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Corporate Value Statements – A Common Practice? : A Pilot Study on Swedish listed small and medium-sized EnterprisesTimbäck, Karl-Johan, Faber, Frederic, Olsson, Kristoffer January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Corporate Value Statements – A Common Practice? : A Pilot Study on Swedish listed small and medium-sized EnterprisesTimbäck, Karl-Johan, Faber, Frederic, Olsson, Kristoffer January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Corporate Value Transfer in China : Cultural Challenges and Opportunities arising when using a Corporate Training Program: An exploratory case study of H&MAnneli, Bucht, Vera, Batyalova January 2015 (has links)
Problem statement The Western retailer H&M is one of many multinational retailers presently preceding a rapid expansion, followed by an extensive recruitment of new employees in China. H&M works extensively with the transfer of corporate values, mentioned as “the H&M spirit”, to its foreign subsidiary in China through a Corporate Training Program. Scholars have recently highlighted the Corporate Value Transfer process, however the understanding of this process within the International Business literature today is limited. Research purpose The purpose of this research is to create a deeper understanding of the Corporate Value Transfer process in an emerging market context. This research therefore aims to investigate how H&M transfers their corporate values to new employees in China, by focusing on the cultural challenges and opportunities arising during this process within a Corporate Training Program. Methodology The methodology being used was qualitative with an abductive approach, focused on performing a single case study. Empirical data was gathered through 19 semi- structured interviews with managers at H&M ́s Human Resource offices for the Southern China region in Shanghai and Hangzhou. Results and contributions The Corporate Value Transfer process, to new Chinese employees, was summarized in three phases. These three phases, and different cultural challenges and opportunities within them, were conceptualized. This conceptualization contributes in terms of a theoretical foundation within the International Business literature and illustrates how a Corporate Value Transfer process in China can be viewed upon.
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The importance of corporate ethics and values :building a sustainable strategy model for effective implementation of good corporate governance within a state-onwed enterprise in South AfricaMokoena, Lazarus Docter 09 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Employee Branding at a pharmaceutical companyMånsson,Thorsén, Törnqvist, Niclas, Erik, Mikael January 2010 (has links)
This bachelor thesis in business administration investigates the employee branding process of Company X in order to gain an understanding of how the company works with and can utilize this as an efficient tool. Recent research shows that Swedish companies that focus on building their brands are more profitable than companies that do not. Furthermore, re- search show that relationship building is an increasingly important area of marketing, which means that employees have a key role in creating a brand through the relationships they build. As Company X to some extent relies on relationship building in a multi- stakeholder environment, where pharmaceutical companies traditionally have competed through innovation, employee branding could be used as a competitive advantage for Company X. The process of employee branding is used to align employee’s internal view of the com- pany brand with the desired brand image in order to make the employees project it consis- tently. According to the theories used, the key drivers to successful employee branding are, through consistent communication, (1) ascertaining employee knowledge of the desired brand image and (2) making sure employees want to project this image through an upheld psychological contract. This investigation therefore covers how Company X works with the process of employee branding, how employees perceive what the management wants to communicate and any potential discrepancies between management and employee views. From a qualitative and interpretative approach, four interviews have been conducted with the top management at Company X and a survey has then been distributed to employees with customer contact at the company. The findings show that Company X has successfully implemented its values in the minds of employees, but lacks a clear focus on building its brand. Therefore, while the psycho- logical contract in general is found to be upheld, to a high extent, the knowledge of the de- sired brand image does not seem to be at a satisfactory level.
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The importance of corporate ethics and values :building a sustainable strategy model for effective implementation of good corporate governance within a state-onwed enterprise in South AfricaMokoena, Lazarus Docter 09 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Att utmana en mansdominerad organisationskultur : En kvalitativ studie av Räddningstjänsten Karlstadsregionens värdegrundsarbete / Challenging a male-dominated organizational culture : A qualitative study of the corporate value system at a Swedish fire stationMorrison, Samantha, Andrén, Sanna January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats har som syfte att undersöka om det går att förändra en organisationskultur genom värdegrundsarbete, samt om det är en metod som kan användas för att utmana den mansdominerade kulturen inom räddningstjänsten. För att uppfylla detta syfte har vi utgått från frågeställningarna Hur tolkar brandmännen värdegrunden på Räddningstjänsten Karlstadsregionen? samt Kan värdegrundsarbete vara ett sätt att utmana den mansdominerade kulturen inom Räddningstjänsten?. Den tidigare forskning som gjorts kring värdegrunder är inriktad mot skolverksamhet i första hand vilket gör det intressant att undersöka möjligheten att använda detta som en metod även inom andra verksamheter. Uppsatsen inleds med en teoretisk bakgrund kring organisationskultur, värdegrund samt mansdominerad kultur. Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och innebär att vi har utfört åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med brandmän på Räddningstjänsten Karlstadsregionen. Att valet föll på denna organisation beror på att de nyligen har tagit fram en värdegrund som styrdokument och har sedan 2012 arbetat med att implementera den i organisationen. Med hjälp av vår teoretiska referensram har vi analyserat resultatet som framkommit av intervjuerna. Resultatet av vår studie visar att det finns en tvetydighet i tolkningen av värdegrunden som delvis kan bero på att ledningen brustit i sitt arbete att förmedla värdegrunden på ett framgångsrikt sätt, samt delvis för att det finns en ovilja bland brandmännen att ta den till sig. Vår undersökning har visat att värderingarna i organisationen behöver synliggöras för att värdegrundsarbete ska kunna användas som en del i arbetet för att förändra en organisationskultur. Inom en mansdominerad kultur som räddningstjänsten är det även viktigt att synliggöra och problematisera den jargong som finns för att kunna nå en förändring.
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Previous issue date: 2008-09-12 / This assignment represents the following heme "Organizational Culture: A study about the system of values of a multinational company in Brazil". The main focus of this research is not only to discuss the global organizational culture of a
multinational company, its relationship with the local organizational culture of the branch in Brazil, but also the sharing relationships. For this purpose, a
German multinational company that sells sportive products with a branch in Brazil was used as object of study. With the intent of answering to the purpose of this assignment an explainable and descriptive study of case has been accomplished in a German multinational company located in the city of São Paulo. The case is composed by 62 people, 07 managers and 55 administrative employees that work in the Brazilian branch. As a result, It has been obtained the Idea that the organizational culture is a key factor in the post industrial globalized society and that it is necessary that the multinational companies comprehend the national culture of the country where they wish to settle down and understand how to administrate the cultural differences of each country.(AU) / Este trabalho apresenta o tema CULTURA ORGANIZACIONAL: UM ESTUDO SOBRE O SISTEMA DE VALORES DE UMA MULTINACIONAL NO BRASIL . O eixo central da pesquisa é discutir a cultura organizacional global da multinacional sua relação com a cultura organizacional local da subsidiária no Brasil, bem como as relações de compartilhamento. Para isto, utiliza-se como objeto de estudo uma empresa multinacional alemã do segmento de produtos esportivos com subsidiária no Brasil. Com intuito de responder ao objetivo do trabalho foi realizado um estudo de caso único, descritivo explicativo, em uma empresa multinacional alemã instalada na cidade de São Paulo. O caso é composto por 62 sujeitos, 07 gestores e 55 funcionários administrativos que trabalham na subsidiária brasileira. Como resultado obteve-se a idéia de que a cultura organizacional é um fator relevante na sociedade pós-industrial globalizada e é necessário que as empresas multinacionais compreendam a cultura nacional do país onde desejam instalar-se e entendam como administrar as diversidades culturais de cada país.(AU)
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Föredrar arbetsgivaren festprissen eller kontorsnissen? : En kvalitativ studie om rekryterares granskning av arbetssökandes sociala medier inom IT-branschenLöv, Michelle, Lestrin, Tinne, Uppfeldt, Josefine January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of whether, and in such cases how, employers in IT-firms examine jobseekers' social media as a part of the company's recruitment process. The study has been limited to recruiters in the IT-industry as it was considered extra interesting to examine the recruitment process related to social media due to the technical skills that are required within the IT industry. The choice of industry was also based on the fact that it is estimated that 70.000 new employees will be needed until the year of 2022, to meet Sweden's demand of employees within the IT-industry. Ten respondents with various positions in different IT-firms, that are responsible for the recruitment process, have participated in the study through semi-structured interviews. The conclusions drawn from the respondents' answers in relation to the theoretical framework are that all respondents actually examine job seekers' social media. This is done regardless of whether the company has considered that this is something that should be avoided or not. It was shown that the recruiters examined the job seekers' social media by their own initiative rather than on the basis of established guidelines. It did not appear that any specific guidelines nor policies existed or was used by any company regarding the review, and neither that there exists any form of internal dialogue regarding any specific approach. The majority of the respondents performed the review of social media in the final stages of the recruitment process. It has, however, been shown that the review is not used as a decisive decision in the recruitment process, rather as a complement for the overall picture. Even so, it turned out that there is content on social media that could have been decisive, but this only applies to individual cases where the content was considered extreme. Examples of such content were strong political statements that for instance regarded racism or other statements concerning inequality.
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Sponsring inom lokalfotbollen i Göteborg : Värdesamskapande och etiska hänsynstagande / Sponsorship of local fotballing clubs : value co-creation and ethical considerationsToosi, Sam, Ifter, Mattias January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker och analyserar sponsringssamarbeten på lokal nivå med avgränsning mot lokala fotbollsföreningar i Göteborg. Avgränsning beror till stor del på den ökade populariteten bland sponsorer att engagera sig i lokala fotbollsföreningar. Sponsringssamarbeten är generellt sett ett populärt sätt för företag och organisationer att exponera sig på, dels i varumärkesstärkande syfte men också i försäljningssyfte. Det är också ett fenomen som är välstuderat och det finns mycket detaljerad litteratur om dess förekomst och genomförande. Däremot upplever vi ett gap i litteraturens hänsyn till lokala sponsringssamarbeten och samarbeten som inte drivs av organisationers ambition att exponera sig på de allra största scenerna, trots dess ökade popularitet. Det är också därför vi anser att det krävs ny information och litteratur om detta avgränsade fenomen.I denna kvalitativa, explorativa, studie tar vi ett abduktivt angreppssätt med syfte att skapa ökad förståelse för vad som driver sponsringssamarbete mellan sponsor och förening inom lokalfotbollen. Målet är att undersöka vilka etiska överväganden som tas av både den som sponsrar samt föreningen och vad det upplevda värdesamskapandet är. Vi valde att formulera följande forskningsfrågor för att underbygga syftet: - Vad är det upplevda värdet för sponsor respektive förening vid värdesamskapandet mellan aktörerna genom sponsringssamarbete? - Vilka etiska överväganden tar sponsorer och föreningar då de ingår i ett sponsorsamarbete med hänsyn till involvering av barn och ungdomar? Vi kom fram till att det huvudsakliga värdet som respektive aktör upplevde var finansiering genom monetära medel för föreningarna samtidigt som sponsorerna i huvudsak fick innehåll för sitt arbete inom Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Vidare upplevde sponsorerna ytterligare värde genom ökad intern och extern legitimitet genom sitt engagemang på lokala nivåer. Samtidigt visade båda aktörer i samarbetet en angelägenhet att upprätthålla och utveckla sina värderingar och etiska koder. Däremot saknades tydliga processer för hur dessa skulle upprätthållas och stor del av det etiska hänsynstagandet genomfördes innan samarbetet initierades samt vid tillfällen då det tydligt uppdagades brister i värderingsarbetet. / This paper examines and analyzes sponsorship collaborations on a local level with a limitation to local football clubs in Gothenburg. The limitation is largely due to the growing popularity among sponsors to get involved in local football clubs. Sponsorship collaborations are generally a popular way for companies and organizations to gain exposure, partly for brand-strengthening purposes but also for sales purposes. Sponsorship-marketing is a well-studied phenomenon with very detailed literature on its occurrence and implementation. However, despite its increased popularity, we have identified a gap in the literature's consideration of local sponsorship collaborations and collaborations that are not driven by organizations' ambition to gain acknowledgments on a macro-level. This is also why we believe that new information and literature is needed about this very specific subject.In this exploratory qualitative study, we take an abductive approach with the goal to increase the understanding of what drives sponsorship collaborations between sponsors and local football clubs. The goal is to examine what ethical considerations are taken by both the sponsor and the club. More so, we are interested to ascertain what value each actor extract from the value co-creation process due to the sponsorship. We chose to formulate the following research questions to accommodate the purpose: - What is the perceived value that each actor extracts from the value co-creation process due to sponsorship collaborations? - What ethical considerations do sponsors and local football clubs take when they are a part of a sponsorship collaboration with regard to the involvement of children and youngsters? We came to the conclusion that the main perceived value was funding through monetary funds for the football clubs, while the sponsors mainly received value through content for their work within Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Furthermore, the sponsors experienced additional value through increased internal and external legitimacy through their local involvement and willingness to engage with the community. Ethically, both actors in the collaboration showed an interest in maintaining and developing their values and ethical codes. However, there were no clear processes for how these were to be maintained and a large part of the ethical assurance ws managed before the sponsorships were initiated and when shortcomings of their respective partner were discovered by the public.This paper is written in swedish.
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