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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh nové výrobní technologie zadaného dílu / A design of new production technology of a specified part

Paška, Josef January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the design of new technology for the production of a given part by company Poppe + Potthoff s.r.o. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part is a theoretical analysis of individual operations that are necessary for the production of the given part. The second part deals with the analysis of the current technological process of production. In the third part, a new technological process is proposed. In the end, there is a technical and economic evaluation performed, where both variants are compared.

Analysis and time calculations of NC files : Time calculation of Nailing Bridge machine movements

Rohnér, Julia, Sköld, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
Randek is a company that develops machines. The machines are used to build prefabricated houses. They have developed a CNC machine called Nailing Bridge that creates house walls. One of their issues is that they must predict the time it takes to build a wall because their customers need to know how long it takes to deliver their house. Our project solves this problem by making a program that calculates the time it takes to build a wall on the Nailing Bridge with help from NC files (Numerical Control files) consisting of G-code. One NC file contains the machine's operations, such as sawing, nailing, and routing. The goal was to develop a program with a maximum margin of error of 3% from reality. The machine was tested to measure the time of different operations to develop the program, and the NC files were analysed. Calculations for the jerk, acceleration, deceleration, and velocity of the CNC machine were considered to predict the time of the movements with high enough precision. The calculations and implementation are written in C#. A GUI is created for the user to use the program easily. The end product is a program that can take in one NC file and gives output on the time it should take for the Nailing Bridge to go through the file. The margin of error was between 5% to 31% for one operation of sawing or nailing, which is significantly higher than the goal of 3%. The program was therefore debugged with unit testing and new tests of the Nailing Bridge to find the sources for this margin of error. The conclusion is that the program works but not exactly to the company's standards.

Návrh nové technologie výroby vybrané součásti / A new technology of a machined part

Záveský, Zbyněk January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on CNC machines. It deals with the characteristics, description, coordinates, advantages and disadvantages of the CNC machines and utilization of the CAD/CAM software. The next part of this thesis deals with the suggestion for choosing the best technology for milling slots. Milling strategy, cutting processes and cutting conditions are described in this part as well as all the issues concerning the manufacturing of the milling slots.

Ruční programovaní CNC strojů / Manual programming of CNC machines

Cherepanov, Maksym January 2017 (has links)
Diplomová práce uvádí zakladní popis ručního programování CNC strojů, jeho výhod a nevýhod, možností automatizace. Aplikace CNC obrábění na součásti, její verifikace, vyhodnocení dosažených výsledků.

Simulation study of an agile high-speed machining system for automotive cylinder heads

Omar, M., Hussain, Khalid, Wright, Christopher S. January 1999 (has links)
There is a continuous need within most manufacturing environments for more flexible production equipment, particularly where customer satisfaction and responsiveness promote quality improvement. In this paper, an automated agile manufacturing system that uses high-speed computer numerically controlled (CNC) machines to make automotive cylinder heads is proposed and evaluated by means of discrete event simulation using the ARENA simulator. Two alternative agile system configurations are constructed and simulated to achieve the production target. The simulation shows some significant benefits in using the agile system and demonstrates that high-speed CNC equipment is a viable option for cylinder head manufacture at a production volume of 550 000 units per annum. It is shown that the agile system can provide more flexibility and half the throughput time of the transfer line.

Návrh technologie výroby distančního kroužku / Draft of spacer production technology

Zíka, Marek January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of a new technological process for the production of a spacer ring with a diameter of 212 mm in cooperation with the company Meopta – Optika, s.r.o. The production of this component according to the current process does not comply with the prescribed geometric tolerances of flatness of the face and radius runout with a tolerance field size of 0.005 mm. The work is a detailed analysis of the specified component and describes the current technological process, including the machines on which the spacer ring is manufactured. Based on the knowledge gained from the analysis of the current process, a new technological process was created. During the production according to this process, some geometric tolerances were also exceeded, but the values exceeding the prescribed tolerance field were significantly reduced. The department of production technology found the results to be sufficient and the spacer ring will be produced according to the new technological process. In the last part of the work are the costs of production of components according to both processes.

Analýza minutové sazby CNC strojů / Analysis of the minute cost rate for CNC machines

Kubiš, Richard January 2013 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on analysis of the minute cost rate for CNC machines. It describes cost inputs and a way of including them in the minute cost rate. Further describes creating of mathematical model, minute rates for entire CNC machine and possibilities of using of the minute rate for optimalisation. It points out that no general calculation method is existing and that there are problems with creating certain minute rate and need of individal approach.

Obrábění odlitku převodovky na CNC stroji / Machining of the gear-box casting on a CNC machine

Hložek, Milan January 2018 (has links)
The master’s thesis focuses on the machining of a chosen gearbox on a CNC machine. The theoretical part deals with gearboxes in general and the aluminium alloy from which a selected gearbox is manufactured. In the practical part, the machining of the gearbox is proposed according to the corresponding drawing. Gradually suitable machines are selected, then depending on their limits, clamping devices are designed, next a set of tools is selected and an NC program is generated. The technological process of production is proposed and the basic production costs are calculated.

Повышение эффективности использования металлорежущих станков : магистерская диссертация / Improving the efficiency of machine tools

Вилкова, Ю. В., Vilkova, Y. V. January 2017 (has links)
В работе проведено исследование эффективности использования токарных станков с ЧПУ в современном машиностроении на основе анализа эксплуатации за последние 30 лет. Для наглядности были использованы гистограммы распределения деталей по диаметру и длине для патронных и патронно-центровых станков, показатель интенсивности применения станков с ЧПУ, называемый коэффициентом реализации технологических возможностей станка. В работе представлена разработка показателей эффективности станков на основе теории сложности Ю.С. Шарина и непосредственно методика, позволяющая рассчитать фондоотдачу. Преимущество ее в том, что появляется возможность определения фондоотдачи непосредственно во время производства, что невозможно сделать в экономических расчетах. А на предприятиях оценка фондоотдачи в настоящее время производится укрупненно. В этом заключается новизна работы Проведенные исследования показали, что экстенсивность использования станков β ̅ (по времени работы) на обследованных предприятиях составляет в среднем приблизительно 54 %. А интенсивность использования станков с ЧПУ α ̅ реализуется чаще всего на 26 %, а в среднем на 34 %. Наряду с коэффициентами экстенсивности и интенсивности в машиностроении зачастую пользуются также таким показателем эффективности использования станков как интегральный коэффициент δ, который является функцией α и β, его значение получилось δ ̅≈0,182. То есть на обследованных заводах токарные станки с ЧПУ в среднем используются всего лишь на 18,2 %. Исходя из полученных данных были разработаны методы повышения эффективности использования станков и их фондоотдачи, базирующихся на методе неопределенных множителей Лагранжа. / The paper studies the efficiency of using CNC lathes in modern machine building on the basis of the exploitation analysis for the last 30 years. For clarity, we used histograms of the parts the distribution by diameter and length for cartridge and cartridge-centering machines, an indicator of the intensity of the use of CNC machines, called the coefficient of the implementation of technological capabilities of the machine. The paper presents the development of performance indicators of machines based on the complexity theory Yu.S. Sharin and directly the technique, allowing to calculate the return on assets. Its advantage is that it becomes possible to determine the return on assets directly during production, which cannot be done in economic calculations. And in enterprises, the estimation of the return on assets is now being made larger. This is the novelty of the work. The conducted studies showed that the extensive use of the machine tools β ̅ (according to the working time) in the surveyed enterprises averages approximately 54%. And the intensity of using CNC machines is realized most often by 26%, and on average by 34%. Along with the extensiveness and intensity coefficients in machine building, this indicator of the efficiency of machine tools is often used as the integral coefficient δ, which is a function of α and β, its value is δ ̅≈0.182. That is, in the surveyed factories, CNC lathes are used on average only by 18.2%. Based on the data obtained, methods were developed to increase the efficiency of machine tools and their return on capital, based on Lagrange's method of uncertain multipliers.

Разработка методов повышения точности преобразователей вращательного движения в поступательное для систем отсчета перемещений рабочих органов станков с ЧПУ : магистерская диссертация / Development of methods for precision improvement of rotary motion converters into translational motion of reference systems for the movement of movable operating element of CNC machines

Тулепова, К. В., Tulepova, K. V. January 2022 (has links)
В данной магистерской диссертации представлены результаты разработки методов повышения точности преобразователей вращательного движения в поступательное для систем отсчета перемещения рабочих органов станков с ЧПУ, что и является целью выпускной квалификационной работы. Актуальность темы обусловлена тем, что точность машин и механизмов является основной характеристикой их качества. Традиционные механические передачи (зубчатые, реечные и др.) имеют широкое применение во всех отраслях машиностроения. Требования к точности изготавливаемых деталей существенно ужесточаются, поэтому необходимо непрерывно совершенствовать методы повышения точности передач. Научная новизна обусловлена разработкой новых методов повышения точности систем отсчета перемещений путем уменьшения или ликвидирования кинематических погрешностей и погрешностей от износа преобразователей вращательного движения в поступательное. Рассмотрены элементы, применяемые при построении современных систем отсчета перемещений и возникающие в них погрешности. Проведен анализ существующих методов уменьшения кинематических погрешностей и погрешностей от износа преобразователей вращательного движения в поступательное. На его основе разработаны: метод отсчета перемещений рабочего органа станка с компенсацией погрешностей ходового винта; метод снижения износа передачи винт-гайка скольжения; метод снижения износа передачи винт-гайка качения; метод отсчета перемещений рабочего органа станка с коррекцией кинематических погрешностей рейки; метод снижения износа зубчато-реечной передачи; насос, предназначенный для использования при реализации перечисленных методов. В ходе работы над магистерской диссертацией было подано шесть заявок на изобретения. В результате было получено пять патентов: патент на изобретение №2750575 «Насос шестеренный реверсивный», патент на изобретение №2756797 «Передача винт-гайка качения», патент на изобретение №2764105 «Зубчато-реечный привод подачи металлорежущего станка с ЧПУ», патент на изобретение №2768807 «Устройство отсчета перемещений рабочего органа машины с ходовым винтом» и патент на изобретение №2767381 «Передача винт гайка скольжения». На рассмотрении в ФИПС находится заявка на изобретение №2021114570 «Зубчато-реечный привод подачи рабочего органа тяжелого крупногабаритного металлорежущего станка». / This master's thesis presents the results of the development of methods for precision improvement of reference systems for the movement of movable operating element of CNC machines, which is the purpose of the final qualifying work. The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that the precision of machines and mechanisms is the main characteristic of their quality. Traditional mechanical gears (gear, rack and pinion, etc.) are widely used in all branches of mechanical engineering. The requirements for the precision of manufactured parts are significantly tightened, so it is necessary to continuously improve methods for improving the precision of transmissions. The scientific novelty is due to the development of new methods for improving the precision of displacement reference systems by reducing or eliminating kinematic errors and errors from wear of rotary motion converters to translational. The elements used in the construction of modern displacement reference systems and the errors arising in them are considered. The analysis of existing methods for reducing kinematic errors and errors from wear of rotary motion converters to translational motion is carried out. Based on it, the following methods have been developed: the method of counting the movements of the movement of movable operating element of the machine with compensation of errors of the lead screw; the method of reducing the wear of the transmission screw-nut sliding; the method of reducing the wear of the rolling screw-nut transmission; the method of counting the movements of the movement of movable operating element of the machine with correction of kinematic errors of the rail; the method of reducing the wear of rack and pinion transmission; the pump, designed for use in the implementation of the above-mentioned methods. During the work on the master's thesis, six applications for inventions were submitted. As a result, five patents were obtained: patent for invention No. 2750575 "Reversible gear pump", patent for invention No. 2756797 "Rolling screw-nut transmission", patent for invention No. 2764105 "Rack-and-pinion feeding drive of CNC metal cutting machine", patent for invention No. 2768807 "Device for counting the movements of the operating member of a machine with a drive screw" and patent for invention No. 2767381 "Sliding screw-nut gearing". The application for invention No. 2021114570 "Rack-and-pinion feeding drive of the operating member of a heavy large-sized metal-cutting machine" is under consideration in the federal institute of industrial property.

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