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Experimental investigation of CO2 valorization by plasma dischargesQuercetti, Sara 20 December 2024 (has links)
The availability of efficient storage technologies is nowadays the bottleneck for a wide diffusion of renewable energy sources. A solution would be to use renewable electricity to drive chemical reactions whose products are fuels, the so-called E-fuels, or other chemicals useful as feedstocks for industry. This is the concept of Power-to-X. Non-thermal plasmas generated by electrical discharges in gases are among the promising techniques for tackling this challenge. The non-equilibrium properties of plasmas can be exploited to channel energy in the molecular dissociation rather than in heating the gas, allowing endothermic reactions to take place at relatively low temperatures. One of the main studied processes is CO2 reduction, which enable recycling this greenhouse gas, producing CO, an important feedstock for many fuels and chemicals. The kind of discharge we study is the Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed (NRP). It works at atmospheric pressure and ensures a high non-equilibrium level thanks to its nanosecond scale duration, which doesn’t allow the energy to redistribute among the different degrees of freedom of the gas. It showed excellent performances in conversion and efficiency both for CO2 reduction and dry reforming of methane. In this work a study on the effect of ethylene addition in the post discharge is presented, together with a technique to accurately estimate the energy dissipartion in the plasma and correctly assess the process efficiency.
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Variação diurna do fluxo de CO2 na interface ar-mar do Oceano Atlântico Equatorial / Diurnal variation of the CO2 flux at the Air-Sea Interface of the Equatorial Atlantic OceanFonseca, Fábio Luís Alves da 03 February 2012 (has links)
O ciclo diurno do fluxo de CO2 no oceano Atlântico equatorial para o mês de agosto é estimado utilizando um algoritmo de transferência de gases. O algoritmo é baseado na teoria de similaridade de Monin-Obukhov para fluxos turbulentos na interface ar-mar e na física da transferência de CO2 na camada molecular oceânica. O ciclo diurno do fluxo de CO2, obtido na região, caracteriza o oceano Atlântico equatorial, durante o período, como fonte de CO2 para a atmosfera e seus valores estão entre 0,71 e 0,85 mol CO2 m^-2 ano^-1. / The diurnal cycle of CO2 is estimated for the month of August on the Atlantic Ocean using a gas transfer algorithm. The algorithm is based on the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory for turbulent transfer at the air-sea interface and the physics of the CO2 transfer at the oceanic molecular layer.
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Lietuvos medynų CO2 pasisavinimo ekonominė analizė / The Economical Analysis of CO2 Sequestration in Lithuania’s Forest StandsLapinskas, Marius 16 June 2006 (has links)
Study object. Forest stands in Lithuania: pine, spruce, birch, aspen, black alder, grey alder, oak, ash and others.
Study aim. To estimate CO2 sequestration, to evaluate and to analyze its dependency on the main tree species, mean annual increment, age.
Methodology. The estimations were made according to formulas stated in book “Algorithm of forest resources reproduction model (1984)”. The formulas allow to calculate CO2 stock per hectare in differrent tree species stands according to annual increment. Also by using Willis&Benson method and data based on calculations made by State Forest Survey Institute according to “IPCC Good Practice Guidance for LULUCF” methodology.
Results. The biggest amount of CO2 is sequestrated in deciduous forest stands: by Zubas et al. method – 17,5 t/ha/year (coniferous – 14,2 t/ha/year); by Willis&Benson method – 10,3 t/ha/year (coniferous – 8,8 t/ha/year); by IPCC Good Practice Guidance for LULUCF method – 8,8 t/ha/year (coniferous – 7,4 t/ha/year). The age classes where annual increment is the highest sequestrate more CO2 than the ones with a lower annual increment. The total estimated value for the sequestrated CO2 of year 2002 in all the forest stands in Lithuania are as stated: by Zubas et al. method – 2,9 mill. Lt; by Willis&Benson method – 1,8 mill. Lt and by IPCC Good Practice Guidance for LULUCF method – 1,5 mill. Lt. For the warmhouse effect reduction the most valuable are tree species with the least economical value of wood... [to full text]
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Variação diurna do fluxo de CO2 na interface ar-mar do Oceano Atlântico Equatorial / Diurnal variation of the CO2 flux at the Air-Sea Interface of the Equatorial Atlantic OceanFábio Luís Alves da Fonseca 03 February 2012 (has links)
O ciclo diurno do fluxo de CO2 no oceano Atlântico equatorial para o mês de agosto é estimado utilizando um algoritmo de transferência de gases. O algoritmo é baseado na teoria de similaridade de Monin-Obukhov para fluxos turbulentos na interface ar-mar e na física da transferência de CO2 na camada molecular oceânica. O ciclo diurno do fluxo de CO2, obtido na região, caracteriza o oceano Atlântico equatorial, durante o período, como fonte de CO2 para a atmosfera e seus valores estão entre 0,71 e 0,85 mol CO2 m^-2 ano^-1. / The diurnal cycle of CO2 is estimated for the month of August on the Atlantic Ocean using a gas transfer algorithm. The algorithm is based on the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory for turbulent transfer at the air-sea interface and the physics of the CO2 transfer at the oceanic molecular layer.
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Einfluß des C02-Anstiegs auf die Zirkulation der Mittleren Atmosphäre und unteren Thermosphäre (15-120 km)Lange, Martin, Jacobi, Christoph, Fomichev, Viktor I., Ogibalov, Vladimir P. 05 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Ein neues C02-Parametrisierungsschema, das variable CO2-Konzentrationen im gesamten Höhenbereich von 15 - 150 km zuläßt, wurde in das Kölner Zirkulationsmodell der mittleren Atmosphäre (COMMA) implementiert und der Einfluß einer C02-Erhöhung im Bereich von 10% - 100% auf die Zirkulation der mittleren Atmosphäre untersucht. Die C02-Erhöhung bewirkt eine starke Abkühlung der gesamten mittleren Atmosphäre von 20 km bis zum oberen Modellrand mit Maximalwerten von 20 K in der Stratopause und höheren Werten in der unteren Thermosphäre bei CO2-Verdoppelung. Weiterhin wird eine starke Dämpfung der halbtägigen Gezeitenamplitude beobachtet, die das mittlere Windfeld und die Meridionalzirkulation in der Mesosphäre und unteren Thermosphäre durch die Abnahme der Impulsablagerung aus den brechenden Gezeiten modifiziert. Die stärkste Dämpfung zeigt sich im Bereich niederer Breiten der Nord- und Südhemisphäre. Langzeitwindmessungen in der Mesopausenregion bestätigen den abnehmenden Trend der halbtägigen Gezeit. Daraus folgt, daß dieser Trend wahrscheinlich eine Folge der anthropogenen C02-Emission sind. / Using a state of the art C02 parametrization scheme for the middle atmosphere with variable C02 concentration, a comprehensive model study on C02 increase ranging from 10% - 100% above the present concentration has been performed. Strong cooling is present throughout
the middle atmosphere from 20 km up to the top of the model domain with maximum values of about 20 K in the stratopause and even higher values in the lower thermosphere for the double C02 case. Besides this, damping of the semidiurnal tide modifies the mean wind field in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere region by weaker deposition of momentum from tidal breakdown. Strongest damping appears in the low latitude region. Long term midlatitude wind measurements in the mesopause region confirm these model results. Therefore the decrease of the semidiurnal amplitude is probably due to anthropogenic C02 emission.
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Efeito da atmosfera enriquecida com CO2 em mudas de Psidium guajava L. cv. Pedro Sato / Effect of elevated CO2 on seedlings of Psidium guajava L. cv. Pedro Sato.Rezende, Fernanda Mendes 03 December 2013 (has links)
Psidium guajava é uma espécie tropical, frutífera, de grande importância na fruticultura brasileira e é usada em diversas partes do mundo para o tratamento de doenças que acometem a humanidade. Além de sua importância alimentícia e medicinal, P. guajava também se mostrou boa bioindicadora de poluentes atmosféricos como ozônio e SO2 , pois apresenta respostas características e dose-dependentes das concentrações desses poluentes. Mostrou-se, dessa forma, uma espécie interessante para o estudo de respostas de espécies tropicais a elevadas concentrações de CO2 atmosférico. A fim de avaliar se o elevado CO2 seria uma situação estressante para essa espécie, foi realizada uma fumigação de 130 mudas de P. guajava cv. Pedro Sato em quatro câmaras de topo aberto: duas com ar ambiente ((∼390 ppm) e duas com atmosfera enriquecida com CO2 (∼720 ppm). Foram realizadas coletas quinzenais, retirando-se cinco indivíduos de cada câmara, aleatoriamente, que foram separados em raiz, caule e folhas e imediatamente congelados com nitrogênio líquido. Foram analisados componentes relacionados a sinalização e inativação de espécies reativas de oxigênio em folhas: os teores de poliaminas solúveis, ácido ascórbico e glutationa, além de fenóis, flavonoides, proantocianidinas e taninos totais. Além disso, os extratos metanólicos de folhas foram submetidos à CLAE para análises quali e quantitativas dos principais flavonoides. Parâmetros relacionados ao desenvolvimento da planta também foram analisados, como incremento em altura, massa seca, fração de massa, acúmulo de carbono, açúcares solúveis e amido. As análises de poliaminas, ácido ascórbico, glutationa, e compostos fenólicos de folhas não revelaram alterações significativas entre os tratamentos, exceto para a análise de taninos totais onde foi observado um aumento significativo dessas substâncias nas plantas mantidas a elevado CO2 e após 90 dias de fumigação. A análise por CLAE revelou que a maioria dos flavonoides dessa espécie é derivada de quercetina. Com relação aos parâmetros de crescimento, P. guajava não apresentou diferenças significativas de incremento em altura e massa seca, mas apresentaram acúmulo de amido nas folhas. Analises multivariadas foram utilizadas para integrar as 46 variáveis analisadas. Neste estudo viu-se que a situação de elevado CO2 em mudas de P. guajava é favorável, visto que ocorre acúmulo de amido, substâncias anti-herbivóricas (taninos) e, aparentemente, não há alteração no balanço redox. Contudo, é de extrema importância estudos que avaliem alterações concomitantes de parâmetros ambientais, como aumento de temperatura, disponibilidade de água, ozônio e elevado CO2 . A goiabeira apresenta grande importância econômica relacionada à produção e qualidade de seus frutos, dessa forma são necessários estudos que avaliem o efeito do aumento do CO2 na quantidade e qualidade de frutos produzidos por esta espécie. Por ser uma espécie de crescimento lento, períodos de exposição mais longos são aconselháveis para uma melhor analise da susceptibilidade dessa espécie ao elevado CO2 / Psidium guajava is a tropical fruit species of great importance in Brazilian economy; it is also used in several parts of the world as medicinal. Besides its importance as medicinal and nutritional species, P. guajava has also showed to be a good bioindicator of air pollutants, such as ozone and SO2 . It presents characteristic responses, dose-dependent of the concentrations of these pollutants. Therefore, this species seems to be interesting to study the responses of a tropical species to high concentrations of atmospheric CO2 . In order to assess whether the high CO2 would be a stressful situation for this species, we performed a fumigation experiment using 130 seedlings of P. guajava cv. Pedro Sato in four open-top chambers: two with ambient air (∼ 390 ppm CO2 ) and two with elevated CO2 (∼ 720 ppm). Biweekly, five individuals of each chamber were randomly collected, separated into root, stem and leaves and immediately frozen with liquid nitrogen. Were analyzed parameters related to signaling and inactivation of reactive oxygen species in leaves: levels of soluble polyamines, ascorbate and glutathione, as well as contents of phenols, flavonoids, tannins and proanthocyanidins. Furthermore, the methanol extracts were subjected to HPLC for quantitative and qualitative analysis of the major flavonoids. Parameters related to the development of the plant were also analyzed, as height increment, dry mass, mass fraction, carbon accumulation, soluble sugars and starch accumulation. The analysis of polyamines, ascorbate, glutathione and phenolic compounds of leaves, showed no significant changes when comparing treatments, except for the analysis of tannins which was observed a significant increase of these substances in plants at high CO2 after 90 days of fumigation. HPLC analysis revealed that most of flavonoid composition is quercetin derivatives. The growth parameters showed no significant differences in height increment and dry mass, but the leaves showed accumulation of starch after CO2 fumigation. Multivariate analyzes were used to integrate the 46 variables analyzed. In this study it was seen that the elevated CO2 seem to be favorable to seedlings of P. guajava, once there is an accumulation of starch, antiherbivore substances (tannins) and, apparently, there was no change in the redox balance. However, it is extremely important to perform studies that evaluate concomitant changes in environmental conditions, such as increased temperature, availability of water, ozone and elevated CO2 . Guava has great economic importance in Brazil, fact related to the production and quality of its fruits, so more studies are needed to assess the effect of increased CO2 in the quantity and quality of fruits produced by this species. As a slow-growing species, longer exposure periods are recommended to better analyze the susceptibility of this species to elevated CO2
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O efeito da incidência do laser de CO2 em ossos / The effect of the CO2 laser incidence in bonesLopes, José Emilio Fehr Pereira 21 March 2003 (has links)
O Laser de Alta potência, também denominado, Laser Cirúrgico, tem sido usado em procedimentos médicos, para coagulação e vaporização dos tecidos. O maior problema, hoje encontrado, pela medicina no uso deste Laser, especialmente o laser de CO2, é a destruição térmica, causada pelo acúmulo de energia, convertida em calor, nos tecidos adjacentes, por ele irradiado. Uma vez absorvida esta energia, o tecido acumulará mudanças, que ocorrerão, durante o processo de irradiação e resfriamento. Estas variações poderão ir desde: uma mudança física, química e alterando completamente, os mecanismos biológicos, antes efetuados, pelo tecido irradiado. Este estudo tem como objetivo, analisar tais mudanças, verificando as diferenças morfológicas e geométricas, bem como utilizar experimentação para reconhecer, as zonas limitantes, ao processo de ablação. Para isto, quatro partes iguais de uma mandíbula bovina, foram usadas. Sendo que, cada uma destas, recebeu uma potência, diferente de laser. A cada amostra, foi aplicada a potência escolhida, em cinco diferentes tempos, mantendo uma distância aproximada de 250mm, entre uma aplicação e outra, com uma distância focal de 6mm. Em primeiro, observou-se característica macroscópica da região de interação, utilizando-se de um modelo zonal, para análise. Através de uma análise, mais aprofundada, com o uso de microscopia eletrônica, pode-se notar as variações imprevistas, ocorridas pelo processo de acúmulo e condução térmicos, advindos da ablação. A região de interação foi delineada em zonas de variações, denominadas as mesmas, como: Z I, Z2, e Z3. Sendo que a Z1, é o diâmetro formado pelo ponto de penetração da luz no tecido, ora irradiado.(Cratera). Z2 é o diâmetro envolvendo, a primeira camada de alteração do tecido irradiado, circundante a cratera. Z3, determina todo o diâmetro das alterações, por nós verificadas nas microfotografias. A partir deste ponto, usamos as amostras irradiadas, para calcular a quantidade de material removido, pela ablação. Através de um corte histológico, parafinado, analisamos todas profundidades, dos orifícios de entrada, formadas pela interação, por nós estudadas. Para cada lâmina, foi feita uma medida, da profundidade, formada pela entrada do raio, e pela material removido pela ablação. Tendo-se as medidas dos orifícios das crateras, as profundidades das mesmas, calculamos, aproximadamente, o material removido pela ablação. Considerando para isto, que os orifícios de penetrações, sendo, todos eles, de formatos de circunferências e as profundidades, em formatos Gaussianos. Obtendo, portanto, um formato conforme, para cada cratera. . Obtivemos, a partir do calculo matemático, o volume de massa de material retirado por ablação / The high power lasers are being widely used in surgical procedures, where there are vaporization and coagulation of the soft tissues. For hard tissues, such as, bones and teeth, pulsed lasers are stranded out because they may cause less thermal damage, as an example, the CO2 laser. Termal effects on tissue are recognized as being an accumulation of changes that occur during the entire period of irradiation and ensuing cooling (Mc KENZIE 1990). Located heating is affected by termal conductivity and convection by blood flow. Upon heating tissue experiences an alteration in a variety of physical, chemical and biological mechanism at the scale of chemical, organelle cell and tissue. Changes in tissue geometry and local microcirculation, could be affected. The purpose of these studies was to verify the physical and chemical variation and also reactions during the process of light exposure in the bone parts, especially the laser beam ablation patters. The generation of craters and other abnormal superficial termal damage, and craters that\'s show irregular wall contours. The relation and interaction between medicai CO2 laser beam and animal, human, and other biological tissues. For this experiment, a cattle\' s jaw, of four years old, were chosen for these experimental. Procedure to be described in this paper Those jaws were cut in four different pieces, in an effort, those parts were kept in the same shape and size, so no different variation of depth or length, would make it improper for the studies about to be made. Numbers were put in each different piece, showing in each sample, the time and the potency that were applied in that part. All samples were under favorable conditions (with long pulses and without water spray). Since classical pathology techniques for characterizing thermal damage to tissue are based on the microscopic examination of prepared tissue specimens for evidence of coagulation necrosis (nuclear psychoses, disintegration of organelles, hyalinization of collagen, loss of birefringence in muscle tissue, carbonization, etc.) Once the experimental appliance were done, a different colored circle were clear and optical visible around each bole, In a suggestion of that changes have happened in the material, used indeed. For almost, all the averages of the holes, in the electronic microscope, could be seeing the presence of minimal layer of superficial carbonization in the remaining bone. Therefore, the bone that received irradiation caused by CO2 laser, in a agreement with the proposal methodology, showed a variation of the tissue, that changed as the exposure changed the TIME/POWER. For each different pulse, the samples were analyzed. The tissues response to extreme temperature change in this zone usually consists of immediate coagulation necrosis, coagulation of vessels and macroscopic destruction of the tissue. An intermediary volume Between the necrosis core and the reversibly affected region is referred to as the Marginal Zone\". Therefore in this task, we called each analyzed zone as Z1 for the crater\'s diameter and Z2 for following areas, and finally, Z3 for the total diameter of the affected tissue. . All the measured zones, contains the shift from perfusion increases to coagulation, and the transition from structurally intact cells to dead cells. The most interest, issue that this study, may bring up, is for the clinical for the future\'s procedures because it contains the boundaries between the reversible and the irreversible tissue changes. Very few studies describe the presence and the address the consequences of the ablative aberrations, which can frequently and randomly happen during laser surgery. The knowledge of the different boundaries, of the affected areas, could predict severe impacts on the quality of the final surgical outcome, specially, when precision surgery techniques are required. The results of this discussed experiment shows how important it is to constantly and carefully observe, both the irradiated tissue\'s structure and the beam\'s broadening at the surface during the ablation.
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Estudo da viabilidade técnica e econômica de produção de petróleo sintético offshore a partir de rejeito rico em CO2. / Feasibility Analysis of the Implementation of a CO2 to synthetic fuel process in offshore oil production platform.Santos, Rodrigo Alves dos 10 September 2013 (has links)
A descoberta de uma nova província petrolífera, conhecida como pré-sal, localizada no litoral brasileiro, representa um novo marco na produção de petróleo mundial. Dentre os vários desafios encontrados para exploração e produção dessa região, a presença de CO2 em grandes concentrações nos fluidos de alguns desses reservatórios tem sido um dos desafios de maior relevância para as empresas que exploram e produzem nessa área (FORMIGLI, 2007). Uma forma alternativa de sequestro do CO2 retirado do gás natural é a sua utilização como matéria prima ou co-alimentação para a síntese de produtos químicos, em especial aqueles com grande demanda de mercado. Um dos produtos que podem ser obtidos indiretamente a partir do CO2 é o petróleo sintético, produzido pelo processo conhecido como Gas-to-Liquids, ou GTL. Neste trabalho foi analisada a viabilidade técnica, econômica e potencial de captura de CO2, da produção de petróleo sintético, pelo processo GTL, offshore, a partir de dióxido de carbono (CO2) e metano (CH4), presentes na corrente de rejeito do tratamento do gás processado em uma plataforma de produção de petróleo e gás, através das reformas seca e a vapor, seguida da síntese Fischer-Tropsch. A partir de dados de literatura e com uso de simulador comercial de processos, a simulação do processo foi desenvolvida e diferentes alternativas para reaproveitamento das correntes residuais do processo foram analisadas, incluindo o reciclo e a queima dos efluentes combustíveis, assim como foram aplicadas técnicas de integração energética, otimização e análise econômica de processos. Os resultados indicaram que o processo, mássica e energeticamente integrado, na condição de menor emissão de CO2 e maior retorno financeiro, produziu petróleo sintético de forma técnica e economicamente viável. Os resultados indicaram ainda que o processo GTL, com as tecnologias utilizadas, não é indicado como método de captura de CO2 devido o fato de a geração desse componente para a produção de petróleo sintético ser duas vezes maior que a quantidade alimentada. / The discovery of a new oil province known as pre-salt, located in the Brazilian coast, represents a new frontier in the world\'s oil production. Among other challenges involved in the exploration and production in that region, the CO2 concentration at high levels in the fluids of some of those reservoirs has been the most relevant challenge for the companies that explore and produce in that area (FORMIGLI, 2007). An alternative to sequestering the CO2 extracted from natural gas is using it as a supply of raw material or as an input to the synthesis of chemical products, especially those with great market demand. One of the products that can be obtained indirectly from CO2 is synthetic fuel, produced by the process known as Gas-to- Liquids, or GTL. In this work the technical, economical and potential feasibility of CO2 capture is analyzed, as well as the production of synthetic fuel using the GTL process, offshore, from carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), found in the waste chain of the gas treatment in an oil and gas production platform, through dry and steam reforming, followed by Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Thus, based on literature data and on the use of a commercial process simulator, the simulation of the suggested process was developed and different alternatives to the reutilization of the waste chains were analyzed, including the recycling and burning of some effluent streams. Techniques of energetic integration, optimization and economic analysis of process have also been applied. The results indicated that the process, mass and energy integrated in the condition of lower CO2 emissions and greater financial return, produced synthetic oil in a technically and economically feasible way. The results also indicated that the GTL process, with the technologies used, is not suitable as a method for CO2 capture due to the fact that the generation of this component for the production of synthetic oil is two times greater than the amount fed.
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Análise quantitativa de alcanolaminas e CO2 no processo de absorção química via espectroscopia no infravermelho / Quantitative analysis of alkanolamines and CO2 in chemical absorption process by infrared spectroscopyTavares, Denise Trigilio 15 December 2015 (has links)
Em virtude da necessidade de se quantificar os carbamatos provenientes de processos de absorção química do gás CO2 por monoetanolamina (MEA) e dietanolamina (DEA), curvas analíticas por espectroscopia no infravermelho (IV) foram construídas visando à determinação do teor de carbamatos de MEA e DEA, além da quantificação de MEA, DEA e metildietanolamina (MDEA) em soluções puras e em misturas. O procedimento analítico compreendeu o preparo das amostras-padrão constituintes das curvas de calibração e suas quantificações com o emprego de técnicas instrumentais de referência titulação potenciométrica, pesagem e GC-FID. As amostras-padrão de aminas puras foram quantificadas por titulação potenciométrica, sendo possível a detecção exata do ponto de equivalência. As composições dos padrões analíticos de misturas foram estabelecidas segundo um diagrama triangular para misturas e o teor de cada componente foi determinado por gravimetria e GC-FID. Tanto a hidrólise quanto a degradação térmica dos carbamatos foram fatores que restringiram o emprego da titulação potenciométrica, HPLC-MS/MS e GC-FID como técnicas de referência em suas quantificações. Essas restrições, somadas ao fato de não haver disponibilidade comercial desses carbamatos, levaram ao uso da espectroscopia de RMN de 1H na determinação quantitativa. As curvas de calibração apresentaram ótimo ajuste dos valores preditos com relação aos de referência e erro máximo de predição de 0,594 %. Dois processos de absorção química do gás CO2 foram realizados em escala semipiloto e os resultados obtidos foram de 1,02 % e 0,98 % de CO2 absorvido por solução de MEA e DEA, respectivamente. Os mesmos processos foram simulados no software Aspen Plus, obtendo-se 1,18 % de CO2 absorvido por solução de MEA e 1,00 % por solução de DEA. / Due to the need to quantify carbamates from the CO2 gas chemical absorption process by monoethanolamine (MEA) and diethanolamine (DEA), analytical curves by IR spectroscopy were obtained with the aim of quantifying MEA and DEA carbamates and MEA, DEA and methyldiethanolamine (MDEA) in pure solutions and mixtures. The analytical procedure considered the preparation of standard samples constituents of the calibration curves and their quantification using reference instrumental techniques potentiometric titration, gravimetry and GC-FID. The standard samples of pure amines were quantified by potentiometric titration, getting the accurate detection of the equivalence point. The compositions of the analytical standards of the mixtures were established according to a triangular diagram for mixtures and the content of each component was determined by gravimetry and GC-FID. The carbamate hidrolysis and its thermal degradation were factors that limited the use of potentiometric titration, HPLCMS/ MS and GC-FID as reference techniques in their quantitation. These restrictions, added to the fact of not having commercial availability of these carbamates, led the use of 1H NMR spectroscopy for the quantitative determination. The calibration curves resulted in an excellent adjustment of the expected values related to the reference values and maximum error of prediction of 0.594 %. Two chemical absorption processes of CO2 gas were performed in semi-pilot scale and the obtained results were of 1.02 % and 0.98 % of absorbed CO2 by MEA and DEA solutions, respectively. Both processes were simulated using Aspen Plus software, presenting 1.18 % of CO2 absorbed by MEA solution and 1.00 % by DEA solution.
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Modeling of fluid flows and heat transfer with interface effects, from molecular interaction to porous media / Modélisation des écoulements de fluides et du transfert de chaleur avec effets d'interface, de l'interaction moléculaire aux milieux poreuxLiao, Meng 28 September 2018 (has links)
Les objectifs de la thèse sont d'étudier le transport de fluide et le transfert de chaleur dans les pores micro et nanométriques. Les expériences et les simulations ont révélé des preuves de l'augmentation du flux provoquée par la vitesse de glissement à la paroi solide. D'autre part, la résistance thermique finie à l'interface fluide-solide est responsable de la différence de température des deux phases. Ces deux phénomènes d'interface peuvent avoir un impact considérable sur la perméabilité et la diffusivité thermique des milieux poreux constitués de micro et nanopores. La contribution se concentre sur l'étude des trois problèmes suivants. Premièrement, nous examinons les effets de glissement des liquides confinés dans un canal de graphème en utilisant le formalisme de Green Kubo et la méthode de la dynamique moléculaire. On montre que lorsque la surface solide est soumise à une contrainte mécanique uniaxiale, la friction présente une anisotropie due à la modification de l'énergie potentielle et de la dynamique des molécules composant le fluide. Les formes moléculaires jouent également un rôle important sur les écarts de frottement entre les deux directions principales. Deuxièmement, nous étudions le régime des gaz raréfiés. Dans ce cas, la vitesse de glissement et le saut de température sont régis par les collisions entre les atomes de gaz et la paroi solide. Ces effets peuvent être déterminés à l’aide d’un modèle statistique qui peut être construit à partir des vitesses incidente et réfléchie des molécules de gaz. A cette fin, différentes méthodes basées sur des techniques d'apprentissage statistique ont été proposées. Enfin, la méthode des éléments finis est utilisée pour calculer la perméabilité et la diffusivité thermique des milieux poreux sous l'influence des effets d'interface / The objectives of the thesis are to study the fluid transport and heat transfer in micro and nano-scale pores. Both experiments and simulations revealed evidence of an enhancement of flow-rate, originated from slip velocity at the solid boundary. On the other hand, the finite thermal resistance at the fluid-solid interface is responsible for the temperature difference between the two phases. These two interface phenomena can have a considerable impact on the permeability and thermal diffusivity of porous media constituted of micro and nano-pores. This contribution focuses on studying the following three issues. First, we examine the slip effects of liquids confined in graphene channel using Green Kubo formalism and Molecular Dynamics method. It is shown that when the solid surface is subject to mechanical uniaxial strain, the friction exhibits anisotropy due to the modification of the potential energy and the dynamics of the fluid molecules. The molecular shapes also play an important factor on the friction discrepancies between two principal directions. The quantification of both effects is addressed. Second, we investigate the rarefied gas regime. In this case, the velocity slip and temperature jump are governed by the collisions between the gas and the solid boundary. Those effects can be determined via the study of scattering kernel and its construction from MD simulation data. To this end, different methods based on statistical learning techniques have been proposed including the nonparametric (NP) kernel and Gaussian mixture (GM) kernel. Finally, the finite element method is used to compute the permeability and the thermal diffusivity of porous media under the influence of the interface effects
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