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Angles in LightPearson, Terry 16 November 2012 (has links)
My work on canvas and in jewelry focuses on the tension between the hard edges of geometric shape and soft lines of organic form. Light plays an important part in the viewing of these opposing forms. It reflects off the shapes and textures creating sharp contrasts and enhancing the individual sections as they relate to the whole. In my paintings, I set organic floral forms against geometric architectural structures. I create texture and contrast by adding digitally enhanced transfers, torn paper, and acrylic putty. In my jewelry, I also set organic forms against geometric shapes, by adding stone, wire, and various types of metal to the raised surfaces. The different textures in both of my focus areas attract and reflect light, allowing the look and character of the piece to change as the light changes.
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LullabySmith, Amber M 01 January 2015 (has links)
I have been investigating the way in which my mind has altered my memories, especially from childhood. The more a moment is recalled, the less precise it becomes. The most inaccurate memories from childhood are the ones I have fixated on. Bedrooms are spaces where dreaming, sleeping and reverie take place leading to even more fragmenting. The intimate space of a bedroom allows me to represent the personal distorted recollections. The bedroom furniture is missing parts, shifted in height and placement or combined together. By making doubles of furniture, a direct comparison can be made from the real piece to the made imagined work. A counterpart can be a defense against loss, by having multiples of the same. Through dwelling on the past I have lost most of the original content and am left with disintegrating parts.
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The physicality of printBrown, Steve Royston January 2010 (has links)
Printmaking within the applied arts is an extremely diverse practice that can extend the concept of what a print can be. Rather than the dissemination of published images and text, in this context printed information is transformed into objects and materials, ceramics, textiles, tableware, clothing. Prints such as these are not ʻreproductionʼ they are ʻproductionʼ.Process is crucial to both printmaking and the applied arts and the determining aspect of production plays a vital part in defining the qualities of a work such as print-decorated ceramic objects. To work with a printmaking process in this sector requires interpretation, predictive foresight and a degree of ʻthinking-through-makingʼ to transpose an image into the physical world of materials and objects. Printmaking, specifically within the ceramic discipline, is often plagued by issues of integrity brought about by problems relating to ʻdivisionʼ, these issues include: - - The physical divisions between image and object - The divided tasks in production that can disrupt thinking and making - A division of perceptions surrounding the surface/form relationship that considers the surface as supplementary or artificial Commercial production has developed approaches and techniques to integrate surface and form, combat these negative perceptions and raise the value of this type of work. These methods are not, however, always appropriate or accessible to individual ceramist-printmakers working in the studio. How can this sector overcome these negative factors and adopt strategies that invest some value of visual integrity within production? The research project answers this question in two ways: A low-tech, accessible method was developed in the studio with the aim to offer a new practical approach that physically integrates complex ceramic forms with the printed image. The aim was to facilitate this unity at an early ʻraw-clayʼ stage, where the combined manipulation of surface and form can take place together, resulting in an aesthetic that has ʻvisual integrityʼ. The second aim of the research has been to identify the inherent qualities of working and thinking ʻwithinʼ the language of ceramics and print materials and processes. ʻSyntacticʼ qualities and factors have been determined through research into historical innovations and the observation of current commercial practice in the field of screenprinting and screenprinted ceramics. This has helped to establish approaches to overcome negative factors relating to the perception of division, and invest integrity in the work through principled approaches to practice. The project adopts a methodology of ʻthinking-through-makingʼ where iterative studio experimentation is undertaken through tacit understanding, gained from experiential knowledge combined with research of contemporary and historical precedents. This approach is reflected upon and informed by writers who discuss working within the inherent language of printmaking. The research contributes to the advancement of knowledge through the development of a new versatile technique that can be easily accessed by ceramists and printmakers who wish to produce integrated ceramics and print works. This contributes to the advancement of technology, perception and knowledge in the field of printed ceramic objects. My approach and the development of a value system also offers a tool to further the critical
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The Making and Analysis of CoveredClay, Robert Henry 15 May 2009 (has links)
This paper thoroughly examines the production of the thesis film, Covered. Writing, production design, cinematography, editing, sound, technology, workflow, and direction are discussed with attention to how each uniquely contributed to the story. In an effort to objectively critique the finished film, feedback from test audiences will be examined.
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Numerický model NRTM tunelu v tuhém jílu / Numerical model of NATM tunnel in stiff claysSvoboda, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Disertační práce představuje aplikaci hypoplastického konstitučního modelu při realizaci NRTM tunelu v prostředí městské zástavby s cílem obdržet "class A" predikce chování zeminového masivu. Tunely Královo Pole tvoří hlavní konstrukci severní části Velkého městského okruhu v Brně. Tunely o šířce 14 m a výšce 12 m jsou raženy v prostředí tuhých brněnských jílů s výškou nadloží v rozmezí 6 až 21 metrů. Materiálové parametry hypoplastického modelu kalibrované na výsledky laboratorních experimentů byly optimalizovány využitím dat geotechnického monitoringu a následně použity při simulacích tunelu. Po průchodu ražby profilu tunelu zvoleným úsekem staničení došlo k vyhodnocení prediktivních schopností a vhodnosti konstitučního modelu. Druhým konstitučním modelem použitým při simulacích průzkumné štoly a plain strain analýze tunelu je Mohr - Coulombův model. Metoda redukce napětí využitá v procesu optimalizace parametrů byla vyhodnocena formou porovnání s 3D simulacemi. K vyhodnocení posloužily simulace třech skutečných podzemních konstrukcí s nízkým nadložím realizovaných v prostředí tuhých jílů. Abstract The thesis demonstrates the application of a hypoplastic model in class A predictions of a NATM tunnel in an urban environment. The Kralovo Pole tunnel is a main construction of a northern part of a...
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Estudo e desenvolvimento de nanocompósitos PBT/argila bentonita tratados por radiação ionizante - preparação e caracterização / Study and development of nanocomposites PBT/bentonite clay treated by ionizing radiation - preparation and characterizationSartori, Mariana do Nascimento 16 December 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a preparação e caracterização de compósitos baseados em poli (tereftalato de butileno) PBT e argila brasileira modificada preparados por intercalação por fusão. Os nanocompósitos de PBT com 3 e 5 %, em peso, de argila organicamente modificada, pela adição de um sal quaternário amônio, foram preparadas pelo processo de extrusão utilizando-se uma máquina extrusora dupla rosca. Após o processo de extrusão, os materiais foram injetados para obtenção de corpos-de-prova para os ensaios de caracterização. Parte dos corpos-de-prova foram submetidos ao processo de irradiação utilizando-se um acelerador de feixes de elétrons de 1,5 MeV, à temperatura ambiente e na presença de ar. As amostras de PBT puro e nanocompósitos irradiadas e não irradiadas foram caracterizadas por meio de ensaios mecânicos de tração, flexão e impacto, ensaios de temperatura de distorção térmica (HDT), difração de raios - X (DRX), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), índice de fluidez, termogravimetria (TG) e calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) e a correlação entre as propriedades foi discutida. Os resultados mostraram que a adição da argila, em ambas as porcentagens, promoveu aumento superior a 50 % na resistência a tração na ruptura e um ganho de cerca de 35 % na temperatura de distorção térmica quando comparado ao polímero puro. O tratamento por radiação ionizante de feixe de elétrons nas doses utilizadas neste estudo não apresentaram mudanças significativas nas propriedades dos materiais. / This work describes the preparation and characterization of composites based on poly (butylene terephthalate) - PBT and brazilian modified clay prepared by the melt intercalation. PBT nanocomposites with 3 and 5 % by weight of organically modified clay, by the addition of a quaternary ammonium salt, were prepared by extrusion using a twin-screw extruder machine. After the extrusion process, the materials were injected to obtain specimens tests samples for the characterization tests. Part of the specimens samples were irradiated using an electron beam accelerator with 1.5 MeV at room temperature in the presence of air. Samples of pure PBT and irradiated and non-irradiated nanocomposites were characterized by mechanical tests of tensile, flexural and impact, heat distortion temperature (HDT), X - ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), melt flow index (MFI) thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and the correlation between the properties was discussed. The results showed that the addition of clay, in both percentages, promoted an increase greater than 50 % in tensile strength at break and a gain of around 35% in heat distortion temperature when compared to the pure polymer. The treatment with ionizing radiation of electron beam at the doses used in this study showed no significant changes in material properties.
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Estudo da dispersão e incorporação de argilas esmectíticas em plastisol. / Study of the dispersion and incorporation of smectites clays in plastisol.Forini, Sérgio Henrique 15 August 2008 (has links)
As argilas são utilizadas em grande número nas mais diversas áreas tecnológicas e uma das áreas de maior interesse em pesquisa é a sua utilização em nanocompósitos silicato/polímeros. Esses nanocompósitos são obtidos a partir da dispersão de argila, em dimensão nanométrica, em um polímero com um enorme potencial de uso em diversos mercados, devido aos efeitos sinergéticos que ocorrem em relação as suas propriedades em comparação com os polímeros puros e os compósitos. A incorporação da argila, geralmente é pela transformação da argila esmectítica sódica em organofílica e utilizando os processos de polimerização in situ, solvente comum ou através do polímero fundido. Este trabalho utiliza um novo procedimento que utiliza uma argila esmectítica sódica comercial, sem a transformação em organofílica para a incorporação em plastisol. O procedimento é feito através de dispersão mecânica da argila e a sua incorporação à formulação do plastisol, evitando que ocorra uma degradação térmica dos sais utilizados para a transformação das argilas. Também foram realizados estudos com o plastisol puro e com um nanocompósito obtido com argila organofílica comercial visando fazer uma análise comparativa de suas propriedades com argilas preparadas em laboratório. As caracterizações foram feitas por DRX e ensaios mecânicos. / Clays are most used in many different tecnology áreas and one of most area research interest is its use in nanocomposite silicate/polymers. Those nanocomposites are got from the clay disperce, in nanometric dimension, in a polymer with a large use power at many markets, due to sinergetic effects that happen linked to its properties compareing to the pure polymers and the composit. The clay.s entry, in general is by the smectite clays sodic transformation into organophilic and using the polymerization process in situ, common solvent or through melted polymer. This work uses a new procedure that uses a smectite sodic commercial clay, without the organophilic transformation entry to plastisol. The procedure is done through clay.s mechanics disperce and its entry to the plastisol.s formulation, averting that happen a termic degradation of the used salt to the clay.s transformations. Were also carried out studies with pure pastisol and with a nanocomposite got with organophilic commercial clay wanting to do a comparative analysis of its properties with laboratoties prepared clays. The characterizetions were done by DRX and mechanics studies.
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Estudo e desenvolvimento de nanocompósitos PBT/argila bentonita tratados por radiação ionizante - preparação e caracterização / Study and development of nanocomposites PBT/bentonite clay treated by ionizing radiation - preparation and characterizationMariana do Nascimento Sartori 16 December 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta a preparação e caracterização de compósitos baseados em poli (tereftalato de butileno) PBT e argila brasileira modificada preparados por intercalação por fusão. Os nanocompósitos de PBT com 3 e 5 %, em peso, de argila organicamente modificada, pela adição de um sal quaternário amônio, foram preparadas pelo processo de extrusão utilizando-se uma máquina extrusora dupla rosca. Após o processo de extrusão, os materiais foram injetados para obtenção de corpos-de-prova para os ensaios de caracterização. Parte dos corpos-de-prova foram submetidos ao processo de irradiação utilizando-se um acelerador de feixes de elétrons de 1,5 MeV, à temperatura ambiente e na presença de ar. As amostras de PBT puro e nanocompósitos irradiadas e não irradiadas foram caracterizadas por meio de ensaios mecânicos de tração, flexão e impacto, ensaios de temperatura de distorção térmica (HDT), difração de raios - X (DRX), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), índice de fluidez, termogravimetria (TG) e calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) e a correlação entre as propriedades foi discutida. Os resultados mostraram que a adição da argila, em ambas as porcentagens, promoveu aumento superior a 50 % na resistência a tração na ruptura e um ganho de cerca de 35 % na temperatura de distorção térmica quando comparado ao polímero puro. O tratamento por radiação ionizante de feixe de elétrons nas doses utilizadas neste estudo não apresentaram mudanças significativas nas propriedades dos materiais. / This work describes the preparation and characterization of composites based on poly (butylene terephthalate) - PBT and brazilian modified clay prepared by the melt intercalation. PBT nanocomposites with 3 and 5 % by weight of organically modified clay, by the addition of a quaternary ammonium salt, were prepared by extrusion using a twin-screw extruder machine. After the extrusion process, the materials were injected to obtain specimens tests samples for the characterization tests. Part of the specimens samples were irradiated using an electron beam accelerator with 1.5 MeV at room temperature in the presence of air. Samples of pure PBT and irradiated and non-irradiated nanocomposites were characterized by mechanical tests of tensile, flexural and impact, heat distortion temperature (HDT), X - ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), melt flow index (MFI) thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and the correlation between the properties was discussed. The results showed that the addition of clay, in both percentages, promoted an increase greater than 50 % in tensile strength at break and a gain of around 35% in heat distortion temperature when compared to the pure polymer. The treatment with ionizing radiation of electron beam at the doses used in this study showed no significant changes in material properties.
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A study of consolidation of cohesive soilsHoppe, Steve P. January 2010 (has links)
Typescript, etc. / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries
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Contribuição ao estudo das interações entre corante cationico e partículas de argila em suspensão aquosa / Contribution of study interactions between cationic dyes and clay particles in aqueous suspensionSpaziani, Eliana Cristina Fonseca 13 March 2014 (has links)
As interações entre as moléculas de corante e as partículas de argila em suspensão podem envolver diferentes processos dependendo da argila e da maneira pela qual as suspensões corante/argila são preparadas. Os processos que ocorrem são: a adsorção de moléculas de nas superfícies externas das partículas de argila seguidas de migração para as regiões interlamelares, outro processo é devido a interações partícula-partícula, onde as moléculas de corante ficam envoltas em aglomerados de partículas de argila e um terceiro processo é devido a migração das moléculas de corante entre partículas de argila. No presente trabalho foi estudada a influência de diferentes metodologias nos processos de migração de moléculas do corante azul de metileno (AM) entre partículas de argilas em suspensão aquosa. Experimentos adicionando-se partículas de argila nas suspensões corante/argila foram realizados com acompanhamento das variações espectrais em função do tempo. Foi possível detectar variações espectrais nas suspensões corante/argila atribuídas a processos de migração de moléculas de corante adsorvidas em partículas de argila para outras partículas na suspensão. Os resultados indicaram que o processo de migração entre diferentes partículas de argila depende da razão corante/argila. Em outro tipo de experimento, utilizando diferentes formas de adição do corante à suspensão de argila (lenta, rápida e diálise) constatou-se que o modo de adição do corante pode afetar os processos de adsorção, para alguns sistemas corante/argila é muito importante considerar a forma de adição do corante à suspensão de argila, para que se tenham suspensões corante/argila com propriedades desejáveis. / Interactions between dye molecules and suspended clay particles may follow different processes depending on how the dye/clay suspensions are prepared. The processes that occur are: adsorption of molecules on the external surfaces of clay followed by migration to the interlamelar areas, another process is due to particle-particle interactions, in which the dye molecules are wrapped in clay particle agglomerates and a third process due to the migration of the dye molecules between clay particles. In the presente work the influence of different metodologies on the migration processes for the methylene blue dye between clay particles in aqueous suspension was studied. Experiments adding clay particles to the system dye/clay were done monitoring following the spectral changes in function of time. It was possible to detect spectral variations in the dye/clay suspensions attributed to the migration of adsorbed dye molecules to other particles in the suspension dye molecules adsorbed in clay particles migration process. The results indicated that the migration process between different clay particles depend on the nature of the clay and on the dye/clay ratio. In another type of experiment, using different forms for adding dye to the clay suspension (slow, fast and dialysis) it was seen that the adding way for the dye can affect the adsorption processes, for some dye/clay systems it is very important to consider the adding way of the dye to the clay suspension, so that dye/clay suspensions with desirable properties are obtained.
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