analytiques utilisées dans cette étude. Le chapitre suivant se concentre sur la recherche de conditions favorables à la croissance des nanofils de diamant, d'abord en étudiant en détail un processus signalé en 2005 qui a conduit à la nucléation des nanocristaux sur des nanotubes de carbone, puis la croissance de nanofils.Les conditions de croissance ont été soigneusement reproduites, sans succès reproductible. Il en est déduit déduit que d'un élément non a contribué à la croissance, comme une contamination du catalyseur. La combinaison avec le fait que le processus publiée en 2005 n'a jamais été reproduite, en dépit de son importance technologique élevé, ce qui suggère que la contamination s'est produite également dans cette oeuvre originale.Puis, à partir de cette première observation, l'effet d'un catalyseur a été étudié, et des résultats intéressants ont été obtenus. Les nanofils ont été obtenus de façon reproductible, mais le point important est que les nanofils à base de silicium sont très faciles à cultiver, et qu'un environnement deCarbone pur était nécessaire d'étudier la croissance de nanofils de carbone. Dans ces conditions, un continuum allant de diamant de gravure pour la croissance du diamant a été obtenue en fonction de l'apport de carbone, très intéressant pour la technologie du diamant. Dans le cinquième chapitre du mécanisme de gravure de diamant par des particules de catalyseur est explorée. La gravure à motifs a été proposée pour la fabrication de nano-ou micro-structures dans le diamant, et il est présenté dans la dernière partie de ce chapitre. Le chapitre 6 présente deux applications intéressantes du processus dedéveloppement. Les premières membranes poreuses préoccupations utilisés comme bio-capteurs, et les nanotubes de carbone second concerne la base neuro-capteurs.Malgré l'étude infructueuse de la croissance du diamant nanofil, le travail fait des progrès significatifs à la science de la croissance matérielle nanocarbone. Et elle a conduit à l'étude approfondie de gravure diamant, qui est également très important pour la technologie. / One-dimensional structures with nanometre diameters, such as nanotubes and nanowires, have attracted extensive interest in recent years and form new family of materials that have characteristic of low weight with sometimes exceptional mechanical, electrical and thermal properties. Without any change in chemical composition, fundamental properties of bulk materials can be enhanced at the nanometre scale leading to extraordinary nanodevices.Since a few years, nanowires of different semiconducting materials have been grown. To mention few of these, Si, GaN, SnO, SiC and ZnO nanowires were all successfully demonstrated. However, the growth of diamond nanowires has not yet been demonstrated, despite the strong interest for this material. Bulk diamond combines various exceptional properties for a wide range of applications: Chemical inertness, radiation hardness, biocompatibility, high hole/electron mobility (2000/1000 cm2/V/s), high thermal conductivity (22 W/cm/K), wide bandgap (5.5 eV), and wide electric potential window (3.25 eV H-O evolutions).Since about 30 years, the growth of diamond thin film is well controlled either as insulator or as semiconductor with p- and n- type dopants. Fabrication of 25x25 mm2 monocrystalline diamond wafer has already been reported, and two inches wafers are expected in a couple of years demonstrating the growing interest for this material. Among present or short-term applications one can mention alpha-particle detectors, solar-blind UV sensors, high voltage electronic devices, bio-sensors and single photon source. The realization of nanowires should improve the performance of some of these devices and also open a range of new high performance applications.The stability of 0D (nanocrystals) and 1D (nanowires) diamond nanostructures has been extensively studied using ab initio modelling and indicates that for specific crystallographic orientations clusters of nanometric size are thermodynamically stable. One experimental indication for diamond nanowire growth has been published by Sun et al. in 2005, based on nanocrystal nucleation and growth on carbon nanotubes followed by 1D growth. This particular nucleation process on carbon nanotube has furthermore been explained theoretically in 2009.Based on these experimental and theoretical results, the first objective of this thesis was to explore the growth of diamond nanowire and find suitable conditions to obtain nanowires in a reproducible way. A wide range of process conditions were explored, first without any catalyst, then with metallic catalyst in order to promote Vapour-Liquid-Solid (VLS) growth. Although a comprehensive knowledge regarding carbon nanotube stability in hydrogen atmosphere and diamond-catalyst interaction has been obtained and some carbon nanostuctures were grown, no diamond nanowires were obtained in a reproducible way.However, the careful study of the diamond-catalyst interaction revealed a very interesting etching process that could be very useful for the fabrication of diamond nanostructures. A second objective was then defined: development of the etching process for diamond using transition metal as catalyst and optimization of the process parameters for specific applications such as the fabrication of porous diamond membranes for bio-sensors.

Synthèse et transport électronique dans des nanotubes de carbone ultra-propres / Synthesis and electrical transport of ultra-clean carbon nanotubes

Nguyen, Ngoc Viet 25 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse décrit des expériences sur la synthèse de nanotubes de carbone (CNT) mono-paroi, leur intégration dans des dispositifs ultra-propres, ainsi que l'étude de leurs propriétés électroniques par des mesures de transport à très basse température. La première partie de ce travail décrit l'optimisation des paramètres de synthèse par déposition chimique en phase vapeur (CVD) tels que les précurseurs de carbone, les flux de gaz, la température, ou le catalyseur pour la croissance de CNT de très bonne qualité. Parmis tous ces paramètres, la composition du catalyseur joue un rôle decisif pour permettre une croissance sélective en mono-paroi ansi qu'une distribution de faible diamètre. Dans la deuxième partie nous développons la nanofabrication de boites quantiques ultra-propres à base de CNT ainsi que les mesures de transport de ces échantillons à basse température (40 mK). Le spectre de la première couche électronique du nanotube est mesuré par spectroscopie de cotunneling inélastique sous champ magnétique, montrant alors un fort couplage spin-orbite négatif, dans ce système. Nous montrons que la séquence de remplissage d'électrons dans notre cas (ΔSO < 0) est différente de celle que l'on obtiendrait en régime Kondo SU (4) (ΔSO = 0). En effet, un effet Kondo purement orbital est observé pour N =2e à champ magnétique fini. Dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, nous décrivons la mise en œuvre expérimentale d'un évaporateur thermique à aimants à molécule unique (SMM) pour la fabrication future de dispositifs hybrides CNT-SMM ultra-propres. / This thesis describes experiments on the synthesis of single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), fabrication of ultra-clean CNT devices, and study of electronic properties of CNTs with transport measurements. The first part of this work describes the optimization of the synthesis parameters (by chemical vapor deposition - CVD) such as carbon precursor, gas flows, temperature, catalyst for the growth of high quality SWNTs. In all these parameters, the catalyst composition plays a very important role on the high selective growth of SWNTs with a narrow diameter distribution. The second part deals with the nanofabrication of ultra-clean CNT devices and the low temperature (40 mK) transport measurements of these CNT quantum dots. The level spectra of the electrons in the first shell are investigated using inelastic cotunneling spectroscopy in an axial magnetic field, which shows a strong negative spin-orbit coupling of electron. We find that the sequence of electron shell filling in our case (ΔSO < 0) is different from which would be obtained in the pure SU(4) Kondo regime (ΔSO = 0). Indeed, a pure orbital Kondo effect is observed in N=2e at a finite magnetic field. In the last part of this thesis, we describe the experimental implementation of the thermal evaporation of single-molecule magnet (SMM) for the future fabrication of ultra-clean CNT-SMM hybrid devices.

Caracterização microestrutural, morfológica e fotocatalítica de filmes finos de TiO2 obtidos por deposição química de organometálicos em fase vapor / Microstructural, morphologic and photocatalytic characterization of TiO2 thin films grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition

MARCELLO, BIANCA A. 22 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-06-22T12:14:50Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-22T12:14:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Caracterização microestrutural, morfológica e fotocatalítica de filmes finos de TiO2 obtidos por deposição química de organometálicos em fase vapor / Microstructural, morphologic and photocatalytic characterization of TiO2 thin films grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition

MARCELLO, BIANCA A. 22 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-06-22T12:14:50Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-22T12:14:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O dióxido de titânio possui diversas aplicações tecnológicas, desde pigmento em tintas, até revestimentos funcionais. É um material resistente à degradação eletroquímica e fotoquímica. Com o aumento da produção industrial de corantes, há um aumento significativo da produção de rejeitos, sendo necessário o desenvolvimento de novas técnicas de degradação, a fim de reduzir a formação de efluentes. Dentre essas técnicas encontram-se os processos oxidativos avançados (POAs), que se baseiam na formação de radicais hidroxila para a degradação dos compostos liberados nos efluentes. A fotocatálise heterogênea utiliza um material semicondutor ativado por radiação ultra-violeta a fim de produzir os radicais hidroxila. Apesar de existirem estudos relacionados à utilização do TiO2 como fotocatalisador, há poucos dados com relação à sua aplicação na forma de filme suportado. Este trabalho teve por objetivos crescer filmes de TiO2 sobre borossilicato, por meio da técnica de deposição química de organometálicos em fase vapor, nas temperaturas de 400 e 500ºC por até 60 minutos, bem como proceder à caracterização microestrutural, morfológica e fotocatalítica desses filmes. Anatase foi a fase identificada em todos os filmes. Os filmes crescidos a 400°C apresentaram estrutura densificada, enquanto que os filmes crescidos a 500°C apresentaram estrutura colunar bem definida. A fotodegradação foi avaliada por meio da degradação do corante alaranjado de metila nos valores de pH 2,00; 7,00 e 10,00. Os resultados de degradação do corante mostraram que a maior eficiência do processo de degradação ocorre em pH = 2. Nessa condição, os melhores resultados ocorrem com o filme crescido por 30 minutos a 400°C, que apresentou 65,3% de degradação. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Síntese e estudo raman de grafeno bicamada rodado sob influência e campo eléctrico

Santos Junior, Manoel Carlos dos 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-01-11T18:27:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 manoelcarlosdossantosjunior.pdf: 4607995 bytes, checksum: 47fe628f81ff50e0935ea700b075a416 (MD5) / Rejected by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br), reason: Favor corrigir: Título: Síntese e estudo raman de grafeno bicamada rodado sob influência e campo eléctrico Título: Síntese e estudo raman de grafeno bi-camada rodado sob influencia e campo eléctrico Verificar o acento em Júnior e corrigir "dos" Autor(es): Santos Junior, Manoel Carlos Dos on 2018-01-23T13:56:04Z (GMT) / Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-01-23T14:05:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 manoelcarlosdossantosjunior.pdf: 4607995 bytes, checksum: 47fe628f81ff50e0935ea700b075a416 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-01-23T14:22:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 manoelcarlosdossantosjunior.pdf: 4607995 bytes, checksum: 47fe628f81ff50e0935ea700b075a416 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-23T14:22:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 manoelcarlosdossantosjunior.pdf: 4607995 bytes, checksum: 47fe628f81ff50e0935ea700b075a416 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / No presente trabalho, usamos os dois principais modos de operação CVD, LPCVD (low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition – Deposição Química na Vapor em Baixa Pressão) e APCVD (Ambient Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition – Deposição Química na Vapor em Pressão Ambiente), para a produção de filmes de grafeno bicamada rodado (GBR). O modo LPCVD se mostrou mais eficaz para produção de grafeno monocada de alta qualidade e cobrindo grandes áreas. Pelo modo APCVD foi possível otimizar uma rota reprodutível para sintetizar filmes de GBR com todos os ângulos possíveis e com dimensões suficientes para realização de medidas Raman com precisão espacial (≈100 ). Usamos, microscopia óptica e espectroscopia Raman para caracterizar os filmes de GBR. Posteriormente, os filmes sintetizados foram transferidos para um substrato litografado para confecção de um dispositivo de efeito de campo (FET). Fizemos um estudo sistemático das características Raman do GBR (frequência, largura máxima a meia altura e intensidades relativas das bandas G e 2D) como função da altura do nível de Fermi. Observamos uma diminuição das Anomalias de Kohn e um aumento do tempo de vida dos fônons responsáveis pela banda G tanto do grafeno quanto do GBR quando a tensão de porta é sintonizada. Observamos também que, para ângulos grandes, 20°≤≤30°, as principais características Raman do GBR se mantém constantes quando sintonizamos uma tensão de porta, em outras palavras, as curvas da frequência e da largura máxima a meia altura das bandas G e 2D assumem o mesmo comportamento. Contudo, para ângulos pequenos, menores que <7,5°, observamos alterações nas características Raman do grafeno quando uma tensão de porta é aplicada, principalmente na banda 2D. Ainda são necessários mais estudos para a compreensão correta desses fenômenos. Porém, atribuímos essas diferenças de comportamento das características Raman do GBR a uma diminuição da velocidade de Fermi dos elétrons nesse material para ângulos pequenos. Para ângulos grandes, não observamos nenhuma diferença nas características Raman do GBR. Isso pode ser explicado pelo fato de que, para ângulos grandes, as camadas do GBR estão praticamente desacopladas, fazendo com que as propriedades do GBR sejam semelhantes às de uma monocamada de grafeno. / In this work, we have employed, both, Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition, (LPCVD) as well as Ambient Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (APCVD) to produce large areas of twisted bi-layer graphene. LPCVD allowed us to produce highly crystalline monolayer graphene. However, by using APCVD we were able to obtain twisted bi-layer graphene as large as ≈100 . All the materials synthesized were carefully analyzed by optical microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Once we were able to produce ideals bi-layer twisted graphene films; we transferred these materials to a field effect transistor (FET) device. Then we studied the graphene Raman features as a function of the gate voltage. As expected, we observed that the Kohn anomaly was removed by doping graphene by either holes or electrons. Also, the G band phonon lifetime tends to increase as a function of the gate voltage for both monolayer and twisted bi-layer graphene. It seems that large angle twisted bi-layer graphene 20°≤≤30° has a Raman behavior, when back-gated, very similar to monolayer graphene. Which seems to be consistent with the fact that those sample behave as two uncoupled monolayer graphene. Even though, we could prove that our FET device was working properly, we could not obtain significant modification of the Raman band features for twisted bi-layer with small angles (<7,5°).

Development of Metal Oxide/Composite Nanostructures via Microwave-Assisted Chemical Route and MOCVD : Study of their Electrochemical, Catalytic and Sensing Applications

Jena, Anirudha 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Thin Film Semiconducting Metal Oxides By Nebulized Spray Pyrolysis And MOCVD, For Gas-Sensing Applications

Ail, Ujwala 11 1900 (has links)
The atmosphere we live in contains various kinds of chemical species, natural and artificial, some of which are vital to our life, while many others are more or less harmful. The vital gases like oxygen, humidity have to be kept at adequate levels in the living atmosphere, whereas the hazardous and toxic gases like hydrocarbons, H2, volatile organic compounds, CO2, CO, NOx, SO2, NH3, O3 etc should be controlled to be under the designated levels. The measurement technology necessary for monitoring these gases has emerged, particularly as organic fuels and other chemicals have become essential in domestic and industrial life. In addition to other applications, environmental pollution monitoring and control has become a fundamental need in the recent years. Therefore, there has been an extensive effort to develop high-performance chemical sensors of small size, rugged construction, light weight, true portability, and with better sensing characteristics such as high sensitivity, fast response and recovery times, low drift, and high degree of specificity. Among the various types of gas sensors studied, solid state gas sensors based on semiconducting metal oxides are well established, due to their advantages over the other types, and hence cover a wide range of applications. However, the widespread application of these sensors has been hindered by limited sensitivity and selectivity. Various strategies have been employed in order to improved the performance parameters of these sensors. This thesis work has two major investigations, which form two parts of the thesis. The first part of this thesis describes the efforts to improve the sensing behaviour of one of the extensively studied metal oxide gas sensors, namely, ZnO, through a novel, ultrasonic-nebulised spray pyrolyis synthesis method, employing an aqueous combustion mixture (NSPACM). The second part of the thesis deals with the ideal of gas detection by optical means through the reversible phase transformation between V2O5 and V6O13 deposited by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD). The introductory chapter I deals with basics of chemical sensors and the characteristic sensing parameters. Different types of gas sensors based on the phenomena employed for sensing are discussed, with an emphasis on semiconducting metal oxide gas sensors. The importance of material selection for solid state gas sensors, depending on the purpose, location, and conditions of operation are discussed, supporting the assertion that semiconducting metal oxides are better suited to fulfill all the requirements of modern gas sensors. Some of the effective methods to improve performance parameters including the influence of grain size, microstructure, and surface doping are described., followed by the motivation of the present thesis. The part I of the thesis is based on the resistive semiconducting metal oxide, where the system investigated was ZnO. Part one comprises Chapters 2, 3 and 4. In Chapter 2, a brief introduction to the material properties of ZnO, followed by various synthesis techniques are discussed. An overview of spray pyrolysis and combustion synthesis is followed by the details of the method employed in the present study, namely NSPACM, which is based on the above two methods, for the formation of ZnO films. A detailed description of the film deposition system built in house is presented, followed by the deposition procedure and the parameters used. Thermal study of the combustion mixture and non-combustion precursor shows the importance of the fuel, along with oxidizer, in forming the film. The films formed using combustion mixture are found to be polycrystalline, whereas films formed without combustion were found to have preferred crystallographic orientation even on an amorphous substrate, which is explained on the basis of minimization of surface energy. The observed unique microstructure with fine crystallite size and porous morphology is attributed to the combustion method employed, which is interesting from the point of view of gas sensing. Chapter 3 concerns the gas sensing study of these ZnO films. The design of the home made gas sensing system is explained in detail. The study of electrode characteristics is followed by the important steps in gas sensing measurements. ZnO gas sensors were mainly studied for their selectivity between aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons. The results show two regions of temperature where the sensitivity peaks for aliphatic hydrocarbons, whereas aromatic hydrocarbons show a single sensitive region. This observation can pave the way for imparting selectivity. Possible reasons for the observed behavior are mentioned. Chapter 4 describes the chemical and physical modifications done to ZnO thin films by doping with catalysts, and through the use of x-y translational stage for large-area deposition.. Homogenous distribution of catalysts achieved by the NSPACM synthesis procedure, determined by the x-ray elemental mapping, is discussed. The addition of catalysts improved the sensing both because of catalytic effects and by promoting preferred crystallographic orientation, with Ni addition showing the better effects. The use of the x-y stage in producing the films with high orientation, which improved the gas sensing behavior, is explained. Part II of the thesis comprises Chapters 5,6 and 7, and describes a detailed study of V2O5 and V6O13 thin films deposited by MOCVD for optical sensing of chemical species. In Chapter 5, a brief introduction to chemical vapor deposition is given, followed by the importance of the characteristics of CVD precursors – in particular, the importance of their thermal behavior in film formation. This is followed by the importance of vapor pressure and partial pressure studies in the MOCVD of oxides of a multivalent metal such as vanadium. Various techniques of measuring vapor pressure are listed, followed by the details of the method used in the present study employing rising temperature thermogravimetry, based on the Langmuir equation. Thermogravimetric analysis performed, both at atmospheric as well as at low pressure, using commercial and home made apparatus, respectively is discussed. A detailed description of the home made setup is also presented. Chapter 6 describes the application of the vapor pressure and partial pressure studies to the deposition of films using MOCVD. Here, a detailed description of the vanadium oxide phase diagram and the stability of various phases is presented, which points the importance of precise parameter control during the deposition to obtain pure phases. The details of the CVD setup, followed by the procedure and parameters of deposition, are presented. The films deposited at various deposition temperatures, analyzed using XRD and SEM, are discussed. The effect of temperature on the growth is explained. The effect of vapor pressure is studied by varying the precursor vaporizer temperature, with a growth temperature maintained invariant. The influence of the amount of precursor on film growth, with a particular crystalline orientation and phase content, is explained followed by the description of the deposition of pure phases of V2O5 and V6O13 through the optimization of CVD parameters. Chapter 7 deals with the optical study of the films deposited by the above method. Here, the importance of two phases of vanadium oxide, V2O5 and V6O13, to the proposed gas sensing action, is presented. Their structural similarity in terms of polyhedral arrangement in the ab plane can be the basis of a reversible phase change. The difference in the optical transmittance in two phases forms the basis for the optical method for chemical sensing. The details of the laser-based optical sensing setup, its, design and the detection method, are explained. Studies on hydrocarbon sensing with vanadium, pentoxide films are also presented. The novelty in using reversible chemical transformation of a material system for detection of reducing and oxidizing gases in the ambient gases is discussed. Chapter 8 provides a summary of the present thesis, together with the main conclusions. The work reported in this thesis has been carried out by the candidate as part of the Ph.d training programme. She hopes that this would constitute a worthwhile contribution towards the understanding and subsequent application of ZnO and oxides of vanadium(V2O5 and V6O13) as novel gas sensors which will be useful for environmental protection, as well as for safety in industrial an domestic sectors.

Katodové nanostruktury v MEMS aplikacích / Cathode nanostructures in MEMS applications

Pekárek, Jan January 2008 (has links)
The main goal of this work is to introduce new carbon structures - carbon nanotubes. The main objective of this work is to take advantage of the unique characteristic of carbon nanotubes to emit electrons at very low supply voltage.

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