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Fluxo do CO2 proveniente da respiração do solo em áreas de floresta nativa da Amazônia / CO2 flux from soil respiration in areas of native Amazon forestJadson Dezincourt Dias 29 August 2006 (has links)
O sistema climático global e o ciclo do carbono interagem intensamente, e o CO2 constitui um fator dominante na definição do clima, sendo gerado e consumido pelas plantas e pela atividade de microrganismos em ecossistemas aquáticos, terrestres e na atmosfera. Na atmosfera, esse gás contribui para o efeito estufa. Em um ecossistema de floresta tropical, grande parte da produção de CO2 é proveniente da respiração do solo, e os fluxos de CO2 na interface solo-atmosfera dependem de mudanças nas características físicas, químicas e biológicas na superfície do solo. O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar a variabilidade sazonal dos fluxos de CO2, decorrente da respiração do solo de diferentes florestas nativas da Amazônia, localizadas nos municípios de Sinop (MT), Caxiuanã (PA), Manaus (AM) e Santarém (PA), e determinar os principais parâmetros de correlação dos fluxos de CO2 do solo com a temperatura e umidade. As amostragens foram realizadas durante as estações seca e chuvosa em cada local. Os fluxos de CO2 foram medidos por meio de câmaras dinâmicas, que se baseiam na variação da concentração do gás no interior da câmara em função do tempo e foram calculados utilizando-se de equações lineares. Os valores médios encontrados para as regiões estudadas nas estações seca e chuvosa foram respectivamente: Sinop, 3,03 μmol.CO2 m-2s-1 e 5,76 μmol. CO2 m-2s-1; Caxiuanã, 5,07 μmol.CO2 m-2s-1 e 6,09 μmol.CO2 m-2s-1; Manaus, 5,47 μmol.CO2 m-2s-1 e 5,44 μmol.CO2 m-2s-1 e Santarém, 2,90 μmol.CO2 m-2s-1 e 5,64 μmol.CO2 m-2s-1. Estes resultados demonstraram que houve variação regional e influência da sazonalidade na dinâmica do fluxo de CO2 do solo, sendo que, os maiores fluxos foram obtidos durante o período chuvoso, indicando que a disponibilidade de água e a temperatura do solo foram os principais condicionadores da produção do CO2. Foram coletadas amostras de serapilheira e raízes para estimar o estoque e a influencia sobre os fluxos de CO2 do solo, sendo estas, vias de entrada de nutrientes e principalmente de carbono para o solo. Para todas as regiões os maiores estoques foram encontrados na estação seca. / Carbon dioxide is an important contributor to the greenhouse effect, and by extension, the global climate system as a whole; it is generated and consumed through the activities of terrestrial and aquatic microorganisms. Tropical forest CO2 fluxes at the soil-atmosphere interface depend on changes in the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the soil surface. The objective of the present study is to investigate seasonal variability of CO2 fluxes from soil respiration in Amazonian native forest located in the municipalities of Sinop (MT), Caxiuanã (PA), Manaus (AM) e Santarém (PA) and to determine the effects of determining parameters such as temperature and soil moisture. The CO2 fluxes were measured using dynamic chambers during both dry and wet seasons at each site. As the concentration of the gas inside the chamber varies with time, samples were taken at given time intervals and fluxes then calculated using linear regression equations. The average values found for Sinop in the dry and wet seasons were 3.03 and 5.92 μmol.CO2 m-2s-1 respectively; for Caxiuanã, 5.07 μmol.CO2 m-2s-1 and 6.09 μmol.CO2 m-2s-1; for Manaus, 5.47 and 5.44 μmol.CO2 m-2s-1; and for Santarém, 5.64 μmol.CO2 m-2s-1 in the wet season and during the dry season and 6.09 μmol.CO2 m-2s-1. Our results showed that there was a seasonal variation of the CO2 flux. The results also showed that there was an influence of the seasonality in the dynamics of the soil CO2 flux, where the greater fluxes were obtained during the wet season, indicating that water availability and soil temperature were the main factors determining production. Litter samples had been collected and roots esteem the supply and influence it on the CO2 fluxs of in the soil, being these, ways of entrance of nutrients and mainly of carbon for the ground. For all the regions the biggest supplies had been found in the dry station.
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Observation-based estimates of the global oceanic CO2 sink: Spatiotemporal analysis, quantification of uncertainties, processes descriptionRoobaert, Alizée 05 June 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, a large amount of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) have been emitted into the atmosphere due to human activities. One of the main consequences of these emissions is a rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration and a profound modification of the Earth's climate system. The ocean plays an important role in the Earth radiative balance since it acts as an important CO2 sink for the atmosphere. By currently absorbing about 25 % of the CO2 emitted by humans it considerably slows down climate change. Understanding the present-day spatial and temporal dynamics of the air-sea CO2 exchange and the different processes that govern this exchange is of critical importance to anticipate the evolution of the oceanic CO2 sink in the future.This thesis was realized in this context and focused on an improved quantification of the exchange of CO2 through the air-sea interface (FCO2) of the global ocean, embracing open ocean waters and coastal regions. The main objective was to fill knowledge gaps in our understanding of the processes that govern the spatial and temporal distribution of FCO2. This objective was mainly achieved through observational approaches and addressed three main aspects: a quantification of the different sources of FCO2 uncertainties at the global scale, an analysis of spatial distribution of the oceanic CO2 exchange with a strong focus on the coastal ocean and a first assessment of the coastal seasonal FCO2 dynamics and its underlying drivers. The latter relied on a data-model fusion approach allowing to decompose the FCO2 seasonality into its main physical and biogeochemical drivers. The quantification of the oceanic FCO2 from observations consists in calculating an air-sea partial pressure CO2 gradient (ΔpCO2) between the atmosphere and the sea surface. Global monthly continuous partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) products can for example be derived from observational pCO2 databases and statistical interpolation methods. This ΔpCO2 is then multiplied by a gas exchange transfer rate coefficient (k), which depends on wind speed. However, the parametrization of k is still entailed with poorly quantified uncertainties. From a literature review of all k parameterizations available in the literature over the past 25 years, I first quantified the FCO2 uncertainties associated with k globally and regionally for the open ocean. I also quantified the uncertainties associated with the choice of a wind product over another. Our results show that the range of global FCO2, calculated with these k relationships, diverge by 12 % when using CCMP, ERA or NCEP1. Regional discrepancies in FCO2 are more pronounced than global. These global and regional differences significantly increase when using NCEP2 or other k formulations. To minimize uncertainties associated with the choice of wind product, it is possible to recalculate the parametrization of k globally for a given wind product and its spatio-temporal resolution, in order to match the last evaluation of the global k value. In a second step, we improved the quantification and analysis of the dominant patterns and drivers of the FCO2 spatial distribution for the coastal ocean worldwide. This analysis was performed globally (at 0.25° spatial resolution), using a regional segmentation of the coastal ocean, and latitudinally. I found that coastal regions at high latitudes act as a CO2 sink while tropical regions and along the equator tend to act as an atmospheric CO2 source. Globally integrated, I quantified that the coastal seas act currently as a CO2 sink with a value of -0.20 ± 0.02 Pg C yr-1. For the first time, I also compared the spatial patterns of coastal FCO2 to that of the adjacent open ocean, globally. With the exception of some regions such as those dominated by riverine inputs, I demonstrated that they present similar latitudinal distribution of their FCO2 density per unit of surface area, suggesting analogous responses to increasing atmospheric CO2. I also reevaluated the global ocean CO2 budget and estimated a global anthropogenic CO2 uptake ranging between -2.6 ± 0.4 Pg C yr-1 and -2.9 ± 0.5 Pg C yr-1 for the 1998-2015 period. In a third step, I contributed to the first continuous observational pCO2 data product merging the coastal and open ocean in a consistent manner. This study showed that difference between open ocean and coastal ocean estimates along the overlap area increases with latitude but remains close to 0 µatm globally. Stronger discrepancies, however, exist on the regional level resulting in differences that exceed 10 % of the climatological mean pCO2, particularly in regions constrained by fewer observations, paired with biogeochemical complexity, such as the Peruvian upwelling system and ice covered regions.In a fourth step, a temporal analysis of the FCO2 seasonality was performed for the coastal ocean based on an observational approach. I analyzed and quantified the FCO2 seasonal dynamics globally and for different latitudinal bands. Globally, coastal regions act as a CO2 sink with a more intense uptake occurring in summer (-21 Tg C month-1) because of the disproportionate influence of high latitude shelves in the Northern Hemisphere. I also estimated the contribution of different drivers (sea-ice coverage, wind speed, and ΔpCO2 change) to the FCO2 seasonal amplitude. This data-driven approach allowed me to conclude that the ΔpCO2 is the main driver of the FCO2 variability at the seasonal timescale. I then used a global oceanic biogeochemical model to decompose the seasonal coastal pCO2 variability further into its driving physical and biological processes. From a first qualitative assessment, I concluded that the thermal effect associated to sea surface temperature changes is the main effect governing the coastal seasonal pCO2 variability except at high latitudes where the non-thermal effect associated to changes in biology, circulation, fresh water and the air-sea CO2 exchange itself dominate. I also found that, overall, the thermal effect alone should lead to larger seasonal fluctuations, but its influence is partly offset by the non-thermal effect. Throughout this thesis, I also evaluated the extent to which the continuous observational pCO2 products derived from an artificial neuronal network approach and from the global ocean biogeochemical model MOM6-COBALT could reproduce the raw pCO2 fields extracted from global databases. Overall, I showed that at the regional scale, the two products are in relatively good agreement compared to observations. I also identified regions where discrepancies are the largest and where future observational data are needed in the future, as well as regions where agreement is the most satisfactory and, thus, most suitable for further process-based analyses. / Depuis le début de la révolution industrielle, une grande quantité de gaz à effet de serre tels que le dioxyde de carbone (CO2) a été émise dans l'atmosphère en raison des activités humaines. L'une des principales conséquences de ces émissions est une augmentation rapide de la concentration en CO2 atmosphérique et une modification profonde du système climatique de la Terre. L'océan joue un rôle important dans l'équilibre radiatif de la Terre car il agit comme un important puits de CO2 pour l'atmosphère. En absorbant actuellement environ 25 % du CO2 émis par l'homme, il ralentit considérablement le changement climatique. Comprendre la dynamique spatiale et temporelle actuelle de l'échange de CO2 air-mer et les différents processus qui régissent cet échange est d'une importance cruciale pour anticiper l'évolution du puits océanique de CO2 à l'avenir.Cette thèse a été réalisée dans ce contexte et s'est concentrée sur une meilleure quantification de l'échange de CO2 à travers l'interface air-mer (FCO2) de l'océan global, considérant à la fois l’océan ouvert et les régions côtières. L'objectif principal était de combler les lacunes dans notre compréhension des processus qui régissent la distribution spatiale et temporelle du FCO2. Cet objectif a été principalement atteint grâce à des approches observationnelles et a abordé trois aspects principaux: une quantification des différentes sources d'incertitudes du FCO2 à l'échelle globale, une analyse de la distribution spatiale de l'échange de CO2 océanique avec un fort accent sur l'océan côtier et une première évaluation de la dynamique saisonnière du FCO2 côtier et de ses moteurs sous-jacents. Ce dernier s'est appuyé sur une approche de fusion de modèles et d’approches observationnelles permettant de décomposer la saisonnalité du FCO2 en ses principaux moteurs physiques et biogéochimiques.La quantification du FCO2 océanique à partir d’observations consiste à calculer un gradient de pression partielle air-mer de CO2 (ΔpCO2) entre l'atmosphère et la surface de la mer. Des produits globaux continus mensuels de la pression partielle de CO2 (pCO2) peuvent par exemple être dérivés à partir de bases de données observationnelles de pCO2 et de méthodes d'interpolation statistique. ΔpCO2 est ensuite multiplié par un coefficient de vitesse de transfert d'échange gazeux (k), qui dépend de la vitesse du vent. Cependant, la paramétrisation de k est sujette à de larges incertitudes et mal quantifiées. À partir d'une synthèse de la littérature de toutes les paramétrisations de k disponibles dans la littérature au cours des 25 dernières années, j'ai d'abord quantifié les incertitudes sur FCO2 associées à k à l'échelle globale et régionale pour l'océan ouvert. J'ai également quantifié les incertitudes associées au choix d'un produit éolien par rapport à un autre. Nos résultats montrent que la gamme du FCO2 global, calculée avec ces différentes paramétrisations de k, diverge de 12 % lors de l'utilisation de CCMP, ERA ou NCEP1. En raison des différences dans les pattern de vent régionaux, les différences régionales sur le FCO2 sont plus prononcés que globalement. Ces différences globales et régionales augmentent de manière significative lors de l'utilisation de NCEP2 ou d'autres formulations de k. Afin de réduire les incertitudes associées au choix du produit de vent, il est possible de recalculer la paramétrisation de k pour un produit de vent donné et à une résolution spatio temporelle.Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons amélioré la quantification et l'analyse des principaux pattern et des différents processus sur la distribution spatiale du FCO2 pour l’ensemble des régions côtières. Cette analyse a été réalisée à l'échelle globale (à une résolution spatiale de 0.25°), en utilisant une segmentation régionale de l'océan côtier, et latitudinalement. J'ai trouvé que les régions côtières aux hautes latitudes agissent comme un puits de CO2 tandis que les régions côtières tropicales et le long de l'équateur ont tendance à agir comme une source de CO2 atmosphérique. Globalement, j'ai quantifié que les régions côtières agissent actuellement en tant que puits de CO2 avec une valeur de -0.20 ± 0.02 Pg C an-1. Pour la première fois, j'ai également comparé la distribution spatiale du FCO2 côtier à celle de l'océan ouvert adjacent, à l'échelle globale. À l'exception de certaines régions telles que celles dominées par les apports fluviaux, j'ai démontré que les régions côtières et l’océan ouvert adjacent présentaient une distribution latitudinale similaire sur leur densité de FCO2 par unité de surface, suggérant des réponses analogues à l'augmentation du CO2 atmosphérique. J'ai également réévalué le budget mondial de CO2 de l'océan et estimé une absorption mondiale de CO2 anthropique comprise entre -2.6 ± 0.4 Pg C an-1 et -2.9 ± 0.5 Pg C an-1 pour la période 1998-2015. Dans un troisième temps, j'ai contribué à la création du premier produit continu de pCO2 observationnelles fusionnant le domaine côtier et l'océan ouvert de manière cohérente. Cette étude a montré que la différence entre les estimations provenant du produit de pCO2 de l’océan ouvert à celles dérivant du produit de pCO2 de l’océan côtier le long de leur zone de chevauchement augmente avec la latitude mais reste proche de 0 µatm globallement. Des divergences plus fortes existent cependant au niveau régional, entraînant des différences qui dépassent 10 % sur la moyenne climatologique de pCO2, en particulier dans les régions contraintes par moins d'observations, associées à une complexité biogéochimique, comme le système d'upwelling péruvien et les régions couvertes de glace.Dans une quatrième étape, une analyse temporelle de la saisonnalité du FCO2 a été réalisée pour l'océan côtier sur la base d'une approche observationnelle. J'ai analysé et quantifié la dynamique saisonnière du FCO2 à l'échelle globale et pour différentes bandes latitudinales. À l'échelle globale, les régions côtières agissent comme un puits de CO2 avec une absorption plus intense se produisant en été (-21 Tg C mois-1) en raison de l'influence disproportionnée des régions côtières des hautes latitudes dans l'hémisphère Nord. J'ai également estimé la contribution de différents processus (couverture de glace de mer, vitesse du vent et changement de ΔpCO2) à l'amplitude saisonnière du FCO2. Cette approche basée sur les données observationnelles m'a permis de conclure que ΔpCO2 est le principal moteur de la variabilité du FCO2 à l'échelle saisonnière. J'ai ensuite utilisé un modèle biogéochimique océanique global pour décomposer davantage la variabilité saisonnière du pCO2 côtier en ses processus physiques et biologiques. À partir d'une première évaluation qualitative, j'ai conclu que l'effet thermique associé aux changements de température de la surface de la mer est le principal effet régissant la variabilité côtière saisonnière du pCO2 sauf aux hautes latitudes où l'effet non thermique associé aux changements de biologie, de circulation, d'eau douce et de l’échange de CO2 air-mer domine. J'ai également constaté que, globalement, l'effet thermique à lui seul devrait entraîner des fluctuations saisonnières plus importantes, mais son influence est en partie compensée par l'effet non thermique.Tout au long de cette thèse, j'ai également évalué dans quelle mesure les produits continus de pCO2 observationnelles dérivés d'une approche de réseau de neurones artificiels et du modèle biogéochimique océanique global MOM6-COBALT pourraient reproduire les champs de pCO2 bruts extraits des bases de données globale. Dans l'ensemble, j'ai montré qu'à l'échelle régionale, les deux produits sont relativement en bon accord par rapport aux observations. J'ai également identifié les régions où les différences sont les plus importantes et où de futures données observationnelles sont nécessaires à l'avenir, ainsi que les régions où les deux produits présentent un accord le plus satisfaisant et, par conséquent, le plus approprié pour de futures analyses de compréhension des différents processus. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Freshwater methane and carbon dioxide fluxes : Spatio-temporal variability and an integrated assessment of lake and stream emissions in a catchment / Metan- och koldioxidflöden från sötvattensmiljöer : Variation i tid och rum samt en integrerad bedömning av emissioner från sjöar och vattendrag i ett avrinningsområdeNatchimuthu, Sivakiruthika January 2016 (has links)
Freshwater bodies such as lakes and streams release the greenhouse gases methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. Global freshwater CH4 and CO2 emissions have been estimated to be of a similar magnitude to the global land or ocean carbon sink, and are thus significant components of global carbon budgets. However, the data supporting global estimates frequently lacks information regarding spatial and temporal variability and are thus highly inaccurate. In this thesis, detailed studies of the spatio-temporal variability of CH4 and CO2 fluxes were conducted in the open water areas of lakes and streams within a whole catchment in Sweden. One aim was also to evaluate the importance of spatio-temporal variability in lake and stream fluxes when making whole catchment aquatic or large scale assessments. Apart from the expected large spatio-temporal variability in lake fluxes, interactions between spatial and temporal variability in CH4 fluxes were found. Shallow lakes and shallow areas of lakes were observed to emit more CH4 as compared to their deeper counterparts. This spatial variability interacted with the temporal variability driven by an exponential temperature response of the fluxes, which meant that shallow waters were more sensitive to warming than deeper ones. Such interactions may be important for climate feedbacks. Surface water CO2 in lakes showed significant spatio-temporal variability and, when considering variability in both space and time, CO2 fluxes were largely controlled by concentrations, rather than gas transfer velocities. Stream fluxes were also highly variable in space and time and in particular, stream CH4 fluxes were surprisingly large and more variable than CO2 fluxes. Fluxes were large from stream areas with steep slopes and periods of high discharge which occupied a small fraction of the total stream area and the total measurement period, respectively, and a failure to account for these spatially distinct or episodic high fluxes could lead to underestimates. The total aquatic fluxes from the whole catchment were estimated by combining the measurements in open waters of lakes and streams. Using our data, recommendations on improved study designs for representative measurements in lakes and streams were provided for future studies. Thus, this thesis presents findings relating to flux regulation in lakes and streams, and urges forthcoming studies to better consider spatio-temporal variability so as to achieve unbiased large-scale estimates. / Sötvatten som sjöar och vattendrag är källor till växthusgaserna metan (CH4) och koldioxid (CO2) i atmosfären. De globala utsläppen av CH4 och CO2 från sötvatten har uppskattats vara av samma storleksordning som den globala land- eller havskolsänkan och är därmed viktiga delar av jordens växthusgasbudget. De globala uppskattningarna saknar ofta information om variation i tid och rum och är därmed mycket osäkra. Denna avhandling behandlar hur CH4- och CO2-flöden från öppet vatten i sjöar och vattendrag i ett avrinningsområde varierar rumsligt och tidsmässigt. Ett syfte var också att utvärdera betydelsen av dessa variationer när data extrapoleras för att göra storskaliga uppskattningar av växthusgasflöden från vattenmiljöer. Förutom de förväntade stora rumsliga och tidsmässiga variationerna i sjöars gasflöden identifierades interaktioner mellan rumsliga och tidsmässiga variation för CH4-flöden. Den rumsliga variabiliteten med högre CH4-flöden från grunda vatten interagerade med tidsvariationen, som i sin tur drevs av en exponentiell temperaturrespons av gasflödena. Det betyder att grunda vattenområden var mer känsliga för uppvärmning än djupare vatten och därmed att vattendjupet har betydelse för hur sjöars CH4-utsläpp påverkas av klimatet. Koncentrationer av CO2 i sjöars ytvatten uppvisade också en betydande rumslig och tidsmässig variation som tillsammans visar att CO2-flöden över längre perioder till stor del styrs av koncentrationer snarare än av gasutbyteshastigheter. Vattendragens gasflöden varierade också mycket i tid och rum. Detta gällde i synnerhet CH4-flödena vilka var förvånansvärt stora och mer varierande än CO2-flödena. Gasflödena var höga från områden i vattendrag med högre lutning och då det var höga vattenflöden, trots att dessa områden och tidsperioder utgjorde en bråkdel av den totala arean och mätperioden. Att inte räkna med dessa gasflöden från bäcksektioner med höga vattenhastigheter eller korta perioder med höga flöden, leder till underskattningar. De totala CH4- och CO2-flödena från öppet vatten i hela avrinningsområdet uppskattades genom att kombinera mätningar i sjöar och vattendrag. Denna avhandling visar att rumslig och tidsmässig variabilitet har stor betydelse, och den ger information om hur denna variation kan beaktas för bättre framtida mätningar och storskaliga uppskattningar av växthusgasflöden från sjöar och vattendrag.
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Variação diurna do fluxo de CO2 na interface ar-mar do Oceano Atlântico Equatorial / Diurnal variation of the CO2 flux at the Air-Sea Interface of the Equatorial Atlantic OceanFonseca, Fábio Luís Alves da 03 February 2012 (has links)
O ciclo diurno do fluxo de CO2 no oceano Atlântico equatorial para o mês de agosto é estimado utilizando um algoritmo de transferência de gases. O algoritmo é baseado na teoria de similaridade de Monin-Obukhov para fluxos turbulentos na interface ar-mar e na física da transferência de CO2 na camada molecular oceânica. O ciclo diurno do fluxo de CO2, obtido na região, caracteriza o oceano Atlântico equatorial, durante o período, como fonte de CO2 para a atmosfera e seus valores estão entre 0,71 e 0,85 mol CO2 m^-2 ano^-1. / The diurnal cycle of CO2 is estimated for the month of August on the Atlantic Ocean using a gas transfer algorithm. The algorithm is based on the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory for turbulent transfer at the air-sea interface and the physics of the CO2 transfer at the oceanic molecular layer.
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Variabilidade espacial da emissão de CO2, temperatura e umidade em latossolo sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar em sistemas de colheita manual com queima e mecanizada /Panosso, Alan Rodrigo. January 2006 (has links)
Resumo: A caracterizacao da variabilidade espacial de atributos do solo de areas agricolas e uma tarefa importante, pois somada a influencia dos aspectos pedologicos temos uma grande contribuicao do manejo. Neste trabalho foi determinada a estrutura da variabilidade espacial da emissao de CO2, temperatura e umidade em Latossolo Vermelho eutroferrico em tres localidades sob cultivo da cana-de-acucar em sistemas de manejos de cana crua e de cana queimada, no nordeste do Estado de Sao Paulo. As maiores emissoes foram observadas no local sob manejo de cana queimada, num valor medio de 2,05 Êmol m-2 s-1, porem dependencia espacial na emissao de CO2 foi encontrada somente nas areas sob manejo de cana crua. Os modelos de semivariancia foram exponenciais, esfericos e gaussianos sendo a dependencia espacial classificada como forte ou moderada em todos os casos. Os mapas de krigagem da emissao de CO2, temperatura e umidade do solo sob manejo de cana queimada mostraram correspondencia a declividade do terreno, com as maiores emissoes e temperaturas e menores umidades localizadas na parte mais alta do local estudado. Os resultados indicaram correlacao linear entre a emissao de CO2 com a temperatura e com a umidade do solo somente no local com manejo de cana queimada, e nao no sistema de cana crua, onde a presenca de palhada na superficie certamente impede a acao direta da radiacao solar e o escoamento de chuvas. / Abstract: The characterization of spatial variability in agricultural soils is an important task, because added to the pedological aspects the soil management also influences such variability. In this work the spatial variability structure of a bare Dark Red Latosol CO2 emission, temperature and moisture were determined in three locations used with sugar cane crop culture, submitted to slash and burn or no till management systems in northeastern of Sao Paulo State. The highest emissions were observed in the slash and burn plot, with mean value of 2,05 Êmol m-2 s-1, but no spatial variability structure was seen for the CO2 emission in this plot. The variability models were exponential, spherical and gaussian, being the spatial dependence classified as strong and moderate in all the cases. In the slash and burn system, the kriging maps of soil CO2 emission, temperature and moisture had shown similarities to the land declivity, with the higher emissions and temperatures and the lower moisture values located in the highest parts of the studied place. The results indicated linear correlation between soil emission with temperature and moisture only in the slash and burn plot, and not in the no-till plots where crop residues were left in soil surface and certainly modified the direct action of the solar radiation and the rain draining. / Orientador: Newton La Scala Júnior / Coorientador: Gener Tadeu Pereira / Banca: José Marques Júnior / Banca: Marisa de Cássia Piccolo / Mestre
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Dynamique du système racinaire de l'écosystème prairial et contribution au bilan de carbone du sol sous changement climatique / Dynamics of the root system of the prairie ecosystem and contribution to the soil carbon balance under climate changePilon, Rémi 16 June 2011 (has links)
En Europe, les prairies occupent 25% de la surface du territoire soit près de 40% de la surface agricole utile. De nombreux services écosystémiques dépendent de cet écosystème comme par exemple la production fourragère, un réservoir de diversité végétale et animale et une capacité de stockage de carbone dans les sols. Dans un contexte de changement climatique (augmentation de la température moyenne de l’air et de la concentration atmosphérique en CO2) et de déprise agricole (extensification des prairies de moyenne montagne), les recherches actuelles s’intéressent au maintien des services écosystémiques tels que la capacité de stockage de carbone dans le sol pour limiter l’augmentation de la concentration atmosphérique en CO2, la production fourragère et la conservation de la richesse spécifique. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’observer in situ les effets des principaux déterminants du changement climatique (température de l’air, précipitations, concentration atmosphérique enCO2) sur le fonctionnement du système racinaire et des déterminants du stockage de carbone sur une prairie permanente de moyenne montagne gérée de manière extensive. Cette étude porte sur l’influence d’un scénario de changement climatique prévu à l’horizon 2080 pour le centre de la France. Ce scénario (ACCACIA A2) prévoit une augmentation de la température de l’air de 3.5°C (T) et de la concentration atmosphérique en CO2 de 200 Nmol mol-1 (CO2) et une réduction des précipitations estivales de 20 % (D). La démographie (croissance, mortalité, durée de vie et risque de mortalité) de cohortes racinaires a été suivie durant 3 à 4 ans à l’aide du Minirhizotron. La croissance potentielle des racines dans un ingrowth core a été suivie pendant une année après 4 ans de changement climatique avec en même temps des mesures de décomposition de litière racinaire et de respiration du sol. Après 3 ans d’expérimentation, un effet positif du réchauffement (T) et du changement climatique (TDCO2) a été observé sur la production racinaire, ainsi qu’une baisse de la durée de vie sous réchauffement. Une stimulation de l’allongement des racines (ratio longueur/volume), sous climat réchauffé (T, TD, TDCO2), a certainement permis de favoriser l’absorption en eau et en nutriments. Cependant, après 5 ans d’application des traitements, le réchauffement (T) a diminué la production racinaire et accéléré la décomposition d’une litière standard. L’augmentation du CO2 a permis de compenser l’effet négatif du réchauffement sur la production racinaire. Le changement climatique (TDCO2) a accéléré les entrées mais aussi les sorties (décomposition et respiration accélérées) de carbone du sol. De part, l’effet négatif du réchauffement sur la production aérienne et souterraine sur le moyen terme et sur la demande en nutriment, les matières organiques se sont accumulées dans le sol, contrairement à l’augmentation du CO2 qui a diminué cette quantité. Dans un contexte de changement climatique, la production racinaire semble en partie maintenue ainsi que les stocks de matière organique dans les sols. Les processus souterrains (croissance, mortalité, décomposition) et la respiration du sol se sont accrus. A l’avenir, le bilan de CO2 et des différents gaz à effet de serre pourrait être négatif et accentuer le changement climatique. / In Europe, grasslands occupy 25% of the land area and nearly 40% of the agricultural area. Many ecosystem services depend on this ecosystem such as forage production, reservoir of plant and animal diversity and ability of carbone storage in soils. In a context of climate change and agricultural abandonment (extensification of grassland in upland), current research interest to estimate the storage capacity of carbon in the soil with the maintenance of ecosystem services. This thesis aims to observe in situ the effects of major determinants of climate change(air temperature, precipitation, atmospheric CO2 concentration) on the functioning of the root system and determinants of carbon storage on extensive permanent grasslands. This study examines the influence of projected climate change scenario by 2080 for the center of France. This scenario (Accacia A2) provides an increase in air temperature of 3.5°C (T) and atmospheric CO2 concentration of 200 Nmol mol-1 (CO2) and a reduction in summerprecipitation by 20% (D). A follow-up of root cohorts for 3 to 4 years with the Minirhizotron is performed to monitor the demography (growth, mortality, life span and risk of mortality). The potential growth in ingrowth core is followed over a year after 4 years of climate change along with measures of root litter decomposition and soil respiration. After 3 years of experiment, we observed a positive effect of air warming (T) and climate change (TDCO2) on root production and climate change and a decreasing of root life span under air warming. An increasing of root fineness under warmed conditions (T, TD,TDCO2) should facilitate nutrients and water uptake. After 5 years of experiment, air warming (T) decreases the root production, root life span and accelerates decomposition of root litter. The increase in CO2 offset the negative effect of air warming on production. Climate change (TDCO2) accelerates the inputs but also outputs (decomposition and respiration were accelerated) in soil carbon. With the negative effect of air warming on above and belowground production in the medium term and nutrient demand, organic matter accumulated in the soil, whereas the increase of atmospheric CO2 concentration has reduced this amount. In a context of climate change, root production and the stock of organic matter in soils seems to be partly retained. However, with the acceleration of belowground process (growth, mortality, decomposition), soil respiration was increased. The CO2 and the others greenhouse gas emissions balance could be negative and accentuate climate change in the future.
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Variabilidade espacial da emissão de CO2 e sua relação com propriedades do solo em área de cana-de-açúcar no Sudeste do BrasilPanosso, Alan Rodrigo [UNESP] 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2011-02-01Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:45:35Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
panosso_ar_dr_jabo.pdf: 805581 bytes, checksum: ae9e7cfe85602f581a11930028a83d72 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Neste trabalho, foram avaliados aspectos diversos da emissão de CO2 (FCO2) em um Latossolo Vermelho em áreas de cana-de-açúcar sobre os sistemas de manejo de cana queimada (CQ) e cana crua (CC), no nordeste do Estado de São Paulo. No experimento 1 (ano de 2007), a média da FCO2 foi 39% superior na área de CQ (2,87 μmol m-2 s-1) quando compara à CC (2,06 μmol m-2 s-1) ao longo de um período de 70 dias de avaliação. Os modelos ajustados aos semivariogramas experimentais de FCO2 foram, na sua maioria, exponenciais em ambas as áreas. Os mapas de emissão foram homogêneos após um período de seca. O teor de matéria orgânica do solo e o estoque de carbono do solo (0-0,25 m) foram 13 e 20%, respectivamente, superiores em CQ quando comparados à CC. O grau de humificação da matéria orgânica do solo e a sua interação com a densidade do solo foi um importante fator, não somente na diferenciação da emissão de CO2 entre os diferentes sistemas de manejo. No experimento 2 (ano de 2008), foi conduzida a caracterização anisotrópica das variáveis estudadas por meio da dimensão fractal (DF), para diferentes direções (0o, 45o, 90o e 135o) em relação às linhas de plantio (0o). A propriedade porosidade livre de água (PLA) foi um dos principais fatores relacionados à variabilidade espacial de FCO2, independentemente das direções. Os valores de DF foram significativamente inferiores no sentido de plantio da cultura da cana-de-açúcar, indicando, além de anisotropia dessa propriedade, maior homogeneidade de FCO2 na direção de 0o. A PLA mostrou ser uma importante propriedade na compreensão da variabilidade espaçotemporal de FCO2, especialmente nas áreas de cana queimada / In this work was studied various aspects of soil CO2 emission (FCO2) of a bare Dark Red Latosol in sugarcane areas submitted to burned (B) and green (G) management systems in northeastern of São Paulo State. In the experiment 1 (year 2007), mean FCO2 emission was 39% higher in the B plot (2.87 μmol m-2 s-1) when compared to the G plot (2.06 μmol m-2 s-1) throughout the 70-day period after harvest. FCO2 Semivariogram models were mostly exponential in both areas. The emission maps are clearly more homogeneous after a drought period in both sites. Organic matter content and carbon stock (0-25 cm) were 13% and 20% higher in B, respectively, when compared to G. Regression analysis indicates that the humification index of soil organic matter, and its interaction with soil bulk density, is an important factor not just to differentiate emissions in each plot. In the experiment 2 (2008) the anisotropic characterization of the studied variables, was performed by deriving the fractal dimension (DF) calculated for different directions (0o, 45o, 90o and 135o) in relation to the crop line (0o). The air-filled pore space (AFPS) was the main factor affecting the spatial variability of FCO2 in all directions. The FCO2 DF values were significantly lower in the direction of planting of sugarcane crop, indicating anisotropy of this property and greater homogeneity in this direction. The AFPS was an important property in understanding the spatiotemporal variability of FCO2, especially in the areas submitted to burn
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Variabilidade espacial da emissão de CO2, temperatura e umidade em latossolo sob cultivo de cana-de-açúcar em sistemas de colheita manual com queima e mecanizadaPanosso, Alan Rodrigo [UNESP] 12 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:23:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2006-09-12Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:50:12Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
panosso_ar_me_jabo.pdf: 2194382 bytes, checksum: c6f96722456045aaddb9ac21be01b595 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A caracterizacao da variabilidade espacial de atributos do solo de areas agricolas e uma tarefa importante, pois somada a influencia dos aspectos pedologicos temos uma grande contribuicao do manejo. Neste trabalho foi determinada a estrutura da variabilidade espacial da emissao de CO2, temperatura e umidade em Latossolo Vermelho eutroferrico em tres localidades sob cultivo da cana-de-acucar em sistemas de manejos de cana crua e de cana queimada, no nordeste do Estado de Sao Paulo. As maiores emissoes foram observadas no local sob manejo de cana queimada, num valor medio de 2,05 Êmol m-2 s-1, porem dependencia espacial na emissao de CO2 foi encontrada somente nas areas sob manejo de cana crua. Os modelos de semivariancia foram exponenciais, esfericos e gaussianos sendo a dependencia espacial classificada como forte ou moderada em todos os casos. Os mapas de krigagem da emissao de CO2, temperatura e umidade do solo sob manejo de cana queimada mostraram correspondencia a declividade do terreno, com as maiores emissoes e temperaturas e menores umidades localizadas na parte mais alta do local estudado. Os resultados indicaram correlacao linear entre a emissao de CO2 com a temperatura e com a umidade do solo somente no local com manejo de cana queimada, e nao no sistema de cana crua, onde a presenca de palhada na superficie certamente impede a acao direta da radiacao solar e o escoamento de chuvas. / The characterization of spatial variability in agricultural soils is an important task, because added to the pedological aspects the soil management also influences such variability. In this work the spatial variability structure of a bare Dark Red Latosol CO2 emission, temperature and moisture were determined in three locations used with sugar cane crop culture, submitted to slash and burn or no till management systems in northeastern of Sao Paulo State. The highest emissions were observed in the slash and burn plot, with mean value of 2,05 Êmol m-2 s-1, but no spatial variability structure was seen for the CO2 emission in this plot. The variability models were exponential, spherical and gaussian, being the spatial dependence classified as strong and moderate in all the cases. In the slash and burn system, the kriging maps of soil CO2 emission, temperature and moisture had shown similarities to the land declivity, with the higher emissions and temperatures and the lower moisture values located in the highest parts of the studied place. The results indicated linear correlation between soil emission with temperature and moisture only in the slash and burn plot, and not in the no-till plots where crop residues were left in soil surface and certainly modified the direct action of the solar radiation and the rain draining.
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The Southwest Atlantic Ocean is characterized, in winter, by the presence of an
oceanographic front between the Brazil Current (BC) and the Brazilian Coastal Current
(BCC). The BC/BCC oceanographic front generates intense thermal horizontal gradients
between cold waters of the southern Brazilian continental shelf, dominated by the BCC,
and the offshore warm waters, dominated by the BC. This study analyses, for the first time
in the known literature, the coupling mechanisms between the ocean and the atmosphere
from observational data taken simultaneously during an oceanographic research cruise in
the southern Brazilian coast during 11-21 June 2014. In this field experiment, atmospheric
radiosondes were launched and hydrographic stations were taken to measure the ocean s
temperature and salinity. The study area was chosen based on the local thermal gradients
presented by the BC/BCC front. Five oceanographic transects were performed perpendicular
to the coast starting at the locality of Paranaguá (Paraná State) and ending in Chuí
(Rio Grande do Sul State).The winter meteorological and oceanographic features were
considered in the determination of ship s route. The installation of a micrometeorological
tower at the bow of the ship allowed the realization of direct measurements of heat, momentum
and CO2 fluxes. This study analyses the large scale meteorological conditions
and explores the behavior of the marine atmospheric boundary layer using radiosondes
data taken in situ. In the period when the data were collect, typical winter conditions were
observed in the study area, like the cold front passage associated to an incursion of a
post-frontal cold air mass and an extratropical cyclone formation. Meteorological and oceanographic
measurements performed by the instruments installed on the ship were utilized
to estimate the heat fluxes through bulk formulas method. This estimates were lately compared
to the heat fluxes measured directly by the sensors installed in the of the ship s bow.
Measurements were obtained using the Eddy Covariance method, broadly used in micrometeorological
research. To obtain the turbulent fluxes at the ocean-atmosphere interface
adjustments in the observational data are necessary due to the ship s motion. During most
of the study period, the sea surface temperature was higher than the air temperature, thus
generating a heat transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere. The heat fluxes were commonly
positive on both sides of the BC (warm)/BCC (cold) oceanographic front. However,
there was some difference on the heat fluxes magnitude between the two sides of the
front with more intense heat exchange on the BC side. The present results show that
the intense thermal horizontal gradients between the BC and the BCC waters that occur
during winter in the southern coast of Brazil, the transient atmospheric systems and the
air thermal advection have an important role on the marine atmospheric boundary layer
modulation and on the heat and CO2 fluxes between the ocean and the atmosphere. Meteorological
and oceanographic observations are fundamental to widen our understanding
of the processes occurring at the ocean-atmosphere interface which are known to have
primary importance on weather and climate forecast. / O Oceano Atlântico Sudoeste é caracterizado, no inverno, pela presença de uma
frente oceanográfica entre a Corrente do Brasil (CB) e a Corrente Costeira do Brasil
(CCB). A frente oceanográfica CB/CCB gera intensos gradientes horizontais termais entre
as águas frias da plataforma continental do Sul do Brasil, dominadas pela CCB, e águas
quentes do oceano profundo, dominadas pela CB. Esse trabalho analisa, pela primeira
vez na literatura conhecida, os mecanismos de acoplamento entre o oceano e a atmosfera
a partir de dados observacionais da atmosfera e do oceano que foram tomados simultaneamente
durante um cruzeiro de pesquisa oceanográfica na costa sul do Brasil entre 11
a 21 de junho de 2012. Nesse experimento, foram lançadas radiossondas atmosféricas
e realizadas estações hidrográficas para medidas de temperatura e salinidade do oceano.
A área de estudo foi escolhida com base no gradiente termal local apresentado pela
frente CB/CCB. Foram realizados cinco transectos perperndiculares à costa sul do Brasil,
iniciando-se na localidade de Paranaguá (PR) até o Chuí (Rio Grande do Sul). As características
oceanográficas e meteorológicas de inverno foram consideradas na determinação
da derrota do navio. A instalação de uma torre micrometeorológica na proa do navio permitiu
a realização de medições diretas dos fluxos de calor, momentum e CO2. Este estudo
analisa as condições meteorológicas de grande escala e investiga o comportamento da
camada limite atmosférica marinha a partir dos dados in situ das radiossondagens. No período
em que os dados foram coletados foram observadas condições atmosféricas típicas
de inverno, como a passagem de frente fria associada à incursão de uma massa de ar frio
pós-frontal e a formação de ciclone extratropical. Observações meteorológicas e oceanográficas
realizadas pelos instrumentos instalados no navio foram utilizadas para estimar
os fluxos de calor pelo método bulk formulas. Essas estimativas foram comparadas aos
fluxos medidos diretamente pelos sensores instalados na proa do navio. As medidas são
obtidas utilizando o método de Covariância de Vórtices, usado amplamente em pesquisas
micrometeorológicas. Para obter os fluxos turbulentos na interação oceano-atmosfera são
necessárias correções nos dados observados devido ao movimento do navio. Durante a
maior parte do período estudo, a temperatura da superfície do mar esteve maior do que a
temperatura do ar, gerando uma transferência de calor do oceano para atmosfera. Os fluxos
de calor foram, geralmente, positivos em ambos os lados da frente oceanográfica CB
(quente)/CCB (frio). Contudo, há diferença na magnitude dos fluxos de calor entre os dois
lados da frente com a troca foi mais intensa no lado da CB. Os resultados apresentados
mostram que os intensos gradientes horizontais termais entre as águas da CB e da CCB
que ocorrem durante o inverno ao largo da costa do RS, os sistemas transientes e as
advecções térmicas têm um papel importante na modulação da camada limite atmosférica
marinha e nos fluxos de calor e CO2. Observações meteorológicas e oceanográficas
são fundamentais para ampliar o entendimento dos processos que ocorrem na interface
oceano-atmosfera e tem importância primária para a previsão do tempo e clima.
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Variabilidade espacial da emissão de CO2 e sua relação com propriedades do solo em área de cana-de-açúcar no Sudeste do Brasil /Panosso, Alan Rodrigo. January 2011 (has links)
Resumo: Neste trabalho, foram avaliados aspectos diversos da emissão de CO2 (FCO2) em um Latossolo Vermelho em áreas de cana-de-açúcar sobre os sistemas de manejo de cana queimada (CQ) e cana crua (CC), no nordeste do Estado de São Paulo. No experimento 1 (ano de 2007), a média da FCO2 foi 39% superior na área de CQ (2,87 μmol m-2 s-1) quando compara à CC (2,06 μmol m-2 s-1) ao longo de um período de 70 dias de avaliação. Os modelos ajustados aos semivariogramas experimentais de FCO2 foram, na sua maioria, exponenciais em ambas as áreas. Os mapas de emissão foram homogêneos após um período de seca. O teor de matéria orgânica do solo e o estoque de carbono do solo (0-0,25 m) foram 13 e 20%, respectivamente, superiores em CQ quando comparados à CC. O grau de humificação da matéria orgânica do solo e a sua interação com a densidade do solo foi um importante fator, não somente na diferenciação da emissão de CO2 entre os diferentes sistemas de manejo. No experimento 2 (ano de 2008), foi conduzida a caracterização anisotrópica das variáveis estudadas por meio da dimensão fractal (DF), para diferentes direções (0o, 45o, 90o e 135o) em relação às linhas de plantio (0o). A propriedade porosidade livre de água (PLA) foi um dos principais fatores relacionados à variabilidade espacial de FCO2, independentemente das direções. Os valores de DF foram significativamente inferiores no sentido de plantio da cultura da cana-de-açúcar, indicando, além de anisotropia dessa propriedade, maior homogeneidade de FCO2 na direção de 0o. A PLA mostrou ser uma importante propriedade na compreensão da variabilidade espaçotemporal de FCO2, especialmente nas áreas de cana queimada / Abstract: In this work was studied various aspects of soil CO2 emission (FCO2) of a bare Dark Red Latosol in sugarcane areas submitted to burned (B) and green (G) management systems in northeastern of São Paulo State. In the experiment 1 (year 2007), mean FCO2 emission was 39% higher in the B plot (2.87 μmol m-2 s-1) when compared to the G plot (2.06 μmol m-2 s-1) throughout the 70-day period after harvest. FCO2 Semivariogram models were mostly exponential in both areas. The emission maps are clearly more homogeneous after a drought period in both sites. Organic matter content and carbon stock (0-25 cm) were 13% and 20% higher in B, respectively, when compared to G. Regression analysis indicates that the humification index of soil organic matter, and its interaction with soil bulk density, is an important factor not just to differentiate emissions in each plot. In the experiment 2 (2008) the anisotropic characterization of the studied variables, was performed by deriving the fractal dimension (DF) calculated for different directions (0o, 45o, 90o and 135o) in relation to the crop line (0o). The air-filled pore space (AFPS) was the main factor affecting the spatial variability of FCO2 in all directions. The FCO2 DF values were significantly lower in the direction of planting of sugarcane crop, indicating anisotropy of this property and greater homogeneity in this direction. The AFPS was an important property in understanding the spatiotemporal variability of FCO2, especially in the areas submitted to burn / Orientador: Newton La Scala Júnior / Coorientador: Marcel Bellato Spósito / Coorientador: José Marques Junior / Coorientador: Gener Tadeu Pereira / Banca: Carlos Eduardo Pellegrino Cerri / Banca: Zigomar Menezes de Souza / Banca: José Garcia Vivas Miranda / Banca: José Eduardo Corá / Doutor
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