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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Computerized Maintenance Management Systems: Misconceptions Between Management & Operations

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: Research findings have shown that many computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) are largely underutilized, often leading to the loss of efficiencies in the organization’s maintenance program. A literature review is presented of the available research in CMMS and of operations and management roles in a maintenance program. In addition, research was conducted around CMMS users to identify if any misalignments exist between management and operations. The articles selected for review offer a variety of perspectives, considerations, instructions, and noted failures involved with implementation, day to day use and reporting expectations. Through conducting a survey of both management and operations this paper will show how management and operations conceptions of CMMS vary, even greatly in some areas. The objective of this research is to gain an in-depth perspective from CMMS in all roles and analyze where utilizations vary. This information will then be utilized to understand possible misconceptions between roles, leading to inaccuracies and sub-par outcomes of proposed CMMS implementations. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Construction Management 2019

A model for selecting a computerized maintenance system : -A case study

Glarner, Anna, Alsyouf, Ali January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this master thesis is to develop a model for selecting a computerize Maintenance Management system CMMS. A literature survey for finding relevant theories using database Emerald was performed. The aim of the model is to select the best CMMS and it is a general model that could be used by any company to take the right decision for selecting the CMMS. In this thesis a case study has been performed for selecting the CMMS. The case company for this case study was Hammarplast AB in Tingsryd which is part of HammarplastGruppen. Ten years ago Hammarplast use to be very good in their preventive maintenance but since the production became more automatic and the people that work with maintenance also work with production development their maintenance have come behind. That is why Hammarplast are interested to have a CMMS that would help them to develop their maintenance performance. Four different CMMS (Movex, Dash vp, Tekla and Tribologen) has been analyzed by the authors. The choosing of CMMS was wishes from the case company. From our analyses we recommend Tekla as a CMMS to be used in the case company, since it satisfies the demand of the company by focusing on user friendly, cost, planning and improvement. But before buying Tekla the case company should try to investigate Movex more carefully. / Syftet med examensarbetet är att utveckla en modell för att välja ett datorbaserat underhållssystem (CMMS). En litteratur studie har utförts i databasen Emerald. Det är en generell modell som företag kan använda sig av och modellen strävar efter att välja den bästa CMMS. I detta arbete har en fallstudie utförts för att välja CMMS. Företaget som har används i fallstudien var Hammarplast i Tingsryd, som tillhör HammarplastGruppen. För tio år sedan var Hammarplast mycket duktiga på förebyggande underhåll men eftersom deras produktion blev mer automatisk och att personerna som arbetar med underhåll också arbetar med produktutveckling så har underhållet kommer efter. Därför är Hammarplast intresserade av att ha ett CMMS som hjälper dem utveckla deras underhåll. Fyra olika CMMS (Movex, Dash vp, Tekla och Tribologen) har analyserats av författarna. Valet av dessa CMMS var önskemål från företaget. Från analysen så rekommenderas Tekla som CMMS att använda i företaget, eftersom det tillfredställer kraven från företaget med fokus på användarvänlig, kostnad, planering och förbättring. Men innan anskaffning av Tekla bör en mer detaljerad utvärdering av Movex utföras.

A model for selecting a computerized maintenance system : -A case study

Glarner, Anna, Alsyouf, Ali January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this master thesis is to develop a model for selecting a computerize Maintenance Management</p><p>system CMMS. A literature survey for finding relevant theories using database Emerald was performed. The aim</p><p>of the model is to select the best CMMS and it is a general model that could be used by any company to take the</p><p>right decision for selecting the CMMS.</p><p>In this thesis a case study has been performed for selecting the CMMS. The case company for this case study</p><p>was Hammarplast AB in Tingsryd which is part of HammarplastGruppen. Ten years ago Hammarplast use to be</p><p>very good in their preventive maintenance but since the production became more automatic and the people that</p><p>work with maintenance also work with production development their maintenance have come behind. That is</p><p>why Hammarplast are interested to have a CMMS that would help them to develop their maintenance</p><p>performance.</p><p>Four different CMMS (Movex, Dash vp, Tekla and Tribologen) has been analyzed by the authors. The choosing</p><p>of CMMS was wishes from the case company. From our analyses we recommend Tekla as a CMMS to be used</p><p>in the case company, since it satisfies the demand of the company by focusing on user friendly, cost, planning</p><p>and improvement. But before buying Tekla the case company should try to investigate Movex more carefully.</p> / <p>Syftet med examensarbetet är att utveckla en modell för att välja ett datorbaserat underhållssystem (CMMS). En</p><p>litteratur studie har utförts i databasen Emerald. Det är en generell modell som företag kan använda sig av och</p><p>modellen strävar efter att välja den bästa CMMS.</p><p>I detta arbete har en fallstudie utförts för att välja CMMS. Företaget som har används i fallstudien var</p><p>Hammarplast i Tingsryd, som tillhör HammarplastGruppen. För tio år sedan var Hammarplast mycket duktiga på</p><p>förebyggande underhåll men eftersom deras produktion blev mer automatisk och att personerna som arbetar</p><p>med underhåll också arbetar med produktutveckling så har underhållet kommer efter. Därför är Hammarplast</p><p>intresserade av att ha ett CMMS som hjälper dem utveckla deras underhåll.</p><p>Fyra olika CMMS (Movex, Dash vp, Tekla och Tribologen) har analyserats av författarna. Valet av dessa CMMS</p><p>var önskemål från företaget. Från analysen så rekommenderas Tekla som CMMS att använda i företaget,</p><p>eftersom det tillfredställer kraven från företaget med fokus på användarvänlig, kostnad, planering och förbättring.</p><p>Men innan anskaffning av Tekla bör en mer detaljerad utvärdering av Movex utföras.</p>

System support for maintenance of production equipment and advanced test environment : Proposal for Saab’s Maintenance Operation

Gustafson, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
In today’s industry, where manufacturing is fast and efficient, uptime for manufacturing machines plays a key role for companies to stay relevant with their competitors. Although manufacturing equipment today is very advanced and sometimes automated, they may still run into problems and wear out. By maintaining and servicing the equipment well, one can avoid unexpected equipment failure and unnecessary downtime. Keeping track and documenting maintenance can play a crucial role in how efficiently a manufacturer can produce their product. Maintenance management software exists on the market today, but they are large and expensive. As Saab, a manufacturer of highly advanced military technology, does not have a well-established system for managing their maintenance, there is a need for an evaluation and development of a customised option. In this thesis, the maintenance needs for Saab’s operations were analysed, and options for developing maintenance software that fits these needs were investigated. The result was a web application hosted on a Python-based web server, which uses MongoDB as a database to store data in an object-oriented manner, allowing flexibility within the system. The application is not fully developed but provides an overall picture of how a smaller software could serve the same purpose as the larger ones. After evaluating the developed application alongside the existing maintenance software, it is concluded that with further development, the application could serve the same function and be a competitive contender alongside the larger software. However, the safer and more reliable option for Saab would be to instead implement one of the existing software solutions. / I dagens industri, där tillverkning är snabb och effektiv, spelar drifttid för tillverkningsmaskiner en nyckelroll för att företag ska kunna hålla sig relevanta gentemot sina konkurrenter. Trots att tillverkningsutrustning idag är mycket avancerad och ibland automatiserad, kan de fortfarande stöta på problem och slitas ut. Genom att underhålla och serva utrustningen på rätt sätt kan man undvika oväntade maskinhaverier och onödig driftstopp. Att ha kontroll och dokumentera underhåll kan spela en avgörande roll för hur effektivt en tillverkare kan producera sin produkt. Underhållshanteringssystem finns på marknaden idag, men de är stora och dyra. Eftersom Saab, tillverkare av högteknologisk militärteknik, inte har ett väletablerat system för hur de hanterar sitt underhåll, finns det ett behov av en utvärdering och utveckling av ett anpassat alternativ. I denna avhandling analyserades underhållsbehoven för Saabs verksamhet, och alternativ för hur en underhållsprogramvara kunde utvecklas för att passa dessa behov undersöktes. Resultatet blev en webbapplikation som är värd på en Python-baserad webbserver och använder MongoDB som en databas för att lagra data på ett objektorienterat sätt, vilket ger flexibilitet inom systemet. Applikationen är inte fullt utvecklad men ger en övergripande bild av hur en mindre programvara kan tjäna samma syfte som de större. När den utvecklade applikationen utvärderas i förhållande till den befintliga underhållsprogramvaran dras slutsatsen att applikationen, med ytterligare utveckling, skulle kunna fylla samma funktion och vara en konkurrenskraftig utmanare till de större programvarorna. Dock skulle det säkrare och mer pålitliga alternativet för Saab vara att istället implementera en av de befintliga programvarorna.

An Inspection Approach For Conceptual Models Of The Mission Space In A Domain Specific Notation

Tanriover, O. Ozgur 01 October 2008 (has links) (PDF)
An inspection approach is proposed for improving the quality of conceptual models developed in a domain specific notation. First, the process of identification of desirable properties of conceptual models in a domain specific notation is described. Intra- and interview properties are considered. Semantic properties are defined considering the conceptual modeling notation. A systematic inspection process is proposed for checking semantic properties of different types of diagrams and of the relations between these diagrams. This process is applied to two real mission space conceptual models. With the proposed inspection approach, it is possible to identify subtle semantic issues which are not identified by many of the contemporary UML CASE tools and other inspection methods.

Expansão in vitro de células estromais mesenquimais e caracterização do secretoma: aplicações terapêuticas e biotecnológicas / Expansion in vitro of mesenchymal stem cell and secretome characterization: therapeutic and biotechnology applications

Mizukami, Amanda 08 July 2016 (has links)
As células estromais mesenquimais (CMMs) se tornaram de grande interesse para a terapia celular devido ao seu potencial de se diferenciar e reconstituir tecidos especializados. Mais recentemente, este interesse tem aumentado significativamente devido à descoberta de que as CMMs são capazes de secretar uma infinidade de mediadores para estimular a regeneração in situ de tecidos lesados. Dessa forma, CMMs podem ser consideradas tanto como um produto terapêutico em si, quanto uma biofábrica de diversas proteínas relevantes do ponto de vista terapêutico. Para atender a estas crescentes demandas, ambas as aplicações requerem o desenvolvimento de processos de expansão celular com alto rendimento, sob condições de cultivo definidas, reprodutíveis, escalonáveis, permitindo a obtenção de produtos com adequada identidade, potência, pureza, segurança e viáveis economicamente. Frente ao exposto, este trabalho teve como objetivos principais o estabelecimento de um processo de expansão de CMMs baseado em biorreatores e a caracterização do secretoma destas células visando aplicações terapêuticas. Para isto, a expansão de CMMs do cordão umbilical (MCUs) foi realizada em frascos multicamadas (MC) e nos biorreatores de leito fixo (LF), tanque agitado com microcarregadores (TA) e fibrasocas (FO). Os resultados mostraram que a taxa de proliferação específica das células foi maior (< tempo de duplicação) no biorreator de FO (36,8 ± 1,7 horas), bem como o fator de expansão (9,8 ± 1,0) e a eficiência na recuperação celular (100%). Um nível similar de produção celular foi observado para o TA, MC e LF com elevado fator de expansão celular (8,8 ± 0,39, 8,7 ± 0,90, 6,9 ± 1,3, respectivamente). No entanto, em termos de eficiência na recuperação celular (%), LF apresentou a menor taxa de recuperação dentre todos os sistemas (18% (± 0,77)), acompanhado pelo TA (61% (± 15,7)). As células mantiveram suas características imunofenotípicas e o potencial de diferenciação em adipócitos, osteócitos e condrócitos em todos os sistemas de cultivo avaliados. Foi também realizada a análise de custos (COG) e avaliação da viabilidade econômica para produção de CMMs visando tratamento da doença do enxerto contra o hospedeiro (DECH) em escala comercial, utilizando os sistemas de cultivo avaliados experimentalmente sob diferentes estratégias de reembolso. Apesar dos resultados experimentais satisfatórios para o biorreator FO, o COG revelou que este sistema tem o maior custo devido aos elevados custos dos consumíveis requeridos e do custo do equipamento. O frasco MC foi considerado como a tecnologia mais rentável e robusta no cenário avaliado e o biorreator TA obteve a segunda posição. O biorreator TA foi escolhido como o mais adequado analisando de maneira conjunta os dados experimentais obtidos, a análise dos custos dos diferentes sistemas de cultivo e a escalonabilidade de cada sistema. Assim, esse biorreator foi eficientemente utilizado para o cultivo de MCUs em condições isentas de SFB e xenoantígenos, sendo possível a produção de uma grande quantidade de células, representando um passo importante no desenvolvimento de um bioprocesso em conformidade com as normas das agências regulatórias. Por fim, com a análise do secretoma das CMMs por espectrometria de massas foi possível a identificação de uma gama enorme de proteínas interessantes (aprox. 2400) envolvidas em importantes processos biológicos. O futuro monitoramento dessas proteínas em biorreatores poderá representar um método inovador e original de produção de produtos livres de células para uso na terapia celular. / Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSC) have become of great interest for cell therapy because of its potential to differentiate and reconstitute specialized tissues. More recently, such interest has significantly increased due to the discovery that MSC are capable of secreting a plethora of mediators to stimulate the in situ regeneration of injured tissues. Thus, MSC can be considered as a therapeutic product itself and as a biofactory of various relevant therapeutic proteins. To meet these increasing demands, both applications require the development of high-yield, reproducible, scalable and cost-effective bioprocesses under defined culture conditions, obtaining products with proper identity, purity and safety. Based on these, the main goal of this work was the establishment of a MSC expansion process based on bioreactors and secretome characterization of these cells targeting therapeutic applications. The MSC expansion was performed using multi-layered flasks (ML) and fixed bed (PB), stirred tank (STR) and hollow fiber (HF) bioreactors. The results showed that the proliferation rate of the cells was higher (< doubling time) in the HF bioreactor (36.8 ± 1.7 hours), as well as the expansion fold-increase (9.8±1.0) and harvesting efficiency (100%). A similar level of cell production was observed for STR, ML and PB with high fold-increase (8.8±0.39, 8.7±0.90, 6.9±1.3, respectively). However, in terms of harvesting efficiency (%), PB bioreactor presented the lowest retrieval rate across all the technologies (18% (±0.77)), followed by STR (61% (±15.7)). The cells retained their functional properties after culture in all the culture systems evaluated. This study was then extended through the use of a bioprocess economics tool for the evaluation of the economic feasibility of producing MSC-based treatment for acute graft vs. host disease (aGvHD) at commercial scale, using the culture systems experimentally evaluated under different reimbursement strategies. Despite the advantageous experimental results of HF bioreactors, the COG analysis has revealed that this is the least cost effective cell culture system to be used, due to its high consumable and equipment costs. ML flasks ranked first as the most cost effective and robust technology in this scenario and microcarrier-based technologies (STR) ranked in second position. The STR bioreactor was chosen as the most suitable for MSC expansion analyzing the experimental data, COG analysis and scalability of each culture system. Thus, STR bioreactor was efficiently tested for MSC expansion under serum and xeno-free conditions and it was possible to produce a large amount of cells. The development of a scalable microcarrier-based stirred culture system using xeno-free culture medium that suits the intrinsic features of UCM-derived MSC represents an important step towards a GMP compliant large-scale production platform for these promising cell therapy candidates. Finally, with the MSC secretome analysis by mass spectrometry it was possible to identify a wide range of interesting proteins (approx. 2400) involved in important biological processes. The future monitoring of these proteins in bioreactors may represent a novel and unique method of producing cell-free products for use in cellular therapy.

A Study of Application of RCM in the Steel Plant

Wu, Chin-Wen 28 June 2012 (has links)
The management of equipment based on Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) has been widely applied with great success in several industries such as military, commodity production, civil airliners, nuclear power plant and the petroleum industry since the reprint of RCM-II written by John Moubray in 1997.The application of RCM not only increases the reliability of the equipment and the assets of a company but also promotes the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), which includes the excellent ok yield to order and the better productivity of the equipment. As a methodology, RCM differs from the traditional equipment maintenance in the aspect of emphasis of maintaining the ¡§function¡¨ of the equipment instead of the equipment itself. Therefore, the need of equipment maintenance results from the speed and the severity of function loss, which determines the strategy and interval of equipment maintenance. This is the major difference between RCM and time based maintenance (TBM). This article discusses the critical success factors that drive the application of RCM in steel plant. The result reveals that the application of RCM could promote the reliability of equipment, cut the cost of maintenance and increase compatibility of the steel plant. In order to facilitates the implementation of RCM in the steel mill, the basic skills of the management includes the construction of vision¡Bconsensus¡Bthe set up of regulation and the cultivation of innovating culture. so as to build an effective managing teamwork features in strong execution. As for the equipment management both the standardization and the strict deviation of equipment function(6£m) are vital to sustain the excellent equipment reliability. The Integration of Maintenance Management System(IMMS) consists of three components, CMMS(Computerized Maintenance Management System) and RTMS(Real Time Monitoring System) link by RCM. RCM acts as a bridge for the information flow of maintenance management in the IMMS and promotes the effectiveness of maintenance management.

Expansão in vitro de células estromais mesenquimais e caracterização do secretoma: aplicações terapêuticas e biotecnológicas / Expansion in vitro of mesenchymal stem cell and secretome characterization: therapeutic and biotechnology applications

Amanda Mizukami 08 July 2016 (has links)
As células estromais mesenquimais (CMMs) se tornaram de grande interesse para a terapia celular devido ao seu potencial de se diferenciar e reconstituir tecidos especializados. Mais recentemente, este interesse tem aumentado significativamente devido à descoberta de que as CMMs são capazes de secretar uma infinidade de mediadores para estimular a regeneração in situ de tecidos lesados. Dessa forma, CMMs podem ser consideradas tanto como um produto terapêutico em si, quanto uma biofábrica de diversas proteínas relevantes do ponto de vista terapêutico. Para atender a estas crescentes demandas, ambas as aplicações requerem o desenvolvimento de processos de expansão celular com alto rendimento, sob condições de cultivo definidas, reprodutíveis, escalonáveis, permitindo a obtenção de produtos com adequada identidade, potência, pureza, segurança e viáveis economicamente. Frente ao exposto, este trabalho teve como objetivos principais o estabelecimento de um processo de expansão de CMMs baseado em biorreatores e a caracterização do secretoma destas células visando aplicações terapêuticas. Para isto, a expansão de CMMs do cordão umbilical (MCUs) foi realizada em frascos multicamadas (MC) e nos biorreatores de leito fixo (LF), tanque agitado com microcarregadores (TA) e fibrasocas (FO). Os resultados mostraram que a taxa de proliferação específica das células foi maior (< tempo de duplicação) no biorreator de FO (36,8 ± 1,7 horas), bem como o fator de expansão (9,8 ± 1,0) e a eficiência na recuperação celular (100%). Um nível similar de produção celular foi observado para o TA, MC e LF com elevado fator de expansão celular (8,8 ± 0,39, 8,7 ± 0,90, 6,9 ± 1,3, respectivamente). No entanto, em termos de eficiência na recuperação celular (%), LF apresentou a menor taxa de recuperação dentre todos os sistemas (18% (± 0,77)), acompanhado pelo TA (61% (± 15,7)). As células mantiveram suas características imunofenotípicas e o potencial de diferenciação em adipócitos, osteócitos e condrócitos em todos os sistemas de cultivo avaliados. Foi também realizada a análise de custos (COG) e avaliação da viabilidade econômica para produção de CMMs visando tratamento da doença do enxerto contra o hospedeiro (DECH) em escala comercial, utilizando os sistemas de cultivo avaliados experimentalmente sob diferentes estratégias de reembolso. Apesar dos resultados experimentais satisfatórios para o biorreator FO, o COG revelou que este sistema tem o maior custo devido aos elevados custos dos consumíveis requeridos e do custo do equipamento. O frasco MC foi considerado como a tecnologia mais rentável e robusta no cenário avaliado e o biorreator TA obteve a segunda posição. O biorreator TA foi escolhido como o mais adequado analisando de maneira conjunta os dados experimentais obtidos, a análise dos custos dos diferentes sistemas de cultivo e a escalonabilidade de cada sistema. Assim, esse biorreator foi eficientemente utilizado para o cultivo de MCUs em condições isentas de SFB e xenoantígenos, sendo possível a produção de uma grande quantidade de células, representando um passo importante no desenvolvimento de um bioprocesso em conformidade com as normas das agências regulatórias. Por fim, com a análise do secretoma das CMMs por espectrometria de massas foi possível a identificação de uma gama enorme de proteínas interessantes (aprox. 2400) envolvidas em importantes processos biológicos. O futuro monitoramento dessas proteínas em biorreatores poderá representar um método inovador e original de produção de produtos livres de células para uso na terapia celular. / Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSC) have become of great interest for cell therapy because of its potential to differentiate and reconstitute specialized tissues. More recently, such interest has significantly increased due to the discovery that MSC are capable of secreting a plethora of mediators to stimulate the in situ regeneration of injured tissues. Thus, MSC can be considered as a therapeutic product itself and as a biofactory of various relevant therapeutic proteins. To meet these increasing demands, both applications require the development of high-yield, reproducible, scalable and cost-effective bioprocesses under defined culture conditions, obtaining products with proper identity, purity and safety. Based on these, the main goal of this work was the establishment of a MSC expansion process based on bioreactors and secretome characterization of these cells targeting therapeutic applications. The MSC expansion was performed using multi-layered flasks (ML) and fixed bed (PB), stirred tank (STR) and hollow fiber (HF) bioreactors. The results showed that the proliferation rate of the cells was higher (< doubling time) in the HF bioreactor (36.8 ± 1.7 hours), as well as the expansion fold-increase (9.8±1.0) and harvesting efficiency (100%). A similar level of cell production was observed for STR, ML and PB with high fold-increase (8.8±0.39, 8.7±0.90, 6.9±1.3, respectively). However, in terms of harvesting efficiency (%), PB bioreactor presented the lowest retrieval rate across all the technologies (18% (±0.77)), followed by STR (61% (±15.7)). The cells retained their functional properties after culture in all the culture systems evaluated. This study was then extended through the use of a bioprocess economics tool for the evaluation of the economic feasibility of producing MSC-based treatment for acute graft vs. host disease (aGvHD) at commercial scale, using the culture systems experimentally evaluated under different reimbursement strategies. Despite the advantageous experimental results of HF bioreactors, the COG analysis has revealed that this is the least cost effective cell culture system to be used, due to its high consumable and equipment costs. ML flasks ranked first as the most cost effective and robust technology in this scenario and microcarrier-based technologies (STR) ranked in second position. The STR bioreactor was chosen as the most suitable for MSC expansion analyzing the experimental data, COG analysis and scalability of each culture system. Thus, STR bioreactor was efficiently tested for MSC expansion under serum and xeno-free conditions and it was possible to produce a large amount of cells. The development of a scalable microcarrier-based stirred culture system using xeno-free culture medium that suits the intrinsic features of UCM-derived MSC represents an important step towards a GMP compliant large-scale production platform for these promising cell therapy candidates. Finally, with the MSC secretome analysis by mass spectrometry it was possible to identify a wide range of interesting proteins (approx. 2400) involved in important biological processes. The future monitoring of these proteins in bioreactors may represent a novel and unique method of producing cell-free products for use in cellular therapy.


Parthan, Ajay, Methiramthottathil Biju, Anandhu January 2024 (has links)
This study project looks at how metrology and inspection methods have advanced inside machining processes to improve production efficiency, accuracy, and precision. The study includes an extensive examination of the literature, observational research, and critical analysis to provide insights into the possibilities, difficulties, and practices that exist in the sector today. The literature review charts the development of metrology from manual measurement techniques to highly automated systems, emphasizing the crucial roles that optical inspection systems and coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) play in contemporary production. Modern inspection technologies, including as non-contact techniques and laser scanning, are also discussed, along with the difficulties in combining metrology data with digital production systems. Observational research offers direct knowledge of how metrology and inspection techniques are used in real-world industrial settings. Alongside difficulties including operator skill levels and equipment calibration, the usage of portable measuring tools, CMMs, and optical inspection systems for assessing surface finish and dimensional correctness is noted. Findings study points to growing problems such the requirement for experienced operators and operational unpredictability in machining processes, as well as the increasing integration of metrology and inspection methods into machining processes. But there are also prospects for development, with an emphasis on the ability to increase efficiency and quality control, via Industry 4.0 projects and additive manufacturing technology. All things considered, this study project clarifies the crucial function metrology and inspection methods play in contemporary manufacturing and provides guidance for enhancing quality assurance and machining process efficiency.

Deciphering maintenance challenges through computerized maintenance management system in Ethiopian manufacturing industries

Hunegnaw, Zerihun Tariku January 2020 (has links)
Abstracts in English and Xhosa / Given the need for prompt responses to today’s dynamic market, maintenance and maintenance management functions are becoming increasingly fundamental for industrial companies. Reduction of waste and bottlenecks, particularly the reduction of overproduction and work in process, accentuates the impact of malfunctions or failures of equipment on production. As such, it has become ever more urgent for proactive world-class maintenance to turn to computer-based support for efficacious management. To successfully manage activities such as the scheduling of activities, the planning of preventive maintenance actions, the analysis of data (to reduce the occurrence of malfunction and failures), and augment the absolute performance of the maintenance function, industrial companies implement information systems enabled by computerised maintenance management systems (CMMS) to deliver timely and accurate information. However, while various CMMS are available on the market, not all meet the exactitudes of each industrial company. The overall objective of this thesis is threefold: to explore major barriers and obstacles that have a negative impact on implementing CMMS; to identify the most common critical success factors (CSFs) that have a positive impact on implementing CMMS; and to develop an optimised CMMS model suitable to the context of Ethiopian manufacturing industries. To achieve this, an exploratory descriptive research design was employed, utilising both quantitative and qualitative data-gathering techniques, including structured interviews and questionnaires. Both qualitative and quantitative findings Suggest that the most important CSFs for CMMS implementation were work planning and scheduling and work identification and responsibilities, while the Ethiopian manufacturing firms lagged behind in the case of information technology and appraisal. Overall, key isues in maintenance management range from several maintenance techniques, information systems, scheduling, and optimisation models. This thesis is projected to be a useful source of information for both maintenance managers and stakeholders in CMMS decision making. It also creates opportunities for future research in this area of study. / Ngenxa yesidingo seempendulo ezikhawulezileyo kwimarike yanamhlanje eguqukayo, ukulondoloza kunye nololondolozo lwemisebenzi yolowulo ziya zisanda ngokubaluleka kwiinkampani zoshishino. Ukuncitshiswa kwenkcitho kunye nokuxinana kwindawo eziphezulu , ngakumbi ukucuthwa kwemveliso egqithisileyo kunye nokusebenza kwinkqubo, kunyusa ifuthe lokungasebenzi kakuhle okanye ukusilela kwezixhobo kwimveliso. Kananjalo, kuye kwangxamiseka nangakumbi kulondolozo lwenqanaba lehlabathi ukuba liphendukele kwinkxaso esekwe kwikhompyutha ukwenzela ulawulo olusebenzayo. Ukulawula ngempumelelo imisebenzi efana nokucwangciswa kwemisebenzi, ukucwangciswa kwezenzo zolondolozo zokukhuselo, ucalulo lwedatha (ukunciphisa ukwenzeka kokungasebenzi kakuhle kunye nokusilela), kunye nokwandisa ukusebenza ngokupheleleyo komsebenzi wolondolozo, iinkampani zamashishini zisebenzisa iinkqubo zolwazi ezenziwa ziinkqubo zolawulo lokulondoloza ngekhompyutha (i-CMMS) ukuhambisa ulwazi oluchanekileyo kwangexesha. Nangona kunjalo, ngelixa ii-CMMS ezahlukeneyo zifumaneka kwimarike, ayizizo zonke ezihlangabezana ngqo nemilinganiselo yenkampani nganye yemizimveliso. Eyona njongo yale ngcingane ebhaliweyo engqinelwa ziingxoxo, ithisisi ihlulwe kathathu: ukuphonononga imiqobo engundoqo kunye nezithintelo ezinefuthe elibi ekuphumezeni iiCMMS; Ukuchonga ezona zinto zibalulekileyo zempumelelo (CSFs) ezinefuthe elihle ekuphumezeni iCMMS; kunye nokuvelisa imodeli ye-CMMS elungele imeko yemizimveliso yase-Ethiopia. Ukufezekisa oku, uyilo lophando oluchazayo lwasetyenziswa, kusetyenziswa ubuchule bokuqokelela idatha eninzi kunye nesemgangathweni, kubandakanya udliwanondlebe olulungiselelweyo kunye nephepha lemibuzo.Zozibini iziphumo ezedatha esengangathweni kunye nedatha ngokobungakanani zibonisa ukuba ezona CSFs zibalulekileyo ekuphunyezweni kweCMMS yayikukucwangciswa komsebenzi nokucwangciswa nokwenza uludwe lweenkqubo kunye nokuchongwa komsebenzi kunye noxanduva, ngelixa iifemu zemveliso zase-Ethiopia zisasele ngasemva kwimeko yolwazi lwetekhnoloji kunye novavanyo. Kukonke, imiba ephambili kulawulo lolondolozo isukela kwiindlela ezahlukeneyo zobuchule zolondolozo, kwiinkqubo zolwazi, kuludwe lokwenziwa kweenkqubo zolwazi, kunye neemodeli ezigqibeleleyo. Le thisisi kuqikelelwa ukuba ingumthombo wolwazi oluluncedo kubo bobabini abaphathi bezolondolozo kunye nabachaphazelekayo ekuthathweni kwezigqibo kwiCMMS. Ikwadala amathuba ophando lwexesha elizayo kulo mmandla wokufunda. / Business Management / DBL (Business Leadership)

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