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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A interdependência entre os conflitos de agência

Martins, Henrique Castro January 2016 (has links)
O objetivo da presente pesquisa é examinar qual a associação entre quatro diferentes tipos de conflitos de agência previamente estudados pela literatura de governança: entrincheiramento do gestor, consumo de perquisites, decisões de liquidez e tomada de risco. Para tanto, inicialmente detalharam-se a origem e as diferenças entre esses quatro conflitos estudados. A seguir, fez-se a revisão de diferentes mecanismos de governança corporativa potencialmente capazes de mitigar esses conflitos. Também se identificaram, ao nível do país, índices de proteção à riqueza e aos direitos dos investidores acionistas e credores que a literatura anterior comumente sugere serem capazes de mitigar esses conflitos. Ao todo, foram analisadas 7.994 firmas de 35 países entre os anos 2010 e 2013 (aproximadamente, 22.000 observações-ano). Ao longo do trabalho, cinco diferentes hipóteses de pesquisa foram discutidas e testadas. Resumidamente, encontraram-se evidências consistentes de que gestores entrincheirados mantêm maiores níveis de liquidez e que maiores níveis de liquidez estão associados com maior consumo de perquisites. Há evidências também de que o entrincheiramento do gestor, via alta concentração de propriedade acionária e via participação no conselho de administração, altera suas preferências de consumo de perquisites e de risco. Em geral, essa tese sugere que os conflitos de agência estão associados e que, especialmente, o entrincheiramento do gestor altera suas preferências em relação aos três outros conflitos. / The purpose of this research is to investigate what is the association between four agency con icts that are studied by previous corporate governance literature: managerial entrenchment, perquisites consumption, cash holdings and risk-taking. Initially, I detail the source and di erences between these agency con icts. Then, I discuss different types of governance mechanisms that are potential candidates to mitigate these con icts. Furthermore, I collect and discuss country-level investor protection indices that relate to the protection of shareholders' and the creditors' rights, and that help to mitigate these con icts. The nal sample contains 7.994 rms from 35 countries analyzed from 2010 until 2013 (almost 22.000 year-observations). I discuss and empirically test ve hypothesis. In a nutshell, there is consistent evidence that entrenched managers choose higher levels of cash holdings, and that cash holdings are positively associated with perquisites consumption. There is also evidence that managerial entrenchment, either via high managerial ownership concentration or via CEO duality, changes managers' preferences over the consumption of perquisites and risk-taking. In general, this thesis suggests that di erent agency con icts are associated and that entrenchment a ects managerial preferences over the three remaining conflicts.

As informações contábeis relevantes são diferentes para os credores e para os investidores? / Is the relevant accounting information different for creditors and for investors?

Machado, Camila Araujo 04 October 2017 (has links)
A relevância da informação contábil está na capacidade de uma informação fazer a diferença na tomada de decisão dos usuários da contabilidade, em razão da alteração de suas expectativas quanto ao desempenho das entidades. Os investidores e credores tomam suas decisões fundamentadas na contabilidade com um objetivo em comum: o provimento de capital. Nesse contexto, as decisões desses usuários são a negociação de ativos ou ações das empresas pelos investidores, refletida nos movimentos do preço das ações, e a concessão de crédito às empresas pelos credores, refletida no financiamento obtido pelas empresas tomadoras de crédito. Os mecanismos de proteção adotados por esses usuários (BURKART; GROMB; PANUZI AL, 1997; STRAHAN, 1999; BEBCHUK; KRAAKMAN; TRIANTIS, 2000; NIKOLAEV, 2010; ARMSTRONG; GUAY; WEBER, 2010) e suas diferentes necessidades informacionais (HEALY; PAPELU, 2001; BALL; ROBIN; SADKA, 2008; PEEK; CUIJPERS; BUIJINK, 2010), assim como a função intrínseca dos modelos de VR (value relevance) e CR (credit relevance) trouxe a premissa de que as informações contábeis utilizadas por esses dois agentes econômicos são diferentes em suas decisões de provimento de capital. Os dados contábeis relevantes são em grande parte evidenciados para os investidores nos estudos de VR (DEVALLE; ONALLI; MAGARINI, 2010; CLARKSON et al., 2011; TSALAVOUTAS; DIONYSIOU, 2014; BARTH et al, 2014; CLOULT; FALTA; WILLETT, 2016). No entanto, há poucas evidências a respeito da relevância contábil para os credores (HOLTHAUSEN; WATTS, 2001; FLOROU; KOSI, 2015), sendo que o mercado de crédito corresponde a uma fonte de recursos substancial para as empresas (BEIRUTH, 2015; BEIRUTH et al., 2017). Os estudos de CR (HANN; LU; SUBRAMANYAM, 2007; KOSI; POPE; FLOROU, 2010; WU; ZHANG, 2014) atestaram que as informações contábeis úteis para a estimativa do risco de crédito são relevantes para os credores e impactam a decisão dos analistas de agências de classificação de risco. Assim, a partir da premissa subjacente de que as informações contábeis para credores e investidores são diferentes, o objetivo geral da pesquisa foi verificar se as informações contábeis relevantes são diferentes para os credores e para os investidores em suas decisões de provimento de capital. Os objetivos específicos foram identificar se as informações contábeis são menos relevantes para os credores por empréstimos na condição de maior risco informacional (menor enforcement) e se são mais relevantes nas situações de maior risco de crédito (maior alavancagem e baixa classificação dos ratings de crédito). A análise contemplou as empresas de 25 países no período de 2010 a 2015, com a aplicação do modelo de VR e do modelo proposto para o credor por empréstimo (VCR). Os resultados indicaram que todas as informações foram relevantes para os investidores, porém nem todas foram relevantes para os credores. Esta evidência significa que os modelos de decisão desses dois grupos de usuários são diferentes entre si. Na decisão do credor para o provimento de capital, as informações contábeis foram menos relevantes na condição de risco informacional, enquanto, nas condições de maior risco de crédito, essas informações foram mais relevantes. / The relevance of accounting information lies in the ability of information affecting the decision-making of accounting users, due to the change of their expectations for the performance of entities. Investors and creditors make their decisions based on accounting with one common goal: the provision of capital. In this context, decisions of these users are the trading of companies\' assets or shares by investors, reflected in the stock price movements, and the granting of credit to the companies by creditors, reflected in the financing obtained by borrowers. Protection mechanisms adopted by these users (BURKART; GROMB; PANUZI AL, 1997; STRAHAN, 1999; BEBCHUK; KRAAKMAN; TRIANTIS, 2000; NIKOLAEV, 2010; ARMSTRONG; GUAY; WEBER, 2010) and their differing informational requirements (HEALY; PAPELU, 2001; BALL; ROBIN; SADKA, 2008; PEEK; CUIJPERS; BUIJINK, 2010), as well as the intrinsic function of VR models (value relevance) and CR models (credit relevance) brought the premise that accounting information used by these two economic agents are different in their decisions of capital provision. The relevant accounting data are largely highlighted for investors in the studies of VR (DEVALLE; ONALLI; MAGARINI, 2010; CLARKSON ET AL, 2011; TSALAVOUTAS; DIONYSIOU, 2014; BARTH et al., 2014; CLOULT; WILLETT, 2016). However, there is little evidence regarding accounting relevance for creditors (HOLTHAUSEN; WATTS, 2001; FLOROU; KOSI, 2015), since the credit market corresponds to a source of substantial resources for businesses (BEIRUTH, 2015; BEIRUTH et al., 2017). CR studies (HANN; LU; SUBRAMANYAM, 2007; KOSI; POPE; FLOROU, 2010; WU; ZHANG, 2014) attested that useful accounting information for the estimation of credit risk are relevant for creditors and impact the decision of the analysts of credit rating agencies. So, from the underlying premise that accounting information to creditors and investors are different, the general objective of this research was to verify if relevant accounting information is different for creditors and investors in their provision of capital decisions. The specific objectives were to identify whether accounting information are less relevant for creditors by loans in higher-risk informational condition (lowest enforcement) and if they are more relevant in situations of higher credit risk (greater leverage and low ranking of credit ratings). The analysis included companies from 25 countries in the period from 2010 to 2015, with the application of the VR model and of the proposed model to the creditor by loan (VCR). The results indicated that all information were relevant for investors, although not all were relevant for creditors. This evidence means that the decision models for these two groups are different from each other. In the creditor\'s decision of credit granting, accounting information were less relevant under informational risk condition, while under higher credit risk this information were more relevant.

Ochrana věřitelů společnosti v likvidaci / Protection of company's creditors during liquidation

Christelbauer, Jan January 2019 (has links)
1 Protection of company's creditors during liquidation Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the protection of creditors, which the legal legislation provides them during liquidation. This issue remains important even after the recodification of private law, because new legislation has not removed all weaknesses in the protection of creditors. The thesis is divided into five chapters. Objective of these chapters is to cover most of the instruments that protect creditors throughout the liquidation process and after its ending. The first chapter is dedicated to the liquidator, who is the key person of the liquidation process. This chapter also involves a list of his rights and duties. That provides an overview of the protection of creditors during liquidation and the next parts of diploma thesis describe these rights and duties in detail. The second chapter delves into the instruments of protection which are associated with the beginning of liquidation. The third chapter deals with a protection of creditors during the whole process. In particular it deals with payment of the company's debts and includes the analysis of specific groups of creditors. Afterwards, effects of entry into the liquidations are described. The last part of the third chapter reflects documents which need to be drafted at the end of...

Hipotekos įregistravimo ir išieškojimo iš įkeisto turto tvarka / The order of mortgage registration and recovery from the mortgaged property

Kalvinskienė, Vyta 15 January 2007 (has links)
Hipotekos sąvoka yra kilusi iš graikų kilmės žodžio „hypotheke“, reiškiančio daikto įkeitimą, kai įkeičiamas daiktas paliekamas valdyti skolininkui. Nors įkeitimo teisės gimtine yra laikomas Babilonas, hipotekos institutas vakarų teisės tradicijos valstybėse atsirado kaip romėnų teisės recepcijos padarinys. Kaip ir Senovės Romoje, Lietuvoje hipoteka perėjo keletą raidos etapų – nuo 1818 m. Ipotekos įstatų priėmimo iki reformuotos hipotekos sistemos įgyvendinimo šiuo metu galiojančiuose CK ir CPK. Nors įsigaliojus naujiems civiliniams įstatymams hipotekai buvo priskirtas daiktinis teisinis režimas, dvejopa nekilnojamojo turto įkeitimo teisės prigimtis neleidžia jos laikyti griežtai daiktine teise, todėl magistro baigiamajame darbe analizuojama hipotekos teisinės prigimties problematika, nagrinėjamas hipotekos, kaip daiktinio prievolių įvykdymo užtikrinimo būdo, santykis su kitomis prievolių užtikrinimo priemonėmis. Darbe prieinama išvados, jog daiktiniai hipotekos požymiai lemia hipotekos patikimumą, nes hipotekos objektu yra materialus daiktas, kuris išlieka ir tuomet, kai skolininkas miršta, išlaiko savo vertę, kai skolininkas tampa nemokus. Hipoteka galima užtikrinti būsimos, preliminarios sutarties įvykdymą, hipotekos kreditorius gali nukreipti skolos išieškojimą į įkeistą turtą, nepriklausomai nuo to, ar jis yra pas skolininką, ar pas trečiuosius asmenis, nekilnojamojo turto realizavimas praktiškai visados yra garantuotas, be to, hipotekos kreditoriaus reikalavimai iš... [to full text] / The concept of mortgage originated from a Greek word “hypotheke” that means a thing in mortgage but the thing is still left for the owner to posses. Although the homeland of lien is considered to be Babylon, the legal institute of mortgage appeared as the result of Roman law reception in the states of western law tradition. In Lithuania, like in the ancient Rome, mortgage progressed from one developmental stage to another, i.e. from 1818 when the regulations of mortgage were accepted till the implementation of reformed mortgage system in Civil Code and Code of Civil Procedure that are available now. However when new civil laws became operative, a material legal regime was attached to mortgage, the dual nature of mortgage law cannot be considered strictly the right in rem, so in the Master thesis one analyses the topic of mortgage legal nature, researches mortgage, as a real security device, and relationship with other security devices. In the work one makes conclusions that material features of mortgage determine the reliability of mortgage, because the object of mortgage is a material thing that remains even when a debtor dies and sustains its value when a debtor becomes insolvent. Mortgage can assure the fulfillment of future, tentative agreement, the creditor of a hypothec can direct the recovery to a mortgaged property, independent of the fact whether a debtor or third party has it, the realization of realty is practically always guaranteed, moreover, the hypothec... [to full text]

A interdependência entre os conflitos de agência

Martins, Henrique Castro January 2016 (has links)
O objetivo da presente pesquisa é examinar qual a associação entre quatro diferentes tipos de conflitos de agência previamente estudados pela literatura de governança: entrincheiramento do gestor, consumo de perquisites, decisões de liquidez e tomada de risco. Para tanto, inicialmente detalharam-se a origem e as diferenças entre esses quatro conflitos estudados. A seguir, fez-se a revisão de diferentes mecanismos de governança corporativa potencialmente capazes de mitigar esses conflitos. Também se identificaram, ao nível do país, índices de proteção à riqueza e aos direitos dos investidores acionistas e credores que a literatura anterior comumente sugere serem capazes de mitigar esses conflitos. Ao todo, foram analisadas 7.994 firmas de 35 países entre os anos 2010 e 2013 (aproximadamente, 22.000 observações-ano). Ao longo do trabalho, cinco diferentes hipóteses de pesquisa foram discutidas e testadas. Resumidamente, encontraram-se evidências consistentes de que gestores entrincheirados mantêm maiores níveis de liquidez e que maiores níveis de liquidez estão associados com maior consumo de perquisites. Há evidências também de que o entrincheiramento do gestor, via alta concentração de propriedade acionária e via participação no conselho de administração, altera suas preferências de consumo de perquisites e de risco. Em geral, essa tese sugere que os conflitos de agência estão associados e que, especialmente, o entrincheiramento do gestor altera suas preferências em relação aos três outros conflitos. / The purpose of this research is to investigate what is the association between four agency con icts that are studied by previous corporate governance literature: managerial entrenchment, perquisites consumption, cash holdings and risk-taking. Initially, I detail the source and di erences between these agency con icts. Then, I discuss different types of governance mechanisms that are potential candidates to mitigate these con icts. Furthermore, I collect and discuss country-level investor protection indices that relate to the protection of shareholders' and the creditors' rights, and that help to mitigate these con icts. The nal sample contains 7.994 rms from 35 countries analyzed from 2010 until 2013 (almost 22.000 year-observations). I discuss and empirically test ve hypothesis. In a nutshell, there is consistent evidence that entrenched managers choose higher levels of cash holdings, and that cash holdings are positively associated with perquisites consumption. There is also evidence that managerial entrenchment, either via high managerial ownership concentration or via CEO duality, changes managers' preferences over the consumption of perquisites and risk-taking. In general, this thesis suggests that di erent agency con icts are associated and that entrenchment a ects managerial preferences over the three remaining conflicts.

A interdependência entre os conflitos de agência

Martins, Henrique Castro January 2016 (has links)
O objetivo da presente pesquisa é examinar qual a associação entre quatro diferentes tipos de conflitos de agência previamente estudados pela literatura de governança: entrincheiramento do gestor, consumo de perquisites, decisões de liquidez e tomada de risco. Para tanto, inicialmente detalharam-se a origem e as diferenças entre esses quatro conflitos estudados. A seguir, fez-se a revisão de diferentes mecanismos de governança corporativa potencialmente capazes de mitigar esses conflitos. Também se identificaram, ao nível do país, índices de proteção à riqueza e aos direitos dos investidores acionistas e credores que a literatura anterior comumente sugere serem capazes de mitigar esses conflitos. Ao todo, foram analisadas 7.994 firmas de 35 países entre os anos 2010 e 2013 (aproximadamente, 22.000 observações-ano). Ao longo do trabalho, cinco diferentes hipóteses de pesquisa foram discutidas e testadas. Resumidamente, encontraram-se evidências consistentes de que gestores entrincheirados mantêm maiores níveis de liquidez e que maiores níveis de liquidez estão associados com maior consumo de perquisites. Há evidências também de que o entrincheiramento do gestor, via alta concentração de propriedade acionária e via participação no conselho de administração, altera suas preferências de consumo de perquisites e de risco. Em geral, essa tese sugere que os conflitos de agência estão associados e que, especialmente, o entrincheiramento do gestor altera suas preferências em relação aos três outros conflitos. / The purpose of this research is to investigate what is the association between four agency con icts that are studied by previous corporate governance literature: managerial entrenchment, perquisites consumption, cash holdings and risk-taking. Initially, I detail the source and di erences between these agency con icts. Then, I discuss different types of governance mechanisms that are potential candidates to mitigate these con icts. Furthermore, I collect and discuss country-level investor protection indices that relate to the protection of shareholders' and the creditors' rights, and that help to mitigate these con icts. The nal sample contains 7.994 rms from 35 countries analyzed from 2010 until 2013 (almost 22.000 year-observations). I discuss and empirically test ve hypothesis. In a nutshell, there is consistent evidence that entrenched managers choose higher levels of cash holdings, and that cash holdings are positively associated with perquisites consumption. There is also evidence that managerial entrenchment, either via high managerial ownership concentration or via CEO duality, changes managers' preferences over the consumption of perquisites and risk-taking. In general, this thesis suggests that di erent agency con icts are associated and that entrenchment a ects managerial preferences over the three remaining conflicts.

A critical analysis of problem areas in respect of assets of insolvent estates of individuals

Evans, Roger Graham 24 May 2009 (has links)
The Law of Insolvency in South Africa is regulated by the provisions of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936, with foundations in our common law, which has been influenced by different legal systems from Western Europe. But currently there is also other legislation affecting the insolvent debtor and the property in the insolvent estate. The courts too have had to formulate rules to govern aspects of insolvency law in South Africa. These variables created problem areas in insolvency law and in respect of the of the policies upon which the insolvency system hinges. The predominant policy in South African insolvency is the collection of the maximum assets of the debtor for the advantage of creditors in insolvent estates. This strict creditor orientated approach created further problem areas in respect of assets in the insolvent estates of individual debtors. If advantage to creditors cannot be shown in an application for the sequestration of a debtor’s estate, a court will refuse to grant that order. This strict policy overshadows policy concerns in respect of assets in insolvent estates, and regarding exemption law in respect of those assets. This has resulted in insolvency law reformers in South Africa missing the bigger picture, namely, that South Africa is a creditor driven developing society. It is conceivable that in the transformed South Africa, and in the present world economic chaos, there will be an escalation of sequestrations of the estates of individual debtors. Bearing this in mind, a reformed insolvency law system must become more debtor friendly. A change in the philosophy is needed in favour of an exemption policy for insolvent estates. Exemption policy must be based on the interest of the debtor and his dependants, his dignity, creditor and third party interests, social welfare, and human rights imperatives within the South African constitutional framework. Exemption policy must be linked to the policy of a “fresh start” for the debtor. The different policies in insolvency however create a conflict of interest among the different stakeholders, particularly regarding the assets in insolvent estates, thereby creating problem areas. In this thesis several problem areas are identified and critically analysed. The position of property included in, and excluded from, individuals’ insolvent estates is investigated from a brief historical perspective, and in a brief comparative survey of the insolvency systems of the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Acute problem areas are critically analysed in detail, and the constitutional impact on property in insolvent estates is considered in a separate chapter. The South African Law Reform Commission’s review of South African insolvency law is critically analysed in a chapter of this thesis, concluding that the Commission’s review is inadequate. This thesis concludes that there is a need to reform the insolvency system in South Africa and proposes a way forward in respect of property included in, and property excluded or exempt from insolvent estates. This thesis states the law to the end of October 2008. / Thesis (LLD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Mercantile Law / unrestricted

As informações contábeis relevantes são diferentes para os credores e para os investidores? / Is the relevant accounting information different for creditors and for investors?

Camila Araujo Machado 04 October 2017 (has links)
A relevância da informação contábil está na capacidade de uma informação fazer a diferença na tomada de decisão dos usuários da contabilidade, em razão da alteração de suas expectativas quanto ao desempenho das entidades. Os investidores e credores tomam suas decisões fundamentadas na contabilidade com um objetivo em comum: o provimento de capital. Nesse contexto, as decisões desses usuários são a negociação de ativos ou ações das empresas pelos investidores, refletida nos movimentos do preço das ações, e a concessão de crédito às empresas pelos credores, refletida no financiamento obtido pelas empresas tomadoras de crédito. Os mecanismos de proteção adotados por esses usuários (BURKART; GROMB; PANUZI AL, 1997; STRAHAN, 1999; BEBCHUK; KRAAKMAN; TRIANTIS, 2000; NIKOLAEV, 2010; ARMSTRONG; GUAY; WEBER, 2010) e suas diferentes necessidades informacionais (HEALY; PAPELU, 2001; BALL; ROBIN; SADKA, 2008; PEEK; CUIJPERS; BUIJINK, 2010), assim como a função intrínseca dos modelos de VR (value relevance) e CR (credit relevance) trouxe a premissa de que as informações contábeis utilizadas por esses dois agentes econômicos são diferentes em suas decisões de provimento de capital. Os dados contábeis relevantes são em grande parte evidenciados para os investidores nos estudos de VR (DEVALLE; ONALLI; MAGARINI, 2010; CLARKSON et al., 2011; TSALAVOUTAS; DIONYSIOU, 2014; BARTH et al, 2014; CLOULT; FALTA; WILLETT, 2016). No entanto, há poucas evidências a respeito da relevância contábil para os credores (HOLTHAUSEN; WATTS, 2001; FLOROU; KOSI, 2015), sendo que o mercado de crédito corresponde a uma fonte de recursos substancial para as empresas (BEIRUTH, 2015; BEIRUTH et al., 2017). Os estudos de CR (HANN; LU; SUBRAMANYAM, 2007; KOSI; POPE; FLOROU, 2010; WU; ZHANG, 2014) atestaram que as informações contábeis úteis para a estimativa do risco de crédito são relevantes para os credores e impactam a decisão dos analistas de agências de classificação de risco. Assim, a partir da premissa subjacente de que as informações contábeis para credores e investidores são diferentes, o objetivo geral da pesquisa foi verificar se as informações contábeis relevantes são diferentes para os credores e para os investidores em suas decisões de provimento de capital. Os objetivos específicos foram identificar se as informações contábeis são menos relevantes para os credores por empréstimos na condição de maior risco informacional (menor enforcement) e se são mais relevantes nas situações de maior risco de crédito (maior alavancagem e baixa classificação dos ratings de crédito). A análise contemplou as empresas de 25 países no período de 2010 a 2015, com a aplicação do modelo de VR e do modelo proposto para o credor por empréstimo (VCR). Os resultados indicaram que todas as informações foram relevantes para os investidores, porém nem todas foram relevantes para os credores. Esta evidência significa que os modelos de decisão desses dois grupos de usuários são diferentes entre si. Na decisão do credor para o provimento de capital, as informações contábeis foram menos relevantes na condição de risco informacional, enquanto, nas condições de maior risco de crédito, essas informações foram mais relevantes. / The relevance of accounting information lies in the ability of information affecting the decision-making of accounting users, due to the change of their expectations for the performance of entities. Investors and creditors make their decisions based on accounting with one common goal: the provision of capital. In this context, decisions of these users are the trading of companies\' assets or shares by investors, reflected in the stock price movements, and the granting of credit to the companies by creditors, reflected in the financing obtained by borrowers. Protection mechanisms adopted by these users (BURKART; GROMB; PANUZI AL, 1997; STRAHAN, 1999; BEBCHUK; KRAAKMAN; TRIANTIS, 2000; NIKOLAEV, 2010; ARMSTRONG; GUAY; WEBER, 2010) and their differing informational requirements (HEALY; PAPELU, 2001; BALL; ROBIN; SADKA, 2008; PEEK; CUIJPERS; BUIJINK, 2010), as well as the intrinsic function of VR models (value relevance) and CR models (credit relevance) brought the premise that accounting information used by these two economic agents are different in their decisions of capital provision. The relevant accounting data are largely highlighted for investors in the studies of VR (DEVALLE; ONALLI; MAGARINI, 2010; CLARKSON ET AL, 2011; TSALAVOUTAS; DIONYSIOU, 2014; BARTH et al., 2014; CLOULT; WILLETT, 2016). However, there is little evidence regarding accounting relevance for creditors (HOLTHAUSEN; WATTS, 2001; FLOROU; KOSI, 2015), since the credit market corresponds to a source of substantial resources for businesses (BEIRUTH, 2015; BEIRUTH et al., 2017). CR studies (HANN; LU; SUBRAMANYAM, 2007; KOSI; POPE; FLOROU, 2010; WU; ZHANG, 2014) attested that useful accounting information for the estimation of credit risk are relevant for creditors and impact the decision of the analysts of credit rating agencies. So, from the underlying premise that accounting information to creditors and investors are different, the general objective of this research was to verify if relevant accounting information is different for creditors and investors in their provision of capital decisions. The specific objectives were to identify whether accounting information are less relevant for creditors by loans in higher-risk informational condition (lowest enforcement) and if they are more relevant in situations of higher credit risk (greater leverage and low ranking of credit ratings). The analysis included companies from 25 countries in the period from 2010 to 2015, with the application of the VR model and of the proposed model to the creditor by loan (VCR). The results indicated that all information were relevant for investors, although not all were relevant for creditors. This evidence means that the decision models for these two groups are different from each other. In the creditor\'s decision of credit granting, accounting information were less relevant under informational risk condition, while under higher credit risk this information were more relevant.

A fraude à execução na perspectiva da boa-fé objetiva

Cignachi, Gustavo Chies 14 August 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gustavo Chies Cignachi.pdf: 1149082 bytes, checksum: 3c270af1ed84caa14d9f54a5778dcf7b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-14 / The work seeks to defend the feasibility of an interpretation of the fraud against creditors in execution actions based on objective good faith. In the first part, it presents the historical origins of objective good faith in Private Law and defends the possibility of its adoption in Public Law. In the second part, it examines the distinction between fraud against creditors and fraud against creditors in execution actions, it demonstrates the interpretative application of objective good faith and it indicates the arising duties. In the third part, it points out certain situations and seeks solutions in interpreting the objective good faith, as well as it discuss how to defend the purchaser against the recognition of fraud / O trabalho busca defender a viabilidade de uma interpretação da fraude à execução com fundamento na boa-fé objetiva. Na primeira parte, apresenta as origens históricas da boa-fé objetiva no Direito Privado e defende a possibilidade de sua adoção no Direito Público. Na segunda parte, analisa as distinções entre a fraude contra credores e a fraude à execução, bem como demonstra a aplicação interpretativa da boa-fé objetiva e indica os deveres dela recorrentes. Na terceira parte, aponta determinadas situações e busca soluções na interpretação pela boa-fé objetiva, além de discorrer sobre forma de defesa do terceiro adquirente contra o reconhecimento da fraude

会社の倒産局面における株主債権の取扱いについて / カイシャ ノ トウサン キョクメン ニオケル カブヌシ サイケン ノ トリアツカイ ニツイテ

増田 友樹, Tomoki Masuda 20 March 2017 (has links)
本稿は、会社の倒産局面で株主が会社に対して有する債権について、他の一般債権と異なる取扱いを認めることの根拠およびそのような取扱いを認める必要性を考察するものである。 / 博士(法学) / Doctor of Laws / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

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